Heh, what does it mean in correspondence. The word heh: what it means and when it is used. What does this phrase mean?

Imagine chatting with a native speaker foreign language. And suddenly something made you laugh. First of all, congratulations, you have understood foreign humor! Secondly, how to indicate laughter in correspondence? You can, of course, just use words, but in life you express yourself more informally. For example, “ha-ha”, “hee-hee”, “bu-ha-ha” or even an analogue of the English LOL.

It seems like it's time to shed some light on how people around the world giggle, laugh and smile while interacting online. Some designations may seem strange: "55555" in Thai or "wwww" in Japanese... Why is that? Now we'll find out!

  1. English: hahaha, hah, haha, hehe, lol.
  2. Arab: هههههههه. In Arabic writing, vowels are not marked, so to convey “ha” you only need one letter ﻩ, which can be repeated several times.
  3. Greek: xaxaxa. It's simple!
  4. Danish: ha ha, hi hi, hæ hæ, ho ho, ti hi.
  5. Hebrew: xà xà xà, חחח. Hebrew also doesn't have vowels, so to render "ha" you only need the letter ח, which is pronounced "kh." Repeat the letter as many times as you like!
  6. Icelandic: haha, hehe, híhí.
  7. Spanish: jajaja. In Spanish, "j" sounds like "h", which is why "jajaja" is a direct analogue of the English "hahaha".
  8. Italian: ah ah ah. If you pronounce it, it still sounds like "hahaha". Although the letters on the letter have changed places.
  9. Chinese(Mandarin): 哈哈 or 呵呵. Although "laughter" in Chinese is 笑声 ("xiào shēng"), Mandarin relies on the onomatopoeia of laughter when it comes to expressing it in writing: 哈哈 sounds like "hā hā" and 呵呵 sounds like "hē hē" . By the way, giggling is depicted as 嘻嘻 - "xī xī".
  10. Korean: kkkkk or kekekekeke. These words come from ㅋㅋㅋ (short for 크크크) or "keu keu keu" - the Korean version of the English "hahaha."
  11. Portuguese: rsrsrs. An abbreviation for "risos" (one form of the verb "to laugh").
  12. Russian: haha, hihi, hehe, lol, boo-ha-ha. You and I already know this!
  13. Swedish: asg. This word is an abbreviation of "asgarva", which means an expression of laughter.
  14. Thai: 55555. In Thai, the number 5 sounds like "ha", which is why Thais send a chat message "55555" instead of "hahahahaha". It's probably faster that way!
  15. French: hahaha, héhéhé, hihihi, hohoho, MDR. The French also use onomatopoeia to express laughter in writing (haha, hihi). They also write the original English "lol" or its French equivalent "MDR", which means "mort de rire" - literally "died laughing."
  16. Japanese: www. This abbreviation in this case does not stand for the World Wide Web, but is probably derived from the character 笑う or 笑い, which means "laugh", "smile", "laughter", and is pronounced "warau" or "warai" in Japanese " respectively. On the Internet, the word was quickly shortened to just the letter "w" and came to mean laughter. Then "w" became "www" and even "wwwwwww", like "ha" in "hahaha". Look how funny it is!

More than a million people communicate every day social network"VKontakte", and every day this website is becoming more and more popular. Many people write to each other, send messages, add to groups, create their own communities, and often use this social network specifically to listen to music, because it’s free, fast, and you can download any one to your smartphone or computer without wasting time. . It is not surprising that the social network has gained such popularity. However, as in any social network, there are such strange, extremely short phrases in correspondence or in groups, in names and so on, and often people do not understand their meaning. For example, "Heh." What does this phrase mean, how did it appear and in what situations is it used? Definitely, this phrase is one of the most frequently used. We will consider the options in the article, as well as some other similar expressions.

What does this phrase mean?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, just think a little and it will immediately become clear where this phrase came from and why it is so often used on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook. “Heh” - what does it mean and what to do when this phrase appears in correspondence? It's simple. This phrase is written in place of laughter, that is, “heh” is the sound of laughter, simply written in letters. Indeed, it is not difficult to understand the word “heh”, what it means, but it is used extremely often and not only as stated above. But 90% of the time it means laughing.

How to understand what this phrase means

So, what does "heh" mean besides laughter? In fact, the second meaning of this phrase is also simple. It is often used as sarcasm, for example, if a person told a bad joke, a not very funny story and laughs wildly and thinks it’s funny, then by writing the word “heh” you can easily let him know that it is offensive or shameful. So to speak, this is a subtle hint. However, there is one question: “How to understand what this phrase means, in what situations they use it as sarcasm, and in what situations they really laugh?”

Sarcasm and real laughter

And understanding this is not as difficult as it seems. Although the method is not 100% working, often, if people are really funny, they add all sorts of emoticons after the word “heh” in correspondence, for example, “:D”, “:)”, “))” and so on, this means that the person was actually at least a little amused by this story. However, if the interlocutor rudely writes “heh,” then everything is already clear. Of course, the method is not 100% working, it partly depends on the character this person, however, in some cases this happens. So we figured out the word “heh”, what it means in correspondence and when it is used. You can also often find the word "lol", which also means laughter and is a symbol of the laughter emoji.

January 30, 2017

More than a million people communicate every day on the VKontakte social network, and every day this website is becoming more and more popular. Many people write to each other, send messages, add to groups, create their own communities, and often use this social network specifically to listen to music, because it’s free, fast, and you can download any one to your smartphone or computer without wasting time. . It is not surprising that the social network has gained such popularity. However, as in any social network, there are such strange, extremely short phrases in correspondence or in groups, in names and so on, and often people do not understand their meaning. For example, "Heh." What does this phrase mean, how did it appear and in what situations is it used? Definitely, this phrase is one of the most frequently used. We will consider the options in the article, as well as some other similar expressions.

What does this phrase mean?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, just think a little and it will immediately become clear where this phrase came from and why it is so often used on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook. “Heh” - what does it mean and what to do when this phrase appears in correspondence? It's simple. This phrase is written in place of laughter, that is, “heh” is the sound of laughter, simply written in letters. Indeed, it is not difficult to understand the word “heh”, what it means, but it is used extremely often and not only as stated above. But 90% of the time it means laughing.

How to understand what this phrase means

So, what does "heh" mean besides laughter? In fact, the second meaning of this phrase is also simple. It is often used as sarcasm, for example, if a person told a bad joke, a not very funny story and laughs wildly and thinks it’s funny, then by writing the word “heh” you can easily let him know that it is offensive or shameful. So to speak, this is a subtle hint. However, there is one question: “How to understand what this phrase means, in what situations they use it as sarcasm, and in what situations they really laugh?”

Sarcasm and real laughter

And understanding this is not as difficult as it seems. Although the method is not 100% working, often, if people are really funny, they add all sorts of emoticons after the word “heh” in correspondence, for example, “:D”, “:)”, “))” and so on, this means that the person was actually at least a little amused by this story. However, if the interlocutor rudely writes “heh,” then everything is already clear. Of course, the method is not 100% working, it partly depends on the character of the person, but in some cases this is what happens. So we figured out the word “heh”, what it means in correspondence and when it is used. You can also often find the word "lol", which also means laughter and is a symbol of the laughter emoji.

Source: fb.ru


Coffee from a fairy tale: in Shanghai they serve the drink under a small sweet “cloud”

Hello site readers! Throughout its existence, the Internet has generated a huge number of memetic expressions that are still used on it today.

It is often difficult for uninitiated users to understand what each of them means ( , ). It is to explain this that this article was written.

Now we will talk about the mysterious word “kek”, which can often be seen in comments and personal messages on social networks.

What does the word mean

In fact, it cannot be deciphered in any way, and has its own unique meaning.

Conventionally, this is an analogue of the word, that is, a designation of laughter and reaction to a joke. However, earlier it was more of an ominous laugh, whereas now it has become a complete analogue of LOL.

In addition, there are derivatives of this word - which are written in exactly the same way, but are used as an adjective.

For example, calling a person a kek means telling him that he is quite stupid and because of this stupidity he is funny.

In general, the meaning of a phrase depends entirely on the context. However, her mood - namely ironic and malicious - remains.

History of the origin of the word

Many sources say that the word was originally used by Starcraft strategy players, where they thus expressed their emotions regarding the cunning strategy that allowed them to gain an advantage, but this is not entirely true.

The phrase "Kekekeke" originally appeared in comic books, and it was there that it denoted the malicious, malevolent laugh of the antagonist who was about to carry out his evil plan.

In addition, it was actively used in manga - Asian comics, where it had exactly the same meaning.

Later, Asian Starcraft players picked it up and began to actively use it within their games. After some time, the phrase leaked onto the Internet and soon became public knowledge, becoming especially popular in Russia.

In addition, the game developers themselves, Blizzard, paid attention to this, and in the in-game chat of the Warcraft 3 game the text changes depending on the race - for example, an Orc player will see the same notorious Kek instead of the Lol message.

There is a version that the most famous meme with this word - Shrek - came from here, since he is a giant, and they fight on the side of the Horde.

However, everything is much simpler - the fact is that the left half of the original picture with him was mirrored, and the word SHREK thus turned into KEK.

Also, kek is the word LUL written on the English keyboard layout.

Where is Kek used?

On this moment- everywhere. It is especially active in social networks like , where variations of the word have long appeared, for example, “kek” or the softer and more condescending “heh,” which is used when a joke or a person’s behavior completely goes beyond some limits of adequacy.

Usually this phrase is used, as mentioned above, in order to express one's disapproval of a bad joke, or to maliciously reinforce one's message with various cunning plans and thoughts.

However, it is not always used this way - and now kek serves as a universal answer to good humor or a funny picture.

In any case, this word has become part of Internet slang, and is now constantly changing in its meaning, expanding the area of ​​its use. At the moment, most often it can be found in the Russian-language segment of the World Wide Web.

In general, this is all that can be said about this phrase. It is almost exactly the same as the word "lol", so feel free to use it instead of this expression.

Which option do you like best?

More than a million people communicate every day on the VKontakte social network, and every day this website is becoming more and more popular. Many people write to each other, send messages, add to groups, create their own communities, and often use this social network specifically to listen to music, because it’s free, fast, and you can download any one to your smartphone or computer without wasting time. . It is not surprising that the social network has gained such popularity. However, as in any social network, there are such strange, extremely short phrases in correspondence or in groups, in names and so on, and often people do not understand their meaning. For example, "Heh." What does this phrase mean, how did it appear and in what situations is it used? Definitely, this phrase is one of the most frequently used. We will consider the options in the article, as well as some other similar expressions.

What does this phrase mean?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, just think a little and it will immediately become clear where this phrase came from and why it is so often used on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook. “Heh” - what does it mean and what to do when this phrase appears in correspondence? It's simple. This phrase is written in place of laughter, that is, “heh” is the sound of laughter, simply written in letters. Indeed, it is not difficult to understand the word “heh”, what it means, but it is used extremely often and not only as stated above. But 90% of the time it means laughing.

How to understand what this phrase means

So, what does "heh" mean besides laughter? In fact, the second meaning of this phrase is also simple. It is often used as sarcasm, for example, if a person told a bad joke, a not very funny story and laughs wildly and thinks it’s funny, then by writing the word “heh” you can easily let him know that it is offensive or shameful. So to speak, this is a subtle hint. However, there is one question: “How to understand what this phrase means, in what situations they use it as sarcasm, and in what situations they really laugh?”

Sarcasm and real laughter

And it’s not as difficult as it seems. Although the method is not 100% working, often, if people are really funny, they add all sorts of emoticons after the word “heh” in correspondence, for example, “:D”, “:)”, “))” and so on, this means that the person was actually at least a little amused by this story. However, if the interlocutor rudely writes “heh,” then everything is already clear. Of course, the method is not 100% working, it partly depends on the character of the person, but in some cases this is what happens. So we figured out the word “heh”, what it means in correspondence and when it is used. You can also often find the word "lol", which also means laughter and is a symbol of the laughter emoji.

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