Igor Petrenko still loves Klimova. Three actresses in the fate of Igor Petrenko. Former husbands of Ekaterina Klimova

Text: Martha Baumgertner

The 35-year-old actor gave a frank interview for the first time after information about his divorce from 35-year-old actress Ekaterina Klimova appeared in the media. Petrenko admitted that he was beside himself because of his wife’s betrayal. But he considers himself to blame for what happened.

The fact that Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova are on the verge of divorce became known in mid-February. The actors began to live separately, stopped appearing together at film premieres and other social events, or playing in joint enterprise performances.

According to rumors, the cause of tension in the relationship between the spouses was jealousy: acquaintances of the couple spoke about the actor’s fleeting hobbies. Documentary evidence recently appeared on the Internet adultery. However, it was not Petrenko who became “carried away”, but his wife.

People began to write about the fact that Ekaterina Klimova was cheating on her husband with the lead singer of the Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov after eloquent photographs and videos appeared on the Internet. In the photographs and in the scandalous video, Klimova and Arkhipov hug and kiss. A short romance between Ekaterina and Roman happened in early February in Las Vegas, where Klimova is starring in the threequel of the film “Love in big city" Roman and Katerina ended up at the same party, after which they did not hold back their feelings, forgetting about the cameras of the ubiquitous paparazzi.

As a result, everyone saw the love of Klimova and Arkhipov in the big city, including the actress’s husband, Igor Petrenko. IN frank interview He admitted to the Heat.ru portal that when he watched a video in which his wife passionately kisses the Chelsea lead singer, he destroyed everything around him.

“I was preparing for her arrival from Las Vegas; before that we had not communicated for a long time. I put our apartment in order, bought new furniture, in short, I was preparing a surprise for her. And then by chance I saw this video on the Internet. To be honest, I wanted to destroy everything around me. Well, that's exactly what I did. It hasn’t even fully healed yet,” said the actor and showed the scars on his hands.

However, Petrenko is not going to get a divorce. He said that he had not yet decided what to do, and that he blamed himself for what had happened, not his wife, although she “perhaps should not have done this.”

“I myself am to blame for what happened. Completely. Believe me, she is a holy woman. There is probably no better mother and wife in this world than her. But what happened happened,” he said.

The actor said that it was very difficult for him to film the film “Sherlock Holmes,” which lasted more than three years. According to Petrenko, the role “sucked all the strength out of him.” He started drinking and couldn’t stop, had almost no contact with his children (the couple had three children: Catherine’s daughter Elizaveta from her first marriage and their common sons, Matvey and Korney) and his wife, and did not appear at home for months.

If Petrenko does not blame his wife, then when speaking about Roman Arkhipov, the actor does not mince words. He calls the musician “Goldilocks”, “hairy”, with whom Catherine can have nothing in common. Petrenko is not going to deal “like a man” with Arkhipov, because he considers him “a child who himself does not understand what he has done.”

Time will tell what will happen to their family, says Igor Petrenko. The actor said that they are an unusual couple and “everything turns out unusual for them.” And he has no doubt that they will definitely come up with something.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova is a star of Russian theater, film and television series, who became famous after her role in the series “Poor Nastya.” Mother of many children, ex-wife of actor Igor Petrenko, owner of excellent vocals.

Childhood of Ekaterina Klimova

Katya Klimova was born in Moscow, in the family of a housewife Svetlana and a “free artist” Alexander. When the baby was one year old, the father went to prison for manslaughter for 12 years, so early childhood Ekaterina Klimova passed in the company of her mother and older sister Vicki.

Despite the 4-year age difference and absolutely different tempers, the girls were very friendly. They went to camp together and even smoked their first cigarette together - in the kitchen. It was in the camp that the first prerequisites for future profession girls. She gladly took part in amateur performances, and every performance with her participation received a storm of applause.

Theatrical career of Ekaterina Klimova

After school, which Ekaterina Klimova graduated from in 1996, the girl entered the Shchepkinsky School, in the workshop of Nikolai Afonin, where Maxim Konovalov and Pyotr Krasilov became her fellow students. Katya finally found herself in her environment: the hated algebra, physics and geometry were replaced by acting classes. In the first year, students were forced to imitate cats, dogs, and even plants. “It made everyone laugh. And if someone passed by on the street and looked through the window into the office, he probably thought that everyone had gone crazy,” said the actress.

At graduation, Klimova played in the production of “Romance”. The costume used was an antique dress, which was found in critically dilapidated condition in the bins of the Maly Theater. Catherine completely restored it, decorating it with beads and lace at night.

In 1999, Ekaterina Klimova graduated from the Shchepkinsky School and immediately got a job at the Theater Russian army. The young actress was immediately entrusted with the role of Desdemona in the play Othello. For her outstanding work, she was awarded the “Crystal Rose of Viktor Rozov” award in the “Actors under 30” category.

Ekaterina Klimova was also involved in the productions “The Stingy”, “Much Ado About Nothing” and many others. At the same time, the girl worked part-time in the theater company of S. Vinogradov and in the projects of Pyotr Stein.

Ekaterina Klimova's first film role. Heyday of film career

One of Klimova’s first film jobs was the role of Raisa in the TV series “Moscow Windows,” released in 2001. Together with the girl, Igor Petrenko worked on the project, whom Ekaterina met at school - the actor was studying a year younger.

Ekaterina Klimova in the “Smak” program

In the same year, several more series were released with the episodic participation of Catherine: Jeanne de Albret in the phantasmagoria “Poisons or The World History poisoning" with Oleg Basilashvili, saleswoman in "Truckers" with Vladimir Gostyukhin and Vladislav Galkin, "The Best City on Earth" with Irina Lachina and Elena Ksenofontova.

Popularity fell on Ekaterina Klimova out of the blue after the premiere of the series “Poor Nastya,” which took place in November 2003. Ekaterina Klimova was invited to audition by director Pyotr Stein, who was already familiar with Katya’s talent from the Oscar production.

“Natalie’s Romance” performed by Ekaterina Klimova (“Poor Nastya”)

According to most critics, Ekaterina Klimova’s heroine, Princess Natalya Repnina, turned out to be the most charming female character in the project, eclipsing the lead actress Elena Korikova.

The success of the pseudo-historical novel turned out to be fateful for Catherine: they began to vying with each other to invite her to popular television projects. In 2004, she appeared on screen in the series “Sins of the Fathers”, in 2005 - in the fourth season of “Kamenskaya” together with Elena Yakovleva and Sergei Garmash, and in 2006 she starred in several episodes of the series “Storm Gates” with Mikhail Porechenkov and Andrei Krasko.

In 2008, the actress was cast in the role of Nina in Andrei Malyukov’s science-fiction film “We are from the Future.” In the story, the hero of Danila Kozlovsky and his three friends, “black archaeologists” conducting illegal excavations, inexplicably find themselves in 1942, in the midst of hostilities. During filming, Ekaterina Klimova was pregnant, so a stunt double performed all the dangerous stunts for her.

The film received very warm responses from the audience, and in 2010 the second part of the blockbuster was released, but it failed to repeat the success of the first film.

In 2009, Ekaterina Klimova, in tandem with Gosha Kutsenko, starred in the third part of the crime thriller “Antikiller”. Critics greeted the film coolly, noting that there was nothing to see in it except the attractive heroine Katya, fights and chases with special effects.

This was followed by the main female role in the Russian remake of the series “Escape”. The place of the heroes Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell was taken by Yuri Chursin and Vladimir Epifantsev, but the project still failed, unable to withstand comparison with the original version. Despite the criticism, in 2012 the second season of the domestic “Escape” was aired with the same cast.

Ekaterina Klimova visiting Ivan Urgant

In 2011, Klimova was involved in Malyukov’s new project “Match”, a film about the historical football match between Dynamo Kyiv and the Luftwaffe team. The audience's attention was focused on the drama between the main characters, the characters of Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Shvetsova, and Katya received the minor role of Olga Kovtun.

In the early 2010s, Ekaterina Klimova actively starred in TV series, often simultaneously participating in several projects (“Once Upon a Time in Rostov”, “Mosgaz”, “Dragon Syndrome”, “Defender”).

In 2012, Ekaterina joined the cast of the New Year’s comedy “Happy New Year, Moms!”, where not only domestic stars played (Pavel Volya, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and many others), but also Alain Delon, who was invited for a cameo.

In 2014, Klimova played the role of Diana in Karen Oganesyan’s film “A Gift with Character.” A kind, bright comedy with Mikhail Galustyan, which somehow reminded the audience of “The Toy” with Pierre Richard, became the actress’s last work in a feature film before the protracted “serial” period. Over the next 2 years, Katya took part in 11 different television projects.

The series “Cancellation of All Restrictions” received the highest ratings from viewers, where Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova played a couple trying to save their marriage with everyone possible ways– the images of constantly quarreling spouses turned out to be very vital for both actors.

Personal life of Ekaterina Klimova

The actress began dating her first husband, Ilya Khoroshilov, while still at school, at the age of 15. Everything went according to the usual scenario: a marriage proposal after graduation, a wedding, the birth of their daughter Lisa (the girl was born in 2002). But with the advent of popularity, discord began in Catherine’s family, but the actress could not even dream of taking the child and leaving her husband.

In 2003, on the set of the series “Moscow Windows”, the girl became close to an old acquaintance from school, Igor Petrenko. Even then, sympathy flashed between the young people, but they gave vent to serious feelings only while working on the sequel (“The Best City on Earth”). Both actors were married at that time, and for some time Katya tried to build a secret relationship, but in the end she got tired and briefly asked Igor: “That’s enough.”

They haven't seen each other for a whole year. During this time, Petrenko managed to divorce his wife, and Ekaterina, forced to forcefully smile at her husband every day, was on the verge of divorce proceedings. And yet, Igor could not get thoughts of Catherine out of his head and, unable to bear it, he called the girl himself.

A month later, the lovers began to live together. Katya’s parents were horrified, and Catherine’s first husband did not give up trying to win back his ex-wife and daughter, using the entire arsenal of tricks, from lush bouquets to threats to shoot the “groom.” But it was all in vain - the wedding of Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko took place exactly on the eve of 2005, December 31. There was no luxurious ceremony: the newlyweds were late to the registry office, showed up without rings, signed quickly and went to celebrate New Year.

In her marriage to Petrenko, Ekaterina Klimova had two children: in 2006, a son, Matvey, and two years later, a boy was born, named Korney.

The union of Catherine and Igor was considered exemplary, often comparing their couple with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, but at the end of 2014 the actress stunned fans with a statement about divorce. “Our relationship is in the past... We don’t have any disagreements,” Klimova commented on the news.

Klimova did not remain in the status of a single lady for long. In the summer of 2015, the tabloids were full of headlines reporting the wedding of Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi. Catherine met this actor on the set of the series “Wolf Sun”.

Soon the name of Ekaterina Klimova’s fourth child became known. The actress named the baby girl unusual name Bella. Children from previous marital unions remained to live with their mother and new father.

Ekaterina Klimova now

In 2016, Ekaterina Klimova starred in the continuation of the series “Angel Heart”, and was also involved in theatrical productions of “The Stingy”, “Boeing-Boeing” and “Conspiracy in English” at the Independent Theater Project and the Russian Army Theater.

In the spring of 2017, television viewers were finally able to see the series “Wolf Sun” about a Soviet intelligence officer in Poland, who played a key role in the fate of Catherine and Gela. The actors demonstrated genuine love and passion, however, for Catherine the role turned out to be extremely emotionally draining - her heroine more than once had to balance on the brink of madness.

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Russian actress Ekaterina Klimova left Igor Petrenko in the summer of 2013, and a year later the couple officially divorced. For fans of the couple, what happened came as a complete surprise. Klimova herself assures that they only looked like ideal spouses in public.

Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova reason for divorce: why the actress left her husband

The artist said that her husband rarely appeared at home, and if he did, he was mostly asleep. In addition, Igor Petrenko was constantly pursued by fans, including his colleagues. However, Ekaterina Klimova said that she could forgive the betrayal. This decision was not easy for the star. Firstly, the actress’s eldest daughter from her first marriage, Elizaveta, became very attached to Igor over the years. Secondly, the couple had two children together - sons Matvey and Korney.

The separation occurred on Klimova’s initiative, but the impetus for this decision was the behavior of her husband, who made her life unbearable. The actress had a presentiment that if she did not step over herself, trouble might happen. The main reason for her decision to divorce was not her husband’s infidelity, but the fact that they had become strangers.

“One act of Igor dotted all the i’s.” Igor went to St. Petersburg for a corporate event. And at the hour when my husband was supposed to board the train to Moscow, his phone stopped answering. I was worried, dialed and dialed the number. And a little later his friend called me, it should be noted, a man whom I respected, he was almost like a brother to me. Therefore, what he said could not raise doubts... In an extremely alarmed voice, he said that Igor lost consciousness right at the station, fell and an ambulance took him to the hospital,” she said.

The next day, Ekaterina Klimova looked for her husband in all the hospitals in St. Petersburg, and found him in a restaurant: “To this day, I have not heard from Igor either an apology or an explanation for that act: why and why did he do this to me? I always thought that people who love each other should feel what the other one is going through in certain circumstances. So, in general, I realized that they probably stopped loving me. For me, this whole situation was a real betrayal.”

Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova reason for divorce: life after divorce

Igor Petrenko was not single for long; already during the divorce, he began to court 24-year-old St. Petersburg actress Kristina Brodskaya. The girl was not free then - for several years she had a romantic relationship with her colleague Artem Krylov. But for the sake of Petrenko, she put an end to this novel.

Christina made Igor Petrenko the happiest - the actor dreamed of a daughter for many years, and finally his wish came true. The baby weighing 3600 g was born on December 24, 2014 in one of the St. Petersburg maternity hospitals. The girl was named Sofia-Karolina. Christina’s mother, actress Ilona Brodskaya, helps the couple to babysit the baby.

For some time, Catherine managed to hide her personal life from prying eyes. But rumors about the actress’s affair with Gela Meskhi, who is 8 years younger than her, still penetrated the press. The couple met on the set of the series “Wolf Heart” in Lviv. The lovers refused to comment on their relationship, but in June 2015 the media reported that Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi got married. On October 2, 2015, their daughter Bella was born. The actress became a mother for the fourth time.

Popular actor, star of the film “A Driver for Vera” Igor Petrenko for the first time commented on the information about his separation from his wife, actress Ekaterina Klimova. He admitted that he perceives some moments in life as a performance.


At the beginning of May, information appeared that actress Ekaterina Klimova filed for divorce. The artist’s husband, Igor Petrenko, preferred not to speak out on this matter, but journalists still managed to extract some comments from the actor. “Any ups and downs, expenses and expenses are life. No one knows what you will find - what you will lose. Just like what is a gap, and what is, on the contrary, a connection. We perceive it here and now, so we are emotional about it. Like unexpected news. But in fact, no one knows where this leads and what it will lead to in the end. This is all a school of life, a kind of own path,” Petrenko was quoted as saying by News 7 days a week.

The artist admitted that he generally perceives some moments in life as a performance: “In general, life moments sometimes seem to me like some kind of action, a performance in which we are. All this is a test of your values ​​and views. For me they are constant - respect, love, friendship, and everything else is nuances. And no events will affect my faith in feelings."

Let us remember that conversations about problems in the family and the possible divorce of actors began to appear in the press last year. Then the paparazzi took pictures and posted them on the Internet in which Klimova kissed young performer Roman Arkhipov in Las Vegas on the set of the third part of the film "Love in the City".

However, it soon became known that the reason for the discord in the acting family was not only in Catherine. As it turned out, Igor Petrenko rarely appeared at home, started drinking, abandoned his children. For this reason, Klimova rented a house outside the city and moved there with her daughter and son from the Moscow apartment she shared with her husband.

However the actors decided to save their marriage. At the end of last year, relations between Ekaterina and Igor improved after filming together in a video for the Russian group TOKIO. The common cause brought Klimova and Petrenko very close, and they began to live together again. The actors wanted to save their family for the sake of their children, because they are raising Catherine’s daughter from her first marriage, Elizaveta, as well as two joint sons, Matvey and Korney.

The famous acting couple separated due to infidelity

The famous acting couple separated due to infidelity

The marriage of Igor PETRENKO and Ekaterina KLIMOVA seemed strong and happy. The couple has three children – two common sons, Korney and Matvey, and a daughter, Elizabeth, from the actress’s previous marriage. It seemed that nothing could separate the spouses, whose story at one time began with a frenzied passion, because of which Klimova left her first husband, Ilya KHOROSHILOV. However, the beautiful love story seems to have come to an end: the actors broke up and have not lived together for several months.

The couple made the decision to separate before the New Year. According to magazine sources "7 days" , at the end of last year, Ekaterina rented a house outside the city and moved there with her three children from the Moscow apartment she shared with her husband. If previously the spouses appeared together at all social events, now Klimova is present exclusively alone at premieres and parties. The passions between husband and wife have flared up so much that they refuse to appear on the same stage in private performances.

If Ekaterina and Igor are unable to cancel long-planned joint tours or filming, they ask the organizers to book tickets in different CB cars, and hotel rooms on different floors. The New Year also turned out to be gloomy for the artists who were once madly in love with each other: Petrenko celebrated the holidays in the company of his friend, the actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Katya - with a close friend, actress Ekaterina Vulichenko.

According to sources, the couple quarreled because of Petrenko’s constant infidelities. Allegedly, the handsome actor often allowed himself to have affairs on the set, and Katya was tired of catching him in adultery. However, now Catherine herself behaves like a free woman. Now the actress is filming in the USA in the film “Love in the City 3”. The paparazzi caught her with the singer Roman Arkhipov: young people kissed and hugged right on the street in front of passersby - fortunately, no one knows them in America.

However, after the video of the meeting hit the Internet, Arkhipov denied that it was Klimova who was with him.

Let us remember that Ekaterina gave birth to her eldest daughter Lisa in marriage with her first husband, Ilya Khoroshilov. The couple’s separation was not easy: having met and fallen in love with Igor Petrenko, Katya was painfully worried about the discord in her own family and for a long time did not dare to tell her husband about her new romance. And when she finally gathered her courage, she took Lisa and went to live with her parents. The couple divorced only a year later, when passions had subsided and when Katya already had a new home - together with Igor Petrenko. IN new family Klimova did not immediately take Lisa - the girl needed time to get used to the “new dad”. For some time the baby lived with the actress’s parents. When Lisa was 4 years old, Katya became pregnant - she and Igor had a son, Matvey. Later, the acting couple had another child, Korney. According to Katya, she could not even imagine that she would someday become a mother of three children.

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