How men test women's love. How do men cunningly and secretly test women for ease of access? What to do if a man checks out a woman

It is often difficult for a woman to understand how a guy treats her. This also applies unfamiliar men, and permanent partners. At some point, it becomes unclear what to count on in the future and how serious his intentions are. Then you have to come up with ways to check a man’s feelings, since it can be awkward to ask directly.

How to check if a man loves you?

There is no need to rush in this matter. remember, that everyone loves in their own way and perhaps your partner shows feelings as best he can. And if his behavior does not meet your expectations, this does not mean that he does not love you. Therefore, first try to understand it. When that doesn't work, push:

  • Get started act indifferent. Psychologists believe that this is one of the most reliable ways to get a man to “ clean water" If he is interested in you, he will worry, ask what happened, call more often, show attention;
  • Or you can leave, few pass the test of distance. You will immediately feel care and attention even if you are far away, if he is really bored;
  • Tell him you want to introduce him to his parents. This is a crucial moment; he will immediately understand the seriousness of your intentions. And he will either agree that he already means something, or he will simply disappear from the horizon.

So, the main advice is watch. Notice whether he cares, worries, listens to your opinion and gives in.

A person remembers only important information

pay attention to little things, sometimes they help to create a more complete picture of what is happening. When something is important to us, we try to remember it or write it down so as not to forget. Whether it's an unmissable event or a phone number.

The same situation is with the young man. Remember, does he always congratulate you on your birthday, does he remember when your mother’s anniversary is? Or he regularly misses these events.

It is also important whether he remembers your phone number by heart or can only name it by looking in the address book of his smartphone. If the device is lost, he will not be able to contact you if he did not try to learn the treasured numbers.

Of course, circumstances are different, and this is far from an indicator of an indifferent attitude if he forgot to wish you a happy birthday. There could be important things to do - work or study, or I was tired. There is no need to sound the alarm. But such events still leave an imprint and form a certain opinion in his direction.

How to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings?

Also note, how he behaves when he's around. There are things that show how he feels about you on a subconscious level. This is an elementary concern:

  1. Does he help carry heavy bags, does he hold the door;
  2. How does he respond to requests for help and assistance?
  3. How to say goodbye. Re-read the messages, see what words come at the end, whether they speak of tenderness and care.

If you cannot objectively assess his behavior, ask a friend to help. Spend a few weekends or evenings together and let her observe. Just choose for these purposes a person who can be entrusted with such sensitive topics.

What should you not do?

The main thing now is not to do anything stupid. Some women go to extremes and then regret their mistakes. Noticing that you are trying to test him, a man may be offended.

He will also begin to distrust and the matter may end in separation. To prevent this from happening do not do it:

  • Make you jealous. Light flirting with another in the presence of a loved one, late phone calls or other similar tricks can convince him that you are cheating. Then he will either simply get up and leave, or he will also slowly cheat, feeling the right to do so;
  • Tempt. Don't try to test his reliability using a beautiful girlfriend. Sometimes girls do this, they ask their neighbor to meet the guy to see how he does. Often this ends with a neighbor's wedding to your boyfriend.

The best way to clarify the situation - talk or at least hint that you are tormented by doubts. Explain what you are missing, what is unclear. This is an honest and courageous act that deserves respect. And most importantly, it will help get rid of misunderstandings.

How do men test women for availability?

Guys are treacherous people too. They sometimes weave intrigues no worse than women. To understand which girl is more accessible and what feelings she experiences, the guys come up with different “moves”:

  • They make you jealous, start talking about ex-girlfriends. How to react to this? The best option is to listen calmly and simply not continue the topic;
  • They go with her to an expensive store. There, they offer you to choose whatever you like. In this way, the essence of a woman becomes visible: one will rush to buy everything, another will refuse because it is expensive, and the third will buy a shirt for her beloved;
  • Meet friends and watch them. If the girl’s surroundings are comrades, preoccupied with finding a husband with money, and conversations revolve constantly around financial well-being, the young man can conclude that the chosen one is beyond his means;
  • They can try to find out reliability in such a cunning way - send SMS from friends’ numbers with offers to get acquainted;
  • Or they might even talk a friend into trying to have an affair.

Again, the best way to respond to this behavior is to have an open conversation. Find out what's going on, why is he giving you exams? You will disarm him with your directness, and he will have no choice but to admit what he did.

Mistrust is a flaw of modern man. We constantly look for the catch in people, look closely at them, listen. And we often offend them with this. Therefore, before you think about how to check the feelings of a man or girl, decide that maybe time will put everything in its place and there is no need to rush.

Video: feelings test

In this video, psychologist Diana Volodina will tell you how to find out with 99.9% accuracy how a man feels towards you, how much he cares about you:

Almost every man at least once in his life has experienced the fear that the girl he likes might turn out to be easily accessible. And almost every man has the sin of testing a woman’s strength. Before deciding to enter into a serious relationship, men often conduct rapid tests on a woman’s availability, decency and decency.

Canons of male thinking

In terms of relationships, men think in extremes and are guided by the principle of “sexual maximalism”: when a woman approaches a man, she must either bluntly agree to full-fledged intimacy, or categorically refuse it, remaining unshakable under any pressure. This masculine principle is based on six canons:

  1. Implies category sincerely unavailable women. It is difficult to seduce them into one-time or frivolous sex. If they give themselves to a man, it is not for the sake of money, status, patronage, etc., but solely out of love or spiritual affection. Men respect such women and are ready to do things for them.
  2. Refers to the category of easily accessible women. Such women are sold - literally or figuratively. It is easy to bring them into a bed relationship with the help of gifts, expensive courtship, but even if not expensive, they still must be maintained within the limits established in the woman’s close circle. In other words - spend money, run around, earn yourself sex.
  3. All women, to one degree or another, belong to one of the above categories.
  4. It implies a situation when a woman suddenly changes some categorical approaches and principles to others. A man has a sneaking suspicion that she is either hiding her true essence under the guise of decency or dishonesty, or is playing a role in order to fool a man (to fall in love, to use, to play with).

  1. It implies a situation when a woman tends to change her views on availability in sex in the event of an extreme degree of love, a critical situation in life, or after experiencing stress. But more often than not, stabilization of the situation returns her to her previous views.
  2. There can be no other situations.

It is through these harsh black and white filters that most men look at sexual relations. Of course, such an interpretation can hardly claim to be the ultimate truth, but it certainly has the right to be. For women, understanding such male logic can significantly facilitate the task of fulfilling an impossible mission: to surrender with pleasure, while remaining unapproachable. It’s exaggerated, but somehow this is how men imagine an ideal relationship.

Male tests for female accessibility

When testing women for strength, men act by calculating and eliminating those who are easily accessible. Reconnaissance in force is carried out through tough and sometimes brutal tests. Sexual “blackmail” can develop according to several scenarios.

Hidden "blackmail"

If the offer of sex was gently or sharply (but categorically) rejected (the girl stopped the unequivocal advances, refused to go home at night looking for a cup of coffee, went to the sauna, etc.), the man pretends that he understands and perceives this normally. He decorously (or at least discreetly) escorts the girl home, politely says goodbye and... disappears from her life for a period of a week to a month. At this time, he observes the reaction of his new acquaintance and draws conclusions. His further actions depend on her behavior:

Option 1: The girl calls, looks for a meeting, makes excuses. If the “prey” is active in renewing contact, expresses his regrets about the misunderstanding (for example, she is not against sex, but she was in a bad mood, there was a full moon, “ critical days", etc.), which means it is ripe, you can take it. The man knows what to do next. He won this battle, and the girl lost the war if her plans included a long-term relationship. It is unlikely that it will be satisfied with the status of a “reserve airfield”. Namely, it goes to women who do not know how to excite and maintain the hunting instinct in men.

Option 2. The girl doesn’t call, doesn’t look for a meeting, doesn’t make excuses. If she hooks a man, his patience won’t last long. He will appear on his own to look into your eyes - did you cry, suffer, wait? If he doesn’t see the pain, he will respect him, but most likely he will make a new attempt at sexual assault. If this time the “bastille” turns out to be persistent, the man’s self-esteem will also rise, since he has come across a “tough nut to crack,” and this is already interesting. With such a woman you want not only sex.

Of course, for a woman, in any case, the second option is more profitable. If a man disappears after unsuccessful attempts to persuade him to have sex, is it worth running after him, even if he is handsome, a successful businessman or another kind of “macho”? No. Having received his, sooner or later he will leave to look for the one whom he himself will run after, and who will begin to conduct tests on him. Well, if a man, having tamed his sexual fervor, coped with the wounded male pride and returned with an offer to build an honest relationship, we can consider that he has passed the female reliability test.

Blatant "blackmail"

  1. Trust but check. Blackmail for “sexual compatibility” is often used on young girls or inexperienced young ladies, who are easily convinced that without trying a woman in bed, there is no point in building a relationship with her.
  2. Provocation of treason. A man can blackmail a woman by saying that, due to his nature, he is not able to cope with natural instincts, and if he does not get sex with his beloved, he will be forced to look for it with an unloved one.
  3. Everything is sold - everything is bought. This blackmail is very primitive, but also very effective. A man buys a woman gifts, leisure, entertainment, without forgetting to hint or say directly that he has the right to count on her “gratitude.”
  4. The girl has not yet matured. With such blackmail, men often test the “strength” of young girls. Playing “nobility”, the man declares that he does not want to spoil the girl because he loves her, but nature and age take their toll - he needs sex. Therefore, it is better to leave before this bright relationship is spoiled by sin.
How a man tests a woman’s feelings for him, read

If you have doubts about the sincerity of your significant other’s feelings, you should not ignore them and let the situation go. After all, when something goes wrong, you will begin to reproach yourself for carelessness, but it will be too late to correct the mistakes. Have you decided to make sure that your loved one really loves you? Then do not put off this question, but study the guide to action.

How to test a man's feelings

The easiest way to find out how a man feels about you is to ask him a direct question. However, the answer may not reflect the real state of affairs. Perhaps, out of delicacy, your boyfriend will not admit to the absence of deep feelings, or he will be frightened by such feminine assertiveness, because any representative of the stronger sex wants to be a hunter and conqueror. Therefore, do not rush, pay attention to the actions and attitude towards you.

One of the options for checking the feelings of a loved one can be an objective look from the outside. Girls often turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their partners and cannot correctly assess his behavior. Close people, looking at your relationship from the outside, will say everything they think about it. It is important that these are friends or relatives who are not interested in your separation.

You should be especially careful with your friends, there is no guarantee that they will tell the truth, even parents are not always objective if they want for their daughter not a simple but decent guy, but a prince on a white horse. If you do ask someone else's opinion, be prepared for different assessments and different opinions.

How you can check a man’s feelings yourself:

How a man tests a woman's feelings

Having achieved the object of desire, sooner or later men think about starting a family. Most of them have a whole list of requirements and criteria for a potential spouse. And the first thing in it is, of course, loyalty, because it is more important than a good appearance, erudition and good upbringing.

As soon as a guy has his first, the world collapses for him and subsequently it will be very difficult for him to trust other women. Some especially suspicious people even arrange loyalty tests for their lovers, asking, for example, a womanizer they know to hit on their lady; an ardent and romantic fan on social networks can also be a trap. In any case, the new fan will carefully observe how the woman communicates with her competitors, and how acceptable her behavior is in this situation.

No less than fidelity, men are interested in the number of affairs that their other half had before him. When asking questions about exes, your loved one may appear quite calm on the outside, but this impression is deceiving, because subconsciously he will still compare himself with past boyfriends. Don’t allow this, don’t go into details, but try to convey to the guy that he is still the best.

Some male representatives test jealousy to find out whether his beloved is ready to share him with other women. If you frequently mention former passions, you should still delicately hint young man that this topic is unpleasant for you.

What other cunning tricks do men use to check?

How to recognize love

The feelings they have for you can be understood not only by their actions, but even by external factors, gestures and facial expressions. An interested man in your presence will try to suck in his stomach, adjust his hair, straighten his back, trying to appear taller. All this indicates a great desire to be attractive. Confusion and excitement manifests itself in confused speech, its slow or accelerated pace. Light boasting or obvious demonstration of one's positive qualities also indicate interest in your person.

Other signs of love fever:

Is it worth checking your feelings?

It’s quite normal to be afraid of making a mistake in the feelings of your chosen one, but here it is important to decide what you need - to check whether he loves you, or to torment you endlessly. You should not take the matter too seriously, ask friends and acquaintances to arrange a test of fidelity, hire private detectives and thoroughly study the biography, this behavior will scare off the man and make him feel insulted.

Another extreme inherent in women is complete and categorical trust in their man. Don't be so sure you're a good judge of people. Ask your loved ones for advice, what do they think about your relationship? In this case, the opinion of strangers will not hurt; you will listen to them, but draw your own conclusions.

What checks should you not give to your significant other if you don’t want to end the relationship:

  • Don't try to provoke a person to give up his past life, favorite hobbies, friends and acquaintances, no one likes such manipulations. To develop the novel, the right choice would be to infiltrate his circle of interests and share his hobbies.
  • Don't try to change the person better side through lectures and reproaches. For example, you set a condition for your loved one to give up a bad habit for your sake - smoking. Most likely, the attempt will be unsuccessful if the person himself does not want to change something in his life. The maximum you will achieve is that the man will hide from you.

No matter how strange it may be, the first and most important test that your man can give you will be a test of fidelity. And it doesn’t matter that you just met, or don’t even know each other yet, or maybe you already have children, and you’ve lived together for 40 years, rest assured, He is still or already testing your loyalty.

Real men value fidelity more than sex, and more than looks, and more recognition.
They have a nose for your inner ability to be faithful.

In the life of a fulfilled woman, situations certainly arise when men hover around her. But a woman’s attention is gold, so you understand.
The attention of a real, fulfilled woman is worth incredible riches, because her attention is love, a power that can change the whole world and give birth to new life, this force for which men fight, the force that gives men energetic protection in society, gives success at work, in business, in bed... This force saved the lives of warriors on the battlefield and diverted arrows and bullets from those whom a woman loved. The attention of a real woman is her woman’s witchcraft, the energy that even the most courageous of fighters is afraid of, that power that cannot be broken, conquered, or curbed. She is invisible, and therefore invincible.

And your man, even if he is not around, and even if you don’t know him at all, definitely tests you for loyalty. Being true to yourself. Your values ​​and priorities in life. He looks at how you can defend your space, your ideas, your goals, your boundaries, your Dignity, and how you value your attention, your energy, and where you direct it. He will choose you only if he is convinced that you cannot be broken, that you do not waste time on trifles for short connections and loud phrases. He tests you for loyalty, first of all, to your femininity, your dignity, your love.
He will arrange a corridor of tests and provocative situations for you without knowing it and will make sure that you are either his woman or not. There is no other option.

You can save yourself without exchanging for trifles and absolutely unnecessary connections and contacts only by loving yourself. You can preserve your feminine core-string only by developing your feminine Dignity. Choosing with whom and for how long to be. Learn to refuse. Learn to identify your priorities and be able to defend them. State your values ​​openly and boldly.

Your man, wherever He is, tests your Will, your Spirit for strength, for perseverance, He looks at how much you are able to follow Him or to Him without looking back, leaving behind tempting offers, other people's gifts, other people's attention, other people's sex , other people's words and compliments, other people's beliefs and values, other people's goals. He looks at how magnetized you are, how much
You are centered in Yourself, to the extent that You are capable of being a swift river, carrying its waters to Its Sea, demolishing everything in its path, preserving your purity, your fidelity, your love. He looks and chooses whether to be with you or not, he is convinced that he is right or wrong if the choice has already been made.

He is yours. He breathes you and lives in your heart. He kisses your Soul and admires your body. He will throw the world at your feet, thanking God for having you with him. His. The only one. Real woman.

For every girl, the most important thing is to feel loved. But sooner or later, each of them wonders how to test a guy’s feelings. To find out the answer to a question of interest, many girls use all sorts of methods, some of which are best not put into practice.

According to statistics, men are less likely to wonder how to check a girl’s feelings. This is explained primarily by the fact that men are more confident in themselves. Women have doubts about their feelings in the following cases:

  • The girl has low self-esteem, she constantly needs proof of love;
  • The acquaintance of a guy and a girl lasts quite a long time, but on his part there are no hints of a more serious relationship;
  • The girl is not sure about the feelings of her boyfriend and wants to know whether to continue the relationship or end it;
  • In case the guy behaves ambiguously, not showing affection, but also does not break off the relationship.

How to check a young man's feelings

Do you want to know how the man you like feels about you? Look at him as if from the outside. Take a closer look at how he treats you, how he shows his feelings. Every little thing has great importance, for example, he is interested in whether you are dressed warmly, what you had for breakfast, how you are doing at work or at university. If you are eager to know how to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings, listen to the advice of psychologists.

Show feigned indifference

To find out how a guy feels towards you, act out some coldness and indifference, but don’t overdo it! This can be done in the following ways: being late for a meeting, not calling a couple of times at the appointed time, or not answering correspondence. If a young man really likes you, he will want to know the reason for your indifference. But don’t forget, each person has his own limit of patience, don’t get carried away.

Check how serious his intentions are

If a guy is committed to a long-term relationship, he will not be afraid to introduce you to his friends and parents. Inviting you as a couple to a birthday or wedding clearly shows seriousness.

Take a closer look at how seriously a guy takes your personal life

When a young man pays attention to everything that happens in your life, this is good sign. He will rush in when you suddenly fall ill, he will come to see you off on a business trip, in a word, he will not stand aside during serious events in your life. Sudden surprises also indicate strong feelings towards you.

The guy remembers your phone number by heart and all your joint memorable dates.

A person remembers only information that is very important to him. If a young man remembers your favorite color, the date of your first meeting or the moment of your first kiss, then he is not indifferent to you.

The young man does not ignore any change in your appearance.

An excellent sign of the sincerity of a man’s feelings is increased attention to a girl’s appearance. A new piece of clothing or a changed hair color do not go unnoticed, and this clearly indicates increased interest in the girl. Agree, only a man in love pays close attention to any little details related to the object of his adoration.

Manifestation of jealousy

Male psychology is structured in such a way that each representative of the strong field feels like an owner in relation to the woman with whom he has a certain relationship. Manifestations of jealousy are difficult to ignore - a guy’s face changes if you turn your gaze to other men.

The combination of some of the listed signs clearly indicates that the young man has tender feelings for you. Be observant, and if you notice that a guy constantly wants to touch you, hug you, you often catch his eye on you - most likely, you will hear a declaration of love in the near future.

How not to check your feelings

However, there are a number of actions that should not be used to test the feelings of a young man.

Extreme checks

Don’t come up with stupid tasks, like if you walk on this roof, it means you love me. Each person has his own degree of manifestation of love, and not every guy is ready to risk his life in order to prove something to you.

Check by jealousy

Another stupid idea to test a man’s feelings. A young man who is too jealous of his girlfriend most likely feels a sense of ownership towards her, rather than a trusting relationship. Therefore, you should not arrange a “sudden” meeting with your ex-boyfriend, or write love SMS from another number, this is not only stupid, but also dangerous.

Temptation check

Many girls try to find out the feelings of a young man with the help of a friend, and in the end they risk being left without a boyfriend and without a girlfriend. Every man is a hunter by nature, and there is always the possibility that he will be led by other prey.

To find out how a man treats you, you don’t need to weave cunning intrigues, be sincere in your relationship, and you will receive the same attitude in return. Love is always visible from a distance; truly close people do not need to test their feelings.

When not to continue a relationship

So, you are dating a guy, or are just planning to do so, but you don’t know how he feels about you. If you don’t have the time and patience to observe his behavior for a while, but you really want to find out, come up and ask directly. It's up to you to decide whether to be in the unknown or hear the bitter reality. You can also find out information of interest from mutual friends and acquaintances, someone will be in the know.

A guy has no serious intentions towards you if:

  • When he meets you, he continues to wander his gaze around. He feels free and pays attention to all female representatives.
  • The tone of his conversation does not change when you communicate, that is, he does not distinguish you from the crowd.
  • A man spends little free time with you. From friends and acquaintances you often hear about his adventures in clubs, but he does not invite you with him.
  • A young man does not give you flowers and nice trinkets.
  • In your presence, he devotes too much time to other pretty girls.
  • The guy doesn’t want to communicate with you by correspondence - in in social networks or by phone.
  • In a difficult situation, you have to rely only on yourself, your beloved, there is not even a hint of help from the young man.

If you find several matches on the list, do not be under any illusions, the young man is absolutely indifferent to you, and he does not plan to start a serious relationship with you. Try to forget about him, and then a truly worthy person will appear on your horizon who will love you and provide all possible support.

Every woman always wants to know what the young man she likes thinks about her, what feelings he experiences. Sometimes it’s enough to take a closer look at it, and everything immediately becomes clear. If the situation doesn't seem so simple and you want to use additional techniques to check feelings, be careful not to overdo it. Attempts to cause excessive jealousy, seduction by a friend, or correspondence on someone else's behalf from a dating site can only harm your relationship. Be honest and sincere with your chosen one and then in return you will receive the same feelings and emotions.

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