Competitive integrated lesson in the middle group. Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group “Visiting the Three Bears. Complex lesson “Gryaznulka’s tricks” Middle group

Summary of an open lesson in middle group on the topic “Journey to the forest. Drawing from a sample"

Pushkina Natalya Aleksandrovna, teacher of preschool educational institution kindergarten compensating type No. 60, Yaroslavl.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of an open integrated lesson for children 4 - 5 years old, including elements of ecology, cognition, and drawing. This material will be useful for middle school teachers.

Summary of a lesson in the middle group on the topic “Journey to the forest. Drawing from a model."
Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.
Target: expand children's understanding of the forest and improve their drawing skills.
Tasks: consolidate knowledge about trees; cultivate a desire to respect nature in everyday life; promote the development of thinking, cognitive interest, imagination; learn to draw a tree in an unconventional way.
Preliminary work with children: learning poems and riddles with children.
Decoration of the group: landscapes by I.I. Shishkin. " Coniferous forest", "Spruce Forest", "Birch Grove", "Forest Edge", "Oak"; poster-drawing of environmental situations; artificial Christmas trees.

I Organizational moment.
Educator: Guys, we received a telegram (showing, reading)
“I love you very much, friends,
Come visit, I'm waiting. Forest"
The forest invites us to visit! But the one who answers the questions ends up in the forest.
- What time of year is it now? What month?
- What month was before October?
- What will it be like after October?
- Name everything autumn months. (children's answers)
Educator: Autumn flew by
And scattered the leaves.
To get into the forest, you need to turn into leaves.
Take one leaf at a time (children choose any leaf of the tree)
One, two, turn around and turn into a leaf (children complete the task)
- What tree did you grow on? Children's answers (I grew up on a birch tree)
- So what kind of leaf are you? (birch leaf) etc.
- The wind blew and the leaves flew. (Music sounds. Disc “Smile” T-53)
- We flew into a clearing in the forest.
II Guessing riddles.
Educator: Hello forest, dense forest
Full of fairy tales and wonders
What are you making noise about in the leaves?...
Open everything, don’t hide it.
You see we are ours.

Guys, what is a forest? (a lot of trees)
- What trees grow in the forest? (children's answers)
- What riddles about trees do you know?
Child 1: Her clothes are prickly -
Everything is needles, yes needles
The animals joke: “Uncle hedgehog
Looks a little like her" (Christmas tree)
Child 2: I have longer needles
Than the Christmas tree
I'm growing very straight
In height
If I'm not on the edge
Branches only at the top of the head (pine)
- What kind of trees are spruce and pine? (coniferous)
Child 3: Sticky Buds
green leaves,
With white bark
Stands above the mountain. (birch)
Child 4: What kind of tree is this?
There is no wind but the leaf is trembling. (aspen)
Child 5: Takes from my flower
Bee the most delicious honey.
And everyone insults me
The thin skin is removed. (Linden)
Educator: Previously, the bast bark was torn from the bark of young linden trees, and bast shoes were woven from it. (show bast shoes)
III Ecological situation
Educator: Many poems have been written and pictures drawn about the forest.
- Why do people love the forest so much? (children's answers)
- What poems do you know?
Child 6: Oak of rain and wind
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared of catching a cold?
After all, until late autumn
I'm standing green.
That means I'm resilient.
So, hardened.
Child 7: Near the river near the cliff
The willow is crying, the willow is crying
Maybe she feels sorry for someone?
Maybe she's hot in the sun?
Maybe the wind is playful
Did you pull the willow's pigtail?
Maybe the willow is thirsty?
Should we go ask?
Educator: Look carefully at this drawing, it really hurts me to look at all this.
- What can’t you do in the forest? (children's answers based on the picture)
- Why can’t you break branches? (living trees)
- Why can’t we destroy nests? (birds are our friends, we help birds)
- Why can’t you throw away garbage? (The forest is a home for plants, animals, birds. The house must be clean.)
IV Environmental training.
Educator: Now we will play, imagine yourself as trees... (children closed their eyes) What kind of tree are you? And you? (children's answers: I am birch, I am oak, I am rowan, etc.)
My roots are deeply embedded in the earth.
My trunk, my branches reach towards the sun.
These are trees in the forest. (open our eyes)
Let's wave our hands smoothly.
These are the birds flying towards us.
We'll show you how they sit down.
The wings were folded back.
Now we will walk quietly, sit at the tables and draw trees.
V Drawing
See what trees you can draw. (Sample showing)
Stage 1– Take a sheet of white paper and apply paint in the center on one half with strokes. Take warm colors: red, yellow, green.
Stage 2– Fold the sheet and stroke it.
Stage 3– using the magic spell “Pona-mona-kona” we open the leaf, it turns out – a crown. Draw the trunk and branches.
- What did the tree hide from people? (roots)
What beautiful trees you have! Tell me please, what tree did you draw? (interview the guys)
VI Reflection
- Where have we been? (visiting the forest) What did you do? (played: turned into leaves, into trees, were in a clearing, looked at pictures, etc., drew) Did you enjoy your visit? Will you take care of Him? The forest gives you a treat...

Program content:

Educational objectives:

  • Continue to introduce children to Russian folk and original fairy tales.
  • Teach children to solve riddles based on descriptions and comparisons of fairy-tale characters.
  • Teach children to convey appropriate emotions in musical and play exercises and visual activities.
  • Strengthen the ability to maintain the correct posture when drawing.

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop children's creative perception, thinking, memory, imagination; use known expressive means (facial expressions, gestures, intonation) to embody the image.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate emotional perception, love for Russian folk and original fairy tales; desire to help, friendly relationships.

Preliminary work:

Meeting Russians folk tales“Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”. The English fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, processed by S. Mikhalkov.

Materials and equipment:

  • Chest;
  • A set of toys (a bun, a little house, a wolf and seven kids, a Ryaba hen, 3 little pigs);
  • Illustrations for fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Masha and the Bear”;
  • Illustrations depicting a cockerel, bunny, bear, fox);
  • Colored pencils (for each child);
  • Record player;
  • Audio recordings;
  • Letter from the "City of Fairy Tales";
  • Masks according to the number of children (bunny, bear, fox).

The beginning of a fabulous journey:

Children's activity is communicative.

The teacher brings a letter to the group.

Guys, our group received a letter from the “City of Fairy Tales”. Let's open it and read what it says there? The teacher opens the letter.

Guys, it says here that trouble has happened in the city of fairy tales, all the fairy-tale characters are mixed up and the wizard asks us to help them each get into their own fairy tale. Shall we help them guys? (Children's answer).

What do you think, what can you go on a trip with? (Children's answers). And you and I will go on a train, but not an ordinary one, but a magical one! Are you guys ready to go? fabulous trip? (Children's answer).

Then please follow me and we’ll set off on a fabulous journey on a fun train!

To the music of “Train” from Tatyana Suvorova’s collection, the children and their teacher go on a journey.

1 stop “Chest of riddles”.

There is a chest on the table.

Guys, look what a beautiful chest greets us! But it is locked and there is no way to open it. And I know a secret - you and I need to guess the riddles and then the magic chest will open! (The teacher asks the children riddles, the children guess, and after each guess the teacher takes a guessing toy from the chest).

Where and when did this happen?

The mouse broke the golden egg.

Grandfather was grieving. And the woman was sad.

Just cackled... (Rocktail chicken)

Only the goat closed the door

It’s like there’s already a hungry beast...

Each of the children knows the fairy tale,

This… (the wolf and the seven Young goats)

He left his grandfather

He left his grandmother.

Round self, ruddy side,

And it's called... (gingerbread man)

He's neither short nor tall

And it's not locked,

All from logs from boards

Standing in a field... (teremok)

The gray wolf was chasing the brothers

Not a single one fell into his paws.

They live happily, laugh loudly

In their houses... ( three piglets)

What great guys you are, you solved all the riddles. But we need to go further.


To the music “Train,” the children stand behind the teacher and move on.

Stop 2: “Continue the story.”

Children's activities - communication, reading fiction.

There are illustrations for fairy tales on the table.

Guys, our train is not simple, and the stops are not simple. At this stop, you and I will perform the following task: I will begin the fairy tale, and you will continue.

Educator: They pull, they pull...

Teacher: I’m sitting high...

Educator: don’t sit on a tree stump...

Educator: don’t drink from the puddle, brother...

Educator: the hare built a bast hut...

What great guys you all are, you know so many fairy tales! But we need to move on.

Children's activities - motor, musical and artistic, gaming.

To the music “Train,” the children stand behind the teacher and move on.

Stop 3 “Magic transformations”.

Children's activities - play, motor, communication.

There are masks for the game on the table.

At this stop, you guys and I will play a little and turn into fairy tale heroes.

Let's turn into fairy tale heroes, guys? (Children's answer).

Then: one, two, three - turn the children into bears! (Guys put on masks)

The teacher reads the poem and everyone performs the movements together in accordance with the text:

A bear wanders through the forest,

He walks from oak to oak.

He finds honey in the hollows and puts it in his mouth.

Licking his paw

Sweet tooth clubfoot.

And the bees fly in

The bear is driven away.

(The poem is repeated 2 times, after each sentence there is an explanation from the teacher).

What a great game you guys played! What good cubs we had! Now: one, two, three - turn the cubs back into children (children take off their masks and put them on the table).

And now you and I will turn into little bunnies. One, two, three - turn the children into bunnies! (the guys put on bunny masks).

The bunny was jumping through the forest,

The bunny was looking for food.

Suddenly the bunny is on top of his head

The ears rose like arrows.

A quiet rustling is heard

Someone is sneaking through the forest.

The hare confuses his tracks

Running away from trouble

He jumped to the side and turned around.

And curled up under a bush

Like a little white ball

So that no one could find it.

How well we played, guys! And now: one, two, three - turn the rabbits back into guys (the guys take off their masks and put them on the table).

And now, guys, we will turn into a sly fox. One, two, three - turn the guys into foxes! (the guys put on masks).

The fox has a sharp nose

She has a bushy tail

Red fox fur coat

Inexpressible beauty.

The fox walks with its peahen

He strokes the lush fur coat.

I'm a bird hunter

I am an expert at catching chickens,

As soon as I see you, I’ll sneak up

And I'll quietly hide.

Then I'll jump and grab it

I'll take it to the kids' hole.

Well done guys, now: one, two, three - turn the foxes back into children (the guys take off their masks and put them on the table).

Did you like being fairy-tale characters? Well done boys! But we need to hurry on.

Children's activities - motor, musical and artistic, gaming.

To the music "Train" the children get on the train and set off.

Stop 4 “Fairy Tale Workshop”

Children's activities are communicative, productive, musical and artistic.

There are pictures on the table with unfinished images fairy-tale heroes, colour pencils. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the “Bunny” toy.

Guys, who is meeting us? (Children’s answer). Guys, for some reason the bunny is crying... Let's ask him what happened? (Children's answer). The bunny “tells” the teacher what happened.

Guys, the bunny told me that the artist who drew the fairy tales forgot to finish drawing some of the characters and now the guys won’t be able to read many new fairy tales. Let's help the bunny complete the drawings of fairy-tale characters? (Children's answer).

There are pictures with heroes and colored pencils on the table; the teacher invites the children to choose a picture of a fairy-tale hero and sit at the table to finish drawing it. (The teacher first discusses with the children what needs to be completed for each character. In the air, everyone together shows how to complete the ears, tail, eyes, nose).

The guys complete the task to the sound of calm music by V. Dashkevich “Come Fairy Tale.”

The teacher (if necessary) helps each child complete the task.

Look, bunny, the guys helped you, and they did a great job of drawing all the fairy-tale characters!

Children, did you like the “City of Fairy Tales”? (Children's response)

But you and I, guys, need to go back. Let's leave the fairy-tale characters to the bunny, say goodbye to him and go back to kindergarten.

Children's activities - motor, musical and artistic, gaming .

To the music "Train" the guys "hit the road."

The result of a fabulous journey.

Children's activities are communicative.

Returning “to kindergarten,” the teacher asks the children:

Where have we been today?

How did we get there?

What fairy tales did we guess?

What did you like most?

The teacher praises the children and says that fairy-tale characters thank the children for their help and give them these magic masks.

Used Books:

1. Gritsenko Z.A. “Tell the children a fairy tale” M: Linka-Press, 2003

2. Gritsenko Z.A. “Put your heart on reading” M: Enlightenment, 2003

3. Kondrykinskaya L.A., Vostrukhina T.N. " Fiction in the development of creative abilities of older preschoolers." Activities, leisure, games Moscow, 2006

4. Streltsova L.E. “Literature and Fantasy” M: Enlightenment, 1992

5. Tsarenko L.I. “From nursery rhymes to the Pushkin Ball” M6Link-Press, 1999

those were good bears, but now: one, two, three, turn the bears and children back. I)

We didn’t save all the fairy tales with you

Anna Ponomareva
Integrated lesson in the middle group

Integrated lesson in the middle group.

Educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive Development"

Sections: Fiction, Mathematics.


Exercise children in recognizing and naming geometric shapes, comparing shapes based on two characteristics (color, shape);

Strengthen children's ability to break group of objects by color, form; continue to learn to correlate. numbers with the number of items;

Improve the skill of orientation on a sheet of paper (upper right corner, lower right corner, in the center (middle) etc.) practice counting to 5;

Develop an auditory analyzer;

Give children joy and pleasure from games that develop


Reinforce children's previously acquired knowledge.

Demo material: recording of Baba Yaga's voice, for the fabulous winter forest (imitation snow; path; stumps; trees); symbols: color, shape; House hoops 4 pieces; metallophone, box, sweets (surprise, drawings based on an English song "Man Crooked Legs",5 houses with holes instead of windows + numbers for them from 1 to 5, 3 long ropes.

Handout: geometric hats figures: large triangles, large circles, large squares, large ovals (colors blue, yellow, red, green); Numbers from 1 to 5, landscape sheets, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Children are invited to group room without knowing why (the room has a fairytale forest setting).

Educator: "Children, look where we have ended up! (we look around) I wonder why we are here?" (in a visible place in a snowdrift lies a magic casket).

Educator: “What a beautiful casket lies there, and no one is there, let’s see what’s in it, maybe we’ll find out who lost it. Interesting, who is it from?" (the casket opens and the recording of Baba Yaga starts)

I stole your nanny

I bewitched her

I'll turn her into a mouse

Or maybe in the frog

She will live in a hut

Wash wash, but only for me

And how will the whole house be cleaned?

Then he’ll go to Koschey to wash.

Will take forever to clean up

And shed tears.

If you want her back,

Then you'd better run

Yes, look for assignments.

How will you fulfill them?

I'll let you go this very moment

Your dear nanny

And I won’t do that again!

Educator: “So that’s why our Elena Vladimirovna is not there. Let’s go help her out? Let’s find the first task. Look at the tree, there’s an envelope hanging and it says "from Baba Yaga" this is probably the first task (Baba Yaga's voice comes on)

Along the path you will go,

And turn left there,

There's a corner to the left,

And in a small snowdrift

There is a difficult task

And you will find out which one!

There are 3 rope tracks of different colors on the floor (right, straight, left)

Guys, let's think about which path to take? How many paths are there in front of us? Please tell me what color the path is

to the right, which one to the left. Well done! Which way should we go? Well done guys, you answered correctly!

Children walk along a rope, the teacher takes out a task from under a snowdrift -

“Turn into geometric shapes and restore order among the figures,

resettle them in their homes."

Children turn into figures (wear hats of geometric shapes). - Now let's get to know each other now.

Children take turns naming their signs. - I'm a red triangle

I am a green circle, etc.

The teacher lays out houses on the floor - hoops with symbols colors: red, green, yellow, blue. The children go to their homes and explain their choice.

On what basis were the figures divided? (Children's answers)

The figures are sent for a walk, at which time the color symbols change to symbols of the shapes of the figures. At the teacher’s signal, the children choose their house and explain their choice.

Why did you choose these houses? On what basis are you divided?

Well done boys! We completed the first task.

Educator: Well done guys, you coped with the task skillfully, let's find the second message. Here it is, guys, hiding on a tree stump.

Remember everything without an exact count

Any work will not budge,

Without an account there will be no light on the street,

Without counting, a rocket cannot rise,

And the boys won’t be able to play hide and seek.

Get to work guys quickly

Count the animals that are present in the fairy tale by D. Rodari “Once upon a time there lived a man.”.

(Children sit on chairs.)

Educator: I'll tell you a fairy tale about an amazing person.

Once upon a time there lived a man with crooked legs, and he walked for a whole century.

Along a crooked path. (Show pic.)

And beyond the crooked river in a crooked house

Crooked mice lived in summer and winter. (Show pic.)

And the twisted Christmas trees stood at the gate

Crooked wolves walked there without worries. (Show pic.)

And they had one Crooked cat

And she meowed

Sitting by the window (Show pic.)


How many animals did he meet on the road? (five)

That's right, what figure represents this number? (children show the number 5). How many mice? Volkov?

Educator: Well done guys, you did a good job with the second task. Shall we look for a third task?"

Look, there is a gift under the Christmas tree - maybe we should go and have a look.

You will find flowers there.

They've lost their way

We got lost in the forest here.

Help them find their home.


On the snowdrifts there are 5 colored houses with holes instead of windows into which flowers are inserted

Guys, I know this story, if you want, I’ll tell it to you.

“Once upon a time there were colors. One day they all got together and decided to live together on the same street. We settled - each in his own house, then everyone went for a walk in the forest and got lost.” We guys need to help each color find its home. Guys, how many houses are there in total?

Educator: Guys, we successfully completed all the tasks. Somehow Baba Yaga is in no hurry to let our Elena Vladimirovna go. Oh look

Well, you kids are great! I did not expect

And you are also brave,

Three tasks are not enough for you.

Since Grandma I am Yaga-

Evil and treacherous

Here are two more tasks for you. They lie under the stump.

First task:

This is a spatial orientation task.

There are album sheets and colored pencils on the tables. The teacher names the tasks, and the children complete them on sheets:

Draw a red circle in the upper right corner

Draw a blue circle in the lower left corner

Draw a yellow circle in the upper left corner

In the middle (in the center) draw a green circle

Draw a brown circle in the lower right corner.

(In the center of the sheet we draw a face “My mood”)

Second task:

Now you need to close your eyes. Listen carefully, how many hits on the metallophone you will hear - show this number.

(Children listen carefully and show the necessary numbers)

Well, well done guys.

All my tasks have been completed!

I'll have to let me have your nanny,

And I would like to keep it with me

At least for a little bit!

Educator: Baba Yaga, stop making jokes! We completed all your tasks correctly! The agreement must be fulfilled! Give us back Elena Vladimirovna!

Educator: Did you enjoy the trip to the fabulous snowy forest? What task did you like? What was the most difficult thing? Guys, let's go back to kindergarten and tell our Elena Vladimirovna about our trip.

E.V.: I’m so glad to see you! Thank you for freeing me!

Integrated lesson for children of the middle group "Fairytale Journey"

Program content:

Educational objectives:

    Continue to introduce children to Russian folk and original fairy tales.

    Teach children to solve riddles based on descriptions and comparisons of fairy-tale characters.

    Teach children to convey appropriate emotions in musical play exercises and visual arts

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop children's creative perception, thinking, memory, and imagination.

Educational tasks :

To cultivate emotional perception, responsiveness, desire to help, friendly relationships.

Form: game - travel.

Materials and equipment:

    Box; (fairy tale “Kolobok”).

    Illustrations showing; cockerel, bunny, bear, fox, pig, dog Bug);

    Colored pencils (for each child);

    Record player; laptop.

    Letter from the "City of Fairy Tales";

The beginning of a fabulous journey:

Children's activity is communicative.

Educator invites children to stand in a circle and hold hands

And repeat the words with the teacher

All the children gathered around

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

Guys, look how many guests we have today, let's say hello to our guests. (there's a knock on the door)

The teacher is given a letter to the group.

Guys, we have received a letter from the City of Fairy Tales. Let's open it and read what it says there? The teacher opens the letter.

Guys, it says here that trouble has happened in the city of fairy tales, all the fairy-tale characters are mixed up, and the wizard asks us to help them each get into their own fairy tale. Shall we help them guys? (Children's answer).

What do you think, what can you go on a trip with? (Children's answers). And you and I will go on a train, but not an ordinary one, but a magical one! Guys, are you ready to go on a fabulous journey? (Children's answer).

Then please follow me and we’ll set off on a fabulous journey on a fun train!

Children's activities - motor, musical and artistic, gaming.

To the music of “Train” from Tatyana Suvorova’s collection, the children and their teacher go on a journey.

1 stop “Box with a fairy tale and a riddle”.

There is a box on the table.

Guys, look what a beautiful box greets us! But it is locked and there is no way to open it. And I know a secret - you and I need to guess the riddles and then the magic chest will open! (The teacher asks the children riddles, the children guess, and after each guess the teacher takes a guessing toy from the chest).

He walks on two legs
Repeating: “Oh!” and "Ah!"
They say he is a hundred years old
He's a grouchy old...

How will the flour appear?
The oven will not become a bun,
Will bake pancakes

He is scraping the box,
He's dead-on,
He has a ruddy side
He's funny...

In the summer he jumps in a gray fur coat,
And in winter in a white fur coat
Long-eared runner,
Little coward...

Everyone in the forest is afraid of him,
He loves to bite.
Am! - and grabs the barrel

Loves honey and even too much
Brown clubfoot...

This red-haired cheat
The bun ate deftly.

What great guys you are, you solved all the riddles. Guys, did you guess which fairy tale these heroes are from? (answers) Yes, that’s right, “Kolobok” is great.


To the music “Train,” the children stand behind the teacher and move on.

Stop 2 “Twisted Tales”.

Children's activities - communication, reading fiction.

The chairs are placed in a circle around the TV screen.

Guys, our train is not simple, and the stops are not simple. At this stop, you and I will perform the following task: please sit down on the chairs and focus all your attention on the screen. I will read you a fairy tale, and you will remember which fairy tales are mixed up. (After watching, the children and the teacher sort out the mixed up fairy tales)

What great guys you all are, you know so many fairy tales! Tell me what fairy tale our heroes ended up in. (children’s answers) Well done guys, correctly “Zayushkina’s hut”


To the music “Train,” the children stand behind the teacher and move on.

Stop 3 “Fairy Tale Workshop”

Children's activities are communicative, productive, musical and artistic.

On the table there are pictures with unfinished images of fairy-tale characters and colored pencils. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the “Bunny” toy.

Guys, who is meeting us? (Children’s answer). Guys, for some reason the bunny is crying... Let's ask him what happened? (Children's answer). The bunny “tells” the teacher what happened.

Guys, the bunny told me that the artist who drew the fairy tales forgot to finish drawing some of the characters and now the guys won’t be able to read many new fairy tales. Let's help the bunny finish drawing fairy-tale characters?

(Children's answer).

There are pictures with heroes and colored pencils on the table; the teacher invites the children to choose a picture of a fairy-tale hero and sit at the table to finish drawing it.

(The teacher pre-discusses with the children what needs to be completed for each character. In the air, everyone together shows how to complete the ears, tail, eyes, nose).

The guys complete the task to the sound of calm music by V. Dashkevich “Come Fairy Tale.”

The teacher (if necessary) helps each child complete the task.

Look, bunny, the guys helped you, and they did a great job of drawing all the fairy-tale characters!

Children, did you like the “City of Fairy Tales”? (Children's response)

But you and I, guys, need to go back. Let's leave the fairy-tale characters to the bunny, say goodbye to him and go back to kindergarten.

Children's activities - motor, musical and artistic, gaming .

To the music "Train" the guys "hit the road."

The result of a fabulous journey.

Children's activities are communicative.

Returning “to kindergarten,” the teacher asks the children:

Where have we been today?

How did we get there?

What fairy tales did we guess?

What did you like most?

The teacher praises the children and says that the wizard thanks the children for their help and gives them a gift. A wonderful book and puzzles with fairy tales.

Used Books:

1. Gritsenko Z.A. “Tell the children a fairy tale” M: Linka-Press, 2003

2. Gritsenko Z.A. “Put your heart on reading” M: Enlightenment, 2003

3. Kondrykinskaya L.A., Vostrukhina T.N. “Fiction in the development of creative abilities of preschool children.” Activities, leisure, games Moscow, 2006

4. Streltsova L.E. “Literature and Fantasy” M: Enlightenment, 1992

5. Tsarenko L.I. “From nursery rhymes to the Pushkin Ball” M6Link-Press, 1999

Open integrated lesson in the middle group.

MKDOU No. 3, Asha, Chelyabinsk region.

Educational areas : “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Fiction”.


Exercise children in recognizing and naming geometric shapes, comparing shapes based on two characteristics (color, shape);

Strengthen children's ability to break down a group of objects by color and shape;

Continue to learn how to correlate numbers with the number of objects;

Improve the skill of orientation on a sheet of paper (upper right corner, lower right corner, in the center (middle), etc.)

Practice counting to 5;

Develop an auditory analyzer;

Bring children joy and pleasure from educational games;

Reinforce children's previously acquired knowledge.

Demo material : envelope with a letter from Baba Yaga, for a fairytale forest (flowers; path; stumps; trees); symbols: color, shape; House hoops 4 pieces; metallophone, box, candies (surprise), drawings to the English song “Crooked Legs Man”, 5 houses with holes instead of windows + numbers for them from 1 to 5, 3 long ropes.

Handout : hats of geometric shapes: large triangles, large circles, large squares, large ovals (colors blue, yellow, red, green); Numbers from 1 to 5, album sheets, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson .

Children are invited to the music room, without knowing why (the room has a fairy-tale forest setting).

Educator: “Children, look where we are! (Looking around) I wonder why we are here?” (At this time there is a knock on the door and a box is handed over).

Educator: “What box did they bring us, let’s see what’s in it? I wonder who it’s from?” (in the box there is an audio cassette signed from Baba Yaga) “Guys, the box is from Baba Yaga. Let's listen to the message from her.

I stole your nanny, I bewitched her,

She will set the tables at my house,

Wash off the dirt and wash the floors, shake out my carpets.

And when the whole house is cleaned, my servant will forbid her,

If you want her back, I’ll give you three tasks.

You do all of them, take the nanny.

Educator: “So that’s why our Lyubov Petrovna is not there. Shall we go help her out? Let’s listen to the first task.

You will follow the path and turn left there,

There, around the corner to the left, there are three stumps covered with moss,

And underneath is the task.

There are 3 rope paths on the floor (right, straight, left)

The children walk along the rope, the teacher takes out the task from under the hemp -

“Turn into geometric shapes and restore order among the figures, resettle them in their homes.”

Children turn into figures (wear hats of geometric shapes).

- Now let's get to know each other now.

Children take turns naming their signs.

– I am a red triangle

– I am a green circle, etc.

The teacher lays out houses on the floor - hoops with color symbols: red, green, yellow, blue. The children go to their homes and explain their choice.

– On what basis were the figures divided? (Children's answers)

The figures are sent for a walk, at which time the color symbols change to symbols of the shapes of the figures. At the teacher’s signal, the children choose their house and explain their choice.

– Why did you choose these houses? On what basis are you divided?

Well done boys! We completed this task.

Educator: Well done guys, you skillfully completed the first task, let's listen to the second.

Remember everything without an exact count

Any work will not budge,

Without an account there will be no light on the street,

Without counting, a rocket cannot rise,

And the boys won’t be able to play hide and seek.

Get to work guys quickly

Count the animals that are present in the fairy tale by D. Rodari “Once upon a time there lived a man...”.

(Children sit at tables.)

Educator: I'll tell you a fairy tale about an amazing person.

There lived a man

Crooked legs

And he walked for a whole century

Along a crooked path.

(Show pic.)

And beyond the crooked river

In a crooked house

Lived in summer and winter

Crooked mice.

(Show pic.)

And the gnarled fir trees stood at the gate

Gnarled wolves walked there without a care.

(Show pic.)

And they had one crooked cat

And she meowed. Sitting by the window. (Show picture.)


How many animals did he meet on the road? (five)

That's right, what figure represents this number? (children show the number 5). How many mice? Volkov?

Educator: Well done guys, you did a good job with the second task. Shall we listen to the third task?"

They lost their way and got lost in the forest here.

Help them find their home.


There are 5 houses on the flannelgraph with holes instead of windows into which cards with numbers are inserted.

Guys, I know this story, if you want, I’ll tell you.

Once upon a time there were numbers. One day they all got together and decided to live together on the same street. Each of them settled into their own house (the teacher puts the numbers in order in the windows) then everyone went out for a walk in the forest and got lost. (The numbers are taken out and placed in disorder.)

We guys need to help each number find its own home (work individually at the board).

Educator: Guys, we successfully completed all the tasks. Somehow Baba Yaga is in no hurry to let our Lyubov Petrovna go. Oh, look at the note. LISTEN TO THE CASSETTE NEXT, shall we listen?

Well, you guys are great, I didn’t expect it

Moreover, you are brave, three tasks are not enough for you.

Since Grandma I Yaga is evil and insidious,

Here are two more tasks for you. They lie under the stump.

First task:

This is a spatial orientation task.

There are album sheets and colored pencils on the tables. The teacher names the tasks, and the children complete them on the sheets:

draw a red circle in the upper right corner

draw a blue circle in the lower left corner

draw a yellow circle in the upper left corner

in the middle (center) draw a green circle

Draw a brown circle in the lower right corner.

(In the center of the sheet we draw a face “My mood”)

Second task:

Now you need to close your eyes. Listen carefully, how many hits on the metallophone you will hear - show this number.

(Listen carefully and show the necessary numbers)

The happy nanny comes out and thanks everyone and treats all the children with candy. Everyone happy and satisfied goes to the group.

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