Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Petrovo-Dalneye. Petrovo-Dalnee. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary It is very difficult to get inside the house

The first mention of the Assumption Church is found in the chronicle of 1655. A few years earlier, local prince Ivan Semenovich Prozorovsky, on the eve of a difficult battle with the Poles, prayed all night in front of the Tikhvin icon Mother of God and the next day he won the battle. After this event, in the village of Durnevo, the prince ordered the erection of a wooden church in honor of the Tikhvin Mother of God with two chapels - the Apostles Peter and Paul and Nicholas the Wonderworker. At the same time, the prince turned to the tsar with a request to rename the village, calling it in honor of his patron Peter - Petrovsky.

After 30 years, the wooden temple fell into disrepair, and a beautiful stone church was built in its place. It was consecrated on May 15, 1688, which was written on a cast-iron board mounted on the wall of the temple near the main entrance: “This Temple of the Assumption Holy Mother of God built with the diligence of Boyar Prince Peter Ivanovich Prozorovsky and his daughter Princess Anastasia Petrovna Golitsyna, began with the laying of the 18th day of May 1684 and consecrated on the 15th of May 1688 by Patriarch Joachim in the presence of the Sovereign Tsar Ivan Alekseevich and the Empress Tsarina Praskovya Feodorovna, Princess Sophia Alekseevna and her sisters" .

Over the 250 years that this stone church stood in Petrovskoye, it was visited by several Russian tsars: Peter I, his daughter Elizaveta Petrovna, and later Alexander II and Alexander III with his wife Maria Fedorovna and heir Nicholas.

The fate of the temple is closely connected with the Petrovskoye estate, which in the 18th - 19th centuries, thanks to Prince F.N. Golitsyn, it became one of the cultural centers of the Moscow region. Even after the revolution of 1917, the estate was not destroyed, like most other “noble nests”, but was turned into, first, a temporary colony for street children, then a branch of the Moscow Institute of Infectious Diseases named after I.I. Mechnikov, and later - a boarding house of the USSR Ministry of Health. For some time, in the 20s, the “Museum of Noble Life” was located there.

But the temple could not stand. It all started with the fact that in 1938, the last rector, priest Pyotr Golubev, was arrested and charged: “It is sufficiently exposed that he systematically carries out malicious anti-Soviet agitation among the surrounding population, expresses regret about the enemies of the people.” The priest was shot at the Butovo training ground near Moscow. In 1939, the temple was destroyed to the ground.

All events related to our activities are the work of the parishioners,” says the rector of the church, Father Anthony, “residents of the village. Petrovo-Dalneye and adjacent villages. Now we are working to restore the stone temple. Every effort was made to develop this project so that the result would be a recreation of the lost shrine. The constructed temple will not be visually different from the old one, with the exception of the color of the roof, the shape of the crosses and, perhaps, some other small details. The interior arrangement will be completely different - the way our construction board of trustees wants to see it, and the way the Diocesan Department for the Construction and Restoration of Churches can approve it.

There is a Sunday school at the temple, and ministers also conduct regular holiday events for children and parents.

For example, an Easter children's holiday on the territory of the Assumption Church was held on May 1, two weeks after Easter, when warm sunny weather set in. Then about a hundred children of different ages gathered with their parents. The holiday began with an Easter prayer service for children, after which Father Anthony talked with the children about the resurrection of Christ.

Then everyone moved to the park area of ​​the temple, where Sunday school teachers, together with active parents, organized games and competitions for the children. Children rolled eggs down a slide, did archery, went through obstacle courses, put together puzzles of varying difficulty and completed various tasks blindfolded.

The youngest participants caught fish and collected balls. And adults could shoot with an air rifle in an organized shooting range for adults and ride a horse. And after the games, everyone went for lunch - to treat themselves to soup and pilaf, cooked in large 40-liter cauldrons over a fire.

The temple is open daily from 9:00 to 12:00, and also during additional services, which are held according to the schedule on the website

How to get there by public transport?

From the Tushino metro station (the first car from the center, go right) by Bus No. 549 (route Tushino - 62nd Hospital) to the Club stop (travel time approximately 40-50 minutes). Or by minibus: boarding when exiting the metro on the same side as the bus. (Minibus taxi schedule No. 549). Travel time is approximately 30 minutes. The distance is 30 km. When getting off at the "Club" stop, look to the left; 70 meters away we see an ancient gate (entrance to the temple territory).

How to get there by car?

We follow the Novorizhskoe highway to the sign “Nakhabino” (approximately 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road), turn right and take the first left under the bridge. Further straight ahead to the T-shaped intersection with the sign “62nd hospital; Petrovo-Dalnee” we turn left. Further along the main road we reach a T-shaped intersection and see in front of us an ancient gate (entrance to the temple territory).

Along the Ilinskoe highway to the sign “Rublevskoe highway; Petrovo-Dalnee” (approximately 8 km from the intersection with the Novorizhskoe highway), turn right and further along the main road. We pass the sign "Petrovo-Dalnee village" and look at the intersection (from the sign "Petrovo-Dalnee village" to the intersection approximately 2.5 km) on the left side there is an ancient gate (entrance to the temple territory).

rebirth> Assumption Church. Petrovo-Dalneye village

Story. The Petrovo-Dalneye estate, located at the confluence of the Istra River and the Moscow River, belonged at the beginning of the 18th century. Golitsyn. The ensemble of the estate, part of which has survived to this day, was created under F. N. Golitsyn in early XIX V.

In 1665, a wooden church was erected in the village in honor of the prominent statesman Ivan Semenovich Prozorovsky, who owned the village at that time. After the martyrdom of the prince, Petrovskoe was inherited by his sons - Peter and Boris Jr. In 1688, Peter Ivanovich built in the village, instead of a dilapidated wooden one, a stone church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The temple was consecrated by Patriarch Joachim in the presence of royal family. The temple represented one of the early examples of the “Naryshkin” baroque, and had two chapels: in the name of St. App. Peter and Paul and in the name of St. Nicholas. The beauty of the Assumption Church lay not in its architectural appearance, but in the interior decoration, which was an exemplary work of ancient Russian art XVII V.

The five-tier iconostasis had eight gilded balls at the base, with gilded columns inserted into them, of excellent carving. The iconostasis contains 86 icons from the 17th-18th centuries. In the temple there was a copy of the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. But the most revered shrines in the church were two ancient crosses: the altar cross, seven-pointed, made of gilded silver with diamonds and precious stones; the second is small, eight-pointed, with particles of the relics of saints, whose names were carved in the middle of the cross. After 1917, a temporary colony for street children was set up in the estate; in 1920 - a museum of noble life was opened. In the 1930s The estate was occupied by a branch of the Moscow Institute of Infectious Diseases named after. I.I. Mechnikov, later a boarding house was located here.

In 1938, the Assumption Church was blown up, rector Peter Golubev was shot (now he is glorified as a martyr). Currently, the place where the church previously stood has been transferred to the Orthodox community. Divine services are held in a large wooden chapel. The descendants of the former owners of the Golitsyn estate are working on a project to restore the Assumption Church to its original form. It is also known that in the western part of the destroyed church there were tombstones for princes Fyodor Nikolaevich and Ivan Fedorovich Golitsyn, made of red marble.

A temple in honor of St. is assigned to the Assumption Church. blgv. book Daniil of Moscow, located in the village. Nakhabino.

Address: 143421, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, pos. Mechnikovo, 13.

Directions: from Moscow along Volokolamsk, Ilinskoe highway to Petrovo-Dalneye (27 km).

The church was built in 2002 according to the design of the architect L.A. Tkachenko. a team of carpenters led by Mikhail Semenov.
Priest Father Sergius Popov.

Since ancient times, the village of Petrovskoye has stood at the confluence of the Istra River and the Moscow River. In 1665, a wooden church was erected here in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Petrovsky at that time was owned by a major statesman Ivan Semenovich Prozorovsky. After the martyrdom of Prince Petrovskoe, his sons Peter and Boris Jr. inherited. In 1688, Peter Ivanovich built in the village, instead of a dilapidated wooden one, a stone church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The temple was consecrated by Patriarch Joachim “in the presence of the Sovereign Tsar Ivan Alekseevich and the Empress Tsarina Praskovya Fedorovna, Princess Sofia Alekseevna and her sisters.” The temple represented one of the early examples of “Naryshkin baroque”; it had two chapels: in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In 1714, Emperor Peter I came to the estate. After 1917, a temporary colony for street children was set up in the estate, and in 1920 a museum of noble life was opened. In the early 1930s. The estate was occupied by a branch of the Moscow Institute of Infectious Diseases named after I.I. Mechnikov, and later by a boarding house of the USSR Ministry of Health.

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