Essay on the topic portrait of a teacher. Essay on the topic “Portrait of a modern teacher. List of used literature

It’s very difficult for me to say anything about myself because sometimes I don’t understand myself about something. Your actions and deeds. When I remember how I started communicating with a person or how I behave in a given situation, I don’t recognize myself as a couple.
They tell me that I am too old for my age and that I don’t look 12 (that’s what my friends and acquaintances say). On the one hand, I'm pleased. With the other one I still want to be a little girl. But, unfortunately, this age has passed.
What is an adult in my opinion? Responsible, not doing stupid things. Some people think that it is impossible to be an adult until you stop fooling around and laughing a lot. I completely disagree. I will find hundreds of reasons, but I will never agree with this On the contrary, if a person can control himself, his actions and emotions, he is old enough.
Now I am trying to overcome such a feeling as sensitivity. It really bothers me. Sometimes I am too sensitive to what people say about me. But here the feeling that I will cultivate in myself should wake up - indifference. I cannot say that indifference is a positive quality, but I also cannot say that it is negative. I recently became convinced of this myself. I was told that I was strange and different (in a bad way). I heard these words from someone close to me. I cried for a very long time. Yes, I was crying. But at one point I told myself that I don’t care about who says and thinks about me. I will achieve everything I want. I am who I am. And it’s already difficult to change me. Because (as I believe) my character is half built."
I was also asked a question: “What qualities irritate you in people?”
The quality-hypocrisy irritates me. To be honest, notes of this quality play within me too. This is definitely negative.
There are times when I don’t understand something and ask someone (most likely my classmate) what I don’t understand. But in response I hear phrases like - “Well, you’re stupid!” Oh yes. In this situation, in my opinion, I’m not the dumb one here. Because an intelligent person would not answer that, but be patient and explain again.
By the way, about smart people, I think my classmate Asya is a very smart and good girl for her age. She surprises me. She is a person worth looking up to (maybe I misunderstand the meaning of this word, but in my opinion it means something like, strive to become the same)
Lately, thoughts have been popping into my head. Unusual. This did not happen. On topics-
“What kind of feelings are these - fear, affection, passion and the most popular - love?” Oh yeah..
There is still not much to say about character qualities. Recently my classmate said that she is fatter than me. Hahaha! I was sincerely funny and disgusted to hear this. Because it is obvious that this is far from the case. Well, why say this?! For what? For what purpose? What did the person mean by this? So that I feel sorry for her or what? Well, I don’t understand. What is this quality of character?
There is also another question...I recently told my friend about great news; I had been waiting for this event for 2.5-3 weeks. I told her about this, choking on “emotions.” To which she replied, “Come on!” And she began to tell how her weekend went.
I probably had an extreme degree of indignation and indignation. (Again, if I understand the meaning of this word correctly.) What is this quality called?
I don’t know if my Psychological Portrait will be clear now.” But I said everything that I consider quite important for the concept of my character.

Municipal educational institution
Average comprehensive school №14
"Portrait of a modern teacher"

Tver, 2016
“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches you to find it”
A. Diesterweg A school is only as good as the teachers who work there. The teacher is the very soul of the educational process.
What kind of ideal teacher is he today? A modern teacher... What should he be like, what qualities should he have in order to teach children in a modern school?
“A modern teacher must be modern” - both teachers and students agree with this opinion. But what does it mean to be modern? It is no secret that time does not stand still, the volume and quality of information, the content of school programs, textbooks, and teaching materials are rapidly changing. The use of computer technology is becoming common in the activities of a modern teacher. Of course, a computer will help you get information, a book will give you food for thought, but only a teacher can teach and educate. IN Lately There is a lot of talk about reforming education, modernizing schools, introducing new training standards and modern equipment. But we must not forget about the role of the teacher in the learning process. His influence on the younger generation is very important. Children often communicate with him more than with their parents, who devote a lot of time to work. The job of a modern teacher is to fill the student’s world with moral colors, to believe in the good and see the best in students, which is not there yet, but will certainly appear later.
The main task of a modern teacher is to teach learning, to make sure that students are able and want to independently acquire knowledge. And, of course, there should be an assistant teacher, a partner teacher and a collaborator next to them. Modern life makes new demands on people. Society needs people who are inquisitive, active, creative, able to make non-standard decisions and take responsibility for their adoption, and able to make life choices. Teacher. What is the basis of his profession? Subject knowledge? Undoubtedly. Oratory? Certainly. Love for children, the ability to understand and feel how a student learns and what he experiences? Well, who will argue. And he must always remain young in his work - keep up with the times, not stop there, always be in search. A modern teacher must be a professional in everything.
The main goal of the work of a modern teacher is to educate a real person: competent, creative, diligent and responsive.
A huge number of parables about teachers exist today. But this one is close to my heart. It says the following.
“Once the students asked the Teacher: what is the most important thing in his profession? And the Teacher told them that he would answer this question later. He invited his students to go to a high mountain. Before setting off, the Teacher fed them salty food. Arriving at the mountain, the disciples complained that they were very thirsty. Then the teacher sent them to look for the spring. But the students came back without finding anything. The teacher explained to them in detail the path to the water. The disciples drank themselves and brought water to the Teacher. But he took out a full vessel of water from his knapsack and said: “This is my main task. First I made you thirsty, then I showed you the right path to it, directed you in the right direction, then showed you that what you want can be very close, you just need to want it and take care of it.”
The parable shows that only a wise teacher can teach children to think, feel and act independently, plan their future, evaluate their activities, take responsibility and participate in decision-making.
Undoubtedly, the teacher brings knowledge to children. The ability and willingness to constantly learn is the quality that most reflects the specifics of this profession. The skills of self-organization and self-control are qualities that a teacher of the 21st century cannot do without.
I was so interested in this topic of the essay that I decided to ask the children a question: “How do they imagine a modern teacher?” The question was asked to the children of different ages. You know, the answers were not clear-cut. The opinions of middle and senior students differed somewhat...Senior students responded that “a modern teacher must keep up with the times, must be erudite,” “must make people interested in their subject,” “respect the opinion of every student, understand the teenager and hear his soul.” , “must be ready to help and support in difficult times,” “must have modern views,” “fashionably and modernly dressed.” And students in grades 7 and 8 want to see a modern teacher who is “kind and responsive,” “caring,” “loving children,” “sociable and cheerful,” “so that he doesn’t yell at children.”
It is interesting to note that in both age groups Students paid great attention to such qualities as:
kindness and understanding
the ability to endure, restrain, not get irritated
organization, activity, energy
informal, friendly relations with students, warm, human communication
the ability to attract interest in your subject
A survey of students showed that among the positive qualities of teachers they noted the following: kindness, fairness, understanding, humor, intelligence, sincerity, rigor, sociability. TO negative qualities attributed: injustice, illiteracy, rudeness. All this suggests that children give greater preference to the human rather than the professional qualities of the teacher.
Teachers consider the most important, first of all, professional qualities:
knowledge of the subject
ability to clearly explain material
mastery of various teaching techniques
a reasonable combination of exactingness and respect for students
clear management of the educational process and extracurricular activities of children
ability to interest one's subject
student success
desire for innovations in teaching
The teacher, when discussing the problem of “what kind of teacher does the school need,” noted that, first of all, the school needs a professional teacher. Only such a teacher can teach children to think, feel and act independently; plan your future, evaluate your activities, take responsibility and participate in decision making.
But no matter how professionally trained a teacher is, he is obliged to constantly improve his personal qualities, which largely contribute to success in his work. I believe that a modern teacher should have such personal qualities as: responsibility, hard work, truthfulness, integrity, nobility, kindness. And students want to see in him kindness, justice, understanding, humor, intelligence, sincerity, rigor, and sociability. Children are extremely unpleasant about such qualities as injustice, illiteracy, and rudeness. All this suggests that children give greater preference to the human rather than the professional qualities of the teacher.
A good teacher should be a model of good manners and culture of behavior. A teacher is a calling, teaching is a service, not a job. A professional teacher does not go to work, does not serve class hours, but lives together with the children, experiences everything that happens every day, bringing together painstaking invisible creativity in preparing for lessons, and extracurricular work on the subject, and all the diverse activities in cooperation with students. At the same time, he shows a desire to work creatively. The creative activity of the teacher, which involves the development of the child, is built on anticipation, on constant creative search in all types of interaction with students.
A real teacher is interested in the process. He is not concerned with intermediate results. He is interested in the child’s changes, and the teacher is surprised and happy about these changes. A child trusts only if he feels the teacher’s interest. I always wanted to trust children, to help them find the right path, and even if a student made a mistake or deceived him, the main thing is to support him, guide him and show that many people make mistakes - the main thing is to correct them in time. I think that a modern teacher should not only teach children his subject, but also cultivate in them the qualities of a person, a person with a capital “H.” What else should a good teacher know and be able to do? Of course, he must know child psychology, understand the child’s soul and be able to ask himself questions: “Am I always right?” If a teacher is indifferent to the child’s inner world, to his experiences, he has no place in school, even if he knows his subject perfectly. We must leave negativity outside the school threshold, and bring and sow to children what is good, reasonable, eternal, no matter how hard it is in the soul. Folk wisdom says: “As it comes around, so it will respond.” What will respond to us in the near future depends on us.
The teacher must be kind, sensitive, erudite, intelligent, handsome, and a good psychologist. Moreover, in the information age, when there are cell phones, computers, the Internet, and the vast majority of students do not have to worry about possessing this information, even higher demands are placed on the level of education of the teacher. Already in our time, especially in the future, the main task of the teacher is not just to teach, but to teach how to learn, that is, to show the most convenient way to obtain information, analyze it and use it competently. The ideal image of the teacher of the future for a modern student is being formed today. Today's schoolchildren are future parents who will shape the next generation's idea of ​​a teacher.
Every day I open the classroom door, and the gaze of my students turns to me, their bright, clear eyes - curious, kind, appreciating my every step. They expect a lot from me. And I give them the happiness of discovery and communication, because I am a teacher who helps children in everything. Together with them, I make discoveries, the first steps not only into the world of knowledge, but also into the real world, into my world, into my life. The teacher must help the children unite, create a friendly atmosphere and a united team in the class. Teach how to act correctly in various situations, not be afraid of difficulties, and be able to overcome them. The teacher must become a friend, comrade, and assistant for the student.
I believe that a modern teacher should have such personal qualities as: responsibility, nobility, kindness, truthfulness, conscientiousness, hard work, accuracy, curiosity, resourcefulness, intelligence, restraint, organization, determination, self-demandingness, politeness, tact, imagination and invention , sensitivity, self-criticism, tolerance. A modern teacher is a person who is trusted, from whom they expect, albeit small, a miracle in every lesson, and when, leaving the class, the children say: “We were very interested and comfortable with you. Thank you for the lesson!" - and this is the most important wealth.
I believe that a modern teacher is a person with a strong life position, socially active himself, respecting order, able to conduct a constructive dialogue, constantly working to improve his horizons, forming a scientific type of thinking in his students, developing the creative personal qualities of children, attaching special importance to the formation of basic skills, UUD, providing the opportunity to plan one’s actions aimed at achieving a certain result, the formation of skills healthy image life and social health. This is a teacher who focuses on the adoption of social values ​​“I can, I want, I must”, nurturing the leadership qualities of a person-creator, a person-researcher, a person-citizen.
A modern teacher must have pleasant demeanor, and this includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, and communication skills, which wins people over. All manners of a teacher should have one common feature - adherence to pedagogical tact, which includes increased sensitivity to others and the ability to find a form of communication with another person that would allow him to maintain personal dignity. The teacher must be able to listen, understand, sympathize, encourage, and forgive the student.
Personal qualities in the teaching profession are inseparable from professional ones. Drawing a portrait of a modern teacher, I believe that
first of all, he must love children. Without dividing them into noisy and quiet, obedient and capricious, diligent and not so diligent. For the simple reason that they are children.
A teacher is a calling, teaching is a service, not a job.
A teacher is a candle that shines for others while burning itself out.
Giovanni Ruffini Four candles burned calmly and slowly melted... It was so quiet that you could hear them talking.
The first one said:
-I am calm. Unfortunately, people don't know how to save me. I think I have no choice but to go out!
And the light of this candle went out.
The second one said:
-I am faith, unfortunately, no one needs me. People don't want to hear anything about me, so there's no point in me burning anymore.
A light breeze blew and extinguished the candle.
Saddened, the third candle said:
-I am love, I have no more strength to burn. People don't appreciate me or understand me. They hate those who love them most - their loved ones.
And this candle went out...
Suddenly... a child entered the room and saw three extinguished candles. Frightened, he shouted:
- What are you doing?! You must burn - I'm afraid of the dark! Having said this, he began to cry. Then the fourth candle said:
-Don't be afraid and don't cry! While I am burning, you can always light the other three candles: I am hope.
When you read these lines, you immediately imagine a teacher in the place of the fourth candle. It is the teacher who lights the fire of desire in the hearts of children to understand this world, to want to change it, to make themselves and those around them better.
My teachers became the candle that lit my heart. I myself am a student at my school, the one where I currently work. After all, it was only thanks to the human qualities of my teachers that I wanted to return to my school. My home school. Where I was loved, where I felt support and mutual understanding. Where I always felt good. I had and still have someone to learn from. Many thanks to my teachers.
Since childhood, I have seen how they are loved and respected by students, parents, and work colleagues. The teachers revealed to me that friendly participation, lively, confidential communication with children is perhaps one of the main conditions for success and satisfaction from one’s work. A teacher should not “work with children,” but live with them, share joys and sorrows, ups and downs, without allowing falsehood in relationships. So it was with me. I always liked spending time at school and helping teachers. I was drawn like a magnet. And at one fine moment, without even realizing it, I returned back to school. But no longer a graduate, but a teacher of the same school that was dear to me. I was not mistaken in choosing a profession. School is a special world. Here every day is different from the previous one. Life at school is in full swing; you constantly have to rush, rush to give your energy, knowledge, and skills to your students.
I love my profession very much and I am glad that fate gave me the opportunity to be called this not simple, but wonderful word “Teacher”.
A teacher is a delicate job
He is a sculptor, he is an artist, he is a creator
Shouldn't make one iota of mistakes
After all, man is the crown of labor.
It's hard to love work these days.
And such work will captivate few,
But it’s simply impossible to refuse
From the path chosen by fate for us.
And our work, without a doubt
Believe me, the name will not change.
And this is, perhaps, the main hobby,
All because it is our calling.









2014 – 2015 academic year

As a child, in our fantasies, I think each of us drew a portrait ideal teacher. Before us we saw a kind, understanding person. We wanted the teacher to love us, respect us, and appreciate our slightest success. This is just part of what children dream about when they first cross the threshold of school.

Many enthusiastic, kind, demanding and self-critical words have been said about the teacher in simple and outstanding people. I, in turn, tried to understand the essence of this concept through understanding the essence of the letters included in it. So, U - aspiration, H - man, I - truth, T - creation, E - unity, L - love, - L. As a result, it turns out that the Teacher is a Person striving for the Truth, Creating Unity and Love.

A teacher is a calling, teaching is a service, not a job. Moreover, in my opinion, a teacher is not a profession, it is a way of life.

Today I myself am a Teacher! And, oddly enough, modern children dream of the same thing that we dreamed of, drawing for ourselves the image of a teacher... Love, kindness, sincerity - this is what a modern student needs from a modern teacher.

One French writer said: “Someone is always watching you: God, Mom, Teacher...”. It is teachers who open the world to children, give the truth and accept children's first discoveries. It is the teacher who should be a role model, the standard of all that is right and wise.

A modern teacher, in my opinion, is a professional who is forced to know about a lot of areas directly related to his subject, have an idea about other subjects, and possess a set of qualities that contribute to the successful transfer of knowledge. This is a citizen who, at every lesson, cultivates in his children kindness, mercy, honesty, decency, love for the Motherland - qualities that constitute the enduring value of human culture in all centuries. When necessary, he is an artist, an artist; when needed, he is a writer, a singer. At the same time, he is always a student. No wonder it's Russian folk proverb says: “Teach others, and you yourself will understand.” A modern teacher is one who always learns to be creative and creates: himself as a person, a lesson, a student...

And yet, the main goal of our teaching activity is to prepare students for a worthy entry into life, which actually exists, is complex and contradictory. Therefore, a modern teacher needs to make a lot of effort to make the child’s life at school interesting, joyful, successful; it is necessary to understand the problems and see the merits of each student, skillfully combine a kind attitude and exactingness in communication and work.

Pedagogical activity is like a mosaic, where an image is made up of pieces that must be selected according to color, shape, size. The work is painstaking and time-consuming. The particles don't always match. Sometimes you have to re-arrange and reconsider everything.

A teacher is only a teacher when he feels that his accumulated experience and knowledge allow him to lead his students. He has a huge responsibility for every touch with a word, thought, gesture to the mind, soul of the child. A child needs a teacher, not a puppet informant, but an ally, a friend, capable of selflessly giving knowledge, kindness, love...

Through my work, I try to ensure that the most important, basic features of the relationships between my students are cordiality, tact, and respect for each other’s thoughts, desires, and feelings. And as I work, I try to develop my own formula for success, which is the sum of the following components so necessary for a modern teacher:

Love for your business + inspiration + competence + foresight.

But the main thing is recognition when you see a reflection of what you wanted to get as a result of the work done, in the eyes of students, parents, colleagues, and others. And when, when the bell rings, my students do not jump up from their seats, but speak with regret about the end of the lesson, I understand that it is not for nothing that I come to school and that I have chosen my profession correctly.

We have many good teachers who deserve the highest praise. Everything begins with the teacher, with the school. He is the beginning of all beginnings. Indeed, there is no more important figure in our society than the teacher. It is he who, sparing no effort, can develop unknown talents in his young friends, develop a desire to understand the world around him, and a desire to work for the good of the Fatherland. And how can we not remember the words that “if a teacher has only love for his work, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.” Thus, a modern teacher is a person who is dedicated to his work, loves his students, works on himself, is tactful, knows how to find the key to a child’s heart, and uses the latest achievements of science and technology. And today the words of the Italian writer of the 19th century are not outdated: “A teacher is a candle that shines for others, burning itself out.”

"Portrait of a modern teacher"

Senior counselor

Tarabykina E.S.

I will not talk about what a modern teacher should be like in general, but, referring to the fact that I myself work in a school, I will reflect on this category of people. I myself was a child and in my fantasies I painted a portrait of an ideal teacher. What was he like? In front of me I saw a kind, understanding person who could always come to the rescue at any moment, who would be an adviser and mentor... I wanted the teacher to love me, respect me, and appreciate my slightest success. This is just part of what I dreamed about while walking the long road to school.

As you know, at any stage of education, children need a mentor, who is given by God to predict how his word will respond in the trembling heart of the child, who expects understanding, care, and support from him.

Modern life makes new demands on people. Society needs people who are inquisitive, active, creative, able to make non-standard decisions and take responsibility for their adoption, and able to make life choices.
Teacher. What is the basis of his profession? Subject knowledge? Undoubtedly. Oratory? Certainly. Love for children, the ability to understand and feel how a student learns and what he experiences? Well, who will argue. And he must always remain young in his work - keep up with the times, not stop there, always be in search. A modern teacher must be a professional in everything.

The main goal of a modern teacher is to educate a real person: competent, creative, diligent and responsive.

Not only visual attractiveness, but also verbal behavior forms the image of a teacher. The perception and understanding of his speech by students is associated with the listening process, which accounts for approximately 25-50% of the teaching time, therefore, fluency in speech today is the most important professional component of a teacher’s image.

There are rules for a teacher’s speech culture: speak quietly, but so that everyone can hear him, clearly, so that the listening process does not cause significant stress; speaking speed is about 120 words per minute. Remember: you are not only heard, but also seen, so do not forget about non-verbal behavior (facial expressions, gestures, postures, gaze, gait, posture).

An attentive look, a friendly smile, and friendly gestures have a prepossessing effect. It is important to remember that explanatory gestures contribute to better assimilation of information. Every profession has its “don’ts.” They also exist in the teaching profession: a teacher should not be gray.

As S.L. accurately noted. Soloveitchik: “Ordinary teacher is not a very legal combination of words: a teacher cannot be an ordinary teacher, otherwise he is not a teacher... The applicant pedagogical institute essentially takes on the responsibility to become an ideal person, at least for future students.”

A teacher is not only a profession, it is a life credo. Whether we will be such teachers depends only on us.

Essay on the topic of:

"Portrait of a modern teacher"

For 23 years now I have been a teacher and not just a teacher, but the first teacher.Since childhood, I firmly knew that I would be a teacher and only a primary school teacher. Why did I choose this profession? The choice is not accidental.

My mother dedicated her entire life to this noble cause. I liked watching how she wrote plans, prepared for the lesson, how dad helped her design stands and tables. And if she took me to school, to her class, it was happiness: to watch how she interacted with children, with colleagues, to see how loved and respected she was. I also wanted to be as attentive to children.

Children are a special, extraordinary world - an unpredictable flurry of emotions, feelings, moods! Their souls are open, they are ready to absorb both good and bad. To be a teacher, you must first of all love children, enjoy them and with them, sympathize, empathize with their hardships and joys. In my opinion, the teaching profession is always diverse; it reveals itself in a new way every day, revealing more and more new colors. You try to lead the little man both into new knowledge and into life, you teach him not only to read and write, but you share with him your experience, your knowledge, skills, and abilities, you try to teach him to be better, kinder.

Teacher – one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the younger generation and shaping the future of the country.

Today the demands placed on teachers are very high. professional requirements: universal education, erudition, awareness, progressiveness, ability to teach interesting lessons, give interesting tasks.

It is not enough for a modern teacher to know his subject well; he must have an excellent understanding of pedagogy and child psychology. There are many specialists in different fields, but not everyone can become good teachers. It is not a fact that a great professional or scientist will be able to teach children, especially at school. This requires a special personality, unique qualities of the teacher.

So what should a modern teacher be like? A teacher must have a number of relevant qualities, such as kindness, nobility, cheerfulness, poise, tolerance, justice, responsibility, truthfulness, conscientiousness, hard work, accuracy, curiosity, resourcefulness, quick wit, endurance, organization, determination, self-exactingness, politeness, tactfulness, sensitivity, self-criticism.

The worst thing about the teaching profession is the lack of a true calling and indifference to children. But you won’t be able to deceive a child. He will respond to the teacher’s indifference with indifference to his subject, to the falsehood in his words - with his deception, to inattention - with restlessness and poor performance... A teacher in any situation must be honest with his students, be able to find relationships with them mutual language, understand children's problems and, where possible, solve them. He must love each of his students equally, without giving preference to anyone...

In addition, every teacher must constantly engage in self-education: read specialized literature, take part in various competitions. However, a teacher’s education does not end there - every few years he is required to undergo retraining at special universities (advanced training), since science is constantly moving forward and the teacher must teach children using not only old practices, but also the latest techniques.

A modern teacher should be a model of good manners and culture of behavior. Rudeness, shouting, and insults are unacceptable at school. By his example, a teacher must infect children so that they adopt his best qualities and listen to literate speech filled with meaning. A modern teacher is kind and polite towards children and adults, restrained, responsive, caring, and sociable. Don't forget about appearance teachers. The proverb “you are greeted by your clothes, you are escorted by your mind” will be very useful here. A modern and tastefully dressed teacher first arouses visual interest in children, and only then becomes interesting in what he is talking about.

A modern teacher must be able to identify all the most best qualities, embedded in the soul of every child, to encourage children, not just to teach them a subject, but to prepare them for entering a new, mysterious, independent adult life.

Whether the school years will be memorable or whether they will pass by indifferently - largely, if not entirely, depends on the teacher.

A modern teacher is called upon to “sow what is reasonable, good, and eternal,” just like hundreds of years ago, since “the well-being of the entire people depends on proper education” (D. Locke).

A modern teacher is a person who is trusted, from whom they expect, albeit small, a miracle in every lesson, and when leaving the class, the children say: “We were very interested and comfortable with you. Thank you for the lesson!"

A modern teacher must always remain restless, be in creative search, and inspire students to achieve new and new heights. After all, it is the teacher who is entrusted with the most precious things - children, the future of the country, the future of the entire planet.

And may they remember every teacher who taught children something, no matter how small, throughout their lives with warmth, love and respect.

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