I saw all around me one boundless azure sea. Punctuation marks for isolated parts of a sentence. Separate definitions. Basic Concepts

Unified State Exam Russian language. Task 16

Option #1

1.Indicate the sentence(s) with a punctuation error.

1) I saw all around me one vast azure sky, all covered with small ripples of golden scales.

2) The fire that broke out was extinguished with two buckets of water.

3) The fog descending into the valley covered the travelers.

4) He decided to make peace with his old neighbor, to destroy traces of the quarrel, returning his property to him.

1) To the green meadow, calling, listening, I walk along the rustling leaves. And the cold month stands, without burning, like a green sickle in the blue.

2) In overcoming difficulties in life path, in solving the entire complex of tasks posed to the poet by the great era, Mayakovsky’s poetic feat lies.

Her heart was beating strongly, (1) without knowing why, (2) but the fear, (3) that accompanies our pranks, (4) is their main charm.

4. Indicate the number(s) in the place of which the comma(s) should be placed in a separate definition.

The slightest sound, (1) originating in the silence of the gorge, (2) immediately intensified, (3) multiplied, (4) reflected from the grumbling rocks.

This smell (1) mixing (2) with the salty sea winds (3) creates a special unique air (4) that has a healing effect on people.

Option No. 2

1) Kashtanka, scratching the door, leaned her chest against it, opened it and immediately felt a strange smell.

2) The friendship that arose under the shadow of five intersecting rings will grow stronger year by year.

3) My grandmother tells fairy tales quietly, mysteriously leaning towards my face, looking into my eyes with dilated pupils, as if pouring into my heart the strength that lifted me...

4) Here she [the grandmother] is quietly, lost in thought, swaying, looking around from under her arm, and her whole large body sways hesitantly, her legs carefully feel the road.

2. Place punctuation marks and explain graphically.

1) A book is a crystalline experience, tightly packed into pages, of our centuries-old experience, making the human race immortal on earth.

2) Suddenly, a falling leaf flew up in the wind, swayed, and the lantern began to blink.

3.Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) for a separate definition.

We certainly gained altitude, (1) and it seemed strange, (2) that a green valley, (3) cut by a stream, (4) suddenly found itself below us.

The highway, (1) gray near, (2) and deep blue in the distance, (3) continued for some time over the valley, (4) and then, (5) sharply climbing up, (6) began to go around the mountain.

5. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Long (1) slightly stooped (2), he walked slowly along the plank sidewalk and (3) moving his humpbacked predatory nose (4) cast sharp glances around him.

Option #3

1. Identify the sentence(s) with a punctuation error.

1) Having set a goal for myself, I don’t throw myself away, but devote myself entirely to it and, having achieved it, I move on, starting from it towards a new tempting goal.

2) The words of the traditional oath were heard over the stadium, obliging all participants in the competition to honestly fight for victory in the name of the honor of the homeland, the glory of sports.

3) It was spring, and the wonderful smell of acacias that had not yet blossomed floated.

4) If you happen to hear from your friends who have visited Kamchatka about potatoes boiled in a stream, or about a cup of tea scooped from the same stream, believe me, they are not exaggerating.

2. Place punctuation marks and explain graphically.

1) It is impossible to live in this world without delving into anyone’s affairs.

2) For you, who covered your homeland with your bodies, who looked into death without lowering your eyes, I am learning to write with truthful, passionate words.

3.Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) for a separate definition.

Thunder rumbled, (1) without ceasing, (2) lightning pierced the forest, (3) which would have been illuminated brighter, (4) than during the day, (5) if not for the streams of water, (6) pouring from the sky.

4.Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) for a separate definition.

If the desire comes from a pure source, (1) it still, (2) and not being completely successful, (3) not reaching the goal, (4) can bring great benefit.

5. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

For an hour and a half (1) deepened (2) in various observations (3), I did not pay attention to the crooked numbers (4) displayed on the miles.

Option No. 4

1. Identify the sentence(s) with a punctuation error.

1) The silence, undisturbed by either movement or sound, is especially striking.

2) Once sitting comfortably in the hut, I was surprised by an extraordinary sight that I had not yet seen.

3) I sat on a small island, in my hut, and, holding my breath, listened and watched.

4) A large flock of swans returning from the distant south to the north began to circle over the bay.

2. Place punctuation marks and explain graphically.

1) Personal happiness outside of society is impossible, just as the life of a plant pulled out of the ground and thrown into barren sand is impossible.

2) Striving for activities for the benefit of the fatherland, Turgenev encouraged his contemporaries to do so.

3.Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) for a separate definition.

On a hillock, (1) where the road tinned with rainwater led, (2) in the place of a forest, (3) among wet, (4) rotting chips and leaves, (5) among stumps and young growth, (6) bitter and fresh smelling, (7) the hut stood alone.

4.Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) for a separate definition.

I don’t need a friend, (1) who agrees with me in everything, (2) changes views with me, (3) nods his head, (4) - because a shadow does the same thing better.

5. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Leaving home two days ago (1) I saw (2) fields darkened by rain (3) country roads with washed out ruts (4) full of rain water.

Option #5

1. Identify the sentence(s) with a punctuation error.

1) Life passed without service broad interests and the tasks of society have no justification.

2) Among the great inventions of the past that finally distinguished the human race from a debased state, writing played the greatest role.

3) The older generation, handing over to the younger generation the country, the world and the eternal ideas of justice on earth, leaves her the only, most complete testament - a book.

4) Every time you pick up a book or magazine with a new story by Anatoly Aleksin, you experience a special feeling, rejoicing at the upcoming meeting with what is loved and dear.

2. Place punctuation marks and explain graphically.

1) I forgot about the gun and admired the unprecedented spectacle, which reminded me of Pushkin’s wondrous fairy tales.

2) Then, at some sign, rustling with their wings, splashing water, the swans suddenly began to rise and, having gathered in a flock, moved further to the north.

3.Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) for a separate definition.

In the smoke, (1) deafened by continuous shots, (2) making him flinch every time, (3) Tushin ran from one gun to another, (4) now aiming, (5) now counting the shells.

4.Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) for a separate definition.

The fog began to shimmer in waves in the hollows, (1) dew, (2) shining, (3) sparkled on the greenery, (4) transparent white clouds scattered across the blue vault.

5. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Having opened the window (1), I admired for a long time the dense spruce forest (2) rising immediately behind the river with mighty green bristles (3) and lining the mountains (4) blocking the road to the river.

Job source: Solution 4151. Unified State Exam 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.


In this task you need to put commas to highlight adverbial or participial phrases. We remember that the participial phrase is isolated in any case, the participial phrase is isolated only after the word being defined.

1. Let’s find participial and participial phrases in the sentence.

I saw all around me one boundless azure sea (1) all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, same azure sky - and across it (2) triumphantly (3) and as if laughing (4) the gentle sun rolled.

2. Let’s highlight the commas for the adverbial phrase:

(2) triumphant (3) and as if laughing (4)

The comma (3) is not needed because the conjunction “and” connects homogeneous participles that refer to the same word.

3. Let’s determine the place of the participial phrase in relation to the word being defined.

sea ​​(1-what?) all covered with small ripples of golden scales

The participial phrase comes after the word being defined; a comma is needed.

9th and 11th grades

We are preparing for the Unified State Exam in I.S. Turgenev

Read the text and complete the task for it.

1. O azure kingdom! O kingdom of azure, light, youth and happiness! I saw you... in a dream.

2. There were several of us on a beautiful dismantled boat.

3. The white sail rose like a swan’s chest under the frisky pennants.

4. I did not know who my comrades were; but I felt with all my being that they were just as young, cheerful and happy as I was!

5. Yes, I didn’t even notice them.

6. I saw all around me one boundless azure sea, all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, the same azure sky - and across it, triumphant and as if laughing, the gentle sun rolled.

7. And from time to time laughter rose between us, loud and joyful, like the laughter of the gods!

8. Otherwise, words and poems filled with wondrous beauty and inspired power would suddenly flow from someone’s lips...

9. It seemed that the very sky was sounding in response to them - and all around the sea trembled sympathetically...

10. And there again there was a blissful silence.

11. Our fast boat sailed slightly diving over the soft waves.

12. She did not move by the wind; it was ruled by our own playing hearts.

13. Where we wanted, she rushed there, obediently, as if alive.

14. We came across islands, magical, translucent islands with shimmers of precious stones, yachts and emeralds.

15. Delightful incense rushed from the rounded banks; some of these islands showered us with a shower of white roses and lilies of the valley; from others, rainbow-colored, long-winged birds suddenly rose up.

16. Birds circled above us, lilies of the valley and roses melted into the pearly foam that slid along the smooth sides of our boat.

17. Sweet, sweet sounds flew in with the flowers and the birds...

19. And everything around: the sky, the sea, the fluttering of the sail above, the murmur of the stream behind the stern - everything spoke of love, of blissful love!

20. And the one whom each of us loved - she was here... invisible and close.

21. Another moment - and then her eyes will shine, her smile will bloom...

22. Her hand will take your hand - and take you with her to an unfading paradise!

23. O azure kingdom! I saw you... in a dream.

(I.S. Turgenev)

1. Which headline option is the most Does it fully reflect the main idea of ​​the text?

2) Travel by boat.

3) Azure Kingdom.

4) Boat trip.

2. Define style and type speech.

1) Conversational style, reasoning;

2) art style, description;

3) artistic style, narration;

4) journalistic style, description.

3. What lexical meaning does the word have? kingdom in this text (sentence 1)?

1) The reign of some king, reign;

2) a state headed by a king;

3) one of the four highest spheres of the organic world;

4) one or another area of ​​reality, the focus of some phenomena or objects.

4. Which word contains all consonants? hard?

1) Kingdom; 2) noticed; 3) flew off; 4) murmur.

5. Which word has more sounds than letters?

1) Happiness; 2) breasts; 3) laughing; 4) diving.

6. How is the word formed? boundless?

1) Add-on;

2) suffixal;

3) prefix-suffixal;

4) without suffix.

7. From sentences 1–4, write down full adjectives formed from nouns suffixal way.

8. From sentences 5–8, write down the word that matches the pattern: .

9. From sentences 4–10, write down cognate words.

10. From sentences 14–15, write down complex words.

11. From sentences 6, 8 and 21, write down words with prefixes -z (-s).

12. From sentences 1–6, write down words with the spelling “ Dividing b ».

13. From sentences 10–13, write down the word with an unpronounceable consonant at the root.

14. Determine the number of morphemes in a word dismantled.

15. Write out words from sentences 7–10 with zero ending.

16. Match the columns:

17. From sentences 10–13, write down active present participle.

18. Match the columns:

19. Match the part of speech with grammatical features.

20. along in sentence 16.

21. Determine what part of speech the word is Where in sentence 13.

22. From sentence 11, write down word combinations with connections adjacency.

23. You write grammatical basis from sentence 2.

24. Please indicate the offer number complicated by a separate definition, expressed participial phrase(sentences 14–17).

25. Please indicate the offer number complicated by an isolated circumstance, expressed participial phrase (sentences 8–12).

26. Please indicate the offer number with a general word for homogeneous members sentences (sentences 1, 6, 14, 19).

27. Please enter your offer number with isolated, non-common homogeneous definitions, expressed adjectives (sentences 5–10).

28. Indicate the number of the sentence that corresponds to the characteristic: narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, common, complete, complicated by homogeneous subjects and a separate definition (sentences 7–10).

29. Please enter your number complex sentence, one of whose parts is one-part (propositions 20–23).

30. Among sentences 10–14, find one that connects with the previous one using pronouns. Write the number of this offer.

31. Find a sentence that matches the pattern:

[––– === ], [ ––– And––– === x, | | ].

(Sentences 14–17).

32. You write epithet from sentence 12.

33. What kind of visual medium? does not use Turgenev in two latest suggestions?

1) Metaphor;

2) rhetorical exclamation;

3) comparison;

4) epithet.


№ 1. 3); № 4. 1);

№ 2. 2); № 5. 4);

№ 3. 4); № 6. 3);

№ 7. azure, swan;

№ 8. rose;

№ 9. felt, sympathetically; laughing, laughter;

№ 10. translucent, precious, incense, long-winged;

№ 11. boundless, fulfilled, will blossom;

№ 12. happiness, breasts, ripples;

№ 13. hearts;

No. 14. 6 morphemes: once-u-br-a-nn-oh;

№ 15. rose, laughter, lips, answer;

No. 16. 1) b); 2) c); 3) a); 4) d); 5) e); 6) d); 7) d);

№ 17. playing;

No. 18. 1) c); 2) a); 3) d); 4) b);

No. 19. 1) d); 2) a); 3) c); 4) b);

No. 20. preposition;

No. 21. adverb;

№ 22. swam... diving; diving slightly;

№ 23. there were several people;

№ 32. playing;

No. 33. comparison.

Municipal educational institution "Bogorodskaya secondary school",
village Avsyunino,
Orekhovo-Zuevsky district

Oh, azure kingdom!
Oh, the kingdom of azure, light, youth and happiness! And in it – we ourselves!
I saw you... in a dream. ...on a beautiful, dismantled boat.
A white sail rose like a swan's chest under the frisky pennants.
...I saw all around one boundless azure sea,
everything is covered with small ripples of golden scales, as if there is a golden bottom,
and above your head the same boundless, the same azure sky -
and the gentle sun rolled along it, triumphant and as if laughing.
And from time to time, loud and joyful laughter rose between us,
like the laughter of gods and goddesses, and so sweet!
Otherwise, words, poems, would suddenly come out of someone’s mouth,
filled with wondrous beauty and inspired strength...
It seemed that the sky itself sounded in response to them -
and all around the sea trembled sympathetically...
And there again there was a blissful silence.
Our fast boat sailed, diving slightly over the soft waves,
She was not moved by the wind; it was ruled by our own hearts, playing.
Where we wanted, she rushed there, obediently, as if alive.
We came across islands, magical, translucent islands
with shimmers of precious stones, yachts and emeralds.
Delightful incense drifted from the rounded banks;
one of these islands showered us with a rain of white roses and lilies of the valley;
from others, iridescent long-winged birds suddenly rose up.
Birds circled above us
lilies of the valley and roses melted into pearl foam,
gliding along the smooth sides of our boat in a land of wonders.
Sweet, sweet sounds flew in with the flowers and the birds...
Women's voices seemed to be in them, like a whisper of tenderness: call...
And everything around: the sky, the sea, the flapping of the sail above, the seagulls in the distance,
the murmur of the stream behind the stern - everything spoke of love,
oh blissful love!
And the one that each of us loved - she was here...
invisible and close, beautiful and light.
Another moment - and then her eyes will shine,
her smile will bloom...
Her hand will take your hand -
and will take you with him to an unfading paradise, and your heart will be on fire again!
O azure kingdom!
I saw you... in a dream.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The Azure Kingdom (excerpt).
O azure kingdom! O kingdom of azure, light, youth and happiness! I saw you... in a dream.
There were several of us on a beautiful, dismantled boat. A white sail rose like a swan's chest under the frisky pennants.
... I saw all around me one boundless azure sea, all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, the same azure sky - and across it, triumphant and as if laughing, the gentle sun rolled.
And from time to time, loud and joyful laughter rose between us, like the laughter of the gods!
Otherwise, suddenly words and poems would fly from someone’s lips, filled with wondrous beauty and inspired power... It seemed as if the very sky was sounding in response to them - and all around the sea trembled sympathetically... And there again a blissful silence fell.
Our fast boat sailed gently through the soft waves. She was not moved by the wind; it was ruled by our own playing hearts. Where we wanted, she rushed there, obediently, as if alive.
We came across islands, magical, translucent islands with shimmers of precious stones, yachts and emeralds. Delightful incense drifted from the rounded banks; some of these islands showered us with a shower of white roses and lilies of the valley; from others, iridescent long-winged birds suddenly rose up.
Birds circled above us, lilies of the valley and roses melted into the pearly foam that slid along the smooth sides of our boat.
Together with flowers and birds, sweet, sweet sounds flew in... Women's voices seemed to be in them... And everything around: the sky, the sea, the fluttering of the sail in the heights, the murmur of the stream behind the stern - everything spoke of love, of blissful love!
And the one whom each of us loved - she was here... invisible and close. Another moment - and then her eyes will shine, her smile will bloom... Her hand will take your hand - and take you with her to an unfading paradise!
O azure kingdom! I saw you... in a dream.

O azure kingdom! O kingdom of azure, light, youth and happiness! I saw you... in a dream.

There were several of us on a beautiful, dismantled boat. A white sail rose like a swan's chest under the frisky pennants.

I did not know who my comrades were; but I felt with all my being that they were just as young, cheerful and happy as I was!

Yes, I didn’t even notice them. I saw all around me one boundless azure sea, all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, the same azure sky - and across it, triumphant and as if laughing, the gentle sun rolled.

And from time to time, loud and joyful laughter rose between us, like the laughter of the gods!

Otherwise, suddenly words and poems would fly from someone’s lips, filled with wondrous beauty and inspired power... It seemed as if the very sky was sounding in response to them - and all around the sea trembled sympathetically... And there again a blissful silence fell.

Our fast boat sailed gently through the soft waves. She was not moved by the wind; it was ruled by our own playing hearts. Where we wanted, she rushed there, obediently, as if alive.

We came across islands, magical, translucent islands with shimmers of precious stones, yachts and emeralds. Delightful incense drifted from the rounded banks; some of these islands showered us with a shower of white roses and lilies of the valley; from others, iridescent long-winged birds suddenly rose up.

Birds circled above us, lilies of the valley and roses melted into the pearly foam that slid along the smooth sides of our boat.

Together with flowers, with birds, sweet, sweet sounds flew in... Women's voices seemed to be in them... And everything around: the sky, the sea, the fluttering of the sail in the heights, the murmur of the stream behind the stern - everything spoke of love, of blissful love!

And the one whom each of us loved - she was here... invisible and close. Another moment - and then her eyes will shine, her smile will bloom... Her hand will take your hand - and take you with her to an unfading paradise!

O azure kingdom! I saw you... in a dream.

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