How to properly teach letters to a preschooler. How to learn the alphabet with your child? How to remember the alphabet easier

Hello, dear mothers! Reading and writing, so necessary for a modern person, are impossible without knowledge of letters, so each of us is looking for ways to teach a child the alphabet in the shortest possible time and with pleasure.

Today I will tell you more than 10 creative activities that will captivate both you and your children and make a difficult task much easier.

How to teach a child the alphabet: when to start and how to teach

Most children begin to remember about three or four of the 33 letters between the ages of 2 and 3, and can identify more than half between 4 and 5 years. This means you can start teaching your little one the alphabet when he's around 2 - but don't expect significant results in a short time.

Little kids, just like older children, will need cards with letters, books, cubes and other available tools to learn. Any visual materials, such as colorful alphabet books with pictures, will help your baby look at large letters frequently and try to recognize them, in addition to easily mastering colors, shapes, animals and other objects in the book.

Be sure to pay attention to the video course
"Snub noses learn to count and read “, he will help you master the most necessary skills with pleasure and in the shortest possible time.

The first step in learning the alphabet is reading fairy tales. At the age of two or three, children who often listen to fairy tales understand that books contain words that are made up of letters.

There are many effective ways to introduce individual sounds into learning. Label the drawings with the baby's name, and then show each sound in it one at a time. In the end, he will guess that each of them means his name.

This identification can be strengthened different ways: Write a name on the door of his room, show toys whose names contain familiar sounds.

Make words using pre-cut cards , cubes And magnets , let the child try to find the necessary letters among several scattered letters.

After you are able to separate and put words into syllables/sounds, play the game “What letter does the word begin with?”, offer a series of words and ask what sound is the first in them.

You can use the first letter of a name to come up with other words that start with the same letter. Ask what toys, fruits, furniture, dishes the baby knows. You can buy cards with a picture and a word and look for the right sound in the word together, or draw them together with your little one, it will be even more interesting.

10 interesting games that will help you quickly learn the alphabet

If the baby likes the activities, she happily points to the letters and asks about new ones, then encourage her and tell her more. But if the child does not show any interest, then it is better not to raise this issue for a while until the right moment comes.

There is no scientific evidence that early mastery of the alphabet promises greater success in later learning.

But if you are still worried that it’s high time to start studying, but you don’t want to insist, but strive to turn the learning process into a game, then try using the following methods:

  • Make your own alphabet

For the ABC book, you will need a notepad, or a stack of paper, cardboard and a hole punch. Design each page together, to do this, write the letters of the alphabet with paints or felt-tip pens, or find them in old magazines or albums and cut them out. Also cut out pictures from an old coloring book or magazine that have words that start with the desired sound, and paste them into your book.

  • Play the ABC game

It's simple and interesting way learn the alphabet - every time you go somewhere. Ask your little one to find the “A” on billboards or license plates or store names. Start with "A" and then look for "B", "C", etc. Once you have completed the entire alphabet row, you can start playing again.

  • Sing the alphabet song

Children love to sing, and what could be better than singing alphabet songs. Start your day with different melodies, and don't forget to play the alphabet song:

  • Create an "alphabet box"

This idea is very popular with kids of any age; it does not require a lot of time, but it helps them master sounds very well. Choose the order of study yourself; it was easiest for us to start with those included in our names.

Take a shoebox and tape it up beautiful pictures or wallpaper and colored paper, you can also put beads, buttons and various cereals on glue. Place the letter you are learning inside and, over the course of a week, add words or pictures cut out from newspapers and magazines, as well as small toys and objects found on the street. After a week, take out the collected valuables and choose another sound, and perform the same ritual with it.

  • Make an alphabet out of cookies

What toddler doesn't love cookies? Buy letter-shaped cookie cutters, make your own, or use icing to write a sound on each cookie. Ask your child to tell you which ones he has learned and wants to try.

  • Make an alphabet photo collage

Use a digital camera or a camera on your phone, or buy a special camera that prints instant photos. When you go outside, to a park, a zoo, or wherever, spend your time looking for words that start with “A” or “B,” depending on what you are learning.

Once you've taken the photos, have your little one glue them onto the collage. Have them write the letters for their photo collages on colored paper and stick the photos around them. Children love taking pictures and it's a lot of fun.

  • Simple alphabet games

There are very simple, but at the same time Interesting games for the youngest and older children. If your child is under 3 years old, choose an easy level - start with “A”. “A is in an orange,” “B is in a banana,” “K is in a cat,” and continue this with all the letters.

If your little one is older you can play a game with a theme. For example, make an alphabet game with fruits or animals. In this way, children learn to sort animals or fruits and also practice their alphabet.

  • Play lotto with letters

Make your own lotto cards from colored paper and write the alphabet on them. Name the letters and ask your child to find them and mark them.

Buy small, inexpensive prizes to give out when you win to make the game even more fun.

  • Draw letters of the alphabet with your fingers

Use whatman paper or sketchbooks and paints, as well as your pens and fingers to create interesting and fun pictures. Ask your little one to draw an uppercase and lowercase letter, let him draw with his favorite colors, and you can also draw objects with this sound nearby.

  • Play "Pig in a Poke"

Fill the bag with different objects that start with different sounds, for example, you could put a typewriter, a book, a pencil, etc. in it. Display all the items in the bag, then place all the pieces back.

Ask them to find objects by putting their hand into the bag, but without looking at them. Let's say you can wish for something that starts with "B". If the objects are not found very easily and quickly, make the task easier - ask them to find the object in the bag using the whole word, and not the letter, for example, ask them to find a pencil or a doll.

This game is not only suitable for learning sounds, but also helps you use your logical and tactile skills.

Girls, especially for you, in order to save your time, I have selected products that will help your child learn letters. Follow the links, read reviews from other mothers and choose the best for your child:

  • Set of plastic magnets “Russian alphabet” »;
  • Interactive educational poster "Masha's ABC" ;
  • Alphabet on magnets , The Smurfs;
  • Educational game " Letters and words »;
  • Set of dice with letters .

Remember that up to the age of 7, children learn new information most easily through play, so try to make any learning activities as exciting as possible.

Perhaps the title of this article will seem immodest to you, and the author - arrogant. You might think that the author used such a title to attract the attention of readers.

Yes it is. The purpose of this title is to draw your attention to the truly most effective way to the shortest possible time teach your child the letters of the Russian alphabet and teach him to pronounce these letters with sounds. You will see for yourself the simplicity and effectiveness of this method by reading this article and starting to teach your child letters with its help. After just five lessons, your child will know all 10 vowels well and will begin to memorize consonants, even if he did not know a single letter before. And, most importantly, he will learn letters during games and remember them firmly.

But first, a little digression. Before you start teaching your child letters, you must decide why he needs it. Some parents are proud that they were able to teach letters to a two-year-old or even one-and-a-half-year-old child. But you should only do this if you also start teaching your child to read. Any knowledge must immediately find its practical application. But teaching letters by itself, without simultaneously learning to read, makes no sense. There are many other, no less effective, ways to develop a child’s memory and stimulate the brain during its formation. It’s good if, by the time the child begins learning to read, he forgets these prematurely learned letters and does not begin to pronounce them the way he was once taught: Be, Ve, Ge... or By, You, Gy..., otherwise when reading this It will really bother him. You ask: “Well, if you teach a child letters and reading at the same time, then at what age is it better to start, from two years old?” I believe that at home, in the family, a mother with a child of this age can already study; but first for half a minute, and then for several minutes throughout the day. As a result of such “lessons”, built in the form of a game, the child will develop the ability to concentrate on some specific activity, and then, starting from the age of three and even a little earlier, he can be taught to read in a group of children like him. Just don’t forget that learning to read, especially early learning, should take place without coercion, in play, against a background of positive emotions.

How to quickly and correctly learn the alphabet with your child. Tips and rules for learning the alphabet. Interesting techniques for learning letters in at different ages(from 3 to 6 years). Methods for memorizing letters.

All parents sooner or later face the following problems: how to teach their child the alphabet, how to do it correctly so as not to discourage the child, and what methods are best to use.

Some children begin recognizing letters between ages 2 and 3 and can identify most letters by age 4. This means that you can start teaching your child the alphabet when he is about 3 years old. Of course, you shouldn’t expect your child to immediately remember many letters; this will take time.

Doctors and teachers believe that it is best to master letters after 3 years. From this age, children have increased curiosity and ability to learn.

But since each baby develops individually, parents must seize this moment. If you have problems with stuttering or pronouncing sounds, then it is better to wait.

There are several rules that will help you prepare for learning the alphabet:

  1. let the child choose the book you will read and turn the pages himself;
  2. carefully look at and discuss the pictures;
  3. Discuss what you read, let the child retell the story.

It is recommended to use methods that can attract the child's attention, since interest makes it easier to learn and remember. It is important to praise your baby and never scold him. Classes should be carried out at the same time, regularly, to develop a habit.

There are general instructions for learning letters in the alphabet:

Firstly, it is better to start learning letters from simple ones and those that are most often used, gradually moving on to rare and complex ones.

Secondly, one letter every couple of days will be enough for the baby. You can consolidate the result using cards with objects, letters cut out of paper or fabric, molded from plasticine. In order for a child to forget a previously learned letter, it is worth starting each lesson with repetition.

Thirdly, parents can tell the child what the letter looks like, read short poems about it, or sing a song.

Learning the alphabet at 3 years old

The first step in teaching the alphabet to a three-year-old is to get him interested. More often he begins to show interest in letters while reading. The task of mom and dad is to support this interest. By this age, the baby begins to have his favorite fairy tales and poems (if his parents read him a lot of books). Motivation appears to master the alphabet in order to read it yourself in the future. Children at the age of three remember best the first letter of their name, the letters A, B and C.

So, how to teach your child letters:

Firstly, you can use cubes with letters drawn on them, cards, magnetic alphabet, various posters and stickers.

Secondly, parents and their child must draw the letters on paper, on a board, or on the asphalt. This will help you remember the letters faster.

Thirdly, you can fold letters from various improvised materials, for example, buttons, sticks, and so on. This activity will be useful not only in terms of learning the alphabet, but will also help develop fine motor skills.

The main rule is that the alphabet is learned one letter at a time.

It is important to remember that a child of 3 years old should not be forced and forced to learn letters - this can discourage all interest and desire, and in the future it will be more difficult to teach the child letters.

Learning the alphabet at 4 years old

Classes for a four-year-old child are conducted in the same way as for a three-year-old child. Games are again used to teach letters. You can continue to form letters from objects.

Parents should definitely include new games. These could be: “Magic bag”, “Find pictures”. First game: letters cut out of cardboard are put into a bag. The kid puts his hand there and, without looking, determines the chosen letter. Then he takes it out and checks whether he named it correctly.

In the second game they use a set of pictures with objects depicted on them and starting with different letters. 3-4 pictures and a certain letter of the alphabet are laid out, and the child looks for the depicted objects starting with it.

Learning the alphabet at 5 years old

At the age of 5 years, a child already consciously shows an interest in reading. He understands that words can be made from letters, and sentences can be made from words. A five-year-old child can independently, without parental prompting, use improvised objects to form letters and sculpt them from plasticine.

An electronic primer will be very useful at this age - it will interest and captivate the child. In this case, it is very important to choose the right ABC book. Letters should be pronounced as the sounds that designate them (not “er”, but “r”, or not “en”, but “n”).

For four- and five-year-old children there is a special workbook “Learning Letters”, which they can use together with their parents or independently.

At this age, the main thing is that the child speaks correctly and coherently. To do this, parents should ask the child to tell something, for example, what he did today, let him retell his favorite fairy tale, and so on.

Learning the alphabet at 6 years old

6 years is the best period to remember the alphabet and start reading. Therefore, parents should not worry too much if their baby has not previously shown any desire to learn letters. At 6 years old the alphabet is much faster than at 3 years old.

In this case, for classes you can use primers, magnetic alphabet, and copybooks will be useful. You can watch special cartoons with your child that teach letters. Now there are many useful applications for smartphones, sites with educational games on the Internet that help a child learn the alphabet.

The whole family can create a custom ABC book. To do this, you need to draw or cut out of paper a letter and a picture depicting an object corresponding to this letter. Then we glue them onto a page in the sketchbook. The child will really like this work.

Consistent lessons using a primer help ensure that, in parallel with learning the alphabet, a six-year-old child learns to read.

So, the main rules for teaching a child letters:
  • In order for a child to learn the alphabet, parents should not force them to study.
  • The most favorable form of learning for learning letters is a game form of learning.
  • It is worth starting classes when the child develops an interest in letters.
  • The best way to learn the alphabet is for parents to arouse the child's curiosity.
  • It is worth choosing interesting games that the child will sincerely want to play.
  • If the child is not interested, he does not want to play with letters, then in this case the parents should postpone the lessons, because the child is not yet ready for this.
  • It is very important to consolidate the learned material. Parents should ask the child to name the letters that are in surrounding objects. Let him draw them himself.

Now you have learned how to help your child learn the alphabet. Remember, you shouldn’t demand more from him than he can remember. And even if something doesn’t work out for him, don’t scold him. Pay attention to the child’s mood, whether he is tired. Your baby will be able to easily remember all the letters if you take into account the tips given in the article.

The first thing a child needs to know when learning a foreign language is the English alphabet. alphabet quickly and for a long time?

Why does the child have difficulties?

Children often have problems and misunderstandings when learning the English alphabet. The first mistake is cramming. You need to remember: if you want your child to learn all the letters of the language for the rest of his life the first time, then cramming should be excluded from the rule. The most important thing is to make sure that the child enjoys learning the English alphabet. If a child perceives this as a game, then the opportunity to learn the English alphabet in 5 minutes can become a reality.

A child may encounter difficulties in learning the English alphabet also because he will not know why he needs to do it. If the child is very young, your assurances that he will need this in the future adult life, they may not understand. It is clear to adults that knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up great opportunities for a person. Your child most likely will not understand this. That's why it's better to turn learning the alphabet into a fun game.

English letters and pronunciation

How to quickly learn the English alphabet? The first thing you need to do to learn the English alphabet is to find the alphabet itself, where in addition to capital letters there will also be lowercase letters, the pronunciation of each letter in Russian, as well as several words in English that begin with a given letter. There are a total of 26 letters in the English language.

AaHeyapple - appleant - antair - air
Bbbibee - beeboy - boyball - ball
Ccsicat - catcake - cake, piecamera - camera
Dddidog - dogdate - datedress - dress
EeAndegg - eggeye - eyeear - ear
Ffeffrog - frogface - facefarm - farm
Ggjigarden - gardengirl - girlgrass - grass
HhHHhat - hathistory - historyhour - hour
IIahice - iceidea - ideainsect - insect
JjJayjump - jumpjourney - journeyjudge - judge
Kkkaykiss - kisskangaroo - kangarooknife - knife
Llellove - loveland - earthletter - letter
mmEmmother - motherman - manmist - fog
Nnenname - namenight - nightnews - news
OoOUorange - orangeoil - oilowner - owner
Pppipaper - paperpig - pigprice - price
QqCuequestion - questionqueen - queen
Rrar(a)rabbit - hare, bunnyrain - rainriver - river
Ssessea ​​- seasoup - soupson - son
Ttyoutable - tabletalk - conversationtime - time
UuYuumbrella - umbrellauncle - uncleup - up
Vvin andvoice - voiceview - viewviolin - violin
Wwdoublewall - wallwindow - windowwatch - watch
Xxthe exxylophone - xylophone
Yywyyear - year
Zzzedzebra - zebra

Now that we have the English alphabet with and words, we can start studying.

Learning the English alphabet using copybooks

How can a child quickly learn the English alphabet? For everything to work out quickly, the child must have some associations with letters. First, you can draw analogies between the English alphabet and the Russian alphabet, and then show the words that are presented above. These very easy words that the child could have known before (some school programs begin with learning words) will help you learn the English alphabet. How to learn it using these words? You need to open the notebook, take a pen and start writing first a capital letter, then a lowercase letter, and then the words. It is important that the child writes only one letter on each line in the notebook and pronounces it. This method will take the child quite a lot of time (about an hour or two), but a parent will not be needed, writing skills in English will develop, and the alphabet will be remembered for a long time!

If you have copybooks for a foreign language at home, you can use them. The copybooks for young children always contain exciting coloring pages, pictures and easy English words.

Learning a foreign alphabet and singing songs

If you notice that your child’s auditory rather than visual memory works better, you are very lucky! On the Internet you can find a lot of audio and video recordings of children singing the English alphabet. Such songs help you learn it very quickly, literally in 5 minutes.

Learn the English alphabet with bright cards

Bright cards with words help you quickly learn the English alphabet. How to learn it with flashcards? Such cards can be bought at any bookstore or children's store, or you can make them yourself with your child, which will take quite a long time, but is very effective. If you bought cards, then the instructions will definitely tell you what to do and how. Learning the English alphabet with a child is quite troublesome this way, but the words and letters will be remembered for a long time.

Typically, cards are divided into letters of the alphabet. On each card one word is written and a picture is drawn that is interconnected with this word. The child can learn these words that begin with the same letter either orally or in writing.

Various alphabet memorization games

In fact, the child must perceive everything as a game in order to remember the English alphabet. How to learn the letters of a foreign language if you constantly sit and cram? To a small child who still have to play and play, it will be quite difficult to do this. How to quickly learn the English alphabet - we learned earlier, but how to consolidate the knowledge?

The first game. Write the English alphabet in large letters on paper and cut it into squares. Hand out the cards randomly. The child must assemble a complete alphabet from these cards.

Second game. This is a team game and requires at least two or three children. You pronounce the letter, and the children must form the corresponding letter. This game is very fun and exciting.

Third game. Take two sheets of paper, place one sheet on top of the other in the middle. Write the letter so that its top is written on one sheet of paper and its bottom on the other. Remove the second sheet, only the top part of the letter remains. Ask your child to fill in the missing part.

How to learn the English alphabet with your child? You just need to show a little imagination!

Foreign languages ​​are good not only because they allow you to expand your social circle to foreigners. They perfectly stimulate memory and make the brain work constantly. According to scientists, those who constantly remember new information retain mental acuity longer in old age and old age, which undoubtedly affects the quality of life in retirement. You can study the same language for many years until it becomes closer to your native language. But, one way or another, first you have to get acquainted with its basics. We will look at how to learn the English alphabet for children and adults in this article.

Before you start gnawing on the granite of science, you should come up with good motivation for yourself. Unlike educational institution at home no one will force you to do anything or scold you for what you haven’t done homework. With a poor level of discipline, it is difficult to achieve anything. You can bet with friends or relatives that you will learn English, you can reward yourself with your favorite things after each completed stage of classes: ice cream, playing a video game console, and so on.

Pay attention to the conditions without which it is almost impossible to learn the entire English alphabet:

  1. It is not enough to memorize just the letters: say them out loud to learn the correct pronunciation. It is much easier to learn this right away than to relearn it after a few months.
  2. Use all available materials, including audio recordings, videos, text information. From the world, you will collect all the necessary data for correct pronunciation, understanding of letters and the correct spelling.
  3. If you constantly learn English letters in the order indicated in the alphabet, you should change your tactics. Start studying them backwards, randomly, and in other ways. This will help you remember everything important easily.
  4. If you start studying, do not be distracted by TV or third-party Internet sites. Put your phone down and remove all irritants. It is best to practice in a separate room, where there are no animals or smells. tasty food and noise.
  5. Work on yourself every day. If you're tired of learning the same letters, pick up a small children's book in English. You will not understand what is written there, but you will be able to determine the name of this or that letter. This is a great exercise for beginners.

What is the English alphabet?

There are American and British English in the world. You can find some differences in them during translation, less often during pronunciation, but the letters in different alphabets are absolutely the same. All the letters characteristic of the English alphabet are placed in front of you. Among them are 20 consonants and 6 vowels, that is, a total of 26 opposite the 33 letters of the Russian language.

English tutors with many years of experience recommend dividing all letters into three large groups and teach them in three stages. Here's what it looks like in practice:

  1. First of all, we learn 6 vowels: Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Yy. In order to understand how to correctly pronounce this or that letter, there is a transcription and spelling of the phoneme in Russian. Vowels tend to change their sound depending on the type of syllable, the presence of stress, and so on, but this is for you to study a little later.
  2. The second group of letters will include those that are similar in spelling to letters from the Russian alphabet. This will make it easier for you to remember them and speed up your learning of the English alphabet. The subgroup includes: Bb, Cc, Dd, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Ss, Tt, Xx. Some of them can be pronounced in Russian and the sound will be clear, some are simply written in a familiar way.
  3. This group includes those letters whose sound and spelling are unfamiliar to native Russian speakers: Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Qq, Rr, Vv, Ww, Zz.

Other English topics: English alphabet with transcription and Russian pronunciation, video and audio

At first, you need to start a notebook and write down each letter from the group being studied on several lines in both capital and simple case. When writing, you should dictate the name of the letter out loud. It may look a little ridiculous from the outside, but the exercise is very effective. It involves three main types of memory: auditory, visual and motor.

How to learn the English alphabet: exercises for all ages

When you try to remember new information, your head becomes a mess. You don’t associate these letters with anything, you can’t understand why they are needed and for what. The messy data you have to work with initial stages, are always difficult, but if you are willing to spend a little time learning English or its basics, you will definitely succeed.

Repetition is the mother of learning

One of the main rules for memorizing information is constant repetition and use of it in practice. You should not take the exam immediately after studying the material. Yes, you will pass everything, but nothing will remain in your head an hour after the test. As soon as you have finished studying one of the groups of letters, take a break from the language for 15-20 minutes. You can walk the dog, wash the dishes, do exercises - whatever you want, but don’t think about English words and letters.

After time has passed, take a blank sheet of paper and from memory, without looking at textbooks and cheat sheets, write down all the letters from the group with foreign and Russian transcriptions. If you succeed the first time, that's great. Repeat the exercise after a couple of hours, in the morning next day and in a week. If there are no errors, you can be sure that all the material studied has been stored in memory for more than one year. If you cannot remember one or more letters, write a few more lines with it and repeat the exercise again.


The exercise is suitable for those who do not know how to quickly learn the English alphabet without a significant loss of time and a lot of work. You need to take 7 A4 landscape sheets and cut each into four parts. On one side of each resulting piece of paper, one of the letters of the alphabet is written in large font. If you cannot remember the correct pronunciation, you can add the transcription in Russian below in slightly smaller letters. These squares, or rather rectangles, are hung throughout the house from your desk to the toilet. No matter how funny it looks, it’s worth putting the most difficult letter for you there.

If you walk back and forth past some information for a week, it automatically settles in your head. To reinforce the alphabet, you can make signs with words you know. Examples such as book (book), table (table), clock (clock), room (room), door (door) are known to many. By hanging them on appropriate objects and furnishings, you will not only reinforce the letters of the alphabet, but also firmly remember the easiest words of the language.

The second option for using squares is suitable for a final check: sheets of paper with letters are laid out face down on the table. Naturally, they should not be transparent so that you cannot see what is written on the front of the card. You choose any of 26 letters and clean slate paper write it in words and then assign Russian and English transcription. This continues until the letters run out. All cards are stacked on top of each other so that you don’t get confused when checking. In this task the result must be 100%. Otherwise you won't be able to read correctly foreign words and you will have a huge learning gap that will hinder further development.

Educational games for children and schoolchildren

If adults learn languages ​​for self-development, when preparing to go on vacation to another country or for career growth, then they understand the goal they are going towards. How to teach children the English alphabet if all they have on their mind is fun and games? The answer is hidden in the question: the game form allows you to give your child a lot of knowledge without him even knowing about it. Nevertheless, the information remains in memory and can serve well when entering a kindergarten, school or a thematic club.

Other English topics: English alphabet: table with transcription and Russian pronunciation

Words in English often found in everyday life: they are called brands of clothing, drinks, cars, they are used in computer and board games, and also fit tightly into spoken Russian. Having an understanding of the second language, the child will not get confused with letters and name words incorrectly, development will occur much faster.

“Spell the word” or “Spell the word”

  1. The game has a host (an adult or teenager who knows basic English), as well as 2 players. The number of participants is not limited, so the entertainment is suitable for kindergartens and educational groups.
  2. As an inventory, you will need a text in English. Difficulty doesn't matter. The text can be placed in a book, newspaper, or written in block letters by hand on a board or Whatman paper.
  3. Each player in turn must read one letter in the text, starting with the first. You can’t skip letters and look for familiar ones - everything is readable. If a player makes a mistake or cannot name a letter, he is eliminated from the game. The winner is the last one remaining. He, of course, should be rewarded for his diligence, and the losers should be sent to study the letters that “flew out” of memory.

"What's missing?"

  1. Required: presenter and players from 2 to 7 people, large opaque cards with all letters of the English alphabet.
  2. The presenter takes 5-6 cards from the table and shows them to the players. After 10-15 seconds of viewing, the children turn away, and the presenter removes 1-2 cards and mixes the remaining ones.
  3. The children turn around and, looking at the remains, name which letters are missing.

There are no winners or losers here, but the exercise will help the group remember all the letters better.

There are a great many such games and you can come up with as many more on your own: reading the alphabet at speed, reproducing letters on a letter, writing a transcription or pronunciation of a letter hanging on a stand, and so on. The main thing in the game is interest. When a child is passionate about something, there is a high probability that he will begin to devote more time to the process, even when left alone.

To help your child, you can buy him not only Russian, but also English alphabet. Install a light toy with English accompaniment: the simple word “play” is clear to everyone the first time, but, knowing it, the child already knows a sixth of the entire alphabet and a third of the vowels. If you have long wanted to learn foreign language, but you haven’t taken it up yet, then the kid will help you - learn together. It is logical that you will perceive, understand and remember data faster, but there is no need to rush. Otherwise, you will quickly forget everything.

What else will help when studying?

There are many ways to learn the alphabet of another language. You can print the table attached above and read it in free time, you can sign up for online courses or just watch a video that helps you remember everything you need. There are easy ones for quick learning - they learn in 10 minutes, but their disadvantage is the lack of a visual representation of the letters. As a way out: sing and keep a table in front of you.

After mastering the alphabet, you should move on to studying the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants in phrases, then you can begin to memorize the most simple words which are often used in everyday life. So you can master a basic level of English, from which you can develop further.

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