Notes on the development of speech toys. Notes on speech development on the topic “my favorite toys.” Lesson summary on speech development

Target: consolidate the general word “toys”, clarify the name and purpose of toys.


  • activate vocabulary on the topic;
  • learn to form relative adjectives;
  • coordination of cardinal numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and nouns;
  • practice using the singular genitive case of nouns;
  • develop auditory and voluntary attention;
  • improve the syllabic structure of words;
  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
  • cultivate emotional adequacy and a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson;
  • bring up careful attitude to toys.


  • balloons, mosaics, colored pencils;
  • toys and object pictures depicting toys.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time.

Children enter the classroom and stand near their desks.

Hello guys! What a beautiful morning it is today! I'm glad to see you! Let's give each other a good mood. I smile at you, and you smile at me.

Guys, do you want to go on an amazing journey? Today we will fly to a magical land. Who can tell me what I can fly? But you and I will fly in a big round balloon, and a little counting rhyme will help us with this. (Application)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (children bend their fingers one at a time)
I’ll go for a walk in the meadow (hands dropped)
I’ll grab the red ball (they show the “ball” with their hands)
I will twist the thread tightly (the left hand is clenched into a fist, the right hand is “twisting”)
And I’ll start counting (palms show again)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (fingers bend in turn)
How can I count to ten (all fingers show)
I’ll shout to the ball: “Fly!” (raise hands up)

II. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

1. - So you and I found ourselves in a magical land. What is the name of this country? Let's read on the gate. (Application)

No name. You probably need to complete the task.

On the screen there is a picture with pictures superimposed on each other.(Application)

Guys, please look and tell me what you see on the screen? What objects are shown?

Children name objects.

What do we do with these items?

What general word can be used to describe all these objects?

The name of the country “Toys” appears on the screen.(Application)

Let's read the name of the country we flew to. Children are reading.

It turns out what country we ended up in. In this country we learn a lot of interesting things about toys.

2. Guys, I want you to listen to me carefully.

A poem is being read.

What toys do you like?
Here are the cubes, the doll, the spinning top.
Here's an inflatable frog
Lying on the floor by the table.
I like the teddy bear
And a gray pensive elephant,
Another long-eared bunny
Although he is a coward.

What toys were named? Who do you remember?

The children name names, and the speech therapist puts pictures on a flannelgraph.

Guys, how many toys do you see? (List.)

And now I ask you to close your eyes (the speech therapist removes one toy).

Look what has changed? What's missing?

Well done!

3. Toys are displayed - a car, a doll, a ball.

What is this? (This is a ball.)

This is a ball. What color is it? (The ball is red.)

What is its shape? (The ball is round.)

What does the ball feel like? Touch it. (The ball is smooth.)

Look how well he jumps. What will you do with it?

Let's play.
- We'll ride.
- We'll throw it.
- We'll catch it.

4. Physical education moment.(Application)

Hit this ball a little (we hit it with our right hand)
He starts to jump (we hit with the left hand)
Jumps, jumps, jumps, jumps (jumping on one leg, then on the other)
And doesn't want to stop (jumping on two legs)

What is this? (This is a doll.)(Application)

Let's look at the doll. What size is it? (The doll is large.)

Also, what doll? (The doll is beautiful.)

What will you do with it? (Application)

Let's play.
- We'll feed you.
- We'll put you to bed.
- We'll get dressed.
- We'll undress.
- We'll pump.

What is this? (This is a machine.)

What are we going to do with her? (Application)

Let's play.
- We'll load it up.
- We'll unload.
- We'll repair it.
- We'll carry it.

5. Game "Fourth wheel".

And now we will play the game “Fourth Wheel”

Object pictures are displayed (Appendix):

  • machine, spinning top, cubes, cabbage;
  • ball, pyramid, doll, apple.

Name the extra picture in each row and explain your choice (the extra picture is removed).

Find and name pictures whose names begin with a vowel or a consonant. (Application)

Find and name words-names of toys consisting of 5 sounds. (Application)

Name a word that has 9 sounds. (Application)

How many consonants are in this word, which ones?

How many vowels? Which?

Divide the word into syllables. How many syllables?

Well done!

6. Physical education minute.

Stomp, Bear, clap, Bear.
Squat with me, brother.
Hands up, forward, down.
Smile and sit down.

7. Exercise “Fun Counting”.

The speech therapist shows pictures. (Application)

Guys, let's count our toys. (Count 1-2-3-4-5.)

Well done!

8. - You all love to play with toys, but you probably don’t know where toys are made. And I make toys at a toy factory. The factory has various workshops. And in each workshop they make toys from different materials. For example, a ball is made of rubber, a pyramid is made of wood, a car is made of plastic or iron. And then the artists paint the toys with special paints.

Look at the toys and name them.

Determine the material from which it is made.

Make up phrases:

  • A rubber ball is a rubber ball.
  • A rubber doll is a rubber doll.
  • An iron tank is an iron tank.
  • Wooden pyramid - wooden pyramid.
  • Teddy bear - teddy bear.
  • A straw doll is a straw doll.
  • A paper machine is a paper machine.

9. Exercise to develop fine motor skills.

Tanya had a lot of toys: a big red ball, a soft teddy bear, a rubber doll, and a wooden pyramid with multi-colored rings. But Tanya loved plastic mosaics most of all toys. She assembled different patterns from multi-colored buttons. Most of all Tanya loved to collect flowers from mosaics.

What toys did Tanya have?

Which toy did Tanya love most?

What did Tanya like to collect from mosaics?

We will also try to collect the Flower with you. Listen and do:

  • Take 1 yellow button and place it in the middle.
  • Take 6 red buttons and place them around.
  • Take 5 green buttons and make a stem.
  • Take 1 green button, make a leaf.

Well done! What beautiful flowers we got!

10. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, we had such an interesting and fun time in Toyland, but it’s time to go back. Let's open this magic chest, what's in it?

They open it and there are balloons in it.

Take one balloon each and let's fly back.

Music is playing.(Application)

1, 2, 3 - I’ll shout to the ball “Fly!”

So you and I have returned from a magical land.

What did we talk about today?

Why do we need them?

How should you treat them? Is it possible to break them, throw them, scatter them around the classroom?

Right! I know that there are toys in your classroom, and you take care of them so that they will serve you for a long time.

This concludes our lesson. Goodbye!

Used sources:

  1. Festival of Pedagogical Ideas " Public lesson» –
  2. A.S.Gerasimova, O.S.Zhukova, V.G.Kuznetsova. Encyclopedia of learning and development of preschoolers. -SPb.: “Publishing House “Niva”. -M.: “OLMA-PRESS Education”, 2002. 352 p.
  3. Teremkova N.E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Album 1. -M.: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2005. 48 p.
  4. L.N. Smirnova. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 4-5 years old with general speech underdevelopment. A manual for speech therapists, defectologists and educators.
  5. http// – poems (counting table).
  6. L.G.Paramonova. Poems for speech development. Publisher: Delta, 1998.

Subject. Bear. Looking at big and small bears.
Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, musical.
Goals: to introduce children to the names of objects in their immediate environment: bear toy; learn to describe a toy (name parts, size, characteristics), find its image in pictures, compare large and small toys; develop speech, interest in movements to music; enrich children's vocabulary.
Targets preschool education: takes part in the game “Find the Bear”, shows emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate musical works(Russian folk melody “Polyanka”, arranged by G. Fried); can talk about what is shown in the picture, about a toy (a bear and its images in the pictures), examine and compare objects by size with the help of leading questions from the teacher.
Materials and equipment: two teddy bears of different sizes, pictures of different toys (a hare, a truck, a doll, a ball, 2-3 images of a bear).
Musical accompaniment: Russian folk melody “Polyanka”, arranged by G. Fried.
Organized educational activities.
1. Organizational moment.
Teacher (shows a large teddy bear). Guys, look and tell me who it is.
If the children answer correctly, the teacher confirms their answer and asks those children to name the toy who remained silent.

2. Main part. Looking at a toy.
Educator. Come closer to the bear, stroke its fluffy fur, touch its ears, smooth nose, soft paws, tummy, see what kind of eyes it has.
Children look at and touch the bear.
- What bear? (Encourages children to talk with him.) Our bear (what?) is large, fluffy, his ears (what?) are soft, his paws (what?) are soft, and his belly (what?), tail (what?). The bear's nose is smooth, its eyes are round, like buttons.
– Name the parts of the toy. (Nose, tail, paws, belly, back.) Where is the bear’s nose? (Children show.)
3. Didactic game"Find the bear."
The teacher attaches pictures of toys to the easel, then, pointing at them, asks the children to show the bear: “Here, in the pictures, there are also bears, but they are hidden among other toys, find them.” Children can take turns coming up and pointing to pictures of a bear.

4. Musical and rhythmic movements.
To the Russian folk melody “Polyanka”, arranged by G. Fried, children depict how a clumsy bear walks and picks berries, while the teacher shows and comments on the actions that the children repeat after him: “Clued-toed bears walk through the clearing. (They walk with a clubfooted gait.) Oh, how many berries are in the clearing! (They spread their arms to the sides in surprise.) The bears collect the berries in their paws, then put them in their mouths. (Imitate movements.)"
5. Comparison of bears of different sizes.
From under the table on which the big bear sits, the teacher takes out a small bear and sits it next to the big one, asking him to name the toy: “Who is this?” (Bear.) Next, pointing first to the small bear, then to the big one, he asks the question: “Is this bear the same?” If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher says: “Our bear is big, and this one is small. What is our bear? (Big.) And this one? (Small.) The big bear has big ears, and the little one... (small ears), the big bear has big paws, and the little one... (small paws),” etc.
After each question, the teacher gives the children the opportunity to answer independently, and if they have difficulties, encourages the children to repeat the answer after him.

6. Reflection.
Look, my little ones, how our guys are having fun playing.
The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by Z. Alexandrova to the children and shows movements corresponding to the text, and the children repeat.
The bear splintered his paw,
Having stepped on a bump, stomp first with one foot, then with the other.
He got angry and threatened:
“You will recognize the bear!” Wag your finger.
I buried the cone in the branches,
He danced on the branches, Jumping on two legs in one place.
Slipped and fell
At the badger's hole. Squat down.
A sleepy badger came out
He growled at the bear. Wag your finger.
The bear got cold feet and climbed onto a branch,
Hidden with a mouse. Jump in place, squat down, clasp your knees with your hands.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group


  • Exercise children in the formation of adjectives (“What is it made of?)”;

in the formation of a complex sentence with the adversative conjunction “a”; in coordination of a noun with an adjective (“Tell me about the toy”), a noun with a personal pronoun (“My, mine, mine”);

  • train children in the use of spatial prepositions and in the use of nouns in the genitive case.
  • Develop attention and speech activity.
  • Fostering a caring attitude towards people around you and toys.

    Material. Toys made of different materials; pictures depicting children playing (for the game “What’s in the picture?”); a set of pictures in a box or envelope with images of toys (for the game “My, my, mine”); a bear toy, a chair, a bucket, a box with small toys (for a story about toys), a small screen (for the game “What’s gone?”); pictures depicting broken toys (for the game “What’s missing?”).

    Progress of the lesson.
    Children are standing on the carpet.
    - Hello children. What do you think “hello” means? (Individual answers from children). This word means wishing health to another person. Let's wish each other health. (Children greet their neighbor in a circle, calling him by name. They greet the guests in chorus.)

    Every morning you come to kindergarten. Do you like our kindergarten? Do you like our group? What do you especially like about our group? (Individual answers from children). Indeed, we have many different interesting games and toys.

    Children approach the table on which toys are laid out.
    - Look at the toys we have visiting today. They are all different, different from each other. They are different sizes, different colors, made of different materials. You can play with them different games. Let's take a closer look at them.

    Game “What is it made of?”
    Children's individual responses.
    - This nesting doll is made of wood, which means it is ... (wooden).
    Glass turtle - ... (glass)
    Rubber ball - ... (rubber)
    Iron drum - ... (iron)
    Clay horse - ... (clay)
    Plastic bucket - ... (plastic)
    Plush bear - ... (teddy)
    Paper airplane - ... (paper)
    Plasticine doll - ... (plasticine)
    Wire ring - ... (wire)

    Let's compare these toys.
    (Individual answers from children)
    The ball is rubber, and the nesting doll is wooden.
    The bucket is plastic, and the plane is paper. Etc.

    “Tell me about the toy”
    (All children.)
    - Let's take a closer look at some of these toys.
    This is a ball. Tell me, what is he like? (round, red, rubber, elastic...). How can you play with it? (Hit, throw, catch, roll, kick...)
    This is a bucket. What is it like? (Pink, plastic, big, light, beautiful...). How can you play with it? (Collect sand into it and build houses, or collect water and water flowers, or move something...).
    This is a plane. What is he like? (Light, paper, easily torn, can wrinkle...). How can you play with it? (launch into the air, arrange competitions to see whose plane will fly farther.)

    Toys are different and can be played in different ways.
    “What is in the picture?”
    - Each of you has a picture. Tell us who is pictured on it and what he is doing.
    (A girl jumps rope. A boy plays with a spinning top. A girl builds a pyramid...)

    Physical exercise.
    Steadfast Soldier
    Lean all forward
    And then vice versa.
    Lean left, right,
    Lean over, don't be lazy!
    Stand on one leg
    It's like you're a steadfast soldier.
    Press your hands to your chest,
    Look, don't fall!
    Hands up, hands to the side,
    And on the spot - hop, hop, hop!
    Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
    Let's breathe deeper... And then...
    March in place slowly.
    Children. Oh, the charger is good.

    Children move to the carpet.

    Game “Mine, mine, mine”
    - The girl Tanya from the neighboring group decided to give you her toys (on cards). Whose toys are these? (Tannins). Tanya gave me a drum. This is my drum now. Nastya, what did Tanya give you? (Individual answers from children)

    And now I will tell you a story. Did you know that when all the children leave in the evening kindergarten home, the toys come to life and start playing. They visit each other, drink tea from toy dishes, treat themselves to toy gingerbread and cookies and share latest news: who played with them, what Interesting games the kids came up with them,
    And then one day the toys decided to play hide and seek. Mishka was chosen as the driver. He turned to the wall and honestly began to count to 10. The cunning toys decided to hide all in one box, which stood... (near the chair).
    Having finished counting, Mishka went to look. First he looked ... (behind the box), then ... (under the chair), then climbed ... (on the chair) on which the bucket stood. He looked...(into the bucket), couldn’t resist and fell into it, so clumsy! He got out... (from the bucket), jumped... (from the chair to the floor), looked around, walked around... (around the chair), climbed... (on the box), sat down on it and thought: “Where are they hiding?” At this time, one of the toys in the box sneezed subtly. Out of surprise, Mishka fell ... (from the box), but immediately looked into it. That's how I found my friends!

    Game “What’s missing?”
    - I suggest you play a game with different toys that are hidden in the box. Here they are (get 5-6 toys). They want to play hide and seek with you. Look at them carefully, remember them (5-8 seconds). (cover the toys with a small screen, put one back in the box, rearrange the rest. Remove the screen.) Tell me, what’s missing? (3-4 times).

    But sometimes toys complain to each other: what was broken, torn, spoiled...
    Game “What’s missing?”
    Each child has a card with a picture of a broken toy.
    - Now look carefully at your pictures. They depict toys that kids have broken. Tell me if each of these toys is missing something (Children’s individual responses).
    - You and I know that toys must be handled with care and not broken. You know the poem “Take care of your toys.” Let's remember him.
    Take care of toys
    Truck without wheels
    The hedgehog's nose is unglued
    The chickens turned black
    And cotton wool is coming out of the doll!
    There were new toys
    And now they are old ladies.
    Let's take it quickly
    Needles and glue
    Threads, spools
    And we fix toys.
    And we thank you for it from the bottom of our hearts
    The kids will thank you.

Target: practicing the ability to form adjectives; correlate nouns with adjectives in gender, number, case;

Expansion and systematization of vocabulary;

Dictionary: rubber, iron, glass, cardboard, plastic;

Cultivate a caring, friendly attitude towards toys; teach children to put their toys away after themselves.



Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic “Toys” in middle group

Direct educational activities

Topic: Toys.

Target : practicing the ability to form adjectives;

correlate nouns with adjectives in gender, number, case;

Expansion and systematization of vocabulary;

Dictionary : rubber, iron, glass, cardboard, plastic;

Cultivate a caring, friendly attitude towards toys;
teach children to put their toys away after themselves.

Equipment : pictures of toys; a wonderful bag of toys; Mashenka doll; toys: bunny, spinning top, boat, kite, lantern, Teddy bear with a bow (for beauty).

Move Direct educational activities

1. Organizational moment (task for children).

Shrapnel pictures –make a picture from the parts and name it.

Guys, what do you think we will talk about today? About toys. All toys are made from different materials. And today we will talk about what toys are made of and what they are like.

2. Studying new material.

A game: Wonderful pouch.

Children take out toys by touch and name them; then determine the material from which they are made.

What did you get? - ball.

What is it made of? - made of rubber.

So what is the ball? - rubber ball.

Questions clarify the answers: rubber ball; glass ball; wooden cube; iron soldier; plastic scoop; cardboard fish. It is important to ensure that children give complete answers.

A game: Let's help the doll Mashenka.

A sad doll Mashenka appears

Why is Mashenka so gloomy, so sad? All her toys have run away because she doesn't know what they are made of. Let's help Mashenka. We need to find toys and name what they are made of and what they are.

Children find toys in the play corner and return to the teacher. You need to name the toy and say what it is. (I have a fur hare; an iron spinning top; a blue ship; a beautiful Bear; a big snake).

Mashenka, do you remember? Tell me what the toys are made of?

Children, did Mashenka answer correctly?

Why isn't it right?

She did not name the material or say what the toys were made of.

Let's remember once again what kind of toys Mashenka has and what they are made of.

Children answer using relative adjectives.

3. Physical education minute.

Guys, you have all been turned on with a key, you are wind-up dolls (children walk around pretending to be wind-up dolls). And now you are bunnies (children jump, imitating bunnies). And now you are bears (imitation). And now the foxes (imitation). And now all the balls are big and small; boys are big and girls are small balls; and they jump in different ways: big ones - high, small ones - lower (then they changed: the girls became big balls, and the boys - small ones).

4. Fixing the material.

Game: Toy Store.

Children look at toys on the shelf.

Play activities: children go out and buy the toy they like. Condition: buy only toys made from the same material. First, they buy wooden toys. You need to name it, say what it is, what the toy is made of.

I bought) wooden spoon. I bought a wooden nesting doll. I bought a wooden horse. I bought a wooden cube.

The wooden toys are all gone, all sold out. And now they sell rubber toys. Then plastic toys go on sale. Then iron ones.

The teacher asks the children to help, clean up the store and place the toys on the shelves; the children arrange the toys, classifying them.

- Well done, guys, you behaved well in the toy store today, played with them carefully, carefully placed the toys on the shelves.

Reflection: Children did you like the toy store? What toys were the most fun to play with?

5. Summary.

Closing conversation.

Guys, what other toys and what materials do you know?

Yes, guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things about toys, you played happily and amicably with different toys.

The teacher praises the children for their attentiveness and complete answers.


- expand children's ideas about toys, learn to identify characteristic features;

- activate preschoolers’ vocabulary with words - names of people by characteristic features(“dormouse”, braggart);

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech;

Stimulate the use of sentences with homogeneous members;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Learn to write a comparative description of two toys;

Learn to compose a story based on a well-known plot picture, modeled on the teacher;

To cultivate a caring attitude towards toys, a desire to play with them, and an interest in works of art.

Preliminary work: examination of the plot painting “Children play with cubes.”

Material: dolls; toys; plot picture.

Progress of classes in the middle group of kindergarten

Organizing time

Psycho-gymnastics “Come on, kids, stand in a circle”

Good morning, our dear home!

Good morning, all children!

Good morning, clear sun!

Good morning, the kindergarten is beautiful!

Left - right, left - right,

Turn around - look

Smile at each other!

Main part

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

Flaxen hair,

The eyes are blue.

And the feet are shod,

In blue boots.

The beauty is wearing a coat,

Did you guess it? Who is this?. (Doll)

Didactic game “Wake up the doll”

The teacher leads the children to the toy corner, where dolls sleep in beds.

Today our dolls sleep too long. How to talk about a person who sleeps for a long time? (“Sonya”) Our dolls are also “Sonya”. Let's wake them up!

The teacher explains how this should be done.

Let's wake up the doll Olya. First, let’s say in a whisper: “Olechka, wake up!” Is our doll waking up? (NO) Now let’s say quietly, but louder: “Olechka, wake up!” No, Olechka is still sleeping. Let's say loudly: “Olechka, wake up!” So Olechka woke up.

The teacher puts Olechka on a chair.

Children carry out the proposed task - “wake up” the next doll, addressing it first in a whisper, then quietly and loudly. The game continues until all the dolls are “awakened”. The teacher ensures that the children complete the task accurately (maintain the required volume and intonation expressiveness).

What does the doll have? (Arms, legs, head, eyes, nose, mouth). What can she do? (She can sing). Tell us how you play with it. We have a lot of interesting things in our group. What's on the floor, on the shelves, on the rug?

Children name different toys.

How can this be called in one word? (Toys). How many toys do we have? (A lot of). What toys do you like to play with the most and why?

Children talk about their favorite toys and what they do with them.

Didactic game “Tell me which one”

The teacher names the object, and the children name its signs.

Are these toys the same? (NO) They are different. Toys come in different colors, sizes, and made from different materials.

Indicative answers:

Ball (what?) - round, red, rubber...

Top (what?) - iron, multi-colored...

Bunny (what?) - soft, white, fluffy...

Car (what?) - metal, toy, green...

Giraffe (which one?) - tall, spotted, rubbery...

Didactic game “Long and short words”

Words are not only different in sound, but different in size, long and short. We pronounce long words for a long time, because they have many sounds, and we pronounce short words quickly, because they have fewer sounds.

The teacher invites the children to first select toys whose names are long words (car, construction set, turtle, butterfly). Children name toys whose names are short words (ball, bull, horse, lion). When choosing a toy, children clearly pronounce the word, determine its length and explain how many (few or many) sounds there are in the word and what kind of word it is.

From short words you can often form a longer word, for example: ball - ball, cat - cat. Try to form new, longer words from short words.

Didactic game “Recognize the toy by description”

The teacher lays out toys on the table: a ball, a truck, a bunny, a bucket, a matryoshka doll. Invites children to compare two toys. Draws attention to cards - symbols. Denoting color, shape, structure, what material it is made of, method of use. For example:

Truck of blue color, and the ball is red;

The truck is metal and the ball is rubber;

The truck can be rolled and the ball can be thrown.

The child compares two other toys.

Physical education minute

Examination of the painting “Children playing with cubes”

The teacher invites the children to name the children in the picture and give them names.

What are the children doing? What is Misha doing? (Misha is building a tower) What is Olechka doing? (Olechka builds a gate) Who is lucky with Kolenka’s cubes? Why do children need more cubes? (The children want to build a big fence.) The children built a nice fence. What color is the gate and tower? (They are red)

The teacher invites the children to listen to a story based on a picture about children who are building a fence.

Beautiful fence! The children built it from blue cubes, and the tower and gate from red ones. Kolya brought cubes for the children. He is a driver.

The teacher invites the children to repeat the story based on the picture.

Bottom line. Reflection

What did we talk about today?

How should you handle toys? (do not break, spare, wash, put back).

Well done, kids!

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