Is it possible to change the way of thinking. What do you need to do to change your thinking and thereby improve your life? How the world turns to black and white

    In fact, our characteristics, even the functioning of cells in the brain, are the result of the genetic diversity of each person. A unique molecule (DNA) contains everything about who we are, what we will look like, how our brain will work and much more (which parts of the brain will be developed, which will work at half capacity, and some will experience problems). But genes can work differently (expressed) differently in different conditions environment, so conditions can be changed, affecting the functioning of certain genes.

    Neurogenesis - the creation of nervous tissue cells occurs differently depending on age. Its most active peaks occur in adolescence, as well as after 20 and ends differently for everyone, around 30. Then it still happens, but not so actively.

    And naturally, the work of neurons and the connections between them affect how we think, make decisions and perform some actions.

    Thinking is one of the human abilities. But different types tasks affect different parts of the brain, so everyone performs them differently. Some people are better at analyzing financial markets, some are better at doing math in their heads, while others are good at explaining the material in detail. You can, of course, train these skills. Our brain is quite plastic, again, up to a certain age (later, of course, it occurs (neurogenesis), but not so actively and not in all areas), this means that we can develop some skills, learn something new . The skill of thinking is both a certain work of the brain and a set of certain skills.

    The problem is that we have certain inclinations and abilities inherent in our genes, but they will work differently in different environmental conditions. We can learn something new, but it is not a fact that it is as effective as what we do best without much effort. While learning something new, we will lose the activity of some other neural connections, which will be eliminated as unnecessary, the brain throws out everything that we do not need, and this leads to the fact that a person may forget something. To prevent this from happening, neurons need to constantly transmit signals, interacting with each other + new connections are created. This will develop not only thinking, but also other skills.

    What should you do to develop your thinking? Eat properly and nutritiously, get enough sleep, exercise. Read books (about thinking, for example), watch videos, go to lectures. Learn something, write, compose, make, research, play musical instruments, try yourself in different areas, walk new routes, try or smell something new and unusual, analyze your condition. Play games that make you think, analyze, compare. Count, solve problems, find unexpected solutions, etc. Do what you like best, developing the skills that specifically interest you. If you think that you can’t live life without logic, you take a textbook and tasks - study-use-voila.

Positive results don't always require a lot of effort. Sometimes making small changes in the way you think can dramatically increase your chances of success.

Do you want to live a productive, happy and successful life, but mental obstacles keep getting in your way? Do you know what it takes to become successful, but is it easier said than done? Are you ready to do the work necessary to succeed, but your mind leaves you paralyzed and unable to take action?

Changes in thinking can significantly improve your quality of life

Here's the good news - positive results do not always require enormous effort. Sometimes making small changes in the way you think can dramatically increase your chances of success.

The following small changes in thinking can greatly improve your quality of life.

Turn envy into curiosity

We all experience envy at one time or another. But envy can be beneficial if you use its power correctly. Turning your envious energy into curiosity forces you to take action instead of feeling sorry for yourself.

For example, I remember a friend of mine published her article on a high traffic website. I was a little jealous, but then I decided to find out how she did it. My work was published on the same platform a few days later. I continued to use curiosity to achieve what others were doing.

Every time you see that someone has managed to do something you want, reverse engineer what they did, or find them and ask how they did it.

It would seem that the amazing results that others get are not as difficult to achieve as you think. Take the time to learn how they did something and things will change. You don't have to reinvent the wheel - just follow the path laid out by those ahead of you.

Make learning an obligation, not an option.

“Being more rational and improving as much as you can, no matter your age or experience, is a moral duty.” – Charlie Munger, Vice President, Berkshire Hathaway

An unwillingness to learn and improve increases your chances of failure. Think of learning as the price you have to pay to be human. Treat acquiring new information as your profession. Information has become more accessible than ever before. The playing field is level.

Billionaire Elon Musk studied rocket science by reading every book on the subject and talking to experts in the field. Investor Warren Buffett is known to spend up to eight hours a day reading. He says, “The more you learn, the more you can potentially earn.”

Don't work your way to the top. Work your way to the top through training.

Change "I am (so-and-so)" to "I'm working on it"

The labels you put on yourself determine your actions. Be careful what words you use after the phrase “I am (so-and-so).” The minute you call yourself lazy, stupid, weak, etc., you are acting on that label. Instead of labeling yourself, try making statements that indicate you are in the process of improving.

  • Instead of "I'm lazy" - "I'm working on becoming a more productive person."
  • Instead of “I’m poor” - “I’m learning to manage my finances and develop skills to earn more.”
  • Instead of "I'm stupid" - "I'm learning as much as I can and my knowledge base will grow."

This subtle shift in how you describe yourself will lead to significant changes in behavior.

Moving from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset

“We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes who were born different from us. We don't like to think of them as relatively ordinary people who made themselves extraordinary." – Carol Dweck

Take Michael Jordan for example. Jordan is considered by many to be the greatest basketball player of all time. When he was studying at high school However, he was not a good athlete. He started to shine in college, but no one expected him to become the greatest player in the NBA. The key to Jordan's success was not a superhuman level of talent, but a superhuman level of work ethic and willingness to improve.

Jordan spent 10,000 hours practicing before becoming a star. If he had not worked so consistently, he may never have achieved this level of success.

You can't do everything you want, but if you find something you're naturally talented at and work tirelessly at it, you'll likely succeed.

Let success follow you, not the other way around.

“Do not set yourself a goal of success - the more you strive for it, making it your goal, the more likely you will miss it.” – Viktor Frankl

You shouldn't strive for success. Instead, focus on becoming the best version of yourself and success will follow.

Here are some examples of how to make success follow you, and not the other way around.

Focus on creating a great product, not on how many people will buy it.
Focus on writing good blog articles, not on how many people will read them.
Focus on studying instead of doing useless work.

When you focus on doing meaningful work, people will learn about you. Go deep inside yourself and think about how you can improve yourself a little every day - the results will definitely come.

Find 300 Spartans instead of building a huge army

You may have dreams of being famous and important. You want everyone to enjoy your creation and love the work you do, but that will never happen. Your goal should be to find your tribe and gain loyal people who will support your higher vision.

In the movie 300, a small force of Spartan soldiers was able to fight off a massive Persian army in a series of battles. The Persian army consisted of slaves, prisoners of war and civilians. The Spartans dedicated their entire existence to war. Selflessness and devotion to each other was their greatest asset.

Would you rather have the fake support of the masses or a group of die-hard and dedicated people who share the same cause as you? Successful people choose the latter.

Narrow your focus instead of spreading yourself thin.

“By the time a student gets to college, he has spent a decade preparing for a completely unknown future. Come what may, he’s ready—nothing special.” – Peter Thiel, “Zero to One”

In his book, Thiel asks the question: “On what important truth do very few people agree with you?”

My answer: People shouldn't have a ton of options when it comes to their future. The world would be a better place if we focused on abilities early on and developed towards our destiny.

You can do a bunch of things. However, you find happiness, become productive, and stay motivated when you find what you are meant to do.

Self-awareness leads to prosperity. Find out who you are so you can figure out what you want.

Focus on what not to do

“Great success in life and business comes from being aware of what you want to avoid.” – Charlie Munger

The key to success seems mysterious. But there are some obvious keys to failure. Instead of trying to unlock the secrets to motivation, success and productivity, focus on what you shouldn't do and avoid it. Observe people who have failed to learn what to avoid. You can learn from mistakes, but who says they have to be yours?

Focus on sanity, not ambition

“Ambition means linking your well-being to what other people say or do. Self-indulgence means associating it with what is happening to you. Sanity means connecting it to your own actions.” - Marcus Aurelius

Here's the truth about success that no one wants to tell you. Sometimes you can do everything right and still fail. Sometimes people are lucky, and sometimes bad things happen to them. When you tie your happiness to specific outcomes, you put yourself at risk of becoming depressed and unhappy when things don't go the way you want.

When you connect your well-being to your own actions, you can look back on what you've done with pride. Often, dedicated effort and persistence lead to success, but if things don't work out, you can still be satisfied that you did everything in your power to succeed.

Give your fear the right direction

Fear provides the motivation you need to succeed if you use it correctly. You can't get rid of fear, but you can channel it in a direction that either helps you or hinders you.

Most people are afraid of uncertainty, failure and mistakes.

Successful people fear regret, failure to take action, and the question “What if?”

Accept your fear. Use its energy correctly.

Focus on short bursts of productivity instead of being productive 24 hours a day

Our society puts productivity on a pedestal. We're always looking for tips, tricks, and hacks to become hyper-productive and organized. You don't need a carefully planned Evernote file, you just need to spend short periods of time doing focused and productive work.

Here are ways to help you make the most of your time slots:

Don't multitask (it kills your brain).
Rid your environment of distractions - no phone, no email, no social media.
Determine a time frame that you can adhere to - 30 minutes of concentrated work is superior to 2 hours of work with distractions. Be realistic. Don't bite off more than you can chew.

Give yourself credit for getting through these short periods of productivity. Over time, you'll be able to stay focused for longer periods of time, and you'll become a more productive person overall.

Value experience

Many of us suffer from impostor syndrome. You may feel that you are qualified just because you have a degree. Competence comes from knowledge and experience. To be considered an expert, you must have knowledge of what you are talking about and be respected by people.

Robert Cialdini's book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion states that people are influenced by authority, regardless of whether the person wielding it is "worthy."

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Imagine a man dressed in a white lab coat with a stethoscope around his neck - his appearance alone will make you believe that he is competent, smart and trustworthy, even if he is not a real doctor.

Once you develop the necessary knowledge, you will have the confidence to position yourself as an authority and people will treat you as one.

Never think about wasting your time (everything matters)

You may worry that you are making the wrong choices when it comes to your future. You don't want to waste a ton of time following the wrong path. When you think that every moment of your life is important, you realize that time is never wasted.

Even if the path you follow does not bring the same results, you still get:

Experience – Even if you spent months or years in a career for which you were not suited, you learned useful skills in the process.
Connection – Every person you encounter along the way has something valuable to offer. If you are observant, you will learn something new from everyone you meet.
Feedback - When something doesn't work on the first try, you'll get a better idea of ​​what to do next time.

Everything matters. The mistakes you made in the past can lead to success in the future. When you have a high level of awareness, you can extract useful information from every moment.

Treat safety as something negative

In the book Antifragile, Nassim Taleb reveals the problem of a false sense of safety and security.

“Imagine a turkey that is fed every day. Each feeding reinforces the bird's belief that it is normal to be fed every day by friendly members of the human race because they "have her best interests at heart," as a politician would say. On the Wednesday afternoon before Thanksgiving, something unexpected will happen to the turkey. And this will entail a revision of beliefs.”

A false sense of security leaves you fragile when you are exposed to what Taleb calls “black swan events.”

Stay vigilant. Strive to become antifragile by introducing impermanence into your life. Structure your life to take advantage of uncertainty. The fittest species are those that survive, but they are not necessarily the strongest.

Be okay with finishing last (as long as you're on the right track)

I'm not against people getting a fair minimum wage, but think about this - raising the minimum wages is only important to you if you plan to stay down.

When you're aiming for the top, you'll still be in great shape even if you finish last. The difference between the one percent at the top and the 99 percent at the bottom is mindset. You can roll your eyes or accept it as fact.

If you spend your whole life learning what it takes to be successful and never give up, you will do great. Level up your game.

Don't look at experts and influencers in awe - vow to take their place. They are not special. They ordinary people, who had the audacity to believe that there was more to life than a mediocre existence.

Believe in your ability to achieve what you want. Do whatever it takes to get to the top. published .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

There are two types of thinking: ambivalent and black and white.

People with black and white thinking know exactly what is good and what is bad. They quickly make their choices and are prone to firm decisions that they do not think about again. Therefore, black and white thinking makes the world simpler.

Ambivalent (gray) thinking is the ability to see a situation from several sides at once. A person who knows how to think ambivalently can accept the opponent's position and look at the problem from his point of view. Despite what ambivalent thinking does to us, it is very useful. After all, only those who learn to move into the “gray zone” will become smarter and wiser.

Gray thinking can be learned. After all, each of us initially possessed the skill of ambivalent thinking when we were small.

Kids do it like this

They love to torment their parents with questions. The chain of “whys” can be endless.

- Why does the dog stick out its tongue and breathe?

- She's hot.

- Why? I'm hot, but I didn't stick my tongue out.

- Yes, but the dog has fur and doesn’t sweat.

- Why does the dog have fur?

- To keep her warm.

- Then why don’t I have wool?

- That's it, that's enough!

Parents will probably recognize this dialogue: similar conversations with children happen often. For a child, the world is not black and white, and he easily tries everything on himself. There is still so much unknown. There are no foundations, no unambiguous truths. The worldview has not yet been formed.

How the world becomes black and white

As we grow older, our views become harsher. Certain frameworks are imposed on us from the outside. For example, students are asked to take exams consisting of test questions. This forces us to think in black and white. The correct answer is always A, B, C or D, it cannot be otherwise.

The main symptom of such a worldview is thinking in certain categories:

  • War is bad. War is good.
  • Capitalism is bad. Capitalism is good.
  • Higher education necessary. Higher education is a waste of time.

As we grow up, we think in slogans. They replace our understanding of the problem, the thinking process itself. After all, in order to think, you need to strain. And when it is clear what is black and what is white, there is no need to think.

Is it bad to have strong beliefs?

No, not bad. But the real world is not black and white. It is very difficult to find a question to which you could give the only correct answer. Our life is a gray area.

This is very difficult to accept: in schools and universities we are taught to believe that there are right and wrong answers. And only when faced with reality do we begin to suspect that the world is not so simple.

Clear answers and slogans are no longer suitable. If you know history well, you will not be able to unequivocally say that war is bad. Most likely, now you will say: “War is bad, but at some stages of the development of the state it was necessary, so it can be considered a complex and ambiguous phenomenon.”

From this answer it becomes clear: you are not inclined to make hasty conclusions. Ambivalent thinking is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can spend ages choosing between kefir and fermented baked milk. On the other hand, you have the ability to see the world from multiple perspectives and judge more wisely.

How to learn ambivalent thinking

Learning to think ambivalently is quite difficult, especially if you are prone to radical judgments. But this will help you see the situation from all sides and not rush to conclusions. Therefore, it’s still worth learning gray thinking, and here’s how you can do it.

1. Stop judging the world harshly

2. Think about the event or phenomenon in perspective

Consider phenomena, events and concepts from the point of view of time. Determine their significance, taking into account both the good and the bad.

3. Accept that you are not always right.

Accept your opponent's point of view. Try to believe that he knows the truth and you don’t.

4. Teach yourself that truth is ambiguous.

Look at the problem from all sides. Accept a different opinion. Remember how, and try to take at least a step towards ambivalent thinking.

Your thoughts and desires truly have power. By changing your thinking in positive side, you can change the world around you. But on the other hand, if you get stuck in your old thoughts, they will destroy you, numb you, make you suffer and, instead of pushing you forward towards happiness and a positive way of thinking, they will stunt your spiritual growth. In this article, I'll share seven destructive thinking patterns that I've struggled with in the past, and what I've done to overcome them or at least reduce their impact. I hope you find something useful in this article.

The world we create is a product of our thinking; this world cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

© Albert Einstein

1. You see the world in black and white

Instead of seeing life as it is - messy, with many different exceptions to the rules - you see everything as black or white. You are right, and someone else is wrong. Everything is either this way or that way and there are no exceptions or halftones.

With this approach, it is difficult to see the true meaning of what is happening and do the right thing. This outlook on life will make you less and less flexible over time. You will fall into its trap and thus may become terribly picky and unfair to yourself and other people. By creating disturbances in your mind and life, you will be unhappy and suffer much more than necessary.

How to deal with this?

Try to understand your interlocutor. Insisting on your own is easy. But you can understand another person, and at the same time yourself, if you try to perceive his point of view. This way, there will be less hostility and negativity in your relationship, and you will more easily achieve mutual understanding in which both parties will be satisfied with the solution to the problem.

Stay informed about what's happening. Just like the other tips in this article, staying aware of what's going on and paying attention to all the events of the day will help you change your thoughts and gain a new mindset.

Find exceptions. If you suddenly have a thought that you don't like the way you're studying, or that your family isn't helping you with your chores, stop for a few seconds before you get really angry. Then ask yourself: is everything always like this? Find one or more exceptions to counter the black-and-white thoughts that consume you. For example, you may remember that your husband or wife spends a lot of time cooking or doing repairs. Or remember that, although you need to improve your mathematics, you write quite competently and are making progress in geography.

2. You look for problems even when there are none.

It's all very confusing. I used to catch myself looking for problems where there really weren't any. I think a lot of this happens when you cling to an old worldview. For many years I have become accustomed to seeing more negativity everywhere than there actually is and finding problems when there are none. Consciousness is accustomed to this way of thinking, and you act accordingly. And sometimes you suddenly catch yourself thinking that you are looking for a problem in some situation or area of ​​your life where there really is none.

How to deal with this?

What really helped me was writing a phrase in a visible place: “No problem”, which reminded me of this every day from the wall.

Now, if I start to be overwhelmed by thoughts about a problem, I tell myself: I don’t care! In most cases, I begin to realize that ultimately this problem does not exist at all.

I also think that the reason for this phenomenon may be too a large number of a person’s thoughts about the development of his personality or the need to work towards personal development. You are so used to looking for solutions that your mind is tuned to looking for problems that these solutions can remove. This is excellent material for personal development, but read and think about it in moderation, not all day long.

3. You're afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

If you are always thinking about how to feel and be truly safe, it is impossible to change your life in better side. The unknown and change cause inconvenience and frighten the imagination, because human consciousness is configured to ensure a stable existence and to ensure that a person as much as possible lived longer the way he lives.

How to deal with this?

Take small steps. Often we are prevented from leaving our comfort zone by fear or the expectation that, when faced with this fear, we will not be able to overcome it. By taking small steps, we expand our comfort zone and gradually remove the feeling of discomfort and fear.

Pay special attention to your positive experiences. Realize that getting out of your comfort zone will be exciting, despite what your mind and feelings tell you before you take action. Look back at the examples in your life when you broke out of your usual comfort zone. Focus on positive memories of what made you successful when you were able to take advantage of opportunities. And, probably, you will understand that there was nothing scary about it, in fact it was interesting and exciting, it was a new experience for you.

4. You think that how you currently feel is what it really is.

I used to think that what I feel at the moment is something unchangeable. This is how you actually perceive at the moment the world and you will perceive it in the near future. However, in reality, it is difficult to predict how you will feel in an hour or even fifteen minutes. Your consciousness is deceiving you, passing off the emotions that you are now feeling as true reality. This approach hinders your true perception.

How to deal with this?

Remember discipline and use it to the fullest extent. For example, you don’t feel like going to the gym today. Your consciousness tells you: “Everything is fine, you don’t need this at all, you were there just three days ago.” And you continue to lie on the couch. But you can tell yourself: “No, I have a workout scheduled for today and I will go, even if I don’t feel like going or even if I don’t feel the need to.” And you go. And after you've been in the gym for about fifteen minutes, you start to enjoy the workout and are glad you came.

Just realize that your consciousness does not always demand what is actually the right decision for you. In our daily life, consciousness often tries to find the easiest path. It turns out that it may seem: what you feel in this moment- this is reality But despite this, emotions are fleeting and in just a few minutes or hours you can change them by doing something you don’t want to do - for example, going to the gym.

5. You think you already know everything

If you think you already know everything, your mind will not work to study the problem. No matter what you are told, your consciousness will rely on what you think you know. You only hear and learn what you want to hear and what you want to learn.

How to deal with this?

Whenever you are about to learn something new, it is advisable to temporarily forget what you already know and what is familiar to you. Try to keep your mind as open as possible. From my own experience, I can say that thanks to this approach, the process of acquiring new knowledge is simplified and important information is not rejected.

Of course, your ego often wants to isolate itself and protect itself by making you think that you already know everything you are about to learn. You need to be vigilant and not trust your somewhat arrogant and arrogant inner voice.

6. Envy haunts you and it poisons your life.

Envy can be like a little demon that sits on your shoulder and whispers something in your ear, filling your soul with gnashing of teeth and bringing suffering and negativity into your life. Or envy may irritate and confuse you from time to time.

How to deal with this?

When you start comparing, focus your attention on yourself. Comparing what you have with what others have is the path to self-destruction. Your ego gets inflated when you buy a more expensive car, if you have a more prestigious job or something like that. For a while you feel just great. But this way of thinking and focusing on comparison leads to the fact that you begin to notice that there are people who have more than you. Such people have an even more expensive car and an even more prestigious job. And you no longer feel so confident. The whole point is that there will always be a person who has more than you. And you can never “win.” You just feel “high” for a while and then the feeling goes away. Most The best way comparisons are when you compare yourself to yourself. Look to what extent you have grown and what you have already achieved. Appreciate what you have done and what you have. Look back at the path you have already taken and compare it with what you are going to do. This approach will bring more positive thoughts and greater emotional stability because you are no longer comparing yourself to others or being jealous of what others have that you don't.

Be grateful for what you have. In addition to comparing yourself with yourself, it will also be useful to thank God every day for what you have and thus get rid of envy. Take a couple of minutes during your day to express gratitude for all that you have. At the beginning or end of the day, mentally make a list of what you have or write it down in your journal.

Change your lifestyle. If you think that life is passing you by and you deserve better, it’s easy to become depressed. Just if you fill your life with more interesting activities, more interesting people and more interesting events, you will not have time and reasons to feel jealous. By changing your lifestyle, you also get other benefits: relaxation and not overreacting to little things. After all, you devote more time not to analyzing life, but to life itself and use it the way you want.

7. Too many thoughts

I used to think too much. It's a kind of chronic illness that prevents you from doing certain things because you overanalyze little things that make them seem big and terrible in your mind. In addition, too many thoughts lead to a negative perception of reality.

And yet, I managed to reduce the excessive amount of thoughts in my life or even completely get rid of this excess. Of course, the ego took time; but on the other hand, you have to be in the company of your thoughts day in and day out, so you can always work on improving the relationship between you and them.

How to deal with this?

How did I manage to deal with this? Probably the most important thing was that I devoted the bulk of my personal development year to reading and listening to books by Eckhart Tolle, such as What the Silence Says, A New Earth and The Sun Shall Die Too, and developing the habit of living in the present moment.

I listened to these books over and over again on my MP3 player while walking somewhere, riding the bus, or in any other situation where I could do so. This was convenient on two levels: I focused my attention on the author’s advice and they were spinning in my head throughout the day, so it was easier for me to realize my thinking model. In this way, Tolle has had a positive impact on my daily life. This is how your friend can influence your life with his positive or negative attitude, his energy or determination.

With constant practice, it is much easier to reduce excessive thoughts and use thinking as a tool and not let it control you.

An effective way to realign yourself in the present moment and get rid of the excessive number of thoughts that are swarming in your head is breath. Just sit for two minutes with your eyes closed, if you feel like it, and breathe deeply into your belly. During these two minutes, concentrate completely on inhaling and exhaling. This exercise will bring your mind and body to a peaceful state, and at this moment your return to the unfolding life here and now will occur.

Set short deadlines for making decisions. Another very useful technique is to set short deadlines for making decisions. Instead of thinking for days about a problem, imagine that, for example, you only have half an hour to think about it. After that you must make a decision.

I also use even more short time, if we are talking about small everyday affairs. I don't sit and think about the decisions I need to make when it comes to doing things, phone call, tasting a new dish, or anything else that I don’t feel like doing to some extent. And I throw away all thoughts, make a decision within 10-30 seconds and begin to implement it.

I realized that this way you can become more decisive and avoid the paralyzing influence of overthinking.

Often the obstacles that prevent us from achieving a goal or becoming better are only in our heads. Consciousness determines how we behave in difficult situations, whether we cope with fear, achieve success or fail. Therefore it needs to be changed.

How to think positively

4. Be persistent and purposeful

If you give up, you will go back to square one and become a prisoner of a fixed mindset again. Think about what work has already been done.

How to get into an abundance mindset

People with a scarcity mindset think that there are not enough resources for everyone. Stephen Covey in his book “To Be, Not to Seem” makes an interesting analogy.

People with a scarcity mindset believe that there is only one pie in the world and that if someone takes a piece, they will get less. This attitude leads to a win/lose mindset: if you win, I lose, and I can't let that happen.

Stephen Covey, American business expert

People with an abundance mindset believe that there are many pies and no losers: everyone will win and get their piece (or more than one).

1. Think about what you have

Focus on this. Material or intangible things - it doesn't matter. You need to learn to think abundantly and be grateful for what you have.

2. Share

How to think proactively

Reactive thinkers are influenced by external factors. They do not play an active role in life, but simply go with the flow.

People with proactive thinking do not blame the situation or others if something goes wrong, but take responsibility for their lives. They know what they can change and what they can't, and they focus on the former.

1. Take action

Move from the passenger seat to the steering wheel and start taking control of your life. Instead of saying, “The weather is too bad to go for a run,” say, “It’s raining outside, but it’s dry at home. So I can make others.”

The point is to stop being a hostage to situations and act regardless of what is happening around you.

2. Get rid of reactive thinking phrases

Forget about:

  • I can't because...
  • If I could, I would.
  • I had to…
  • This is how the circumstances developed.

And try:

  • I'll find an alternative.
  • I can do it.
  • This is my decision.
  • I want this myself.

3. Take responsibility for your life.

Don't waste your time on trifles and don't get angry when things don't go according to plan. The bus didn't arrive on time? Leave early, take it with you so as not to waste time, get your license and save up for a car, but don’t become a victim of circumstances. Let them work for you.

Nobody promised that it would be easy and fast. But who, if not you, will help you become better and achieve success?\

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