Oblivion mythical dawn. Passage of the plot. Comments on the Mysterium of Zarx

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When you arrive with Martin at Veynon Abbey, Eronor will run up to you and inform you that the abbey has been attacked. After repelling the attack, find Brother Piner. You can find Joffrey in the chapel, which was also attacked. Joffrey will suspect that the attackers are looking for the Amulet of Kings. Follow Joffrey, who will go to check if the amulet has disappeared. Of course he disappeared. Tell Joffrey that you found Martin and that he is here. He will ask you to take Martin to the Temple of the Clouds, which is located east of the Abbey. Head to the Temple and talk to Cyrus. The Blades will solemnly greet Martin and Joffrey, who will remain in the Temple. If Joffrey's favor with you is greater than 40, you will become one of the Blades.

Next you should talk to Joffrey about the Amulet of Kings. He will advise you to meet with Baurus. You can find him in the Luther Broad tavern of the Imperial City, in the Elven Gardens area. Sit down next to him and follow his recommendations. He will draw your attention to a man sitting in the corner who seems very suspicious. When Baurus gets up and heads to the basement, this man will follow him. Follow. You will witness an attack. After the attacker is defeated, search him, take the book and read it. Tell Baurus about what you read. This is the first time you will hear about a certain cult of the Mythical Dawn. Baurus will advise you to learn more about the cult from Tar-Ming at the University of Magic.

Head to the University's Mystic Archives. Ask Tar-Min about the cult. She will tell you that there are four volumes of Commentaries on the Mythic Dawn. You have to find three more volumes. Tar-Mina has one, she will give it to you. Try purchasing another book from the First Edition bookstore in the Imperial City Trading District. The seller will say that he has a third book, but he has already promised it to a certain Guinas. Wait until Gwinas, who ordered this book, arrives. Talk to him. Having learned that this book is somehow connected with the death of the emperor, he will give it to you, because he does not want to be involved in dark affairs. In addition, he will give you information on where you can get the fourth volume. It should have been given to him at the meeting.

You will now face members of the Mythical Dawn instead of Gwinas. Give the information to Baurus, and together with him (without going far) head to the meeting point in the sewers under the Imperial City. In the sewer, guard and protect it. A long journey awaits you, along the way you will meet rats, crabs and goblins. Arriving at the meeting place, you will have to decide which of you will come to the meeting and which will cover your comrade. Members of the Mythic Dawn will appear soon. After dealing with the killers, take the book, magic ring and key.

Baurus will go to the Temple of the Clouds, and you head to Tar-Mina. She will decipher within three days, visit her every day. You can try to decipher it yourself: the big red letters in the books spell out the words “Green emperor way where tower touches midday sun.”

Head to the central district of the City, to the Green Imperial Road, to the Camarril Tomb. Around noon, in sunny weather, a design will appear on the door of the tomb. Read it (“activate”).


  • Chorrol, home of Eugal Belett;
  • Imperial City, Talos Plaza of the Imperial City, home of Ulen Atram;
  • Bruma, Jerl's house;
  • You can take Astav Virich from the body by killing him during the quest of the main storyline;
  • It is in the pocket of any adherent of the Mythical Dawn.


  • Dawnstar, home of Syl Vesul.




Mankar Camoran

Hello, student. Know that Mankar Camoran was once like you, he was in a dream, he was devoid of wisdom, he had only a protonym. We mortals leave the slumbering shell of our birth unencumbered by anything but a connection with our mothers, so that by gaining experience and establishing relationships with the world around us, we can later free our hearts from the needs and fears that she will be left behind. At this moment, we irrevocably destroy it and enter the domain of Lord Dagon.

If you want to enter those limits, then this book will open the door for you. Although your path is destruction, you must submit to the castles.

Lord Dagon only needs those who are smart enough to stop and wait, all the rest in their stupid bustle belong to Aurbis.

Take another step. Look around. That impatience that gnaws is the first thing you need to overcome.

Now enter as Lord Dagon has written: approach slowly, carrying the four keys. Know that now you are crowned, new type the destroyer, whose gardens will be filled with flowers, known and unknown, as it was at the Mythical Dawn. You will regain your original cry and you will become different. And this time it will be neonymbiosis, the master will become related to the Master, whose Mother was dark corruption.

And our coming is accepted only with trembling, for every quarter knows us. You can come either through war, or knowledge, or shadow, or the disposition of certain snakes. Although each path is significant in its own way, the reward is the same and this is it: welcome, student, you are here because you are worthy of kings. Now check your pocket.

Your first key is illuminated with the bright radiance of the new Dawn. Look, there he is.

And as night follows day, know that this first insight will fall, as if into a stormy evening sea, where faith is tested for strength. And here is the assurance: even the Usurper came to Iliac before he was about to call on his fleet. Be afraid, but only for a second. Shaked faith is like water: in the Garden of Dawn we will breathe whole realities.

Enter peacefully, as Lord Dagon has written: approach slowly, carrying the four keys. Our Order is based on the principles of his almighty Razor: Apprentice, Knight Errant, Chaplain and Master. May the hard-hearted be burned by its light, as if by our gaze. And our Knowledge will go in the right direction. However, remember, your vision is still narrow. Even though you are invited, the path is still unknown to you.

My path lay through the book that Lord Dagon wrote with his own hand in the deserts of rust and wounds.

Her name is the Mysterium of Xarxa, the collection of Aldmeretad, the predecessor of the wife of the mysteries of all. Each word was nourished by the Razor and secretly, thinner than a rift, faded, as if drunk with a red drink. The very mention of the book is a parting word on the path to your new rank, my child. Your name is now carved into it.

The luxury of a palace, a hut or a cave - you have left the fog of conceptual worlds behind. Well-mantle! Freedom! Rejoice, for bliss is promised to you!

And now endlessly it will acquire and change shape around you, actions as entities, all systems only an hour before they pass into zero sums, blossoming like veils, blissful robes that are worn to dance at the golden feet of Lord Dagon. The storm is in his first hand, the shower of disasters is in the second, the decay of Anu is in the third, the eyes of Padhome are in the fourth. Arise, for you have the first key that will strike high and low into the wormy rot of false heavens.

So I wandered, loudly repeating the words of the true teaching, until my voice faded. I read the mysteries of Lord Dagon, and a feeling of renewal overwhelmed me. My words found no response until I was out of sight. Those speeches are not for the people of Tamriel, whose clergy have long misrepresented the very existence of the Dawn. Learn from my mistakes, know that humility was the initial wisdom of Mankar Camoran. Approach slowly, carrying four keys.

I gave all of myself to that Dawn, and a ring of goodness closed around me. When my voice returned, it spoke in a different language. After three nights my speech became fire.

Joyful, drunk with red, nourished by the Razor, I saw a path in the garden, and an epiphany came - in order to guide others to the harbor of their wanderings, I myself must first plunge into the abyss of search. Know that I have found my fleet, and you are the flagship of my hope. Greetings, student. Mankar Camoran was like you, he was in a dream, he was devoid of wisdom, he had only a protonym, but now I am not like that.

Today I sit and expect a feast, with you we will celebrate in all the worlds of this universe. Well-mantle! Freedom!

October 31, 2008 5:34

Martin will also ask what he should do next. Here everything will be clear and understandable, the first thing you need to do is return the “Amulet of Kings”, which was stolen. It’s really unclear where to look, but perhaps Joffrey has some ideas on this matter, so after talking with Martin you need to talk to him. Joffrey will advise you to contact one of the Blades agents, Baurus, who is located in the Luther Broad boarding house in the Elven Gardens area of ​​the Imperial City. He will also invite you to enter the service of the Emperor in the Blades organization and will award you the title of “Knight-Brother”. When you find Baurus at the boarding house, talk to him, he will most likely tell you to sit next to him. Next will be instructions on how to neutralize the Mythical Dawn spy. After which Baurus will stand up, and the alleged spy (Astav Viric) will follow him, you, in turn, will follow the spy, covering Baurus. As soon as you enter the basement, the spy will attack him and die after a short fight. Next, you will need to search the corpse and take from it a book called “Comments on the Mythic Dawn”. After talking with Baurus about the situation in the city and informing him last news , You will receive further instructions from him. You will need to go to the University of Mysteries and talk there with the Argonian Tar-Mina, an expert in various Daedric cults. She will tell you that the Mythical Dawn cult is quite well kept secret and nothing really is known about it, except for some fragmentary information. The cult was founded by Mankar Camoran, and was created to worship Mehrun Dagon. Mankar Camoran is quite an outstanding personality and there is also an opinion that, despite the fact that the cult was founded 400 years ago, Mankar Camoran is still alive. When you show her the book you found, she will tell you that there are four volumes in total. If you collect all four books, read them carefully and think about them, they will show the way to the lair of the cult, and at the same time serve as a pass to join its ranks. The first two volumes are difficult to find, but possible, but the rest are extremely difficult. Tar-Mina will give you the second volume, and will also inform you that you can try to look for the third in the “First Edition” shop, which is located in the shopping area of ​​the Imperial City. After talking with the seller, you will find out that the seller has the third volume, but he got it on special order and therefore he cannot sell it to you. But by raising the attitude of Fintias (the seller) towards yourself, the book can be redeemed. Soon a rather colorful forest elf will come for her and leave with nothing. Talk to him after he leaves the shop about the fourth volume; at first he will deny it, but then he will tell you everything and give you the note. The essence of the plan is that you will go to the meeting instead and try to get the fourth volume of the book from the mysterious Sponsor. Find Baurus, or rather, he will find you himself and take you to the sewer to the place where you should meet the Sponsor. In front of the door to the “room with a table” he will begin to offer various plans, no matter which one you choose, the result is the same. Three agents of the Mythical Dawn will attack you, the main one is Raven Camoran, he will be quite difficult to kill, the rest are ordinary agents. Baurus will definitely die, and you will need to search the body of Raven Camoran and take the fourth volume. After this, go to Tar-Mina, she will take up the analysis of what was written in the first two volumes and ask you to come to her in a day. A day later, she will tell you that she seems to have found the key to the solution, but asks you to come back in another day for the final answer. After the specified period, Tar-Mina will ask you for the third and fourth volumes of commentaries and give you the final transcript of the text: “The Green Imperial Path Where the Tower Touches the Midday Sun.” She will also explain that the green Imperial Way refers to the garden that is located near the White Tower in the center of the Imperial City.

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