Celebration of cheerful 60th anniversary for a woman. Scripts. Competition "Inconvenient Pies"

We offer a scenario for a woman’s 60th birthday, which is perfect for celebrating with the family. Since the celebration takes place at home and only the closest people are invited, a particularly warm atmosphere of the event is guaranteed. All that remains is to add room decorations in the form of balloons, a bright number “60”, fresh flowers, a photo of the birthday girl. The role of the host of the holiday can be entrusted to your daughter or granddaughter, who will set the tone for the celebration and hold cool competitions (they are not difficult to prepare at home).

The hero of the day greets the guests, accepts gifts, then everyone takes their places at the festive table.


Today, a wonderful woman, mother and grandmother (name and patronymic) celebrates her 60th birthday.

The years have flown by

Flowed away like water

The gray hair at the temples turns silver.

Here for you today

The whole family gathered -

Only family and friends.


How many guests came to congratulate our hero of the day. The first word for congratulations is given to the spouse (husband’s name and patronymic).

After this a slow dance is announced.

Then children, grandchildren and relatives congratulate.

Since the holiday is spent with family, everyone can participate in the game. You need to prepare questions about the birthday girl in advance:

  • What year did you graduate from school?
  • How old were you when you got married?
  • Favorite flowers?
  • Favorite performer?
  • Favorite book, etc.

Afterwards, the best expert on the life of the hero of the day is determined and receives a symbolic prize.


Our birthday girl is a wonderful, kind, wise woman. But can these compliments be enough on your birthday?

Each guest receives a beautiful piece of paper (or several) on which he writes pleasant words to the hero of the day. They all come in a beautiful box.


Now, a little instructions for using the chest. Every morning you open it, choose any card at random and read the pleasant words. My guests and I guarantee a great mood for the whole day and success in all matters!

With these words, the presenter hands the box to the birthday girl.


I propose to talk about the talents of our hero of the day.

The birthday girl is a great craftswoman,

She never sits idle for a day.

And he will knit socks for his grandchildren,

And he will tell a good story.

Well, on a holiday for the family

Bakes pies.

Competition "Postcard for the hero of the day"

Guests are divided into teams or simply groups of several people. Each receives a kit for creating a masterpiece: paper, cardboard, scissors, glue, ribbons, paints and other improvised means. For production greeting card for the birthday girl – 15 minutes. Then the hero of the day chooses the most beautiful one.

You can award symbolic prizes to all participants, for example, for the most original, bright or positive work.

Competition "Come on, let's get treatment!"

Two teams participate in a comic relay race. Opposite each (at a distance of 3-4 meters) there is a stool. She is wearing a headband, a jar of jam, a jug of compote, a spoon and a glass. Each player in turn needs to run up to the table, tie a bandage on his head, eat a spoonful of jam and drink a glass of compote. The team that completes the task first wins.

Competition "Inconvenient Pies"

From 2 to 5 people can participate. In front of everyone there is a plate on which is an ordinary pie. Assignment: eat it, but without helping yourself with your hands. Whoever eats first wins.


Who said that at sixty

Does anyone need to be sad?

At this age just

Rejoice and dance!

Competition "Super Dancer"

Couples are invited to the dance floor. They must guess the melody and perform the corresponding dance. The winner is the couple who navigated the compositions the fastest and danced the most passionately.

It is better to choose popular melodies: lambada, seven forty, gypsy, waltz, tango, polka, hopak, lezginka.


Our evening in honor of (the middle name of the birthday girl) has come to an end.

Happy anniversary,

And with all our hearts we wish:

Always be the most beautiful

Be happy and loved!

This concludes the scenario for the 60th anniversary of a beloved woman or mother.

It’s not without reason that they say: “Retirement gives you a second wind, and real life It’s just beginning!” So why not celebrate this beginning wildly and magnificently? And the main thing is to enjoy the holiday! We offer you 10 amazing ideas for this!

1. 60 as 1 or an original gift for 60 years

Retirement is the birth of a new person. Have you forgotten? So let's congratulate the “newborn”, give him a pack of diapers, a pacifier, a soft toy! Of course, all these things are unlikely to be useful to him in reality, but they will definitely cause a huge charge of positive emotions. And this is not so little!

2. Grandmother's birthday - butterflies or butterfly festival

This idea was not born by chance. Remember the expression: “Through the mouth of a child the truth speaks”? So, little children, turning to their grandmothers (and at 60, most birthday girls already have grandchildren), often call them “baboska” (butterfly). Indeed, there is so much in common between a butterfly and a grandmother! They are affectionate, with sparkling eyes, and “flutter” over their grandchildren like light butterflies. And if your birthday girl is also in love with these charming bright creatures, she makes them all the time, creating a real miracle with her own hands - then this idea will suit you unconditionally!

Create a soft, fantastic atmosphere for the holiday. Candles, light wine, romantic gifts should certainly surround your birthday girl on this day!

3. A walk down memory lane or memorable moments for a 60th birthday

The essence of the idea is to recreate the most memorable, touching, happy milestones in the life of the birthday person. Of course, to put the idea into practice, you will have to work hard. First of all, invite the hero of the day to a frank conversation about life on the eve of the holiday. Let him talk about his childhood, youth, love, first kiss. Grandparents love to remember this, your task is only to win them over and listen carefully! And then - run to the library! You will need old archives of newspapers, magazines, etc. You need to stock up some rare furniture and clothing for the holiday. And then - create such a beautiful street.

Decorate it with props from the era when your dear birthday boy was young, absolutely healthy and happy! Take him along this fabulous path, invite him to tell him about himself again to the thunderous applause of smiling guests. And even a treat can be arranged somewhere on the edge of “memory lane”. Light fruity milkshakes and cakes are exactly what you need!

Do not doubt, the hero of the day will be very grateful to you for such a surprise!

4. Family holiday for the 60th anniversary

Nowadays, it’s not very often that the whole family has the opportunity to get together. Anniversary loved one- a great reason for this! Especially if you come to your mother (father, uncle, etc.) without prior warning and organize the entire holiday yourself!

5. Surprise for the 60th anniversary

We continue to develop the theme of pleasant, unexpected surprises. Why not invite the birthday girl (birthday boy) to a restaurant? And do it not directly, but casually. Let’s say on your birthday you send them out for a walk with your grandchildren and say that at such and such a time you will be waiting for them there and there. Right at the entrance to the restaurant! And there is a surprise! Guests - family, friends, colleagues!

And also a pleasant classic atmosphere, everything is impeccable and elegant. Unobtrusive jazz is playing...

After light, beautifully decorated snacks, it's time to organize a dance master class for young people! The new generation, according to our grandparents, does not know how to dance at all! How often do we hear the phrase: “Is this dancing? That’s how we danced in our time!”? Let them prove it in practice!

6. Tickets to the country of dreams or celebrating 60 years abroad

And one more idea to continue the theme of surprises. Every person (and especially the older generation) has his own secret, unrealized dreams. Most often, our dear relatives want to visit somewhere. America, Mexico, Spain, France. Yes, simply - the shore of the nearest sea. Well, tell me, is it a bad idea to meet your honorary 60 somewhere in a bungalow under a palm tree? For family and friends, the only thing left to do is organize such a trip!

7. Chocolate celebration or 60th anniversary in chocolate style

Old people are like little, terrible sweet tooths! Don’t feed them bread, but don’t forget to give them candy for breakfast! For both lunch and dinner! So why not arrange a chocolate party for your loved one and his friends on his sixtieth birthday? With lots of sweets and quiet entertainment with an “edible” theme? For example, they can guess the types of chocolate, or the ingredients of a wonderful cake.

And the winners of such competitions can be awarded with such delicious prizes!

8. Hobby party for a 60th birthday

An excellent holiday theme can be the favorite activity or hobby of the hero of the day. For example, if he likes to collect shells, you can bake a cake in the shape of a shell,

decorate the room in sea colors and “sail” with your guests on an imaginary journey! It is also important that each guest brings a gift to the theme.

Or, if, for example, the birthday person is inspired by horses, choose horse racing as the main theme of the holiday. And as a gift, give him a real horse ride.

The atmosphere of a hobby party should be light, homely and relaxed.

9. A bright holiday in the style of decadence or celebrating 60 years like a king

People of the older, post-war generation are accustomed to modest living. Post-war childhood and miserable youth only allowed us to dream about the beautiful life of princes and princesses. Current times give us the opportunity to realize that bright childhood dream and give the birthday boy a real, luxurious, royal holiday in honor of his anniversary.

Pink ostrich feathers, fine silks, pearls and precious stones. The undisguised luxury of the royal palace should touch your guests, invite them, encourage them to continue the theme, to play along.

And as a treat, guests can be offered good French wine and chocolate-covered strawberries - Queen Marie Antoinette's favorite dish.

10. Sports festival as a theme for a 60th birthday party

As a rule, the age of 60 obliges you to pay closer attention to your health. Therefore, the idea of ​​a sports festival “plays” very well for the sixtieth anniversary. Football, volleyball, tennis, even checkers! And as a gift to the hero of the day you can give, for example, 60 lottery tickets! What if you are lucky enough to get rich in your declining years?

Warm your family and friends with the warmth of your hearts, make them happy, give them happiness! And remember, an idea without a soul is just dry words!

Sixty years is a respectable age worthy of respect. By this time, the woman has usually already been a wife, mother, and grandmother for a long time. Congratulations on the anniversary should be special and the holiday can be held according to an interesting, pre-prepared scenario. We suggest using a ready-made cool option, suitable for woman in honor of the 60th anniversary. It is important to prepare everything in advance, taking into account all the characteristics and preferences of a particular person.

Preparatory moments

The scenario itself for a woman’s 60th birthday is given below with all the remarks, competitions and digressions. This is a ready-made cool option that can be changed at your discretion.

The anniversary is designed as a party, so you need to prepare the necessary attribute in advance:

  1. Shiny.
  2. Firecrackers.
  3. Confetti.
  4. Funny cardboard caps.

In addition, the hall is pre-decorated in the appropriate theme. A dress code for guests is established, if possible. It could be a “70s disco” or a “retro party.”

For the anniversary, it is necessary to complete several wall newspapers, which include:

  1. Children's and youth photographs of the hero of the day.
  2. Photos of memorable moments.
  3. Personal family photos.
  4. Photos from work or any merits of the hero of the occasion.
  5. Photos with friends, from travel or favorite activities, hobbies, .

It is important to make a video of congratulations from children and grandchildren, from friends or colleagues; it will be included in the party script.

The background for the entire evening, while the music will be playing, can be a video sequence with changing photographs of the family archive or any others where the main character is the birthday girl. They are displayed on a screen mounted on the central wall of the hall.

Music selected for the entire event:

  1. Compositions for performances and competitions.
  2. Background music.
  3. Music for dancing.

It is necessary to think through and prepare small prizes for guests at competitions.

This is all something that needs to be thought out in advance, but here is the scenario itself for a woman’s 60th birthday. This is a cool ready-made script that can be changed, added or removed from it any moments.

Party “60 years - the beginning of youth”

Several pairs of participants are selected. You need to prepare music of different genres in advance:

  • waltz;
  • lambada;
  • quadrille;
  • twist.

Couples dance to the sound of the melody, and when the music stops, you need to freeze in a pose that matches the genre of music.

The soul shines with joy and joy,
When we spin in a waltz slowly!
So that dancing always fills our lives,
I suggest you drink immediately!



Do you like to sing? I know for sure, you love me. Let's show off our talent!

Guests are divided into 2 teams. One team hums, the other must respond with a song that has the opposite meaning.

The heart dances and sings
Hearing these songs.
So that we can sing all year round,
Let's have a drink together!
We raise a glass to our (name)!
We will capture her enthusiasm and youth for centuries!

"Truth or lie"


Today, loving loved ones gathered at the holiday. Let's check how well you know our hero of the occasion. I suggest you play “truth or lie”.

All guests can be divided into 2 teams. Everyone is given cards of different colors, some “true”, others “false”. The entertainer asks questions that have been prepared in advance and the answer is known about facts from the life of the hero of the day. The teams raise cards in response. After which team has the most matches, it wins.


Obviously gathered here
Only close friends!
We have now learned the truth
Couldn't have said it better!

Final point

Entertainer: The sad moment has come, the party is coming to an end. We really hope to see it repeated in the next 60 years! We wish the birthday girl that the holiday in her life does not stop! And at the next anniversary we were there with the same lineup or more!

An entertainment program for the 60th anniversary will create a fun and relaxed atmosphere when celebrating the anniversary. Entertaining contests and competitions will not let birthday guests get bored. Comic quizzes, outdoor games and table games will amuse everyone present at the holiday. Musical competitions and a vibrant show program will remain in the memory of the hero of the day, his family and friends for a long time.

    Game "Lightning"

    All interested guests participate in the game. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. Each player in the first group receives a balloon of the same color (for example, yellow). Members of the second team receive balls of a different color (for example, blue). Then the players place them on the floor in a chaotic order.

    The participants' task is to burst all the opponents' balloons with their hands as quickly as possible. While destroying opponents' balloons, players must do their best to protect their own. The participant who pops one of the opponent's balloons is eliminated from the game.

    The team that destroys all the opponents' balls the fastest wins.

    All interested guests participate in the competition. They are divided into 2 teams. Each group of participants is provided with an easel with whatman paper and a felt-tip pen.

    First, the first team players approach the easel. They are blindfolded and given a felt-tip pen. After this, the presenter names the part of the body that needs to be drawn on whatman paper. Then the second players approach the easel. They are also blindfolded. The presenter gives them the task of drawing another part of the body. After all players from both teams have completed the competition, the winner is determined.

    The right to choose the best portrait is given to the hero of the day.

    Game "Let's sing together"

    All guests participate in the game. To conduct it, you need to prepare cards (based on the number of invited guests) with lines from old songs. The same song must be on two different cards, but with different lines.

    Each player receives one card. The participants' task is to sing their lines and find the second part of their song. When everyone has completed the task, the guests sing the verse or chorus of each song to the hero of the day.


    • Apple and pear trees bloomed,
      Fogs floated over the river. (Katyusha)
    • About the one I loved
      About the one whose letters I was saving. (Katyusha)
    • I could love you
      But it's just a game. (Kipelov. I'm free)
    • The rain is passing through me
      But there is no more pain. (Kipelov. I'm free)
    • I'll stop waiting for you
      And you will come quite suddenly. (A. Pugacheva. They do not renounce, loving)
    • Not renounce loving,
      After all, life does not end tomorrow. (A. Pugacheva. They do not renounce, loving)
    • You hug the bend of the yellow guitar tenderly,
      The string, like a fragment of echo, will pierce the taut heights... (O. Mityaev. How great it is that we are all gathered here today)
    • And yet, with a sore throat we will remember those today,
      Whose names, like wounds, are baked into the heart... (O. Mityaev. How great it is that we are all gathered here today)
  • All guests participate in the competition. Half an apple with toothpicks stuck into it is placed on the plate of each invitee.

    Participants take turns pulling out toothpicks and saying a wish to the birthday person. For example: “I wish to be young, healthy, vigorous, blooming.” It is important to try not to repeat congratulations so as not to make the competition boring.

    The winner is determined by the birthday boy. It becomes the author of the most unusual, sincere, unique congratulations.

    All guests participate in the competition. The presenter needs to prepare gifts for the participants in advance and put them in a bag. Each gift must begin with a specific letter in the name of the hero of the day.

If young people prefer to celebrate their birthdays in nightclubs and other entertainment places, then representatives of the older generation limit themselves to restaurants and home gatherings. However, both of them want their birthdays to be truly fun and unforgettable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are really interested in all kinds of competitions and games that can be held for a birthday. So if you are going to celebrate 60 years, then you will probably be interested in games and competitions that are ideal for such a serious date.

160 candies

A wonderful competition for 60 years, which will amuse all the guests and delight the hero of the day. To carry it out, you will need to purchase several kilograms of chocolates, so that in the end there will be at least 160 pieces.

The host puts 60 candies in one bag and invites guests to guess how many pieces there are in it. If no one guesses what the idea of ​​the competition is, then the participant who named the closest number wins. After each of the guests has named his version, the host announces that the bag contains exactly 60 candies, each of which corresponds to one year of the hero of the day’s life. The winner is awarded a bag with these sweets.

After the first bag is played, the presenter brings out the second, which contains 100 candies. Now he asks the same question not to all the guests, but only to the hero of the day. Regardless of what answer he gives, the presenter hands him a bag and says that it contains exactly 100 candies. After this, the host and guests wish the hero of the day to live at least 100 years.

60 steps

Another fun competition that is ideal for celebrating a 60th anniversary. Since the competition is quite complicated, you need to prepare in advance a good present that will go to the winner. You don't need any other attributes to carry it out.

The “60 Steps” competition can only be held in large halls. Its essence is that participants need to walk 60 steps to the hero of the day and shake his hand (man) or kiss him on the cheek (woman). However, this task is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that during the competition the hero of the occasion can get up from his seat and change seats five times, so it will be quite difficult to get to him.

During the competition, participants are allowed to take steps of any length. Well, the winner is the participant who managed to calculate the length of his steps and reach the hero of the occasion within 60 steps.

60 nicknames

People quite often call each other affectionate nicknames that are associated with the animal world. Most often, such nicknames are invented by couples in love to emphasize their tender attitude towards their partner. However, such nicknames can be used to call everyone, including your hero of the day.

The host gives each guest a piece of paper, a pen and 5 minutes of time. After this, he divides the guests into two equal teams. The task of each team member is to come up with and write down as much as possible a large number of affectionate nicknames for the hero of the day, which are associated with the animal world. After the time has expired, the presenter collects the records and the nicknames begin to be counted. Only original nicknames from different members of the same team are counted. So, for example, if two team members wrote “Kitten,” then this nickname is counted once.

The winner of this competition is the team that, through their joint efforts, managed to come up with 60 or more original nicknames for the hero of the day.

60 coins

For this competition you need to stock up on change. You must have sixty moments of different denominations, but no more than five types. All coins are poured into one large basket, and five empty containers are placed next to it.

The participants' task is to sort the coins into different containers as quickly as possible. However, this should not be done haphazardly, but following a clear rule - one container should contain coins of the same denomination.

Guests participate in the competition one by one, and the winner is determined using the host’s stopwatch. Victory is given to the one who managed to parse the coins the fastest. The winner gets a bag of coins.

60 things go under the hammer

For this memorable 60th anniversary competition, you need to buy sixty different souvenirs in advance, for example, toy cars and telephones, counterfeit money, postcards, pens and other things. Towards the middle of the anniversary celebration, the host announces the start of the auction. He says that over sixty, the hero of the occasion has acquired a lot of things that he wants to get rid of right now through an auction.

The presenter announces the start of the auction and begins to put up lots for sale. However, he does not introduce them, but only names what exactly is being sold. For example, he can say: “The car of the hero of the day is now up for sale.” But, in fact, the guest who purchased this item will be given a toy car. Therefore, starting prices for lots should be ridiculous.

Unlike similar competitions that are held at weddings, the goal of this game for 60 years is not to earn money from sold souvenirs, but to have fun with all your heart.

60 facts: true or false

Before holding this competition, the presenter must talk to the hero of the day in advance. This needs to be done so that the future birthday boy can name thirty reliable facts about himself. It is advisable that most of these facts are difficult to believe. For example, if in sixty years a person has not had time to try this or that popular dish, for example, pizza, then this fact must be written down. After all, it will be difficult to believe. In general, you need to seriously think about selecting truly incredible facts from a person’s life.

After the presenter and the future hero of the day select thirty incredible facts about the hero of the occasion, they will need to invent 30 “facts” that have nothing to do with the person. All these made-up “facts” must be similar to the truth. For example, if a person has never been to Moscow (St. Petersburg, Kyiv) in sixty years of life, then it must be written down that the hero of the day was in this city.

At the celebration itself in honor of the celebration of 60 years of the hero of the occasion, the host announces that a competition will now be held for knowledge of the life of the hero of the day. The guests' task is to guess when the host names a true fact from the life of the birthday person. That is, they need to distinguish truth from lies. To do this, the host asks each guest individually so that he has the opportunity to determine the winner. For each correct answer, when the guest managed to find out the truth, the host gives him an impromptu “trick”, for example, candy. The winner is the guest who knows the hero of the day so well that he managed to guess greatest number true facts about him.

60 grams for guests

A fun competition that will lift the spirits of all guests at a sixty-year anniversary party. To carry it out you need to take several identical glasses and a couple of bottles mineral water. The presenter calls the participants one by one, each of whom needs to be blindfolded. The participant is blindfolded and asked to pour 60 drops of water into each glass. The winner is the participant who managed to “add” approximately the same amount of liquid to all glasses.

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