Notes of speech therapist's classes with onr. A set of speech development exercises for children with level III SEN, recommended for parents to practice at home. Activities to help cope with speech problems

Big choice ready-made notes for speech therapy sessions for children with general speech underdevelopment. Experience in using effective methods for correcting violations of sound pronunciation, perception, and immaturity of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech.

Publications on the use of games and dramatizations, theatrical performances and fiction, excursions and walks. Using these and other methods, we promote the formation of impressive speech in preschoolers with ODD; gradual development and improvement of speech hearing, general speech skills (sound pronunciation, clarity of diction, intonation expressiveness of speech, coordination of speech with movement, general, fine and articulatory motor skills).

Activities that help cope with speech problems.

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All sections | ONR. Class notes

Consultation “Motor activity as a means of speech development in children with special needs development” Developed: Speech therapist teachers - Smirnova S.N., Ryabokon Yu.S. I. Features of children with OSD and the specifics of organizing work in a speech therapy group We work with children with general speech underdevelopment. The peculiarity of our children is a lag not only in speech, but also in motor...

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group for children with special needs development on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories “Pisces” Subject: "Fish" Tasks: 1) Activation of vocabulary on the topic 2) Education possessive adjectives 3) Coordination of nouns with numerals 4) Exercise in understanding and using verbs with prefixes 5) Development of attention, memory, speech-logical thinking...

ONR. Lesson notes - Synopsis of a frontal lesson on the formation of the phonetic aspect of speech of children with ODD “Sound [B]” in the senior group

Publication “Summary of a frontal lesson on the formation of the phonetic side...” Goal: developing basic sound analysis skills; development of phonemic hearing. Tasks: 1. Clarify and consolidate the correct articulation of sound [B]. 2. Teach children to isolate the sound [B] in a stream of consonant sounds, in syllables and at the beginning of words. 3. Learn to analyze the sound range...

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson for children 3–4 years old with level 2 OHP “Dinnerware” Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech for preschoolers 3 - 4 years old with general speech underdevelopment, level 2 on the topic “Tableware”. Purpose: To introduce the names of tableware and their purpose,...

Lesson with a child with disabilities, cerebral palsy, OHP “Sun-bucket” Lesson: “Sun-bucket” Goals: To teach to listen to the teacher’s speech, repeat movements, develop fine motor skills. Practice onomatopoeia. Strengthen the ability to recognize animals and their young, the colors red and yellow. Introduce in a playful way the concept of “big”...

Summary of the dominant lesson “Musical and rhythmic movements” in the middle group for children with general speech underdevelopment OHP Compiled by Svetlana Anatolyevna Kolycheva, music director, MBDOU No. 263, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk SUMMARY OF A DOMINANT CLASS IN A MIDDLE GROUP for children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) TOPIC “Musical-rhythmic movements in a music lesson” TASKS...

ONR. Lesson notes - Notes of GCD for children of senior preschool age ONR “Professions for Smeshariki”

Goal: to generalize and enhance children’s knowledge about work and professions. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about various professions. 2. Learn to identify a profession by description, divide different professions into groups based on criteria 3. Develop speech, thinking, imagination, activity,...

“Differentiation of sounds [С]-[С’]”. Outline of direct educational activities with children with special needs development Educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Health”. Goal: To consolidate the clear pronunciation of the sounds “S, S” in words and sentences. Educational objectives: - to practice auditory differentiation of sounds “S-S”, - to improve skills...

Correctional educational goals:

Learn to distinguish words denoting the action of an object;
- learn to ask questions to words denoting the action of an object.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Development of coherent speech, visual attention, speech hearing, thinking, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Nurturing love and careful attitude to nature.

Wellness tasks:

Teach breathing exercises that help restore the central nervous system;
- develop the child’s personality, emotional sphere, aesthetic feelings;
- activate phonation exhalation, i.e. connection between voice and breathing.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Listen to three similar-sounding words and name what you can eat.

Potatoes, spoon, okroshka.
Orange, damn, tangerine.
Candy, cutlet, rocket.
Bowl, sausage, toffee.
Banana, sofa, drum.
Pies, boots, irons.
Lemon, carriage, broth.
Honey, compote, raft.
Salo, halls, challah.
Grapes, marmalade, camera.
Pie, cottage cheese, pot.
Solyanka, clearing, flask.
Bun, booth, pipe.
Zucchini, hook, icon.
Pineapple, kvass, double bass.
Salad, robe, marmalade.
Kalach, Easter cake, circus performer.
Cakes, shorts, courts.
Ice cream, kefir, cheese.
Jacket, bouquet, package.
Soup, tooth, oak.

2. Main part.

Now I will tell you riddles. The pictures you chose will help you guess them. The one who has the answer picture must put it on the typesetting canvas.

She was born green
On a blooming white crown.
And then she grew and blushed.
As soon as she ripened, she turned blue.

The bun hangs all summer
Among the green branches.
It will hit the ground loudly,
When autumn comes.

Clusters of berries over the path
They hide the palm leaves.
Brushes hung on the vine,
And they hid from us in the leaves.

You look like a light bulb
And on Vanka - stand up too.
Your side is ruddy
And if you take a bite, the juice will splash out.

You solved the riddles easily. How can you describe in one word what you see in the pictures?

A) Game “Little Wizard”. The speech therapist lays out double-sided cards with images of large vegetables and fruits. Children take turns touching any picture with a “magic wand”, name the fruit and turn it into a small one. If the task is completed correctly, the child turns over the card, checks his answer and takes the picture for himself. For example: This is a lemon. I turn it into a lemon...

B) Game “Ask?” The speech therapist invites the children to ask each other what they have in their hands. For example: Masha, what is this? This is lemon and lemongrass. Vasya ask Misha what it is.

C) Game “Visiting the Dwarves” The speech therapist puts cards with images of small fruits in front of the children. Children must make sentences in a chain following the example: “The Gnome has oranges, lemons, pears in his basket...”. You can use the model to make sentences about what the children have in the basket. Next, the speech therapist asks the children questions, and the children make up their own based on the proposed model. For example: Misha, what did you do? I put an orange in the basket. Ask Vic Yaroslav what he did.

G) Breathing exercises according to A.N. Strelnikova:


Palms-palms, (children stand straight and straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart)
Loud firecrackers. (arms bent at the elbows, elbows down, palms turned out)
We squeeze our palms together (on the count of “one” - grasping movements with our palms, squeezing)
We inhale correctly through our nose. (simultaneously with the movements we sniff noisily)
How to unclench your palms (immediately after a short inhalation, unclench your palms)
Then we exhale freely. (exhale goes away on its own)

For 4 counts, we take 4 short breaths in a row - movements for a 3-4 minute break.

D) Making proposals based on the picture. The speech therapist again invites the children to sit on the chairs in front of the easel and again places the picture on the easel.

Now we will make proposals for the picture. I'll start, and you continue. It is necessary to say who is doing what. For example: Masha collects red apples.

Finger gymnastics “Fruit palm”

This finger is an orange
He is, of course, not alone.
This finger is a plum
Delicious, beautiful.
This finger is an apricot
Grew high on a branch.
This finger is a pear
He asks: “Come on, eat it!”
This finger is a pineapple, (one by one extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the thumb)
Fruit for you and for us. (point with palms around and towards yourself)

E) Game "Chooks". The speech therapist gives children pictures of fruits and asks the children to prepare two delicious dishes from these fruits and make up a sentence following the example: “There are apples in my picture. I'll make apple juice and apple pie."

Health-improving exercises for the prevention of throat diseases.

"Tanya is crying"

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanya don’t cry:
- The ball will not drown in the river. (Children imitate crying, sobbing loudly, breathing “sobbing.”

Repetition of syllable chains:


D) Game “Remember and name.” Ball game. The speech therapist invites the children, passing the ball to each other in a circle, to name the fruits, their color and shape. Make sure that children do not repeat themselves.

For example: Red round apple. Blue oval plum.

3. Summary of the lesson.

The game “Which fruit is missing?” (consolidating the category of genitive singular).

There are four to five pictures of fruits on the board. The speech therapist quietly removes one picture and asks: “Which fruit is missing?” The children answer: “There are no lemons,” etc.

Zhgutova Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher speech therapist.
Municipal budget
preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 1 compensating type

MDOU kindergarten No. 9 “Beryozka”

correctional and developmental classes

For children with OHP II - III senior level speech therapy group(5-6 years)

On the topic: Development of phonetic-phonemic processes in children.



Target. Development of auditory perception.
Correctional educational tasks. Improving articulatory motor skills. Formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis of syllables. Consolidating the concepts of speech and non-speech sounds.
Corrective and developmental tasks. Development of verbal communication skills, coherent speech, thinking, creative imagination, facial muscles, coordination of speech with movement, visual attention and perception.
Educational tasks. Cultivating goodwill. Development of skills of cooperation in play, activity, independence.
Preliminary work. Conducting games and exercises to develop auditory perception of non-speech and speech sounds. For example: exercise “Boxes”. Goal: recognition and differentiation of non-speech sounds. Equipment: identical metal jars (from lollipops, cream, etc.) contain bulk products with particles of various sizes: semolina and buckwheat, peas, beans, granulated sugar, etc.
Equipment. A planar image of two suns: sad and joyful, paper, a toy saw with a block and a hammer, plastic bottles with peas, with nuts; screen; bell and head cap; red flashlights; red chips (caps from plastic bottles); a magic book made from a box with object pictures inside; small chest (with strips of paper inside to represent “words”).

Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment.

Convey with facial expressions (joy, sadness).
- Look at the sun.
- What is his mood (sad).
- Why? (he has sad eyes, does not smile).
- When do you get in such a mood? (when I go to kindergarten, etc.)
- Pretend to be sad.
- Look at the other sun.
- What is his mood? (joyful).
- Why? (it smiles).
- When do you get in such a mood? (when they buy me a toy, etc.).

Feign joy.
2. Main part.
- Guys, look how many different items I have. (hammer, saw with a block, paper, plastic bottles).
- Why did I bring them? (to perform different actions with objects)

Can objects make sounds? (Yes).
The speech therapist demonstrates actions with sounding objects.
Today we will listen, recognize and pronounce different sounds.

Game “Name the sounding object” (the speech therapist behind a screen performs actions with objects). Children guess what object sounded.
- What did you hear? (sounds).
- What speech or non-speech sounds? (non-speech).
- Why? (because we didn’t pronounce them with our mouths).
There are many sounds around you. Objects may sound different.
Game "Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell".
Barely, barely, barely, barely (moving at a pace)
We move on foot (we move at a pace)
And then, then, then (running)
Everybody run, run, run (run) (stop signal)
The driver is in the center of the circle, with a cap on his head. Moves in the direction of the sound of the bell.
- What sounds did you hear? Speech or non-speech? (non-speech).

What sounds do we call speech sounds? (which are pronounced with the mouth).
- What organs of articulation help us pronounce sounds? (lips, teeth, tongue, hard palate).
Game "Live sounds".
- Children, look at me and tell me what sound I want to say.
Children recognize the sound by silent articulation and pronounce it: A U I O U E Y.

Game "Shine the Flashlight".
Children shine a red flashlight on a certain vowel sound.
Exercise “Clap your hands as many times as you hear sounds.”
The speech therapist pronounces the sounds, and the children, after listening to a series of identical sounds, clap their hands as many times as they hear the sounds. The work can be carried out both individually and frontally.
For example:
A-A-A U-U I-I-I, etc.
Game "What happens?"
-To the sound A we add U, does it work? (AU).
- How many sounds did you hear? (two).
- What is the first sound? (A).
- What is the second sound? (U).
Children use chips to form the syllable AU. Etc.

Game "Guess by Voice".
Children pronounce the text with movement.
So we lined up in a circle (they walk in a circle)
They turned around suddenly (walking in a circle)
How about we say cluck-clack-clack (running)
Guess whose voice? (running) (stop signal).
The driver in the center of the circle puts a cap on his head. He guesses who called him by name.

- Guys, look at the magic book I have. It only contains pictures. Children, you need to take one picture at a time, name it and determine the first sound in the word. (stork, duck, emu, turkey, fishing rod, arch, hoop, elf, etc.)

Exercise “Coming up with words for a given sound.”
Children receive a strip of paper (a word), they need to come up with a word for a given sound and put it in a chest, and then come up with a sentence with this word.
For example: come up with a word that begins with the sound O (perch) and a sentence (Perch swims in the water).

The speech therapist reminds children that a sentence consists of words, the words in it are friends, and we learn about something from a sentence.

3. End of class.

Assessment of children's work.

The speech therapist invites the children to talk about what they did today and what games they played.

What was difficult for you to do? (come up with words for a given sound, clap sounds, make a sentence, etc.)

Short description

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson for children with general speech underdevelopment of levels 1-2.
The lesson was conducted with a child aged 4 years 10 months. Speech therapy report from a speech therapist at the Motor Alalia clinic. ONR first level, plus ZPR.
Upon entering kindergarten, speech consisted of vowel sounds, the syllable “GA,” gestures and facial expressions (showing).
The purpose of the lesson is to develop the expressive side of speech. To create motivation to verbal communication and surprises were used to maintain interest.
Several problems were solved during the lesson. The first part of the lesson, the development of general speech skills, was aimed at getting the child in the mood to work and including him in the lesson process. Here the child performed familiar actions with unfamiliar material.
The main part of the lesson was aimed at developing vocabulary and forming phrases with a simple addition.
This was followed by a physical lesson and the task used already familiar material (the fairy tale “Turnip”), which reinforced the ability to finish a sentence and answer questions in one word. In addition to surprise moments during the lesson, much attention was paid to motor activity, which helped to maintain the child’s active attention throughout the entire lesson.
The lesson ends with encouragement, which creates motivation and a positive attitude for the next lesson.
The outline file is attached.


Authors: Kabachenko N.A.; Kabachenko E.I.
teachers-speech therapists for innovative work, the highest qualification category, GBOU d/s No. 2444, GBOU TsO No. 1446, GBOU TsPMSS "Open World".
The synopsis file is attached.

individual speech therapy sessions for children
with general speech underdevelopment of level 1-2

Subject:"Development of expressive speech"
Class:"Bug's Tasks"
Target: Development of Expressive Speech
Correctional educational tasks:
Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary. Developing the ability to compose a simple common sentence. Strengthening the ability to finish a sentence. Answer questions in one word. Consolidating the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds “E”, “U”, “Y” and sound series with the sound “P”.

Correction and development tasks:
Activation of speech activity. Development of thinking, visual and auditory memory, speech hearing, phonemic hearing, visual attention. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills. Cultivating a smooth, long exhalation.

Correctional and educational tasks:
Formation of a positive attitude towards the lesson. Developing speech skills.

Blower: “Blow away the clouds.”
Subject dynamic pictures: “The bear is walking”, “The locomotive is moving”, “The plane is flying”.
Syllabic tracks (track with traces).
Magic bag and set of pictures.
Wooden figures; fairy tale "Turnip".
Soft toy “Dog - Bug”
Encouragement: coloring pictures depicting the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip”

1. Development of general speech skills.
2. Introduction to the plot and characters of the fairy tale “Turnip”

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