Pronouns by. Demonstrative pronouns in Russian. Deictic and anaphoric use of that

It's hard to say how we would manage without pronouns. Without them it is impossible to construct almost a single phrase. Here, for example, are the previous two. That is, of course, it is possible. But why bother?

If you put together all the pronouns in the Russian language, you will get an impressive document. But it doesn’t make sense to simply lump everything together. Therefore, we have prepared a special article for you. It contains all the basic information about the categories of pronouns, their grammatical features and spelling, as well as a sample of morphological analysis. Special tables will help you better master all the necessary knowledge about pronouns in the Russian language. And examples from literary works will help to more clearly imagine how the grammatical characteristics of pronouns are implemented in practice.

What are pronouns

Pronoun refers to an independent part of speech that is used instead of nouns, adjectives, numerals and adverbs (or their characteristics) to indicate these nouns, adjectives, numerals and adverbs (as well as their characteristics and quantity), without naming them.

The grammatical features of pronouns depend on which part of speech they refer to. This will be discussed in more detail below.

Pronouns are divided into two types of categories: by meaning and by grammatical features.

Digits by value:

  • personal;
  • returnable;
  • possessive;
  • interrogative;
  • relative;
  • index;
  • definitive;
  • negative;
  • undefined.

Sometimes reciprocal and general pronouns are also added to this classification.

Disorders based on grammatical features:

  • generalized subject;
  • generalized-qualitative;
  • generalized quantitative.

This classification examines how pronouns relate to different parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, numerals. In some sources it is sometimes included here special group pronouns correlating with adverbs.

Now we will analyze all these categories in detail.

Classes of pronouns in Russian

By value:

Personal pronouns. In speech, they indicate its object - the person about whom we're talking about. Pronouns 1 ( I/we) and 2 ( you you) faces indicate participants in speech. 3rd person pronouns ( he, she, it/they) indicate persons who do not participate in the speech.

Obsolete personal pronoun one used to denote feminine (plural) objects of speech.

Personal pronouns in the Russian language change according to persons and numbers, pronouns of the 3rd person singular - also according to gender, as well as to cases.

In a sentence they play the role of subject or object.

  • I couldn't shake the feeling that they could see us. (Ch.T. Aitmatov)
  • Life is always accompanied by effort, hardship and hard work, because it is not a garden with beautiful flowers. (I.A. Goncharov)
  • Why don't I want to be smarter if I understand how stupid everyone around me is? If you wait for everyone to wise up, it will take too long... and then I realized that this is completely impossible. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

Reflexive pronouns. In speech, they indicate the direction of action to the subject. Reflexive pronoun myself does not have a nominative case form, but is declined in all other cases: yourself, yourself, yourself/yourself, (about) yourself. Does not change according to persons, numbers, genders.

In a sentence it acts as a complement.

  • If you happen to be angry with someone else, be angry with yourself at the same time, at least for the fact that you managed to get angry with someone else. (N.V. Gogol)
  • There is nothing more pleasant than being obliged to do everything to yourself. (N.V. Gogol)
  • To live for oneself is not to live, but to exist passively: you need to fight. (I.A. Goncharov)
  • We often allow ourselves to think that ancient people are like inexperienced children. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Possessive pronouns. In speech, they indicate that a certain object (objects) belongs to a subject (or subjects).

Possessive pronouns:

  • 1 person – my, my, my/my And our, ours, ours / ours;
  • 2 persons – yours, yours, yours / yours And yours, yours, yours/yours;
  • 3 persons – him, her/them.

Are changing possessive pronouns in the Russian language, as you already understood, by persons, genders and numbers, as well as in combination with a noun that is being explained - by cases. Third person pronouns are not inflected.

  • Our choices, more than our abilities, reveal our true selves. (J.K. Rowling)
  • In our office, out of thirty-two employees on staff, twenty-eight called themselves: " Golden feather republics." The three of us, in order of originality, were called silver. (S.D. Dovlatov)
  • There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language. (K.G. Paustovsky)

Interrogative pronouns. Pronouns who?, what?, which?, which?, whose?, which?, how many?, where?, when?, where?, from where?, why? serve as interrogative words (indicate persons, objects, signs, quantity) when making interrogative sentences.

They change according to numbers, genders, cases, but not all.

  • Do you know what is given to man, and only to him? Laugh and cry. (E.M. Remarque)
  • Dear, dear, funny fool, / Well, where are you, where are you going? (S. A. Yesenin)
  • What is law? / The law is a tightrope on the street, / To stop passersby in the middle of the road<...>(V.A. Zhukovsky)

Relative pronouns. Pronouns who, what, which, what, whose, which, how many, where, where, when, from, why also act as allied words in complex sentences and serve to connect the subordinate and main parts of a complex sentence.

Like interrogatives, relative pronouns who what And How many declined according to cases. The rest are based on numbers, genders and cases. Besides pronouns where, where, when, where, why, which are immutable.

In a sentence, depending on the part of speech they replace, they can act in different syntactic roles.

  • There are such low characters who love, as if they hate! (F.M. Dostoevsky)
  • People will always have something to find, discover, invent, because the very source of this knowledge is inexhaustible. (I.A. Goncharov)
  • Outright anger is much less repulsive than pretense of kindness. (L.N. Tolstoy)
  • Joy can be compared to oil in a lamp: when there is not enough oil in the lamp, the wick quickly burns out and the light from the lamp is replaced by black smoke. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Demonstrative pronouns. Indicate the signs or number of speech objects. The following pronouns fall into this category: so much, this, that, such, such, here, here, here, there, from there, from here, then, therefore, then, obsolete pronouns this one.

Demonstrative pronouns in the Russian language change according to cases, gender and numbers.

  • I've been planning to buy myself a castle for two years. Happy are those who have nothing to lock up. (F.M. Dostoevsky)
  • Sometimes a person reaches such a line that if he doesn’t step over it, he will be unhappy, and if he steps over it, he will become even more unhappy. (F.M. Dostoevsky)
  • The truth should be served like a coat, not thrown in your face like a wet towel. (M. Twain)
  • Anyone who strives for self-improvement will never believe that this self-improvement has a limit. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Determinative pronouns. They are used to indicate a sign of the object of speech. These include: .

Determinative pronouns are declined according to cases and change according to gender and number.

  • Everyone who stops learning grows old, whether at 20 or 80, and anyone else who continues to study remains young. The most important thing in life is to keep your brain young. (G. Ford)
  • One good friend is worth more than all the blessings in this world. (Voltaire)
  • Even the most frank thought, the purest and clearly conveyed fantasy, be it truth or fiction, cannot evoke sincere sympathy. (L.N. Tolstoy)
  • We don't need magic to change this world - within us we already have everything we need for this: we can mentally imagine the best... (J. K. Rowling)

Negative pronouns. In speech they act as an indicator of the absence of the object of speech or its signs. Pronouns no one, nothing, no one, nothing, none, nobody, nowhere and the like, as you can see, are formed from interrogative/relative pronouns by attaching prefixes Not-(under emphasis) and neither-(no emphasis).

In Russian, negative pronouns vary by case, gender and number.

  • The old truth will never be embarrassed by the new - it will put this burden on its shoulders. Only the sick, the obsolete are afraid to take a step forward. (I.A. Goncharov)
  • I believe that nothing passes without a trace and that every little step matters for the present and future life. (A.P. Chekhov)
  • Never make any difficult moves if the same thing can be achieved much more in simple ways. This is one of the wisest rules of life. It is very difficult to apply it in practice. Especially intellectuals and romantics. (E.M. Remarque)
  • Philosophers and children have one noble trait - they do not attach importance to any differences between people - neither social, nor mental, nor external. (A.T. Averchenko)

Indefinite pronouns. Speech expresses indefinite characteristics and the number of objects of speech, as well as their uncertainty.

Pronouns of this category are also formed from interrogative/relative pronouns by adding prefixes to them: not-, some- - something, someone, some, some, several, somehow, something and so on. And also postfixes: - then, -either, - anyone – anyone, somewhere, how much and so on.

Indefinite pronouns in the Russian language change according to gender and number, and are declined according to cases.

  • You can say a lot of stupid things, following only the desire to say something. (Voltaire)
  • Some are accustomed to living on everything ready-made, walking on someone’s feet, eating chewed food... (F.M. Dostoevsky)
  • In hardly anything else is human frivolity more often seen to such a terrifying extent than in the structure of marital unions. (N.S. Leskov)

Mentioned above reciprocal pronouns serve to express attitudes towards two or more persons and objects.

Their number in the Russian language is very large due to the many prepositions, thanks to which for each reciprocal pronoun there is big number variable forms. For example, to each other, about each other, in each other, for each other, one from the other, one for the other, one from under the other, after each other, in the end, from end to beginning, from first to second, from case to case case, time after time, from this to that– and this is not a complete list.

In a sentence they play the role of complements.

  • People are pressed together like rats in a cage, their anger at each other is natural for lonely kings. (A.V. Korolev)
  • In bad weather or just when we feel like it, we have fun looking at the contents of tin boxes. We carefully unwrap the wax paper bags and show each other what makes us who we are. (G. Petrovich)

General pronouns serve in speech to indicate objects that are combined according to any characteristics that do not express quality. For example, speech objects combined in pairs ( both; both), or identical ( the same, the same), or an integer set ( everyone, everyone, all) and so on.

Table of categories of pronouns in the Russian language

Rank by value

Examples of pronouns

1. Personal 1st person – me, we
2nd person – you, you
3rd person – he, she, it, they (+ one)
2. Returnable myself
3. Possessives 1st person – mine, mine, my, mine, our, ours, ours, ours
2nd person – yours, yours, yours, yours, yours, yours, yours, yours
3rd person – his, her, theirs
4. Questions Who? What? Which? what? whose? which? How many? Where? When? Where? where? For what?
5. Relative who, what, which, which, whose, which, how many, where, when, where, why
6. Index fingers so much, this, that, such, such, here, here, here, there, from there, from here, then, therefore, then (+ this, that)
7. Definitive all, every, all, himself, most, every, any, other, different, every, everywhere, everywhere, always
8. Negative no one, nothing, no one, nothing, none, no one's
9. Uncertain someone, something, some, some, several, some, some where, something, somewhere, some, any, some, somewhere, for some reason, someone

“Non-classical” categories are not included in this table intentionally so as not to create confusion.

Correlating pronouns with other parts of speech

In other words, categories based on grammatical features:

Pronouns-nouns indicate a person or thing. They are related to nouns by syntactic and morphological characteristics. For example, in a sentence you can also ask them questions: who? So what? and they act as subject or object. As well as the categories of person (in personal ones, through verbs associated with them), number, gender (expressed in words associated with the pronoun) and case. By the way, the pronoun Who is masculine, and What- average.

Pronouns-nouns in the Russian language include: all personal and reflexive pronouns, some interrogative/relative, negative, indefinite. In particular: he, she, it, they, who, what, no one, nothing, someone, something, someone, something etc.

Pronouns-adjectives in speech they indicate the attribute of an object, and this allows them to be correlated with adjectives. In addition, they show inconsistent signs of gender, number and can be declined according to cases. Although, for example, pronouns what And that's how it is They do not decline and in a sentence, unlike others, they can only be predicates. All other adjective pronouns act either as modifiers or as an integral part of the predicate.

Third person possessive pronouns are also unchangeable: his, her, their.

Adjective pronouns include all possessive pronouns and all attributives, some demonstrative and interrogative/relative, negative and indefinite. Namely: my, yours, yours, ours, yours, which, which, whose, that, this, most, every, every and so on.

Numeral pronouns, as you might guess, indicate the number of objects without indicating it exactly. These include pronouns as much as and their indefinite derivatives a few, some, some.

Pronouns of this category are capable of inflection according to cases (everything is the same). But they do not change by gender and number. They agree with nouns according to the same principle as cardinal numbers.

Pronouns-adverbs, already mentioned above, are a special group that is not always identified. Often they are not classified as pronouns at all. Like adjective pronouns, they indicate a characteristic, but are unchangeable and characterize an action. And this allows us to correlate them with adverbs.

Pronouns of this category do not show signs of gender and number, and are not declined according to cases. They agree with verbs according to the same principle as adverbs. And circumstances play a role in a sentence.

Pronoun-adverbs include: there, where, where, when, so.

Pronouns in Russian - table of categories in relation to parts of speech

Grammar classification

Examples of pronouns

1. Pronouns - nouns he, she, it, they, who, what, no one, nothing, someone, something, someone, something and others
2. Adjective pronouns my, yours, yours, ours, yours, which, which, whose, that, this, most, every, each and others
3. Numeral pronouns as much as, several, how much, how much
4. Pronouns-adverbs there, where, where, when, so

Cases of pronouns in Russian

Pronouns of different categories have their own peculiarities of changing according to cases. Now we will look at some of them in more detail.

1. Cases of personal pronouns

In indirect cases, not only the endings of these pronouns change, but also the stem:

I.p. I, you, we, you, he, it, she, they

R.p. me, you, us, you, his, his, her, their

D.p. me, you, us, you, his, his, her, their

V.p. me, you, us, you, his, his, her, their

etc. me (me), you (you), us, you, them, them, her (her), them

P.p. (about) me, (about) you, (about) us, (about) you, (about) him, (about) him, (about) her, (about) them.

The 1st and 2nd person singular pronouns do not have clearly defined gender categories: they are used in both masculine, feminine, and neuter.

Third person pronouns, when inflected, may lose their initial consonant: she- But her and so on.

2. For a reflexive pronoun myself There are only forms of oblique cases. It is also declined as a personal pronoun You:

etc. by myself (by myself)

P.p. (About Me

  • possessive pronouns ( my, yours, ours, yours);
  • index ( that, this, this);
  • interrogative/relative ( which, which, whose);
  • determinatives ( most, himself, all, every, different).

I.p. our, ours, ours, ours; such, such, such, such

R.p. ours, ours, ours, ours; such, such, such, such

D.p. ours, ours, ours, ours; so, so, so, so

V.p. ours, ours, ours, ours; such, such, such, such

etc. ours, ours, ours, ours; like this, like this, like this

P.p. (about) ours, (about) ours, (about) ours, (about) ours; (about) such, (about) such, (about) such, (about) such

Determinative pronouns myself And most, although similar, incline differently. The difference is indicated mainly by emphasis:

I.p. the most, the most

R.p. most, most

D.p. myself, myself

V.p. most, most

etc. by myself, by myself

P.p. (about) myself, (about) myself

* A capital letter indicates a stressed syllable.

Pay attention to the declension of attributive pronouns all, all, everything:

I.p. all, all, everything

R.p. everything, all, everyone

D.p. everything, everything, everyone

V.p. everything, all, everyone

etc. everyone, all (everyone), everyone

P.p. (about) everything, (about) everything, (about) everyone

When declension of feminine and neuter pronouns, only the endings change, but in the masculine gender the stem also changes.

4. In interrogative/relative ( who what) and the negative ones formed from them ( nobody, nothing) of pronouns, when changing by case, the bases change:

I.p. who, what, nobody, nothing

R.p. who, what, no one, nothing

D.p. to whom, what, no one, nothing

V.p. who, what, no one, nothing

etc. who, what, nothing, nothing

P.p. (about) whom, (about) what, about no one, about nothing.

At the same time, in the prepositional case, the preposition breaks negative pronouns into three words.

5. Like the reflexive pronoun, some negative pronouns do not have a nominative case form:

R.p. no one

D.p. no one

V.p. no one

etc. no one

P.p. not about anyone.

6. Indefinite pronouns are declined in the same way as the interrogative/relative pronouns from which they are formed:

I.p. any, something

R.p. any, something

D.p. to any, something

V.p. any, something

etc. somehow, something

P.p. (about) any, about something

7. There are variable case forms for the indefinite pronoun some:

I.p. some

R.p. some

D.p. to a certain

V.p. no one

etc. some (some)

P.p. (about) someone

Variant case forms exist for this pronoun in other gender/number as well.

8. Some index fingers ( that's how it is), relative ( what), undefined ( someone, something) pronouns do not change by case. Pronouns and adverbs are not inflected either. there, where, where, when, so.

Morphological analysis of pronouns

We offer you a diagram of morphological analysis of pronouns and an example of such analysis.

Parsing scheme:

  1. Identify the part of speech grammatical meaning pronouns, write the initial form (put in the nominative case (if any), singular).
  2. Describe the morphological features:
    • constants (category by meaning, rank by grammatical features, person (for personal and possessive), number (for personal 1st and 2nd persons);
    • inconsistent (case, number, gender).
  3. Indicate what role it plays in the sentence.

Sample morphological analysis of pronouns

Don't waste your energy trying to change people... They will not change. U them Who decided to take a strong action, That and rights (F.M. Dostoevsky).

  1. Morphological features: constants – personal, pronoun-noun, 3rd person; inconstant – nominative case, plural.

(at) them

  1. Pronoun; indicates the object of speech without directly naming it, n.f. - They.
  2. Morphological features: constants – personal, pronoun-noun, 3rd person; inconstant – genitive case, plural.
  3. Role in a sentence: addition.
  1. Pronoun; indicates the object of speech without naming it, n.f. - Who.
  2. Morphological features: constants – relative, pronoun-noun; inconstant – nominative case.
  3. It plays the role of subject in a sentence.
  1. Pronoun; indicates the object of speech without naming it, n.f. - That.
  2. Morphological features: constants – demonstrative, pronoun-adjective; inconstant – nominative case, singular, masculine.
  3. Role in a sentence: subject.

Spelling pronouns

Personal pronouns

When declension of personal pronouns in Russian in indirect cases, the letter appears at the base of 3rd person pronouns n, if they have a pretext in front of them. For example, about him, to them, about her, among them and so on.

N does not join:

  • in the dative case, if the pronoun is preceded by a derivative preposition thanks, like, contrary, according to, towards, in spite of: contrary to to her, towards them, according to to him;
  • if the pronoun is used in a phrase where it is preceded by an adjective or adverb in comparative degree: took more his, bought cheaper their.

Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns are always written with a hyphen and a prefix some and postfixes -something, -either, -something: someone, somehow, something, somewhere and so on.

When declension of indefinite pronouns in the prepositional case between the prefix some and the pronoun places a preposition. In this case, they are written in three words: about something, about something, about something and so on.

Negative pronouns

Negative pronouns are formed from interrogative/relative pronouns using prefixes not-/nor-. Not- written under stress, in an unstressed syllable - neither-: no one to trust - no one to see, no place to leave - nowhere to be found; no one, nothing, not at all, none, nobody.

When declension of negative pronouns in Russian, prepositions can be used in the forms of indirect cases. They break the word into three, which are written separately, and the prefixes become particles: no - not from anyone, nothing - from nothing, no one - not about anyone and so on.


1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of prefixes not-/nor- and homonymous particles not/nor:

  • Remember the spelling: How neither what Not it happened. Confusion in the spelling of particles not/nor leads not only to spelling errors, but also to a distortion of the meaning of the statement. Compare: not with anything(particle neither has an intensifying meaning) – nothing(particle Not has a negative value).
  • The choice of particle can completely change the meaning of a statement to the opposite: not one (= no one at all) – not one (= many), not once (= never at all) – more than once (= many times).
  • Don't confuse negative pronouns with prefixes neither- (nowhere, no one, no one) and pronouns with a particle neither (no one, no where, no one). Compare: Neither where not a trace of a person was found. - I have no idea neither who are you, neither where do you live, neither who do you serve.
  • Pay attention to the difference between phrases none other than - no one else; nothing more than nothing else. Particle Not expresses negation, and the entire phrase is used to contrast parts of the statement with each other. Opposition is expressed by conjunction How(= union A). If the sentence is affirmative and if it is impossible to add a second negation without violating the meaning, use the particle Not and write it separately. For example: Everything that happened was Not nothing more than a stupid prank. He stood uncertainly on the threshold Not who else but the long-awaited guest.
  • If a pronoun with a particle can be meaningfully replaced by particles exactly, just, then the particle is used Not and the phrase is written separately: none other than; nothing more than. Example: A registered letter arrived - nothing more than invitation to a competition that has been awaited for a long time. - A registered letter has arrived - just that invitation to the competition that has been awaited for a long time.
  • If the sentence is negative, i.e. the predicate has its own negative particle Not, That neither- acts as a prefix and is written combined with a negative pronoun: Neither no one else could have said it better. This is donkey stubbornness neither there was no other way to win.
  • If the sentence is affirmative, phrases no one else, nothing else are used for joining. A negation not expressed in a sentence exists potentially and can be restored from the context: I only want this and neither anything else (I don’t want).
  • If the phrase contains a conjunction How, write all words separately and with a particle Not: This package Not nothing more than a gift. If the union How no, write a prefix neither-: Neither who else does not understand me so well.
  • If a conjunction is used in a sentence A, write the particle Not(apart): I want to say everything Not to someone A only for him alone. If a conjunction is used And, write neither(separately if it is a particle, together if it is a prefix): Much has gone forever and neither that it won't be the same anymore.

2.Do not confuse homonyms: pronoun + preposition and conjunctions/adverbs. Pay attention to how they agree with other members of the sentence, what syntactic role they themselves play, what question can be asked of them, etc.

  • For what We're going to the store, what are we going to look for there? – For what do you follow me and whine all the time?
  • For that that you helped me, I will thank you. – But I have a wide soul and a kind heart!
  • What does it have to do with are all these people here? – They trained a lot and prepared for the competition, and some even abandoned their studies.
  • Moreover What we were able to unearth from the ancient tomb was a sword and shield. – Moreover, if you think sensibly, he has power on his side.

3.Remember that never mind– this is not a pronoun, but an adverb.

Of course, this is a very extensive material and it is difficult to master it in one go. Therefore, we suggest that you bookmark this article in your browser so that it is always at hand at the right time. Contact her whenever you need any information about pronouns., when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

In the Russian language, a pronoun is an independent part of speech, indicating signs, objects, quantity, but not naming them. The table describes different kinds pronouns by meaning, as well as options for their relationships with other parts of speech.

Pronoun in Russian- this is an independent part of speech, which includes groups of words that differ in meaning and grammatical features, indicating objects, signs, quantity, but not naming them. Answers the questions Who? What? Which? How many? Whose? and others. The initial form of pronouns is the singular form, nominative case.

Examples of pronouns in phrases: he replied, you know, a few apples, every schoolchild, this house.

At school, the topic “Pronouns” is studied from the 4th grade and is included in the Unified State Examination program.

What are the different pronouns by meaning?

There are nine categories of pronouns depending on what meaning they express in speech. A table with examples that includes categories of pronouns in the Russian language will help you quickly determine what type a particular pronoun belongs to.

Places by value Description Examples
Personal indicate an object, person, phenomenon I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they
Possessives indicate affiliation my, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs
Refundable indicate that the action is directed towards oneself yourself, yourself
Interrogative express a question Who? What? whose? Which? How many? which?
Relative used to connect parts of a complex sentence who, what, whose, which, how many, which
Undefined indicate unknown objects, phenomena, persons, signs, number of something someone, several, something, anyone, somebody and etc.
Negative indicate the absence, denial of an object, person, sign nothing, nobody's, none and etc.
Index fingers indicate a specific item, feature or quantity from several options this, that, that, so much and etc.
Definitive indicate a generalized sign any, everyone, everyone, other and etc.

In many sources, relative and interrogative pronouns are classified into one interrogative-relative category according to their meaning.

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Correlation of pronouns with other parts of speech

Based on the relationship of pronouns with other parts of speech, four groups of pronouns are distinguished.

Grammatical features of pronouns

In the Russian language, pronouns have permanent and non-constant morphological features.

Constant grammatical features:

  • Rank by value;
  • Face (personal only).

Inconsistent grammatical features:

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So, we have already become acquainted with the concept of “ pronoun", considered pronouns such as personal, impersonal –es, indefinite personal –man pronouns.

And today we will get acquainted with demonstrative pronouns (die Demonstrativpronomen). Remember that demonstrative pronouns der, das, die, die(Pl) – that, that, that, those similar for definite articles. And, moreover, they lean almost equally. But there is absolutely no need to be afraid of this. You just need to be careful and everything will become clear. We already know the declension of the definite article. Now let's get acquainted with the declension of demonstrative pronouns:

Nom. der das die die (Pl)

Gen. dessen desen deren deren (derer)

D. dem dem der denen

Akk. Den das die die

Naturally the question will arise - But how can you tell which is the article and which is the pronoun? Let us remember the “iron” rule of the article: The article accompanies the noun and is unstressed. And the demonstrative pronoun is is consumed independently, and it is percussive:

Kennst du den Jungen dort? - Do you know that young man over there?

Nein, den kenne ich nicht - No, I don’t know this young man (him).

From this example, we saw that the demonstrative pronoun is used in the main sentence and indicates to us the one (or that) about whom (or what) we are talking about:

Es ist nicht das Buch, das ich kaufen wollte – This is not the book I wanted to buy.

I would like to draw your attention to such a concept as “ substantivization». Substantivizationtransition of various parts of speech to the category of a noun (Das Substantiv – noun). Demonstrative pronouns can also be substantivized.

But, acting in a sentence as a substantivized subject, the demonstrative pronoun translated into Russian as personalpronoun:

Bring dein Heft und das deines Bruders! – Bring your notebook and your brother’s notebook.

Demonstrative pronouns require special attention dessen(masculine and neuter gender in singular) and deren(feminine singular and plural for all three genders) in the genitive case. Here demonstrative pronouns act as inconsistent definitions and behave like possessive pronouns:

Kommen Herr und Frau Schmidt heute zu uns? – Will Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt come to us today?

Ja, und deren kleinste Tochter auch. – Yes, and their youngest daughter too.

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As you can guess from the name, such words indicate something.

And they can point to a specific person, object, sign or quantity. “This ball is mine!” - you say, pointing to your ball, which you are holding in your hands. “Yours is the one over there!” - you continue, pointing to the ball located a little further from you. Words this And That are demonstrative pronouns.

The following words belong to the category of demonstrative pronouns: that, such, this, such, so much; as well as obsolete pronouns this, this one, such, sort of.

We use some of them in stable combinations, for example, the pronoun this: so far, this time. In general, the listed outdated pronouns are rarely used, and today we will pay attention to demonstrative pronouns this, that, such, such And so many.

2. The role of demonstrative pronouns

The listed words serve not only to directly indicate an object, sign or quantity, as in the case of a ball ( This ball is mine, and that one is yours.), but also for constructing coherent speech. In such cases, pronouns indicate what was said earlier in the sentence or text or what will be said later.

Consider examples. Ask Vanya Korolev. This the boy always knows everything. Demonstrative pronoun this indicates a person who was mentioned earlier and serves to connect two sentences.

The situation is similar in the following sentence: You need to leave some of the toys at home. So many things won't fit in the bag. so many indicates the number of things mentioned in the previous sentence and helps construct a coherent text.

Next example. I have these Good friends, which cannot be found in the whole wide world! Pronoun such(n.f. - such) in the first part of the sentence indicates a feature discussed in the second, and helps to connect these two parts into one whole.

...I’ll give a bouquet to the girl I love (N. Rubtsov). Here is a demonstrative pronoun that(n.f. - That) indicates a sign that is named below: will I give a bouquet to which “that” girl? - beloved, or, in other words, “whom I love.”

3. Grammatical properties of demonstrative pronouns

Grammatical properties of demonstrative pronouns this, that, such, such resemble the grammatical properties of adjectives. They all change according to gender and number. Using the word as an example this Let's consider all possible forms of gender and number of this pronoun. Read an excerpt from a poem by Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

This morning, this joy, This power of day and light, This blue vault, This cry and strings, These flocks, these birds, This talk of waters...

The demonstrative pronoun is used 8 times in this passage. this. Depending on the number and gender of the noun to which it refers, the pronoun has different forms: singular. h. Wed. R. This, units h.g. R. this, units h.m.r. this and plural form. h. these.

Demonstrative pronouns change similarly that, such, such.

In addition to changes in number and gender, demonstrative pronouns this that And such change by case, like adjectives. The word has a slight peculiarity of use in the prepositional case this. The preposition is used with it about, but not O, as with other demonstrative pronouns, for example:

I don't know anything about this writer. Compare this sentence with the following:

I don't know anything about such a writer. The preposition is used here O.

The secret is that the pronoun this begins with a vowel, and in such cases replaces the preposition O his assistant always comes - an excuse about.

Demonstrative pronoun that's how it is in modern Russian it is used infrequently and has the form of the nominative case. Let's give examples.

What is the question, is the answer.

That is life.

There is also a stable expression and was like that in meaning disappeared, disappeared. This expression is usually preceded by a dash:

The thief immediately put the apples in his bag, jumped off the fence - and was gone.

Now let's look at the features of the declension of the demonstrative pronoun so many, indicating quantity. According to its morphological characteristics, it is similar to a cardinal number. This pronoun has no forms of gender and number and changes only by case. Its declension is a little unusual, so we will look at the pronoun so many in all possible case forms.

I. p.: so many books

R. p.: so many books

D. p:. so many books

V. p.: so many books

T.p.: so many books

P. p.: about so many books

4. Syntactic functions of demonstrative pronouns

Most often demonstrative pronouns this, that, such are definitions in a sentence, for example: Do you know this person? You can rely on people like him. In these sentences the pronouns this And such V different forms perform the function of determination.

However, pronouns this And That can act as subject and object.

The main prize will be given to the one who answers all the questions. Think about it!

Pronouns such And that's how it is can play the syntactic role of a predicate, namely parts of the predicate. For an uncommon word that's how it is the function of the predicate is unique.

Yes, I am like that!

The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.

Pronoun so many usually has the same syntactic function as the noun with which it is used, for example, the function of an object:

I've never seen so many books.


  1. Russian language. 6th grade / Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. From the history of demonstrative pronouns ().
  2. About demonstrative pronouns ().


Task No. 1

Read set expressions with demonstrative pronouns. Include some of them in sentences.

This and that (miscellaneous); out of nowhere (no one knows why, without any obvious reason, visible reasons); getting up on the wrong foot (being in a gloomy, bad mood); not from that opera (something that is not relevant to the matter, to the topic of this conversation). Task No. 2

Insert the necessary demonstrative pronouns. What gesture can be used to accompany statements with demonstrative pronouns? Are these gestures always appropriate?

1. Here... the house. 2. Here... Dasha. 3. ... the street will be on the right. 4. ... the book is on the shelf on the left. 5. ... the station will be in two stops. 6. ... the trolleybus goes towards the city center. 7. ... the girl is Katya, and ... - Larisa (N.F. Baladina, K.V. Degtyareva, S.A. Lebedenko. Russian language. 5th grade).

As you can guess from the name, such words indicate something.

And they can point to a specific person, object, sign or quantity. “This ball is mine!” - you say, pointing to your ball, which you are holding in your hands. “Yours is the one over there!” - you continue, pointing to the ball located a little further from you. Words this And That are demonstrative pronouns.

The following words belong to the category of demonstrative pronouns: that, such, this, such, so much; as well as obsolete pronouns this, this one, such, sort of.

We use some of them in stable combinations, for example, the pronoun this: so far, this time. In general, the listed outdated pronouns are rarely used, and today we will pay attention to demonstrative pronouns this, that, such, such And so many.

2. The role of demonstrative pronouns

The listed words serve not only to directly indicate an object, sign or quantity, as in the case of a ball ( This ball is mine, and that one is yours.), but also for constructing coherent speech. In such cases, pronouns indicate what was said earlier in the sentence or text or what will be said later.

Consider examples. Ask Vanya Korolev. This the boy always knows everything. Demonstrative pronoun this indicates a person who was mentioned earlier and serves to connect two sentences.

The situation is similar in the following sentence: You need to leave some of the toys at home. So many things won't fit in the bag. so many indicates the number of things mentioned in the previous sentence and helps construct a coherent text.

Next example. I have such good friends as you couldn’t find in the whole wide world! Pronoun such(n.f. - such) in the first part of the sentence indicates a feature discussed in the second, and helps to connect these two parts into one whole.

...I’ll give a bouquet to the girl I love (N. Rubtsov). Here is a demonstrative pronoun that(n.f. - That) indicates a sign that is named below: will I give a bouquet to which “that” girl? - beloved, or, in other words, “whom I love.”

3. Grammatical properties of demonstrative pronouns

Grammatical properties of demonstrative pronouns this, that, such, such resemble the grammatical properties of adjectives. They all change according to gender and number. Using the word as an example this Let's consider all possible forms of gender and number of this pronoun. Read an excerpt from a poem by Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

This morning, this joy, This power of day and light, This blue vault, This cry and strings, These flocks, these birds, This talk of waters...

The demonstrative pronoun is used 8 times in this passage. this. Depending on the number and gender of the noun to which it refers, the pronoun has different forms: singular. h. Wed. R. This, units h.g. R. this, units h.m.r. this and plural form. h. these.

Demonstrative pronouns change similarly that, such, such.

In addition to changes in number and gender, demonstrative pronouns this that And such change by case, like adjectives. The word has a slight peculiarity of use in the prepositional case this. The preposition is used with it about, but not O, as with other demonstrative pronouns, for example:

I don't know anything about this writer. Compare this sentence with the following:

I don't know anything about such a writer. The preposition is used here O.

The secret is that the pronoun this begins with a vowel, and in such cases replaces the preposition O his assistant always comes - an excuse about.

Demonstrative pronoun that's how it is in modern Russian it is used infrequently and has the form of the nominative case. Let's give examples.

What is the question, is the answer.

That is life.

There is also a stable expression and was like that in meaning disappeared, disappeared. This expression is usually preceded by a dash:

The thief immediately put the apples in his bag, jumped off the fence - and was gone.

Now let's look at the features of the declension of the demonstrative pronoun so many, indicating quantity. According to its morphological characteristics, it is similar to a cardinal number. This pronoun has no forms of gender and number and changes only by case. Its declension is a little unusual, so we will look at the pronoun so many in all possible case forms.

I. p.: so many books

R. p.: so many books

D. p:. so many books

V. p.: so many books

T.p.: so many books

P. p.: about so many books

4. Syntactic functions of demonstrative pronouns

Most often demonstrative pronouns this, that, such are definitions in a sentence, for example: Do you know this person? You can rely on people like him. In these sentences the pronouns this And such in different forms they perform the function of definition.

However, pronouns this And That can act as subject and object.

The main prize will be given to the one who answers all the questions. Think about it!

Pronouns such And that's how it is can play the syntactic role of a predicate, namely parts of the predicate. For an uncommon word that's how it is the function of the predicate is unique.

Yes, I am like that!

The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.

Pronoun so many usually has the same syntactic function as the noun with which it is used, for example, the function of an object:

I've never seen so many books.


  1. Russian language. 6th grade / Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. From the history of demonstrative pronouns ().
  2. About demonstrative pronouns ().


Task No. 1

Read stable expressions with demonstrative pronouns. Include some of them in sentences.

This and that (miscellaneous); out of the blue (it is unknown why, without any obvious grounds, visible reasons); getting up on the wrong foot (being in a gloomy, bad mood); not from that opera (something that is not relevant to the matter, to the topic of this conversation). Task No. 2

Insert the necessary demonstrative pronouns. What gesture can be used to accompany statements with demonstrative pronouns? Are these gestures always appropriate?

1. Here... the house. 2. Here... Dasha. 3. ... the street will be on the right. 4. ... the book is on the shelf on the left. 5. ... the station will be in two stops. 6. ... the trolleybus goes towards the city center. 7. ... the girl is Katya, and ... - Larisa (N.F. Baladina, K.V. Degtyareva, S.A. Lebedenko. Russian language. 5th grade).

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