Scandalous details about the traffic police officer shot down on New Arbat. Scandalous details about the traffic police officer shot down on New Arbat. Downed traffic cop Sergei Grachev

In the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs this fact began an investigation, investigators from the military prosecutor's office, whose jurisdiction includes incidents involving intelligence officers, are investigating the incident, both sources confirmed to RBC. The results of the investigation will be transferred to the FSB's own security service. RBC sent relevant requests to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.

“The video from external surveillance cameras shows how traffic police inspector Sergei Grachev stops traffic along one of the lanes, crosses it and stops at the edge of the allocated line,” the interlocutor said. The inspector was monitoring the flow moving towards the center, while the official car hit him in the back, noted a source in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow. “Based on the results of the examination, it will be possible to say exactly what caused the car to collide with the inspector. The driver might not have noticed the employee, blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars,” the source added. During the investigation, it will be established whether the driver had a business need to be in this area: investigators will check whether the driver has a waybill and a special ticket.

A special permit, known as a “non-verification certificate”, is issued to intelligence officers for operational cover of the vehicle. This document gives its holder the right to avoid checking the persons in the cabin, as well as the cargo being transported. The special license is issued for operational vehicles and vehicles of high-ranking officials. All regulations information about special coupons belongs to the category of information “for official use”.

The movement of official vehicles with special signals is regulated by the rules traffic(SDA), there are no secret instructions that make an exception for cars of law enforcement agencies, Yevgeny Korchago, chairman of the Starinsky, Korchago and Partners bar association, told RBC. “Special vehicles can drive in the oncoming lane and cross a double line, but only if it has a flashing light and a special sound signal,” said the lawyer. If there was no signal, then the driver had to follow general rules traffic. A traffic police officer does not have the right to stop a car with a flashing light, the interlocutor added. A source in the traffic police told RBC that investigators are checking whether a special sound signal was turned on on the car. ​

The traffic rules state that drivers of vehicles with flashing lights on of blue color, while performing an urgent official task, may deviate from the requirements of traffic lights and traffic controllers. But they can take advantage of priority only by making sure that they are given way.

Regarding the situation with the road accident, many questions arise for the second special battalion of the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, which serves the special highway passing through New Arbat, Chairman of the Moscow Trade Union of Police Officers Mikhail Pashkin told RBC. The PPS charter prohibits an employee from being alone at night; the absence of a patrol car also raises questions, explains RBC’s interlocutor. “It seems to me that the deceased was sent across the road to provide special transportation, which may have hit him. Any special vehicle can travel along the dedicated lane: police, firefighters, ambulance, FSB, and FSO. “I don’t understand why the leaders of the second special battalion sent him there,” the trade union leader continued. “And where is the FSO officer with whom they were supposed to provide special passage together, and how they were supposed to block the road.” However, Pashkin emphasized, if the Mercedes drove without a sound signal, then “the driver of the special transport is 100% to blame.” The inspector could cross the street, heading towards the stationary traffic police post, which is located on the opposite side of Novy Arbat, a source in the department noted.

The Kremlin said that they drew attention to the accident and that this was not a matter for the presidential administration. The investigation of an accident involving special vehicles belongs to a complex category of cases that are usually “slow down,” lawyer Alexander Molokhov, who specializes in criminal cases related to road accidents, comments on the situation for RBC.

Beware of the flashing lights

Road accidents involving cars of security forces or high-ranking officials.

September 15, 2017 In a road accident, the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, and three other servicemen were injured. The accident occurred on the Kola highway in the Murmansk region. The minibus carrying the military collided with a car, the driver of which eventually died.

July 13, 2017 in Kabardino-Balkaria, as a result of an incident involving an FSB official vehicle, a six-year-old child riding a skateboard died.

September 8, 2016 in the center of Moscow, a car with AMP license plates, in which presidential aide Vladislav Surkov was located, collided with a taxi. Surkov's car was moving with the flashing light turned on. The taxi driver was found to be the culprit of the accident, and six administrative protocols were drawn up against him.

September 2, 2016 The driver of the Presidential Administration died in an accident. A BMW car, which was assigned to the Federation Council, collided with a Mercedes on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in the capital.

Published 09.27.17 09:34

Experts are confident that those involved in an accident on Arbat will try to slow things down. A video has appeared of twisting the AMP license plates from the Mercedes that hit the policeman.

The Mercedes that killed the inspector in the center of Moscow was driven by an FSB warrant officer. There were no passengers in the car. RBC reports this with reference to sources.

​​On Monday, September 25, an accident occurred in the center of Moscow in which 32-year-old senior police lieutenant Sergei Grachev died. According to the publication, an FSB warrant officer was driving a Mercedes Benz S450 official car (2012) with license plate A896MR97. A source in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow told him about this and was confirmed by another source familiar with the inspection materials. By intkbbach According to them, there were no passengers inside the car.

How, a Mercedes S-Class killed a traffic police inspector at about half past ten in the evening at 10:30 pm on Novy Arbat. Information immediately appeared that a car with special license plate “AMP 97” was driving at a speed of about 120 km/h along the median. and on recorders of passing cars.

When doctors from a passing ambulance ran up to the guard, he was already dead. After the accident, the driver immediately “hung” the license plates with a rag, and passers-by managed to take pictures. Eyewitnesses of the tragedy reported the car number - A 896 MR 97. He was taken from the scene of the incident by a car with license plate A848MR97.

Both cars belong to a military unit related to Federal service security, a source in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow told the agency. Employees of the central office, heads of departments and their deputies can travel in vehicles of this class. Operational vehicles include cars of a lower class: Ford Focus, Ford Transit, Hyundai.

A video has already appeared on the Internet of twisting the AMP license plates from the Mercedes that hit the policeman. In the recording, a man removes the front license plates from a car with AMR license plates.

The very fact that the license plates of the person responsible for the accident were first removed suggests that everyone involved in this case will try not to wash their dirty linen in public, lawyer Sergei Kucherenko told Reedus.

“Most likely, the police tried to depersonalize the car not on their own initiative, but because there is an unspoken rule in their structure: in the event of an accident, information should not be leaked to the public, so as not to disturb public opinion. So, whoever was driving the Mercedes at the time of the collision with the traffic police inspector, the official himself or his driver, is not so important: the inspectors acted according to some internal instructions,” the lawyer suggests.

According to this logic, depersonalization of the car is also necessary so that all subsequent procedural actions can be carried out behind closed doors. Moreover, screwing up license plates, even if it is done by the driver himself, is not punishable in any way - provided, of course, that after this the car remains stationary.

“If the incident involves members of the security forces or senior government agencies, then usually such cases are investigated by the Investigative Committee, and they are heard in military courts. And since in this accident both the culprit and the victim are employees of law enforcement agencies, it can almost certainly be assumed that the parties will try to come to an agreement in their own way, so as not to humiliate the honor of each other’s uniform,” the lawyer concluded.

But, I’m afraid, I will greatly disappoint the harsh critics of the heirs of the “bloody Gebni” if I say that the current fatal outcome happened quite according to the law and a little due to a sad coincidence of circumstances. In other words, if there are culprits in this story, then they are not from among the continuers of the work of “Iron Felix”, but from the employees of the offices located on Tverskaya, 13, Okhotny Ryad, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment and in the Kremlin. I mean - for those who do not understand - the capital's administration, our deputy corps, and, alas, the advisers and assistants of its president.

After all, it is through their efforts that the country has the more than dubious institution of special license plates and license plates, the owners of which, in strict accordance with the Traffic Rules, are allowed to rush at any speed in the oncoming lane, not to mention the median, if the flashing light and the “quack” are turned on. In total, in Russia, according to Putin’s decree of 2012 “On streamlining the use of devices for giving special light and sound signals installed on vehicles", there are 569 cars without special color schemes, which are especially allowed to use special equipment. Of these, there are about 400 of these cars in Moscow, mostly owned by.

At the same time, on the eve of the previous presidential elections, he promised to reduce the number of cars on which devices for producing special light and sound signals can be installed to several dozen. But for some reason it didn’t work out - the machinations of the elites seemed to get in the way.

That is, returning to the tragedy, we can say that the driver driving with the “talking” license plates A896MP97 was, as they say, in his right, rushing like crazy along the dividing strip. And if you carefully examine the video of this emergency, you can assume that the disaster happened because of sheer absurdity: the unknown FSB officer was blinded for a second, as often happens in the dark, by an oncoming car and he did not notice the traffic cop standing on the very edge of the dividing line. In other words, it will even be difficult for him to impute the clause that obliges the “steering” of such cars to deviate from the Rules only after making sure that their maneuvers are safe for other road users. Force majeure, you understand. Another thing is that this and other similar incidents might not have happened if in such a large metropolis as Moscow there were, in principle, no such dividing lines for influential gentlemen.

I remember how once in Paris I stood in a heavy traffic jam on the Champs-Elysees together with the President of France. Monsieur Chirac, driving in an obviously official limousine to a nearby residence, peacefully read a newspaper, without dispersing taxpayers with a siren and without trying to avoid a traffic jam in violation of traffic rules. By the way, the leader of our country also creates virtually no inconvenience for motorized Russians, using mainly aircraft. The Prime Minister follows his example. But then, for whom and for what is there left on the “Vnukovo” special highway almost the only dividing line in the city on which fatal accidents happen?

The deceased policeman is senior lieutenant 32-year-old Sergei Grachev.

For those hurrying to their dachas? Why are they better than ordinary citizens?

To receive foreign guests? But is it really the fast delivery of high-ranking foreign bodies from the airport to the Kremlin or The White house increases the prestige of the country, and not the initiatives proposed by its leaders and real foreign policy steps?

About the tragedy that occurred late in the evening of September 25 at the intersection of New Arbat and Novinsky Boulevard, they say something like “shook the whole of Moscow.” Stamp, yes. But to the point. There is also a complete set for excitement: a black tinted Mercedes with AMP series numbers, speeding over a hundred, knocks down the policeman on duty.

Stills of silent video from a street camera: the time is 22.08, a foreign car, flashing a flashing light on the roof, rushes along the dividing strip. A split second... And it slows down, r-sharply. Only if you look closely, until your eyes hurt, you can see how a dark speck - a person - separates from the black spot - the car - and falls. This is Serey Grachev - inspector of the 2nd Specialized Regiment of the Traffic Police of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on the special highway of the Moscow Police Headquarters. 32 years old, lieutenant. When the doctors arrived, Sergei was still breathing; they rescued him there, on the road. But they didn’t take him to the hospital: he went straight to the morgue.

AMR plates, if anyone is not aware, decorate the special vehicles of deputies, ministers, and high-ranking officials from law enforcement agencies. It was immediately clear that an FSB officer was driving from Novy Arbat in a black Mercedes, although this has not yet been officially reported. In the first days after the tragedy, there were a lot of classics in the news: how license plates were removed from an executive foreign car, how epaulettes with cool “stars” flew to the scene, and journalists were dispersed. But then the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev said:

The investigation will be unbiased. There is no prejudice, no bias and no desire to downplay anyone’s well-deserved guilt in the actions of the investigation, the news agency quoted the minister as saying.

Cases that concern security officers are always dealt with by the Investigative Committee. As a source in law enforcement agencies told us, in parallel, the Military Prosecutor’s Office began its investigation after the accident on Arbat:

They will find out where and why the FSB officer was traveling with the flashing lights on - on duty or for some other need, whether he had all the documents required for a work trip.

The results will go to the FSB Internal Security Department.

Seryozha Grachev from the Moscow district of Novo-Peredelkino came to the police as an 18-year-old “conscript”. 2 The specialized traffic police regiment of the traffic police on the special highway, where he served for the last two years, is secretly considered the elite among the police: the base is on Rublevskoye highway, inspectors are often on duty there, and it is clear who drives along that road. After September 25, 2017, police lieutenant Sergei Valeryevich Grachev’s wife Katya became a widow, and two sons were orphaned: the youngest was one and a half years old, the eldest recently turned five. The family relied on Sergei: Katyusha, from one maternity leave to another, raised little fighters. We lived with our father-in-law and mother-in-law. After the tragedy on Arbat, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow immediately reported that the Grachevs would not be abandoned, they would help. And they kept their word. Human rights activist Petr Shkumatov, coordinator of the Blue Buckets community, spoke about this:

As far as we know, the family was supported not only by the police, but also by the FSB. In total, the widow was paid compensation of 6 million rubles, she also received a comfortable three-room apartment in a new building, she was assigned a pension until her children’s 18th birthday, and Sergei’s parents were given a lifetime survivor’s pension.

True, Katya Gracheva, at 32 years old, having replaced happiness and beautiful dresses with mourning, answered me differently:

I have no complaints about the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they gave and did everything they should. There was no money from the FSB side and no one contacted me.

The investigation into the Arbat “special tragedy” continues. And the maximum punishment for someone shot down to death does not depend on regalia and ranks: five years in a penal colony.

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On Novy Arbat, a Mercedes hit and killed a police inspector.

At the beginning of this week, while on duty in an accident on Novy Arbat, Moscow traffic police officer Sergei Grachev died. The department's leadership promised to help the family of the deceased employee. .

Sergei Grachev was hit by a Mercedes car, resulting in injuries to an employee law enforcement died on the spot. As a source in law enforcement agencies told RIA Novosti, the car has a departmental series of numbers “ AMP”.

The leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the capital reported that the family of the deceased will be provided with all necessary assistance. The 32-year-old police lieutenant is survived by his wife and two children.

/ Wednesday, September 27, 2017 /

Topics: traffic police Police

The leadership of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate will help the family of a traffic police officer who died in an accident on Novy Arbat, the website of the capital's police headquarters reported on Tuesday.

An accident occurred the night before on Novy Arbat; a traffic police officer who was hit by a Mercedes died. . . . . .

“The leadership and personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow express deep condolences to the family and friends of Sergei Grachev. His family will be provided with all the necessary assistance.”, - the message says.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the tragically deceased traffic police inspector was police lieutenant of the 2nd Special Regiment of the Traffic Police of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Sergei Grachev. Among the state awards, the lieutenant has a medal “For Distinction in Service”, III degree. He is survived by his wife and two minor children.

Several sources familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti that Mercedes is on the balance sheet of the Federal Security Service. The agency does not yet have an official comment from law enforcement agencies.

The metropolitan police said they would provide assistance to the family of a traffic police officer who died on Novy Arbat.

“On September 25, at about 10 p.m., a Moscow traffic police officer, police lieutenant, traffic police inspector Sergei Grachev, tragically died while on duty.”, - says the message of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

The police noted that the deceased traffic police officer was survived by a wife and two minor children. . . . . . His family will be provided with all the necessary assistance,” the police press service assured.

A fatal accident occurred the night before on Novy Arbat. The driver of a luxury Mercedes with government AMP license plates ran into a traffic cop standing in the allocated lane. A police officer died as a result of an accident.

The media reported that Mercedes is on the balance sheet of the Federal Security Service.

It was he who allegedly was driving a Mercedes with the AMP series number.

Representatives of the military prosecutor's office will investigate the circumstances of the accident in the center of Moscow, which resulted in the death of 32-year-old traffic police officer Sergei Grachev.

As eyewitnesses told RBC, the Mercedes driver removed the license plates from the car after the accident, and the man himself was taken from the scene of the incident by a car also with an AMP series license plate. It is noted that both cars belong to a military unit, which is related to the Federal Security Service.

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