In a dream, sign on paper. The magic of numbers. Great modern dream book

The article on the topic: “they ask you to sign a dream book” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The plot of the dream in which documents were signed suggests that the situation threatens to turn out not in your favor. There will be long proceedings regarding material or property claims. It is possible that you will have to go to court.

Do not delay in seeking qualified help. Only a specialist can quickly solve upcoming problems.

If in a dream you saw a document that you are asked to sign

If you were holding a document in your hands that you were asked to sign, in reality you will receive a business proposal, and if you agree to it, you risk incurring significant losses.

Consider the consequences of your actions. Collect as much information as possible about the people who offer cooperation.

I dreamed that I was signing someone else’s documents

If in a dream you had to sign other people’s documents - in real life there is a high risk of becoming a victim of deception or criminal acts. The scammers’ manipulations can be so skillful and unnoticeable that you yourself will give them what they demand.

Be extremely careful when communicating with strangers and new business partners promising unrealistically profitable projects.

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

I dreamed of signing Documents, but necessary interpretation is there no dream in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of signing Documents in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Signature according to the dream book

If you saw a signature in a dream, then take a close look at this sign. It can shed light on ongoing and only planned life events. The dream book will try to illuminate everything that he dreams about.

Be careful!

If in a dream you happened to see your own signature, then in reality you will have new contacts, but not necessarily of a commercial nature.

If possible, remember your signature well. If it is simple, then you gravitate towards a modest image, being content with little.

If it was an intricate monogram, then the dream book recommends being careful in your actions.

Compromise or trial?

Why do you dream of putting your signature on some paper? The dream book considers this an indication of finding a compromise.

If in a dream you happened to put a stroke in a contract, then you will probably have to deal with bailiffs and hire a good lawyer.

If you were lucky enough to sign an autograph when receiving something, then this is a sign of success and self-confidence.

More confidence!

Why do you dream of someone else’s painting? The dream book believes that you need urgent support from an influential person.

If you happen to see someone else’s signature in a dream, then you underestimate your own capabilities.

If someone else’s signature looked more like a complex monogram, then you are destined to participate in a confusing situation.

Valuable confirmation

Did you happen to forge someone's signature in a dream? To solve a certain problem, you have to look for workarounds.

If you happen to see the signature of a deceased person, you can consider this a confirmation of the decision made the day before.

The stroke that the deceased leaves, according to the dream book, marks the receipt of news from relatives.


Why do you dream that you had to sign papers? This means that you will be able to come to some agreement or face bureaucracy.

If you happen to sign papers, then in reality you have accepted serious obligations.

Miller's Prediction

Mr. Miller's dream book predicts: if a woman is lucky enough to sign a contract in a dream, then she will soon enter into a marriage union.

Towards reconciliation

In addition, signing an agreement in night dreams literally means reconciliation with an opponent.

If you refused to sign the contract, then the upcoming business will be difficult and failure.

Make a profit!

Why else do you dream about a signature? Putting it on a document in a dream means favorable changes in social status.

Did you dream that you signed a document of particular importance? The dream book guarantees a gift, a salary increase, a modest inheritance and other material assistance.

Specific transcripts

To give a correct interpretation of a dream, the dream book advises you to definitely take into account the purpose of the document.

  • A diploma promises useful connections and new acquaintances.
  • License – prosperity and achievement of goals.
  • The invoice may symbolize an important step in your career or life.
  • The traffic cop's protocol predicts an accident.
  • A foreign passport is a travel disruption.
  • Cash statement - delayed salary.

Make a choice!

Did you dream that you were handed a letter of resignation? This is an omen of reduction or removal from office.

Did you dream that you confirmed the application with a painting? In reality, you will have to make a choice and make a fateful decision.

Don't be frank!

Was present in the dream greeting card with a handwritten signature? Be less frank with people, because you will become a victim of gossip and gossip.

If you dreamed of a postcard with an unfamiliar autograph, then get ready for a long journey and receive conflicting news.

Why did you dream about the signature?

at the Women's Club!

Why do you dream about a signature in dreams? The dreamed signature tells a lot about the dreamer, about his past adventures and future plans. Dream interpreters believe that seeing a signature in a dream is a positive sign that will help you make right choice in a difficult situation in reality.

In order for the dream book to help you explain the meaning of the dream in which you signed, you need to remember some details of the vision. For example, was this stroke similar to your real signature or did you draw fictitious letters, what document did you sign on, with what feelings did you perform this action.

The dream book interprets a signature that did not belong to you and was illegible as the acquisition of new connections in reality, sometimes even by accident. You should be more picky about such acquaintances, so as not to expose your endeavors to the risk of failure.

What does a dream mean in which you wanted to get an autograph? famous person? Usually such dreams are dreamed by people with a strong character, who are ready to step through a lot in order to achieve their own goals. You will definitely achieve success in the business you recently started, just listen to the advice of the dream book:

  • Distribute your workload correctly. Don’t take on an unbearable burden and learn to trust your helpers.
  • Do not reveal important information about yourself or your project to a stranger. This will help maintain your peace of mind and accomplish your plans.
  • Learn to look for a way out of a difficult situation at a critical moment - you may have to face this more than once. If you can control the problem, you will easily emerge victorious in any dispute.

If you dreamed of a signature used by a deceased person, the dream book confirms that the decision you made not so long ago will turn out to be true and correct.

Your secrets

If you happen to sign important papers in a dream, as if you were concluding some kind of agreement, in real life you will be able to make your deepest desires come true. Did you dream that the signature looked simple and did not even contain letters, but was just an ordinary symbol? Such a vision can be interpreted as a sign that you prefer simplicity in life. You correctly assess your strengths and know how to enjoy what you have already been able to achieve, without wasting your last reserves to achieve goals “beyond the horizon.”

But if you had to sign with sophisticated hieroglyphs or monograms in a dream, this means that in reality you are prone to adventures and often involve close people in them. The dream book advises not to risk the trust of relatives and not to jeopardize family ties, since no adventures can compare with them in value and importance.

If in a dream you had to put up a painting that was not yours, but to fake someone else’s, then in real life you will encounter deception at work, which can greatly upset you. Try to control all the key aspects of your activities to avoid troubles.

Why do you dream of signing a love letter with a pen? The women's dream book claims that such a vision promises a young girl a quick meeting with her future spouse, and at first you may not even notice this person.

If a dreamed signature in a love note was signed by a married man in a dream, a pleasant surprise awaits him in reality from his wife. You will spend a romantic evening in a secluded place, which will allow you to better know and understand each other's feelings.

Have you ever signed a whole bunch of papers in a dream? Such a vision means that you will have painstaking work, after which you will be able to rest as much as you want. You can go on your dream trip to recharge vital energy and improve your health.

If in a dream you refused to put your signature on a document, there will be disagreements with relatives on an important issue. You will need to compromise, otherwise you risk shaking the deep foundations of family values ​​and losing the trust and respect of loved ones.

And the most important advice

  • Why do you dream about signing documents - interpretation of dreams according to dream books

    Miller's Dream Book

    Signing documents in a dream means you are facing a case in court; in order for it to end well for you, you will need a strong lawyer.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about signing documents?

    In a dream, you signed a document that was beneficial for yourself - you can count on a decent profit and a secure future. If you tore up a just signed contract - you are perceptive and will not allow yourself to be deceived.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    what does it mean if you sign documents in a dream

    A dream about signed documents predicts unnecessary troubles. And if you sign it is not clear what documents in your dream, then you will act as a witness in something that does not concern you at all.

    Freud's Dream Book

    dreamed of signing documents

    Signed and organized documents indicate a regular and healthy sex life.

    Love dream book

    sign documents in a dream

    This dream predicts difficult promises and all sorts of problems.

    Family dream book

    dream interpretation of signing documents

    To sign an unknown document means unpleasant events. If you sign a contract that you are waiting for in reality, then this very contract will turn out to be successful.

    Modern dream book

    what does it mean to sign documents in a dream?

    The documents you signed are a sign of joy. Many signed documents mean improvement of the material base.

    People also dreamed of signing documents when they dreamed of signing documents.

    Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

    Dream Interpretation Signature, why you dream about seeing a Signature in a dream

    From this article you can find out why you dream about Signature from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

    Why do you dream? Caption: interpretation of the dream

    Signature – Put your signature on documents – to paperwork.

    Signature - Putting your signature in a dream means finding a compromise.

    What do you dream about in summer?

    Signature (autograph) - To put your signature on a document - to come to an agreement with someone.

    I dream about the Signature, what does it symbolize?

    Signature (subscribe) - “Subscribe to...” - confirm, agree, take part in something, some kind of conspiracy, result. “sign” – get married, get married; “give an autograph” - fame, fame.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

    Signature, receipt, sign – Personal signature – for upcoming contracts, agreements, agreements. Receipt – debts, promissory notes. See Add. In idiom. Sl.

    Why do you dream about Signature?

    Signing a document in a dream means giving your consent to something in reality. If someone signs your document, you expect approval and recognition of your merits.

    Why do you dream about Signature?

    Putting your signature on something means getting married soon.

    What is the caption for in dreams in the fall?

    Autograph - To receive a long-awaited letter.

    Signing documents - Giving an autograph to someone in a dream or seeing people unknown to you doing this - means receiving news from relatives.

    What is the caption for in dreams in spring?

    A signature in a dream means being careless.

    Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu.Longo

    Why does the dreamer dream about Signature in a dream?

    Seeing your signature in a dream is like a girl and means that in real life you are relying too much on your strengths. You can not do it this way. Higher power may prevent your further development; It is always better to underestimate yourself than to overestimate yourself, otherwise you can get very burned. You should turn to someone around you for help, and then things will go much faster and more successfully - if your choice is the right person. Modesty adorns a person, but nothing should be exaggerated. You are afraid of responsibility, constantly shifting it to someone who takes it more calmly. Try to take it upon yourself at least partially, and you will see for yourself your capabilities. Watching how your friends take signatures from someone in a dream means you have begun to be overly proud of yourself. This can lead to hardening and cooling of your soul; it is unlikely that this is exactly what you want. Look around you, and you will understand that, in general, you don’t have many reasons to be proud of yourself. The source of your narcissism actually does not deserve to be thought about, this is what the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Why do you dream about the Signature in your night dreams?

    Seeing a signature unknown to you in a dream means your inner dissatisfaction with your profession or position in society. Collecting in a dream is a dream symbolizing your desire to follow the example of famous and famous people. Receive a signature in a dream famous person or your idol - good sign. It symbolizes your tenacity and perseverance in striving to achieve more.

    Why do you dream about Signature according to the New Testament:

    It can also mean that a gift or a long-awaited meeting with a loved one awaits you. If in a dream, on the contrary, you receive a long-awaited autograph from someone, in real life this means that you will finally achieve what you have been working towards for so long, patiently and persistently. If you dream that you have found an unknown painting in your diary or notebook - in reality, you would not be at all averse to changing your occupation, since you believe that by doing what you love, you can bring considerable benefit to society. The dream should only strengthen your faith in success.

    The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

    Why do you dream and how to interpret the Signature?

    To a promising acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex (if you give an autograph). To the probable deception of you by a person of significant rank.

    Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

    Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

    • If you dream about Signature in a dream from Sunday to Monday
    • Why do you dream Signature from the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
    • If you dream about Signature from Tuesday to Wednesday
    • If you dream about Signature from the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
    • Why do you dream about Signature from Thursday to Friday
    • If you dream about Signature in a dream from Friday to Saturday
    • Why do you dream about Signature in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

    Signature in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

    Required fields are marked with *.

  • Seeing documents in a dream means worries and troubles. If they are damaged, wrinkled or dirty, then failure awaits you. Such a dream warns you that your partners may turn out to be dishonest, which will subsequently result in lengthy proceedings or squabbles. Finding documents in a dream means an acquisition or news that will have good consequences for you. Not being able to read a document in a dream is a sign of confusion. Lose documents - expect unexpected troubles. Signing documents in a dream is a good or bad sign, depending on what kind of document it is. If he is unknown to you, then expect hassle and trouble. If you are expecting some kind of transaction, then your signature on the document may mean that the transaction will take place. Such a dream may also warn of a possible lawsuit or other proceedings. Seeing or signing a marriage certificate means unpleasant responsibilities. Sending, transferring or holding documents in your hands is a dream warning that your frivolity will lead to losses, and the proceedings with your partners will go to court. For lovers, such a dream predicts separation from a loved one. If you dream that someone put documents in front of you or handed them over, then this someone will entrust you with an important matter.

    Seeing a notary signing documents in a dream is a sign that your intentions and hopes for acquiring some significant property will not come true. Hearing the announcement of a document in a dream is a sign of sadness, suffering, as well as the discovery of conspiracies and the revelation of secrets. See interpretation: notary.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

    Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

    Dream Interpretation - Documents

    A dream in which some documents appear foreshadows disputes and losses. If you are married, such a dream threatens to plunge you into a depressed state. Carrying documents to your superiors for signature in a dream means in reality you will comply with someone’s admonitions, yielding to something that you personally would like to do in a completely different place and at a different time.

    Signing some papers and documents yourself foreshadows being involved as a witness in a case to which you had no involvement at all. Even more unfavorable and absurd is a dream in which you sign some trivial document, which, however, then for some reason you notarize. In general, signing any papers in a dream does not promise anything positive.

    Seeing a marriage certificate in a dream means that you will soon be bound by some kind of humiliating obligations. A dreamed certificate, however, foreshadows the successful completion of the work begun and further good prospects. A diploma seen in a dream indicates that new interesting personalities will soon appear in your circle of friends.

    If you dreamed of a license to carry out some kind of activity or export something, this portends you the opportunity to finally start doing what you have long wanted.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Find out from online dream book, what does the Signature mean in a dream, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

    What is the caption for in a dream?

    New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

    How to understand what a signature means in a dream?

    Signature - Intentions; career; agreement.

    Idiomatic dream book

    Signature for what you dream about

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation of Signatures from your dream

    Putting your signature on something means getting married soon.

    Personal signature - for upcoming contracts, agreements, agreements. Receipt – debts, promissory notes.

    Signing a document in a dream means giving your consent to something in reality. If someone signs your document, you expect approval and recognition of your merits.

    Great modern dream book

    Signature - why does the dreamer dream?

    Signature - It’s as if you are inventing a signature for yourself - you will miss exactly those opportunities that could make your life more attractive. You seem to have forgotten to sign - you will actually find that the obligations you have taken are associated with great responsibility; in order to fulfill them, you need to work hard. In a dream you want to forge someone’s signature - you are the kind of person who will not be shy about funds to solve your problems.

    Modern dream book for 365 days

    Why do you dream about Signature by day of the week?

    Signature - To sign on an unclear document. For a woman, a dream on Monday night is a pleasant surprise; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that great disappointment awaits you; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it warns that you are about to commit a rash act that may have bad consequences.

    For a man - a dream on Monday night warns that you are being excessively gullible; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, he says that it is better to wait a little and not make any important decisions in the coming days; Seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream says that the coming days are an unfavorable time for you.

    Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

    For those born in January, February, March, April

    Putting your signature in a dream means finding a compromise.

    For those born in May, June, July and August

    Putting your signature on a document means coming to an agreement with someone.

    For those born in September, October, November, December

    Putting your signature on documents means paperwork.

    If in a dream you happened to put your signature on documents, then in reality an important event is approaching that can radically change your life. The dream book is sure: what you dream of signing at the registry office heralds the success and well-being of the sleeping person, which will attract public attention.

    What does Miller suggest?

    The psychologist associates the dream of painting a registry office with the opportunity to receive interesting business offers or take a leadership position. If in a dream you sign a business document, it means that in reality you will attract the attention of your business partners.

    Be on the lookout!

    Did you dream that while painting with your boyfriend, you exchanged wedding rings? This means, as the Modern Combined Dream Book states, the dream warns of possible obstacles that could disrupt the course of planned events.

    For men, a dream about a plot in which they had to sign somewhere reminds them of the need not to let go of control over the situation and not to leave things to chance. Try to keep up with the times and respond quickly to changes.

    What's ahead?

    Seeing yourself signing an intricate signature in a dream means that you are prone to making sudden, spontaneous actions that can affect your well-being. What one dreams of drawing a simple monogram for, the dream book announces that the dreamer has the wisdom to get around sharp corners in controversial issues.

    Details: where?

    In the 21st century Dream Book, the interpretation of a dream is related to the object on which the sleeping person happened to sign:

    • on a blank piece of paper - heralds the search for a compromise;
    • in a notebook, diary - speaks of the need to adjust your plans and priorities;
    • in documents - broadcasts about the likelihood of climbing the career ladder, changing jobs, positions;
    • in a contract - foreshadows judicial red tape, litigation with partners;
    • on bills, checks - promises participation in a risky business.

    What's coming in love affairs?

    For a young lady who happened to sign a contract in a dream, the Women's Dream Book foreshadows her imminent entry into a marriage. Seeing something like this for a man means the appearance of additional obligations that will fall on the shoulders of the dreamer.

    For people who in reality have a legitimate soul mate, the wanderer’s dream interpreter, interpreting why they dream of signing at the registry office, predicts a successful period for renewing relationships.

    If a sleeping lady had to see the wedding ceremony of another young lady in a dream, it means, as the Bitch’s dream book states, disappointments are approaching in amorous affairs.

    A bright future lies ahead!

    For a man who happened to sign a girl in a dream, esotericists predict great prospects in his career. A dream about a painting with your beloved foretells in the dream book the successful fulfillment of your intended goals.

    Seeing the registry office from the outside: changes await you.

    Going to the registry office: it is possible that your marriage is just around the corner.

    And if you haven’t made a marriage proposal yet, or, conversely, no one has made one for you, then it will happen literally the other day.

    Registering something in the registry office: a dream means that you will soon have to deal with matters that require going to different authorities and communicating with the bureaucratic brethren.

    The fact that this will become a tiring and nervous task for you is also your fault.

    You waited too long to re-register documents, and when time ran out and there was an urgent need for them, you finally came to your senses.

    Seeing yourself as a registry office employee: everything in your life is orderly, current affairs are in strict order, there are no debts, errors, mistakes.

    But don’t you think that sometimes your life resembles a lettered journal, in which, without a single blot, your whole life is written down in calligraphic handwriting, minute by minute and hour by hour?

    Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

    Dream Interpretation - Registry Office

    If you dreamed of a registry office, then in reality you will want to legalize your relationship. And if you have not yet made a marriage proposal or, conversely, no one has made one for you, then this event will happen very soon.

    Interpretation of dreams from
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