Christian sermons online. Choosing proper communication

1. The problem and its solution. It is easy to meet a man who remained unsatisfied even after marriage to his beloved girl. The discontent can manifest itself in different ways, and it remains about his true reason, only to guess. Unlocking house, unsuccessful lunch ... - In most cases, only the pretext to start a quarrel. Moreover, male pride does not allow you to say openly about what has served as a reason for the conflict, and the man again hopes to guess his wife.

Could the source of dissatisfaction be the insecurity of a man in itself?

In an attempt to approach the definition of the problem, it is worth noting that the Scriptures consist of the "Letter" and "Spirit". The letter does not have a power to withdraw a person from a dead end, but just to identify the problem. Another thing is "Spirit"!

"Where the Spirit of the Lord, there is freedom" 2 Cor. 3:17
"Learn the truth, and the truth will make you free" In.8: 32

I can accurately determine the diagnosis of illness, but this patient does not get better. So the letter. Her task, put a person before his problem. Not more. I only liberate the knowledge of the truth! Notice, not a change in the outer world, but the revaluation of the inner world view of the same situation. How can the truth? She knows through the change and update of thoughts and views on what is happening around. Opinions cannot be correct or wrong, they are divided only to "My" and "Someone." The truth is alone.

"Weekly in faith, take without disputes about opinions" (Rom. 14: 1).

These words apostle Paul said not in vain, because when it comes to the opinions, it is impossible to prove the rightness of one side or another. God is always right and his law is not subject to reform. Therefore, it is possible to solve the problem of male dissatisfaction, only if you look at her through the prism of God's words. In vain, looking for a way out in some soulful conclusions. The soul is the scope of experience, these are accumulated impressions of life. And it is important not to be afraid and not to be ashamed to change the worldview, finding disperse with the statements of the scriptures.

2. Self-affirmation of a man

Male self-affirmation follows from confidence, while confidence - from the approval of his affairs. Who is able to approve the acts of a man? Only God is capable of it! The husband cannot be approved to his wife, mother or friend. Such an approval is quite dangerous. His dignity depends on the Lord of the justification of his actions. A man is acutely necessary to have an internal evidence of its rightness, and it should be based on human self-talking, but on approval by the creator.

Jesus was the leader who knew the path and the leading nations. His authoritative and living words were perceived seriously surrounding Christ. Listen to how confidently a person who was a little more than thirty!

"Come to me all in need and burdened. And I will calm you" (MF.11: 28)

"Who is eager - go to me and drink" (In.7: 37)

"I am a way and truth and life" (Ying 14: 6)

Agree that for such power statements it is necessary to have a coup. Christ did not always approve of people, but he was obedient to God, strengthening and affirming his son. People do not want to be deceived in conclusion for someone, therefore are looking for evidence confirming the status of their leaders. Christ, knowing human doubts, said:

"This is what I told you about, there is still to be with you that it should be fulfilled by everything written about me in the law by Moiseyev and in the prophets and Psalms" (LK.24: 44)

In other words, Jesus sends incredulous to explore authoritative writings for them so that they can find a true testimony about it. In search of confirmation of the status of Jesus, people also appeal to the prophet John, but he sent them back. The most interesting thing is that all the confirmations that were needed by the people were absolutely not interested in Christ himself:

"You sent to John and he witnessed about the truth. However, I'm not from a person take a testimony, but I say this in order to be saved" (JN5: 34)

No husband should prefer human testimony to God's confirmation and allow someone except God to manage his family. A reasonable wife will not impose her husband with her opinion, instead she will send him to God for the true evidence of the reliability of a decision. Psychologists are unable to understand what is far from the best way to solve all family questions, only advising each other. After all, there are situations where the leadership of the Holy Spirit is needed, the help of which is similar to the compass indicating the exit from the dense forest. The man for whom the Lord is chapter, the source of self-affirmation, must contact him for advice.

3. Order: family and spiritual

Each thing in the house should occupy its laid place. So in spiritual life - everything has established the established order. When a person does not know how to do it, then the feeling of anxiety and disorder comes. The conflict takes place where each of the spouses insists on its own right and nominates its personal requirements. But in reality, only God's opinion is true, because he is the god of order, and only him one led from the beginning, as everything should be. A man should expect enlightenment and revelation from him in search of exit from any established situation. Revelation is a discovery, this knowledge received from the Lord about how to do.

4. Dignity of a man

"I also want you to know that the head of Christ is the head of Christ, the head of the head - a husband, and Christ is God. Every husband, praying or prophesy with a covering head, cares for his head. And every wife, praying or prophesy with an open head, He cares his head, because it is the same as if she was around. So a husband should not cover his head, because he is an image and glory of God; and the wife is glory to her husband "(1 Corinthians. 11: 3-5,7) .

Of the foregoing, it is clear that the husband is the glory of God and his self-affirmation is concluded in his creator. The wife only reflects the attitude of her husband to her, answering him with reciprocity. The woman is incorrectly received, secretly or clearly seeking to take the position of chapter in the house, and thereby abolish or humiliating the role of her husband. Husband is the ruler and Mr in his family. On the other hand, the man is near-minded Christ, becomes a dictator. This power is not divided, but he must grab it by force. A violent way to establish power generates a lot of grief and tears. Such self-affirmation is a sign of powerlessness. Any physical application of force, in most cases, indicates the loss of spiritual power in the house. Power is given for creation, it has a measure of power and influence that allows a man to introduce God's revelation to his home.

Having God for God's anointing, the husband manages its territory, through a demonstration of a personal example. It is impossible to talk about the impact on someone's life, do not serve as a positive pattern. King ArtaxerxSK showed an example of his impartiality to all regional chiefs, by the fact that she was not afraid to remove his wife Astin from the kingdom. Unlike him, the scribes and Pharisees taught a lot and beautifully, but they themselves behaved worse than others. That is why, despite the loyalty to their morals: "All they say do," they draw someone in their faith, made it "twice as bad".

5. Be Mr.

Being a lord - in the literal sense means being a servant. Jesus warned his disciples:

"You know that the princes of peoples dominate them, and the Veelmes dominate them; but there will be no one between you: and who wants to be big between you, and there will be a servant to you; and who wants to be the first to you, let you be a slave"
(Matthew 20: 25-27)

The abuse of power is a great temptation for many, but is always given to a side effect. While her husband or father does not understand this, he will only achieve the emergence of revolutionaries in his family. Selfhood from non-perceptuality to God, sets totalitarian regime in the house. Such a father involuntarily raises hatred in his children in relation to himself, and this marks the generic curse. Because the child, being a victim of violence in childhood, puts out the plans for paying, which embodies in the life of their children. The man must admit that there is only one, spiritual power that God empows. The spiritual world does not use any strategic, material weapons. Spiritual struggle occurs solely on the basis of arguments. The Bible argues that the devil was because he was overthrown on earth that "there was no place for him", i.e. Argument Contrary to Truth. It is important to understand that even God himself does not apply the power just like that. His force is on guard of his justice.
Also a man in the house. The use of its physical strength can be justified exclusively in creative purposes if it is used as protection of justice. But nothing can resolve its use in order to approve selfhood.

"Believing Enoch was transferred so that he did not see death; and he did not become, because God moved him. For before the relocation, he received a testimony that he pleased God" (Heb. 11: 5).

Certificate of fault God needs every man. When the Lord himself approves the actions of a man, his heart is filled with calm and peace. A man should always be interested in one thing, is it pleased with him, his lord? Because the roots of self-affirmation of her husband - in God and in the vocation.

6. The power of truth

"Deep abyss - the mercy of the Bludnitz: Whoever does the Lord wants, he will fall there" (Proverbs 22:14).
In some cases, when the Lord grows on a man - he falls into the power of a woman. For a normal man is a big shame and humiliation. However, God allows such. In the book, the ezr is described a conversation between the king of Artaxerks and his servants. The first servant decided that all the strongest wine, because it makes the mind of all people equal, there is no one who would have resulted in front of wine. The other wrote that the strongest is the king, because everything so that he orders: to create or destroy, kill or do something else - everything is performed. The answer of the third, Zorvalevel, the king was so impressed that he rebuilt destroyed by Jerusalem, as promised. Here, what wrote Zorvalel:

"Oh, men, is not the king and not many of the people great, and not much wine, but who dominates them and owns them, not a woman? Women gave birth to the king and the whole people who owns the sea and earth, they were born from them and they are focused by the standing grapes from which wine is being done, they make clothes for people and deliver decorations to people, and people cannot be without wives. If gold and silver gather and silver, and all sorts of jewelry, and then you will see one woman and beautiful, leave Everyone and rushed to her, and, open the mouth, look at her, and everyone pliers to her more than gold and silver, and to any expensive thing. A person leaves his father who has elapsed his father and his country and flies to his wife. And leaves his soul And he does not remember her father, nor mother nor their own country. And from this should you know that women dominate you. Do you arrange work and do not strain efforts, and do not give it, and do not bring your wives? takes Sword man goes to go on the road, rob B, steal, swim around the sea, on rivers, Leo meets, wanders in darkness, but only something will decorate or robbing, carries to the beloved. And more loves his wife his wife, rather than father and mother, many went crazy because of women, became slaves because of them, many died, got off the way and sinned through women. Really do not believe me now. Whether the king is not great in the authority, whether all countries touch him, and I saw the apamine, the daughter of a glorious wartak, the royal concubine, sitting on the right side of the king, she saw the crown from the king's head, pinned himself, and The left hand of Bila King on the cheek. And at all that the king was not looking at her, the open mouth, if she smiles him, smiled and he, and if she gets angry at him, then she caresses her to make himself up with him. Oh, men, how are women not strong when they do it with us. "

The township proved that even the greatest monarch is able to be in power of a woman. Isn't that dishonor? But he is only because he was devoted to such a shame that he was not considered the true power of God. What kind of urban looks like the soil of the empire, when the roots of the self-affirmation of her first person, in his concubine? Which Komar can bite it tomorrow? She introduces all his female whims into social life, just because the king cannot deny her. It is dependent on it.

"Oh, men, whether the truth is not strong, the earth and high heaven, quickly in its current sun, is the one who makes it great, and the truth is great and the strongest."

These words, the terminal showed that if a man conquers truth, it will not be densited by the dominance of a woman.

7. Real Beauty

"Yes, it will be decorated with your no external hair weaving, not golden clothes or elegacity in clothes, but the innermost heart is a man in the hoveable beauty of the meek and silent spirit, which is precious before God" (1 Peter 3: 3-4).

At all times, the inner man is a random treasure. As the French say, a truly beautiful woman can be one of the thousands, but each can be attractive. The woman does nothing to be born beautiful. Sometimes you need incredible efforts to open the inner world, mining treasure inside your nature. Therefore, there is a big difference between beauty and attractiveness. People attract, first of all, do not mannequins, but personalities. Therefore, "the Milosity is deceptive," because it is difficult to immediately see the soul. As well as in the most common person, an incredible attractive force can be hidden.

"That the golden ring in the nose at the pig, then the woman is beautiful and - reckless."
(Pr. 11:22)

Alas, such is reality.

"So once and the Holy Wives who have emitted on God, decorated themselves, obeying their husbands. So Sarra obeyed Abraham, calling him the master. You are her children" (1Petra 3: 5-6).

No one taught Sarra as she should treat her husband. She herself found her way dictated by deep respect. God consisted with Abraham. He was a friend of God! Is it not enough to respect it? I am amazed by the way Sarra turning to her husband, calling him "My Mr.". This is not a modern diminutive loudness, sort of: "My bunny, my cat ...". It was real respect.

Once Christ told His disciples:

"For who is more: reclining, or employee? Not recursing? And I'm in the midst of you, as an employee" (Luch. 22:27)

Being in Paradise, Adam did not dominate Eva, but their fall was the cause of the angry declaration of his wife:

"... He (husband) will dominate to you" (Gen.3: 16)

Through the first Human Human, Abraham, the Lord showed the beauty of a man hid in the ministry, primarily his wife. There is nothing more attractive in a man as tenderness, care and attention. The art of being Mr. in the house - in the ability to be a servant of your own family.

Ilchenko Yu.N.


I. Introduction

The Lord's Supper or Communion We must take adequately, and do not do it superficially. Therefore, it is important for us to understand that God laid in this action.

II. What is the Supper of the Lord.

1 Cor.10: 16-22

1. This is a bowl of blessing. What Jesus did on the cross is a blessing for us. When we take the evening, we encounter and enter this blessing through the adoption of bread and wine.

2. This is the acquisition of his blood and his body - an introduction to his suffering.

3. This is the community of believers. We are a church - his body. Coming from one bread, we become part of the whole body of Christ - part of the Universal Church.

21-22. Speak about our dedication. God expects full dedication to him from us. If we live a double life - it annoys the Lord.

III. What happens during the adoption of the evening of the Lord

1 Cor.11: 22-30

1. We are responsible for how we take the Bowl of the Lord. We need to experience yourself, check your life, look at yourself from the point of view of Scripture. "Unworthy" is formally, without reasoning, not aware of the values \u200b\u200bof the victim of Christ, then condemnation, curses, illness, death come. We need to reason, think about what we do and why.

2. We argue around the world, proclaim, preach the gospel. Our action demonstrates that we are children of God, winners. We demonstrate three things: repentance - we are under the domination of Christ; Water baptism - identification with his death and resurrection; Communion - We demonstrate the victory of Jesus over the Devil, over death, a new life, a change in history. We demonstrate the covenant with God - this is the guarantee of our heritage in Christ.

3. We remind you of all the world about what Jesus did on the cross, we remind you of his victory that the devil is defeated, Jesus - the Lord, we redeemed and saved. Through it comes to victory in our lives.

He proved his love when he died for us on the cross. He is on our side, he protects and helps.

4. We argue that he will come. The communion reminds us that we should always be prepared for a meeting with God, at any time. The church will exist until he

will come. "When we accept the sacrament, there is no past, except for the cross, and there is no future, except for his coming".

5. We are announced that the church is the body of Christ.

1 Cor.11: 29. If we accept the communion, do not argue about the church, do not appreciate each other, treat each other without worthy of respect, if we are offended, dismissed, condemnation, rejection - we take the evening unworthy, and you can't harm.

We need to look "in spirit" - we are a single family, to appreciate and respect each other.

1 Cor.10: 17. We demonstrate that we are one body, and it makes the church strong, healthy, full.

Heb.10: 24. We are responsible for each other, and if there is no one, we need to call them. Be dedicated to his local church.

Acts 2: 46. Take the evening on a cell and home with family.

6. We grab the resurrection from the dead

In.6: 54. Taking the evening, we demonstrate that we have eternal life, and God will resurrect us. We will have new plausible bodies.

In.6: 55.We argue that we are in it, and he is in us.

The Supper of the Lord "This is a blessing bowl for us, which the Lord prepared, and he wants us to understand this action and took the evening worthy, then all the blessings of God will belong to us.


Today I want to talk to you more deeply about the evening of the Lord, it is also called the sacrament or a meal of the Lord. We do it every month, at the beginning of the month we dedicate him to God. We are talking about this word and remind you what is written in the Bible. Recently, rereading the Bible, I saw the enormous importance and seriousness of the communion. In the Bible it is written so that we do it worthy. If we do it unworthy, we have a lot of problems in life: and illness, and even premature death. This shows how serious the question is the communion, how seriously we need to understand the depth of the fact that God himself laid in this action. Therefore, today there will be more teachings, and the doctrine, as they say, is the light, and with the light comes knowledge, the truth of God. And truth is freedom. Therefore, expect that God today will give you freedom, enlighten your eyes and you will see what you have not seen. And it will help you to be in the blessing that God has prepared through his victim.

Let's pray.

Dear Lord, we thank you. And we expect from you, the Holy Spirit, - our teacher and our mentor, you are the spirit of wisdom and revelations. Open us, Lord, your word, your will. Open us, Lord, so that we can see not superficially, but so that we can go there even deeper. So that we can see, know, connect with this truth, which carries the freedom that carries the blessing. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 Corinthians 10:16. "A bowl of blessing, which we bless, is there not a blessing of the blood of Christ? Bread, which is refracted, is there no addition to the body of Christ? " It says about the admission or communication, that is, we have a community through this action. Who is common, friends with? Let's think, as written in Scripture. First, we have a bowl of blessing. What in this bowl? In this bowl, the blood of Jesus Christ. Sometimes it cries a little when we are talking about the body, about blood, it seems that something is unpleasant, and even a little frightening. How do you perceive? When Jesus said you will eat me and drink me (In.6: 53-57, 66)Many were seduced and no longer walked with him. They did not understand, maybe even frightened. For a person, it is not quite easy to perceive these moments - blood and flesh, eat and drink. But God does not accidentally say anything, so we need to understand and see that spiritual meaning that the Lord laid in these words.

So, we see that this is a bowl of blessing. Therefore, we must tune in to the fact that this is a blessing. Maybe it sounds not very blessed for our ears, but the Word of God says that this is a blessing for us. What Jesus Made Christ on the Cross is a blessing. We encourage this blessing, we accept this blessing, we enter this blessing, and this blessing fills us. Already better and more fun, when we hear that someone blesses us, this one begins to delight us. The Lord shows and say here that we have this bowl, we have an introduction to this blessing through the blood of Jesus Christ and through the body of Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 10:17 "One bread, and we are many one body; For everyone communion from one bread ". Friends, these are not just symbols: bread and wine, flesh and blood. What is bread? When we come to the store, we do not think how bread turns out, we just take it. But before the bread appeared on the store's counter, it was a wheat grain that died. When it died, it began to grow, then the fruit was ripe. When the fruit was ripe, it was collected, threatened, Molly, and then turned out to be flour, bread baked from flour. Why am I telling it to you? We must understand that even the bread, which we eat, just does not appear. And the body of Jesus Christ passed all these stages - he died and he was resurrected, and his body was suffering. When wheat grain is grinding, it is erased into powder and turns into flour. This suggests those suffering that Jesus passed. When we read about bread, we must understand what kind of bread, where did the bread come from where the blood came from? When a person has his body and his blood together - we are alive. But the blood leaked from the body of Jesus Christ, she separated, and he died. But we need to look no superficial eyes on it, we must watch spiritual eyes. Therefore, bread is the body of Jesus Christ, but also, friends, that's us. What is the body of Christ? This is a church. We are communionable from one bread, or we become part of that common, the big, family, global, global body of Christ, regardless of how many of us are going - this is the Ecumenical Church.

1 Corinthians 10: 21-22 "You can not drink the Bowl of the Lord and Bowl Besky .. You can not be participants in the meal of the Lord and in the meal of Besnow. Are we [solved] to annoy the Lord? Are we stronger? ". There is a prince of this world, and there is the Church of God and the kingdom of God. And we must completely devote yourself to God so that there is no and yours, and our. Just people want, as they say, to stream on two chairs - and to the church to come, and live their worldly life, to do their own business. And when you appear in the church, say: "I appeared, Lord, you see, I have a believer. But all week I live, as I am elevated, I do not commit large sins, but there are some sins ". But Jesus did not die, whatever we lived as they lived before the visibility of religious life. He says: "You can't drink the Bowl of the Lord and the Baby Blue"Here we are talking about dedication.

When we take the evening, we remember who we devoted our lives? Who do we belong? Whose are we? Who do we serve? What is the purpose and meaning of our life? Sometimes this focus goes somewhere, we work, are busy, but the sacrament reminds us all this. Taking the sacrament, we remember why we are in the church, why we sit here. What is the cause of all this? The reason is Jesus Christ, his sacrifice, his death, His Sunday.

God, through the Scripture, tells us that we cannot serve the two gentlemen, we can not drink the bowl of the Lord, bless, coming, and then go and live, as we want. We cannot be participants in the meal of the Lord and in the meal of Besnow.

Such a two-day life annoys the Lord. We sometimes want to justify something, to prove something to the Lord. But who is stronger in this world? Who defeated death, who defeated the devil, who was resurrected from the dead? Are we stronger than him? Who do we dedicate yourself?

1 Corinthians 11: 23-27 "For I am from [myself], the Lord accepted what and you gave you that the Lord Jesus That night, in which I was betrayed, took bread and, thanking, prevented and said: Hold, Fly, this has a body my body, breaking you breaking ; We create this in my memoil. Also and the cup after the evening, and said: this bowl is a new covenant in my blood; We create this when you only drink, in my memoiler. For whenever you eat this bread and drink the bowl of this, the death of the Lord annoyed, he will come. Therefore, who will eat this bread or drink the bowl of the Lord is unworthy, will be guilty against the body and blood of the Lord. "

Very serious place of Scripture, right? God has everything seriously. But he is not so serious, so as not to joke. Therefore, take everything with joy. Everything that God does for us does it with love, and he wishes us to bless. Although some words - "It will be guilty against the body and blood, guilty", it sounds like a prosecutor's sentence - guilty. "Lord what am I guilty?". If you are unworthy, you will eat bread or drink the bowl of the Lord. The one who will do it will be unworthy. You can replace the word "guilty" to the word "responsible". That is, this is our responsibility, as we do it. We should not do anything formally. Formally, it is religious, it is not by faith, so it does not bring blessings. We are responsible how we accept the communion, we are responsible to remember what happened on the cross 2000 years ago. We are responsible, live with another knowledge and understanding of life. Sinners do not have such an understanding of life, they do not have this responsibility. If they even come and take the night, they will do it not consciously, without understanding.

1 Corinthians 10: 28-29 "Yes, he has the same man, and thus let him eat from bread and drinks from this bowl. For who eats and drinks is unworthy, he eats and drink a condemnation to himself, not arguing about the body of the Lord ". We must look at your life, we love to look at someone's life, and see someone's shortcomings without noticing logs in your eyes. But Scripture says: "Try everyone yourself." Check yourself: "Lord, that I did all week, where were my thoughts, my horses? What did I think about? What did the whole week? ".

What does it mean unworthy? Let me read a new translation: "Because everyone who eats or drinks is not aware of the values \u200b\u200bof the body of the Lord, he is and drinks in condemnation". "Not aware", Making it formally. How do I usually accept? - Revised, washed, and he himself was elsewhere. Therefore, if unworthy, "That is and drinks in condemnation to itself". That is, not a blessing comes, but the condemnation of himself. Why? Because he does not argue about the body of the Lord, he does not see the depth, he does not see the meaning of what he does, he does it in a habit. We have different trottening roads, ruts. We walk on them and do not notice how we walk, just go in the habit. But the Lord is not satisfied with such a formal meeting with us, and such a formal communion. Therefore, he says that we looked and wondered about what we do and why do we do it?

Many problems arise in our lives, but we do not understand until the end what happened on the cross. Therefore, the sacrament is a reminder. About what? A reminder of what happened on the cross. Because of the formal attitude to the communion, people sick, and, scary, even die. Maybe we do not need to talk about this topic? Maybe we are invisidious? In the Bible, each has favorite Scriptures, they are marked with markers. And there are places where your foot has not walked - white Bible spots. But this does not mean that there is no need to read.

I see that this is a very serious word, nowhere is not written anywhere that if we do something without arguing, we are doing unworthy, we cause great harm. After all, to hurt it? Do you like to sow? Maybe when at school studied, you liked because you missed the lessons. But now you are different, grown, adults. Now we do not want to hurt, because we want to be in the church, we want to serve, want to go to work as a holiday. And the Bible shows us the causes of illness - you are not enough to participate in the meal of the Lord.

1 Corinthians 10: 31-32 "For if we judged ourselves, they would not be judged. Being tried, we punish away from the Lord not to be convicted with the world. ". When we scroll through the Bible and do not want to look and think about some things, because it loads us, we want something cheerful to lighten, it does not please God, it brings curses. We need a word to judge ourselves. I want to light you, my friend, but if you won't talk, judge, watch and think, you will not pass this moment. He still happens in your life. God warns us: "Better you look at it, than you will be convicted and punished by the Lord.

We do not love such sermons, where we will be tried, they do not like us. Friends, but we are not only candy should eat, we love candy, chocolates, sweet, dessert. But what kind of food should be sent? Solid food, friends. Nuts today I brought today, today you will click the nuts.

To which we still need to pay attention - during the evening we proclaim.

1 Corinthians 11:26 . At this point, we become preachers, friends. When you take the communion, you become a preacher, even if you never preached. We announce - it is proclaimed or preaching yourself, the spiritual world, the whole universe. Because this is the most important truth. That's when you become preachers when you take the sacrament. Have you ever thought about it? Today you will watch other eyes how you take the communion.

1 Corinthians 11:25 "This bowl is a new covenant in my blood; We create this when you only drink, in my memoiler ". During the evening we remember and do not forget. And we do not just remember, we still demonstrate. This is a certain priesthood when we demonstrate it. You can just keep in your mind, remember something, but you can show it to everyone. We are not demonstrating all actions, so the Lord has a special meaning in this action. What other actions do we demonstrate in your life? Repentance - we demonstrate. We go to the altar and demonstrate that we are under the domination of Jesus Christ. What else do we demonstrate? Water baptism. Not so many things we demonstrate. And repentance, and water baptism we demonstrate once in your life. But the Lord wants us to demonstrate the Supper of the Lord constantly. He says: "Do it in my memoiler".

Demonstrate yourself, show the whole world, the whole universe, which happened on the cross two thousand years ago. Demonstrate the victory of Jesus, demonstrate a new life, demonstrate what has changed the story of the whole universe. And when we accept the communion, we all demonstrate it, we show it. Therefore, the Lord says: "Do it always". It's great when we do it, remember, show that the Lord gave us a new life. The Lord gave us her love. By his death, the Lord redeemed us. His redemptive sacrifice, made us new creation, made us victorious in Christ. He discovered the heavenly house for us, we became children of living God. And, of course, we demonstrate that the devil is defeated, death is defeated. See how many demonstrations occur during communion.

The communion also guarantees us that we are in the covenant with the Lord, in the covenant through his blood. And what guarantees us the covenant? What is God for us, God on our side, and we are on his side. This guarantees our heritage in Christ. So much is included in this sacred effect, in this demonstration. The Lord says: "Do not forget about my love". Often people forget about it, they begin to feel lonely, lost, miserable. But the Lord says: "You remember that you are not lost that you are found. You are adopted by God, you are a member of his royal family, you are the heir of all his promises in Christ. Making the communion, remember it and rejoice in it.

1 Corinthians 11:26 "For whenever you eat this bread and drink the bowl of this, the death of the Lord is annoying, he will come.". Communion is not just the death of the Lord. For us, the word "death" is a funeral, it's scary. But this is not a funeral and no commemoration, although we do it in the memory. But the communion is the celebration of the victory of Jesus Christ over death. His death he won the death of death (Heb.2: 14). This is a feast, this is a celebration, it is a victory. So he says: "Remember this victory".

How much will we do this? Until he comes. This gives promise that the Church of Jesus Christ will exist while Jesus will not come for her. Whatever happens around, but the communion is a guarantee that the church will exist. Whatever happens, she will live until he comes. Therefore, on the one hand, we look back to the fact that Jesus did: I am victory, I reached us away from sins, gave us a blessing. But on the other hand, we look forward, and we proclaim: "While he does not come". We demonstrate the world that he will come.

Therefore, you look forward with faith, and not just watch back what was on the cross. It is good to watch and there, and there. You won't be in depression, you will not be in depression, you will not be in despair, because he will come for you. One preacher said: "At this moment, when we accept the sacrament, there is no past besides the cross, and there is no future except for the coming". It says great.

What else does it remind us, friends? It reminds us that we should always be prepared for a meeting with the Lord, until he comes. Who will he come for? He will come for us, behind his church.

All of what we talked about, concerning Christ. Now I want to say about what concerns the body of Christ. The Body of Christ is me with you, it is his church.

1 Corinthians 11:27 "If anyone eats and drinks is unworthy, he eats and drinks himself, without arguing about the Lord's body." What is the body of the Lord, friends? This, of course, and the Lord himself, it is. Another understanding of what is "unworthy". This applies to how we treat each other. Because when we accept the communion, God says how we treat him, we talked about it, and as we treat each other. Do I appreciate whether I respect my brother or sister who are next to me? What is a dignity? Dignity is respect. If unworthy - this means without respect. But we know that God is a god of respect, he appreciates us, he respects us. And he wants to cultivate the culture of respect, the culture of respect. And when we accept the sacrament, how do we treat our brothers and sisters? Did we forgive them or did they hide them? That is, as we prepared for this communion: Do we adequately accept the communion, do we respect each other? This is a question for you, to your heart.

I do not want words to fly past your hearts, but so that they come right in your heart. So that the Word makes you work in you. God says: "I don't want to send words just like that, I do not want to throw beads. I want the word in vain not returned. It was the problem of the Corinthian Church - they did not respect each other, and for this reason many were sick and some even died. It is very serious and very important. We want to be healthy, but where can our problems hide? Taking the evening, we do not even think about how we treat the body of Christ, to each other. Are you respectful and revered? It is written, read one another so that you have been brotherly (Phil.2: 3). We sometimes do not think about it, we think only about yourself. But when we are going for the communion, then we think about the body of Christ. But the body is not only Jesus Christ on the cross, and we remember the body when we look at the cross. But we forget that the body is also all. We need to reason not only about the body of Jesus Christ, which was on the cross, but also about the body - the Church of Christ, as we read each other, as we treat each other, are forgiveness in our heart, acceptance.

1 Corinthians 11:28 "Yes, he has the same man, and so let him eat from the bread of this and drinks from this bowl". Tested, checks, looks at his heart.

1 Corinthians 10:17 "One bread, and we are many one body; For everyone communion from one bread. " We are one body and if one member suffers, others suffer (1 Cor.12: 26). If one is rejoiced, then others are rejoiced. That is, no processes are in the body. If something hurts me, I can't ignore it. God says that respect and reverence, accepting each other makes the body healthy. It does not sick, does not die, but on the contrary, this body becomes full and strong.

There is another interesting point that I would like to talk today. This applies to the resurrection from the dead. We are little talking to this topic. Who believes that he will raise from the dead?

John 6:54. "Mowing my flesh and drinking my blood has eternal life, and I resurrect him on the last day." People who take part in the evening, Jesus promises to resurrect. How we are resurrected, what are our bodies? Deployed bodies. Sometimes people think: "If a person exploded, how will he resurrect if his body scattered on thousands of pieces? It is better to freeze me so that I remained entirely ". For some particular reason, the Lord says: "Those who participate in the communion, they will resurrect the holistic". How will their Lord gather? Maybe something happens when we accept the sacrament? Something happens to our body, does it get some kind of memorization in heaven? But we know exactly what those who will participate in the communion will be resurrected. Jesus said: "I resurrect them with the sound of the pipe. And they will be resurrected in the famous new body. Singful my flesh and drinking my blood has eternal life. " This is a very strong statement, friends. It is very important for us to understand what happens at the time of the communion? Communion is a guarantee for Sunday.

John 6: 55-56"For my flesh is truly food, and my blood is truly being. Smearing my flesh and drinking my blood is in me, and I am in it ". There are many strong allegations and revelations that we need only believers. Communion combines all believers.

Jews 10:25 "We will not leave your meetings as I have some custom; But we will admonish [each other], and even more so, the more see the approach of the day of it. " Since we make the body of Christ, we must pray for each other. If you see that someone does not, brother or sisters, with whom you are already sitting in no one year near. Remember, call this person. Find out what happens to him, where is he? Because at this moment, we must remember who no next to us now. Why not they? After all, the Scripture specifically says to us that we do not leave our meeting so that we do not get away from each other. Because we are integrity, generality, body of Jesus Christ. We are responsible not only for themselves, we are responsible for each other. Therefore, of course, we must devote yourself to churches, devote yourself to the body of Christ, devote yourself to a home group.

Acts 2:46. "And every day unanimously stayed in the temple and, reproaching the bread at home, took food in merry and simplicity of the heart.". By refraarting bread at home - this is said precisely about the communion. Some people say, can I take communion at home? You can, here it is written here. But when we do it, we must remember everything, what we talked about today.


Let's stand and pray, bless the blessing bowl. Bless the fact that the Lord really made two thousand years ago for us.

Father, we thank you, we worship you for this beautiful plan of salvation and redemption, liberation, eternal life. We thank you, the Holy Spirit that you open up the Word of God that you open us these truths, the Lord. These truths are freedom to our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

For whenever you eat this bread and drink the bowl of this, the death of the Lord is annoying, he will come.
First Message to Corinthians 11:26

It seems to me that we must take part in the evening of the Lord often. I do not want to say that the words of the apostle: "Whenever you eat this bread and drink this bowl", and our Lord when setting in the evening: "We create it, when you only drink to my memoil," clearly teach what we We must often carry out a baker, however, I believe that they indirectly make it clear that if we often participate in the evening, then we will do it right. It is absolutely not enough to remember one or twice a year about who so dear to us. In the first days of the church, believers may have reflected bread daily, if the words "refracted by the houses of bread" means the Supper of the Lord. From the story of the book Acts of the Apostles, it is clear that the saints, going on the first day of the week, usually refracted bread. If there is a certain day when you need to spend the evening, then this is, of course, Sunday. In any case, the evening should be a frequent event. Friends, you should not miss the Lord's Supper too often. Since the Lord himself established it as a necessary reminder of his death, try to take part in it as often as possible.

The evening, in accordance with the read words, should take all believers. "We are creating." These words are not addressed not to the apostles, not to those few who decide to call themselves the priest, but to members of the Corinthian Church, and therefore, to members of all Christian churches. Let even a meeting be consisting of half-lived poor and illiterate Christians, they, nevertheless, refracting bread, proclaim the death of the Lord. Compliance with this establishment is the right and obligation of the entire people of God, and not just its parts. By participating in the evening, there should be bread and drink wine, and not only there is bread, as is done in the Catholic Church, for it is said: "Whenever you eat this bread and drink from the bowl of this, the death of the Lord annoy, he will come. It's just surprising that Catholics took exactly the bowl of the so-called "Miryans"! After all, our Lord did not tell His disciples about the bread: "Eat everything,", as if anticipating the misleading, which will arise in the future, I commanded: "Drink everything". If you left the bowl aside, you spoiled all the establishment, and, as I show it soon, you almost completely deprived of it. What is the Roman Church! Why go far: there is a church closer, her native sister, and she becomes more and more like her (meaning the Anglican Church - approx. Per.). There, too, learn that those who look at the bowl are already getting a blessing: there is no need to drink from the bowl, it is enough to just see how the "priest" raises the bowl. This is a new way to bless the souls. Previously, salvation received listening to the word, and now it seems to be a spectacle to be rescued. But the apostle says: "Whenever you eat this bread and drink this bowl.", Not: "Whenever you become the audience." We argue the death of the Lord only when you really participate in this symbolic evening.

Please note that our translators use references here. But another option of translation is possible: "Whenever you eat this bread and drink the bowl of this, the death of the Lord announce, he will come." Try to do this, understand what you do it, let your experiences correspond to the importance of this establishment: "Provide the death of the Lord, he will come." Whenever believers are going to have this bread and drink this bowl, they tear each other and those who watch them, the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.

By the way, notice that the believers eat bread and drink wine: nothing is said about the liberation. But "Whenever you eat this bread." - Bread, and nothing but bread, - ". And drink the bowl of this." "Which there is nothing like a bowl with wine," "Summary of the Lord, they will come," he will come. "

Quite said about the words of this verse. We now turn to the teaching that follows from these words: whenever we take part in the evening, we will announce the death of Christ. This is the great goal of the evening of the Lord: to proclaim, to proclaim, preach again and again the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I. First, consider how this establishment heralds the death of Christ. Everything is so simple: there is nothing but bread, which we smoke and eat, and the wines that we pour and drink. How can this rite give the death of Christ? Can. And he argued from the moment when he was reserved, and many believers would be happy to hear about death heated in this way.

The evening announces the flour of Christ death. These bread and wine symbolize death, because they are separated from each other. When the flesh and the blood of a person are combined, it is alive, but bread, a symbol of the body, and wine, a blood symbol, separated from each other and thus symbolize death, and cruel death, death from wounds and blood loss. When the blood leaves the body, death comes - this is exactly what we see when we look at this table. It seems to me that the bread itself, when we refract it, says: "So Christ became our food." Bread passes through a lot of "torture" before becoming food for us. First, wheat sow to the ground, it would be buried. She germinates, and cold winds blow on it and the scorching sun shines. When it matures, it is cut off with a sharp sickle. Then it is cooled and smeared into flour. From the flour, the dough is labeled, which is then baked in the furnace and, finally, cut the knife. All this can serve as suffering. So the broken bread, which we eat on the evening, proclaims the suffering of Jesus. Similarly, grapes grape juice, because grape clusters are thrown into the Chan and tramplet with their feet until their blood is squeezed. So, our Savior was in the Chan of God's wrath, until his blood sheds for our sins. Everyone who does not close their eyes, the evening shows the death of Christ.

She also shows that this death was special that this death is for others. Bread exists in order for us to eat it, and wine to drink it. We tell this rite to everyone who looks, and first of all, to ourselves, that the Lord Jesus died for the sins of his people. We declare that we believe in a substantive sacrifice that Christ died, "to bring us to God. The righteous for the wrong ", that he" our sins by himself asked his body to the tree. " This teaches us the evening: the death of Christ was painful and occurred for the sake of others.

The evening also proclaims our faith in the fact that the death of Christ was pleasing to God. Why do we cover the table in the place where we usually worship God? Is the Supper part of our worship? Of course, yes, and the most important part. But we could not come to your father with these symbols of the death of Christ, if the father had not been pleasing to the death of His Son. But "the Lord was pleased to hit him," and he was satisfied with the victim, which his dear son brought. Therefore, when we worship God in the simplicity and sincerity of the heart, we are talking to him: "We know that you accepted the contest of your son, and therefore we proclaim it before all humanity as you like a sacrifice to God."

Conducting this establishment, we also declare the completeness and perfection of the victim of Christ. We would not want to show it to all people if she were not worthy of watching her, right? If she were not complete, we would hide it until Christ had committed it to the end. But since the dying savior exclaimed in front of death: "I was accomplished!", We gladly proclaim his death to everyone who is ready to listen to about it. Look and understand that he paid not part, but all of our duty. He made a redemption fully, so now he is satisfied with the feast for his servants, in which they can participate with great joy. If the victim was incomplete, then the time of the feather would not come, but it was completed, so we proclaim it in participation in the evening.

We teach another great truth to everyone who sees us at this table: Jesus Christ died, and we are alive by his death. Bread and wine are the symbols of its broken body and spilled blood, and when we eat bread and drink wine, we are thereby saying that the death of Christ is our life. Whenever we want to strengthen their spiritual forces, we appeal to the truth that Christ died for us. Maybe someone from you deny the doctrine of a substitution victim? We declare you that the substitution is the basis of our Being, the source of our life. We could not be happy, we could not have a world if we were deprived of her. From the bottom of my heart I appeal to you and say: "I am scared to deny any truth, but to question the truth about the substitution victim of Jesus Christ - absolutely unthinkable for me." Torture and dust can break me apart, but they will not be able to snatch from my hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not. Lamb Calval, who expired blood instead of us, in our place, became an integral part of our being, and we cannot, we should not and we will never diminish the blissful doctrine of his substitution victim. Isn't it for us to all in everything?

We also speak friends who are watching this pyr that the death of Jesus Christ is a source of greatest joy for us. We are not gathered at the funeral and not for commemoration. Approaching this table, we do not dress in sorrowful clothes. I know that in some churches, it is customary to decopline his knees before the altar before taking the evening. But why are they going to kneel? Is there any other passage in Scripture, which would have hinted on what you need to do? During Easter, the Israelis stood with pregnant sicks with a staff in her hand. Why? Because they were going to leave Egypt, because they were still in the land of slavery. The one who is under the law, when eating Easter, should ribbon and take a staff in his hand. But how did the disciples of Christ ate the evening? They stayed as it was comfortable. Dinner was very significant, but nevertheless it was dinner. It was an ordinary meal that the Lord separated for the great goal of the memories of his death. And to force us to be inclined to knees before taking the evening - it means, from my point of view, deprive this establishment, to a certain extent, meaning. We must participate in bibril if it is convenient for us, as we do at the usual table. After all, we believed, entered the peace, and one of the teachings of the Lord's teachings is that in Christ we have a full world and get peace when we are saturated with them. This establishment is a beer of fun, and not sorrow.

Beloved when we participate in the evening declare Christ's death, we proclaim it as a seal of Christian unity. Unity Christians are built on the death of Lord Jesus Christ. I am afraid you will need a lot of time so that all believers come to an agreement on the issue of baptism. It seems to me that the correct idea about this establishment is spreading increasingly, but hardly baptism will be able to unite all Christians. As for the Supper of the Lord, everyone who is true children of God agrees with each other. If we are in it, then we will gladly accept the great truth that "Christ died for our sins in Scripture," and we live with one thought: he reached us from death with his death. So, dear brothers and sisters, if you can not accept your fellow Christians on some issues, because some of you are men in Christ, and others - babies who are not able to rod nuts and eat hard food, however you are all You can unite in Christ. He is like manna, which is equally well suited for all Israelis in the desert. Old and young - everyone could eat manna and all saints can eat Christ. When we are going around the table of the evening, we declare the world: "We are united in Christ Jesus. We, apply to this table, cease to be baptists, the British, Methodists and Presbyterians. We become those who form a single body in Christ, proclaiming the death of our beloved Lord to all people. "

II. Secondly, let's think about why the Lord commanded to draft exactly this truth. There are many important truths in the Bible, and each you need to remember. But not all the truth of the Lord commanded to remember with the help of a special establishment. We firmly believe in the teaching of election, but we do not have a special symbol or a sign that would announce this teaching.

This evening is designed to remind the death of Christ. Why did the death of Christ been chosen? I answer: because it is the most important of all truths. In the Christian Church there can be no dispute about the sacrificial death of Christ. This truth is an integral part of the Gospel. To question the contest of Jesus Christ - it means to repay the sun in the church sky. Without him, the Christian church loses its meaning. The doctor was attracted, which was a toilet, once invited his brother, who was a convinced Calvinist, to his church and suggested saying a sermon, provided that he would not affect controversial issues. His brother first agreed, but later regretted it. But he still managed to fulfill the promise, and to keep his conscience net, because on Sunday he preached for words: "And unquestioned: the great piety of the mystery - God appeared in the flesh.", Proving that the divinity of Christ is the truth about which Cannot argue. For us, the doctrine of Christ's replacement victim is in the same category. Without it there can be no genuine Christianity. You will only leave the husk if we reject this major truth of the Gospel: God's Justice was justified by the death of his beloved son, on the basis of which God by grace offers forgiveness even the most great sinner if he crashes in Christ. This is a doctrine that some despise and ridicule, is the heart of the Gospel. We do not have the slightest doubts about this teaching, and we are not afraid to talk loudly about him, for our Lord Jesus commanded this evening so that this truth is constantly in people's minds, because it is so important for understanding the Gospel.

In addition, many are trying to refute this teaching. All the enemies of Christ fell on this truth. If someone deviates from the truth on other issues, you only need to ask this person, and will surely turn out that he denies and the doctrine of redemption. The replacement sacrifice of Christ is the main goal on which all attacks of his enemies are directed. They do not bring this teachings, they are offended by the fact that we often mention the word "blood", although it is one of the most common words in both the wind and in the new covenants. "No blood spread is the forgiveness of sins." "The Blood of Jesus Christ, his son, cleans us from all sin." The Supper proclaims the breakdown body and the shed blood of Jesus Christ of our Lord and the Savior, thereby directing the mental gaze to the substitution. And his church whenever it complies with this establishment, proclaims the death of Christ, contrary to those who denied it, and she will do it, "he will come."

Without a doubt, the Lord gave us an evening symbol so that we remember and proclaim this truth, because she carries the bliss of sinners. Unhappy souls, they will not be able to find consolations until they find out that Christ died instead of them. Your conscience, if she actually awakened from sleep, will never be soothering neither rites nor moral prescriptions that you can't do nor hope for your religiosity. Awakened conscience asks you: "How can God stay fair and at the same time forgive you?" This question gives the answer the dead body of our Lord. But when you realize that Christ died on the cross instead of you, then your mind finds calm down - and not before. That is why God commands his servants to preach the crucified Christ, which is why whenever we spend the evening, we bring His death: she needs sinners most of all in the world.

Beloved, there is another reason why this truth was chosen so that we remember it during the evening: this truth should be approved in your own soul. Will it be able to pierce the heart of sin if she is not anointed by the blood of Jesus? But when I see how sin is punished in Christ, I realize all his horror. When I see, as Christ dies for my sin, then I have a strong stimulus in order to die for my sin. When I see His flour for me, I understand why I have to go for sacrifices for him. Beloved, the death of Christ - the killer of sin, and the one who knows about her and understands it will definitely experience its sanctifying power.

Moreover, this truth glorifies God. When you still have so much to glorify God, how at the moment when you, a pitiful guilty sinner, are standing at the foot of the cross and see the child dying for you? The most beautiful songs that are in this world are those who saved by graceing sinners sing, gathering near the cross. And each of them exclaims: "I am in the source of me in the source, make me white snow, then my whole inside will praise you, bless your name and infinitely rejoice because the Lord was able to chat even my sins with the blood of his beloved son." I think I can say without boasting that my ministry fully comply with this establishment. I have long served to you crucified Christ and his substitution sacrifice, and I think you can easily see how my sermons are connected with the Supper of the Lord. But I can't even imagine how you can link dry philosophy and this establishment. If you discard the great reaction of the atonement, the evening turns into a farce. Then it is better to cancel it at all and send the form following the content from which they got rid of. But everything is different, for we believe that the Lord wants His people to always think about Jesus, he constantly said and testified about him, and for this reason he gave us a blissful commandment in the invariably to remember Christ on the Cross.

III. And, thirdly, please pay attention to the invariance of this establishment and for the cause of its immutability. "Summary of the Lord annoying, he will come." When he comes, we will not need these symbols, for our Lord will be with us, but "Docom will come," we must follow this establishment.

What does this tell us? His death will be powerful, "Docom will come." You are not stated to decorate the world what outdated, lost strength. Oh no! The precious blood of the dying lamp will not lose its strength until the redeemed church of God will not be easily delighted with sin. Whenever any of you who have not appeal yet, but looking for the Lord, will see this table, you must speak to yourself: "These people believe that Christ is death and today, otherwise they would not remember about it " Yes, we believe in this, and we believe that Jesus can save you if you come to him, maybe in an instant to give forgiveness and peace to your heart, if you just trust him.

I see another truth that follows from these words: because the evening should be held, "he will come," it means that the Christian Church will always exist to hold it. The church always existed from the moment Christ founded it. In the darkest times of the Catholic Zasil, Christ had a small church, which complied with this establishment. In Roman catacombs, in the Bohemian Mountains, in Waldomic valleys, in the Scottish Gorges - almost all over the Earth, believers, in simplicity, refracting bread and spilling wine, remembered the death of Christ, although they had to risk life to gather together. And today, in our bright days, when we can get together or threesome, and we can gather hundreds and even thousands, so that with the help of bread and wine to remember our dying Lord, there is a church of Christ, and it will always exist, so never despair Whatever difficult times come. Neither Rome nor even hell can repay the candle, lit by the Lord himself, and the Church of Christ will, "he will come."

True, there will always be people opposing this teaching, therefore one of the reasons why we should always keep this establishment is that there are always people who deny the renoval death of Christ. Dear friends and co-workers in the Lord, it seems to me that it is so beautiful that everyone participating in the evening will preach for these words of the Apostle Paul. I say aloud, but you gathered around this table, unanimously declare your action: "Christ died in the Calval Cross, Christ died for our sins," and also proclaim and other truths that I mentioned. Already what you eat this bread and drink this wine, you declare and again that there are people believers in the dying Savior, believers that he died in their place, instead of them. Let others deny it, but you continue your testimony.

Beloved, this establishment should be invariably carried out, because Christian hearts constantly need it. Not so long ago, people who reached such perfection (in their own eyes) appeared, which, it seemed to me, they would soon refuse to comply with the establishments. I read about one of such a person who claimed that he no longer prays, because his mind was so sanctified that he was in complete agreement with the will of God and therefore could not ask God anything! Pathetic fool! Nothing else about a person whose heart is in such a state, I can not say. If someone is no longer needed prayer, it should immediately begin all the Christian life at first. The same can be said about those who no longer need the evening. Christ knew that in this life we \u200b\u200bwould never be able to do without visible rites. He knew that his people were very forgetful and could even forget about him, he gave us this memo, this is a wonderful reminder of his death, so that every time we spend the evening, we remembered him.

In addition, the world invariably needs this establishment. Never comes such a day when the world will not need to hear about crucified Christ. It never comes such a time when the crushed hearts will not need to be comforted, lost souls - the road home trying to escape on their own - the truth that the salvation gives another one who died on Calvary. May God will help us to continue our testimony for the sake of this world, for the sake of unfortunate sinners, for the sake of themselves and for the sake of Christ, "he will come."

IV. And in conclusion, I want to say one thing: if what I said about this establishment is true, then we just need to keep it. If, thereby we announce the death of Christ, if our meeting around this table draws people's attention to this great event, if we unite in the death certificate of Christ, let's, in this case, take part in the evening.

What should I tell those from you who accepted Christ as the Lord, but never once performed this commandment? I want to ask you, did he ever vacated you from the execution of this commandment? And do not you think that if he considered the necessary command to participate in the evening, you should consider it necessary to participate in it? Is it really installed the evening so that you shy away from her? Do you know what you have already lost, without obeying the commandments of your Lord? You will tell me, this rite does not give you salvation. Yes, I know about it, and you know, just like me, that if you think to get salvation through participation in the evening, you better not participate in it, for only those who have already been escorted to participate. But I want you to look at the evening as one young man looked at another establishment of Lord Jesus Christ. He was an ordinary person, but the grace of God acted in him, and when he died, he regretted only that she did not accept the baptism. His sister told him: "You know, Isaac, that baptism does not save." He answered: "Yes, I know perfectly well about it, I'm already saved. But soon I will meet the Lord Jesus Christ, and I would not want to hear his question: "Why didn't you do this little thing for me?" These are very faithful words. The simpler something, the faster we must do this so that anyone would think that we are talking to your disobedience: "I don't even do small things to please Christie." If participation in the evening could save you, then you would, of course, took part in the egoism only. But if all your faith is only one of the egoism, then it will be the Lord gracious to you and let you give you another faith! Only saved possess the privilege to declare their obedience to Christ and their love for him, taking part in the evening. Can you really see him right in the eyes and say: "Lord, you gave it to establish that we remember you, but I never observed him"? Do you really want to hear in response: "It was a small case, it could bring the benefit of your soul, and you could not fulfill him for me?" You should think about the state of your heart if you can afford not to fulfill the commandment of your Lord.

But I should also say a few words to those who follow this establishment, but it applies to it wrong. Those who are correctly involved in the evening, argue the death of Christ, "Docom will come," but, I'm afraid, among those who participate in Baker, there will always be those who incorrectly think about the death of Christ. I always get upset if, spending the evening, I can not focus my thoughts on the last terrible godfather scene. It is better not to take part in the evening at all, than to take, thinking about something else, except for his torment and death. What is the sense in the rite, if there is no correct inner mood? Pray the Lord that he tied all your thoughts to the cross. Let your prayer become such words: "Know the victim with the velves, tie it to the horns of the altar," and let this satellite be a breaking body of your Lord on the cross. I will think about him, I will focus on it during the evening, I will try a reverently, humbly and sincerly to align his death, "he will come"! "

So come, beloved, no matter how unworthy you are, to this table. Go, tremble because of my sin, but rejoicing because of his victim and thanks to his great love. Come and reserve him again, reiterate himself again, devote himself to him and my love. Come and put finger in wounds from nails, touch the pierced side. Repeat the words of the bride from which her song begins. Songs: "Yes, he feeds me with the blazing of his mouth! For your caresses are better than your fault. " They want to get closer to him, touch him, and when you take it by the hand - keep and do not let go, call your friends and Christian brothers and tell them: "Here is my Mr., let's go and have a sweet communication with him." If tonight, during the evening, I could hug the great angel of the covenant, I think I would, like Jacob, during the yew, did not let him go yes dawn, and if he had deprived of the strength of my veins, I would bless his name for what He descended to me, struggling with me. If you gain contact with him, then accept a solid solution that you will keep your best for it, tell him: "I will not let you go, until you bless me."

We will talk about the evening of the Lord and I want to bring some simple examples and the fundamental truths from the Bible characterizing the evening. Among Christians there are several different names: the Eucharist, the Supper of the Lord, the Communion, the Mourdings of the Lord. I believe that all this is excellent names and I do not want to distinguish any of them. It does not matter which one I use, you can call as it is taken from you, we are all talking about the same thing.

We will start our study from the 14th chapter of the Book Genesis, where he is written about the meeting of Abram (whose name has not yet been changed to Abraham) and Melchizedek (which means the king of truth), which is one of the most mysterious personalities of the Old Testament. Melchizedek was the king of the city of Salim, so originally called Jerusalem, the first syllable was added later, and the word Salim is directly connected with the Jewish word Shalom. Surely you know that the word shalom means the world.

So, this person, according to his name, was the king of truth or righteousness, and according to his provision was the king of the world, which is well shown in the message to the Jews. However, he still remains one of the most mysterious personalities of the Bible. Some Christians believe that it was Christophanies, i.e. The phenomenon of Jesus Christ before his incarnation, others believe in a different way. One person said once: "Some of my friends for it, some against it, and I am for my friends." In other words, I am not quite sure who is right, and I do not want to reject anyone or others.

In Genesis 14:18 For the first time in the Bible, the word priest is used. This word indicates a priesthood ministry, which is one of the greatest functions passing through all the Scriptures. Here is the basic principle: the definition or explanation of the concept or the term in the place where they first appear in the Bible, is the key to all of their understanding. I believe that this is especially true in this case - in the first use of the word priest.

You may ask why do we start the topic about the communion from this passage? If you ask such a question, then you lose sight of the same symbols that are the center of our baker-chull and wine. Genesis 14: 17-18:

When he returned after the defeat of the cedoromer and the kings, formerly with him, the king Sodomsky came out to meet him in the valley of Shave, which is now the valley of the Tsarist. And Melchizedek, King Salimsky, made bread and wine. He was the priest of God of the Most High.

I want to draw your attention to that at the time of great success, Abram met two kings: King Salim and King Sodom. These are two cities with such different associations and so different fate. In some sense, we see Abram standing in front of the choice. In a certain sense, he had to choose between these two kings. Genesis 14: 18-24:

And Melchizedek, King Salimsky, made bread and wine. He was the priest of God all the post. And blessed him, and said: Blessed Abram from God of the Most High, the Lord of the sky and the Earth; And God is blessed by the Most High, who betrayed your enemies in your hands. Abram gave him a tenth of everything. And the king said Sodomsky Abram: give me people, and the estate take me.

In other words, the king of Sodom said: "You saved me, my people and all my property. Obviously, you want something for it. I will be glad if you just let me save my people, and I will leave you everything captured by you. "

But Abram told the king Sodomsky: I raise my hand to the Lord God of the Most High, the Lord of the sky and the land, that even the threads and belt from the shoes would not take from all of yours so that you did not say: "I enriched Abram", - besides the new , besides the share owned by people who went with me; Man, Eshchats and Mamriy, let them take their share.

So, Abram rigidly toughly told the king of Sodom: "I do not want anything from you." He accepted what was offered Melchizedek and rejected what he suggested the king Sodomsky. Here is the principle that I am going to consider later.

Most of the seventh chapter of the Epistle to the Jews explains the essence of the priesthood of Melchizedek and confirms the priesthood of Jesus according to the rank of Melchizedek, and not according to the rank of Levi, and shows for some differences between these two priesthoods. I would like to show that the priesthood of Melchizedek was an initial priesthood, prototype and a model for the entire priesthood. It is superior priesthood. The priesthood of Levi, which appeared later under the law of Moses, was lower in rank.

It is quite interesting that if you learn the resolution of the Levitsky ministry, you will find that Levit's priests never gave anything to God's people, without having received it at first. But Melchizedek suggested Abram what Abram did not sacrifice Melchizedek.

Levitsky priesthood, in contrast to the priesthood of Melchizedek, was temporary and supported by people. Then, under the law, Moiseev had a need for a variety of priests and Levites, because they had to constantly bring the same victims who could not, in the end, resolve the problem of sin. While the message to the Jews says that Jesus as the High Priest according to the rank of Melchizedek, brought one sacrifice for sin forever and raisled along the right hand of the Most High. The priests of the Old Testament always stood, they never sat. As a priest for the rank of Melchizedek, after he sacrificed himself on the cross, Jesus was silent. You can see the difference: they stood, he sits. What does it mean? They stood because their work could not be completed, they could not bring the final victim. He sat down because she brought one sacrifice for sin forever. He was no longer going to bring sacrifices. Therefore, his priesthood is eternal, and their priesthood was temporary. They brought many victims for sin, which ultimately did not solve the problems of sin. Jesus brought one sacrifice for sin forever, without the need for its update. They stood, he sat down. He sacrificed what was not in front of it donated to him.

Now let's go to the 26th chapter of the Gospel from Matthew - this is a description of the scene of the last evening, on which Jesus installed the Eucharist, the Communion, the Supper of the Lord - no matter how you call it. I hope that in the light of the above, some things will become apparent to you. Matthew 26: 26-29:

And when they spruce, Jesus took bread and blessing (or thanking) prevented and, distributing students, said: Hold, Fly: Sieu is my body. And taking the cup and thanks, filed them and said: Drink it all; For this is the blood of my new covenant, for many poured into leaving sins. I tell you that from now on I will not drink from the fetus of this grape until the day when I drink new wine in the kingdom of my father.

What meant that Jesus took bread, and then Wine and suggested his disciples? What did he tell them? This seems to say: "In me, you see the restored priesthood of Mel Huxedeka, which was in oblivion at the time when the law of Moses was covenant. But now I conclude with you the New Testament, in which the priesthood of Melchizedek is restored. "

It is very interesting how we have already noticed that Melchizedek was a king, and a priest. But under the law of Moses, the ministry of priests and kings was divided and it was impossible to unite, because the priests came from the knee of Levi, and the kings were prescribed to supply Judine from the Knee. The king could never be a priest, and the priest was king. This once again indicates the lower level of the priesthood of Levites. But when Jesus rose during the last evening and offered bread and wine, then he said that this is the priesthood of Melchizedek, which was in oblivion for the period of the law of Moses, received recovery in it. Thus, he said: I am a priest not on the rank of Levi, but according to the rank of Melchisedeka. And through this action, he installed the New Testament in his blood. He said:

... for this is the blood of my new Testament, for many poured into leaving sins

So, here is the foundation of the Scripture of the Lord from Scripture - restoring the priesthood of Melchizedek, the highest high priesthood, the initial high priesthood, and as a sign of this, he offers its disciples the same thing that Melchizedek proposed Abram.

Our participation in baker

Now let's see that the New Testament teaches participation in bibril. In the evening, seven aspects can be distinguished: three of them talk about our relations with Christ, three - about our relations with the Body of Christ, and one - about our attitude to the world.

But first, let's consider two disbuffs from the 1st Message to the Corinthians. Let's start with the 10th chapter, where Paul discusses whether Corinthians can afford to allow themselves to eat food sold in meat stalls, who devoted her to the sacrifice of pagan idols. And in connection with this, Paul teach several lessons about the evening of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 10: 14-22:

So, my beloved, run away idol. I tell you as reasonable; themselves judge what I say; A bowl of blessing, which we bless, is there no privacy of the blood of Christ? Bread, which is refracted, is there no addition to the body of Christ?

A word that has been translated as an attachment is usually translated as communication, in the Bible King Jacob, it is translated as a communion, and it is the essence of the communion - this is the Greek word of Konony. It means to have something together a general (community). So, when we participate in bread and the cup, thereby confirm that we accept it together with all other believers.

One bread, and we are many one body; For everyone communion from one bread.

Here is another aspect, we all communion or become part of the total. Each of us personally becomes part of the total. But we not only participate, but also share this community among themselves.

Look at Israel on the flesh: those who eat victims, not participants of the altar?

Paul says that people who ate the victims of the Israelites under the law of Moses could only be the priests who brought these sacrifices on the altar. So, there is a direct link between tasteing the victim and the altar on which it is brought.

What am I saying? Whether that the idol is something, or the Ident means something? Not; But what pagans, bringing victims, bring demons, and not God ...

In other words, it is a shape of the worship of Besam - for idols stood demons.

... But I do not want you to communicate (communion) with demons.

See? In a sense, this is what Avram met. When Melchizedek came to him to meet him, he had to make a choice between Melchizedek and King Sodomsky. His position suggested him that he could not take from both.

You can not drink the Bowl of the Lord and Bowl Beshovskaya; You can not be participants in the meal of the Lord and in the meal of Besnow. Do we decide to annoy the Lord? Are we stronger than him?

It was the first passage, and the second passage is located in the 1st Corinthians 11: 23-32:

For I received from the very Lord, what and you gave you that the Lord Jesus That night, in which I was betrayed, took bread and, thanking, prevented and said: "Check, \u003cbr\u003e, this is my body, for you breakdown; We create in my memoil. " Also, the bowl after the evening, and said: "This bowl is a new covenant in my blood; We create this when you will only drink, in my memoil. " For whenever you eat this bread and drink the bowl of this, the death of the Lord annoyed, he will come. Therefore, who will eat this bread or drink the bowl of the Lord is unworthy, the guilty will be against the body and blood of the Lord.

A word that is translated as guilty, I would be better translated as responsible or responsible for it. Once we became partakers of this ministry of breadfree, thereby showed very clearly that we know the teachings of the new covenant that Jesus Christ on the cross died for our sins, shed her blood for our redemption. We are responsible from this moment and further for what we know and how in connection with this knowledge we live.

Yes, he has the same man, and thus let him eat from the bread and drinks from this bowl. For who eats and drinks is unworthy, he eats and drink a condemnation to himself, not arguing about the body of the Lord.

The version of King Yakov uses the word understands, the new international version uses the word recognizes. I prefer them both the word judges. Let's read this verse again:

For who eats and drinks is unworthy, he eats and drink a condemnation to himself, not arguing (without distinguishing correctly) about the body of the Lord.

From the same root that the word "reasoning" is formed by the word denoting the gift of distinguishing spirits. As far as I understand it in the context of the New Testament, it means to see deeper external and see an inner spiritual reality. Perhaps the most suitable word is a problem. Let's read it again and understand again, because it is a very important verse:

For who eats and drinks is unworthy, he eats and drink a condemnation to himself, not arguing (spiritually not distinguishing) about the Lord's body. Because many of you are weak and sick and dying.

We also see that unworthy adoption of the communion can be the cause of weakness and diseases, as well as premature death for Christians. I think that this shows us all the seriousness, holiness and the greatness of the approach to participation in the deck of the Lord. If we participate inappropriate, it may cause illness and even premature death.

I grew up, being a nominal member of the Anglican Church. I can say that the teaching of the Anglican Church in some sense almost lifts salvation with communion. But this is not a complete truth. It all depends on how you participate in the communion - worthy or unworthy. As far as the communion can contribute to salvation, it can be condemnable. Therefore, we must be careful not to base our concept of our relationship with God only on our participation in the communion. This is very serious.

For if we judged ourselves, they would not be tried; Being tried, we punish the Lord not to be convicted with the world.

As you can see in this situation, God does everything that he can. First of all, he says: "If you judge ourselves and participate worthy, then I will not punish you. If you do not perform this, I will punish you. But even if I will punish you, then it is better than being convicted with the world. " The condemnation of the world is the final condemnation that we must avoid.

Now let's get acquainted with the seven main aspects of the Lord's evening, which will consider in this order: first, in relationships with Christ; secondly, in relationships with the Body of Christ; Third, in relation to the world.

In relations with Christ

In relations with Christ, our participation in the evening has three aspects:

1. Proclamation;
2. Reminder;
3. Prescription.

Let's look at first aspect - proclamation.

1 Corinthians 11:26:

So, participating in baker, we proclaim the death of the Lord. We proclaim it not only for other believers - in reality it is not the most important thing - we proclaim it for the world and, more importantly, for the entire invisible spiritual world. We proclaim the angels, both kind and evil, as well as spirits, kind and evil. We proclaim the death of Jesus Christ to the entire Universe. You may not be a preacher in my service or calling, but when you participate in the blood communion and the body of Christ, then you make a statement of the greatest importance. You proclaim on the whole universe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God died and shed her blood for you to redeem you. You proclaim your faith in his atoning death for you. Faith is initially manifested in proclamation.

Second aspect - this is reminder. We look back on his death. Jesus himself said, and it is written in the 1st Corinthians 11:25:

... "This bowl is a new covenant in my blood; We create this when you will only drink, in my memoil. "

This is what some Christians call the sacrament or priesthood, depending on what denomination they belong to. In essence, the sacrament or sacredness is a demonstration of the most important truths of the Gospel: the truths are so important that God in his sovereign wisdom found so that they are presented not just words, but are shown in symbolic actions.

Five years of your life I was a teacher teacher for schools in East Africa. We inspired the teachers the next principle. You can change the ratio, but mostly children remember 40% of what they hear, 60% of what they hear and see, 80% of what they hear, see and do. In other words, if you want to achieve maximum influence on the perception of the child, do not allow the child to just hear it. Make it so that he heard, saw and did it. Let the child translate what he learned in the actions that he himself would have fulfilled.

As I understand the sacraments and sacredness - the same principle is used here. The greatest basic truths of the New Testament are so important that God has established so that we don't just hear and see them, but so that we hear, you saw and performed them.

  • First sacred - It is the baptism of -theism, in which we publicly identify themselves with Christ and his body. Apart from the difference in how it occurs - the pouring or immersion, the fundamental teaching of all major churches converges in the fact that this is a public acting identification with the Lord Jesus Christ in his death, burial and resurrection.

As far as I understand, without this, the identification of the believer cannot say that he takes place in the Body of Christ. There is no example in the New Testament that anyone spoke of salvation without being cherished. You will not be able to find a single one. Jesus said: "Who will drive and baptize will be saved." Our identification with Jesus in death, burial and resurrection is so important that God commanded every person who joins the body of Christ, show it by external action. And then not only this person, but everyone who saw it will remember this.

  • Other sacramentAs far as I know, this is anointing patients with a little. This truth is also important so that God wants us to not just hear or have seen it, but he also encourages us to do it.

What symbolizes the anointing with a bare patient? Firings in Scripture always symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when we encounter patients with a little, we proclaimed our faith in front of the whole universe that the Holy Spirit will do what Scripture says: he will revitalize, will give life, restore health in the body of a patient believer.

  • Third mystery - This is a sacredness of communion, Eucharist, or the Supper of the Lord. This we show that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died in the body and shed her blood on the cross for us. And whenever we do it, we do it in the memory of him. God does not want us to ever forget the fact that Jesus died for us, sinners.

I am convinced that many Christians pass through large spiritual problems because their mind is not focused on the death of Jesus. They say: "I will be surprised if God loves me. Didn't he forget about me at all? " You will not talk like that if you remember the cross.

The crucified Son on the Cross is the final demonstration of God's love for each of us. Romans 8:32:

The one who has not spared his son, but betrayed him for all of us, how does it not give to him and everything?

This is a guarantee that all heritage is our.

God says: "Remember this is so important, especially in the clock of darkness and experiences of the pressure that I installed in my body this sacrament, thanks to which you will constantly remember this fact. I want you to never forget about my love that expressed through the cross. "

In the old version of King Yakov said: "Do it as often as you do it." However, representatives of some branches of the Protestant Church could say so: "In fact, everything has changed so much that these words now have to sound like this: so rarely, as you do it." I became a convinced believing thanks to the regular memory of the death of the Lord. Some churches that I associate, do not do this quite often, so I will say (it can either shock, or bless you) that we usually make a bibrilion every morning with Ruple. I do not want to forget about the cross.

According to Smith Wigglesworth, one of the greatest pioneers-evangelists among Pentecostals, he wanted to take partitions everywhere where he could. It happened that he was looking for some church where bruvery occurred, she walked there and took the communion.

I truly believe that many of our problems are spiritual, emotional, psychological - due to the fact that we do not remember the death of the Lord often.

Now, third aspectwhich is very closely connected - this is anticipation. Let's go back to the 1st Corinthians 11:26:

For whenever you eat this bread and drink the bowl of this, the death of the Lord annoyed, he will come.

So, we do not just look back, on his death, but also look forward, at his coming. And whenever we participate in this sacrament together, we remind you yourself: first, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and, secondly, thank God that he will return again!

If you can live in awareness that Jesus died for you in the past and he will come for you in the future, you will never master the state of depression and Trozania will leave you.

It is perfectly expressed in the book of one of the past generations. He said that when he takes part in baker, then everything else disappears from the field of view. This is the time when we need to be focused only on what really happens. This brother said that at the moment when we accept the sacrament, there was no past besides the cross, and there is no future, except for the coming.

How good is that for some time all the other temporary, small things that cause us problems, emit and confuse us, just disappear from sight. We turn back to the cross, and then look forward to the coming.

There were periods in the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, when Christians were very acutely aware of the reality of the coming of the Lord. They spoke and acted as if the Lord had to come over the next five years. But when the Lord did not come, it caused such a reaction: "How stupid to talk about the soon coming of the Lord." As far as I conclude, it's not stupid to talk about the soon coming of the Lord. I believe that the Lord is coming. I believe that he will come soon. I believe that he will come suddenly. And I find that the new covenant ends with a prayer: "The ridges will soon, Lord Jesus!"

I think that something is wrong in your spiritual state, if you can't pray for such a prayer: "If it was written about 19 centuries ago, it is not stupid to pray for such a prayer?" As far as I understand, no. Personally, I believe that despite all our activity, we as the Body of Christ have great tasks on Earth that have not yet fulfilled. Nevertheless, I am convinced that the only final decision for earthly problems is the personal return of Jesus. If he does not return, then we will be in such a caress, from which you can never get out.

Let me repeat these three aspects of our relationship with Christ:

1. Proclamation;
2. Reminder, look back into the past;
3. Prescription, look forward to the future.

There is no past, besides the cross, there is no future, except for the coming.

In relation to the body of Christ

Now I would like to point out three aspects of communion against the Body of Christ:

1. Recognition or distinction;
2. Participation;
3. Promotion or adoption together. 1 Corinthians 11:29:

"For who eats and drinks is unworthy, he eats and drink a condemnation to himself, not arguing (distinguished) about the Lord's body."

I believe that there are two applications of this verse. I think that the word distinction best reveals its meaning. In the ministry of liberation from time to time, the Lord gave me the distinguishing of spirits. When this gift is acting, then I see deeper than external, I see something in the inner spiritual state, which is deeper than natural feelings. In my mind, I see an inner, spiritual reality. Many times I recognized the spirit of death in people. I can't tell you like, but I know that this spirit is inside a person standing in front of me.

I believe that this is how we must see the body. First of all, we look at bread, and this is a simple bread. Some people, like me, love to take for communion Easter Matsu. Other people have their own traditions, they take a catering or desalination. I remember how we in the Anglican Church took the Communion with Classiers. Doesn't have the meaning of the Clair for this or a piece of mattsies, or fresh bread, which, obviously, Jesus and his students used, because It was Easter, and it was impossible to eat anything row. Let it even be a piece of simple bread, but when we look at it, then we look deeper visible. What do we see? We recognize the body of the Lord.

Next, I personally believe that when I take the sacrament, fulfilling God's conditions, then you taste this piece of bread, I take the body of the Lord. I do not do something symbolic, but real. This bread is not just a symbol, but the body of the Lord, which I distinguish.

Whatever it was, Paul said, and we will look at it a little later that one bread and one body. Thus, the bread does not just represent and becomes the body of the Lord, in which I participate and which I eat, but he represents me the whole body of the Lord, the church, which is his body. And again, we need spiritual distinction.

My friend Bob Mamford said the Lord borrowed many strange children! You can take a look at the neighbor during baker and think, even without looking at long, that it is a strange type. You can look in the mirror and say, perhaps the same thing about yourself. But during the ministry of baker, we look deeper external. And when I look at my brother or my sister next to me, I don't see a person, I see a member of the Body of Christ, for whom he died and shed his blood Jesus.

I realize that if I do not appreciate and do not respect the standing person, then thereby grieving the heart of the Lord, because he loves this man so much that he died for him. If you have an incorrect attitude to a member of the Body of Christ, do not appreciate what is valuable in the eyes of the Lord, then it hurts him bitterly.

I believe that this was the actual problem of Corinthians. There was a lot of wrong in their relationship, but the worst thing was that they did not distinguish the bodies of the Lord in each other. And Paul said: "For this reason, many of you are sick, and some even died."

I guess it may be the main problem of weakness among Christians. I do not affirm, but I can easily believe it, because I can say with great regret that many Christians do not honor each other, but at least at least as members of the Body of Christ.

Perhaps I should not say that, but sometimes, based on the fact that I myself had to survive from the surrounding Christians, I say the following: With such friends we do not have the need for enemies. In fact, I do not think that I suffered more than others, most likely many others suffered even more than me.

So, we are talking about recognition, the vision of the deeper external and distinguishing of spiritual reality, eternal, spiritual, increditable. First, in a small piece of bread, we distinguish the real body of Christ, if you approach it correctly. Secondly, in people who around us who participate in the same bread, we will distinguish the living body of the Lord, members of his body.

Let's pray that we distinguish each other and the body of the Lord correctly. Paul said in this connection (1 Cor 11:28):

"Yes, he has the same person, and so let him eat from bread and drinks from the bowl of this."

I'm so glad that I do not need to experience other people. I will tell you that I am a thumbnamed tester of myself. As a young preacher I was naive sure that I know about who goes to heaven, and who goes to hell. The more I live, the more I'm not sure about it. I could not assume many years ago that Catholics can go to heaven. I'm sorry, but it was. Now I have questions about many Protestants.

Second aspect In relation to the Body of Christ, it is participation. Let's go back to the 1st Corinthians 10:17:

"One bread, and we are many one body; For everyone communion from one bread. "

Coming - this is a verb, participation is a noun. We participants. In this regard, I always like to read from the Gospel of John 6: 53-58:

"Jesus said to them: True, truly telling you: if you do not have the flesh of the Son of Human and drinking it, then you will not have any life ..."

There is only one source of life - he is in the flesh and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When there was no state of Israel, I lived in the city of Rammalah in the same Arab community. I discovered that during the participation in the evening of the Lord, they say in Arabic: "We are going to drink the blood of Jesus." I think that this is what happens during the evening, although in every human being there is something that shudders from the thought of the eating body and the beyties of the blood of the Lord. So it was with the disciples. When Jesus said that if you do not have the bodies and drink the blood of the Son of Human, then you will not have life, - many students answered: "We cannot hear this kind of speech" and left it. But I always learned to humble myself constantly before the Word of God and not argue with him. It said Jesus, then it is truth in the last instance.

The puzzling flesh and drinking my blood has eternal life, and I resurrect him on the last day ... I do not know how you perceive it, but I thought a lot over the resurrection of the body. I even have a book called "Resurrection of the Dead". Like all orthodox Christians of all time, I believe in the resurrection of the body. I do not believe that God is going to give us another body or other body. He is going to return to us back the same, but the famous body. Do you believe it? If you do not think so, then you should carefully read your Bible.

How will the Lord collect the scattered dust of the body, which died, for example, nineteen centuries ago? I think you will ask this question to the Lord. But I believe that he is going to do it. If I understand correctly, the Lord says that when you participate in bread and a cup with faith, fulfilling the necessary requirements, then something happens in your physical body, which guarantees your resurrection. And your body differs from this moment from the body of the person who has never sacraged the body and the blood of the Lord. Therefore, when the Lord send Archangel Gabriel with Truby, and he will be flooded, then they will rise in Christ those who died. All these small particles of your body, regardless of when they were dispelled, they themselves gather in one whole, and here you will appear in a new, glorified body. It will be new in the sense that it will be glorified, but also in the same as having the same components that were and in burial. Resurrection guarantee, as I understand it, is part of the body and blood of Jesus. Let's read this verse again:

"... the pile of my flesh and drinking my blood has the life of the eternal ..."

Will not have, dear friends, but has.

"... and I resurrect him on the last day ..."

It said the one who never said untruthlessly, so this is guaranteed.

When my first wife Lidia was called home by the Lord, then the hardest and most bitter thing in my Christian life took place. I want to tell you, my dear brothers and sisters: death is very real. It has nothing pleasant in it, she is cruel. No religion that does not give a response of death, does not meet the needs of humanity. The only religion that has a similar answer is Christianity.

I was a preacher about 30 years old, but when my wife was taken home, then I sat and asked myself: I believe myself that I was preaching? I preached about the resurrection and reunification. And now came the moment when I asked myself a question about whether I believe it myself? I thought about it soberly and honestly, and answered myself that I truly believe it. And if I could not believe it, I would be a person completely devoid of hope.

When close and dear believers are dying to Christ, then we grieve. But not as the world grieves, because the world grieves, not having hope. But we have hope. The righteous has hope in his death. The loss of a friend is not comparable to anything, it is like your own flesh and blood reject from you.

There is nothing that could keep us at the same time, except for this word. And the more often we participate in the evening, the deeper our world will be when the life crisis comes.

Let us turn to verse 55:

"For my flesh is truly food, and my blood is truly a being; The puzzling flesh and drinking my blood is in me, and I am in it ... "

This long time has been used here: who continues to eat my flesh and drink my blood, he continues to stay in me and I am in it.

Jesus lived in full dependence on the life of the Father. The source of his life was father. And when Jesus identified himself with our sins, he was cut off from the source of his life and died. Just like God, the Father is a source of life for his son Jesus, so Lord Jesus is a source of life for every true believer. As Jesus lived by the Father, and we must live them.

Our life depends on him and from continuing relationships with him. Jesus says:

"... as a live father sent me, and I live my father and the pool to live me ..."

When we are committed to these symbols of his body and blood, we are communion from a source of life. Verse 58:

"... This is, there is a bread that came down from heaven. Not like the fathers your eutrics were manna and died: this sneaking bread will live forever. "

Do you know what is the most delicious in these words? That is truth. I always blesses me in the Bible that most really important things are told by simple words. The one who eats the bread will live forever - it is so, and it is truth.

Let's move on to the third aspect in relation to the body of Christ, to enjoy or adopting together. Let's see the 1st Corinthians 10:16:

"... a bowl of blessing, which we bless, is there no privacy of the blood of Christ? Bread, which is refracted, is there no addition to the body of Christ? "

So, when we participate in bread and the bowl, we encourage the body of Christ. We encourage all those who are near the believers. We remind you that we are part of a huge community. We can be a very small group, insignificant in our own eyes and collected by chance, but when we do it with the awareness of spiritual reality, we see ourselves part of the staying group of people who started moving in the New Testament, reached our days and continues to go far.

It is strange that lately I remember my Anglican heritage. But I remember that in the Anglican Church we celebrated the holiday, which was called the day of all saints. When I became Pentecostal, I forgot everything about the bottom of all saints, I say it with regret. But then, when the Lord called my wife home, for the first time I was not able to preach, it was the only case when I retreated from my calling to preach. Two or three weeks after the death of Lydia, I just told people: "Sorry, but I'm not ready to preach." And then I thought that I could not please her anymore, so why should I sit at home? If she were here, she would like me to go. So, I decided to go for the nearest ministry. It turned out to communicate Catholic charisma. Of course, it was primarily a Catholic meeting. And you know what I found? It was the day of all saints. And you know what they celebrated? Communion to the whole body of Christ. Not just with those people who are on earth, but also with those that have passed before them.

It was the first open ministry in which I took part after the death of Lydia. Nothing could be more appropriate. Suddenly I saw something that I should know clearly - there is a real veil, which separates this world from the world of other, and this is a very subtle gas curtain. Dark, severe curtain - in this world between those who believe, and those who do not believe.

I have to tell you something. Lydia was the most brave person from those I have ever met in his life. She was a very direct man. She never said what she did not think. For all the years of our collaboration, I never heard her telling something that did not think. She was a Danish. If you know European culture, the most rectilinear nation of Europe are Danes. And the most frank Danish was Lydia! I will tell you that I needed to adapt somewhat to life with a person who is so open. She sometimes told me: "You, British, - the nation of diplomats, no one knows when you say what you really think." Perhaps it is somewhat exaggerated, but it is true.

So, Lydia came out of the Lutheran Church of Denmark and I need to be careful, telling her story. She was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal Movement and survived the baptism in the Holy Spirit, not understanding what was happening to her. After that, she took the challenge to be baptized by faith through immersion in water. After that, she passed through the scandal literally with all the Denmark, which, in fact, is not a very big country.

Her story is described in the book "Appointment in Jerusalem". The Danish Parliament considered her case on whether she could stay by a Danish state school teacher after she did something so heretical as baptism in faith. Americans will hardly be able to understand this culture, but it is very real in Europe. Moreover. About fifty years, Lydia was drawn into a war with the Lutheran Church. For any Lutheran pastor, she was like a red rag, which swung before the bull.

About two years before she died, dear brother in the Lord Tom Hodgins called me and said that he wanted to come and meet me in order to get advice. So, he came, and we communicated together for a while. At that time, Lydia had real deep spiritual problems. She even doubted his own salvation. I read about what this happened to men and women of God, but I did not know such cases with someone who was so close to me. Tom Hodgins had a certain ministry in the word of knowledge. When he consulted and prayed for people, he received very visual paintings in the mind of the needs, problems or circumstances of these people. I was aware of very remarkable cases from his practice. So, I told him: "Before you leave, I would like you to talk to Lydia and maybe you will help her find a source of her problem." When we gathered to pray, I podded him: "Do not be confused - if God shows you something, then tell me about it. Do not be too respectful. " And so, we threesome prayed together for some time in our living room, and I asked Tom: "Did you see something?" He replied: "Yes, I saw a large church building. It was rather empty, had a mosaic in the windows and choral. " Then he turned to Lydia: "Do you have something in common with this?". She said: "absolutely nothing." Then I asked: "Wait a minute," and turned to: "Don't you think that this may be Lutheran Church?" He said: "Yes, something like that." Then I asked Lidia: "What do you think about Lutheran Church?" She replied: "I hate them." I said: "You can't hate anyone - it is forbidden. You need to repent. " And she repent. And it was a turning point. After that, she came out of darkness into the light. God brought it in order, because in two years he took her home.

Let me tell you that if you are in darkness, then check your relationship, your relationship. Is there anyone who you hate, or who you have not forgiven?

After a year after the death of Lydia, I was invited to preach at the Lutheran charismatic conference, which is held every summer in the city of Minneapolis. It was a nice time. I had a privilege for three days in a row to hold biblical courses for nine thousand people. Then, at the end of the conference, we all at about fourteen thousand people participated in the Eucharist. I was no longer on the scene and was very happy to take my place in the audience among other Christians, just on one bench with other people.

I told Jim Jackson, who was among the organizers of this conference, which is not against providing communion, but if I give a choice, I would prefer to be just a member of the meeting. I would like to somehow disappear from the center of attention, getting lost among others and participate in the evening with the Lord and his body very intimate and personal.

In general, it happened. I do not know whether it will pushing your theology, or not, but when I was sitting there, participating in the Lutheran Eucharist, then for the first time for all the time when I took the evening, it was done by me as never in my life before .

I knew that I join the body and blood of the Lord. I didn't just believed in it, but I knew it. I want to say and hope you take it that when I was sitting in the Lutheran meeting, participating in Lutheran Eucharist, I had a message from Lydia in glory. I do not know, believe it or not. If you do not believe it, then you better check it in your Bible. I do not want to say that she said it, but what was transmitted to me: "I am glad that you are here because of me." I saw how appropriate the presence of me and her in the Lutheran Assembly. I survived it as an act of love, sampling and reconciliation with my Lutheran brothers and sisters, and not only in my relationship, but also in her relationship. And then the acquisition together of the Body of Christ has become so real for me. When we refracted the evening that evening, in my own spirit I could see all the saints who left before, separated with us to commemorate the death of the Lord.

There is one thing that unites all the believers of all times and peoples, denominations and traditions is the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, these three aspects regarding the Body of Christ:

1. Recognition or distinction;
2. Participation;
3. Promotion or adoption together.

In relation to the world

Now, in conclusion, having tied this together, let me just say about one aspect of communion in relation to the world, to unbelievers. The key word I use is a branch.

1 Corinthians 10: 20-21:

"Not; But that pagans, bringing victims, bring demons, not God; But I do not want you to communicate with demons. You can not drink the Bowl of the Lord and Bowl Beshovskaya; You can not be participants in the meal of the Lord and in the meal of Besnow. "

For me, this means that participating in the evening, we carry out the traction of the division between us and all satanic in any of its manifestation or shape: involvement in the occult, celebrations that do not glorify Christ, etc. We cannot stand at the same time in two camps. I constantly try to make sure that we do not store any publication in our house, which dishess Jesus Christ.

Moses said to the children of Israel at the end of the 7th chapter of Deuteronomy, that if they enclose things into their home, they themselves fall under the curse. Brothers and sisters, I hope some of you will make cleaning in the house. Do not keep even a small buddha image. Do not leave any signs of the zodiac and horoscopes. Do you understand? These things are demonic and you cannot participate in the meal of the Lord and the meal of Besnow. You can not exhibit the things of Satan and the objects of the Lord.

In conclusion, I want to read from the book of the Ezra to emphasize this last moment. The book Ezra describes the restoration of the temple by migrants, returned from Babylon. The first three verses of the fourth chapter are so clearly shown to distinguish between those who are God's people, and those who are not God's people. Ezra 4: 1-3:

"And the enemies of Judah and Veniamine heard that the temple returned from captivity build the temple to the Lord, God Israel ..."

Pay attention - it was the temple of a true God. It was his temple.

"... And they came to Zorgoville and the heads of generations, and told them: we will and we. Building with you, because we, like you, resort to God to God, and he bring sacrifices from the days of Asardan, King Syrian, who translated us here. "

If you know the historical subchantier, these people who have populated the Earth Israeli after the relocation of Jews, had very mixed worship. They partially performed the law of Moses, at the same time practicing paganism and demon, it was a mixed form of worship. But when they saw that the people were building God's house, they said: "Let me join you, because we want to participate in this." Here is the answer leaders of the Jews at their request:

"And the Zorivavel and Jesus told them and the other chapters of the generations of Israeli: do not build you together with us our God ..."

"Do not attempt to cross this division line. Your God and our God is not the same, even if you keep something that we observe and we. "

"... we will build a house to the Lord, God Israel ..."

I would like to extract three keywords from here. The words "we are alone" (in English. Literally: "We ourselves together" - approx. Translation) - for me summarize this message. "We" - talks about the set, i.e. All the people of God together. "Ourselves," says about the department. Only we are without you. "Together," says about unity. This is where we are.

1) a lot - the body consists of many, many members;
2) separation from others - uncompromising to satanic elements;
3) Unity - we will do it together.

Let me briefly list all seven aspects of ministry of bread.

FirstlyFor Christ, three aspects:

1) proclamation
2) memorization,
3) anticipation.

SecondlyWith regard to the Body of Christ, three aspects:

1) recognition or distinction
2) participation,
3) Promotion or adoption together.

Last thingIn relation to the rejecting Christ to the world: a branch. "You do not have a part - we will build together together."

Choosing proper communication

In the Greek Dictionary of the New Testament there is one very important word, describing the distinguishing lifestyle, which is based on the beginning in the New Testament - this is the word Koinonia ("Kointonia"). The name of the Koinonia noun is formed from the adjective Koinos - common. "Kointonia" literally and primarily matters to "have common." If two people or more people have something in common, then they have "Koinonia" in this. If there is some kind of area in which they do not have a common one, then in this area they have no "sinny".

On the PropoPostol Church in Jerusalem, it was said that "they all had a total" (Acts 4:32). It was complete "Kononya", the community, as the fruit of the true unity and division of life with God and God's people. For complete spiritual satisfaction, you need this kind of mutual relationship and unity. Without this, you will never have the completeness that God intended for you. This is equally true for both celian people and married couples. We all need to become part of something more than we ourselves.

In the 1st Corinthians 12: 12-27 Paul compares believers with different members that make up one body. He explains that no member can function effectively alone. Everyone needs others. Verse 21:

"Can not have an eye to say hand:" You are not needed for me "; Or also the head of my feet: "I don't need you."

Each of us, believers, personally can achieve true satisfaction and completeness only when entering devoted relationships with other believers, connecting in such a way that we can function with them as one organism.

The relationship of this kind is not something optional - this is the basis for your own well-being. Let's see the 1st John 1: ... If we go in the light, like him in the world, then we have communication ("Koinonia") with each other, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son, cleans us from every sin.

The introductory "if" puts us in front of the two interrelated facts of spiritual experience:

1) the main evidence that we go in the world is that we have "Koinonia" - a community with God and other believers;
2) If we do not have a commonality ("Kointonia"), they are no longer worried about the purification by the blood of Jesus Christ - the only thing that can keep us clean and freedom from sin.

Our responsibility for life in community with a group of devoted believers is also defined in the Epistle to Jews 10: 24-25:

"... We will be attentive to each other, encouraging to love and good deeds; Let's not leave your collections as I have some custom; But we will exhort each other, and even more so, the more see the approach of the day of the day. "

Here again two kindred truths sound:

1) we are responsible for encouraging and inspiring each other;
2) We can do it if you do not forget the "your meeting." The last phrase obviously says that we will all be connected with the group that we can call "personally by our meeting" with certainty.

The main step, which leads us to the relationship between this kind, the same that introduces us to the right relationship with God and our spouse in marriage is a dedication. However, this is not dedication to another personality, but a group that is connected by mutual initiation of its members. If you have already made the dedication to God and your partner in marriage, then you must repeat it for another kind of initiation - to initiate a group of close believes.

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find in modern Christianity a group of those who practice the present, mutual initiation on the sound biblical basis. However, if you recognize your need for God in joining the group of this kind, and then go further - you will diligently look for it to get directions from it, you can be sure that he will show you what to do.

Remember that God promised to reward those who are looking for it (EHR.11: 6). If you are sincere and serious in search of it, then you will get your reward.

As a guide to the definition of a group of this kind, which will fill your need, there are nine questions to which you must answer before you make any definition:

1. Will the Lord Jesus Christ Christ extol, do these people look under his domination?

3. Do they provide the opportunity to act the Holy Spirit?

4. Do they show love, sacrifice, warm and friendly attitude?

5. Are they looking for their faith in practical, everyday life?

6. Do they build practical biblical relationships that go beyond the simple visit of ministries?

7. Do they carry pastoral care that covers all your needs?

8. Are they open to communicating with other groups of Christians?

9. Do you feel "how at home" among them, can you say that it is "what you were looking for"?

If the answer to all or most of these questions is positive, then you are on the right track. However, keep looking for the Lord until you get a clear leadership. Remember that you will most likely not find the "perfect" group. Moreover, even if you find, joining her, you will lead to the fact that it will no longer be perfect!

Finally, there is one word both encouraging and warnings, Psalm 67: 7:

God lonely introduces into the house, frees the prisoners from the shackles; And the unprofitable (rinkers) remain in the sultry desert. If you are alone, God will introduce you to the house - in a spiritual family from brothers and sisters in Christ, connected with each other with mutual initiation. If you are a prisoner of circumstances or evil forces, God will free you and lead you free. But there is a warning that if you are unfortunate, there are still tuned, then you will still remain in the sultry desert.

Ultimately, the only barrier that will be able to keep you from finding that community ("Koinonia") in which you need your own inner relationship of pride or egoism, or uncompromising individualism. Ask God to show you if there are such barriers in your life, and if they are, then scatter them.

In Psalm 26: 4 David expresses the deepest desire of his soul:

"One I asked the Lord, that only I am looking for to stay to me in the house of the Lord in all the days of my life ..."

Do these words of David express the deep desire of your soul? If so, why don't you repeat them in prayer? If you feel capable of praying in your own words, then do it. But if you can not express your desire, you can use the following prayer:

Lord, I am alone and dissatisfied, and I admit it. I wish you to "stay in your house" - to be part of the spiritual family dedicated to believers. If there are some barriers in me, then I ask you to remove them. Bring me to the group in which this desire will be fulfilled, and help me make the necessary dedication to them. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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