Pisces horoscope with whom are they compatible? What zodiac sign are Pisces compatible with for marriage? Compatibility of Pisces woman and Scorpio man

November 11, 2016

Subject union pisces and pisces compatibility in love relationships, is quite interesting for those who listen to what the stars have to say. Such couples are formed very often, but these relationships almost always end in marriage. These two water signs will never be bored together. These are not many of the zodiac signs that live by emotions. And they are ready to give them to their beloved in full.

The compatibility of a Pisces man and a Pisces woman in a love relationship is almost ideal. This couple always stays together and prefers to go to all events together. After all, spending time separately is not at all a joy for them. If they're not interested in the party they're attending, they won't be upset at all. Representatives of this couple will quickly switch to each other, because for them their partner is the most interesting and understanding. The two of them get along well and always find topics for communication.

Pisces and Pisces compatibility in love relationships two people under the protection of one planet seem to increase by two. Moreover, both positive and negative traits of their character increase. If one Pisces person has sensitivity and sympathy, then the union of two people can be called a formula - one multiplied by two. This means that the relationship of such a couple will be sensitive, gentle and soft. But at the same time, they will face an increase in such qualities as sloppiness, laziness and deceit. People of this zodiac are also not against lying from time to time.

The Pisces woman is blessed with good intuition, and she listens to it very often. It’s as if she penetrates the thoughts of the other half and will never do anything that he might not like. Even due to her young experience and age, the Pisces girl is awarded with natural wisdom, which representatives of other zodiac signs lack.

U Pisces and Pisces compatibility in love relationships of signs index in percentages is at least 90. This suggests that they receive the most important thing - love. They will do everything to ensure that their couple has harmony and an ideal relationship. If they succeed, then they will always be tender and caring for their lover.

As colleagues at work, they understand very well and never yell at each other. They are not interested in collecting various gossip about their employees, justifying this by the fact that intrigues can cause serious damage to the company. Unfortunately, they can only acquire their own business in their dreams and desires. Since both do not have leadership qualities and are not proactive. But this does not mean that their dreams will remain dreams - they can achieve success in creative professions.

Pisces and Pisces friendship compatibility

The fish have the same tastes, interests, and even temperaments. They find it easily mutual language. Such friends will always agree perfectly on how to have fun - they will never have disagreements on this matter. They discuss issues on all topics with genuine interest. Starting from business and ending with a kitten thrown into the next doorway. Pisces and fishes in friendship They hardly quarrel and spend a lot of time together. If the friendship of fish is time-tested, then they even begin to call themselves relatives. Friendly relationships between a woman and a man are often confused with lovers.

But very often, friendship between constellations of different sexes turns into romantic relationships. There is a high probability that they will become lovers, despite the fact that each of them may be married.

They will preserve their love through their ability to forgive and kindness. Quarrels, of course, happen between them. But they are much less common if they were in tandem with other zodiac signs. Pisces prefer to forget about the offense rather than rush into battle to find out who is right and who is the culprit.
The feelings that appeared in Pisces and Pisces compatibility in love relationships in love, as a rule, are always mutual.

Pisces do not like to show their feelings openly. And they will definitely never kiss and hug in public. Pisces do not like such coldness in their halves. What’s interesting is that they don’t notice this about themselves.

Pisces and Pisces compatibility in love relationships and sex

If relationships developed only in bed, they would be ideal among other representatives of the zodiac signs. It turns out that both lovers have great imagination and soulful tenderness for their partner. The intimate life of this couple cannot be called boring. Representatives of this zodiac love to experiment in sex, so their mutual passion will not fade away for a long time. They have specific sexual needs. For many members of society they are deviations. But in order for the relationship to be built not only on sexual entertainment, you should not get too carried away with the bed. After all, there must be a golden mean in everything, including the desire to please your other half. Fortunately, Pisces and Pisces compatibility in love relationships and sex It couldn’t be better, which can’t be said about their relationship as a whole.

Pisces - people born February 19 - March 20. Their element: Water. Ruling planet: Neptune. Daydreaming. Rich imagination. Increased sensitivity. These few words most fully reflect the essence of the character of people born under the sign of Pisces: they have developed intuition.

How Pisces behave in love relationships

When considering the compatibility of Pisces with other signs, it is worth keeping in mind that Pisces may assume that those with whom they are dealing have still not finished reading the page they started, although they are already finishing reading new book. Seeing people through rose-colored glasses can make it very difficult to relate to them.

In relationships with partners, people born under the sign of Pisces can be difficult to understand.

They, as a rule, do not reveal their souls to those with whom they communicate. They rely heavily on their intuition.

Only communication can help you clearly see what partners really are. Pisces would prefer to observe other people from the outside than to deal with them.

When analyzing the compatibility of Pisces with other signs, remember that they are caring and compassionate. They fulfill their obligations strictly, if they are not absorbed by other people. The ideals of those born under the sign of Pisces are very high. They expect something unearthly from themselves and from their life partners.

Often, a gloomy and some kind of mystical dissatisfaction deeply penetrates the soul of those born under this sign, and it seems that nothing in life can shake their highest ideals.

When Pisces recognize that it is better to come down to earth and that peace of mind is important, living with them becomes easy. Life becomes a great teacher for Pisces in relationships with a partner.

Pisces are attracted to people who are gifted with intuition and are not afraid to live in accordance with their highest ideals and values.

Some Pisces are attracted to practical people, because they help Pisces find peace of mind and tame their emotional nature.

Pisces may perceive the need to find a life partner as some kind of important mission. The search for a companion who is kindred to them in spirit may even become important for Pisces driving force.

The characteristic qualities of Pisces are the belief that their intuition can be useful for the world, and a sincere desire to prove this in practice.

How to conquer Capricorn and achieve compatibility

Aesthetic impulses are constantly present in the consciousness and imagination of people born under the sign of Pisces. Pisces are ready to swim through stormy waters, following the impulses of their creative consciousness and forgetting about their daily bread.

They are in constant search of ideals that serve as an inspiring goal for them.

Those born under the sign of Pisces can be very devoted to those they love; They are distinguished by the idealization of the object of their love.

However, a passionate passion for some business or dream can make Pisces forget everything for a short time.

Pisces instinctively know what to do to please. They tend to put their loved ones on a pedestal and fulfill their every whim, provided that they do not have bad habits.

When analyzing the compatibility of Pisces with other signs, remember that the disadvantages of those born under the sign of Pisces are a tendency to denial and a constant feeling of guilt. No other sign of the Zodiac is so strong in denial, which is sometimes really necessary in a given situation.

They must summon all their courage to cross the frightening murky waters in search of a place where they can clearly see everything around them. Guilt always haunts those born under the sign of Pisces.

In small quantities it does no harm, but when it overwhelms you in roaring waves and literally floods your consciousness, then you perceive your surroundings in a distorted form.

Those born under the sign of Pisces are forced to look for a way to get rid of the stream of thoughts that is destructive to them. When they overcome their shortcomings, their life becomes truly wonderful.

Compatibility of Pisces with other signs

Pisces - Aries

Sexually, this combination is quite interesting, since everyone knows how to satisfy their partner's needs. But if the relationship lasts a long time - and this is quite likely - then it seems that something is missing, and that something is most likely joy.

Pisces - Taurus

Perhaps the most successful combination is if what Taurus needs is stability, and what Pisces needs is to be needed by someone.

In terms of sensuality, this relationship will flourish, since each is able to fulfill the desires of the other. In addition, Pisces will not have to make practical decisions, and Taurus will not have to figure out the whereabouts of their loved one.

Pisces - Gemini

Some successful sexual attempts may temporarily attract these signs to each other, but this is usually not an option for the long term.

Pisces is overly emotional, and Gemini may try to use discussion and logic as weapons to Pisces' admitted vulnerability. L in response to Pisces' needs for greater understanding, Gemini may simply fly away after a while...

Pisces - Cancer

When combined, both signs thrive and produce enough sparks and sexual energy for the relationship to last a lifetime of happiness and frenzy.

But the relationship will likely oscillate between sexual exaltation and periods of emotional darkness and storms.

Thus, the mental, erotic and ultimately emotional attraction must be strong enough for this couple to have a chance of a long-term relationship.

Pisces - Leo

This pairing combination can be quite strange. They have a mutual interest in the artistic aspects of life, but a fair sense of humor will be required on both sides to make the relationship last.

In the absence of delicacy (especially on the part of Leo), a stimulating, exciting love affair can easily turn into something reminiscent of shooting fish in a barrel.

Pisces - Virgo

Another one of those combinations that experienced astrologers consider very good. Here I can agree, as long as Virgo shows tenderness and takes care of keeping Pisces in contact with the real world.

The reward will be that Pisces will not have to force themselves to be orderly and organized - Virgo will take care of this. There may be clashes of interests at times, but overall the romantic relationship will be good for both.

Pisces - Libra

The compatibility horoscope indicates the prospects of such relationships.

Both of these signs have qualities that appeal to each of them, so here you can take risks with good chances of success - if, of course, you like to take risks in love.

Sexually, everything is fine here too. Perhaps this is a couple that is better suited for short-term relationships, unless both parties are avid players in love.

Pisces - Scorpio

This pair will emphasize strengths and weaknesses.

This will be an amazing romance for some time: there will be a lot of sex at first, but then the relationship will become complex and difficult, especially for vulnerable Pisces who need large quantities tender care and emotional support, and not in the constant pressure of Scorpio, which may be too burdensome for Pisces.

Pisces - Sagittarius

I’ll say right away: “Nothing will work.” This will be an attraction of opposites and Pisces will end up feeling deceived and emotionally drained. Fish do not want to be prey and do not always have the necessary qualities to resist the hunter.

Pisces - Capricorn

There is great potential here for a refined romantic feeling: practicality combined with soul, respect in harmony with sensitivity. But when Pisces, who strive for warmth, too often encounter the coldness of Capricorn, conflicts arise.

Although the sexual “adult child” of Pisces and the “lover-parent” of Capricorn may experience permanent relationship, tension and pain, Pisces can be discouraged by Capricorn's need to be needed.

Pisces - Aquarius

This is a rather sexual combination, which paradoxically has a depressing effect on both, so it is better to limit yourself to a short love episode.

This will be the case when at times positive, at times negative Aquarius will find himself as if under the influence of a drug thanks to the unstable, poetic, unrealistic Pisces.

Nevertheless, the pairing of Pisces and Aquarius is quite good, satisfaction is possible for both, until the annoying aspects become insurmountable. Pisces will win and Aquarius will lose.

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

They can be together if they swim towards each other or in the same direction, but they can also turn one hundred and eighty degrees and set off to conquer other waters. As usual, they have a lot in common. Both are endowed with strong intuition, prone to mysticism, and have a rich imagination. This brings people together, because it’s so wonderful to dream together, but it can also cause separation if both are unable to take care of themselves and their partner. Well, you also need to fantasize in moderation, because you can come up with something like this, and then believe in your own fantasies.

Compatibility of Pisces and Aries

It is difficult to predict how the union of these two contradictory individuals might turn out. A calm and soft Pisces can either attract or repel Aries with its weakness. And Pisces may not like Aries’s lifestyle - it’s too pretentious and restless. But if partners give in to each other, then anything is possible.

Compatibility of Pisces and Taurus

They can form a good and stable union. Pisces will receive firmness and security, and Taurus will be impressed by a certain immaturity of their star brother. They have a lot of topics to talk about, and if Bychok is silent with others, here he will become a nightingale. They have the same sense of humor, which can reconcile them after all their quarrels.

Compatibility of Pisces and Gemini

They can be together, but not for long, because as they get to know each other better, they will find many contradictions. For Pisces, their partner will be too fast. They will be uncomfortable with him, because they don’t know what to expect from him in the next moment, and such ignorance of Pisces is usually annoying. They love different types of communication. Geminis attract their significant other to the company, but they want privacy together, which, on the contrary, is boring for Twins. What they have in common is only a sense of beauty and admiration for everything beautiful. Therefore, if these are people with impeccable external data and bright talents, then all of the above can be easily crossed out. After all, having found a “diamond”, any of them is able not only to evaluate it, but also to protect it.

Compatibility of Pisces and Cancer

They equally love home and travel, and are also sentimental. They have a lot in common and are able to understand the deepest impulses of their partner. In most cases, the union turns out happy and long. They have a lot of topics to talk about and exist on the same wavelength. Cancers are often fascinated by Pisces, especially when they discover that there is someone more vulnerable and changeable than themselves. In this union, the role of protector falls to Cancer and he unexpectedly likes it.

Compatibility of Pisces and Leo

They can create ideal and harmonious relationships, even if they belong to different elements. Here Leos will be able to lead fully, and Pisces will go with the flow indicated by their partner. But there are also sad cases of tyranny or rejection of the lifestyle of another, because they differ greatly in life aspirations, values ​​and philosophies.

Compatibility of Pisces and Virgo

They can’t have fun or work together, they want so many different things from life that they may not understand each other even after 10 thousand hours of conversations. Practicality and dreaminess, extravagance and stinginess, a sober outlook on life and poetry, having come together into one, will immediately prefer to separate. They have different orbits, different social circles, so their interests rarely intersect anywhere other than in bed. Yes, and there may not be all that well. And if there is no reason for them to be together, then it is better to separate.

Compatibility of Pisces and Libra

They will build peaceful and harmonious relationships and will be able to charm each other, although they will become a mystery. These are different signs, but their contradictions are not a reason for disagreement; on the contrary, they can complement each other, creating a rather warm and tender union of two hearts in love. Thanks to the efforts of Rybka, a pleasant atmosphere is created in their home, so Libra forgets about their love of freedom and prefers to spend time with their partner rather than fun company friends.

Compatibility of Pisces and Scorpio

A wonderful couple with strong attraction and magnetism. Both are drawn to each other like a magnet, and when they find themselves in the same company, each Scorpio will immediately single out the Fish for themselves, just like she does for him. They understand each other well, almost on a telepathic level, so the relationship is quite harmonious and calm. Each sees an ideal in the other, is ready to inspire deeds and protect, if necessary.

Compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius

The explosive and sociable Sagittarius is unlikely to be a match for Pisces, unless they have a strong character. But they can get along quite well, especially if they are connected by religion or interest in esotericism. In all other cases, the “shooter” will seem strange and incomprehensible to the partner, and he is unlikely to want to understand his throwing - mental and physical.

Compatibility of Pisces and Capricorn

They may well find in each other something that will make their relationship ideal. Capricorn will give his partner so much stability and confidence that he will calm a restless mind and pacify any fear about the future. Pisces will also make good partners. They will be able to liberate our “horned one”, make him believe that everything will be fine, and give him a bit of his optimism and cheerfulness. In addition to love and passion, friendship and respect are always present in their relationship.

Compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius

Aquarius will undoubtedly offend Pisces, unknowingly, but this will not make it easier for them. They also tend to demonstrate indifference in relationships, which may seem like an icy shower to Pisces. In a word, the discomfort is obvious. As for Aquarius, Pisces, as a partner, completely suits them, and if for the sake of love they are ready to put up with all his quirks, then the heavens will bless this union.

Pisces compatibility horoscope characterizes their relationship as a romantic and faithful union. For representatives of this sign, love is an inseparable part of happiness.

These fragile and emotional natures are looking for spiritual intimacy in a novel rather than physical harmony. In marriage, they are not always passionate, but usually extremely devoted and faithful to their partner, from whom they expect the same.

Pisces are able to revel in love, sincerely admire their partner and express feelings. But it's foolish to think that this will last forever. A representative of this sign never falls blindly in love, he does not forgive betrayal and betrayal, which can lead to a break in relationships.

Compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs

The perfect match fragile Pisces can be Cancer or Capricorn. Representatives of these signs are able to bring stability and faith in the future into his life. Pisces will be truly fascinated and admired by Cancer's noble and kind heart.

Passionate and energetic Sagittarius will not appeal to Pisces, who will be repulsed by the pressure of this fiery sign from the very first meeting. The union will also not be very strong dreamy Pisces with the other representatives of the element of fire - Leo and Aries, who are distinguished by a more selfish and aggressive character.

It will be unsuccessful with a representative of your sign, since both partners will be deprived of the desire to lead in the relationship and will be subject to constant influence from others.

Great union can take place between representatives of the signs Pisces and Taurus. This marriage promises to be romantic and tender on the one hand, strong and stable on the other.

A Pisces man never forgets anniversaries, birthdays or important events in the life of his partner. He will prepare a gift in advance and make a real holiday for his beloved. A representative of this sign can easily tell all the details of their first meeting.

Very often there are dreamer Pisces who invent an ideal romance for themselves and blindly believe in the reality of this illusion until disappointment opens their eyes, and then a breakup cannot be avoided.

Representatives of this sign are constantly deceived in love, they suffer from lies and betrayal. On Pisces compatibility relationships with a partner are influenced by their coldness and restraint, which instills in them after many failures on the personal front.

Can such a man be called sociable?

It's difficult to communicate with him

The Pisces woman loves a beautiful environment and comfort in the home, which, in their opinion, their partner will have to create. For this they are ready to admire and praise their beloved. They usually choose a person with a strong-willed character as a partner, as they avoid the role of leader in a couple.

Pisces in love and marriage

By love horoscope compatibility, Pisces in love also go with the flow, as in all other areas of their lives. E

This applies not only to women, but also to men. They are unlikely to take the first step towards you, preferring only to secretly dream of love and trust in Fate.

If their love turns out to be mutual, they will be at the pinnacle of bliss, illuminating everything around with their serene happiness, however, they will prefer to completely shift any organizational issues and volitional decisions (when to go to the registry office, where to live, etc.) onto the shoulders of their partner: even with compatibility in love and marriage, Pisces are not going to claim the troublesome role of head of the family.

They are gentle, loving spouses and very caring parents.

Sexual compatibility of Pisces

In terms of sexual compatibility, Pisces have a special erotic charm that lies in their touching and defenseless nature. This is especially true for women, however, even in men these traits can be quite attractive and strong. In bed, what makes love with them unforgettable.

How to make love with a Pisces

When planning a meeting with Pisces, do not forget that you yourself must organize it. Take the initiative into your own hands: you will make the best impression on Pisces if you take care of where and when your communication will take place. Perhaps in a conversation it will seem to you that Pisces did not appreciate your efforts and took your efforts for granted, but in fact this is not the case. Yes, Pisces’ impression of you is little influenced by your words and even actions, but what emotions you evoke in her is very important to her. By freeing her from troubles, you will not darken her serenity in any way, and in the eyes of Pisces this is already a huge “plus” in your favor.

In relationships and love with Pisces, the initiative will also belong to you. Pisces can listen amazingly, although sometimes they are absent-minded. Don’t be offended, this only means that your words evoked response images in her soul and she, carried away by them, began to daydream a little.

Don’t be fooled by Pisces’ absent-mindedness and ability to “hover in the clouds.” When talking with her, do not forget that you are dealing with a subtle nature who can easily sense falsehood. If Pisces gives you his “yes” or “no,” even if he wants to, he will hardly be able to clearly justify his answer. Take it for granted. Most likely, Pisces’s subtle intuition told her the only right decision.

Date with Pisces

Pisces are interested in everything that does not exist in reality: illusions and fantasy, drama and emotions, art and spirituality. Romanticism is highly valued by this sign, so try organizing a picnic on the beach with wine and cheese or a tea party in the garden. Whatever you do, bring a little magic to your dates. Your Pisces will love the Moon meeting more than any money you spend.

Arrange for them to read poetry, visit the theater, go to the cinema, spend the whole day at the zoo, go swimming, visit a museum or opera, go to a cafe, visit an aquarium, take a boat trip together, stroll through a Japanese garden, go to a dolphinarium, go together to the skating rink.

Where and how to find love for Pisces

All representatives of this zodiac sign adore nature - that’s where you should get acquainted. Visit some garden fair, go on a picnic. As an option, go to the zoo, because you love animals so much! Just try to avoid the mistakes typical of Pisces: at the beginning of the novel they are too cold, but then they are too annoying. Stick to the golden mean, and your relationship promises to be unforgettable.

Pisces - love failure or finding happiness

It will be easier for Pisces to create a good family if they are easy-going, sociable, young at heart, have a good sense of humor, and easily take on the tasks that fate offers them.

Pisces - Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Compatibility Pisces – Aries

This marriage union is unfavorable according to all articles and paragraphs of the “love code”. Although “Aries” are strongly attracted to “Pisces,” they are completely different in essence and are simply unsuitable for married life together. And indeed, the “fish” heart, so soft and meek, always filled with a variety of feelings, cannot adapt to the ever-restless “Aries” with their violent ardor and passion. Their union does not promise anything good, because they will never be able to understand each other. “Pisces”, as a rule, live more in their inner life, rather than in their activities. This marriage union is more reminiscent of an alliance between a hammer and an anvil, where “Aries” only strikes and “Pisces” only receives them. “Aries”, of course, will completely devour his “golden fish”, and “Aries” will begin to accustom his “perch” to all household chores, and will even force him to take care of the children. The dreams of these “fish” will remain dreams and all only because of their too soft and gentle character, because of their lazy nature and carelessness. After a certain period of time, they completely forget about their previous illusory rights, about some kind of utopian equality. They begin to experience only failures of duty (often imposed in a violent manner), into which they plunge “up to their necks” in order to survive, so as not to be thrown overboard into the ocean of life.

True, there is one life-saving solution here: going to work (to spend less time at home). And then, even after a hard day’s work, “pisces” like to stay on duty, they like to work overtime. But the longing for those times, for those romantic evenings when they had intimate conversations with their fellow sufferers over a glass of beer, gnaws at them for a long, long time.

In the end, one inevitably has to listen, give in and act on the advice of the ancient sages, who taught that compliance and the ability to adapt not only improve health, but even prolong life itself.

Pisces – Taurus Compatibility

The marriage union between “Taurus” and “Pisces” is built on a very reliable foundation, since between them there is both physical attraction and love passions, they hold fidelity and devotion in high esteem, they are attached to each other until old age.

The “fish”, connecting its fate with the “taurus”, no longer retreats one step from it. And the “Taurus”, having caught its “golden fish”, does not let it go any more, creating the best conditions for its living in its own “aquarium”.

This couple has a lot in common. Both love peace, especially peace of mind. Both love comfort and convenience, everything beautiful and expensive. Both love the “sweet” life. The only difference is that “Pisces” are congenital lazy people who live only for today, and “Taurus” is an unrivaled worker who organizes his own destiny and ensures his own future. But, be that as it may, if only the “fish” has its own house, and even with a garden, then this is the best bait for the “calf”.

This marriage will be magnificent under good material conditions. He demands abundance and a prosperous idle life, fun and pleasure and, of course, love, and passionate love at that. And so that this love on a down jacket is not very pampered, and very reliable control over the savings bank account.

This union gives “Pisces” confidence in the future, loyalty and devotion - they cannot ask for anything better.

Taurus women also do not have to be offended by their partners from the sign of Pisces - they conscientiously give them sincere feelings, warmth, and cordiality. Their passions, taken together, can melt an entire iceberg in an instant.

Most of the “Taurus” people work a lot and, naturally, get tired a lot. That’s when they need supervision and peace, care and care, and no one can do this better than “fish” - they are innately merciful. The only thing you need to be wary of is strong drinks, strong medicines or drugs, which “fish” can sometimes get caught on. But, as a rule, the “Taurus” crosses out this kind of pleasure in no time, criss-cross, preferring only the sweets of love.

Compatibility Pisces - Gemini

According to statistics, this marriage union is fragile and short-lived. Harmony is impossible here for many reasons. First of all, the temperament of each of them is tuned to its own way, to its own waves. In Pisces, sensitivity and sensuality predominate. Rich imagination and a vivid vivid imagination, as well as excessive receptivity and impressionability, a quick reaction of feelings in “Pisces” often cause a storm in a “glass of water” in “Gemini”. “Pisces” requires peace and comfort, pleasures and pleasures, a reliable and confident life, harmony in their own home. “Pisces” with their warmth is alien to the cool atmosphere of the “twins” intellect. If, for the latter, this marriage union is just another entertainment, then for the “pisces” it means only worries and worries, torment and suffering.

If at first everything seems to go “like clockwork”, as well as possible, then over time the picture changes dramatically. When the "twin" goldfish“I have already studied it enough and taken it apart “to the bones,” interest in it gradually begins to weaken until it completely disappears.

True, on those evenings when, for some reason, the “twin” is at home. They both start conversations and conversations not only for long hours, but often even until the morning. But, like all fairy tales, this fairy tale still comes to an end.

If, nevertheless, for some other compelling reasons, they remain together and continue their life together, then quite often “Pisces” women have to swim in a sea of ​​their own tears, and “Pisces” men - in a sea of ​​alcohol. And they often do this together with their partner from the sign of Gemini. Only then is an ordinary glass replaced first by a bottle and then by a vat. And the end result, of course, requires no comment.

Pisces – Cancer Compatibility

Between “Crayfish” and “Pisces” there can be not only harmonious friendship or favorable cooperation, but also deep, mutual love, happy marriage. And love often breaks out here even “at first sight.”

In general, for “Pisces” this marriage union is considered not only successful, but even ideal, incomparable. This is confirmed by statistical data from many countries around the world. Here divorces are an extremely rare case.

True, the best option for their marriage is considered to be the one where “cancer” is a man, and “fish” is a woman. Men, however, are better off if they are “Pisces,” especially those “Pisces” who are extremely in need of maternal feelings and the boundless care, tenderness and softness of Cancer women. And having become accustomed to this, they can no longer do without their marriage partners, the “raquinas”. Naturally, in these cases their union can become both long and happy. On the other hand, the tenderness of the “pisces”, their strong sense of duty and responsibility, and sense of responsibility create an exceptionally favorable microclimate for the “rakin” both at home and in the family.

Compatibility Pisces – Capricorn

Here is the best option for a marriage between a man from the sign of PISCES and a Capricorn woman. They not only have a strong physical attraction, but also great spiritual and intellectual similarities. In this marriage, Capricorn women play the main role, being the main support of family happiness, throwing a lifeline to their spouse in time.

"Pisces" is the most weak sign from the entire Zodiac, you should not communicate or deal with four types of “pisces” at all: 1) who, before marriage, were fed only by illusions and voluptuous dreams; 2) who swam more in the sea of ​​alcohol than in clean waters; 3) which were smoked in the smoke of drugs; 4) who splashed in the muddy waters of the swamp of speculative activity. As a rule, these types of people cannot be re-educated.

Luckily, there are other fish to deal with. The best partners for “Pisces” are those “Capricorn” women who are already widowed. It is for them that “pisces” are simply a godsend, because they are the ones who know how to create the atmosphere that is so necessary for widowed women. Both the benefits and benefits are mutual here. “Pisces” receive reliable security material benefits to old age and care, they themselves bring warmth, understanding and tenderness to the marriage union. “Pisces” even begin to get used to work, forgetting about their laziness. The life of this couple is gradually getting better.

If this couple is made up of a Capricorn man and a Pisces woman, then the latter is kept not just in a glass, but in a concrete aquarium. There is no other way. This is more reliable, because, as you know, these “goldfish” really love tender treatment, love and intimate games, as well. He works like an ox, and it would be nicer and more familiar to him to listen to business conversations about the economy and turnover instead of love babble. True, of course, you can get used to everything, if only you have the desire. And the “fish” dreamed of a rich partner for many years. She needs peace and reliability, security and confidence in the future, and now fate has presented such an opportunity and she cannot miss it - under no circumstances, ever! Not allowed! In addition, a marriage union will help fulfill all your previous dreams. Usually divorce here is an exceptional case.

Compatibility Pisces - Aquarius

The marriage union between “Pisces” and is unsuccessful. The interlude here is always cheerful, energetic, and festive, but the stability of the union is questionable. For “Pisces,” this marriage ends either in complete renunciation of everything, of oneself, or in discord and rupture, divorce and separation. Here everything fluctuates, sways - feelings and passions, marriage and marital ties, life and fate. And the result is sins on both sides. And, as we already know, any fall into sin ends in expulsion from paradise...

Pisces – Pisces Compatibility

This marriage union can be very harmonious and even happy. And only because no two people are exactly alike, even those born under the same zodiac sign. This marriage is often dominated by castles in the air with brilliant disorder. Often partners encourage each other and console each other. And the inexhaustible flow of their feelings in its own way confirms that “pisces” really belongs to the element of the elemental trine of Water.

Because of their too kind soul and extreme caution, they are afraid to take risks and achieve little in life. The ability to forgive and help each other helps them solve many problems. Thus, coexisting and empathizing, they preserve their marriage union. It should be said that the world would be much brighter and more romantic, more joyful, if there were more “golden fish and little fish” in the world. Their love for music and poetry, for books and in general for the world of art and the arts makes life easier and brighter. And the ingenious disorder in the house, if you approach it not so strictly, makes the home warmer, more intimate.

And yet, if one of the “fish” is going to leave him, swimming away to other waters, then this happens in a humane way, very, very touching, and one might even say - on a high moral level.

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