Lesson notes on art, spring has arrived. Summary of an art lesson on the topic “Spring. Introducing children to a new topic


1 class

Theme "Spring is Coming"

Fine arts teacher,

Sledenko Natalya Mikhailovna


Public lesson in fine arts

1 class

Theme "Spring is Coming"

Topic studied: Thematic drawing.

Lesson topic: Spring is coming

Lesson type: drawing from imagination.

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to changes in wildlife with the arrival of spring.

Draw a plot on spring theme. Show the beauty of your native land.


Educational: teach harmonious fullness of the plane of a sheet of paper.

Educational: develop visual skills, sense of composition, shape, color, creativity.

Educators: artistic taste, aesthetic responsiveness, environmental qualities, love for the native land.

Lead time: 40 minutes.

Lesson type: combined



    visual demonstration;


Equipment for the teacher: TSO – multimedia.: Tables, reproductions of great Russian artists. Reproductions of paintings by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”I.I. Levitan "Spring. Big Water", "March", V.N. Baksheeva “Blue Spring”

Equipment for students : sheet of paper (A3 format), watercolor paints, white gouache, brushes, jar of water.

Lesson plan:

1. Greeting. Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson
2. View images of spring landscapes, repeat the main signs of spring.
3. Didactic game "Palette"
Explanation of the sequence of performing the composition " spring land" Pedagogical drawing
Independent work of students

6. Practical work.
7. Summing up. Exhibition of works

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Let's smile at the sun,

Let's give each other a hand

Let's cheer you up

yourself and a friend.

2. Checking the class’s readiness for the lesson

Check your workstations to see if everything is ready for the lesson. Did you remember to take a good mood and imagination with you? Smile and wish each other good luck

Spring is coming to us

Quick steps.

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Spring's feet

Today we will continue talking about spring. Remember how you got up in the morning in the dead of winter. At eight o'clock it was still dark, so we had to turn on the light. Now the sun rises earlier and sets later. Starting from March 22, the day is equal in length to the night, this is the day spring equinox, i.e. Then it will continue to increase, and the night will decrease.

How many months does spring have?

What are they called?

You already know that spring, like other seasons, consists of 3 months.

There are three springs in nature:

spring of light - March, spring of water - April, spring of green grass - May .

Let's talk about signs.

About March.

March – morning of spring

    The sun is getting warmer and warmer

    It starts dripping.

    The day is coming.

About April.

April – Snowman, Aquarius.

April is the month of the great migration of birds to their homeland.

    Snow flows from the fields in streams

    There are puddles on the roads.

    The snowdrop blossomed.

    Willow blossoms

About May.

May is rich in flowers.

May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

    The forest seems to be reborn in May.

    Bird cherry, apple and plum trees are blooming.

    Insects wake up.

    Flowers bloom in the meadows

What feelings does the awakening of spring evoke?

Why when talking about spring “Spring is red”?

What colors does spring have?

Getting to know works of art

Let's see how artists depicted spring.

A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived.”

The painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” by A.K. Savrasov was created more than a hundred years ago. The artist depicted the arrival of spring. There are only gray and dark colors on the canvas.

What primary colors did the artist use? (Blue, white, brown, green)

What shades of these colors are present in the picture? (Blue, gray, light brown, greenish...)

Painting by I.I. Levitan "March".

Talented Russian artist I.I. Levitan dedicated all his paintings to Russian nature. One of his paintings is called “March”. It is permeated with a trembling breath of life, a feeling of excited anticipation of spring. The painting conveys the spring brightness of the sky, yellow sunlight. The invisible presence of a person brings a warm note to the landscape.

Painting by I.I. Levitan “Spring. Big water."

The painting depicts a flood, when the “big water” overflowed its banks and covered the coastal lands, flooding everything in the area. The water in the picture is motionless and quiet, it displays a high sky with light clouds running across it and naked tree branches. The color palette of the painting is formed from various shades of yellow, blue and green. The blue color palette predominates on the canvas; it is with it that the yellowness of the tree trunks and the banks, on which spruce trees are depicted as a thick green spot, are combined. Shades of green can also be seen in the oak tree standing next to it and the barns visible in the distance. The blue color is more varied; its shades are present in the picture in a full gamut from almost white to dark blue.

Painting by V.N. Baksheev “Blue Water”

Guys, a genre of fine art in which the main subject of the image is nature,called - landscape

Sequence of work:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

    We draw the horizon line.

    We outline the streams.

    We paint the sky with blue shades.

    Writing the earth (blue, green, brown, color)

    Physical exercise.

Imagine that you are birches and mighty oaks. Your bodies are trunks, your hands are branches, your fingers are thin twigs, powerful roots going into the ground. Place your feet wider.

IN the air blows in our faces,
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
The tree is getting higher and higher.

6 We depict birch tree trunks with white gouache (with a thick brush)The curly birch tree also wakes up. Birch roots drink moisture from the ground. The sap runs along the trunk, along the branches, and reaches the buds. The buds begin to swell. Soon young sticky leaves will appear from them. They reach out to the spring sun. Then the birch tree will produce green earrings. A warm breeze will play with its curly branches.

7 Draw branches (with a medium brush).

8 Thin branches (with a thin brush).

And now we have a birch grove. In the next lesson we will draw birds and let them into the birch grove.

Results of the work in the lesson.

Municipal autonomous institution

Additional Education Center for Children's Creativity


"Spring came"

Teacher: Elvira Ibragimova




Topic: Spring has come

Target: Introduce students to changes in wildlife with the arrival of spring.

In the learning process, develop thinking, imagination, teach children to self-analysis and self-observation.

Instill a love for nature.

Equipment: tables, reproductions of great Russian artists, envelopes with assignments, crossword puzzle.

Progress of the lesson.

Hello. You will learn the topic of today's lesson by solving the riddle.

I know, I know they are waiting for me everywhere.

Everyone in the world needs me,

I bring joy to people

And my name is... (spring)

Well done, you guessed it. And so, the topic of today’s lesson is “Spring has come.”

You already know that spring, like other seasons, consists of 3 months, and which ones you must guess.

  1. The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice

The starling returned to his house.

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us?(April)

  1. A warm south wind blows,

The snow turns black, softens, melts,

The loud rook flies in.

What month? Who will know?(March)

  1. The distance of the fields is green,

The nightingale sings,

The white light has dressed,

The bees are the first to fly

Thunder rumbles, guess what?

What month is this?(May)

Fine. And who can name these months in order, i.e. how they go one after another.

(March April May)

March is the first spring month. But look out the window; It's snowing, the wind is shaking the bare branches of the trees. Everything is like winter, and it’s hard to believe that winter is already behind us.

And spring is still approaching. Remember how you got up in the morning in the dead of winter. At eight o'clock it was still dark, so we had to turn on the light. Now the sun rises before seven o'clock in the morning and sets around eight in the evening; The day was added by almost five hours.

Who can tell what day March 22nd is? March 22 is the day of the vernal equinox, i.e. The day is equal in length to the night. Then it will continue to increase, and the night will decrease.

There are three springs in nature: the spring of light - March, the spring of water - April, the spring of green grass - May.

Guys, what signs of spring do you know?

(Children read proverbs and signs).

About March.

March - morning of spring

How in March winter does not get angry, but spring submits.

Blue clouds mean warmth or rain.

A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - a sign of bad weather.

The early arrival of cranes means early spring.

Long icicles - for a long spring.

About April.

April – snowman, Aquarius, juicer.

April with water – May with grass.

Don't break the stoves, April is still behind us.

April does not like the lazy, but loves the agile one.

About May.

May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.

Forest birds build nests on the south side of the tree - summer will be cold.

Nightingales sing all night long in anticipation of dry weather.


The guys received five green envelopes with tasks:

  • Tell how birds welcome spring.
  • What changes occur in the life of plants.
  • How animals welcome spring.
  • Labor in the field.
  • Spring work in the garden.

Riddle guessing competition.

What kind of spring black bird

Doesn't it almost sit on the tractor's nose?

Who's running after the plow?(rook)

This bird never

Doesn't build nests for itself

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks.(cuckoo)

He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow.

His song and flight

Entered into poems.(lark)

Reading competition.

1 student. Spring is red.

You, spring, spring are red,

What did you bring with you?

Brought for the meadows

blanket of flowers.

I brought it for the Christmas tree.

New needles

For aspens and birches

a whole cartload of fresh leaves.

2 student. I am Spring - red.

I wake the earth from sleep,

I fill my kidneys with juice,

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice from the rivers,

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere in the field and forest

I brought joy to people.

3 student. spring primrose

yellow flower

Reached for the sun

Delicate petal.

Spring primrose –

The key to spring

Aren't you dreaming

Golden dreams?

Be careful

Don't rip it off

Small, fragrant

My friend.

Solving the crossword puzzle.


  1. Under your feet there is a shambles called(grass)
  2. Without hands, without an axe, a hut was built(nest)
  3. A red girl walks across the sky(Sun)
  4. The blue fur coat covered the whole world(sky)
  5. Buffet, growls, breaks branches, raises dust(wind)
  • Who can tell from their observations about the signs of spring in inanimate nature?

The appearance of icicles and droplets is the first sign of the arrival of spring. Snow provides reliable protection for plants. Many plants live and grow green at the bottom of the dead snow cover (strawberries, dandelions, etc.) Many animals (grouse, hazel grouse, partridge) have found their winter quarters. The entire thickness of the snow is permeated with passages and passages of small animals that get food for themselves in the snow cover. Mice and voles get roots here, and predatory shrews, weasels, and stoats hunt here for these rodents and birds. But now snow has turned from a friend into a mortal enemy. The branches of trees and bushes break under its unbearable weight. With the onset of thaws, the snow becomes covered with an ice crust, which becomes very dangerous for many animals and birds, which burrow into it at night, and in the morning they often cannot escape from captivity and die.

The snow has now become loose and dark. Sparkling streams of water flow out from under it.

They unite into fast streams and run through forests and fields, turning into stormy streams. Along the roads they pick up seeds of various trees (aspen, willow, birch, maple, pine, etc.), grass and carry them far from their parental home.

The sun began to shine brighter and longer: it dawned earlier, it got dark later, the day became equal to the night and began to overtake it. Sometimes the rays of the sun warm your hands and face. This period of time is popularly called the turning point of winter.

The following changes have occurred in nature: a snow crust has formed that can support a person without skis, the snow has darkened, thawed patches have appeared, the first drops, icicles, funnels, floods near the trunks of lonely trees, streams of the first spring waters have appeared, etc.

In the roots of trees, water dissolves sugar, which was specially in their “pantries” in the summer, and together with it it goes up the bark of the trees, to the same buds, to feed them and therefore the bark of trees: willows, aspens, maples, raspberries, apple trees, and especially birch trees, became sweet.

The forest is not yet dressed in green foliage, but willow, aspen, and birch are already preparing to bloom.

All plants are happy about the arrival of spring, but for many its appearance turns into grief. Since in Siberia there is an excessive collection of forest and wildflowers, which is one of the reasons for the disappearance of stocks of brightly flowering and medicinal plants. So 19 species of them (horned flower, St. John's wort, plantain, coltsfoot, lungwort, dream-grass, bluebell, wild rosemary. It is rare to see lily of the valley) are leaving us.

The song of the great tit always opens spring, the first beat great woodpecker. This means that the animals of the forest: squirrels, foxes, bears, moose, roe deer and other animals have begun molting, they all change their warm thick fur coat to a lighter one. In March, a bear wakes up in its den. The badger wakes up even earlier, in February. Chipmunk has already woken up and often runs to look at the first thaw.

Gophers are starting to emerge from their holes, and the first insects will soon appear.

A little about plants.

  1. Which trees and shrubs bloom before the leaves bloom?(willow, hazel, alder)
  2. What harm does harvesting tree sap bring?(a tree without sap will wither and die)
  3. Why is mother and stepmother called a medicinal plant?(a tincture is prepared from its leaves and flowers to treat colds)
  4. A very elegant small plant with a pleasant smell, small, white fragrant flowers. The name of the plant is associated with the name of the month in which it appeared. (mine)
  5. A plant with bright yellow shiny flowers. The flowers close at night and in inclement weather. IN folk medicine used to remove warts.(clean)
  6. Greenish – yellow flowers They look like small mini flowers, gathered at the top of the stem into an umbrella-shaped inflorescence; geese love to feast on this plant.(goose onion)
  7. This tree is a special genus of willow. He has fluffy earrings, like fur. People bring branches of a flowering tree into their homes.(willow)
  8. I dropped my curls into the river

And I was sad about something.

And what is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone.(willow)

Bottom line.

What season were we talking about today?

What are the signs of spring?

What new have you learned?

Name a few proverbs or signs related to spring?

Muslimat Baisova
"Color of Spring" Lesson notes on fine art in senior group

Lesson notes By visual arts using non-traditional drawing techniques on topic: “The color of spring"

Target classes:

Develop artistic perception of spring paintings, combination spring nature flowers that evoke moods for them, teach them to depict various trees, observing the laws of perspective, and the location of the image on a sheet of paper.



1. Teach children to depict landscape paintings, familiarize children with the laws of perspective. Learn to place an image across an entire sheet of paper (closer - larger, further - smaller);

2. Introduce watercolor paints and their properties, teach how to use the palette.

3. Teach children to find changes in nature and convey them in drawings.


1. Develop emotional perception of works of poetry.

2. Develop creativity in the process of creating images, using various visual materials and techniques in your work.

3. Systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge about spring.


1. To cultivate artistic taste in children.

2. Cultivate sensitive and careful attitude to nature, to evoke an emotional response.


Magic brush, album sheet, watercolor and gouache paints, small sponges, foam swabs, two containers of water for each table, round and flat brushes of different sizes, palette, sippy cups for water.

Presentation « Spring» with reproductions of paintings of spring landscapes.

Audio recordings “Nature, birds and animals”, “Voices of animals and birds”, Works "Snowdrop" P. Tchaikovsky, "Rustle spring» K. Sinding, « Spring» – 1 part from the cycle “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, you hear a variety of sounds. And one of the sounds is getting louder and louder. Whose sound do you think this is? That's right, this is Veterok, who lives in the world, flies everywhere and knows everything.

Breeze: Hello children! I am a cheerful Breeze, light, playful, mischievous.

Children: Hello, Veterok!

Breeze: Guys, you know, I like to fly everywhere, whistle and turn everything behind me. I have a magic envelope, what do you think is in it?

Educator: Let's open the envelope and see what's in it. Guys, look, there are 3 sheets here and they are all absolutely clean.

What do you think happened to the text that was written on the sheets? Children assume different versions, after thinking, and decided that it was all an evil witch, she didn’t want spring has come to the guys. We need to disenchant the letter. Who do you think we will turn to for help? Of course, the good sorceress, the brush, can help you and me. Shall we ask her?

All children begin to take brushes, children choose on their own color watercolors and begin to color the sheet. Words appear on it, written with a candle “what spring colors? Look in window: It’s snowing, the wind is shaking the bare branches of the trees. Everything feels like winter, and I can’t believe that winter is already behind me. A spring still getting closer. Do you know that March is the first month of spring.

Listen to the poems about spring:

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

The streams are noisy! The streams are shining!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she raised!

The trees are still bare,

But in the grove there is a decaying leaf,

As before under my foot

And noisy and fragrant.

Soared under the sun

And in the bright heights

The invisible lark sings

Healthy anthem spring.

What's wrong with her? What's wrong with my soul?

With a stream she is a stream

And with a bird, a bird!

It's murmuring with him,

Flying in the sky with her!

Children are invited to listen to the work "Snowdrop" P. Tchaikovsky

Breeze: Guys, did you find out what kind of music we played? (children's answer).

Whose footsteps were heard in the music? (Steps spring)

What mood did the composer convey to you? (cheerful, joyful, solemn). When the artist hears this music, what do you think he will draw? (spring drops, arrival of birds, melting snow, thawed patches, sunny sky)

Today we will get acquainted with the works of different authors about spring. This is a wonderful time of year when nature wakes up, washes itself, preens itself and appears before us as a beauty.

Children are invited to watch the presentation « Spring»

looking at the picture "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Educator: Guys, look at how he portrayed spring artist A. Savrasov.

What do you think? spring Is this painting early or late?

Children: Early.

Educator: How did you guess that it was early? spring?

Children: because the rooks have already arrived, and the snow has not yet melted, but it is no longer white but gray.

Educator: The whole picture seems to be filled with fresh breath spring. What can you call this picture?

Children: early spring

Educator: The artist A. Savrasov named his painting "The Rooks Have Arrived".

And now guys, I suggest you think about what kind of picture you would draw and what you would call it? Which colors you will take for early spring? Listen to how the music conveys the spring mood and try to select those colors, which convey the spring mood, the awakening of nature. Look at the selected cards and tell us "what the colors of your spring

And now I invite you to become artists yourself for a few minutes and draw a landscape of the early spring. And Landscape means an image of nature.

Where do you think we start painting a landscape? (Skyline)

What are the main ones? colors will we apply it at the top of the sheet - where we will have the sky? (Blue, blue)

And which ones are at the bottom of the sheet - where the ground is? (Black, brown, white).

Children complete the task.

Relaxation. Method "Earth, Air, Fire and Water".

The adult asks the pupils, at his command, to depict one of the states - air, earth, fire and water.

Air. Children begin to breathe deeper than usual. They get up and do

take a deep breath and then exhale. Everyone imagines that his body, like a large sponge, greedily absorbs oxygen from the air. All trying to hear as the air enters the nose, feel how it fills the chest and shoulders, arms to the very tips of the fingers; how the air flows in the head area, in the face; air fills the stomach, pelvic area, hips, knees and flows further - to the ankles, feet and fingertips.

Earth. Now the children must make contact with the ground, "ground yourself" and feel confident. The teacher, together with the students, begins to press hard on the floor, standing in one place, you can stomp your feet and even jump up a couple of times. You can rub your feet on the floor and spin around. The goal is to gain a new awareness of your legs, which are farthest from the center of consciousness, and thanks to this bodily sensation, feel greater stability and confidence.

Fire. Children actively move their arms, legs, and bodies, depicting flames. The teacher invites everyone to feel the energy and warmth in their body when they move in this way.

Water. This part of the exercise contrasts with the previous one. Children simply imagine that the room is turning into a swimming pool, and make soft, free movements in "water", making sure that the joints move - hands, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees.

After relaxation, the teacher, together with the children, perform a mini-exhibition of works, discuss each of them, highlighting the most successful works and unusual drawings. Children choose from 3 emoticons one that most accurately reflects the child’s satisfaction with the result of their work

Big and smiling - I really liked the lesson, I’m happy with the result, I was happy to draw more:

Medium and serious - I liked the lesson, I’m not entirely happy with the result, I’ll draw, but not now

Small and sad - I didn't like the lesson, I’m not happy with the result, I don’t want to draw anymore.

We ended up with an exhibition just like real artists. You know, you did it so beautifully because you listened carefully to my explanations, worked diligently, neatly and amicably.

Guys, today we talked a lot about spring, listened to music, looked at paintings by famous artists. Tell me how artists and poets convey beauty spring nature?

That's right, the artist has paints, the poet has words, and the composer has sounds

This is our the lesson has come to an end, and you little wizards can rest. Thanks everyone for your work!


Lesson summary on fine arts in 3rd grade on the topic: "Spring has come. Spring mood"

Lesson type: lesson on control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities (according to Kuzin).

Type of lesson: drawing on a theme (from idea, from memory, from life (view from the window)).

Integration of humanities subjects (interdisciplinary connections): art, literature, MHC.

Target: complete a completed composition on the proposed topic, check and correct children’s skills in depicting a spring composition and working in various techniques.

Lesson Objectives (educational, developmental, educational):


  • Activate cognitive interest in art and nature
  • Learn to consciously construct a linear drawing using the horizon line and known rules of perspective
  • Develop the ability to independently find solutions to artistic problems that correspond to the chosen technique


  • Develop memory, attention and horizons of students;
  • Develop creative and artistic thinking, imagination and fantasy
  • Develop skills related to the transfer of perspective, size and proportions, visual perception and spatial thinking as the basis for mastering drawing.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary
  • Develop educational and management skills: evaluate your own activities and the work of a friend according to the model (criteria) proposed by the teacher.


  • Promote aesthetic perception of educational material
  • To develop emotional responsiveness to the beauty of nature, the ability to notice its amazing features
  • Foster respect for nature

Forms of work: frontal, individual.

Methods: reproductive, information-receptive (explanatory-illustrative), partially search.

By the end of the lesson, children should know:

Features of the image of a spring composition, various techniques, methods and sequence of working on the composition in the chosen technique.

be able to:

Perform a completed composition using previously acquired knowledge. Follow the sequence of work, if necessary, using the teacher’s instructions (verbal or written).

Equipment needed for the lesson:

For the teacher:

  • Tape recorder, recordings (if possible)
  • Board design
  • Posters, illustrations, reproductions on the theme of spring
  • Easel for frontal display to students

For students:

  • Album or A4 sheets
  • Memos on the sequence of work (or instruction cards and safety cards)
  • Plain and wax pencils
  • eraser
  • Gouache, watercolor
  • brushes, foam rubber
  • bucket of water
  • palette
  • paper with a wax base for working in the grattage technique
  • scissors, colored and velvet paper, natural material
  • Animal stencils.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.2 min.

II. Main part:

Introduction (goal).3 min.

Introductory conversation with explanation of the topic and verification homework. 5-6 min.

Conversation about the plot on a given topic, about the rules for constructing a picture 4-5 min

Children’s independent work on the theme and composition of the spring plot (drawing the plot and drawing details) 20-25 min

Design of work in color, graphics, appliqué, layout

Physical minute (1-2 minutes during work).

Generalization. Homework

III. Conclusion.

Summing up the lesson, analyzing successful works. 5-6 min


- Guys, today we have a creativity lesson. And creativity is a source of kindness, truth and beauty.

Let's sit back and smile at each other. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate.

Take a deep breath and exhale…. Breathe out your grievances, worries, irritations. Forget about them.

Breathe into yourself the beauty of the spring morning, the warmth of the sun's rays, the blue of the morning sky and the freshness of the spring air... And let all the beautiful things that you heard and breathed warm your heart.

And the joy that resounds in your warm heart will be heard by people. And you and I will close our eyes, listen to its sound, and try to understand the meaning of what I will now read to you - the Parable “BEAUTY” by V.A. SukhomlinskySee Appendix 1. paragraph 1

Reading by the teacher (against the background of the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”).

Now do you understand why we listened to your warm hearts?

What did you hear? (Children's answers)

Only a person with a warm heart can create beautiful things and give people joy and beauty.

– Have you ever seen beauty along your path? (Children's answers)

– What do you guys think, what helps a person see beauty, and what hinders? (Children's answers)

– Was it easy for a person with a warm heart to get to the flower in the gray stone? (Children's answers)

- What helped him?

– We will need perseverance, perseverance and a kind heart in our lesson. Today we will try to see the beauty spring day or nights, the beauty of living and inanimate nature in spring. And if you put your soul and heart into your work, it will turn out beautiful!

II. The main part is group work of children.

(When dividing into groups, the capabilities of students and their interests are taken into account)

– The beauty of nature is glorified by artists, poets, and composers. You and I read poems by wonderful classical poets about nature at different times of the year. Remember the authors and their works about spring that you studied in reading lessons

(It is necessary to create the mood, turn on music about spring, read poetry, talk about the joys that spring nature brings to children. Talk about the features of spring: how it differs from other seasons.)

Do you like to solve riddles? Guess:

What do you know about spring? - Poetry

– The beauty of spring nature did not leave artists indifferent. How many beautiful paintings they created! You have already seen many paintings and drawings, learned to describe them, determine moods and character. (let's remember what kind of pictures these are - at least those that are on the board)

Attention to the supporting row on the board: at the choice of the teacher, reproductions of paintings by K.F. Yuona “The end of winter. Noon”, “March Sun”, I. Levitan “March”, “Flood”, “Spring. Big Water”, A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”, I. Grabar “March Snow”, N. Romadina “Spring Day”, “Flowering Hillock”, A. Kokorina “Tarusy. March”, S. Gerasimova “The Ice Has Passed”, F. Vasilyeva “Thaw”, etc. For a more complete and vivid representation of nature, the features of the spring forest and meadow, it is necessary to consider several reproductions of paintings.

If the majority of children in the class have a high level of mental development, then they can compose descriptive stories based on the paintings themselves as they watch, and if the level of mental development is average or lower, then it is better if the description of the painting is completed or read out by the teacher himself, and the children determine which one. From the proposed reproductions the description fits. The same technique can be used if you need to save time in class.

Let's try together to choose sentences that fit each of the pictures on the board, accurately and poetically describing the state of nature on them.

What do all these landscapes have in common? (a horizon line is drawn, the foreground and background are filled, and on the ground flooded with water: trees, bare, as in March, or covered with foliage, as in May, a flooded river, melting snow, and in the sky: clouds, sun, flying birds , ... icicles dripping from the roof, etc.)

Answer the questions: (optional - if you have time)See appendix 1. clause 4

We have already painted plot paintings on the themes of times

of the year. And today we will create the beauty of spring nature with our own hands.

At home, you should have prepared everything needed for this creativity lesson according to your wishes.

Therefore, we ended up with several (4) groups:

Group 1: In this group, the guys chose the grattage technique. They will draw spring on a special sheet. What kind of preliminary work was done at home?

Gratazh is a wax-based work: the paper for the work is prepared in advance: a landscape sheet, or better yet, for drawing, is rubbed thoroughly with a candle (an ordinary household one), then painted over with gouache (what color is best to use for a spring painting?), and dried. A drawing is “scratched” onto such a sheet.
– Background applied: sky, air. Then they dried it so that they could do the main work - draw “scratch” the sun, trees, house, melting snowman, etc.

Group 2: The second group will work on a landscape sheet - using the “raw” technique.

– What is needed for this?

– The album sheet is moistened with water (with a brush). The background is applied - sky, clouds, snow, earth. When dry, the main details of the drawing. The work ends by drawing details with the end of the brush, the contours of objects are corrected, highlights and shadows are applied, they try to convey the color as we see it in life

Group 3 The guys in the third group draw with an eraser. – Explain how you will do this? – The landscape sheet is painted over with a simple pencil, shaded (rubbed), a graphic picture is drawn with paper and an eraser.

Group 4 In the fourth group there are different types of work. (The teacher can choose only one type - for example, only cotton wool on velvet paper).

Applique with cotton wool on velvet paper, applique from colored paper, from natural materials(optional and subject to availability).

What are the basic rules for cotton appliqué on velvet paper? – Thin flagella are rolled out of cotton wool and traced with them around the contours of the design, previously drawn on paper, and where the snow has not yet melted, a thin layer of cotton wool (without glue) is applied.

You can recall the rules of work when making appliqués, safety rules when working with scissors, etc. (you can simply hand out instruction cards and offer to read them selectively)See appendix 1. clause 5

Children start independent work, having resolved the issue with the plot.

(The teacher slowly walks through the rows, drawing the children’s attention to the means by which space can be created in the drawing: the location of the bases of near and far trees; changing the size of the trees depending on whether it is close or far, taking into account that the trees themselves come in different thicknesses The teacher should work a lot individually, helping students develop the plot in the drawing, offering or suggesting additions to the plot chosen by the children).

Physical minutes during work as needed. (you can use folk chants and sayings, you can play out folk songs and games about spring. For example, “Oh, the water is running like a stream”)

It is worth recalling once again the features of working with paints: large spaces, such as the background of the sky and earth, require applying paints to the palette. When drawing details with thicker paints, strokes, you should paint the color directly on the paint, talk again about the colors and smells of spring, repeat that the colors should be bright, rich, should convey the joy, warmth of a sunny spring day, when all nature awakens from a long winter sleep and everything rejoices in life, everything blooms, smells fragrant, lives, flutters and flies.)

The work is done.

III. Conclusion. Exhibition of works, demonstration and brief description.

It is advisable to arrange the sheets in a row (or put them on the board) and look at them together and rejoice good luck with your work, make comments on errors in the form of advice. (let's see what we got, who coped with the technique, and who may have made some mistakes)


Watch the animated film “Dunno on the Moon.”

Prepare shaded sheets for work in the next lesson “Space. Flights to other planets”

(this task is given at the discretion of the teacher, as it can be completed together with children outside of class time, for example, in a circle)

Lesson summary, assessment

Let's admire our spring works together. We invite our guests to admire it too. And, I think, for such friendly and fruitful work in the lesson, we can all give “5”. Cleaning up after ourselves workplace. The lesson is over. Thanks everyone!

Victoria Ilyina

Tasks: Arouse interest in a new drawing technique - landscape monotopy. Learn to draw green spring, using appropriate color combinations. Practice the ability to make a mirror image impression using the monotopy technique.

Handout: Sheets of landscape paper, gouache paints, thin and thick brushes, jars of water, palettes, rags.

Educator: guys, I'm here spring, let's talk about the signs of green spring. Birds return from warmer climes, the snow completely melts, night frosts stop, plants bloom, insects appear - what? (Children's answers).

Let's learn M.'s poem. Plyatskovsky:

The days are fine

Similar to holidays

And in the sky there is a warm sun,

Cheerful and kind.

All the rivers overflow

All the buds are opening,

Winter has gone with the cold,

The snowdrifts became puddles.

Having left the southern countries,

The friendly birds have returned.

On every branch there are squirrels

They sit and clean their feathers.

The time of spring has come,

It's time to bloom.

And that means the mood

It's spring for everyone!

Educator: Guys, what did you imagine while listening to the poem? What are the signs springs listed by the author?

I suggest you draw green trees on the shore of the lake. To do this, the landscape sheet must be placed vertically and folded in half, then unfolded. The order of drawing using the monotopy technique such: Wet the bottom of the sheet with a wide brush and shade the blue paint. This is the water of our lake. It will reflect the landscape. On the top we draw green trees that flew from warm countries birds. Paint with a thin brush, use bright colors. We fold the halves along the marked line, press them - and look at the reflection in the water of the lake. The original landscape can be touched up again gouache paints.

Thank you, well done, and now we put our work to dry, and we ourselves clean up the workplace and wash our hands.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary Topic: “Spring” Purpose: To expand children’s understanding of characteristic features spring. Learn to find the signs yourself.

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Lesson summary "Spring" Program content: Continue to form in children generalized ideas about spring, about changes in living and inanimate nature. Expand.

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