Signs of orgasm. Is there life without female orgasm? How long does a woman's body last?

First, let's look at history. The word "orgasm" has been in the language for a long time. Its origins go back to Ancient Greece. Literally translated, the word “orgasm” means “swelling with moisture, burning with passion.” From a physiological point of view, this sounds less poetic: the culmination of sexual intercourse, the highest peak of pleasure.

Experts distinguish several types of orgasm. Although, of course, it should be understood that this division is very conditional. And yet.

The simplest is genital orgasm. It is also the most common. It is clear that based on anatomy (genitals - genitals), this type of orgasm manifests itself locally and occurs as a result of contraction of muscles in the pelvic area with a certain frequency.

Genital orgasm does not last long, but is felt quite acutely. If we understand the anatomical nuances in more detail, we should distinguish 3 types of genital orgasm: clitoral, vaginal and uterine, which, naturally, can occur as separate phenomena, or follow each other, or even occur almost simultaneously.

A rather rare occurrence is breast orgasm. And it almost never arises spontaneously. It is achieved after special exercises that can be learned. As a rule, a breast orgasm occurs against the background of a genital orgasm.

And the most desirable thing is an orgasm of the whole body. Actually, this should be considered the highest satisfaction, true orgasm, the very highest peak that all women strive to reach at least once (and ideally, regularly).

This orgasm is long, steady and incredibly strong. Even the next day, its train leaves a pleasant languor throughout the body. And sometimes, even three days later, echoes of such an orgasm are felt.

Women describe orgasm in different ways. Pleasant warmth spreading throughout the body. Acute pleasure – sweet, sometimes to the point of unbearability. An irresistible desire to throw out emotion outward - into breathing, into rumbling, into the groaning of the body. One thing is similar in all these descriptions - it is too difficult to find words to express your feelings. But that’s the mystery of true orgasm, that, unfortunately or fortunately, it cannot be expressed in words.

But those specific actions with which women often try to simulate orgasm are manifestations of sexual pleasure (or, worse, are a disguise for the absence of it): moans, screams, imaginary convulsions, confused rapid breathing. The same kind of manifestations are passionate requests: “Yes, yes! Don’t stop! Oh, how good!”, which in English version sounds like: “Yes, yes! Once more! Oh, good!”

This is how actresses play orgasm effectively in pornographic and erotic films. And, having apparently seen enough of such scenes on the screen, many women mistakenly take them for a manifestation of a true orgasm - so they imitate real life witnessed pseudo-passion, cleverly staged sexual madness. But, alas, overly exaggerated, beautifully constructed, clearly presented “orgasmic” behavior, much better, testifies in favor of simulation.

True orgasm is determined by only 5 objective signs. And, according to experts, it is already impossible to simulate them.


We are talking about contractions of many muscle groups: vagina, uterus, pelvic floor, anus, abdominals. Moreover, these are, as a rule, spontaneous muscle contractions, but rhythmic, literally at second intervals, like a pulsation.

The contractions of the abdominal muscles are clearly visible, and the man feels the contractions of the vaginal muscles with the penis itself, which makes him more excited. Such intensity of contractions cannot be done consciously; it happens on the verge of instinct - just as we withdraw our hand from contact with something hot or when receiving an electric shock.


Experiencing an orgasm, a woman involuntarily makes quite energetic body movements to make the contact of her erogenous zones with the male stimulus closer. The purpose of such actions is to avoid pauses, not to slow down the pace, to achieve swiftness and increasing passion until the desired climax occurs.

At these moments, a woman is no longer interested in caresses, kisses, or words of love. She will not allow a man to be distracted by all these tendernesses. On the eve of the explosion, the entire female nature is concentrated only on physiology.

3. Hot flashes and erections

A true orgasm is always accompanied by a rush of blood to the skin. The forehead, cheeks, and chest area turn red. The woman feels hot. Perspiration appears on the body. During moments of orgasm, a woman experiences an erection of her nipples, clitoris, and labia. Even a very experienced lover is unlikely to be able to imitate such a state.


A woman's arousal during orgasm reaches such a degree that vaginal discharge is excessive, beyond physiological necessity. There is sometimes so much moisturizing lubricant and vaginal secretion that the abundance of fluid begins to “sound” during intercourse, and immediately after completion of sexual intercourse it may even appear outside.

5. INvoluntary GRIMACE

All the talk about a blissful smile, an unearthly, angelically enlightened expression on the face during orgasm is nonsense! Or the prerogative of beautiful cinema. Bliss comes later, but at the moment of orgasm it is impossible. Because bliss is given to the face consciously, purposefully.

Whereas during orgasm, a woman is not able to control her facial expressions. The face of a woman experiencing an orgasm (the same, by the way, applies to men) is distorted by an unattractive grimace.

This is a kind of instinctive additional effort of the facial muscles, which helps to plunge deeper into orgasm and surrender entirely to the highest physiological (in fact, animal) pleasure. Well, of course, and not without involving the entire psycho-emotional nature of feeling, characteristic exclusively of the human body.

After a true orgasm, many women are in a state of mild prostration, as if they are losing their sense of time and reality. Relaxation of the body occurs gradually. It’s as if a wave is moving away. Or the fire goes out, dying out very slowly, but no, no, and flaring up in separate tongues of flame.

Psychiatrists jokingly say that true orgasm is a form of impaired consciousness. But, as you know, every joke has some truth. If you watched V. Menshov’s film “The Envy of the Gods,” then, of course, you remember the sex scene in the truck, in the finale of which Vera Alentova’s heroine, shocked by what she experienced for the first time, asks in bewilderment: “What... that... was?..” And this and there was an orgasm.

Sex is an essential part of our lives. Not only your mood, psychological state, but also your health depends on its quality. Each of the partners wants to receive the highest pleasure from intimacy, but if it is easy for men to achieve orgasm, then for the fair sex it is not so simple. In this article we will tell you how to experience an orgasm for a woman: ways to obtain maximum pleasure, types of orgasm and existing misconceptions.

Sexologists, through numerous studies, have found that not every woman can experience pleasure during sex. Some people experience orgasm from time to time, and some have never experienced it. Less than fifty percent of women achieve the highest pleasure using the classical method, while others have to use additional methods for this (sexual toys, masturbation, etc.) or fake an orgasm.

A woman's ability to experience pleasure during sex depends on several factors. First of all, these are, of course, the actions of the partner - with a more experienced and attentive man, the chances of getting the cherished pleasure increase. However, your feelings for your partner also play a big role - a woman wants her beloved man more, the touches and caresses of her beloved hands and lips bring incomparably more pleasure. It's no secret that sex with a loved one is always more vibrant and sensual, therefore, the likelihood of achieving orgasm with a lover is higher.

The woman's age also plays a role. Often, sexual experience does not depend on age: some people start sex life at fifteen, others at twenty-five, but no one canceled physiology. A woman reaches the peak of her sexuality around the age of thirty. Plus, a mature woman can understand her body better, she knows what she wants, how and for how long.

If for a man the most important thing is appearance(he loves with his eyes) and the behavior of his partner, then for women a much larger set of factors plays a key role. Feelings, mood, atmosphere, gentle words, even smell are important. Everything originates first of all in the head. Even a recent quarrel with a partner can leave a negative imprint. With a good start (and it's not just foreplay), the likelihood that you will experience an orgasm during intimacy is much higher.

Types of female orgasm

The female orgasm, unlike the male one, is accompanied by more vivid sensations, plus the fair sex is capable of multiple orgasms, while men are deprived of this privilege. According to sexologists, orgasm in women is divided into three types: clitoral, vaginal and extragenital.

Clitoral orgasm can be obtained by stimulating the partner with fingers, tongue, or through masturbation. To experience a vaginal orgasm, you need to stimulate the vagina with a phallus, vibrator or fingers. The more often and more intensely such stimulation occurs, the shorter the orgasm, oddly enough. With less intense stimulation, the orgasm is usually more intense and lasts longer. Extragenital orgasm can be experienced through passionate hugs, kisses, caresses, that is, without sexual intercourse. Not every woman is capable of this type of orgasm, but, nevertheless, it is possible.

For a woman, an orgasm lasts on average thirteen to twenty-five seconds, sometimes this time can reach up to a minute. With multiple orgasms, the state of ecstasy can persist for ten minutes - pleasure, introducing an indescribable state of bliss, comes in waves almost without stopping.

Differences between clitoral and vaginal orgasm

A clitoral orgasm is more like stress relief and relaxation - it does not last long and is not accompanied by super-vivid sensations. From a vaginal orgasm you can lose consciousness. It occurs differently for every woman - the symptoms may differ, but they certainly will not go unnoticed. A vaginal orgasm involves the whole body and can last for a very long time. The sensations you experience are reminiscent of a roller coaster - they either increase, reaching their peak, then subside a little, and then rush up again, taking you to the pinnacle of bliss.

How do you know if you have had a vaginal orgasm? The most common signs of such an orgasm are slight trembling throughout the body, slight numbness of the limbs or even the face, goosebumps, redness of the neck and face, tinnitus, and dizziness. Changes can also be noticed in breathing - it becomes intermittent and shallow. This is exactly how voluptuous sensations manifest themselves - you may experience one of these signs or several at once, and perhaps some other sensations will appear, because in this matter everything is very individual.

Why does the body behave this way? This happens because during orgasm the brain cannot control it (the body). Plus, your body receives impulses caused by contraction of the vaginal muscles. After such bliss, women release a special hormone, oxytocin, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it begins to feel protected and becomes calmer. She also develops a stronger sense of care and trust in her partner, and the relationship becomes more harmonious. Of course, after sex, a man should under no circumstances turn to the wall or leave, because a woman’s sexual arousal does not pass as quickly as his.

Misconceptions about the female orgasm

Women, like men, want to get maximum pleasure during sex. Today, the topic of female orgasm is actively discussed on the Internet - ladies share advice, experience, and some tricks with each other. However, not all advice is equally effective. Firstly, every woman is individual, and what helps one to experience orgasm is completely unsuitable for another. Secondly, among all this advice there are many misconceptions. We will tell you only about the most common of them.

Sexual intercourse should be long enough

There is an opinion that the longer a man holds out, the higher the likelihood that a woman will experience an orgasm. There is a small amount of truth in this, but one cannot ignore the fact that sex can turn into a sports marathon and simply lose the attractiveness that gives partners pleasure.

The most vivid female orgasm can be experienced within the first five to ten minutes. If sex lasts about twenty minutes or half an hour, then it becomes monotonous. Of course, after such a man’s efforts, orgasm is quite possible, but it will resemble only a weak surge of sensations and will not give unforgettable emotions. If you prefer long-term lovemaking, then you should not neglect foreplay - it will allow you to maintain arousal for a long time.

Closer to orgasm, a man should move with more force.

Another misconception is that when a woman begins to orgasm, the man must move faster and deliver harder “strikes.” However, it is not. On the contrary, during his partner’s orgasm he should move more slowly and more gently. Many women note that during masturbation they experience more vivid and intense orgasms than during intimacy with a man. This happens for the reason that by caressing yourself, you can better feel the spasms of your vagina and, when orgasm approaches, ease the touch, focusing on your sensations.

When a man begins to thrust his penis into his partner with all his might, he does not allow her to feel the pulsation of the vagina and get full pleasure from the sensations experienced during sex. Thus, he deprives himself of great pleasure, because the penis, beating with force, is not able to feel anything other than its own sensations. If a man moves more calmly, making gentle and rhythmic thrusts, then he will help his partner experience a bright, intense orgasm, and he himself will receive great pleasure from her pulsating vagina.

Partners must experience orgasm at the same time

Simultaneous orgasm can be experienced, as a rule, only if you have already slept together many times and know each other well. In all other cases, it will be better if the woman cums first. Unlike men, even after experiencing an orgasm, a woman does not lose interest in what is happening and will continue sexual intercourse until her partner cums. The vagina, still trembling after orgasm, becomes more sensitive to the movements of the penis, and a new wave of voluptuous sensations can sweep over her.

How to have an orgasm

Lack of satisfaction during sex sometimes makes a woman doubt her sexuality. You can continue to be tormented by doubts or feign an orgasm, but it is better to try to change this situation. Not everyone dares to seek help from a sex therapist or sexologist, so we have collected in this article the most effective tips that will help you achieve orgasm and, accordingly, get rid of feelings of dissatisfaction and irritation.

Don't pretend

Women by nature are excellent actresses - they are able to pretend to be indifferent, surprised, joyful, offended, and even feign pleasure in bed. The simulation of sexual pleasure is familiar to every woman firsthand. Some people get so into the role that they are not able to distinguish a real orgasm from an acted one. Some people do this to please their lover, while others do it so as not to seem frigid or a hopeless log.

To pretend to be an actress or to give vent to real feelings - the choice is, of course, yours. But many people don’t know that such a simulation can prevent you from experiencing a natural orgasm. The fact is that by pretending you are preventing the brain, which, by the way, is your most important sexual organ, from concentrating on the sensations experienced during intimacy.

When simulating, you only think about what the this moment partner, because this is the only way you can pretend in time and portray the necessary emotions. This is one of the reasons why you don't enjoy sex. The most important condition for orgasm is based on the fact that your thoughts and your attention should concentrate only on the sensations you experience.

If you want to achieve the much-desired orgasm, then you need, first of all, to learn to concentrate on your sensations during intimacy, and not look for a specific area of ​​the genital organs, believing that by influencing it you can enhance your sensations. Of course, there are such areas, but all your efforts will be in vain if you do not put things in order in your head, because it is the brain that is primarily responsible for receiving pleasure.

Don't think about anything other than your feelings

If the genitals did not have a connection with the brain, then there would be no pleasure from sex, even with slight excitability of the body. Our brain is the “pleasure center” and is completely responsible for the pleasure we experience. He is even able to compensate for the awkward and inept actions of his partner. Of course, this does not mean that you should ignore a man's inability to give you pleasure. Just remember that learning to focus on how you feel can work wonders in bringing you to orgasm.

Even if your partner is a true professional in everything related to sex, you may never experience an orgasm if you do not learn to listen to your own feelings and perceive them adequately. After all, everything originates from our brain, including orgasm - it does not depend on the impact on the erogenous zones. You've probably noticed that when you're in a good mood, any touch from your partner can awaken sexual desire in you. But in a bad mood, when your head is occupied with negative thoughts, even touching the erogenous zones does not evoke any emotions in you.

During intimacy, you can and should think only about your feelings, concentrate on them, and not worry about styling your hair and how you look at the moment. But you don’t need to focus on experiencing maximum pleasure - in pursuit of it, you will miss the quiet bliss of your partner’s caresses and kisses. Follow your feelings, but be relaxed, enjoy every moment.

Men don't worry about how they look during sex, so why shouldn't you follow suit - don't be afraid of having a funny face or clumsy movements. Because none of this will happen if you listen to your feelings. When we're talking about about intimacy, embarrassment is not appropriate - just enjoy each other.

Explore your body

To experience a female orgasm, sometimes you need to make some effort. For example, study your body and explore its reactions to intimate caresses. This will allow you to understand what sensations you experience when approaching the peak of bliss, the signs that precede sexual satisfaction.

According to sex therapists, The best way to explore a woman's body and its reactions - this is masturbation. If you haven't tried it yet, now might be the time. At the same time, masturbation should not completely replace sexual life - it is just one of the ways to get to know your body, which you can use from time to time. If you have doubts about your sexuality and ability to experience orgasm, then try masturbating. If you experience pleasure during masturbation at least once, then everything is fine with you.

Having studied your body and its reactions to intimate caresses, it will be easier for you to understand and recognize your sensations during orgasm. You may have experienced it before, but it just wasn't as intense, so you didn't notice the signs. When you know your body like the back of your hand, it will be easier for you to control your sensations - find the right position, choose the rhythm, strength of movements and depth of penetration of the penis.

Be active

There is no need to wait for your partner to finally find the right position or take the pace that suits you. If you want to experience a female orgasm, try to find the position in which you will experience maximum pleasure. Don't be afraid to be active and move more.

The “cowgirl” position allows you to better control your body during intimacy and, accordingly, increase the likelihood of achieving orgasm, when you are on top and choose the desired pace of movements and depth of penetration. Plus, in this position it is convenient to stimulate the clitoral area - you can do this yourself or trust your partner. Ask your partner to squeeze or pinch your buttocks in time with the movements - thanks to this stimulation of the nerve endings located in the pelvic area, the pressure in the vagina changes, which contributes to even greater arousal.

Eyes to eyes

Of course, it’s easier to concentrate on your sensations with your eyes closed, but eye contact can sometimes work real miracles. During sex, try to use positions in which you can look into each other's eyes. This can be either the classic missionary position or the “horseback” position - lean towards your partner’s chest, press your chest against his body and try to maintain eye contact most of the time. This will make it easier for both of you to tune in to the same wavelength and free your brain from extraneous thoughts. In addition, with eye contact it is impossible to pretend - it reveals true emotions.

Closer to the body

Not only eye contact allows you to experience orgasm, but also bodily contact. The more often and more closely your bodies touch during intimacy, the brighter the emotions and the more pleasure. In an excited state, the body becomes very sensitive - all nerve endings are activated. There are quite a lot of poses where the bodies touch as much as possible. This includes the “cowgirl” position, when you are on top and pressed against your partner’s chest, and on your side, when your partner hugs you tightly from behind. You can try lying on your stomach, and your partner will enter you from behind, while you need to raise your body so that he can hug you and your bodies are in maximum contact with each other.

Be open with your partner

If you feel like you can't experience pleasure with your partner, talk to him about it. But in no case in the form of claims and accusations! This can only ruin everything. Every man wants to feel like a king in bed, and women benefit from such vanity. If you like a certain kind of affection, try to direct him in that direction - tell him that you will be absolutely delighted if he continues in the same spirit, but a little more gently/faster/earlier/longer, etc. If he does not do what you would like at all, simply explain what kind of caresses you expect from him, and what excites you during intimacy.

There is no need to be shy or afraid. Sex is perhaps the most intimate part of our lives, and where, if not here, you need to be as frank as possible with yourself and with your partner. Guide your man during sex with your words or your hand. This will not only help you achieve your desired goal, but will also excite and encourage him even more. You should also not ignore his wishes.

If you have an orgasm, be sure to say so! Praise and express gratitude to your man, especially if he tried for you. This will serve you well: firstly, the man will understand what you expect from him, and secondly, your words will give him confidence in his sexual capabilities. It is also important for men to feel wanted and proud of themselves - you want gentle words of gratitude after sex, and so do they. Of course, we are not talking about sex for one evening, but if you have a regular partner, then do not skimp on praise. One “but” - only if there is something to praise for.

Stimulate the clitoris

Both your partner and you can stimulate the clitoris. Stimulation should begin with gentle touches to the peripubic area and then to the pubis. After such careful stroking, you can proceed directly to stimulation of the clitoris itself. Feel the convex point of the clitoris and begin to study your sensations - try moving your fingers left, right, up, down. Experiment with the rhythm of your movements as well. When you realize that excitement is growing, increase the intensity of caresses, but not much, because the skin in this area is very delicate, and instead of pleasure, unpleasant sensations may appear.

To experience a clitoral orgasm while being intimate with your partner, try positions that engage the clitoris or ask your partner to stimulate it with their free hand. An excellent way to achieve clitoral orgasm is oral sex. The partner needs to caress the pubic area with his tongue first, and then, when the woman is very aroused, move to the clitoris.

Train your vaginal muscles

If you want to experience maximum pleasure during intimacy with your partner, then it will be useful for you to learn special exercises that train the vaginal muscles and thereby increase their sensitivity. These exercises must be performed three times a day, every day. Tighten your vaginal muscles as if you are trying to hold back urination. Do 10 repetitions in one approach, but do not hold the tension for more than 3 seconds.

Create a welcoming atmosphere and add variety

It is not necessary to specially prepare a romantic atmosphere, light candles and drink champagne. Just a good day together, be it a fun walk, active recreation or some kind of emotional shake-up - and at night you can count on great sex! If you have a long-term relationship with one man, then the likelihood of achieving orgasm during intimacy with him may gradually decrease. To avoid this, sometimes it is useful to introduce a little variety into your sex life - it could be some kind of... role-playing game with any plot, sexual toys or just an unusual place.

We have shared with you tips on how to achieve orgasm during sex - all you have to do is put them into practice. Throw away all embarrassments and stereotypes - when it comes to the intimacy of two people, especially loving ones, there must be complete trust and freedom of expression!

Orgasm is a reaction of the nervous system of the human body. Orgasm is an integral part of healthy sexual contact, which is characterized by receiving pleasure of the highest degree.

The female orgasm usually lasts longer than the male orgasm. All types of female orgasm bring sexual satisfaction.

Physiology of types of female orgasm

In the process of achieving and receiving orgasm, breathing quickens, the pulse accelerates to one hundred and eighty beats per minute or more often. In addition, blood pressure levels increase. This mode of activity of the heart muscle can be compared with great physical stress. Sometimes during orgasm the face and chest turn red.

The initial stage of achieving female orgasm, from a physiological point of view, is the rhythmic contractile movements of the vaginal muscles, which appear in its outer third. These movements are then transmitted to the uterine cavity.

As a rule, a woman can achieve her next orgasm after a fifteen-minute break. However, many representatives of the fairer sex can experience discharge within a few minutes, and several discharges can follow each other.

Many women experience fairly short-lived orgasms that last not much longer than the average male orgasm. In some cases, there is also a prolonged orgasm, which can last up to a minute. A prolonged female orgasm usually has a wave-like nature, that is, release and pleasure either intensify or subside.

Many women experience a short-term numbness at the moment of achieving orgasm, which is then replaced by a feeling of a powerful push in the clitoral area and in the vagina. At the same time, the woman feels warmth spreading throughout her entire body. There comes a feeling as if something is leaving the body. The feeling of warmth spreading throughout the body is replaced by rhythmic contractile movements in the vagina, in the pelvic area, sometimes covering the area of ​​the external genitalia. At the same time, the woman experiences indescribable sensations of pleasure.

Types of female orgasm – genital orgasm

Genital orgasm is the most common among women, which is why it is called ordinary. In other words, it will happen a priori. That is, when release occurs, we can assume that this is most likely a genital orgasm. From a physiological point of view, genital orgasm is the result of muscle contractions in the pelvic area.

Types of female orgasm - breast orgasm

Breast orgasm is achieved by stimulating the nipples. However, not all women can achieve this type of orgasm.

Types of female orgasm - general orgasm

This unique look female orgasm, since it affects the entire body of a woman - head, limbs, tongue of the eye. Sometimes it may seem to a woman that even the reality around her at the moment of orgasm experiences the same sensations. This type of female orgasm is characterized by extreme duration and persistence. Some women admit that they experienced such an orgasm for several hours. A time limit for such release cannot be set for the reason that sexual intercourse with a partner lasts, as a rule, less than the orgasm itself.

Traditional types of female orgasm are clitoral, vaginal and uterine orgasms. Some experts still do not recognize the existence of uterine orgasm. But research data show that with a special technique and the ability of the woman herself to experience this type of orgasm, it is quite possible to achieve it. Although, of course, clitoral and vaginal orgasms differ in incomparably greater frequency.

Orgasm- this is, you know, a multi-stage process. You cannot start it from the middle or skip any of the stages - otherwise nothing will work out. This, by the way, explains why a husband is preferable to a vibrator: he knows how to excite.

Here they are, five mandatory steps on the path to happiness (and one optional):

1. Sexual desire

Even before arousal, a woman must have sexual desire. Moreover, it can come from within (erotic thoughts, fantasies), be caused by external factors (watching an erotic film, touching the erogenous zone) or provoked by a combination of these factors. Therefore, in fact, good sex toys are made from materials that are very pleasant to the touch, and they also look very nice. And they should not be applied directly to the genital area: they can be used to caress the entire body.

2. Excitement

At this stage, the woman's body prepares for intense sexual interaction. There is a gradual rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Breathing quickens. Heart rate and blood pressure increase. The breasts are enlarged. The clitoris, labia minora and majora swell. The cervix and body of the uterus are slightly pulled up and back. Lubricant is released.

In most cases, arousal in women increases gradually and requires at least ten minutes of adequate stimulation - which is why foreplay should not be skipped. It is necessary for the development of receptor sensitivity to a certain level. If there are inhibitory factors, then arousal may slow down or stop altogether, for example, from worries about the relationship with a partner, the creaking of the bed, or from the fear that children sleeping in the next room will hear you.

3. Plateau

Excitation at this stage remains strong, is fixed at approximately the same level for some time and no longer increases. The body is preparing for orgasm. The heart rate may increase to 160 beats per minute. The clitoris rises slightly, the gripping force of the phallus increases (due to blood flow, the walls of the vagina swell).

In the plateau stage, a woman focuses on her sensations in the genitals (ecstatic embrace), so external stimuli are no longer so important.

If at this moment a man cannot restrain ejaculation or for various reasons his erection weakens, you will, of course, be deeply disappointed... Cock rings serve as a safety net against such a sudden drop. Did you think this was an unnecessary perversion?

4. Orgasm

All physiological indicators reach their peak. Blood pressure and pulse increase to the maximum. Rhythmic intimate muscle contractions occur. Sometimes the limbs go numb and seem to be in spasm, the facial muscles contract and a “love rash” appears - bright pink spots. Discharge occurs. A woman can experience various sensations - takeoff, explosion, soaring, waves of pleasure. At the moment of orgasm, consciousness narrows and focuses only on pleasant sensations and psychological pleasure.

5. Resolution

Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing are normalized. The breasts and clitoris return to their original size. The lips major and minor return to their normal color. The uterus relaxes. The woman feels satisfied and relaxed. The amount of hormones increases. Thanks to oxytocin (the hormone of happiness), a woman experiences tenderness and affection for her partner. Enkephalins and endorphins improve mood and remove thoughts about problems and worries. Estrogens prevent depression and relieve premenstrual symptoms.

6. Refractory period

Sometimes it occurs simultaneously with or after the resolution stage. Its intensity can manifest itself differently or even be absent in different women (therefore, for quite a long time this period was discussed as a feature of the male orgasm). At this time, the continuation of any sexual stimulation is perceived as painful. That is, not every woman can, having finished, immediately begin again.

Previously identified:

Before the most important studies of American sexologists W. Masters and V. Johnson in the 60-70s. In this century, physiological responses to sexual arousal were little known.

These studies, which consisted of a series of objective observations of the sexual cycles of volunteers in laboratory conditions, showed that sexual reactions during coitus are divided into four phases:

1) excitation phase;

2) the phase of maintaining excitation at the same level (“plateau phase”);

3) orgasm phase;

4) resolution phase or stress relief phase.

These phases of the sexual cycle are not always so clearly observed and felt. In addition, we are talking only about physiological reactions that in a person’s real life do not exist separately, outside of thoughts, feelings, the echo of the partner’s reactions, the atmosphere of relationships, etc. Arousal from the point of view of physiology is provided in a person by two mechanisms: a rush of blood in the tissues genital organs and female mammary glands and increased muscle tension not only in these organs, but throughout the body.

The first phase is excitement -

occurs in response to erotic stimulation, causing a response in the human body. Stimulation is not necessarily only of a physical nature; as already mentioned, it can also be based on psychological mechanisms. In women, the first physiological response to sexual arousal is the production of vaginal (vaginal) lubrication. It often appears 20-30 seconds after the start of erotic stimulation. Naturally, everything we are talking about now arises only against the background of psychological (emotional) readiness for contact. The appearance of vaginal lubrication is caused by a rush of blood to the walls of the vagina, resulting in the release of a special fluid from the vaginal mucosa. It is first released in the form of separate drops, then, if everything that happens corresponds to the characteristics of the woman, the entire inner surface of the vagina is moisturized. Initial arousal and lubrication may be invisible not only to the sexual partner, but also to the woman herself. The intensity of secretion, composition and smell of vaginal lubrication have their own characteristics for each woman and can change throughout life. There is no connection between the amount of lubricant secreted and the woman’s level of arousal; from a physiological point of view, its purpose is to prepare the vagina for contact with the penis.

In the same phase, other changes occur on the part of the woman’s genital organs: the labia open, inner part The vagina increases in volume and the uterus rises. The volume of the small lips also increases and the clitoris swells, the nipples swell, the venous pattern of the mammary gland intensifies, and the entire gland slightly increases in volume.

The described reactions of the excitation phase do not always increase. There is often a decrease in reactivity and a decrease in the level of sexual arousal. This can happen due to internal factors (anxiety, fatigue, lack of true attraction to a partner, haste, etc.). In addition, these same phenomena can occur as a reaction to distracting sounds, unexpected or unacceptable behavior of a partner, etc. A very important point is the coincidence of the actual behavior of the sexual partner with the expected and preferred. The greater the mismatch, the greater the chance of a decline in excitation.

It should be said that in general, the loss of spontaneity of sexual reactions, the emergence of thoughts and anxiety about potency, the success of coitus themselves “break” the course of physiological reactions and can be a brake for both men and women.

Second phase - plateau -

characterized by the fact that the level of arousal is maintained (does not fall, but does not increase). It is difficult to say anything definite about the duration of this period - each has its own characteristics. If a man has difficulties in terms of a very short coitus time, then the duration of this phase can be almost imperceptible, but if, on the contrary, he has problems with ejaculation, the time of this phase can be expressed in tens of minutes and is accompanied by emotions of fatigue and exhaustion, rather than voluptuousness.

During the “plateau” period, women experience a very interesting phenomenon (by the way, it was first objectively noted by W. Masters and V. Johnson). It consists in the fact that due to increasing excitement and blood flow, the effect occurs , called by the authors of the studies “orgastic cuff”, that is, a narrowing of the vagina by thirty and sometimes more percent. This means that if the relationship between sexual partners is harmonious, the vagina, as it were, “adjusts” to any penis, regardless of the characteristics of shape and size. The deep logic of what is happening is also confirmed by the fact that in the part of the vagina located further from the entrance, at the same time, on the contrary, expansion is observed, the meaning of which is to create ideal conditions for sperm. That is why experts call this phenomenon the formation of a “sac”.

But the clitoris, oddly enough, can “go away” at this time, that is, it closes with large lips that enlarge due to the rush of blood. At this time, indirect stimulation of the clitoris by influencing the labia majora is quite effective.

During this period, the labia minora increase in size two to three times and change color. It was found that if erotic stimulation continues, the next phase of the woman will be orgasm. At the same time, half of women and a quarter of men experience what is called “genital skin,” that is, redness, most pronounced in the chest, upper abdomen, neck and face.

The third phase - orgasm -

This is the shortest phase of the sexual cycle, lasting a few seconds. But these seconds are worth a lot; it’s not for nothing that orgasm is considered the highest point of voluptuousness, the climax.

It is very difficult to describe an orgasm specifically, since, on the one hand, these are quite general sensations, on the other hand, it occurs differently not only in different people, but also at different periods of a person’s life. Differences in the feeling of Orgasm can be due to both physiological reasons (illness, fatigue, tiredness, etc.) and psychological reasons (feelings for a partner, mood, behavioral characteristics of the partner, etc.).

Until almost the middle of the 20th century, there were a lot of assumptions regarding the female orgasm that are today assessed as outdated, incorrect and unclear. It should be said that these considerations regarding the female orgasm were often expressed (and, alas, are often expressed) by doctors. First of all, this is the belief that women generally do not experience orgasm. Of course, this reflected the traditions and values ​​of society. Let's remember how boys and girls become adults (“sex is for men, love is for women”). For men it is “necessary”, for women it is “marital duty”. It was considered indecent for women to experience, and most importantly, demonstrate an orgasm. There is an English proverb, translated into Russian, which sounds like this: “The lady does not move,” that is, a real lady, a lady, cannot show any feelings in coitus, she only “yields” to a man who “needs it.”

The position about the types of female orgasm (vaginal, clitoral, uterine) has also been refuted. Orgasm is a single reaction obtained by stimulation of various erogenous zones, but having a single process occurring in the brain. It makes no sense to subdivide orgasm by the “triggering” part of the body.

The sensations during orgasm in a woman are based on approximately the same experiences. These are: sharp pleasant sensations in the clitoral area, spreading to the entire pelvic area; the feeling of a “heat wave” radiating from the genitals throughout the body, and “vaginal pulsation”, that is, the rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor. Some women describe feeling weightless and foggy when orgasming.

There are endless debates among specialists (and non-specialists, of course) about whether orgasm is mandatory for every sexual act and how to evaluate intercourse (full or not?) if it would end without an orgasm for the woman.

Even medieval doctors spoke of female “satisfaction without orgasm.” And today, many experts are of the opinion that for most women it is a desirable, but not necessary, condition for achieving sexual satisfaction. That is, for a woman, orgasm, as it were, colors and increases pleasure, but its absence does not exclude sexual satisfaction.

Fourth phase - resolution -

completes the reactions of the sexual cycle. At this phase, all the described phenomena gradually disappear in the reverse order. In women, the orgasmic cuff gradually disappears, the uterus moves back to its original position, the labia minora become paler and shrink to their original size, the vagina narrows, and the clitoris takes on its normal appearance. The mammary glands also return to their original state.

We can say that the task of the resolution phase is to return all organs and systems of the human body to their original level.


We will describe below what a female orgasm looks like. For now, let's give it a definition. Orgasm is a complex psychophysiological process directly related to the brain. Discharge occurs due to the stimulation of pleasure zones located in it. And they, in turn, turn on under the influence of impulses that come from the vagina.

Signs of female orgasm

The motor activity of the girl’s body and its individual parts resembles convulsions. In some cases, it stretches and tenses. It is possible to bend the body into a bridge (supporting the heels and the back of the head) and lift the pelvis. At the same time, the eyes are closed, the jaw is clenched, and the arms are extended and tense. In other cases, the body beats, wriggles, the head turns in different directions, the legs and arms make chaotic sudden movements. All this is accompanied by certain sound phenomena (sighs, moans, groans, sobs, screams, screams, etc.). Sometimes incoherent phrases and individual words come out. A spasm is observed, that is, a sharp contraction of the muscles of the pelvis, perineum, uterus and vagina. Usually, a young girl (who has not given birth) with well-developed muscles experiences 2-3 strong contractions, and then several weak ones that fade. In older women (after childbirth) with weak muscles, only one strong spasm and 1-2 weak ones are possible. This is exactly how female orgasm occurs (how to achieve different types of release will be described below). By the way, all vaginal spasms are felt by the partner’s penis.

Also, during true discharge, the nipples on the girl’s chest increase in volume and harden. The combination of all the above signs is an objective picture of female orgasm. Of course, there is also a subjective feeling. But each representative of the fair half describes it in her own way.

Some girls note a feeling of intense heat in the depths of the vagina and lower abdomen. Others talk about something unique in these areas. Still others talk about a painfully sweet spasm in the depths of the small pelvis.

Everything described above refers to a simple type of female orgasm - physiological. This release occurs in 75% of women who have the most common type of orgasm - clitoral. There are also combined types.

Reasons for absence

So, we found out what a female orgasm is. Why can’t all representatives of the fair half of humanity achieve it? Experts identify three main reasons:

  • Psychological. The woman is not disposed towards her partner and does not feel a sense of security.
  • Physiological. may be a consequence of anatomical change (surgery, postpartum period).
  • Technological. Sometimes, for a woman to get release, a man has to try hard.

There is another important nuance due to which a female orgasm may be absent. Problems in achieving it can be directly related to the girl’s mood. According to psychologists, excessive efforts will lead to the fact that it will simply disappear. Representatives of the fair sex do not idealize the preparation for the process, but primarily the resulting pleasure and climax.

Anatomical correspondence of the partners' genital organs

This point is given no less importance than the question of what a female orgasm is. Although in reality everything is very prosaic. For a full sexual life, a man does not need a particularly large penis. As you know, women are capable of experiencing four types of orgasm, and for three of them (perineal, vaginal, clitoral) the size of the reproductive organ of a representative of the stronger half of humanity has absolutely no meaning.

Only with uterine type discharge a certain length is needed. But this figure is very moderate, since in most girls the cervix is ​​shallow. There is no relationship between the body sizes of a woman and a man, in particular between the volume of the vagina and the length of the penis. Anatomical discrepancy occurs only in the case of severe pathology of the vagina (scar narrowing after burns, injuries, ordinary underdevelopment). In all other cases, the female and male genital organs are a functional adaptive system. That is, any vagina can either stretch significantly with a large penis, or shrink tightly, fitting a small male organ.

Clitoral orgasm

Previously, there was an opinion that it was typical only for young girls. As they grew older, the orgasm “moved” to the vaginal area. However, in reality the situation is different. People who understand orgasm know that any girl can experience clitoral release. And this will not depend on her physique, age, etc.

Women who are characterized by this type of release have difficulty achieving it in the usual position common in Europe. This is due to the fact that the clitoris is practically not affected during friction. During standard sexual intercourse, its stimulation is achieved by influencing the dorsum of the penis. But for contact it is necessary to introduce it at an angle, namely from top to bottom.

This is possible if the clitoris is located not far from the entrance to the vagina (about 2.5 centimeters). If the distance is greater, the penis simply will not reach it. The problem is solved by finding the optimal position for titillation (small monotonous irritating movements) of the clitoris with a finger. Moreover, this applies both to the period of foreplay and the sexual intercourse itself.

The head of the clitoris has a lot of nerve endings and blood vessels, so stimulation with your hand should be very gentle and light. Sometimes it is helpful to moisten your finger with natural vaginal lubrication or use Vaseline. If the head of the clitoris is too sensitive, it is worth moving the caresses higher - to the tail or body. Since these parts are located deeper, a sharp impact on them is more acceptable. For women who have a predominant clitoral orgasm, coitus from behind is not suitable.

The most optimal would be the classic position with the legs moving after the start of the act. Then, with each friction, the penis will irritate the clitoris. In this case, partners can freely change places - the woman is on top, the man is below, and vice versa.

An objective sign of clitoral orgasm is its erection (increase in size). The temperature of this organ also increases significantly.

Vaginal orgasm

With this type of discharge, the erogenous field is the anterior wall of the vagina (more precisely, the first third). To achieve it, it is necessary to use a special technique: during frictions, the man must press the head of the penis as much as possible against the front wall of the female organ. In addition, special shallow thrusts that affect exclusively the lower part of the vagina are also good.

There are also cases of combined discharge. This refers to the clitoral-vaginal female orgasm. How to achieve it? If we consider caresses, then the most effective is simultaneous irritation with the hand of the front wall of the vagina and the clitoris. And during sexual intercourse - parallel impact on both zones with the hand or penis.

For any form of release you need to be overflowing with blood. And the lower part of the vagina is precisely covered by the muscles that are closely connected with them. By contracting them, the girl performs two functions: she enhances the filling of her own cavernous bodies and complicates the outflow of blood from her partner’s penis, creating additional pleasant sensations for him.

But the work of these muscles, important for orgasm, is not always complete. On the one hand, some women do not know how to use them, and on the other hand, there are girls for whom they are initially weak. To solve this problem, sexologists recommend doing a special exercise: repeatedly squeezing the vaginal muscles on a daily basis. If a girl does not know how to do this, then experts advise retracting the anus.

It is worth noting that female vaginal orgasm is achievable in any sexual position. Let's move on.

Uterine orgasm

During this type of discharge, contractions of the uterus begin from its bottom, and then move to the lower segment and body. And the stronger they are, the more pleasure the girl gets. A study of this type of female orgasm showed that it is characterized by a “suction effect.” That is, the cervix fits tightly to the top of the vagina. Then everything returns to its original position.

How to get this type of female orgasm? This requires stimulation of the cervix with the head of the penis. If the penis is not very long or, conversely, the vagina is too large, then you need to look for the necessary equipment. An option is possible when the partner lies on his back, and the girl squats on top. Or the woman lies on her back, pulling her legs towards her stomach, which significantly shortens the vagina.

With different types of deviations, the cervix is ​​not located in the posterior fornix, but “looks” forward. To “put it in its place”, you need to change your position, do a gynecological massage or do knee-elbow breathing exercises. Also in this case, we can recommend a position where the woman lies on her side or stomach. Then the penis will not fall into the posterior fornix, but into the anterior one.

If a girl is severely obese, then coitus with her is only possible in the knee-elbow position (the same applies to an overweight man). The back position on the side is also suitable. In this case, the partner’s legs should be bent as much as possible at the hip joints.

In order for a girl to achieve the type of discharge described above, the man must produce deep frictions, acting with the head of the penis on the posterior vault of the vagina and the cervix. But no need to be overzealous! Strong blows to the neck are unacceptable.

Perineal orgasm

It is quite rare. Very few people know how this type of female orgasm occurs. Nerve impulses come from the perineum when vibration is applied to it. Sometimes in women with this type of discharge it occurs while riding a motorcycle (bicycle) or while riding a horse. In this case, the coitus technique involves the impact of the head of the penis on the lower segment of the posterior wall of the vagina.

Psycho-emotional orgasm

This type of discharge is always considered separately from others. It is quite rare, both in women and men. In fact, this orgasm is a complex psycho-emotional experience that unfolds on the basis of a simpler, more elementary, physiological release. The likelihood of its occurrence depends on many factors. Among them: the emotional makeup of a person, the level of general culture, the ability to experience. We can say that the quality and frequency of this orgasm are socially conditioned and depend on the general way of life of people. It is likely that in the era of romanticism or sentimentalism, psycho-emotional release was much more common.

Fake orgasm

It is observed in many women. By simulating release, a woman solves a number of socio-psychological problems. If a girl considers herself “cold,” she strives to prove her own sexual worth to her partner. It is also important for her that he feels his worth as a man. A woman wants to prevent aggression (reprimands, reproaches) from her partner. She believes that a man may accuse her of withdrawing from sexual intercourse. In general, imitation of orgasm is a difficult and responsible action for a girl. She gives him pleasure great importance. Although a man who knows what a female orgasm is like will quickly see through a bad actress. And imitation itself is a mistaken action.

Most of the listed tasks and problems facing a girl can be solved in an “open” and tactful way. Communication and a joint friendly search for the shortcomings of sexual technique are necessary. This is the only way to choose the optimal way to achieve the highest peak of pleasure for both partners.


Now you are a female orgasm, and if you wish, you can easily achieve it. To fully disclose the topic, it remains to clarify one more important point. How many orgasms can a woman experience in one sexual act? About 20% of girls have a need to receive not one, but three or four discharges in a row during intercourse. This suggests that for them terms such as satiation and satisfaction are significantly different. But there's nothing wrong with that.

Any orgasm brings satisfaction, but only their combination contributes to saturation. Thus, the need for discharge disappears. Sexologists called this phenomenon an “orgastic series.” And it's absolutely normal. Although some men consider it a manifestation of either illness or depravity of a woman. A regular partner or husband should know about the orgasmic series of his partner and build sexual relationships with this in mind.

During sexual intercourse, women experience clitoral, vaginal and clitoral-vaginal orgasms. The number of orgasms and their intensity depend on physiological characteristics a woman’s body, her temperament, character, upbringing.

Types of orgasm

  • With clitoral orgasm, the feeling of voluptuousness is concentrated. It occurs faster than vaginal orgasm and is localized in the clitoris and lower body. Often it is the clitoral orgasm that leads to women “waking up” sexually and subsequently using this method to feel complete release.
  • Vaginal orgasm lasts longer and spreads throughout the body. In this case, the man does not have to make additional efforts, since friction in the vagina brings satisfaction to both partners at the same time.
  • Clitoral-vaginal orgasm is achieved by easily excitable women, in whom, during the rhythmic movements of the man’s body, the clitoris enters a phase of excitement and orgasmic release simultaneously with the vagina.

Even before the first experience of sexual intimacy, girls develop ideas about sexual intimacy from various sources: television, books, conversations. For them, the genitals are united into a single sphere of sexual sensations. When touching them, when stroking other parts of the body, excitement can already reach its climax. This explains the ability of women to achieve orgasm from kissing, caressing the breasts, and stimulating erogenous points before sexual intercourse. This common phenomenon is called petting.

Features of female orgasm

During orgasm, the woman does not speak, her eyes are closed. She completely immerses herself in the feeling of unity she experiences with her loved one.

The number of orgasms experienced by a woman in one act depends on her temperament: During intimacy nervous system sends signals to the cerebral cortex and genital centers about irritations caused by a man’s appearance, his voice, words, movements, and caresses. Sensations from the vagina enhance the erogenous sensitivity of the clitoris. The important point is a feeling of complete relaxation and trust, not inhibited by false “correct” upbringing and behavior.

A woman's arousal depends not only on tactile sensations, but also on the smell of a man's body. It is not at all necessary to wear expensive perfume to attract a lovely lady. It is enough to take care of personal hygiene. Each person has a smell unique to him, especially noticeable during intimacy.

Orgasm concept

Orgasm is the peak of voluptuous sensation experienced by a woman during sexual intercourse. This state lasts from several seconds to one minute and occurs at the moment of highest sexual tension. The clitoris, vagina and uterus are involved in the formation of orgasm.

Physiological signs of orgasm

A woman's orgasm consists of several stages:

  • in the first phase, sensuality stops, which turns into a feeling of loss and ejection of fluid.
  • there is a feeling of “weightlessness” in the lower part of the body.
  • in the pelvic area, and then a wave of heat spreads throughout the body
  • the woman feels rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the uterus and vagina.
  • a release of fluid occurs through the cervix, which is very noticeable by the man. At this moment he loses the feeling of the vaginal walls. The amount of female secretion can be so great that it remains on the bed linen.

During orgasm, changes occur in the body. The heart rate increases, sometimes reaching 180 beats/min, blood pressure rises, and ventilation of the lungs becomes similar to during sports activity. The sensitivity of other organs is temporarily lost and localized in the genital area. Then comes general relaxation. Breathing calms down, erection disappears and the desire to rest arises. At this moment, the partner’s touch can cause discomfort.

Emotional manifestations of orgasm

Visible signs of orgasm include moans, sighs, relaxation of the body muscles, involuntary movements aimed at pressing the partner as tightly as possible. At the moment of release, many women experience such strong sensations that they begin to squirm, scratch, and bite the man’s body. Some, on the contrary, calm down, going into a state of bliss and not moving.

Liberated, experienced women are not shy about expressing their emotions during orgasm. They can scream, say words that excite a man and stimulate him to have repeated sexual intercourse. Some people begin to swear at the moment of orgasm, using expressions that they never use in everyday life. Modest, shy women, squeezed by the confines of a “correct” upbringing, often cannot express their feelings openly. Sex is perceived by them as a duty, a tribute marital relations. A skillful, tactful partner has every chance over time to “awaken” his girlfriend’s sensuality and desire if their relationship is built on love and trust. Such women, when experiencing an orgasm, even if they want to express the sensations clearly, do not do so out of fear. They make careful movements and remain silent during coitus, fearing to offend or shock the man.

Ancient people said: “Man knew woman.” Not “slept”, not “pleased”, but “knew”. Understanding each other is the basis of a harmonious relationship between two people. Women who regularly experience orgasm gain psychological and physiological balance. They radiate warmth, are sexually attractive, and take good care of themselves. Men can't help but notice this.

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