Compatibility of Libra with which zodiac sign. Relationships between Libra women and zodiac signs. Ideal couple: Libra woman and Capricorn man

Libra in love and marriage

By love horoscope Compatibility Libras are loving, but they are able to wait until the last minute before taking a decisive step. During the period of falling in love, their mood fluctuates even more than usual: sometimes it drops to zero, sometimes it rises to the very stars, so that they demonstrate to their chosen one the whole range of their changeable feelings.

However, given the compatibility of Libra in love and marriage, when they are happy, few can compare with them in charm and ability to charm.

IN love relationships it’s difficult: if they feel discomfort with their partner, they may hesitate to break off the relationship for a long time, and having found their soulmate, they may also delay making a decision about marriage.

In general, it is very difficult for Libra to decide on marriage (as well as on any important step in their life), but once this step is taken, there is no turning back for them.

Sexual compatibility of Libra

When it comes to sexual compatibility, Libra is one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac, and this shows in both their courtship style and their behavior in bed. With all their mysterious appearance, enigma, and omissions, they are able to create an atmosphere of exciting flirtation. And although Libras do not have a hot temperament, love with them is full of surprises and saturated with a wide variety of shades of feelings. Often Libra's love for beauty is manifested in the fact that they do not lose interest in the opposite sex until old age.

How to make love with Libra

As you might guess, the result of communication with Libra largely depends on what phase of their changeable mood they are in. this moment are located. When Libra is attacked by sarcasm or a desire to be capricious, only a convinced masochist can enjoy a conversation with them. However, at any other time, being in a state of love, Libra is favorably disposed towards the interlocutor. They are able not only to carry on a conversation, but also have invaluable listening skills.

When communicating with Libra, it is necessary to take into account their unique feature: they listen with both their mind and their heart. While their thoughtful mind absorbs the facts, their heart skips a beat from the feelings they experience. That is why a conversation with them should not only be convincingly logical, but also emotional. Only then will Libra see the situation through your eyes and, most likely, will share your position.

Date with Libra

Anything social will be a hit with your Libra. If it's something artistic or cultural, then use it to your advantage and you will really impress them. Beauty and sensuality are very important to a Libra, so it certainly has to be the person who will make them want to bring flowers to their door.

Go with Libra to a cafe, read a book, play a game, go to the opera, theater or ballet, visit an art exhibition, take a walk in a botanical garden, attend a music festival under open air, play tourists in your own city, visit a restaurant (preferably Thai, Ethiopian or some other exotic) where you can have lunch together, watch a feature film together, take a helicopter flight, fly a kite together, visit an aviation exhibition, do joint massage or go to a sanatorium for treatment, see off the sunset together.

Where and how to find love for Libra

Your strong point is subtle taste and the ability to have an excellent understanding of fashion. You love shopping, and you do it even if you don't plan to buy anything. An excellent opportunity to get to know each other - help a nice buyer make a choice, advise him on this or that thing.

Libra - love failure or finding happiness

Difficulties in the personal life of Libra can arise when they, with or without reason, show aggressiveness, tactlessness, and hostility towards others. To find happiness, they need to show respect for others and not try to bend anyone to their will.

Libra – compatibility with other signs

Compatibility Libra – Aries

Here “Aries” meets its antipode and the opposite sign of the Zodiac. Despite the fact that both partners are completely different in their mental make-up, that they have fundamental contradictions in many areas and areas of life, according to the most various issues and problems, they, as confirmed by statistics from many countries around the world, very often enter into marriage.

The external beauty of the “Libra”, and the latter - the courage and bravery, determination and fighting spirit of the former. This marriage union can be fun and full of strength and life, but only on the condition that they both learn to curb the negative properties and qualities of their character and disposition. Especially “Aries”, with its tendency to act, to attack, to attack, to bend and bend everything, to break and tear off, to destroy everything old and pave the way to everything new, still unknown. “Libra” needs to smooth out and level everything, to bring harmony everywhere, as they give great importance and good upbringing, and the ability to behave in society, etc.

These are the contradictions they have. And if they increase, what then? Then “Aries” will have to temporarily leave the house in order to somehow cool down his hot head, while “Libra” will temporarily cease all relations with him until the clouds clear and the home atmosphere is discharged and restored. In these cases, as a rule, the fate of their union depends almost entirely on the further behavior of the “Aries”.

If the principles of “democracy” and “equality” apply here, this marriage union may even turn out to be prosperous, or at least very tolerable.

When sociologists surveyed ex-wives of “Aries” representatives from “Libra” representatives, the prevailing answers were that in this marriage they were really happy twice - the first time on the day of marriage and wedding, the second time on the day of divorce and separation.

Compatibility Libra – Taurus

No special comments are needed here. Despite the fact that they have a very great similarity and much in common, there is a long-lasting marriage between “Libra” and opposite life principles.

Compatibility Libra – Gemini

Statistics from many countries around the world confirm that marriages between “Gemini” and “Libra” most often end in divorce and separation. In addition, there are also very many fatal separations of various types and natures. In this marriage union the intellect and feelings are united and in the joint experience the art of love, the art of flattery and the art of living are born.

Day after day, the “Gemini” bring their brilliant ideas to the “Libra” on a “silver tray”, and the latter are already pouring them into molds.

The best thing about this marriage is that both partners are very good at being able to rejoice and have fun together, have fun and enjoy themselves, that they both love company and parties, jokes, humor and satire, and the world of art.

From time immemorial it has been known that “Libra”, like “Gemini”, do not tolerate and cannot be alone - “on a desert island” - even if it were a “treasure island”. Loneliness is theirs worst enemy, which they try to get rid of as early and quickly as possible - by getting married.

Although the “Libra” works a lot, in order to keep such a “bird of paradise” as a “twin” in its cage, great expenses are also required. In addition, in order not to anger his or her host too much, everyone has all the distinguishing features of him or her. Firstly, Libras try their best to please everyone. Having innate beauty and good taste in everything, they are excellent at spending money, which the “twin” must always and constantly know and remember. Secondly, “Libra” people love and want to be always recognized and adored, to be eternally and constantly praised and flattered. If all this is strictly and sacredly observed, then this marriage union will even last for several years in a row, or even more.

Compatibility Libra – Cancer

This marriage union is always problematic, and in most cases ends unfavorably - discord and rupture, divorce and separation. Both partners suffer here - both “Cancer” and “Libra”. In the initial period of courtship, “Cancer” is captivated by the external beauty and behavior of “Libra”, their politeness and courtesy, sociability and courtesy. But then, after the main peak of courtship has passed, he begins to understand that this is something more than just vanity and naked flattery, or, simply put, the usual bait for the next victim.

If, then “Libra” prefers fun and entertainment in secular companies. Acclimatization, getting used to and adapting to this joint union costs no less than “forty bags” of worries and troubles, and hard work cannot be counted. Lack of patience and goodwill often dulls feelings, cools the home microclimate, and interferes with mutual understanding. This union between the “Libra” and “rakin” men does not look much better. If the first one spends all his time in society, where he is, of course, the life of the party, where he can cock until he drops, then the lot of the poor “rakini” remains only the house, kitchen and children. True, only she dominates and controls here.

Compatibility Libra – Leo

According to statistics, marriages between Leo and Libra have the lowest divorce rate. Here is a form of communication, interest in each other at the highest level literally from the first meeting. This is probably why their life together, both during courtship, that is, before marriage, and after it, is full of joy and happiness, warmth and mutual understanding. Partners quickly and easily get used to each other, become attached and rise together.

If only the “Leo” sufficiently finances and financially encourages his partner from the sign of Libra, then their house will always be white, bright and clean - like the soul of a newborn child.

In this marriage, “Libra” must constantly take care of their external beauty and attractiveness, do not lose your festive face. They must always and constantly evoke the admiration and desire of their “lion”, seduce him, while using all the auxiliary means known so far.

If only the “Leo” is lucky and has received a big name, a high award or an important title, gratitude and approval from the public, then the “Libra” will definitely put it in the appropriate gilded frame, will look after it and keep an eye on it so that there is not the slightest specks of dust so that both the “lion” itself and its frame are always perfectly clean. And this will further strengthen their mutual understanding and relationships and already for a long time or even for the rest of your life.

True, or former admirers of “Libra”, who, even after marriage, find it difficult to do without hymns of praise and the amorous advances of their former gentlemen. In addition, the “Leo” will have to gradually accustom his partner from the sign of Libra to everyday everyday work - this is not an easy task, since “Libra”, as a rule, fears physical work, overexertion and overwork more than the devil incense, being deeply confident that that they were created only for joy and pleasure, to satisfy both the mental and physical needs of other people, but not for work. But since the “lions” still show stubbornness and perseverance, over time they really manage to change the situation. The marriage union takes on a new breath, marital and family life is established and brings corresponding beneficial results.

Compatibility Libra – Virgo

This marriage union is doomed to failure and collapse. He falls apart mainly due to frequent conflicts and his partner. The strong egoism of both plays an important role in this. The best option for this union is cooperation, co-authorship, business partnership, but only in areas and areas where both parties are equally interested. In a marriage, each of them pulls the blanket only on his side, thinks only about himself and his interests.

Virgo women, however, often try very hard to reason with their empty and vain, overly complacent partners from the sign of Libra. They are trying to bring them to their senses, to bring order to the chaos in their souls, to force them to work, explaining to them the usefulness of work, which helps a person climb higher and higher social steps, but in vain.

There is a very high demand for “scales” everywhere, and every “virgin” has to withstand great and intense competition. Let them decide for themselves what and how will happen next.

Compatibility Libra – Libra

As noted, the marriage union between these partners is doomed in most cases, mainly due to fatal blows and vicissitudes of fate. The most characteristic thing for this cultural union is the sophisticated, refined communication between the partners, as well as their claims to life, love for beautiful, elegant, expensive things.

The sign of Libra has always symbolized the ability to live and cooperate, and its dominant - Venus - the ability to spend money and enjoy all earthly joys. What if you have nothing to enjoy? What to do then? Both of them categorically refuse physical and menial work, any tedious work. Neither a civilized way of life, nor a cultural way of life, nor diplomatic talent helps here, which in other cases could actually create suitable conditions for a harmonious and even prosperous marriage life.

Compatibility Libra – Scorpio

“Libra” and “Scorpio” are a union of great life trials. But since two excellent diplomats meet here, it all depends on who can outwit whom.

Most often, harmony in a given marriage collapses due to the stubbornness and crossness of the “Scorpio” partner, although, on the other hand, he is a very reliable partner, if only he truly fell in love.

Whether it’s for love and marriage, or for business, their claims to the “scales” are both great and fair. Often, “Libras” are invited to a “meeting” without announcing an agenda, where, over a cup of coffee, a “brainwashing session” takes place, when poor “Libras” have to listen to a list of their mistakes from the cradle to last day. Yes, at these “educational” evenings, very long and lengthy heart-to-heart conversations are held, from which the “Libra” cannot recover and come to its senses for a long time.

“Scorpio” is a very complex type, who does not take off his mask all his life. Although he is a representative of the elemental trine of Water, he is the strongest of them, since deep down in his soul he contains “Martian” fire, willpower and energy, mixed with all “Plutonic” properties and qualities. Here, great vigilance and caution are required on the part of the “Libra”, because the flammable feelings of the “Scorpio” are not to be joked with. In this marriage union, everything can even turn out well if the “Libra” understands in a timely manner that they can cope with the “Scorpio”, and also understand how this needs to be done. You can fight a “scorpio”, but only in a good way, and with his own weapons - cunning and cunning against cunning and cunning. But so that he would not even suspect a struggle.

Marriage between Libra men and Scorpio women is less problematic. Here almost everything depends on the “scales” themselves and their behavior. If Libra men turn out to be knight partners, we can assume and talk about a long and harmonious marriage.

Compatibility Libra – Sagittarius

A strong and happy marriage union can develop between these partners, but only with true mutual love. Then any difficulties will disappear altogether.

There are no “domestic wars” here, even of a local nature, because the partners understand each other perfectly and do not pay the slightest attention to minor sins. In addition, there is no “Sagittarius” man whom a “Libra” woman could not charm and make happy. And for a Libra man, the most valuable thing is victory over a Sagittarius woman.

And yet, according to statistics, the best option is the one where he is a “Sagittarius” and she is a “Libra”. In these cases, together they conceive both common plans and a program for social upliftment, their future. And in how they are carried out in life, a significant role is played by diplomatic abilities, tact and courtesy of the “scales”, their ability to smooth out sharp corners, put on realistic rails.

Compatibility Libra – Capricorn

The marriage union between these partners is, as a rule, fragile and unfavorable. Here even companionship is a very rare event.

Difficulties are usually the result of too great a difference not only in temperament, character traits and disposition, but also in lifestyle, aspirations and concepts about the values ​​of life. This is a marriage in which there are no fiery vows, and tender, voluptuous caresses, and unforgettable moonlit nights. A more viable version of this union if “Libra” women are already well over forty or fifty years old, when they are no longer so concerned about the erotic-sexual side , when joint views are possible, aimed at various kinds material goods and provision.

In most cases, after the widowhood of a “Libra” partner. When the “Libra” woman sees and feels that life is heading “out of the fair”, that she will soon go into sunset, then she will decisively captivate the chosen “Capricorn”, takes him right “by the horns” and, without the slightest hesitation, drags and drags him to the registry office to legally register the marriage. And in the future, here the practical and useful will always and constantly coexist next to beauty, good cuisine and all possible cultural events.

Compatibility Libra – Aquarius

The marriage between these partners proceeds more favorably if he is a “Libra” and she is an “Aquarius”. This is probably because they are both quite indifferent to the official marriage. One and the other have their own left path to the neighboring garden, where you can calmly enjoy the forbidden fruits of paradise in the confidence that you will not be expelled from your own paradise.

And indeed, this marriage proceeds without conflicts and without crises. Feminine charms for men, and even more so for Libra. Their married life together gives a lot of new things to the partners, brings revitalization to their life, ideas, feelings, expanding their spiritual horizon, and enriching both internal and physical needs.

In the case where the marriage partners are an “Aquarius” man and a “Libra” woman, this union may not last long. Divorce and widowhood are possible in it.

Compatibility Libra – Pisces

About the marriage union "Libra" -. Divorces, widowhood, and fatal separations are observed here for a variety of reasons. Friendship is possible here, the conditions for it are more favorable, and for cooperation they are simply excellent.

You are a Libra according to your horoscope and have finally met your soulmate! Check if you are horoscope compatible. The Zodiac claims that there are exactly half of the signs with whom Libra is compatible.

Signs not compatible with Libra

  • There is always internal tension between Libra and Aries. The energetic Aries does not understand the calmness of Libra. This makes marriage between them unlikely. But they have great sex!
  • Romantic Libra will not find understanding with the pragmatic owner Taurus. He is jealous, and Libra is fickle. This can throw both of them off balance. A long-term union is not possible for them!
  • Cancer is cautious and critical, Libra does not understand this, being carried away by their extravagant ideas. The marriage between them is very weak.
  • Virgo and Libra have a complete mismatch of characters. Virgos have rules, Libra rejects them. There is a difference of interests. They will have an extremely difficult and short-lived marriage.
  • Capricorn and Libra will find mutual understanding in sex. And in everything else there is complete denial. The relationship will end quickly, marriage is impossible.
  • Libra and Pisces both dislike leadership. Therefore, complete misunderstanding reigns in the couple. It won't come to marriage.

Signs Compatible with Libra

  • Libra and Gemini are ideal partners; they are both impulsive and passionate. Both are non-jealous and easy to communicate with. This will be the happiest marriage.
  • Libras and Leos are obsessed with sex! They have a complete extravaganza in bed! Leo loves to make decisions, Libra loves to give in. The relationship will continue in a warm and strong marriage.
  • The passionate connection between Scorpio and Libra will be based on the same thing - dominance and submission. The marriage will be just as stormy, but strong.
  • Libra and Sagittarius are similar in many ways. Both are independent, both travelers. If they want, the marriage will be very long.
  • Libra will be a brilliant match for Aquarius. They are satisfied with life in society, an abundance of meetings and communication! In love and in their feelings complete harmony leading to a strong marriage.

You found out which signs Libra is compatible with. It turns out that there are not so few of them. And in conclusion, I would like to answer the question of whether Libra is compatible with Libra? Yes, they have a lot in common, but both are a little out of touch with reality. If you include more practicality in the relationship, the marriage will be very good.

The element of Libra is Air, and they are ruled by the planet Venus. She teaches representatives of this zodiac sign to express feelings of love and enjoy the beauty of the world. Venus bestows men And women sign of Libra (September 24 – October 23) with amazing charm and attractiveness. In mythology, Venus's sphere of influence is love and the emotions associated with love. This goddess teaches mortal men and women the art of seduction. But her character is not at all gentle, she can be insidious and malicious, and is also known for her outbursts of anger, which bring destruction. Libra guys and girls are sure that sooner or later they will find their prince or princess. They are romantic and are not prepared for the disappointments that await them in life. Many representatives of this horoscope sign carry a broken heart in their chest, but Venus calls them, and they again and again, tirelessly set out in search of their ideal.

People of the Libra horoscope try to balance different aspects of life, and fortunately they succeed, albeit at the cost of incredible efforts. They do not take into account difficulties, the ideal is important to them, harmony is important. Even if they do not achieve balance in everything, it still satisfies them. In love, both Libra women and men are consistent. Having fallen in love with a person, they will try to achieve the much-needed harmony in the relationship.

Libra Woman: Compatibility with Zodiac Signs for a Successful Marriage

  • Compatibility with an Aries man

These partners are able to live together, respecting each other, but the harmony that the Libra girl strives for is only possible between spouses of a high spiritual level. For a Libra woman, the dynamics of relationships are important, and the fiery one is restless man Aries will not allow relationships to stagnate.

  • Compatibility of Libra with a Taurus man

This compatibility horoscope does not even give partners the hope of happiness together. Both he and she live with different interests. A respectable Taurus man is able to offer a woman of the zodiac sign Libra a wealthy life, but this is too little for her.

  • Compatibility with a Gemini man

Promising horoscope compatibility, the union is typical and, as a rule, successful for both partners. The Gemini man bows to his wife. It is she and no one else who is his ideal. True, this will not stop a Gemini man from being unfaithful, but he will not change his attitude towards his beloved Libra woman. This couple is in no hurry to get married; they live freely for quite a long time, in a state of romantic relationships.

  • Compatibility of a Libra woman with a Cancer man

This is a difficult marriage, not a rosy relationship. Spouses do not pamper each other with tenderness and attention. The Libra woman makes high demands on the Cancer man, which he simply cannot meet. The beginning of them love story great, but the relationship soon breaks down. The compatibility horoscope warns the Cancer man and the Libra girl about this.

  • Compatibility of Libra woman with Leo man

This marriage union has a low divorce rate, compatibility horoscope favorable Having met, these people feel mutual attraction, and their life together is full of joy from communication and happiness from having each other. This is a strong couple, together they achieve success. The Libra girl knows how to seduce, Venus teaches her this. And for a Leo man, intimate life is of paramount importance.

  • Compatibility of a woman of the zodiac sign Libra with a Virgo man

This union has every chance to take place as a full-fledged marriage. But there are just as many reasons for collapse. The Virgo man likes his chosen one. The Libra girl does not delude herself about him; she sees who she is dealing with. But she still has hope of re-educating her partner. This is a common mistake women make, the price of which is a destroyed marriage.

  • Compatibility of Libra woman with Libra man

The union is complex in its essence. On the one hand, the partners understand each other perfectly, but on the other, they are unable to either give or receive anything new from the chosen one. They don't have room to grow. These are mirror reflections. After breaking up, a Libra man and a Libra woman can maintain their friendship.

  • Compatibility with a Scorpio man

The guy sincerely becomes attached to the Libra girl. He is ready to put up with the mental tossing of his beloved, with the lack of peace and comfort in the house. But intimately they have little in common, and gradually this relationship becomes torment for the two. Astrological compatibility horoscope unfavorable.

  • Compatibility with a Sagittarius man

In this marriage, the Sagittarius man’s dream of an ideal, harmonious Libra woman comes true. However, the rapture of novelty wears off, and the energetic Sagittarius man becomes bored. In this marriage there are no explosions of passion, no quarrels and accusations, and there are no reasons for separation either. Representatives of these zodiac signs are able to live in marriage for many years.

  • Compatibility of a Libra woman with a Capricorn man according to the horoscope

This best compatibility for a Capricorn guy. He is warmed by the knowledge that in this girl he found his ideal. The Libra woman, in turn, will learn from her husband the dynamics and determination she lacks. These people complement each other perfectly as a couple. Marriage is usually stable.

  • Compatibility of Libra women with Aquarius men

A wonderful marriage for an Aquarius man. Compatibility Horoscope describes the home of these happy partners as peaceful and welcoming. They try to avoid conflicts, and they succeed.

  • Compatibility with a Pisces man

Neither the Libra girl nor the Pisces man can say that they have found their soul mate. There is little in common between them; they live by different interests. However, the marriage has a chance to last thanks to the efforts of the Libra woman, who strives to find and maintain balance. The Pisces man also prefers to avoid conflict. Unsuccessful love compatibility.

Libra man love and marriage compatibility with other zodiac signs

  • Compatibility with Aries woman

It is important for an Aries woman to express herself to the world. A man of the zodiac sign Libra needs harmony in everything. This love union between a Libra guy and an Aries girl occurs often, but it is not very successful due to significant disagreements between the partners.

  • Compatibility with Taurus woman

Interesting horoscope compatibility between a Libra man and a Taurus woman promises them an interesting and varied life. For many years they will be able to maintain peace, mutual respect, peace and comfort in the house.

  • Compatibility of Libra man with Gemini woman

The union is favorable, promising a stable, sustainable marriage. Here kindred souls connect and find each other. Favorable horoscope compatibility allows a Libra man and a Gemini girl to maintain love in the stormy sea of ​​life.

  • Compatibility of a Libra man with a Cancer woman

The union is not simple and easy. An abundance of internal disagreements does not help strengthen a marriage. The sensitive Cancer woman does not understand her partner, who evaluates and analyzes everything. In addition, the Libra man always recognizes deception and picks up notes of pretense emanating from her. This is quite unfortunate love compatibility.

  • Compatibility of a Libra man with a Leo woman

This combination can be called successful love compatibility. The Libra man deep down strives for luxury, and young woman Leo is the very embodiment of luxury and brilliance. In terms of intimacy, this union is excellent.

  • Compatibility with Virgo woman

A difficult, joyless marriage for men Scales. Their house is always clean and cozy, but the atmosphere itself is such that the Libra guy doesn’t feel like he’s at home. Pettiness women Virgo, her frequent reproaches over insignificant trifles poison the soul of her partner. These people will not be able to tolerate each other for long.

  • Compatibility of Libra man with Libra woman

This marriage is like a confrontation between two people who are like two peas in a pod. Unfavorable love compatibility horoscopes prove that this union will be difficult and joyless. Libra needs support, but, as practice shows, a Libra woman cannot count on the help of a Libra man. After parting, they can become good friends.

  • Compatibility with a Scorpio woman

This is a difficult marriage, with protracted conflicts. Between the Libra man and the Scorpio woman, some kind of quarrels and showdowns constantly arise. Each time the clashes become more and more violent. And these are not outbursts of passion, it is more like mutual hatred. There is nothing you can do about it, you can only part with it.

People born under the zodiac sign Libra are among the most flighty and fickle. They hesitate for a long time before making a decision, and are often unsure of their choice. The Libra woman's compatibility with other signs is good. But she needs a more courageous and active partner who will support her.

Character of the sign

Libra is the only inanimate sign on the zodiac circle. The Libra sign includes people who were born from September 23 to October 22. In communication they are very pleasant and courteous, they know how to attract attention. This sign rarely makes enemies.

Libra has positive traits, these include:

  • perseverance and hard work;
  • subsequence;
  • love of order is the ideal housewife;
  • willingness to help;
  • unpretentiousness and practicality.

Negative traits include inconstancy. They can change their mind in an instant, which is why they are often disliked. They are also critical of everything new and do not admit that they are wrong.

Their characteristics say that they are used to making a lot of demands on their partner. This leads to disappointment later. But if the chosen one does not meet their moral and ethical beliefs, they are ready to end the relationship. Still knowing what they want.

Libras are also a little prone to envy. They may experience this feeling even towards a loved one if he is more successful or wealthy. Good quality Libras are optimistic, which makes them easy to communicate with.

This sign is very persistent and practical. He knows what he wants from life and is willing to work hard. The Zodiac can achieve a lot in the creative field, where you need to think abstractly. Libra is one of the fairest representatives of the horoscope; they evaluate a person by his actions and are absolutely selfless.

People under the sign of Libra need a calm, drama-free relationship. His partner should have similar interests and hobbies, then the union will be especially strong. This sign is very balanced and will not experience aggression or anxiety for no reason. This makes them more reliable partners.

They easily find new friends and are prone to flirting. This may cause quarrels with their chosen ones. But if Libra meets their person, they will do anything to create a strong union.

Fire element compatibility

Under the element of Fire are Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. These are very emotional signs who often commit rash acts. Because of this, their union with Libra will be successful. They will calm and balance fiery representatives.

The most successful pairing will be with Sagittarius. The characteristic says that these signs understand each other well and can achieve a lot if they work together. Relationships with Aries and Leo are more complicated. It will be easier for them to find mutual language only while they are both young.

a lion

These signs can create a strong tandem. They pay attention to each other soon after meeting and their relationship begins to gradually develop.

For these signs the first place is:

  • mutual respect;
  • trust in partner;
  • caring for loved ones.

Leo's advantage is that he is open and sincere with others, and Libra tries to see everyone as an ally. They can be connected not only by romantic relationships, but also by friendship. They often have common hobbies and interests.

Working together will be effective if they can properly divide responsibilities. The characteristic says that Libra is better at establishing contacts with partners and subordinates. But if these signs work together, there are no romantic feelings between them.


This couple has a chance to create a strong family. They are united by the desire to take care of loved ones and respect for traditions. Sagittarius will take the initiative. Their union will be strong and lasting.

Their friendships will also be strong because these signs see the world the same way and understand each other well. have many common hobbies and can discuss music or books at length.

They will also be successful in their working relationships. Thanks to Libra's sociability and charm, they will be able to attract new partners and improve their material well-being.

Air Signs

Representatives of this element are best suited for Libra. An alliance with Gemini will be successful; this sign will give its partner confidence and teach him to look at the world more broadly. Libra will also improve organizational skills.

A pair of two Libras is the most successful. These signs understand each other well, quarrels between them occur very rarely.

They are united by the following qualities:

  • love of travel;
  • composure and organization;
  • fear of routine.

When meeting someone in adulthood, it will be more difficult to build a relationship, because Libra’s negative qualities begin to clearly manifest themselves.


The horoscope says that this couple can build a good romantic relationship. Their tandem will be calm and balanced. They will not loudly sort things out; scandals between them are rare.


People who were born under these zodiac signs often fall in love with each other. Libra and Capricorn are attracted to the following traits in their partner:

  • tact and erudition;
  • ability to behave in society;
  • gallantry.

The downside is that both signs are too slow, their courtship lasts too long. But if they get married, their union will be reliable. Perhaps they are hesitant to have a child because they are comfortable together.

In a working relationship, Libra will be able to assemble a professional team, and Capricorn will set a businesslike atmosphere. Together, they will carefully think through the strategy and move towards the goal in small steps. This is the perfect team.


These signs are very tactful, reserved and love romance, these things unite them. They can create a marriage, but it will be difficult to maintain it. Libra is too fickle for conservative Cancer. It will be difficult for them to arrange their life. Also, over time, the couple may become bored.

Friendship between them is more likely. They can engage in common hobbies or discuss books and movies. Zodiacs will also feel comfortable in working relationships. They have similar rhythms of life and do everything deliberately and leisurely. Cancer will guide indecisive Libra in the right direction and both signs will be able to develop.


It will be difficult for representatives of these signs to build a love relationship. For Scorpio, passion is most important, and Libra strives for spiritual unity. Sometimes a representative of the element of Air is too vulnerable and takes the words of his chosen one closely.

If they don't give up and try to find common ground, the relationship can be strong. The Water sign needs to become more restrained and control their emotions, while Libra is not afraid to show their feelings.

Even if disagreements begin in the marriage, Libra will do everything possible to maintain the relationship. They are very afraid of loneliness, so they do not want to lose their chosen one.

The best friendships will be between Scorpio and Libra. They will always be able to understand each other and give advice. In a working relationship, they will only be able to get along if Scorpio takes the place of the leader.


Love is possible between them. Their relationship is developing rapidly, they easily find a common language. But Pisces need to become more practical, otherwise they will not be able to get along.

In marriage, relationships will be very tender and trusting. But quarrels may arise due to the fact that Pisces lacks initiative. Both signs are too indecisive and flighty. But if they overcome this obstacle, the union will be strong.

Difficulties may arise at work. These signs need more active and proactive colleagues. Without them, it will not be possible to achieve results, because Libra and Pisces lack perseverance and diligence.

Libras, due to their innate qualities, strive for balanced relationships based on intellectual, emotional and physical compatibility. Representatives of this zodiac sign are loving, but they tend to scrupulously evaluate and weigh the qualities of a potential partner in order to understand how well he corresponds to their standard. They are able to wait until the last minute before taking a decisive step.

It is very difficult to expect any kind of clarity and certainty from Libra in a love relationship: they may hesitate to break up for a long time, even if they feel discomfort in the union, and for just as long they can put off making a decision about marriage when they find their soul mate. In general, it is extremely difficult for Libra to decide on any important step in their life.

When representatives of this zodiac sign find their ideal partner, they do everything to find family happiness. Their desire to please and prevent any desire of their partner often turns into complete self-sacrifice and dissolution in their loved one.

However, this does not mean that Libra begins to obey their chosen one. They are self-sufficient, proud, independent and will not tolerate humiliation. If they decide that their partner is using them and treating them like a consumer, they would rather end the relationship than start throwing scandals.

Probably due to the fact that Libra places too high demands on love, romantic relationships and their partners, many representatives of the sign eventually become disappointed in the opposite sex and completely refuse active search partner.

The general horoscope of compatibility of Libra with other signs of the Zodiac describes only some relationships and compatibility only with typical representatives of the signs. To accurately determine compatibility in a couple, it is necessary to calculate, in the compilation of which not only the day, but also the time and place of birth of each of the two partners is taken into account. Individual horoscopes are compiled by professional astrologers, but on our website you can get your individual compatibility horoscope by date of birth online for free, without registering on the site, without sending SMS or specifying an email.

Libra man - compatibility with other zodiac signs

Libra woman - compatibility with other zodiac signs

A woman born under the sign of Libra combines tenderness, fragility, attractiveness, and evokes in the stronger sex a desire to care for and protect from everyday adversity. However, along with these traits, inherent exclusively to the beautiful half of humanity, these ladies are distinguished by incredible strength of character, amazing willpower, masculinity, the ability to make cold calculations and make informed decisions, without being guided by the strength of feelings.

Such an amazing combination does not prevent a woman of the zodiac sign Libra from finding happiness in love and marriage. She only needs to understand herself and take her partner’s needs seriously, as well as help him understand the characteristics of her character in order to improve compatibility with her chosen one, regardless of the zodiac sign under which he was born.

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