Which actress has false teeth? How much do the perfect teeth of Russian celebrities cost? Olga Buzova, singer, TV presenter

what nature has given is simply not enough, and we have to resort to surgical methods. In this list you will see the wonderful dental transformations that these 10 stars decided to do!

10. Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman's teeth are now so perfect that they have their own Facebook fan page! And anyway - shouldn't God have the best teeth on Earth?

9. George Clooney

Clooney's career entered its heyday after his role in the TV series ER. As a simple TV series actor, Clooney could still afford imperfect teeth, but his position as a mega-sex symbol obliges him!

8. Lindsay Lohan

Previously, Lindsay suffered from stained teeth associated with drinking, smoking, and God knows what other lifestyle features of this “bad girl.” When her teeth began to resemble Gollum’s teeth, she decided to have them restored, but she constantly breaks her new teeth.

7. Nicolas Cage

To be honest, Nicolas Cage first resorted to dental restoration back in 1984, when the world was completely different. Back then, it was impossible to distinguish an American from a British just by his smile, the world was simpler, and we were all a little uglier. However, time passes, and we change with its progress: Nicholas has perfect teeth today.

6. Celine Dion

Yes, in the left photo of Celine Dion, what primarily attracts attention is her crazy hairstyle and equally crazy expression on her face, but try to concentrate on the changes that have happened to her teeth. She went to correct the bite, and then for restoration; when the whole world watches you sing, it's a smart investment!

5. Miley Cyrus

This is quite strange: even with fixed teeth, Miley looks better in the first photo. However, we admit that she needed a lot of manipulations to make her teeth more beautiful, including wearing braces.

4. Zac Efron

Part of Zach's charm was that we could easily imagine this guy being in a parallel class - and the gap between his front teeth only made him look more earthy. Now his teeth are perfect, and Zach seems to be a little further away from the viewer.

3. Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett fixed her teeth the traditional way - she wore braces. This manipulation has served her well: now that she is so often included in lists of the sexiest women on the planet, she has to smile a lot for photographs.

2. Victoria Beckham

Victoria was lucky to be born with straight teeth, and did not need to correct the direction of their growth during her career in the Spice Girls. However, over time, she began to resort to teeth whitening. Don't you think her smile shines TOO much?

1. Tom Cruise

Yes, perhaps Tom Cruise would like the left photo to disappear from the face of the earth forever... And yet it is the best confirmation of the real miracles that dental restoration can create. She brought Tom Cruise fame as a sex symbol!

Not only because of his short stature, but also because of his terrible teeth. At the beginning of his career, directors and agents repeatedly hinted to the actor that as long as he did not spend money on a dentist and orthodontist, he could not dream of big roles. By the age of 16 future star there were a lot of fillings, and one of the front teeth darkened after the nerve was removed. Tom was unable to cope with his growth, but after several years of torment he got rid of the second complex.

Tom Cruise He did everything: whitened, wore braces of different designs for years, put in veneers... According to rumors, just whitening and correcting the bite to a relatively decent look cost him more than 30 thousand dollars. Only at the age of 40 did Cruise achieve what he wanted - he finally removed the hated braces and, as they gossip in Hollywood, put an implant in the place of the ill-fated dark tooth, and super-expensive crowns on the aligned rest.

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron Due to the fact that the star was often sick as a child and took a lot of antibiotics, her baby teeth were destroyed. And, according to The Sun newspaper, before the permanent ones grew in, the actress walked without her front teeth and learned to smile with just her lips. Now at Theron no problems with teeth. But she still sees the dentist and hygienist as scheduled several times a year.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus The sexiest girl on the planet, according to Maxim magazine, Miley Cyrus If she had not corrected her bite and corrected the shape of her upper incisors and fangs, she would have been good at playing vampire roles. However, it must be said that the star, who has no complexes about her appearance, was not shy about appearing in public with fashionable braces. And once she delighted her fans by posting a photo on Instagram with false teeth.

Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole A few years ago there was no star Cheryl Cole, and there was a simple girl Cheryl Tweedy from Newcastle, who was teased by her classmates because of her crooked and mismatched teeth. Especially let down, like Miley Cyrus, were the upper canines and incisors, which looked in different directions. Cheryl wore braces for several years, but her teeth were not perfect. According to rumors, one of the conditions that producers set for the young singer to join Girls Aloud was to clean up their act. I had to sharpen the protruding ones and build up the missing ones.

Matthew Lewis

Matthew Lewis Matthew Lewis began acting in the Harry Potter saga with crooked yellow teeth of different sizes, they did not bother him - until that moment, as in the case of Tom Cruise, until it became clear that he would not be offered any other roles. In Hollywood, where the cult of snow-white ideal smiles reigns, such a “legacy” is a bit difficult. We had to whiten it, put veneers, etc. - all this cost several tens of thousands of dollars, but as a result we have another white-toothed darling.

George Clooney

George Clooney's famous snow-white smile George Clooney appeared not so long ago - for a long time the star's teeth were much yellower and not so even. The directors, of course, did not refuse him roles, but laser whitening, snow-white veneers and the same snow-white, even ceramic crowns on the most problematic teeth clearly rejuvenated the actor.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham in childhood In Victoria's childhood photographs, both a decent gap between her upper teeth and the different sizes of the teeth themselves are clearly visible. Unlike Vanessa Paradis, who has made the gap her “trick,” striving for absolute perfection, Beckham has been visiting the dentist once a month since she was a teenager and practically never took off her braces.

Victoria Beckham She got rid of her gap during the period when the Spice Girls appeared. And by the time she turned into Mrs. Beckham, the “peppercorn” had changed the color and shape of her teeth. According to rumors, whitening and veneers were not enough: crowns were used, and the whole pleasure cost approximately 40 thousand British pounds.

An American can earn pennies and live in a dirty room on the outskirts of Harlem, but he is simply obliged to show a Hollywood smile in order to feel like he is not living in vain... Moreover, this applies to stars - carpets, flashes of photographic equipment - there is somehow no time to discuss all this , how much does the notorious “Hollywood smile” cost celebrities, and is it really in such impeccable condition...

A favorite of many teenagers, Daniel Radcliffe has been playing the role of the young wizard Harry Potter for several years now, earning many millions of dollars in this field. However, apparently, even his agents are hesitant to hint to the young actor that it is time to spend some of these millions on banal teeth whitening to remove yellow plaque.

Compared to the yellow smile of Radcliffe-Potter, the smile of rock princess Avril Lavigne actually shines white. But the singer has another problem - very noticeable protruding middle teeth - real vampire fangs! Anyone who decides to fight with Avril will probably have to be wary of painful bites.

Mike Tyson's wide smile seems to be intended to demonstrate that Mike, in essence, is a kind and good guy... However, the impression is spoiled by the absence of some teeth - you're literally amazed - and what he used to bite other people's ears... The depressing impression is complemented by the “golden fixation”. ..

In order to fix her smile, the British singer Amy Winehouse would have to spend a considerable part of the fees, which were already not too large due to the fact that Winehouse more often stays in rehabilitation clinics than performs on stage. In the meantime, Amy may well compete with Tyson for the title of the scariest smile.

How Tom Cruise manages to attract the masses with such a smile remains a mystery. What is clear is that Tom should have spent time and money on braces to correct the “natural curvature”...

The beautiful Hilary Duff should smile more modestly - her signature Hollywood smile shows everyone her large-caliber teeth. Because of this, something horselike appears in Duff's face...

Julia Roberts's disarming smile says that her owner has nothing to hide - even in her mouth... The mother of many children keeps her teeth in impeccable condition...

The same cannot be said about Madonna - in her fifties, the pop diva’s smile glows between her teeth...

The title of “the worst smile in Hollywood” would rightfully go to Steve Bascemi, who, after many years of acting career, turned to directing... The reason for his endless supporting roles could be a smile in which everything is present - yellow plaque, and crooked teeth... Just a dentist's dream!

It has long been no secret to anyone in our time that many actresses, and even show business actors, resort to the services of plastic surgeons, trying to look younger, slimmer, more attractive and remain the object of desire of their fans for a long time. Some media figures carefully hide their “alterations” and deny any arguments given to prove that people are right. Other popular personalities, on the contrary, take great pleasure in sharing their transformation with the press and television, sometimes even broadcasting their transformations live.

Be that as it may, but plastic surgery You won’t surprise anyone for a long time now. Now even what is done within reason is considered the norm, and excessive manipulation is the fate of freaks or completely non-standard individuals. However, it is not worth denying that in some cases the alteration is beneficial, because there are plenty of positive examples: Demi Moore, who corrected her squint, Kate Hudson, who recently enlarged her breasts, Tom Cruise, whose teeth did not look the best before the start of his career way.

It is this famous actor that will be discussed in the article, more precisely about his transformation from a nasty “toothbrush” into a magnificent and inimitable man, a sex symbol of all times with an irresistible Hollywood smile.

A few words about the culprit of today's story

It might be silly to think that there is a single person who doesn't know who Tom Cruise is. But, given today's preferences and crazes of young people computer games and other gadgets, it’s still worth talking about this Hollywood celebrity. Tom Cruise, whose teeth we will discuss below, is a famous American actor involved in producing and writing scripts. He was nominated three times for the well-known Oscar and Golden Globe awards, but still has not held the coveted statuettes in his hands.

His career began more than 35 years ago, namely in 1981, and is rapidly developing to this day. Among his most successful works, it is worth noting the films “Rain Man”, “Born on the Fourth of July”, “Interview with the Vampire”, “Mission Impossible”, “Eyes Wide Shut”, “Knight and Day”, “Jack Reacher” and others.

In these films, viewers see the stunning Tom Cruise, whose teeth sparkle with dazzling snow-whiteness and are characterized by perfect evenness. Was everything so rosy from the very beginning? Read about this in the next block of the article.

Tom Cruise's teeth in his youth

Smile of the future Hollywood star blockbusters from the very beginning was not at all what many of us are used to seeing on the beautiful face of the American sex symbol. Tom Cruise's teeth before and after the intervention of professional dentists and orthodontists are strikingly different.

Since childhood, Cruz was embarrassed by his smile and once again tried to do without it. In many photos of his youth, the famous American actor is serious and even a little stern, and all because of a complex that he managed to get rid of only at the age of forty. The actor does not like to talk about his shortcomings and has never mentioned them in interviews. Some conclusions were drawn only from the laconic statements of close friends and people close to the star, as well as from the footage of the ubiquitous paparazzi.

So, from a very young age, the actor’s teeth were not healthy: by the age of 16, the celebrity’s mouth had a fair amount of fillings, and Tom Cruise’s crooked teeth, not all of them, but only the front ones, darkened due to the removal of the nerves in them. It is worth noting that even despite this visible flaw, Cruise did not give up his dream of becoming famous.

Of course, in young man talent was felt, and many directors predicted a great future for Cruise. However, all those with whom he managed to collaborate at the beginning of his dizzying career vying with each other about problems with his teeth and strongly recommended that he think about correcting them as soon as possible, otherwise it was not even worth dreaming of serious roles.

Measures taken by the actor in pursuit of a Hollywood smile

Tom Cruise, whose teeth were in truly deplorable condition, resorted to many methods: he tried to whiten them, constantly wore braces, but it was all in vain - there was no result and no improvement either.

After the release of the actor’s first film on the big screen, “Endless Love,” in 1981, where he played Billy, Cruise began to seriously think about correcting his smile using radical methods. Having received his first fee, he went to the best dentist. Since then, the Hollywood actor began to change in better side, or rather, his smile began to take on its current form, becoming day by day the object of universal admiration and even envy.

However, few people thought that the actor had to try hard on his way to perfection: he endured lengthy, expensive procedures, including the installation of crowns and implants; Until the age of forty, Tom Cruise was forced to wear braces, removing them during filming in films and for social parties. The result that followed all this torment exceeded all expectations not only of the actor himself and his dentist, but also of all the people and fans surrounding the Hollywood celebrity. The restoration of Tom Cruise's teeth is a successful intervention in the appearance of a media person, which benefited absolutely everyone, because otherwise the world would not have recognized and appreciated the talent outstanding actor modernity.

How much does a beautiful smile cost?

There are rumors in Hollywood that Tom Cruise, whose teeth are now perfectly straight, spent more than 30 thousand dollars on all the manipulations associated with transforming his smile. However, it is worth noting that his transformation is not the most expensive. For example, Victoria Beckham is the wife of a famous football player, a former participant in the girls' music group, and now a style icon and fashion designer, parted with 40 thousand dollars in pursuit of a stunning smile. George Clooney paid exactly the same price for his snow-white teeth as the hero of today's article, Cruise. Demi Moore and Ben Affleck gave an amount equal to 20 thousand US dollars in pursuit of beauty and aesthetics. And that's not at all full list celebrities who have altered their smiles beyond recognition. But it is worth saying that restoration and other manipulations only benefited each of the above.


Summing up the above, I would like to say that in our time everyone can get rid of their complexes, the main thing is desire and desire. Tom Cruise showed by his example that people may not be ideal, but their zeal and goals will definitely lead to success.

Description of the page: tom cruise before and after teeth from professionals for people.

Tom Cruise's genius as an actor cannot be disputed. It's no surprise that he is one of the most popular people in America. But his current fame would hardly have been possible if he had kept his teeth in their original form. Take a look at the star's before and after photos and be amazed at the changes.

In order to get into Hollywood, Tom Cruise had to work hard on his smile. And there was something to work with.

In childhood and adolescence, the future star had big problems that left him no chance of becoming the country's main sex symbol.

The result exceeded all expectations. Tom Cruise's teeth before and after restoration are unrecognizable. For this reason, he followed all the new products in the field of aesthetic dentistry. Whitening, crowns, veneers, implants, braces - famous actor I used almost all the procedures.

Already popular, Cruise got braces. After all, in addition to installing implants and whitening, he needed to move all his teeth. However, even today you can see that they are located differently from everyone else. For example, Tom's right front tooth is in the center of his face.

Comparing the smile before the changes and today, we can say with confidence that the efforts were not in vain.

Now the favorite of women is not shy to smile in front of journalists’ cameras with all 32 teeth.

Plastic surgery can either help transform a person’s appearance for the better or play against a person. An actor's face is his bread and butter, so everyone has to take good care of themselves. Almost all stars resort to one or another cosmetic procedure. Tom Cruise, long famous for his youthful appearance, has also been seen turning to plastic surgeons. His latest appearance on the Red Carpet raised a lot of questions and confusion.

Tom Cruise plastic surgery

The actor has been appearing as a superhero for decades now. Always muscular, pumped up, with perfect abs, young and lively. Cruise’s appearance, on the one hand, is peculiar, on the other, pleasant and attracting women’s attention.

All his life the actor has been fighting with himself. It is known that in his youth Tom suffered from dyslexia (a peculiar problem with reading and writing). He had to work hard on himself. So he is not used to giving up and putting up with shortcomings. But age, apparently, takes its toll. In the last film, Cruise did not like himself; age-related changes are already visible - a double chin, bags under the eyes, wrinkles.

This state of affairs did not suit the actor, who was accustomed to looking his best. Obviously, that’s why he appeared at the awards ceremony at the BAFTA film festival with clear signs of plastic surgery.

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Even the host of the ceremony, Stephen Fry, could not resist making caustic jokes towards the actor. Tom Cruise was to present the award for Best Picture. But the solemn moment faded into the background in importance. Everyone immediately began to wonder what happened to his face. Also, many viewers and fans in in social networks They sarcastically suggested that he had been bitten by a swarm of bees.

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