The frog is an animal. Interesting facts about frogs. Frogs have a unique respiratory system, because these amphibians breathe both with their lungs and with their mouth and the entire surface of their skin.

What is the difference between a frog and a toad? The frog croaks and the toad presses.

From the story of the frog traveler:
- I’m treating this, I’m treating... I’m treating this, I’m treating... I’m treating this, I’m treating - but IT is not being treated!!!

Frog, why are you so white and fluffy?
- Leave me alone, I have a hangover...

In the country. The frog choir screams so loudly that it is impossible to talk. Stones fly into the water, but a minute later the same thing continues. The owner of the dacha, the Minister of Internal Affairs, approaches. He takes a small pebble and throws it. There is complete silence...
- How did you manage to do this?
- And I’m on topic with the conductor...

Peculiarities of national love: We don’t eat frogs, we marry them.

A man sits and catches fish. A frog emerges from the water and says:
Well the man answers:
- Jump, it’s a shame.
Well, the frog jumped, climbed out onto the shore and asked the man:
- Man, can I fish with you?
Well the man answers:
- Well, half of it, it’s a pity.
They are sitting there catching fish, bam - a toad climbs out of the water:
- Man, can I jump from your float?
Here the frog is like this:
“Well, get out of here, stinky thing,” he turns to the man. “Man, did I say everything correctly?”

Frogs tell their friends:
- Yesterday we went to a disco in a nearby swamp. Before we could arrive, we were fucked.
- Horrible! What will you do now?
- Well... we'll probably go again today.

Two friends meet:
- Hello! How are you?
- Yes, I got married recently.
- Yah! On whom?
- You won't believe it! There's a whole story here. I was walking through the forest one day, and suddenly I saw a frog sitting. And he says to me in a human voice: “Kiss me, good fellow! And I will become a princess - beautiful, economical, smart... And I will marry you!”
- Well, how did you kiss?
- Well... I looked at her - and she was all slimy, covered in warts... I took a stone and hit her in the head - and she really turned into a princess...
- And how, beautiful?
- I have no words! You can't take your eyes off!
- What about economics?
- Not that word! The house is clean, the cooking is excellent...
- And smart?
- No, you stupid fool... Looks like I hit her in the head with a stone...

A crocodile swims across the lake and sees: a frog is covered with pomegranates and lemons.
And he asks:
- Why are you so green and armed?
And she told him:
- Yes, the hippopotamus decided to blow him up because his mouth is so big.
“Nu-Nu,” the crocodile answered, pursing his lips and swam further...

The best toys are live frogs!

The Frog sits on the Hippopotamus's muzzle and complains to the Crocodile:
- What a nasty day it is today! It had been raining since morning and something heavy was stuck to my butt...

A man comes to the market and meets another. He holds a frog on his hand:
- Here he says, a talking frog.
- Can't be. He then clicked the frog, she remained silent. He clicked again.
Silent. The third time he swings, and the frog:
- Quit! Give it a shot!

The frog (Rana) is a representative of the class of amphibians belonging to the order Tailless, the family of true frogs.

Description of the frog

All representatives of frogs do not have a pronounced neck; their head seems to have grown together with a wide and short body. The absence of a tail is reflected in the very name of the order to which these amphibians belong. On the sides of the large and flat head are bulging eyes. Like all land vertebrates, frogs have upper and lower eyelids. Under the lower eyelid you can find a nictitating membrane, the so-called third eyelid.

Behind each eye of a frog there is a place covered with thin skin (tympanic membrane). Two nostrils, which have special valves, are located slightly above the huge mouth with small teeth.

The front legs of the frog, equipped with four toes characteristic of all amphibians, are quite short. The hind legs are highly developed and have five toes. The space between them is covered with a leathery membrane; the fingers of the limbs do not have claws.

The only excretory opening located in the back of the body is the cloacal opening. The frog's body is covered with bare skin, thickly lubricated with mucus, which is secreted by special subcutaneous glands.

The frog's size ranges from 8 mm to 32 cm, and the coloring can be either single-color (brown, yellow, green) or variegated.

Types of frogs

The entire diversity of these amphibians is represented by subfamilies:

  • toad frogs;
  • shield-toed frogs;
  • African wood frogs;
  • real frogs;
  • dwarf frogs;
  • disc-toed frogs.

In total, there are more than 500 species of frogs in the world. In the territory Russian Federation the most common are pond frogs and grass frogs. The world's largest frog reaches a length of 32 cm - this is the Goliath frog. The smallest frog in the world is the leaf frog, measuring 2 cm. In general, all types of frogs amaze with their diversity in size and color.

Where does the frog live?

The distribution area of ​​frogs is huge. Due to the fact that representatives of this species are cold-blooded, it does not include areas with a critical climate. You will not find a frog in the sandy deserts of Africa, on the ice fields of Taimyr, Greenland and Antarctica. Some New Zealand islands were once not part of the frog's native areas, but now have distinct populations of the animals. The distribution of some species of frogs can be limited by both natural causes (mountain ranges, rivers, deserts, etc.) and man-made ones (highways, canals). In tropical conditions, the diversity of species is much greater than in areas with temperate or cold climates. There are certain species of frogs that are quite capable of living in salt water or even in the Arctic Circle.

Frogs are very interesting animals. They belong to the class of amphibious amphibians. Today, scientists have counted only 16 species of amphibians and about 340 species of frogs themselves. Frogs inhabit all continents except Antarctica. The variety of their species is enormous. There are frogs that change color like a chameleon, fly, and some African species can burrow in the ground like piglets. Frogs are the most numerous amphibians; they belong to the most common amphibians on our planet.

An interesting site offers to learn a little more about these strange and not always pleasant creatures.

These animals love warmth and moisture, so most species live in tropical areas. A characteristic feature of all frogs is their singing (croaking). What do frogs eat? Frogs feed mainly on insects, more large species They hunt fish, lizards and even... small birds. When an amphibian sees a potential prey, it instantly throws out its tongue, covered with a sticky substance, which quickly grabs the prey and instantly pulls it into its mouth. Due to the not very developed sense of hearing and smell, when hunting, frogs are guided mainly by vision.

Very angry frog)))

Frogs lead a very diverse lifestyle. Most species never leave the water or the shores of a reservoir, but there are some that come to the water only when laying eggs. The eggs hatch into tadpoles that resemble small fish, which will only become similar to adult frogs after the change.

Perhaps the most characteristic feature of these amphibians is their croaking. This sound is important during the mating period, as well as in determining territory. It indicates the distance at which individual individuals of the same species live. Frogs have colors that provide them with ideal camouflage among plants.

Flying frog.

One of the most interesting species, the so-called flying frog, which lays eggs not in ponds, but on the leaves of trees, where it lives. Contrary to its name, the amphibian cannot fly, but thanks to the membranes between its fingers and the special shape of its body, it is able to soar over considerable distances, jumping from branch to branch or from one tree to another. If the tree chosen for the frog looks attractive enough, it can fly even a distance of up to 15 meters. Bending the body can even change the direction of flight.

Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum is known as the transparent frog. Her skin is transparent to such an extent that everything can be seen through it internal organs. The reason for this is the lack of pigmentation. The frog lives in Ecuador. Its natural habitat is subtropical and tropical humid mountains and rivers. The frog is very small, about the size of a fingernail.

The toad family includes 16 species of amphibians: cascade, melodious, clinotarsus, tuberculate, shore, Burmese, brown, bullfrog, long-legged, Ryukyuan, green, copepod and false copepod, grass, rice and shore frog.

Of the 340 species of frogs living on the planet, we can find the following species: Dalmatian frog, lake frog, Moor frog, gull frog, grass frog and the so-called edible frog.

Did you know that the largest frog in the world is the shy goliath, living in the rivers of Cameroon it reaches 33 cm in length and weighs up to 3 kg!

The world's smallest frog is found on the islands Papua New Guinea and has a size of 7.7 mm.

There are frogs that, when a pond dries out, bury themselves in the mud and fall into a lethargic sleep. Representatives of this species sleep until it rains.

In Africa there lives the pig frog, so called because its nose is shaped like a pig's nose. She digs holes with this nose.

There is a species of frog that does not have a tongue. When they catch prey, they help themselves with their front paws.

The frogs that live in the fast streams of the Rocky Mountains are deaf because of the continuous noise of the water flowing from the mountains.

Some species are able to change color. Like a chameleon, they change body color, adapting it to the environment.

There are hairy frogs, so they are called because of the long thin processes on the skin. This species has sharp claws that can scratch a person's hand until it bleeds.

Most species of frogs cannot drink, so they absorb the water the body needs through the skin during water baths.

The so-called Darwin's frogs carry their offspring in their mouths and do this until the frogs are able to get food on their own.

Frogs are considered one of the most interesting species of amphibians that live on our planet. However, they are no different from their counterparts in any way. For many, they are simply disgusting: cold, slippery, wet. However, as a species they are quite interesting, and behind their apparent unremarkability lies a lot of interesting things. People who are partial to these types of amphibians and have observed them for a long time have made many interesting discoveries about their habits, lifestyle, habitats, etc. In this article, we decided to reveal to you the most interesting things about frogs. At the same time, we will try to talk in more detail about some species of these animals, including those that do not even exist in nature. What, are you intrigued? Read and you will understand everything yourself.

Types of frogs

These amphibians inhabit almost all parts of the planet. They can live in lakes, rivers, swamps, on the ground, on trees, and even deep in a meter-thick layer of clay. Depending on this, there are three main types of tree frogs and toads. The first are amphibians that have smooth but slightly lumpy skin, webbed hind legs and teeth that are located on the top of the jaw. They can be very small, but also quite large. The largest representative is Interesting Facts it arouses the curiosity of many naturalists. For a frog, she's just a giant. Its weight can reach up to three kilograms. It can reach almost a meter (90 cm) in length. Thanks to her strong limbs, she is capable of jumping 3 meters. In addition, these creatures are completely mute. They never make even a faint sound resembling a croak. But the smallest ones live on the island of Cuba. Their body length is about a centimeter.


For many, a toad is big frog. However, this is not at all true. They differ from each other not only in size, but also in some other features. For example, toads have no teeth, and their skin has pronounced tubercles. Compared to frogs, toad skin is darker and drier. They have parotid glands behind their eyes. They are well developed. Toads also live mainly on land. The process of their reproduction occurs in reservoirs. The biggest toad in the world is aha. She's poisonous. But the smallest individual of this species is 2.5 cm long. These interesting facts about frogs are 100% reliable.

Surely many have heard about the three-legged toad and think that such a special species lives in nature. However, it is a mythical animal, and it only exists as a talisman made from various materials. Further in the article we will present interesting facts about the three-legged toad.

This is a symbol of wealth. It is made with a coin in the mouth. They say that she attracts not only material well-being, but can also make a person successful and prosperous. This talisman can be either metal (gold, silver, bronze, steel, etc.) or made from certain types of semi-precious stones. From its name it becomes clear that it has not four, but three legs, and its eyes are made of bright red crystals. This toad is usually sitting on a stack of coins or a bar of gold. Sometimes, instead of a coin, she holds a pearl in her mouth. There are legends associated with the three-legged toad in Buddhism. According to one, Buddha turned a villainous robber who robbed people into a toad. On the way to Buddha, he lost his leg, God spared his life, but turned him into a toad, which must spit out the money it stole for the rest of its days. Here are some interesting facts about frogs.

Tree frogs

Compared to toads and even frogs, tree frogs are the smallest. Their distinguishing feature is the widened discs on their toes, with which they climb upward. Some of their species even “fly”, or rather, glide. Thanks to this property they are saved from their enemies.

In this chapter we present to your attention interesting information about these amazing animals. And the first thing we want to tell you is related to their anatomical features. So, the list of “Interesting facts about frogs” begins with information that they are designed in such a way that frogs can simultaneously look in different directions: forward, up, sideways. Frogs almost always leave their eyes open, only occasionally closing them during sleep. Another fact is related to the bactericidal properties of frog skin. Despite the fact that it has an unaesthetic appearance and is slippery to the touch, it is capable of disinfecting. For this purpose, our ancestors also threw frogs into containers filled with milk so that it would not turn sour. Frogs live on average for about 20 years, although there are some that live up to 40. Because frogs have many enemies, some of them, such as the hairy frog, keep their eggs in their mouths, and the snub-nosed frog in their stomach. These amphibians do not drink water. Moisture enters their body through the skin. Here are the frogs for you. The most interesting facts about them are yet to come. Some frogs sing like birds, and they are specially kept in houses for this purpose. Isn't that interesting?

Most most

It turns out that one of the species of frogs, namely the cocoa frog, which lives in the jungle, is considered the most poisonous land animal in the world. No cobra can compare with it in the degree of toxicity of its venom. It is several thousand times stronger than potassium cyanide.

Good luck symbol

Interesting facts about frogs are varied. For example, in Japan they are considered a symbol of happiness and good luck. The ancient Egyptians associated frogs with the resurrection of the dead and even mummified them. The Egyptians probably noticed that some frogs “die”, that is, they go into hibernation, and then “reborn” - they come out of hibernation.

Pregnancy Determinant

There is a type of frog - clawed frogs, with which you can determine whether a woman is pregnant or not. To do this, a woman's urine is injected under the skin of the frog. If after five hours the frog lays eggs, then the answer is yes.

Oddities of frogs

Have you heard of Small child was larger than its parent. “Only in science fiction movies,” you will probably answer. However, in some species of frogs, some tadpoles can reach a length of 25 cm, while large individuals are no more than 6 cm.

Glass frog: interesting facts about this type of amphibian

Unlike the three-legged frog, such frogs actually exist in the world. Why were they called that? Here's why. They have a completely transparent abdomen, and therefore all internal organs are visible. They live in South America on the trees. They descend from them only during the mating season.

Do all frogs croak?

As we have already said, goliath frogs are mute, and some Japanese frogs can sing like birds. In addition, there are frogs that shout “ribbit”, others snore, cackle, grunt, grumble, ring, etc. So croaking is not characteristic of all species of these animals. At the same time, females are silent, but males are much more talkative.

As a conclusion

As you can see, facts about frogs are very interesting and sometimes funny. After all, no one imagined that the animal we call a frog could turn out to be mute, or that frogs, like birds, live in trees, and moreover, can perform bird trills and simply burst into beautiful singing. But the fact that there are frogs that are the most poisonous in the world makes us take a different look at these seemingly harmless animals.

frogs- family tailless amphibians, a contemporary of both man and dinosaur. frog captured the longest experience of struggle for existence in the history of life on land. This led to the universality of its anatomy and physiology, providing a unique adaptation to life in the border zone. Like millions of years ago, the frog begins its life in water. A tadpole develops from eggs laid in water. So far, it differs little from fish fry. But then a series of transformations begins, consisting of about thirty transitional stages, which helps the frog adapt to life on land, and the tadpole turns from a “fish” into a land animal (metamorphosis).

Very interesting question: What helps a frog adapt to life on land?

And all the adaptations that appeared during the transformation of a tadpole into a frog help the frog adapt to life on land. First, the tadpole develops its hind legs, and then its front legs. The lungs begin to develop. After a while, it rises to the surface of the water and swallows air, the tail gradually shortens. The tadpole becomes an amphibian, after which it comes ashore. And lives on land having adapted as it should.

From now on, the frog will live on land, or more precisely, on the border of land and water. Constant communication with aquatic environment imposes on the biology of frogs whole line characteristic features. The tadpole breathed through gills, A adult frog breathes through the mouth, lungs and skin. Such a large set of respiratory organs is characteristic only of amphibians. While the frog is in the water, it breathes through its skin, and when it is on land, it breathes through its mouth and lungs. The circulatory system is also universal. Two parts of the heart work in water, and mixed blood flows through the body. On land, the left atrium comes into operation, and blood that is already purely arterial and saturated with oxygen enters the brain. Thus, with each dive, the frog’s respiratory organs are instantly switched off.

While the frog is on the ground, it's not difficult to catch her. But you can’t catch it in the water. The hind limbs are long and consist of ten bones - levers. And the forelimbs are a superbly “thought-out” device for a “soft landing”. The skin of frogs is bare and covered with mucus, and therefore their activity depends on humidity and air temperature. It goes hunting at dusk, as the coolness increases. In cold and dry weather, frogs huddle in shelters.

When it's time for winter, frog sinks to the bottom.

Body color is affected not only by temperature, but also by background color, light, and humidity. Frogs perceive changes in these factors directly through their skin.

One of the most original adaptations to living conditions in the border zone between land and water is frog hearing aid. It turns out that she perceives sound signals through three channels. In the air, sound waves are captured by the cells of the inner ear, through the eardrum and ear bone. Sounds traveling through the soil are perceived by the bones and muscles of the limbs and are transmitted through the bones of the skull to the inner ear.

Frog looks dispassionately at the world with two large round eyes. They may not be very expressive, but there is no doubt that they are unique. When studying frog eyes It turned out that the retina analyzes information using special cells. They were called detectors - “detecting”. Each type of detector responds only to strictly defined properties of objects, for example, the movement of a stimulus in a certain direction. Each type of irritation is transmitted along its own fiber of the optic nerve to a certain layer of the brain. The received information is processed in the brain, and the animal perceives the object as a whole.

frogs unpretentious and indiscriminate in food, they can go hungry for a day or a week. They eat butterflies, bees, wasps and other moving insects. eats fish fry.

For many decades, physiologists have been using frogs in a variety of experiments. Observations and experiments with them made it possible to make so many important discoveries that they even erected frog monuments.

Tree frogs or tree frogs

A small and very graceful frog; found in Ukraine and the Caucasus, lives on trees and bushes. She can hold tightly to the foliage and move along it due to the fact that her fingers are equipped with suction pads at the ends. The color of the tree frog is perfectly adapted to the environment in which it lives: it is usually grassy green - matching the color of the foliage, but in other environments the color can change to brown or grayish. Male tree frogs scream very loudly, inflating the resonator. To spawn, tree frogs descend into reservoirs, but remain there for a very short time and soon return to the trees.

Suriname frog

Bright color Suriname frog warns predators that attempting to feast on it will result in death. Indians of the Amazon basin smear frog poison, one of the deadliest, on arrow tips. The poison strikes nervous system and causes blood clotting.

Goliath frog

They live in waterfalls of fast and deep rivers. They need high humidity, so frogs Avoid places heavily illuminated by the sun. The water should be richly saturated with oxygen, contain no tannic acid, and be no warmer than 23 degrees and no colder than 16-17 degrees. These giant frogs They live secretly, spending most of the day in the water or among rocks, which are very difficult to reach. Catching a goliath is extremely difficult and requires great dexterity and skill. Local residents catch them with a net with small cells. The net is thrown from afar so that the frog does not see it.

P align="justify"> Externally a goliath looks like an ordinary frog. Its wrinkled skin on its back is greenish-brown, its abdomen and the inside of its paws are yellowish and whitish. Eye diameter can reach 3.3 centimeters, the ear is small, without a shell. These frogs do not make any sound. Some researchers estimate maximum weight of goliaths six kilograms, and the length, if the hind legs are extended, is 60 centimeters. True, these figures are somewhat inflated, but there is no doubt that the goliath is the largest frog in existence. There is no noticeable difference between the male and female, although the latter is slightly larger.

Photo of Goliath frog

For a long time, the development of goliaths remained unknown; scientists searched in vain for their tadpoles. But somehow the female laid eggs in one of the terrariums. They were between five and six millimeters in diameter. Now scientists knew what the eggs of these frogs looked like, and began to look for them everywhere where the goliaths lived. With great difficulty, it was possible to discover the eggs, which were attached to the bush of the plant.

Goliath female begins to lay eggs during the dry season. In 5-6 days she lays more than 10 thousand eggs. Development from egg to frog takes approximately 70 days. The tadpole is initially 8 millimeters long, but at 45 days of age it reaches a maximum size of 4.8 centimeters. After this, the tail disappears.

Studies of the stomach contents of goliaths have shown that they feed mainly on insects, but do not disdain crayfish, mollusks, amphibian insects and spiders. Even the remains of small rodents were found in their stomachs.

At first, the main enemies of frogs are birds and, possibly, some fish. The goliaths later become prey for crocodiles.

Local residents of Cameroon and Rio Muni, where these frogs live, consider their meat excellent. It is white and tender, and the front paws are a special delicacy...

For now, we can be confident in the safety of these representatives of the animal world. It is very difficult to catch goliaths, and they live in places almost inaccessible to humans. But since this concerns a species that can hardly adapt to other living conditions, everything must be done to preserve goliath frogs.

Goliath frog - video

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