Paper weapon diagrams to print. How to make a gun out of paper? Advice for cool guys

It's no secret that boys love to play war games; they always have soldiers, cars and, of course, weapons.

But the same gun can be easily made from paper. Here is an example of the simple way How to make a gun out of paper using the origami technique, without glue or scissors.

Fold a sheet of paper into stripes.

Bend it in the same way as shown in the figure.

The finished weapon looks like the photo below.

Materials needed to make a paper gun

To learn how to make a gun out of paper, follow the simple recommendations described below.

You will need:

  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • A4 paper.

Instructions for making a gun from paper

When everything is prepared, you can begin. How to make a hunting rifle out of paper? Let's look at this in more detail.

  1. Roll the sheet into a tube and secure it with tape so that it does not fall apart. Make another tube of the same diameter.
  2. Roll the sheet into a tube with a slightly larger diameter so that the previous tubes can fit into this one.
  3. Insert sheets rolled into smaller tubes on both sides into the latter. Secure with tape.
  4. Make another such long tube consisting of three sheets. Trim so that the length is the same and glue them together.
  5. Now we need to make the butt. To do this, take two sheets of paper and cut out identical oblong trapezoids from them. Cover thoroughly with tape on all sides. Insert and glue the stock between the tubes.
  6. Cover the stock with a new, flat piece of paper to make it look nice.
  7. Roll the two sheets into two separate thin strips. Form one into a circle. And fold the other in half and put it on the circle so that three centimeters are in the middle of the circle.
  8. Insert this structure from below under the rifle. You guessed it, it will be the trigger.
  9. You can also make a sight by twisting another strip into a circle and gluing it to the top.

That's all. Now you know how to make a gun out of paper. It's easy and fast. And boys will be interested to see the process of making weapons.

And here is another interesting scheme, thanks to which you can also make a gun.

Paper weapons that shoot

But many will rightly note that a gun that does not shoot is a very dubious and uninteresting toy.

Therefore, below are instructions on how to make a gun out of paper that shoots. This task will be a little more difficult, but playing with such a gun will be much more interesting.

You will need:

  • colored paper of your choice;
  • White paper;
  • scotch;
  • hot glue.

Let's make a shooting weapon out of paper together

See how to make a gun out of paper.

Load the bullets into the top hole and pull the trigger. Here's a toy. Well, so we figured out how to make a gun with our own hands from paper.

There are many different schemes and ways to build a weapon out of paper, and even one that shoots. Start with the simple ideas suggested by origami, moving on to more complex techniques. This way you can collect a whole arsenal at home and play big company until you get tired of it.

And such activities are also useful for children, because they develop hand motor skills and accuracy.

Model for your collection.

CAR-15 (Colt Automatic Rifle-15) - Adopted as the XM-177E1 Commando. Since the early 60s, Colt’s Manufacturing Company began actively offering the Colt AR-15 rifle for adoption by the American army. In mid-1964, a whole range of different options were developed on its basis, the most interesting of which was a short carbine.

Model for your collection.
FN SCAR - A weapon system developed by the American division of the Belgian company FN Herstal to participate in the competition to create a new machine gun for US SOCOM soldiers in 2003.
In December 2004, this system was declared the winner of the competition, and the rifles are currently entering service with the US Rangers.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
One of the reasons why the Mauser pistol became popular among revolutionaries, White Guards and bandits, during Civil War- its enormous, for those times, power.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
AK and its modifications are the most common small arms in the world. According to available estimates, up to 1/5 of all small arms available on Earth belong to this type (including licensed and unlicensed copies, as well as third-party developments based on AK firearms. According to many experts, it is the standard of reliability and ease of maintenance.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
The M40 is an American sniper rifle designed on the basis of the Remington 40ХВ (which in turn is an improved version of the Remington 700).
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
The rifle was chambered for the .300 Winchester Magnum (.300 Win. Mag.). This cartridge was created on the basis of the large-caliber .338 Winchester Magnum cartridge (providing high accuracy at medium ranges and used by police snipers).
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
Uzi is a family of submachine guns produced by the Israeli concern Israel Military Industries (IMI). The name "Uzi" was given in honor of the weapon designer Uziel Gal.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
The 7.62-mm Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD, GRAU Index - 6B1) is a sniper rifle developed in 1958-1963 by a group of designers led by Evgeniy Dragunov.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
The Kriss Super V submachine gun is currently an experimental model undergoing testing with the participation of the US Army ARDEC.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
The HK UMP 45 is a submachine gun developed by the German company Heckler & Koch in the 1990s as an addition to the HK MP5 family of submachine guns.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

It may seem incredible, but it is quite possible to make weapons out of paper. And not just any resemblance that vaguely resembles a machine gun, pistol or rifle, but an exact copy of almost any type small arms. There are craftsmen who reproduce even heavier and more massive weapons, like RPGs (grenade launchers) or even mortars. To do this, you need to be an avid fan of weapons and have remarkable patience, because you need to study for more than one year to achieve a decent result.

Such craftsmen are conventionally divided into two movements. Some strive to achieve perfect resemblance to the original samples. To do this, they carefully study photographs, drawings and other characteristics, noting even the smallest details of the design. After that, they begin directly to manufacturing and painting their product. The result is a paper gun that looks absolutely identical to the real thing. This is the highest level of skill that still needs to be reached, which not everyone can do.

Other fans of weapons are more interested in their technical component and do not need absolute similarity with the metal original. They make shooting models. True, they shoot with paper bullets and the power of such weapons is not great; at most they can pierce a piece of newspaper from a few meters. But only very high-quality samples are capable of this. In general, the main goal of such modellers is to recreate the mechanisms of a rifle, pistol, etc. as accurately as possible. However, achieving such an effect is extremely difficult. This is preceded by a lot of research and experimentation. But in any case, you need to start with the most basic.

For those who have decided to take the difficult path of making weapons from paper with their own hands, the World Wide Web will come to the rescue. It’s enough just to type in a search engine the queries “how to make a weapon out of paper” or “how to make a gun out of paper” and they will receive a lot of information on this issue, mainly video materials. Serious enthusiasts will initially be disappointed by the simplicity of the proposed solutions for organizing paper model shooting. Most tutorials describe the wind method of firing. To do this, you simply need to insert the hollow tube into the model. But this is the simplest option. An equally popular, but slightly more complex mechanism, based on the principle of shooting from a slingshot, for which a rubber band is mainly used. But children can also come up with such options. Keen modelers need more interesting solutions. But the situation is complicated by the inability to use flammable substances such as gunpowder due to the fact that paper is highly flammable. At first glance, there is only one option left - to use pneumatic mechanisms, but not everything is so smooth here.

If you dig around the World Wide Web more, you can find a guide on how to make a gun out of paper that will shoot without problems. Oddly enough, this does not require special materials or special equipment. Everything you need can be found in your office or home. First of all, this is thick A4 paper, tape, a stationery knife, scissors and a thin elastic band for banknotes. That's all you need.

So, how to make an origami paper gun that shoots? There is no point in describing this process in detail because there are a huge number of videos on this subject on the Internet, but it is simply necessary to give some practical advice. First of all, the main parts of the weapon must be made in the form of tubes from rolled sheets of paper. This is the method that will give it the necessary rigidity. In this case, these parts should be made from solid sheets; cutting and saving them is not recommended. And finally, the golden rule of paper modeling is more paper, the stronger and more powerful the weapon will be.

When making a pistol with your own hands from paper, special attention should be paid to the barrel. To ensure its reliability, the seam must be carefully taped. Another one important detail pistol - handle. You should also not spare paper on it; it should consist of at least two A4 sheets. Of course, all other parts of the weapon must be firmly attached to it with tape. Another important point is to glue the trigger only on the side where it touches the paper cylinder - the barrel. The same thing needs to be done on it in the same place. This is done in order to reduce the friction of the trigger when pressing it, which significantly reduces the effort required for this and extends the service life of the weapon.

In addition to high-quality spare parts and assembly, due attention must be paid to the manufacture of ammunition. The most important thing here is that the bullet is the same diameter as the barrel. If it is larger, it will increase friction during shooting and worsen its performance; this will also happen if the ammunition has a caliber smaller than that of the barrel. If you follow these simple rules, you can already create fairly reliable and powerful paper weapons in the first few stages. Is it true appearance it will be quite far from the original. But later you can bring your skills to perfection and make amazing shooting copies of weapons. The pistol is just an elementary example, with which everyone is recommended to begin their journey into the fascinating world of modeling.

Here is the simplest manufacturing example. In fact, there are a huge number of options and methods for such modeling. Studying the ancient art of origami can help create exact copies of models; weapons can also be created from paper along with other objects. True, you will have to pay a lot of attention to this and acquire patience. But if you set a goal, this type of modeling can become an exciting hobby that has no age restrictions.

In order to make a gun out of paper, you will need two strips of different lengths.

1. Roll the strips along the wide side 6-7 times to obtain round tubes. One of the pipes will serve as the muzzle of our pistol, and the other will be its handle.

2. Bend the parts of the future pistol in half.

3. Take a short piece and fold its ends into reverse side from the holes.

4. Take the long piece and pull it through the short loop.

5. Our pistol is assembled.

How to make a revolver out of paper?

In order to make it from paper, you will need two A4 sheets.

1. Take an A4 sheet and fold it along the wide side 6-7 times to form a tube.

2. Bend the resulting tube in half.

3. Bend the ends of the workpiece with holes at an angle of 120 degrees.

4. The barrel of the gun and its handle are ready.

5. Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half and cut into equal parts. For the drum we only need one part. Take it and roll it along the wide side 6-7 times to get a tube.

6. This tube will serve as a drum for our revolver.

7. Wrap the resulting tube around the barrel blank with the handle several times.

8. Bend the ends sticking out in front inside the revolver and insert them into the slot of the revolver drum.

9. Fold the remaining part of the A4 sheet in half and cut it. Roll one part of the sheet along the long side into a tube. Roll the other part along the short side into a tube.

10. Insert the resulting tubes into the revolver blank.

11. The cowboys' weapons are ready.

How to make a gun out of paper?

In order to make a gun, you will need two rectangular sheets of different lengths.

1. Roll the strips along the wide side 6-7 times to obtain round tubes.

2. Bend the resulting tubes in half and iron the fold with your hand.

3. Take a long piece and bend part of it inward so that a protruding corner is formed. Bend the ends of the short workpiece at angles of 120 degrees.

4. Insert the ends of the long piece with the holes into the resulting loop of the short piece and pull them with a little force to secure.

5. The hunting rifle is done.

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