Pakhom from the “Battle of Psychics” - where does he live and what does he do? Interview with Sergei Pakhomov about participation in the “Battle of Psychics” How he left the battle of psychics with his groin

If you watched the “Battle of Psychics,” you probably might have been attracted to the good-natured and eccentric psychic Sergei Pakhomov - many people want to know how to get an appointment with him. However, few people have managed to do this so far.

In the article:

How to get an appointment with Sergei Pakhomov

But, even taking into account the huge number of fans, Pakhom does not seek to follow the path of extrasensory perception and esotericism. It seems that he in no way wants to turn his gift into a source of additional income. And the strange little man has plenty of other activities - he acts in films, draws pictures and is even the art director of several modern glossy magazines. You can read more about other activities in a separate article dedicated to.

Where does Sergei Pakhomov live?

Information about where Sergei Pakhomov lives is also inaccessible to ordinary people. Despite the huge number of fans, the grandfather is in no hurry to become an overly public figure and only occasionally appears at various festivals. Many contemporary artists note that Pakhom can often be found at private and small creative parties dedicated to contemporary art.

However, the miracle grandfather Pakhom now lives in Moscow - in the city where he was born. However, he is almost always on the move, and almost no one knows his exact place of residence.

However, finding him is not too difficult - you just need to visit any of his events, which are very loudly announced in certain circles of fans of contemporary art. It should be noted that grandfather Pakhom is a very sympathetic person who never shies away from communicating with his admirers, so instead of thinking about how to get an appointment with Sergei Pakhomov, you can simply come to any of his events - be it an exhibition, stand-up performance or music concert.

Contacts of psychic Sergei Pakhomov

It is not known whether Sergei will publish his contact information to a wider audience in the future, however, now they are not available anywhere. It is worth noting that this the psychic has no official page not on any of the modern social networks, but other people impersonate him and impersonate him long before the show for the purpose of entertainment or, especially after Pakhom’s amazing successes, for the purpose of fraud.

It is possible to find psychic contacts in various arthouse establishments Moscow or St. Petersburg, however, it is far from a fact that you will succeed the first time, since the psychic grandfather does not really like being disturbed by people unfamiliar to him.

In general, we can say that as a psychic Pakhom has not yet declared his practice open to everyone, however, if desired, finding him and achieving a personal meeting with him will be much easier and cheaper than with most other, even less talented participants " Battles of Psychics."

In contact with

Sergei Pakhomov, famous under the nickname “Pakhom” or “The One Who Went,” is a talented actor of the informal underground since 1998, the creator of many film scripts, a musician, an interior design artist, paints in the avant-garde style and is an artist of solo club humor.

Sergei graduated from art school, and later from a college of the same direction. Over time, the artist’s works appear at exhibitions in Moscow, and then outside the country. It is known that in 1984 Pakhom was in a mental hospital, where he was sent by the commission conscripting him for the Afghan war.

Sergei worked as an art director in three magazines, recorded his own albums and not only that.

In 2015, he took part in the television show “Battle of Psychics” and was remembered by the audience for his originality.

Participation in the show as a psychic

Pakhom calls himself a “holy fool” psychic. According to him, extrasensory talent was manifested in childhood, appearing in visions, states of shock and advice appearing out of nowhere for people in difficult situations. By expressing himself in creativity, the psychic thereby practices magic.

Many people who do not have any information about the life of grandfather Pakhom may rightly mistake him for a homeless person. This is evidenced by his sloppy, sometimes torn clothes, shoes and his entire appearance. But a famous creative person cannot end up homeless.

In what city does grandfather Pakhom live?

Sergei Pakhomov is a native Muscovite who still lives in the city of Moscow.

It is known that for some period while taking part in exhibitions, Pakhom lived not only in Russia, but also outside the country:

  • 1985-1988 - Moscow, Russia;
  • 1988 – Donetsk, now Ukraine;
  • 1992 – New York, United States of America;
  • 1994 – Vienna, Austria;
  • 1993-2009 – Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia.

In addition, it is well known that for 2 years (1988-2000) Pakhomov studied contemporary art in New York, Paris (where he also performed at a concert with the group “Maroon 5”), Marseille, and Berlin. What impressed him most was New York and its bustling existence.

The secret of personal life

Sergei Pakhomov in his interview in March 2007 said that he does not have a wife, but at the same time he is the adoptive father of Vanya’s son. Already in April 2007, the psychic refuted his recent words with information about the presence of a stamp in the passport and two sons - seventeen and eighteen years old. But this in no way prevents him from enjoying the company of young girls.

For a long time no one knew either his wife’s name or how she met on his life path. Only in 2013, all the cards were revealed - Sergei Igorevich Pakhomov is connected by marriage with the former editor-in-chief of ELLE Decor magazine, Elena Tokareva. Where the family is now and whether they live together is not known to the media.

Current activities of grandfather Pakhom

Such a bright and multifaceted person as Sergei Pakhomov, even today, appears on stage with lectures and comedic monologues in solo comedy shows (stand-up comedy), participates in the filming of films, is engaged in interior design and presents exhibitions of his films. The owner of supernatural abilities is undoubtedly talented in many ways.

Pakhom performed at the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art with the program “Saving Cry,” and the audience who came to see it was divided into two opposing camps.

The first, larger one, is young people who know Pakhom thanks to “The Green Elephant” - a film shot in 1998 - 1999 with an amateur camera in the so-called “trash” genre and which gained incredible popularity on social networks due to its banter over taboo topics. And the second part of the audience who came to Pakhom’s performance in St. Petersburg were TNT viewers who knew the artist as a very strong psychic who participated in the 16th season of “Battle” and successfully passed all the tests, and then suddenly left the project of his own free will.

Let’s say right away that those who read on the poster “Correction of fate by screaming. The unique technique of Grandfather Pakhom” and, having bought tickets at prices ranging from 400 to 1000 rubles, came to Erarta hoping for a miracle, but were disappointed. Although, maybe the miracle did happen after all, because faith in psychics has been shaken.

Grandfather Pakhom (although, by Carlson’s standards, he is not a grandfather at all, but a man in the prime of his life - Sergei Igorevich is only 49 years old) began his speech like this:

The organizers told me that there were a lot of women of Balzac’s age in the hall. I beg you very much, give me notes, and I will answer them.

And while the audience was thinking about what to ask Pakhom, the artist, together with his stage partner Alexei Borisov, who is responsible for the musical atmosphere, began his performance. He began with the autobiographical minimalist play “Kurlyk. Start".

I made my first “kurlyk” during the filming of “The Green Elephant,” which became the film of an entire generation, which I was very surprised by. That “kurlyk” was spontaneous, born of youth, sensuality and a certain scald. And my second “kurlyk” was conscious, it happened 20 years later, where people talk with the world of secrets (we are talking about the “Battle of Psychics.” - Ed.). I made the second “kurlyk” so that people would think that I am a consistent person, and so that everyone would understand that stupidity is steadily taking over the world,” said Pakhom.

According to him, the second “kurlyk” pronounced at the “Battle of Psychics” became very public and was loved by all honest people. But for those in the know who watched “The Green Elephant,” this “kurlyk” raised a very pressing question: how can a person who ate his own feces in front of the camera be a psychic?

Actually, this question was asked to Pakhom in one of the notes. And the artist gave the following answer: “Why can’t a shit-eater be a psychic? On the other hand, to become a psychic, you need to be a shit eater, right?” Most of the audience, consisting of fans of The Green Elephant, who had stolen this film for Internet memes, rejoiced, while the other began to mentally prepare to leave Erarta.

Then Pakhom played music on a white piano, calling the not very harmonious sounds emitted by the instrument healing. Then he delighted the audience with quotes from the same Svetlana Baskova film “The Green Elephant”, as well as the film “Five Bottles of Vodka”, which tells about the behind-the-scenes life of a metropolitan bar.

I doubt whether I am one of the ladies of Balzac’s age, but I would like to ask. I’m interested in a question about my health, but I’ll ask another: can a person influence his own destiny or is everything in God’s hands? - Pakhom read one of the notes.

Pakhom replied that you need to take care of your health, listening to him from the age of 25, and as for fate, a person is given very little... He stated that only the collective can save people from destruction, called for uniting into “sects”, which in essence are families, talked about the insane, said that he had not drunk for four years, again remembered the “Green Elephant”, because most of the audience demanded it. And the last question from the audience who came to see the psychic, and not the arthouse artist, concerned the reasons why Pakhom voluntarily left the TNT project.

I took part in the “Battle of Psychics” consciously, because, firstly, I thought that I had something to tell, and secondly, I believed that with my subconscious script I could infiltrate the already prepared one. I realized that the “Battle of Psychics” - the only place, where you can, without shame, talk about such things as kindness, love, help, compassion, forgotten in the television format. And I left the “Battle” because I had exhausted myself. And if I had stayed, I would have turned into rag doll, which would not suit me personally,” Pakhom said. “But I’m glad that the audience loved me.”

And then the artist began to perform his songs: “Life is a merry carnival,” something not very decent about borscht of love, and much more in the same style. Pakhom and Borisov really “pumped up” the audience who went to see the art figure, made others laugh, and puzzled others... But the show clearly did not leave anyone indifferent, judging by

Sergey Pakhom Pakhomov is a showman, underground actor, avant-garde musician, outrageous artist and show participant. He left a noticeable mark on cinema, appearing in the title role in the film “The Green Elephant,” and his music album “Boncha” was called “the first real Russian rap.”

Childhood and youth

Sergei Pakhomov (more often known under the pseudonym Pakhom) was born in Moscow in 1966. His patronizing zodiac sign turned out to be Scorpio. According to him, at the age of 5 he was sent to one of the capital’s music schools, from which he graduated in violin class. But Pakhom gave up playing the instrument after a tragic accident: one day, while walking along an icy street, my mother slipped and fell on the violin.

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In addition to playing the instrument, Sergei Pakhomov was already interested in drawing in early childhood. To develop his artistic talent, he graduated from 2 institutions. He completed his education at the Krasnopresnenskaya Art School in 1981.

After her, Pakhom studied at the capital's art and industrial school, graduating in 1985. Here the guy became interested in icon painting and Russian painting techniques.

Sergei "Pakhom" Pakhomov in childhood and youth ( "Facebook")

In his youth, Pakhomov began to show interest in music and sports. He played in various musical groups and practiced wrestling. Pakhom reports that a year before graduating from college, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital named after Kashchenko, where the draft board sent him, instead of sending him to the war in Afghanistan.

In the mid-80s, the artist took part in chamber art exhibitions held in apartments and clubs. But in the late 80s he got the opportunity to demonstrate his skills at painting exhibitions in Russia and abroad, in particular in New York and Austria.


From 1988 to 2000, Sergei Pakhomov had the opportunity to study contemporary art in Europe and America. I was able to visit Paris, Berlin and Marseille.

Psychic Pakhom also worked as an art director in glossy magazines. From 2002 to 2007, he edited the publication Elle Decor as an artist. In 2008, he was acting art director of Marie Claire magazine, and in July 2009, Pakhom was hired for the same position in the editorial office of the Russian version of Elle.

Films and TV projects

Pakhom became famous for his roles in the notorious films directed by Svetlana Baskova “The Green Elephant”, “Cocky the Running Doctor”, “Five Bottles of Vodka” and others. Baskova herself compares her collaboration with Pakhomov to a relationship and, emphasizing that the underground actor is an “integral part” of her films.

Sergey "Pakhom" Pakhomov and Svetlana Baskova ( "In contact with")

Sergei Pakhomov is more critical, calling his work in cinema (and not only in it) “a mixture of idiocy and absurdity.” Pakhom’s most notable film work was the role of a village peasant, a “traveled” junior officer in the film “The Green Elephant”, where the hero relieves himself on camera. His partner in the plot was , who plays the role of “brother”.

The film was created over 2 days. It was difficult for the actors to overcome their own fears while playing in some scenes. The absurd and cruel plot of the film was intended as a protest against Chechen war.

Sergei Pakhomov and Vladimir Epifantsev starred in the film "The Green Elephant" ( "Facebook")

As an actor, Sergei also appeared in the director’s TV series. He starred in several episodes of her “School”, as well as in “A Short Course in a Happy Life” (as a swinger) and “May Tapes”. In the last film, Pakhomov also worked as a production designer. In Baskova’s film “For Marx...” Pakhom played the role of the foreman of the foundry shop of the plant, who kills the owner of the enterprise, the hero Vladimir Epifantsev.

The film received the White Elephant award in the Event of the Year category, and was also presented at Berlinale 2013 and Kinotavr.

Sergei "Pakhom" Pakhomov in the film "For Marx" ( "In contact with")

In the artistic circles of the capital, Sergei Pakhomov is a fairly well-known personality. Some call it " cult character”, others - “buffoon” and “social phenomenon”. Music critic Leonid Aleksandrovsky stated:

“This is a Renaissance man from Novokuznetskaya, a wild buffoon in full swing, an always-on swearing racket of the bohemian capital.”

In September 2015, Pakhom became a participant in the scandalous project “Battle of Psychics – 16”. He claims that he knew nothing about the project and never watched a single season. I went there on the recommendation of friends who know it psychic abilities. He impressed the audience by the fact that for the first time in the history of the project he was able to find a hidden person in the trunks of cars twice in a row.

Sergei "Pakhom" Pakhomov in the show "Battle of Psychics" ( "In contact with")

For magical "insights" Pakhom uses trance, which resembles a strange dance.

Relationships, regardless of whether they were happy or not, never pass without a trace. The strongest feelings leave a deep imprint on the mind. Therefore, you should not be surprised if your ex-boyfriend suddenly appears in your dreams. Such exciting visions should not frighten, but they also cannot be ignored: perhaps he is dreaming for a reason, but correct interpretation dreams will help you prepare for any surprises of fate.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend: what authoritative dream books say

A vision of an ex-boyfriend can throw you out of balance and make you think about the meaning of such a dream. In order not to worry in vain, you can turn to one of the famous dream books:

  • Vanga believes that a woman who saw her former love in a dream, deep down in her soul, really regrets the breakup and dreams of continuing this relationship. It is worth thinking about what led to the separation, and whether there is an opportunity to revive faded feelings. At the same time, the clairvoyant draws attention to the fact that a dream in which a girl and a guy continue to meet has a completely different meaning. Vanga claims that the sleeping woman in this case is ready for a new romance.
  • According to Loff's dream book, a vision about an ex-man speaks of excessive attachment to the past, which greatly hinders moving forward. It's time for the lady to change her priorities and start using her internal reserves. A woman who was kissed by a guy from the past in a dream will be greatly surprised. But sexual contact with him may mean an exacerbation of an old conflict that has been hushed up, but not resolved. A dream in which the moment of the breakup was played out, on the contrary, promises a joyful meeting. The girl who started a scandal will soon meet a new love.

A dream in which there was an ex-boyfriend speaks of excessive attachment to the past

  • A vision in which there was a fight with an ex-boyfriend, according to Gustav Miller, means the possessive attitude of the current lover towards you. A girl who watched her ex-man in a dream or spoke to him can suffer greatly by committing some rash act. But the young man, showing signs of attention, warns the woman about a surprise that will not necessarily be pleasant. Dreams in which he appears dead foretell only good events, such as marriage or the birth of a child.
  • Looking into Hasse's dream book, you can find out that a currently single girl can often dream about her previous lover. Most often, this means that the lady lacks romantic experiences and strong emotions. A conversation with a former partner suggests that the break in the relationship was premature: perhaps everything will work out for the couple. A dream in which a man from the past was with a new passion predicts forgiveness of old grievances and reconciliation. But the dead boyfriend warns against serious danger.

A dream in which a girl talked to her ex-boyfriend leaves hope for a renewed relationship

  • In Tsvetkov’s dream book you can read that an ex-boyfriend comes in a dream to warn about a series of minor troubles in the near future. A girl needs to be more careful and attentive when making important decisions.
  • According to S. Freud, a dream about an ex-boyfriend indicates that the girl constantly compares him with her current partner. The lady should devote more time to her current relationship, otherwise quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided. In addition, such visions can serve as a signal of the infidelity of the new young man, because there is complete distrust of him.

Video: why do you dream about your ex?

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

  • The ex-boyfriend, who showed up on the night from Monday to Tuesday, tells the girl that he still treats her with respect despite the breakup and with all his heart wishes her happiness.
  • The same dream, seen from Tuesday to Wednesday, makes you aware of the tender feelings that that man still experiences. He very much regrets the separation, thinks about the sleeping woman all the time and dreams of renewing his relationship with her.
  • A similar dream that occurred from Wednesday to Thursday is interpreted differently. Most likely, the young man cannot forget his past love and is looking for oblivion in the arms of other women.
  • The girl should pay attention to the dream she had on the night from Thursday to Friday. The ex-boyfriend who appeared to her real life suffers greatly. His heart is tormented by an unquenchable passion, which is why he literally finds no place for himself.
  • The former love that came into your dreams from Friday to Saturday indicates that your feelings for the guy have not cooled down, and perhaps there is a chance to return them, since the dreamer himself does not mind dotting all the i’s.
  • The appearance of a previous lover in visions from Saturday to Sunday indicates that the man harbors a grudge and blames you for the breakup. A woman needs to find the strength within herself and talk to him to put an end to the relationship.
  • If your ex-boyfriend appeared before your eyes from Sunday to Monday, rest assured: in reality, he is deliberately looking for contact with you, and this may not be an attempt to revive the past, but simply a desire to talk or see each other.

The ex-boyfriend who appeared in a dream from Thursday to Friday suffers a lot in reality

More about dreams from Friday to Saturday

Friday is held under the auspices of Venus - the planet of love and beauty, and Saturn, which is a symbol of wisdom and life experience, is responsible for Saturday. Therefore, women should pay special attention to deciphering the dreams they saw that night.

Dreams seen this night are considered prophetic.

  • A girl who kissed her ex-partner in a dream can be sure that the guy has not forgotten about her. He often reminisces about the joyful moments spent together. If at the same time the sleeping woman was happy, then the young man is most likely in trouble and urgently needs her support. This is a great time to renew the relationship, of course, provided that the girl is not against it herself.
  • A woman whose ex-lover asks for help in a dream should be wary. In reality, he has already found himself a new companion and wants to hurt his ex-girlfriend, causing feelings of jealousy.
  • A scandal and quarrel with a past lover in a vision means that the woman’s feelings have not yet cooled down, and she is waiting for words of repentance from the guy.

A kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream speaks of the possibility of reconciliation

If a girl, upon waking up, cannot remember the details of the dream, she may not attach significance to the dream. In this case it does not make any sense.

Why does a married or single woman see a dream?

A woman who saw her ex-boyfriend in a dream and is happily married to this moment, can expect unpleasant troubles in the near future. Most likely, there will be a forced difficult trip or problems with children related to studies. Often such visions directly relate to the current husband: you need to be more attentive to his health.

Meeting your ex-husband in a dream predicts trouble

Divorced women often dream about their ex-spouses. To correctly interpret such visions, you need to try to remember the details of the dream.

Dreams about previous partners are interpreted differently for unmarried girls. First of all, you need to understand yourself: perhaps, somewhere in the subconscious, the young lady has not yet fully understood her feelings and is experiencing some kind of attachment to her ex-boyfriend. If the girl is sure that there are no emotional connections with this man, but she still had a dream with his participation, this good sign. In the near future, a new relationship awaits her, perhaps a marriage proposal.

For an unmarried girl, a dream in which she met her ex-boyfriend promises new love

What happened to your ex-lover in a dream

The correct interpretation of a dream depends on the details.

  • For example, if a mature woman dreams of a former boyfriend while intoxicated, it means that this person is now very bad and needs support. A girl who has such a dream needs to rethink her views on life and stop playing with the feelings of other people. Perceiving a romantic relationship as a fleeting impulse, she risks being left alone.

A dream about a drunk ex-boyfriend speaks of the risk of being lonely

  • A vision in which a former lover cries speaks of an understatement: when the young people parted, they did not talk to each other, did not put all the dots in place. Having woken up, the girl should seriously think about how she feels about her past love, whether she wants to return it. If in a dream a guy with tears in his eyes asks his beloved to return to him, then in reality they will meet soon. At the same time, the man will be interested in renewing the relationship. But a former young man crying, but walking arm in arm with another woman, makes it clear that he is lost forever.

The tears of an ex-boyfriend in a dream indicate his desire to return

A dream about a sobbing ex-boyfriend does not need to be taken seriously if there was a real meeting with him the day before. Most likely, this incident excited the girl’s consciousness, and the sleeping brain found a way to throw out accumulated emotions in a dream.

  • A call from a former lover in a dream warns a woman against frivolous and rash decisions. Most likely, in real life she faces a choice: start a new relationship or stay alone for a while. If a young man asks the lady of his heart to call him, then this indicates his lack of confidence in his abilities.

An ex-boyfriend calls a girl in a dream when he wants to warn her against rash actions

  • An ex-boyfriend, who is no longer alive in reality, warns a girl about life's difficulties in a dream. If at the same time he gives her something, then she will easily solve all the problems in the near future. But a woman who in night visions herself offers something to her deceased lover will soon be faced with waste, illness and unnecessary troubles. If he kisses, hugs and caresses you in some other way, then such a dream prophesies new love adventures. But if a young man from the past is actually alive and well, but the girl sees him dead in a dream, then for the sleeping woman this means a new stage in life.

A dead ex-boyfriend comes to a girl who is in trouble in a dream.

  • A dream in which an ex-boyfriend appears with his new passion should be considered as a warning: a woman risks missing out on her real destiny, looking back on the past. Comparing your ex-boyfriend and your current boyfriend will lead to another breakup. However, if the sleeping person experienced joy and tranquility at the sight of a couple in love, in reality a pleasant surprise awaits her.

A woman who met her ex with new girl in a dream, risks missing your true love

  • A harbinger of good events is a vision in which a former man marries another. Soon after this, the girl can expect a marriage proposal or long-awaited news about pregnancy.
  • But a dream where the wife of an ex-boyfriend appeared will make you wary, because such a dream speaks of gossip and impulsive actions that you will regret for a long time. A woman who saw a past admirer as a father in her nightly dreams may soon regret the separation, but this will only be a momentary weakness.
  • Letters from an ex-boyfriend in a dream most often mean interesting events and changes. So, a large number of notes or SMS messages speaks of a grandiose incident that can take you out of your usual routine. If there was only one letter, then the girl will have an exciting adventure, the discovery of something new and interesting. A lady who pays attention to the content of the text can receive a more accurate interpretation of the vision. For example, threats from a former boyfriend mean stress in reality. Mental harmony can be achieved by learning to correctly perceive reality. A letter in which a past lover is jealous suggests that the woman is dissatisfied with the events taking place, but does nothing. And the one who reads written words of insult from an ex-boyfriend in a dream may actually experience difficulties on the personal front. He writes that he wants to renew the relationship? The dream should be interpreted the other way around. In this case, the girl must understand that they can never be together with this person.

A letter received in a dream from an ex-boyfriend predicts interesting events

  • Hugs with an admirer from the past in a dream promise surprise. At the same time, if the girl felt joy, then in real life she will be pleasantly surprised. Hugging in a dream, causing repulsive and awkward feelings, will only bring disappointment. A kiss with an ex-boyfriend speaks of problems stemming from the past. Resolving them will finally allow you to experience relief. A woman who passionately kissed her previous boyfriend is most likely incontinent in her sexual impulses.

A girl who enjoyed the hugs of her ex in a dream is in for a pleasant surprise

  • A girl who dreamed of being harassed by her ex-boyfriend will in reality be faced with unpleasant news about her current partner. Sex with a past man in a dream will result in a major quarrel with relatives. A woman should be patient, find compromises and try to avoid conflict situations with her family.

If a girl went to bed with her ex in a dream, in life she faces a quarrel with relatives

  • A dream in which an ex-boyfriend wants to return is considered a sign that the past may soon remind itself of itself. Most likely, the girl will catch her eye on something that will evoke exciting memories. Perhaps there will be a meeting with an old acquaintance who will remind you of something important and long forgotten.
  • A woman who dreamed that there was no separation at all, and that she was still happy with her man, is slowly getting rid of the burden of the past days: events that brought a lot of pain are slowly but surely erased from memory.
  • A girl who received flowers from her ex-boyfriend in a dream can be sure that the hero from the vision still thinks about her and wants to start all over again. And if a young man from the past gives a beautifully wrapped gift, you should beware of the betrayal of your current chosen one.

A gift from an ex in a dream can turn into infidelity from your current boyfriend

  • A dream in which an ex-boyfriend appears naked promises an unexpected but pleasant meeting. Most likely, a childhood friend will show up or distant relatives will come, and communication with them will bring a lot of positive emotions.

What do psychologists say about such dreams?

Most psychologists agree: dreams about former loved ones indicate that the sleeper still has many questions for his soul mate. A person’s soul is filled with resentment, anger, guilt, or, conversely, hopes for a renewed relationship. All these experiences, hidden somewhere deep in the subconscious, find a way out in dreams.

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend from Sunday to Monday

Today we bring to your attention an article on the topic: “I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend from Sunday to Monday” with a professional interpretation. On this page we have tried to collect complete information describing dreams from different points of view.

A guy dreams from Sunday to Monday

In dreams, not only objects and phenomena, which, without a doubt, are always signs and symbols, have meaning, but also people.

Guys are probably the most frequent guests of women's and girls' dreams. A girl invariably dreams of a guy she likes, and even without this, young people, acquaintances or not, periodically look into dreams.

All this means something, in addition, it is important when the young man deigned to look into the dream - on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Friday - after all, these kinds of dreams also differ by day of the week. And the dream options with the participation of a young man are as follows:

Sometimes such dreams can, of course, reflect the thoughts or hidden desires of the dreamer, especially if you are dreaming about a guy you like. If you constantly think about him, then it is not surprising that he bursts into your dreams. But it could be different.

As the dream book says, a guy in a dream often symbolizes a strong, active part of the dreamer’s inner world, indicates your strength and energy, and also often indicates the support of higher powers and encourages you to be bolder.

1. An ordinary dream in which a certain guy or his image appears before you is a direct indication that the dreamer has protection and support from above. What are your spiritual internal forces and potential is your support, and you should not be afraid to live and act actively.

2. The young man, according to the interpreter, dreams of unexpected profits - this is what such a dream means.

3. As the dream book indicates, a guy of heavenly beauty, as if he came out of a picture, is very good dream, it portends great happiness in everything!

5. If a young man, stranger or acquaintance, kisses you in a dream, this means that in reality love will soon come knocking on your door!

7. It’s curious what your beloved guy dreams about - some interpret such a dream as his thoughts about the dreamer, and this has some truth. However, such a dream still more reflects the connection between you and your chosen one.

9. A guy who hugs you in your dreams is evidence of the support and reliable shoulder that you have in real everyday life. Perhaps you ignore or do not accept this support - but in vain.

11. An unpleasant, scary guy who inspires anxiety or fear in a dream is a warning. The interpreter strongly advises the dreamer not to get involved with dubious people, and, in principle, to avoid new connections and acquaintances for some time.

12. An unfamiliar but pleasant young man in a dream is a harbinger of joy and good news, pleasant surprises and pleasure.

14. If a guy in a dream smiles at you openly and sincerely, expect good and joyful news.

16. A naked young man in a dream is a symbol that in reality some very pleasant and rare offer awaits you.

When did the dream occur?

1. If a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday, you should evaluate this dream from the perspective of your emotions. Such a dream may be a continuation or reflection of your experiences, or, if it portends something specific, then it will have a vivid emotional overtones for you.

2. When you dream of a guy from Monday to Tuesday, this may be a hint of your desire for something, or a reflection of your desire.

3. From Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams should be interpreted literally, as the dream book indicates.

5. From Thursday to Friday there are special dreams, they should be taken seriously. Venus, the planet of Friday, rules the sensual sphere, and dreams from Thursday have great power.

6. From Friday to Saturday, dreams are advice and instructions, so take the interpretation of your dreams.

It’s so difficult to understand a dream in which a guy was present, but make an effort, use intuition and imagination, and you will understand what to expect in reality, in which direction you should confidently move, and what to do to bring great happiness closer!

Let's try to figure out what the ex-boyfriend dreamed about from Saturday to Sunday

If you dreamed of a loved one with whom you once separated, pay attention to the day of the week. Sometimes it becomes a pointer to what the ex-boyfriend dreamed about and what his appearance means.

And, although one can be quite skeptical about such daily forecasts, because a prophetic dream with a literal or symbolic meaning can come regardless of whether it is Monday or Saturday; everyday dreams without a clear plot can be easily calculated by day. This is what it means when you dream about your ex-boyfriend on a certain day of the week.

The very beginning of the week under the influence of the Moon

This planet gives a new cycle, influences our subconscious, and also gives dreams that can come true for a long time. They are usually quite bright. If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend on Monday night, the dream book writes that the relationship with him is not completely over and that the main thing is still ahead.

The only question is when exactly he will appear in your life again and under what circumstances. Most likely, he will still try to return to you, he remembers love, gets bored, or, perhaps, after he actively begins to organize his life or becomes disappointed in his current chosen one or wife.

In any case, the dream book writes that it is too early to call it a day, although it may seem that you have already completely broken up with him.

Sometimes a dream on Monday night indicates news about him, which will bring back sad memories or turn out to be gloomy and unpleasant. In this case, the dream may come true the next morning or within 3 days. But it will not bring relief, but tears, sad memories and the poignancy of loss. Therefore, you should not rejoice at his vision. It is possible that a girl will find out that her chosen one is going to get married or is already registering with a new passion in the near future, which will greatly upset you or cause a feeling of annoyance and excitement.

Second day of the week – energy of Mars

She personifies aggressiveness, enmity, conflicts. Often on this day people kill themselves and get into accidents. Therefore, if you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend on Tuesday, you should not expect anything good, especially if in the dream he threatened you, was jealous or threatened to hang himself or hang himself. This dream is unfavorable in itself because Tuesday is considered an unlucky day, especially for love and much worse than Monday.

Usually Mars reminds that the stage of heightened feelings is still ahead. This means that if you yourself drove your ex-boyfriend away, then he still loves his passion and wants to maintain a relationship with her at any cost. Therefore, seeing him in a dream on Tuesday night most often means that he will soon assert himself again, but will behave aggressively. For example, he will create scenes of jealousy, ask to return, or begin to seek solace in alcohol, extreme driving, or try to kill himself. Sometimes such a dream means his constant vigils near your house, scandals with a new man, fights and constant showdowns. In any case, you will have to protect yourself.

However, if on Tuesday you dreamed of an ex-boyfriend who left you, expect an increase in melancholy, loneliness and self-pity, or news that will hurt you or put you in an awkward position. For example, he will tell others bad things about you, write that he is going to commit suicide, or give money to his friends to beat up your new man. If a girl’s love has not gone away, the pain can only get worse. It’s better to wait out this period so as not to do irreparable stupid things.

The third day of the week is the intelligence of Mercury. Work on mistakes

An excellent day that shows dreams, conclusions from which we must draw in the future. If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend on Wednesday night, this is a very good sign. Most likely, he realized the reasons for his behavior, accepted your refusal, and is not going to insist on continuing, although he wants it. A dream about him on Wednesday calls for prudence and the need to learn from your mistakes. It is likely that the ex-boyfriend understood and realized his guilt and now you can eventually stay with him good friends.

If he himself abandoned you, then such a dream on Wednesday calls for prudence, caution and curiosity. You need to understand and analyze what actually happened, draw conclusions and move on. Usually on this day a girl can understand that her feelings for him have cooled and start her life anew, and her boyfriend too. This dream may mean that you will soon make up, but will remain friends or will date again at a later age, after 30 years.

Day four – the power of Jupiter’s energy

If you dreamed about your ex-lover on Thursday, this means that the dream will soon literally come true or your relationship with him will change dramatically due to unexpected news.

It is difficult to say whether it will be pleasant or not, and what will follow next. Either the relationship will be completely destroyed, or you will quickly make peace, it’s hard to say for sure. Or it will become clear that fatal circumstances will not allow you to be together again.

The fifth day is the energy of Venus. High probability of prophetic dreams

No wonder people say that a dream on Friday will definitely come true. If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend on this very day, expect an unexpected turn of events.

Sometimes Friday dreams come true very quickly and literally. What I dreamed came true. But often they show events in a symbolic form. So trust your intuition to understand its meaning accurately.

Day six – change and melancholy

If on the night from Friday to Saturday you saw a former loved one in a dream, such a dream means that soon anxiety and uncertainty will be left behind. This day is generally distinguished by mystery and romance. Some folk dream books consider dreams from Friday to Sunday generally empty, considering them simply illusions and processing of the subconscious, but in fact this is not always the case.

A prophetic dream is engraved in the memory and can occur at any time. But still, Saturday visions always contain a bit of fog and uncertainty, which will go away in the morning. And you can only attach importance to bright, clear and significant subjects.

Seventh day of the Sun - joyful hopes

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday can bring joy and good news. Sometimes they mean a quick reconciliation of lovers. If at this time you saw in a dream your lover who abandoned you, then the dream book writes that in reality he can repent and ask for forgiveness. This may mean that he regretted his decision, but at the same time he did not dare to say about it. Perhaps he just wants to quietly remain friends without hurting anyone.

But in some cases, sleep from Saturday to Sunday is about ex-lover dreams of a chance meeting with him and good news about him. Even if he decided to get married, the girl will perceive it not as a tragedy, but as a joy.

Especially if you have a beautiful dream on Sunday. In any case, such a dream portends you joy and great happiness.

Why does the Guy dream from Friday to Saturday?

If a guy dreams from Friday to Saturday

According to the dream book, a certain day of the week, in the morning of which we try to find out the interpretation of a dream, has a special influence on its interpretation.

Read also: I dreamed of a catfish in a pond

In the morning, what day is the dream interpreted?

Any interpreter will agree that the interpretation of a dream directly depends not only on the plot, but also on the night of which day of the week we dreamed about it.

Dreams from Sunday to Thursday

It is believed that a dream that occurred on the night from Sunday to Monday does not lead us anywhere. This is simply the analytical work of the mind, which puts the information received over the past week into categories.

What are the dreams of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for? What meanings do they have? Interpreters believe that at this time some of a person’s hidden thoughts and feelings are displayed.

On what day of the week did you see the dream?

Starting from Thursday, dreams are usually considered prophetic. Dreams on the nights of Friday, Saturday and Sunday reflect the subconscious, not conscious in real life, but captured at the energetic level.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

Interpreters attach prophetic meaning to a dream that occurred from Friday to Saturday.

The planet that is responsible for this vision is Saturn. Therefore, there is an opinion that the dream that I had that night was fateful.

Which area the dream will affect will depend on the plot of the dream.

Dream about a beloved guy

The dream book says that if on this night you see that your beloved man, boyfriend, husband is next to you, it means you have made the right choice. He is your destiny, and you will be happy together.

If you dream about a guy from Friday to Saturday, then you can safely marry him. The marriage will be strong, relationships will be good, children will be obedient, life will be happy.

Why quarrel with your significant other in a dream, or even survive her betrayal? Higher power give you a sign that not everything in your relationship is as smooth as it seems. It is possible that you oppress your young man too much and limit his freedom. Don't change your tactics, the current man will become a former man.

What did the unfamiliar guy dream about?

On Saturday night you dream of an unfamiliar guy, does a friendship begin in the dream? In real life, you can also enter into new relationships.

The dream book advises you to take a closer look at your surroundings; perhaps a guy you know has been waiting for you for a long time, to whom you do not pay any attention. If you try to change your way of life, your worldview, you can improve your personal life.

In a dream, your ex-boyfriend visits you

The dream book believes there are two explanations for night vision:

  • the ex-boyfriend is not averse to renewing his relationship with you;
  • You haven't fully gotten over your breakup yet and are holding strong feelings in your heart.

For those women who are already in a new relationship, the appearance of a former lover in a dream indicates that you are not satisfied with your relationship. current partner. In the morning, after such a vision, try to remember all your feelings and emotions, they will tell you in which direction you should move further.

In a dream, your ex-boyfriend asks you for help - in reality, he has developed a new relationship. In the morning, after such a dream, you should wholeheartedly wish him good luck and continue on your way.

In the dream, you did a common cause together - your former acquaintance respects you and remembers you with warmth in his soul.

Your loved one's actions in a dream

  • A quarrel has broken out between you - your loved one is preparing a pleasant surprise for you.
  • Making love - your connection in real life is very strong.
  • Your loved one offers you his hand and heart - foretells a quick breakup.
  • Being surrounded by water means a happy and serene life.

Other interpretations

Sometimes the dream book says that dreams from Friday to Saturday may be a relic of Thursday.

For example, on Thursday evening you had a quarrel, only on Friday morning did you begin to understand the seriousness of the situation, and on Saturday night this dream visited you in a dream. Then such visions lead nowhere and interpretation is useless.

Popular interpreters advise you to initially remember what events preceded your dream, and only then begin to interpret it.
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Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend or husband?

If you periodically dream about your ex-boyfriend or husband, you probably haven't completely said goodbye to the past. Or you said goodbye, but on a subconscious level you still often think about your ex-lover. Photos, music, a nearby park, and even your favorite type of chocolate constantly remind you of him. And it also happens that your past relationship no longer bothers you at all, but that guy persistently appears to you in your dreams. What is it for? Perhaps he bitterly regrets the breakup and dreams of reuniting with you. Or does this dream want to warn you against something?

For example, if in such a dream you were talking with your former love and for some reason did not have time to complete the conversation, in reality you are haunted by incompleteness. Obviously, when you parted, you didn’t tell each other something, didn’t ask for forgiveness for the pain and resentment you caused. In order to correctly decipher a dream in which you dream about your ex-boyfriend, you must first understand your feelings towards both this person and the dream.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend or husband?

When you dream about how your ex-boyfriend or husband helps you solve problems, in reality you will have the strength to overcome difficulties on your own. To dream that your ex-man is giving you something is a sign of betrayal. Kissing him passionately means shock and shocking news, having sex with ex-love- to the resumption of seemingly forgotten conflicts, and marrying him - to anxiety and difficulties.

The biggest success is promised by a dream in which you... haha. you kill your ex and feel great relief from it. If you dreamed about this, it means that now you have enough courage to set really serious goals for yourself and show enviable persistence in conquering them. If you dream about how your ex-fiancé or husband dies before your eyes, and you are not at all in a hurry to help him, it means that you have freed yourself from feelings for him.

Sometimes a girl may have a dream in which her ex marries another woman. The interpretation of such a dream depends on the feelings that the girl experienced at that moment. If marriage caused her heartache, in reality she is wildly jealous of the guy. If in a dream she sincerely rejoiced at the happiness of the young, the dream will bring forgiveness of old grievances.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller’s dream book, any appearance of an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign of future changes, including in his personal life. If in a dream you kissed your ex, expect unexpected and even surprising news. If it comes to intimacy, big problems and serious conflicts will fall on you.

If in a dream you were quarreling, shouting, waving your arms, a new hobby will soon beckon you. And if at the same time the young man hit you or grabbed you painfully by the arm, the dream says that in reality you don’t trust your new boyfriend and don’t know what to expect from him. A dream in which you and your ex broke up again warns that you will not be together for long with your new partner. If in a dream your ex-man looked tired and sick, you will soon have to worry about the health of one of your relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga's dream book, see in a dream ex-husband or the groom - to longing for him. Apparently, the embers of your feelings for him are still smoldering somewhere deep in your heart, and secretly from yourself you cherish the hope of renewing the romance. Think about why you broke up. Perhaps there is still a chance. However, if you dream about your ex and at the same time you don’t remember that you broke up with him, the interpretation changes: you no longer suffer from your ex-boyfriend, you have completely freed yourself from the old relationship and are ready for a new one.

Freud's Dream Book

Old Freud believes that the appearance of an ex-boyfriend in a dream always threatens the current relationship. In his opinion, such a dream is caused by a girl’s attempts to compare her current boyfriend with her past, and often this comparison is not in favor of the new guy. Internal tossing, worries, uncertainty in choice cannot become the key to a strong connection.

If a woman dreams that she is choosing between her former and current boyfriends, in reality she will have to do the same. This will cause mistrust, litigation, and quarrels.

Any intimacy with your ex-husband in a dream is a lack of understanding and support from your new lover.

Loff's Dream Book

Loff’s dream book notes: if in a dream your ex-boyfriend is madly in love with you and shows you numerous signs of attention, in reality you will encounter troubles. If you dream that your ex has forgotten about you and is getting married, you need to be more careful when dating. But if the ex-fiancé died in the dream, this is considered a wonderful sign: a happy marriage and early motherhood await you.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

In Longo's dream book, much attention is paid to dreams about ex-husbands. For example, the appearance of a drunken spouse promises a dramatic revolution. And it is not at all necessary that changes will take place in your personal life. Changes may be related to place of residence, career, or making new friends.

If a woman dreams that her ex-husband is asking her out on a date, in reality she faces complete loneliness and melancholy. If a woman already has a new boyfriend, and in a dream her ex-husband invites her to restore her family, this should be regarded as a warning that the lady may lose her new boyfriend. And through my own fault.

But if you dream that your ex-husband was going to marry someone else, in reality you were able to let him go and come to terms with the breakup.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In Nostradamus's explanations, such a dream always speaks of a love spell. Whatever events occur in a dream, the presence of an ex-boyfriend in them warns the sleeping woman that someone is trying to bewitch her in order to achieve their own goals. If a woman dreams that she made love to her ex-husband, she will soon have to answer for long-standing sins.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The dream foreshadows frivolity on the part of the girl. If you do not start monitoring your behavior, very soon you will have to cry bitterly because of the mistakes you have made. Even if you don’t remember the details of the dream, the very fact that your ex-husband appears in it does not bring anything good. If you dream that you just met him - to anxiety; if in a dream you realized that the meeting took place after a long separation - to financial failures and illnesses of loved ones.

If in a dream you had a fight with your ex-husband, it means rash actions; if they laughed at him and his words - to slander against you; if you openly flirted with your ex-husband, it means discord in your new relationship. Bad sign- take your ex-husband back. A dark streak is coming.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend: days of the week

The meaning of a dream is largely determined by the day of the week on which it occurred:

  • Night from Sunday to Monday: these dreams rarely carry predictions and warnings. They practically don’t come true and only matter if, even after 3-4 days, they don’t get out of your head.
  • Night from Monday to Tuesday: if on this night you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend was leaving you again, you worry about your loved ones and are afraid of losing them.
  • Night from Tuesday to Wednesday: if the appearance of your ex in a dream gives you warm feelings, in reality you experience a lack of romance and dissatisfaction with your current relationship.
  • Night from Wednesday to Thursday: if in this dream you see a dead or dying ex-partner, you need to prepare for danger.
  • Night from Thursday to Friday: all the nuances of sleep are important. If a former young man held you in his arms in a dream, in reality you will fight off enemies and competitors with the fury of a tigress.
  • Night from Friday to Saturday: hearing the voice of your ex in a dream means that in life he really wants to talk to you. Perhaps he will call or arrange a chance meeting.
  • Night from Saturday to Sunday: try to remember all the details of the dream. Write them down and analyze them carefully. Such a dream carries a sea of ​​information regarding all aspects of your life.

Why does a guy dream from Sunday to Monday?

The girl dreamed of a guy on the night from Sunday to Monday - what does this mean? Should you expect immediate fulfillment from a dream? Or is it all a hoax, and the image that comes has a different interpretation? To answer troubling questions, remember the dream plot in detail, restore the details, analyze the state immediately after waking up. Let's try together to understand why a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday, what secret meanings such a vision hides.

The meaning of dreams on Monday night

The main thing that absolutely all interpreters note is that Sunday dreams cannot be taken literally. They often present vivid, meaningful images, however, always in an allegorical way. At the turn of two weeks, the subconscious mind communicates serious things, sending visualized emotions or expectations.

To analyze such dreams, it is necessary to rely on details, look for prerequisites in reality, and be based on the personal feelings of the dream observer. Only in the totality of the listed moments, having passed what you saw through the prism of your own worldview and intuition, will you learn the meaning of the mysterious subconscious message.

They rarely come on Monday night unknown men. More often, girls observe a lover or ex-boyfriend. Each specific image has its own interpretation. However, remember: Sunday dreams are allegorical. If you want to accurately understand the essence of the message, compare it with the events of past days, recently experienced emotions, and impressions. Dreams during the period described are closely related to reality, and therefore often have an interpretation that is different from the one given by the dream book.

The image of a stranger

Unfamiliar guys are rare guests in girls' dreams on Monday. And yet, sometimes a completely unrecognizable hero comes instead of a familiar boy. If you want to correctly interpret a dream, remember the smallest plot details:

  1. I came to the dreamer’s house - in reality, expect early news and important events. Good or bad, depends on the behavior of the sleepy guest. The stranger was friendly to positive news, aggressive to negative news.
  2. The night visitor put on dirty, tattered clothes - a bad sign. Most likely, serious troubles or extremely disappointing news are expected. On the contrary, a neat, smart outfit indicates positive events in reality.
  3. Offers the dreamer his hand and heart - expect dramatic life changes.
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