Primorye floodplain of the Lefou river wild roses. Ilistaya River (Lefou). Description of hydrological areas

The Lefou River, in the local dialect - Lefa, (now “Ilistaya”) carries its waters into Lake Khanka, flowing 9 kilometers from the village of Yaroslavsky, if you go along the road to the Manzovka station (now “Sibirtsevo”).
We came to the left bank of the Lefa to fish with Nikolai Volkov in August 1954. We got there on an IZH-49 motorcycle, driven by Nikolai Ivanovich. It was in the evening, after work. That's why we fished at night. The gear is ordinary, nothing poaching. Snacks and supplies. Spinning rods were not yet known in our area back then. Or I didn't know!

Having arrived at the place, they caught live bait - breams - using bread tied to a piece of gauze, and set up stands along the shore. We threw in a few odds and ends.
Now you can have a snack - there was no time to do this at home! We had just finished eating when we heard what sounded like thunder. It's definitely thundering! Thunder! A thunderstorm is starting!
We don't have raincoats! What to do?! Nikolai Ivanovich commands: “Strip naked, put your clothes under an overturned bucket and into the river!”
Just undress, it started pouring! We are both in Lefe, the rain is pouring into our fingers! The water in the river is warm - August!
The storm passed soon. We got out of the river and put on dry clothes. Beauty! The night is ahead! What if you got wet?! What would it be like at night?! Well done Nikolai Ivanovich! I wouldn't have thought of this before! Then he told me that this is how they always saved themselves from heavy rain in the summer when they were on expeditions in the “field.” Experience is a great thing!

Two hours passed since the gear was installed. It's getting dark and it's time to go check to see if anything has been caught. Let's go check the supplies. There's already a catch!
We filmed two catfish and three killer whales. Not bad! We updated the bait and returned to the motorcycle. They sat down on a snag sticking out of the sand and began to talk quietly, passing the time.
A splash of water was heard, Nikolai Ivanovich turned on the motorcycle headlight and directed the beam along the shore to where our supplies stood. We saw the water boiling near the shore not far from us. I ran up and took a large catfish off the hook.
Our spirits were rising. We stopped talking and started listening. But soon they began to doze off - they had a working day behind them. Our state could not be called sleep.

We were just taking a nap. Our eyelids did not stick together for long, but immediately we woke up again to close them again. Our sitting on the log in an awkward position did not allow us to sleep! Mosquitoes also help you stay awake! Well, after all, we didn’t come to the river bank to sleep?!
Hearing the splash of water again, we jumped up and rushed to check the gear. There's fish! Another catfish was added on the kukan. Joyful! As soon as we sat down, we heard a splash again. The check showed that we were unlucky this time. No catch, no delivery! It must have been a big fish! There's nothing you can do - this is fishing, not a market!
Remember from Zhvanetsky: “Large ones - five each, but yesterday!” And we have a big one, but it was!
And we didn’t know Mikhail Zhvanetsky then. Arkady Raikin read works written by Zhvanetsky, but he did not tell the audience about Zhvanetsky. That's it! But yesterday!

By morning there were already a lot of fish on the kukan, and we, happy, began to get ready to go home. They began to discuss where it would be better to put the catch - in a bucket or in a backpack. There were a lot of fish on the kukan and it seemed to us that all the fish couldn’t fit in the bucket, and it seemed a pity to get the backpack dirty, and it would leak from the backpack! What a dilemma!
Deciding that we would put the catch in our backpack after all, we turned to the stake with the kukan sticking out in the sand.
There was no stake there! Where's the stake?! And the fish?! We rushed along the shore, not understanding where our catch had disappeared?!
Oh Gods! This means our fish are gone! “Such” verbal eruption began, which I had never heard from Nikolai Ivanovich before!
Our condition immediately became “zero”! Moreover, instantly! The joy of a good catch and, suddenly, collapse!

They began to find out how this could happen, and they understood. All night long the stake was tugged at by the fish and, stuck in the sand, it swayed, and in the end the fish pulled it out.
When we got ready to pick up the catch and were choosing between a bucket and a backpack, a stake with a kukan had long since floated down the river, carrying away our fish!
All! Everything is lost! The fish will also disappear on the kukan! What a pity! Here's the situation!
And what will we tell you at home?! After all, they will ask about fish.
And then Nikolai Ivanovich says: “Stop grieving, collect your gear, and let’s go!” I know a couple of small lakes, let's try our fishing luck there! It’s not far from here, just off the highway!”

We got ready quickly and were soon on the shore of the lake. The shores of the lake are heavily overgrown with large cattails. This is the correct name for the plant, which is usually called “reed”.
This cattail has a bulb at the end of the trunk Brown. But we're not talking about reeds!
What reed?! Cats scratch my soul! We need to act! We need long fishing rods, we don’t have our own fishing rods.

We cut long rods from willow (vine) and made fishing rods. We tied the fishing line, attached floats and sinkers. The fishing rods are ready. We had nothing for bait other than bread.
We decided to catch! I cast my fishing rod, and as soon as the float leveled out on the surface of the lake, it immediately disappeared under the water! I hooked and fished it out! Crucian carp! Yes, so big that I didn’t even believe it was a crucian carp!
And so it began! As soon as you throw it, you immediately pull it! It's like a fairytale!
Together with Nikolai Ivanovich, we caught forty-two crucian carp and three large minnows. The crucian carp were “one to one”, as if ordered!

This is how we “distinguished ourselves” after the “failure” on Lefe.
Our mood “fell into place” again. We returned home joyfully, and then told our family about the fishing trip in every detail! But they didn't believe it.
Anything can happen when fishing!


I can imagine how upset you were... Well written - fun and humorous (it was not for nothing that Zhvanetsky was remembered)... And I read your story, Eduard Vasilyevich, and imagined the places that you mention in the story: I pass the Ilistaya River and Sibirtsevo when I go to Vladivostok from Chernigovka; to the island. Khanka, my family and I lived in Kamen-Rybolovo for five whole years... It’s a small world...

- Location

Przhevalsky ridge

- Height
- Coordinates
- Coordinates
A country

Russia, Russia

K: Rivers in alphabetical order K: Water bodies in alphabetical order K: Rivers up to 500 km in length Ilistaya (river that flows into the Khanka)

Settlements in the river valley (from top to bottom):

  • Anuchinsky district: Tigrovy, in the upper reaches;
  • Mikhailovsky district: Otradnoye, Nikolaevka, Gorbatka, Ivanovka, Lyalichi;
  • Chernigov district: Orekhovo, Chalcedon, Altynovka, Vadimovka;
  • This is a draft article on the geography of Primorsky Krai. You can help the project by adding to it.

    An excerpt characterizing Ilistai (a river that flows into the Khanka)

    - Well, one more card.
    “Okay,” answered Dolokhov, having finished the summary, “good!” “It’s 21 rubles,” he said, pointing to the number 21, which equaled exactly 43 thousand, and taking the deck, he prepared to throw. Rostov obediently turned the corner and instead of the prepared 6,000, he carefully wrote 21.
    “It doesn’t matter to me,” he said, “I’m only interested in knowing whether you’ll kill or give me this ten.”
    Dolokhov began throwing seriously. Oh, how Rostov at that moment hated these hands, reddish with short fingers and with hair visible from under his shirt, which had him in their power... Ten was given.
    “You have 43 thousand behind you, Count,” said Dolokhov and stood up from the table, stretching. “But you get tired of sitting for so long,” he said.
    “Yes, I’m tired too,” said Rostov.
    Dolokhov, as if reminding him that it was indecent for him to joke, interrupted him: When will you order the money, Count?
    Rostov flushed and called Dolokhov into another room.
    “I can’t suddenly pay everything, you’ll take the bill,” he said.
    “Listen, Rostov,” said Dolokhov, smiling clearly and looking into Nikolai’s eyes, “you know the saying: “Happy in love, unhappy in cards.” Your cousin is in love with you. I know.
    "ABOUT! it’s terrible to feel so in the power of this man,” thought Rostov. Rostov understood what blow he would deal to his father and mother by announcing this loss; he understood what happiness it would be to get rid of all this, and he understood that Dolokhov knew that he could save him from this shame and grief, and now he still wanted to play with him, like a cat with a mouse.
    “Your cousin...” Dolokhov wanted to say; but Nikolai interrupted him.
    “My cousin has nothing to do with it, and there is nothing to talk about her!” - he shouted furiously.
    - So when can I get it? – asked Dolokhov.
    “Tomorrow,” said Rostov, and left the room.

    It was not difficult to say “tomorrow” and maintain a tone of decency; but to come home alone, to see your sisters, brother, mother, father, to confess and ask for money to which you have no right after your word of honor was given.
    We weren't sleeping at home yet. The youth of the Rostov house, having returned from the theater, having had dinner, sat at the clavichord. As soon as Nikolai entered the hall, he was overwhelmed by that loving, poetic atmosphere that reigned in their house that winter and which now, after Dolokhov’s proposal and Iogel’s ball, seemed to thicken even more, like the air before a thunderstorm, over Sonya and Natasha. Sonya and Natasha, in the blue dresses they wore at the theater, pretty and knowing it, happy, smiling, stood at the clavichord. Vera and Shinshin were playing chess in the living room. The old countess, waiting for her son and husband, was playing solitaire with an old noblewoman who lived in their house. Denisov, with shining eyes and tousled hair, sat with his leg thrown back at the clavichord, clapping them with his short fingers, striking chords, and rolling his eyes, in his small, hoarse, but faithful voice, sang the poem he had composed, “The Sorceress,” to which he was trying to find music.

Lefu or Lefa is a Russified version of the Chinese name, which is what the residents of Primorye call this river. Having become a victim of the ideological struggle of the USSR with its Chinese comrades, in 1972 it was renamed Ilistaya. The name, as we see, never fully caught on.
Penetrating most of the Primorsky Territory, the river is divided into the Ilistaya 1 and Ilistaya 2 rivers (or, as local residents say, the first and second Lifa)
Ilistaya originates in the Sikhote-Alin mountains, or more precisely on the slopes of the Przhevalsky ridge.

Until the village of Chalcedon, it flows among mountains reaching 300-400 m above the level of the valley bottom. Then it goes out onto the Khanka Plain, flowing into Lake Khanka.
The mountains, composed of crystalline rocks, are covered with sandy loam or clayey soil. This part of the basin (mountainous) is covered with forest, which occupies 42% of the total area of ​​the river. The flat part, on the contrary, is predominantly occupied by meadows on peat soils.
Flows in a northerly direction. The length of the river is 220 km, the basin area is 5,470 km.
This river flows into Lake Khanka and has a large number of fish of different types. Carp, crucian carp, catfish, eel, skripal (killer whale), carp, perch, pipit, topgazer - this is not a complete list of commercial fish that can be caught in this river.
River bed The muddy road is quite winding. Its width ranges from 3-4 meters in the lower reaches to 50-70 in the upper reaches. The banks are steep or steep with a height of 1.0-3.5 m to 1.5-2.5 m.

The river is characterized by mixed nutrition - rain predominates, while underground is only 10-12%, snow - 10-15%.
The increase in runoff towards the mouth occurs evenly, although due to the tributaries - Osinovka and Abramovka - it sometimes increases significantly.
The highest flood levels are observed in May. As a rule, pronounced spring floods are usually replaced by low water periods in June and July. It should be noted that in some years there are up to 5 floods along the river. Their average height is 2.5-2.8 meters.
During major floods, flooding occurs - most often in August and September. They also happen in April. Floods cause significant damage.
In early April, the river is free of ice, which becomes covered in mid-November.

The ice covering Ilistaya is mostly flat, hummocky on the rifts. Freeze-up lasts approximately 130 days. Ice drift begins in early April and lasts about 5 days.
Here you can catch carp, crucian carp, pike, bream, catfish, snakehead, killer whale, skate and other types of fish.

In these places, one of the most popular summer activities is fishing with a float rod. They can fish both from the shore and from a boat. Bottom tackle is also popular, often catching crucian carp, skate, carp, and catfish. But undoubtedly the most exciting and exciting is fishing with a spinning rod. On different kinds Pike, skimmers, and, less commonly, snakeheads and yellow-cheeks are caught with bait.

The following types of fish are caught on the Ilistaya River:

Grayling. It can be caught by wire and fly fishing. The best time for fishing is from May to November;
Lenok. It is better to use spinning tackle (spinners, wobblers). Fishing is possible, in principle, all year round;
Kunja. Caught with oscillating spoons and wobblers;
Malma. Caught with spinners and wobblers. The best time is early summer and autumn;
Sima. Good for spinning and fly fishing;
Taimen. When fishing, spoons and wobblers are mainly used.
Pike. They are caught using spinning rods and lures. The most favorable period is from July to October.

It originates on the slopes of the Przhevalsky ridge (Sikhote-Alin system), flows in a northerly direction, flows into the southern part of the lake. Khanka with two sleeves. The length of the river is 220 km, the catchment area is 5,470 km 2, its average height is 217 m, the total fall of the river is 771 m, the average slope is 3.5%.

Main tributaries: Malaya Ilistaya, Snegurovka, . The total length of the river network is 2,834 km, the average density of the river network is 0.52 km/km 2 .

Until 1972, the river was called Lefou (Lefa), formed by the confluence of the rivers Big Lefou (Big Lefa) and Little Lefou (Little Lefa). After the renaming, Big Lefou and Lefou began to be called Ilistaya, and Small Lefou - Little Ilistaya.

The river has a mountain-plain character: from its source to the river it flows among the mountains, and below it goes out onto the Khanka Plain. In the upper part of the drainage basin, the mountains have a height of 300-400 m above the valley bottom, and below they drop to 100-200 m. The slopes of the mountains are composed of crystalline rocks, covered on top with a layer of sandy loam or clayey soils. The mountainous part of the basin is forested (forest occupies 42% of the total area). The Khanka Plain is predominantly open and occupied by meadows on peat soils, its surface is crossed by old rivers and shallow ravines. Below the height of Sinyi Gai, the entire area adjacent to the river is a continuous swampy area with thickets of reeds. The total swampiness of the basin is about 18%.

According to the structure of the valley and channel and flow conditions, the river can be divided into 3 sections: I - from the source to the village. Nikolaevka, II - from the village. Nikolaevka to the village. Chalcedon, III - p. Chalcedon to the mouth.

The river valley in the first 10-12 km from the source has a V-shape, which below gives way to trapezoidal.

In section I, the floodplain is predominantly one-sided, passing from one bank to the other, its predominant width is 300-400 m, the largest is 1.2 km. In section II the floodplain is also one-sided, with a predominant width of 1.5-2.0 km. In section III, the floodplain is two-sided, meadow or swampy, 3-9 km wide.

The river bed is moderately winding. The width of the river varies from 3-4 m in the upper part of section I to 50-70 m in the lower part of section III. The depth ranges from 0.2-1.0 m in section I to 4-6 m in section III, the water flow speed is 0.1-0.5 m/s in section I; 0.3-0.6 m/s - in section II, 0.3 m/s - in section III of the river. The banks are steep or steep with a height of 1.0-3.5 m in sections I and II of the river, in section III - 1.5-2.5 m in height.

The river regime is currently being studied at two posts: in the village. Ivanovka, s. Chalcedon and on its tributaries - the Osinovka and Abramovka rivers, in the village. Osinovka and village. Abramovka.

The river has mixed feeding with a predominance of rain, underground feeding is about 10-12%, and snowfall accounts for about 10-15% of the total annual flow. The increase in runoff from source to mouth occurs relatively evenly, increasing significantly only due to the main tributaries - Osinovka and Abramovka.

Spring floods are most often well expressed; the highest levels are observed in early May. After the passage of the spring flood, the river usually experiences low water levels in June and July. Rain floods are observed mainly in August - October, but in some years up to 5 floods pass along the river during the entire warm period. Their height on average is 2.5-2.8 m (the highest is 4.7 m near the village of Ivanovka and 4.2 m near the village of Chalcedon).

Major floods cause flooding, which occurs most often in August and September. Large and very large floods also occur in April. Floods in the river basin Muds cause great damage. Moreover, due to the lithological features of the lower part of the basin (low slope and low drainage capacity of soils), the duration of the flood can increase to 2 months.

About 95% of the annual flow occurs in the warm part of the year (April - November), including 45-50% in August - November, and 4% in the winter (December - March).

The highest monthly flow and the highest annual water consumption are observed in April and September. The lowest summer flows are typical for August, the lowest winter flow is confined to February.

The water temperature passes through 0.2 °C in spring in early April, in autumn in mid-November.

The river freezes at the beginning of the third ten days of November. The ice cover is mostly flat, hummocky on the rifts. The duration of freeze-up is about 130 days. Spring ice drift begins in early April and lasts about 5 days.

The river water is used to irrigate rice fields.

Especially for Primpogoda, leading hydrologist of the OGRP Primhydromet Z. D. Kozhevnikova

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