Vinca herb medicinal properties and with photographs. Periwinkle. Use in folk medicine

A bouquet of fragrant roses can be a worthy gift for any occasion. But over time, the flowers fade, and the recently flowering plant has to be thrown away. We propose to solve this problem in your favor: cut roses can still be revived! Long stems need to be cut in half and the cuttings sprouted. Follow our tips, and your garden will definitely be decorated with these wonderful flowers!

Preparing cuttings for propagation at home - a step-by-step guide

You can root roses from a bouquet in a variety of ways. different ways in any season. Roses from a winter bouquet take root more difficult than summer ones, but they can still be grown by propagating by cuttings. To begin with, select flowers that have strong stems at the lignified stage (the skin on the shoots becomes denser and takes on a different shade). If the shoot has a dense core, it will not tolerate prolonged moisture and will rot. Immature thin cuttings take root slowly, so most often they will freeze.

You can make a seedling using a sharp knife or pruning shears; poorly sharpened tools will damage the surface of the plant. It is also important not to infect the planting branches with infection: to do this, disinfect your devices.

  • remove roses from the bouquet and check the condition of the stems, cut off closed buds and flowers that have already opened;
  • cut the flower stems into cuttings 15-30 cm long. Step back 1 cm from the bottom bud and make an oblique cut; a straight cut is made above the second bud from below, so that the result is a cutting with two buds. Trim the remaining flowers this way;
  • remove the lower leaves from each sample, shorten the upper ones by about a third of their size. Such actions allow the moisture to linger longer, and the shoot itself does not dry out. Do not remove all the leaves, otherwise the circulation of juice in the plant will be disrupted, but the thorns must be removed completely;
  • Take a container, place it in clean, settled water, add a rooting stimulator and immerse the finished cuttings in the liquid. They should remain in this position for about 6 hours straight.

The greatest likelihood of successful rooting at home is for those flowers that have red and pink buds. Yellow and orange are less accepted, and attempts to breed white roses most often end in failure.

The most suitable time for cutting roses is spring, summer and early autumn. But if you really want to propagate roses in winter, you will have to work hard. Provide the shoots with high-quality lighting and optimal humidity levels during this period. It is known that cuttings that have weakly blossomed buds are best accepted. There is no need to use plants that have faded long ago; they will have practically no strength left to take root.

Growing cuttings in water

Rooting cuttings in water is the easiest and most popular way to propagate roses. Try to get spring or rain water. If this is not possible, use tap water, but boiled or filtered in advance. A chlorinated environment is dangerous for shoots; the plant will simply die. You can also add to raw water a little charcoal, its antiseptic properties prevent flowering.

Place a container of water in any place where access to direct sunlight is blocked. An ordinary glass jar is suitable for this purpose, because through the transparent glass you can observe the process of root development. Some gardeners cover the neck of the container with film and make holes in it. This method is practical because the leaves will not touch the water and will not rot. The cuttings themselves should not touch the bottom of the vessel: this will cause them to rot.

Add a small amount of fertilizer to the water, this will increase the likelihood of good growth of the cuttings.

The water in the container needs to be changed every two days. After 2-3 weeks, whitish or light green growths form on the cuts; later, roots will develop from them. Experienced gardeners advise keeping the cuttings in water for a couple more days so that the root system strengthens even more. But this is not always beneficial for the plant: due to the low concentration of oxygen in the water, the flowers may rot. In any case, keep an eye on the cuttings; after 15-20 days, they can be transplanted into the ground.

Rooting roses in pots - necessary conditions

Planting cuttings directly into the ground is a traditional method of flower propagation. To do this, you need to prepare a small container - a plastic pot, a glass or a cut-off bottle. Disinfect the vessel with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and dry it. At the bottom it is necessary to put drainage in the form of pebbles, polystyrene foam or expanded clay material. Then you should lay out a layer of soil (garden soil with compost) and a small amount of sand (2 cm).

To successfully grow roses from cuttings using this method, the soil in the pot must be loose and fertile. If desired, flower growers fertilize the soil with peat or calcine it in the oven. At high temperature harmful microorganisms and weed seeds will die.

The prepared soil should be moistened, the cutting should be placed in it with a diagonal cut to the sand line, watered and pressed down with earth. Cover the seedling with a glass jar or bag on top. The cuttings can be planted vertically on the ground or at an angle, both options will give good results. If several shoots are planted in one box at once, they should be placed at a distance of 7 cm.

Over the next 3-4 weeks, water the plants as the soil dries out; sometimes they can be sprayed. The temperature in the room where the cuttings germinate should be in the range of +18 - +23 degrees. At the stage of sprouts appearing in the leaf axils, begin to accustom future roses to fresh air. From time to time, remove the jar from the flower; every day you need to increase the repetitions. When the cutting gets used to the new conditions, the shelter is removed for good. The rose will be ready for planting in the ground after green shoots appear.

Growing roses using potatoes

Beginning flower growers can easily cope with this technology. Its essence is to plant the cutting not in the ground, but in a tuber. From it the plant nourishes the necessary substances (starch, vitamins, phytohormones and moisture). In addition, the plant will not freeze or dry out while it is in the potato, and pests will not reach its root. This method works 85% of the time.

To root roses in potatoes, you will need:

  • prepared cuttings;
  • medium or large potatoes;
  • growth stimulator for roots.

You should approach the choice of tuber responsibly: the potato should be healthy, juicy, without damage or eyes. Lethargic, unhealthy potatoes will rot in the soil and infect the roses. Therefore, it is necessary to disinfect the tuber crop in potassium permanganate and dry it well. One vegetable is used for one cutting. Make a blind hole in it and insert the plant into it with the bottom cut.

Tip: the lower part of the cutting must be dipped in a growth stimulator, this will help the flower take root.

Potatoes with seedlings need to be placed in a container 15 cm deep. Its bottom is covered with a layer of sand (5 cm), tubers are placed, and sprinkled with earth on top. In this case, the top bud should remain above the ground. Water the plants and cover them with something transparent (for example, film) to create a greenhouse effect.

After this, all that remains is to monitor the condition of the soil. Abundant irrigation, as well as excessive dryness, will be harmful to the development of roses. When the first shoots form in the internodes, begin ventilating the seedlings. After 14-17 days, the protective film is completely removed.

Non-green cutting method - "burrito"

This method is useful if the roses from the bouquet are slightly wilted or damaged. The name “burrito” is conditional; in fact, the cuttings are wrapped in newspaper, which is why they resemble a twisted Mexican tortilla. Thanks to this method, you can prepare many seedlings and experiment with the amount of moisture.

Take the thickest cuttings 20-25 cm long, remove all leaves from them and treat them with fertilizer that accelerates the growth of the root system. Wrap the finished shoots in damp newspaper or moisten it with water later. Excess liquid should drain, the paper should remain moist, but not fall apart. After this, place the bundle in a plastic bag and leave it in a place where the temperature is constantly +18 degrees.

The contents of the “Burrito” need to be inspected once a week to check the degree of development of the shoots. If necessary, moisten the newspaper, it should not be too dry. If any cutting begins to rot or rot, throw it away and replace the paper with new one. After 2-4 weeks, caplus appears in the damaged areas - growths, from which the plant root then develops. This is a sure sign that the roses can be transplanted into a flower pot, and in the spring - into the garden.

"Trannoy" technology

In this case, the key element is the method of preparing the cuttings, and not the planting itself. The main task of the grower is to provide the shoots with a full supply of starch, which stimulates the development of roots. To do this, cut off the faded bud and leave the stem in a container of water in a sunny place. After a few days the buds will swell. Before they hatch, cut the stem into cuttings up to 20 cm. Leave the top two leaves on the shoots.

Planting takes place in a sunny place. But in winter it will be enough to plant flowers in a pot and place it in a well-lit part of the house. The sprouted stem is planted at an angle of 45 degrees so that the plant has more access to oxygen. Then the cutting is covered plastic bottle. Subsequent care for the rose is the same as with other methods. Water the flower and loosen the soil around it.

Rooted cuttings, regardless of the technology used by the gardener, are planted in open ground in late spring. This time of year is characterized by stable weather, and frosts no longer come. Choose sunny conditions for roses cozy place, protected from the wind. The planting hole should correspond to the size of the root system of the flower. To make the process of getting used to the soil successful, fertilize it with organic matter.

3-4 buds are left on the seedlings and planted in the ground, which is then abundantly irrigated and fed with peat and sawdust. Small rose bushes should be protected from the sun. After two weeks, the roots have adapted to the soil and the plant will begin to grow.

A rose can be grown not only from a seedling, but also from a small shoot. You will learn how to properly prepare planting material, plant cuttings and care for them in our article.

By following the tips below, you can prepare cuttings for planting yourself, using popular and rare varieties of roses.

How to plant a rose from a cutting or a bouquet at home

Planting roses from cuttings at home is such a simple and effective way that it is very popular. It is also important that this way you can root them not only at different times of the year, but also both in the open ground and at home.

Note: This procedure is most successful with summer seedlings, then with spring ones, and finally with winter ones.

To carry out the procedure you will need: a sharp knife, a freshly cut flower, and a pot of soil.

You can use purchased universal soil as a nutrient substrate, or you can prepare a nutrient mixture yourself. For it you will need humus, ordinary garden soil and sand. All components are combined in a ratio of 2:2:1. It is advisable to fry the substrate prepared in this way in the oven to protect the plants from various diseases.

Figure 1. Harvesting, rooting and planting of seedlings

The container for planting must be at least 20 cm deep. Drainage must be poured onto its bottom, which will protect your sprout from excess moisture and prevent root rotting.

After preparing the soil and selecting a suitable container, you can begin cutting and planting sprouts (Figure 1).

How to prepare cuttings for planting

Gardeners know that all woody plants, including roses, take root best when the buds on a young shoot just begin to acquire their color, that is, even before flowering. It is then that the shoot transitions from a grassy state to a woody one.

When choosing branches, pay attention to their thickness. As practice shows, flowers reproduce most successfully from thin, fairly mature shoots. They can be distinguished by their color: they are no longer green, but are just beginning to acquire a brown tint. The best option is to cut the seedlings into three buds. This is explained by the fact that weak plants grow from short branches in the first year.

To prepare planting material, you need to do the following:(Figure 2):

  1. Make the bottom cut of the future seedling just under the bud, stepping back 1.5 mm from it. In this case, the cut line should be oblique and the length should be about 15 cm.
  2. Make a straight upper cut, 1 cm above the bud.
  3. Remove the lower leaves and shorten the upper ones by a third of their length.
  4. Remove all thorns.
  5. Tie the chopped sprouts into bundles and place them in cold water(special solution - Kornevin, for example) to stimulate root formation. The water should be changed every two days.
  6. After the emergence of the root germ (after 15-20) days, transplant the plant into open ground, or into a prepared container with soil.

Figure 2. Procurement of crop seedlings

In this way, you can prepare cuttings for any type of planting, regardless of the time of year.

Cuttings in autumn

Such propagation is carried out in the fall in order to preserve the planting material in a viable state until spring. This is explained by the fact that keeping them in the house all winter is quite inconvenient, which is why the method of planting before winter is used.

Simply put, they are buried in the ground and covered with a dry shelter on top to retain heat. With the arrival of spring, it is transplanted to a permanent place in the usual way.

How to take cuttings

If you want to decorate your garden with roses, you need to know how to cut seedlings for planting. First you need to choose the right shoots suitable for cutting. Stems that have just faded or are just about to bloom are best suited. Their characteristic feature- easy removal of thorns.

Then the shoots are cut into pieces 15 cm long with a sharp knife or pruning shears. It is necessary to ensure that each cut stem has three buds and several leaves. In this case, the cut under the lower bud should be oblique, while the upper cut is made above the upper node at a height of 2 cm in a straight line. The lower leaves and all thorns must be removed (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Rules for cutting shoots for planting

The cut branches are lowered with the lower cut into cold water or a special solution to stimulate the development of the root system (roots). You can prepare this stimulating mixture yourself from a teaspoon of honey and a glass of water.

How to preserve cuttings in winter

How to root rose cuttings correctly

When the seedlings have embryonic roots, you can begin to root them. If you are doing this at home, you will need pots pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and filled with drainage and special soil.

Note: As drainage, you can use small pebbles or other material that allows water to pass through well. A special soil for roses is placed on top of the drainage. Ordinary turf soil will also work for this purpose. The top layer of soil is sprinkled with washed river sand.

The seedling must be inserted into the sand, making sure that its lower edge does not touch the ground. If you are using a box rather than a pot as a container, leave a distance of 8 cm between the sprouts. Still, it is better to root the plants separately from each other.

If planted in a garden, the stems are buried at an angle into holes previously disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, burying the lower bud into the ground. The planted sprouts are watered and each covered with a glass jar.

The sprouts continue to take root at daytime temperatures of at least +25 for another month. Next, hardening begins by removing the cans for a while. Soon the banks are removed completely.

Before autumn, young shoots grow up to 30-40 cm, and some have time to form buds. In this case, they need to be pinched to stop the flowering process, which inhibits the formation of roots.

In pots

After planting the sprouts in pots, they must be sprinkled with water and covered with a cut plastic bottle or plastic bag to maintain a certain temperature regime(Figure 4).

Containers with rooting seedlings are kept in a fairly warm place (+22+25), away from direct sunlight. It is important to maintain high humidity by misting the sprouts from time to time.

Figure 4. Seedlings after rooting in pots

As soon as you notice small sprouts in the axils of the leaves, this is a sign that rooting was successful. From this point on, you can begin to harden off the plants by removing the cover for several hours and monitoring the soil moisture.

In water

To germinate seedlings in water, you need to place the chopped stems in a container filled with water or a special mixture and keep them in a warm, bright place for two weeks. It is during this time that the first roots should appear (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Germination (rooting) of sprouts in water

Germination in water is the simplest, but far from the only way to obtain planting material at home. Below we will tell you what other means can be used for germination.

In potatoes

How to plant a rose in potatoes at home interests many flower lovers. This is very interesting way rooting.

Figure 6. Rooting cuttings in potato tubers

The essence of the method is as follows: a hole is made in a medium-sized potato for escape. Then a seedling is inserted into the potato and planted in the ground (Figure 6). At the same time, potatoes not only support the sprout during wet, but also nourishes the plant and also protects it from diseases.

The video shows how to plant cuttings rooted in potatoes.

Growing in a bag

An alternative to the traditional method is to grow cuttings in a bag. To do this, cut seedlings are wrapped in a bag filled with soil. The bag is then inflated, tied and hung on the window. Within a month, the sprouts will develop roots, after which they can be planted in a permanent place.

If the roses from the bouquet have sprouted, they can be rooted and planted in the ground. To successfully carry out this procedure, you need to know a few simple rules(Figure 7):

  • Choose domestic varieties of flowers for this propagation method.
  • Use only fresh flowers.
  • Choose a stem that is entering the lignification stage.
  • The petiole should be of medium length (15 cm), and there should be three growth buds on it.
  • All thorns and leaves on the lower part of the stem must be removed.
  • Place the cut stems in a vase with cold water, change it regularly until roots appear.
  • Transplant the cuttings into a pot or into open ground under cover using one of the methods described above.

Figure 7. Preparation and rooting of rose cuttings from a bouquet

Roses from a bouquet can be planted in any convenient way, including in potatoes.

How to plant rose cuttings in a permanent place

To plant rose cuttings in a permanent place, you need to wait until roots appear on them, and then plant them, depending on the time of year, either in a pot or in the ground under cover.

Before planting, you should take care of the quality of the soil, if necessary, saturate it with nutrients, moisten it, disinfect it, and check the drainage. Only after all the preparatory procedures can you begin planting (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Transplanting cuttings to a permanent place

At the same time, planting seedlings in pots is somewhat different from planting in open ground. So, when planting in the ground, the stems are positioned at an angle of 45 degrees, they almost lie in the recess, while cuttings in a pot should not touch the ground with their roots. Their root system is located in the surface layer of sand.

The author of the video explains in detail how to properly prepare and plant rose cuttings.

Sometimes a gifted bouquet of roses is so good that the thought involuntarily arises: “I wish I could have such beauty in my dacha!” But there is nothing impossible in this. There is a technology that will help you root any rose you like. So how to grow a rose from a cutting from a bouquet?

The main advantage of this method is the ability to obtain an exact copy of the mother plant from its cuttings. That is, when propagating the rose you like by cuttings, you can be sure that with successful rooting you will receive flowers of the same color, shape, size, height, and so on. In addition, plants from cuttings:

  • tolerates frosts more easily;
  • quickly recover from winter and actively begin to grow;
  • when grown, they produce less shoots than grafted ones;

Among the disadvantages, one can note a rather long period of vulnerability and susceptibility to disease after rooting. Roses from cuttings should gain strength and become stronger before the onset of late autumn and winter. For this reason, the first winter can be problematic. How to grow a rose from a bouquet on your site and ensure its survival?

Secret of success

There are several conditions under which the chances of rooting a rose from a bouquet increase:

Now let’s look at how rose cuttings are rooted.

Soil preparation

For planting, universal soil from the store is suitable, but you can plant it in your own soil. A suitable mixture should consist of two parts humus and garden soil and one part sand. It is advisable to sterilize the soil before planting. This can be done by calcining it in the oven.

To plant, you need to take fairly deep containers so that the seedling fits almost completely into it. Don’t forget to prepare drainage; without it, young roots may suffer from stagnant moisture. Expanded clay of not very large size is suitable for the drainage layer.

Selection of cuttings

To grow roses from cuttings from a bouquet, choose those flowers whose stems are already beginning to turn brown (woody). On the selected flower, cut out from the middle of the stem a piece with three buds, 15 cm long. The upper cut should be 2 cm above the outermost bud, it is made under right angle. The lower cut is oblique, it should be located at a distance of 1 cm under the lower bud.

To cut roses from a bouquet, the bottom leaf is cut off completely, and the remaining leaves are shortened by half. This is done so that they do not take all the food for themselves and do not evaporate too much moisture, but at the same time, sap flow in the cuttings should be maintained. After cutting, the cuttings are placed in a glass of water for a day, to which a root formation stimulator has been added. It is better to take spring or filtered water. Tap water and boiled water will not work.

Growth stimulants

There are a number of effective and popular drugs for stimulating the growth of the root system in plants. Let's name some of them:

Rooting in water

When considering the easiest way to plant a rose from a bouquet, many settle on rooting in water. It is best to use spring or well water. Roots will not develop in chlorinated water. If you only have tap water, filter it, or let it sit for two days, the chlorine will evaporate during this time.

The most suitable container would be a glass jar or glass - in them you can observe the process of root growth and the condition of the cutting itself. The stems are not immersed deep in water, as rotting may begin.

Rooting usually takes 2-3 weeks. The water in the glass must be changed daily for fresh water. The glass itself is placed in a bright place at a temperature of 20°C. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in the ground. The disadvantage of this method is the lack of oxygen in aquatic environment, because of this, roots do not form, or form slowly.

Substrate use

Many people are interested in how to cut roses in a substrate? Planting in pots is considered optimal for rooting cuttings. In this case, the roots develop much faster and form a stronger root system. You can use small pots or 0.5 liter cups.

If rooting occurs in a common box, it is necessary to maintain a distance when planting cuttings. Plant them at a distance of 6-8 cm from each other. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the box, followed by prepared soil.

After preliminary soaking in the stimulant solution, the lower cut is dipped in dry powder of the root growth stimulator and buried in the ground so that 1-2 buds remain above the surface. It must be positioned vertically. After this, watering is carried out and the cutting is covered with a jar to create greenhouse conditions. It is best to place the pot on a southern windowsill; the cuttings need a lot of light. When planting in a common container, the cuttings can be covered with plastic wrap.

Planting in a package

For this method you will need a plastic bag, several newspapers and the cuttings themselves. The method came to us from America and found its fans. The essence of the method is as follows. The cuttings taken after soaking are placed on several sheets of newspaper, made into a tight bundle, which is then soaked in water.

When the excess water has drained, the bundle is placed in a bag, sealed tightly and placed for germination in a place where it is not too hot. Optimal temperature– 20°C.

Every seven days, the newspaper is unrolled and the condition of the cuttings is checked. If rotten ones appear, they are thrown away. It is advisable to replace the newspaper with fresh one, wrap the cuttings in it again and moisten it. It takes about 2 weeks for roots to appear using this method. Sometimes you can see how the cuttings produce shoots that grow through the newspaper.

Potato method

You can try to root a flower from a bouquet at home in an original way, using potatoes. The cuttings are planted in a tuber, having previously cut out the eyes so that the potatoes do not germinate.

The advantage of this method is the constant moistening of the lower part of the cutting, nutrition and protection from harmful bacteria. The seedlings are strong, with well-developed roots.

For planting, healthy tubers without damage are selected, soaked in potassium permanganate and dried. A hole in a potato can be made with a large nail or a screwdriver. The cutting is first dipped in the root and inserted into a cut hole in the tuber, after which it is planted in the ground on the site, having first dug a trench. Potatoes are arranged in a row on a short distance from each other.

Planting after rooting

Growing roses from cuttings at home is completed by planting seedlings in open ground. When fresh shoots appear on the cuttings, do not rush to remove the shelter. Seedlings are gradually accustomed to the open air.

The first days after removing the cover, the cuttings should be sprayed with water for additional moisture. The buds that appear must be cut off so that the plant does not waste energy on them, but continues to grow roots.

It is important to know how to plant roses from cuttings on the site. Planting in a permanent place in the garden is carried out in June. At first, the buds and some of the shoots are still removed so that the bush can take root well over the summer. The first wintering of a rose rooted from a cutting is very important. Be sure to provide it with shelter in the fall, keeping some air space underneath.

Growing roses this way is very exciting. If the result meets your expectations, you will be able to experience genuine joy.

Gardeners use different methods when growing roses on their plots: they sow seeds, graft them onto rose hips, or buy a ready-made flower and simply plant it in the ground. But the simplest and in an accessible way The method of propagating roses is cuttings. Not all roses reproduce by seeds, and those that do rarely survive. appearance mothers, or their seeds simply do not germinate. And the cuttings retain all the characteristics of their variety, quickly take root and do not cause much trouble. You shouldn’t walk through other people’s flowerbeds looking for cuttings.

If you were given a rose and you really liked it, then you can even plant it on your summer cottage. Climbing roses lend themselves especially well to cuttings. There are no problems at all with these varieties.

Rose propagation rules

The soil must have good air permeability. Among the breathable soils, the best are turf and leaf. It’s good if the soil also has a fairly high content of sand and humus. If there is such an opportunity, then it is worth sprinkling the top of the soil with river sand approximately 3.5 cm. This will ensure good air flow and retain all the moisture necessary for the young shoot. The most suitable time for cuttings is when the bud is just beginning to bloom. This is approximately mid-June - early July.

Preparation of cuttings is important. On a cut shoot in mandatory axillary buds must be present and ready to grow. The shoots are not completely planted. Several cuttings are cut from them, each of which must have at least two axillary buds. Sections are also made in certain places. The top one is 2 centimeters above the kidney, and the bottom one, accordingly, is directly below the kidney. Make sure that the tool you are using to make the cuts is fairly sharp. The shoots should be cut, not sawed off or broken off. It is necessary to completely get rid of the lower leaves of the cuttings, and make the upper ones half as long. It is recommended to use growth stimulants to encourage root germination. You can do without additives, but then positive result will be more difficult to obtain.

When planting roses from cuttings Do not bury the shoot too deep into the ground. It is enough to deepen them only 2 centimeters, otherwise rooting will be significantly slowed down. The distance from one cutting to another should be 8 cm, and from one row to another - 10 cm.

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