How to put stress in a sentence correctly. Emphasis. Lexical, grammatical, stylistic differences

The Russian language is simple and multifaceted, rich in expressive means, strong, powerful and beautiful. It is a pity that the majority of Russian citizens do not know their native speech. In fact, people who think they know the language they speak are not really that knowledgeable. However, our speech is an indicator of culture and education. An expensive suit or perfume will not make a person more attractive and pleasant without correct, competent speech. Not every person is ready to brag about something that does not evoke negative emotions in the interlocutor. For every area of ​​human activity, competent communication skills are necessary, so it is worth devoting at least a little time to studying his native means of communication.

Stress in Russian speech is the most difficult part of studying the course. Unlike spelling, lexical and syntactic norms, speech rules emphasizing vowel sounds with intonation implies rather a large number of exceptions to the rules than the norm. But still, the rules of orthoepy, which are described in this section, help in how to correctly place stress in words.

Where do the correct accents come from?

Often the emphasis of a vowel intonationally depends on the etymology of the word, its part of speech. Thus, borrowed words obey one rule, Russian verbs – another, but this is systematized, thanks to the rules it is clear which vowel should be highlighted. Of course, you can check the stress online or look into the Russian stress dictionary, but it is unlikely that an explanation will be given or a rule written down that will make clear the pattern of highlighting vowels with intonation in similar words. Also in this section you can find a rhyme for memorizing the word that causes difficulties, so that the rule is forever etched in your memory.

What factors does a stressed vowel depend on?

Some words in Russian speech retain the stress on only one syllable, while in others the stressed vowel may be different, that is, several syllables are emphasized intonationally in some word forms. In this case, rules that systematize and subordinate the emphasis of vowels by intonation are of great help. For analysis and better identification of words that raise doubts about the placement of stress, examples of use are given.

Thus, speech is a system of interconnected elements that are united by special rules and are subject to them in order to facilitate the learning process. We should not forget that this is our main means of communication and interaction with other people, so you need to be able to speak correctly in order to be a good conversationalist. Knowledge of pronunciation norms shows the general cultural level of a person.

Stress in a word is the emphasis of a certain syllable within a word by the strength of the voice or by raising the tone. Let's figure out how to put emphasis on a word.

The question of where to place the emphasis arises when we're talking about about words consisting of two or more syllables.

To begin with, we note that in the Russian language there are no uniform rules for placing stress. Moreover, when we decline or conjugate one or another part of speech, the stressed syllable may change. For example, orphan - orphans, start - began.

Features of Russian accent

In some languages, stress is fixed. For example, the Czech language always places the stress on the first syllable, Polish on the penultimate syllable, French on the last. In Russian, stress has a free form, that is, each word has its own stress. Unfortunately, there is no single rule, so you have to memorize the words.

Stress helps differentiate words. For example, flour - flour, Atlas - atlas. Such words, identical in spelling, but different in sound and meaning, are called homographs.

There are also words in the Russian language in which you can put emphasis on any syllable. For example, cottage cheese - cottage cheese. Both options will be correct.

Dictionaries for checking stress

In order to correctly place stress in words, you need to remember the correct pronunciation of words, and if difficulties arise, turn to a spelling dictionary. To check stress, you don’t have to go to the library for a dictionary; now you can find a special dictionary on the Internet. For example, Dictionary of accents from Yandex. You can also download the dictionary to your computer and have it in electronic form (as an option, you can download a spelling dictionary).

If you don't want to search the right word in the dictionary, you can use the online service: you enter the desired word in a special window, and the program highlights the stressed vowel in a different color. There are a large number of such electronic dictionaries, for example:,

Why is it important to put emphasis correctly?

In our world, it is very important to be a literate person. Therefore, you need to know where to put the emphasis in a word, that is, simply remember the pronunciation of frequently used words.

Here is a list of common words in which mistakes are most often made, with the correct emphasis:

  • catalog;
  • contract;
  • shop;
  • shoe;
  • quarter;
  • blinds;
  • Cakes;
  • callIt;
  • beet;
  • sorrel;
  • more beautiful;
  • plum;
  • rhubarb;
  • envious;
  • angry;
  • scoop;
  • marketing;
  • Iconography;
  • dispensary;
  • tableYar;
  • napOta;
  • kilometer;
  • the Omen;
  • facilities.

Of course, there are a lot of words, so don’t be lazy to open the dictionary again and check the stress placement.

If you need to emphasize emphasis when writing a word in Word, then in the article you will find several ways to place the sign.

For task No. 4 “Orthoepic norms”

Rules for placing stress in nouns.

1. Words of foreign origin, as a rule, in the Russian language they retain the place of stress that they had in the source language. IN English language stress is most often on the first syllable, while in French it is on the last.
Therefore, English borrowings sound like this:
and the French ones are like this:
engraver, dispensary, blinds, rubber, parterre, music stand, chassis.

2. In words denoting measures of length and ending in -meter, stress falls on the last syllable:
kilometer, centimeter, millimeter, decimeter.

3. B difficult words with the second part -the wire with the general meaning of “a device for transporting any substance or energy,” the emphasis falls on the root -water- :
Gas line, water line, garbage line, light line.
BUT: electric wire, electric drive.

4. In words ending in -log, the stress falls, as a rule, on the last syllable: dialogue, catalogue, monologue, obituary.

5. B verbal nouns the place of stress is preserved, which is in the original verb from which they are formed:
(faith) confess – religion
provide - provision.

6. In some nouns the stress is fixed and remains on the root in all cases:
AIRPORT – airports
bow – bows – with bows
accountant – accountant
X - with X - X - X
CRANE - taps
Lecturer – lecturers – lecturers
cake – with cake – cakes – cakes
Scarf - scarf - scarves - scarves.

7. In a noun darling the emphasis falls on the root. In all words formed from this word, the emphasis on -BAL- DOES NOT fall:
pampered, pampered, pampered, pampered, spoiled, pampered.

Rules for placing stress in adjectives.
1. Some adjectives have the same stress as the original nouns from which they are formed:
plum – plum
kitchen – kitchen
SORREL - sorrel.

2. The stressed syllable of the full form of some adjectives remains percussive and in short form:
beautiful – beautiful – beautiful – beautiful – beautiful
unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable.

3. In some frequency adjectives with movable stress it falls on the root in its full form - singular and plural; and also in the short form - in the masculine and neuter gender. In the short form of the feminine gender, the emphasis goes to the ending:
right - right - right - right - right
slim - slim - slim - slim - slim.

4. If the emphasis in the short form of the feminine gender falls on the ending, then in comparative form it will be on the suffix -E- or- HER-:
sick - sicker, strong - stronger, slimmer - slimmer.
If the accent in the feminine gender is on the basis, then in comparative degree it is saved there:
beautiful - more beautiful, sad - sadder.

Rules for placing stress on verbs.

1. Emphasis in past tense verbs usually falls on the same syllable as the infinitive:
walk - walked, walked
hide - hid, hid.

2. In another group of verbs, the stress in all forms is fixed, and in the feminine gender of the past tense it moves to the ending:
take - took, took, took, took
lie - lied, lied, lied, lied.
took, took, poured in, burst in, perceived, recreated, drove, chased, got, got, waited, waited, occupied, locked, locked, called, called, lilA, lilA, lied, overstrained, called, poured, picked, began, drenched, hugged, overtook, stripped, departed, gave, recalled, responded, poured, called, poured, understood, arrived, tore, removed, created, tore, removed.

3. Verbs put, steal, sneak, send, send, send accent in form feminine past tense DOES NOT fall on the ending, but remains based on:
put, stole, stole, sent, sent, sent.
The exception is verbs with percussion attachment YOU-, which always takes over the accent:
lila - poured out, stole - stole.

4. B verbs ending in -IT, when conjugating, the emphasis falls on the endings: -ISH, -IT, -IM, -ITE, -AT/-YAT:
turn on - turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on
hand over - hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over over
get through - get through, get through, get through, get through, get through
bleed - bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed.
Verbs are conjugated using the same pattern:
call, exclude, endow, tilt, mess up, call, ease, encourage, encourage, borrow, surround, repeat, call back, call, drill, strengthen, pinch.

5. In the following verbs ending in –IT, the accent does NOT fall on the ending:
to vulgarize - to vulgarize
inquire - you will inquire.

6. In verbs, formed from adjectives, the emphasis most often falls on -IT:
fast - to speed up, sharp - to aggravate, light - to ease, vigorous - to encourage, deep - to deepen.
BUT: verb Angry, formed from the adjective evil, does not obey this rule.

7. B reflexive verbs The emphasis in the past tense form often shifts to the ending or suffix (in masculine past tense verbs):
begin – began, began, began, began
accepted - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.

Rules for placing accents in participles.

1.In active past participles with suffix -VSH- the stress, as a rule, falls on the same vowel that appears in the word before this suffix:
light up Vsh yay, nali Vsh oh, look Vsh yy.

2. In passive past participles formed from verbs bend, bend, bend the emphasis falls on the prefix:
bent, curved, bent.

3. In short passive feminine past participles the accent falls on the ending:
busy, locked, populated, acquired, poured, encouraged, removed, created.

4. If the stress in the full form falls on the suffix -YONN- , then in the short form it is retained only in the masculine gender, and in other forms it changes to the ending:
included – included, included, included, included
delivered - delivered, delivered, delivered, delivered
populated - populated, populated, populated, populated.
Participles change according to the same scheme:
endowed, brought down, encouraged, disabled, repeated, divided, tamed.

5. In full forms of participles with suffix -T- formed from verbs with suffixes -ABOUT- And -WELL- In the infinitive, the stress falls one syllable forward:
polo – polo T y, prick - kOlo T oh, bend - bend T oh, wrap it up - I’ll wrap it up T y.

Rules for placing stress in gerunds.

1. Participles often have stress on the same syllable as in the infinitive of the verb from which they are formed:
set - having set, fill - fill, occupy - having taken, begin - having started, raise - having raised, undertake - undertaken, create - created.

2. In participles with a suffix -VSH-, -VSHI- the stress falls on the vowel that comes before these suffixes in the word:
STARTED V, otA V, raise V, profit V,beginning lice s.

Rules for placing stress in adverbs.

1. To the console BEFORE- The stress falls in the following adverbs:
to the top, to the bottom, to the dryness.
BUT: dobela, dobela.
2. To the console BEHIND- the emphasis falls in the words:
beforehand, after dark, before light.
BUT: to envy is envious.

Ignorance of the rules of the Russian language does not relieve one from responsibility for the impression one makes. If a person respects himself and his interlocutor, then this is immediately visible not only by the words he pronounces, but also by the way he emphasizes them. Remember: a primitive language is for those who think primitively.

By WHAT and HOW a person says, you can make a portrait of him. As soon as your interlocutor opens his mouth, his level of culture and erudition becomes obvious. It is curious that more educated people understand each other perfectly and do not ask questions about where to put the emphasis in the words “contract”, “marketing”, “blinds”, “petition” and others. This is a closed club for the “select”, or rather for those who care whether they will be considered cattle or not.

Why do you need to put stress in words correctly?

In Russian the stress is free, i.e. is not assigned to any specific syllable, which frees the hands and tongues of all those who do not know the norms and gives the opportunity to ignoramuses to distort the pronunciation beyond recognition. Movable in different grammatical forms(cases, degrees of comparison, etc.) the emphasis sets traps for the illiterate. To avoid looking dumber than you really are, just know how to correctly emphasize the most commonly used words.

A person who puts the wrong emphasis on words becomes an object of ridicule.

Have you noticed that people who make mistakes in pronunciation are eternal objects of ridicule from satirists, KVNists and simply more literate “users” of the Russian language? This will never change! It is naive to believe that if most of the street kids speak “Will you call?”, then this has already become the norm. Nothing like this! This continues to indicate their backwardness and generally low educational level. Is it worth following the tail of the locomotive? Maybe it’s better to find out where to put the emphasis in words and speak normally without causing laughter?

For difficult cases, there are dictionaries and reference books that describe pronunciation rules in detail. Orthoepic dictionaries and various information portals, as well as reference books, are designed to eradicate speech errors and teach not only native speakers, but also foreigners the correct pronunciation. Why is this necessary? The simplest answer: to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. However, is this the true goal? For some it will be an incredible achievement. Others clearly understand that in order for the language not to become an enemy, it must be studied thoughtfully and constantly work on oneself.

You can find out where to put stress correctly in a particular word from a linguistic dictionary

To help foreigners and native speakers, numerous Internet resources are being created today, where you can find all possible “difficult” words and expressions. For example, there is a popular Internet portal, where you can not only check spelling and stress, but also hear how familiar words ideally sound (audio dictionaries “Speaking Correctly” and “Russian Oral”). However, it is better to rely on own brain and write the information there once, rather than rely on constant “prompts” from the computer.

How to put stress in words: norms for some special cases

There are many mnemonic exercises for memorizing, so choose the ones that are most effective for you. The recommendation for everyone is this: since speech is not just a set of words, but meaningful statements in a specific situation, the associative method always helps out when you are in doubt about where to put the emphasis.

Correct your speech, because speaking correctly is no more difficult than speaking with errors

We suggest you remember these blocks of information. They can serve as a “lifesaver” for the words blinds, contract, cottage cheese, catalogue, quarter, cakes, beets, sorrel, call, pamper, prettier, facilitate, plum, scoop.

  • Better not bite your nails and close the blinds.
  • A thief sneaked into our office and stole a contract.
  • The woman baked a pie, but forgot about the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must have been expensive at the market. (both forms are within the normal range)
  • He left us a hundred rubles and a catalog as a deposit.
  • The quarter is ending, who is richer now?
  • While putting on shorts, he remembered about cakes.
  • The rain has passed, the beets in the garden got wet. And the falcon noticed how many wet beets there were. The roundabout way is long, the beetroot borscht is delicious.
  • You love sweet caramel, but sorrel is healthier. They talked about the land, the cauldron and sorrel.
  • Who is standing in the square calling on a mobile phone?
  • In order not to shed tears, it is better not to spoil.
  • A blue dress will help you look much more beautiful.
  • To avoid carrying a lot, you need to lighten the load.
  • The sour plum compote was quickly poured into the garden.
  • Scoop cherries with a skull.

If you have your own associative chains that help you correctly place stress in words, then feel free to use this method, which saves you from stupid cramming. Even if these are not entirely decent “sayings” in content (for example, “This is not easy petting for you, but financial marketing”), the main thing is that the desired result is a one hundred percent guarantee of memorization and standard pronunciation.

You can come up with your own tricks for words such as “seal”, “petition” and “not allowed”? Write your options in the comments, we will welcome creative ideas!

Effective tips on how to remember where to emphasize a word.

It is not only foreigners who experience problems with placing stress in words - many native speakers also incorrectly emphasize syllables. Moreover, after reading this article, you may discover that you yourself have made mistakes. the site offers to improve your speech by reading examples of the most common accentuation errors, as well as simple and effective tips on how to remember where to put emphasis in words.

Features of stress in Russian

“Rules are made to be broken” - obviously, this is the credo that guides those who say “calls” instead of “calls.” However, it is fair to note that in the Russian language there is no single system for placing stress.

In English, as a rule, the beginning of a word is emphasized, in French - the ending, while in Russian the accent constantly shifts depending on the meaning, declension and conjugation of words. There is also the concept of “false analogy” - the emphasis from a certain word is transferred to its derivative (for example, wire - gas pipeline). Read on to learn how not to get lost in the phonetic jungle.

How to remember where to put the emphasis?

Each part of speech has its own rules, and there are a huge number of exceptions. It is very difficult to retain them in memory, so we suggest memorizing the spelling of the most difficult cases.

Accent in predicate names

We divided the “heavy” words into several groups, depending on which syllable is emphasized:

  1. First: genesis, compass, marketing, dogma, spark, foam, sign. This group also includes the record holder for incorrect pronunciation - the word shoe.
  2. Medium: religion, pullover, nap;
  3. Final: apostrophe, agreement, blinds, flint, mouth, joiner, Christian, cottage cheese, beets, quarter. The stress in the word “sorrel” also falls on the second syllable. And, of course, the highlight of the program is the “emphasis” - cakes.

Stress norms in adjectives

The most mistakes are made in the short forms of adjectives: deaf, rare, but friendly, rude, bright.

We also consider it necessary to remember the following words: ground, price, port, wholesale, mosaic, Ukrainian.

Where should the stress be placed on verbs?

We suggest going through the most common mistakes: tookA, drove, waited, raisedA, tookA, pampered, made easy, angry and, of course, in the word “call” the stress is always on the last syllable.

We also note the adverb more beautiful and the gerunds breathing, newborn, arrived and accepted.

Method of rhyming lines for better memorization of Russian accent

To always remember where the emphasis is placed, we advise you to come up with rhymes for difficult words. For those who are not good at poetry, the site provides the following examples:

  • Mom brought a scoop because she had spilled the cottage cheese;
  • In order not to grieve later, it is better not to spoil;
  • And what is the use now, instead of money - a catalogue;
  • Olya became more beautiful when she put on a blue dress.
  • I looked closer at the sorrel and saw an ant crawling along it.

There can be a lot of similar examples. The most effective way is to come up with rhyming lines yourself - then you definitely won’t forget.

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