The secret of Kate Middleton's flawless appearance after her third birth has been revealed! Kate Middleton showed what normal women look like after childbirth "7 hours after childbirth"

Most recently, Duchess Catherine gave birth to her third child. People in Britain and around the world were eagerly awaiting the arrival of this baby, and Prince George and the Duchess of Cambridge duly introduced him to the world. Kate Middleton, as always, was well-groomed and beautiful, and her face was shining, despite the fact that just a few hours ago she gave birth to a child.

Some people were shocked by how flawless she looked - with perfect makeup and heels. Opinions varied, but the most interesting part was the photographs of ordinary women a few hours after giving birth. Not everyone can afford a team of professional cosmetologists, makeup artists and hairdressers. Most women, after such a difficult process, simply dreamed of well-deserved rest and hearty food. Keep scrolling to see these funny photos of everyday women. They admire no less than Duchess Catherine.

1. Kate Middleton is known for performing excellently in any situation and the birth of a child was no exception. This is what she looked like after giving birth to her third child

2. Of course, people began to express their surprise. After all, these are some kind of miracles

Kate Middleton after childbirth and me after childbirth

3. Other moms started sharing photos of themselves immediately after giving birth. And the women look completely different in them

4. "Expectation and reality"

5. “I looked something like this.”

6. "I look as good as Kate"

7. “When Kate copied your style and looked flawless right after giving birth.”

8. Another postpartum look from a young mother named Priscilla

9. "Me and my little boy, whom I labored for 40 hours. He was born by emergency Caesarean. Where is my designer dress and hairdresser?"

10. “I wish I looked like Duchess Catherine after giving birth, but alas. Thanks to the hospital staff for their care after a difficult birth.”

11. "Kate and I 7 hours after giving birth. I'm on the right, in case you didn't understand."

12. “I was swollen and ugly after 3 days of labor, which ended in an emergency Caesarean section.”

13. “This is me after an emergency Caesarean section under general anesthesia. There were complications during labor. The photo was taken 24 hours later. I am not holding my daughter because I physically cannot do it.”

14. "Comparisons are unnecessary"

15. Some said that they would like to look like Kate Middleton in at least a few years as a young mother, let alone in a few hours

16. Some women, on the contrary, sympathized with Kate Middleton, saying that she had to get out of bed so quickly, get dressed, put on makeup and go out in public in full regalia

17. For other women, Kate Middleton became a motivator and they set new goals for themselves - to look just like Kate Middleton after giving birth.

Today the Duchess Cambridge Kate Middleton and Prince William became parents for the second time. Around six in the morning local time (8:00 Moscow time), Kate Middleton was taken to the hospital with contractions. The press service of Kensington Palace reported that the birth took place without complications. Fifteen minutes ago at official page Another message appeared on Twitter from the palace: that Kate Middleton gave birth, mother and baby are doing well. The baby was born at 8:34 local time. The newborn princess weighs just over 3.6 kilograms.

Queen Elizabeth II was immediately informed of the birth of her great-granddaughter. It is also reported that Prince William was present at the birth.

In this material we have collected all the information about how Kate Middleton’s pregnancy and childbirth went this and the previous time. We hope you find it interesting!

Kate Middleton's health status

During most of her first pregnancy, the duchess was tormented by severe toxicosis. Because of him, she spent a lot of time in London's King Edward VII Hospital.

The second pregnancy was easier. Toxicosis still did not leave the expectant mother, but after reaching an important milestone at 12 weeks, Kate Middleton began to go out and actively participate in events.

The couple's first child was a boy. Prince George Alexander Louis was born on Monday, July 22, 2013, at 16:24 local time (19:24 Moscow time). The British considered it a good sign that the boy was born on a full moon. He also became "the heaviest future king in modern history", his weight was 3.8 kilograms. By comparison, his father, Prince William, weighed less than 3.2 kilograms at birth, and his grandfather, Prince Charles, weighed just over 3.2 kilograms.

The second child was a girl. The baby was born today, Saturday May 2, at 8:34 local time. The princess also overtook her father and grandfather: she weighs just over 3.6 kilograms.

We congratulate the young parents and wish the baby health!

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A joyful event took place in Great Britain. On April 23, Kate Middleton gave birth to her third child. The prince was born at St Mary's Private Hospital in Paddington at 11am. Fans of the royal family are interested to know everything about the newborn prince - what is his weight and what was the boy’s name.

Best anniversary gift

The birth of another child in the royal family was a wonderful gift for the reigning Queen Elizabeth II. After all, two days before the joyful event, April 21, was her birthday. Plus, it can be said that Kate gave the perfect anniversary gift to her husband, William. After all, on April 29 it will be seven years since they got married.

According to the press, Kate has always dreamed of having a large family. She herself was born into a simple family with three children. She is very friendly with her sister and brother.

Despite the fact that Kate now bears the title of Duchess of Cambridge, many call her the “Cinderella” of our time. Middleton has no close relatives among noble people. But this circumstance did not prevent her from marrying a real prince. Perhaps this is why she was able to win the hearts of the people of Great Britain. Few have succeeded since his death in 1997.

Possibly the reason people's love is also that Kate has proven herself to be a wonderful mother. And besides, she pays attention to charity.

The girl has an excellent reputation, not overshadowed by scandals and gossip. Therefore, she is worthy of the title of princess and the honorary title of mother of royal heirs.

Introducing the baby to his subjects

Soon after the boy was born, his parents came out with him to journalists and ordinary people. Photos from this event are already on the Internet. Prince William went ahead to pick up his eldest children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. And together they went to meet the new family member.

The fact that the residents of Great Britain took their places next to the maternity hospital the night before, expecting good news, is not surprising. The news of an addition to the royal family was a real event for them. After all, he is the heir to the throne, the great-grandson of the current ruler, Elizabeth.

The princess appeared before her subjects in a luxurious scarlet dress with a white lace collar from designer Jenny Packham. Her cute look was perfectly complemented by heels, a neat hairstyle and delicate daytime makeup. Prince William was wearing a formal suit of blue color and a blue shirt. It was noticeable that William and Kate were very happy about the birth of the baby.

As the press notes, Middleton was wearing a dress very similar to the one Princess Diana previously wore after her birth. youngest son. This is not a mere coincidence, but a sign of respect for the memory of the untimely deceased mother of Princes William and Harry.

By the way, on the birthday of her first son, George, in 2013, Middleton came out to her subjects in a modest blue dress. It was very reminiscent of the one Diana wore after William was born.

Kate Middleton helped Kate Middleton create a festive look for her third child, her friend and stylist, Natasha Archer. She arrived at the hospital early in the morning.

Coming out to the public and journalists, the baby’s parents waved to them. And just two minutes after presenting the baby to the admiring crowd, they went to their home at Kensington Palace.

In honor of the newborn prince, coins were minted with his date of birth. Contrary to expectations, they are not distributed as souvenirs, but sold to royal subjects.

Disputes about the name of the heir

According to tradition, residents of the state made bookmaker bets on who Prince William and Kate Middleton would have - a boy or a girl? After the baby is born, controversy erupts over the baby's name. Most assume that the baby will be named Arthur. There are also suggestions that he may be named Albert and James. But the name William is the most rare option. It is unlikely that the prince will be named after his own father.

It is also interesting that the third child in the family of William and Kate was born in big celebration- St. George's Day. this saint is the patron saint of England. Many assumed that the boy would be born on this day. But it is almost impossible that the child will be named George, in honor of St. George. After all, that’s the name of William and Kate’s eldest child.

Some suggest that the heir will have an unusual and even exotic name. But these predictions are unlikely to come true. After all The Royal Family has always been very conservative, and here they closely monitor compliance with the limits of decency.

According to tradition, the baby’s name will be announced only a few days after his birth, but the weight of the baby is already known - 3.8 kilograms.

A representative of the British royalist community, Alexander Sheily, has already spoken about the birth of an heir. He is sure that a little prince will occupy an important place in the governance of the country. Although it is not known for sure whether this boy will become king.

For more than a week, media representatives were on duty at the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's Hospital in London in anticipation of the birth of the third child of the Dukes of Cambridge (we remember “The most touching moments of the Duchess of Cambridge’s discharge from the maternity hospital”). Duchess Catherine herself performed a real miracle on Monday - she arrived at the Lindo wing of the hospital in the morning, gave birth to a son, and left the hospital by the end of the same day. Moreover, Her Highness appeared in front of the photographers with a radiant smile and excellent hairstyle, as if she had not given birth to a child, but had dropped into the clinic for a cosmetic procedure. This circumstance became the topic of heated discussions, however, it could not be otherwise.

According to journalists, on April 23, the Duchess was in the hospital after giving birth for about seven hours. When Her Highness gave birth to Princess Charlotte, the hospital stay was 10 hours, and after the birth of her first child, Catherine remained in hospital overnight. All three indicators may seem incredible to most mothers, but why does the Duchess strive for records?

But the Guardian reminds us that overall, women in Britain do prefer to leave hospital as soon as possible after giving birth. According to statistics, in 2016, on average, British women were discharged within a day and a half after giving birth, the shortest period in high-income countries. For comparison, in the USA, mothers prefer to stay in medical institutions for two days, and, for example, in Ukraine this figure is about 6 days.

Meanwhile, the duchess's hasty discharge became the subject of discussion among other mothers - ordinary ones. On the TV show The Project, Michelle Laurie said that she was seriously perplexed when some girls are inspired by Kate's example. "You know, it bothers me when I hear young women say, 'Oh, that's so inspiring.' This is not at all inspiring. You know what would be inspiring? If they (the Duchess's team - editor's note) came into the room and said: “Let’s get up, do your hair and makeup and let’s get out of here.” And she would answer: “Get out: I just gave birth to a baby.”

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Loose Women star Nadiya Svalkha agrees with Laurie. She posted pictures of herself on social media after giving birth and commented on the claim that the Duchess looked “beautiful” after giving birth: “Was she beautiful? Poor woman. I looked at her and thought that now she just wanted to lie quietly. And someone who came did her makeup and hair. I feel for her. She's just a woman who just gave birth to a baby!

Milla Jovovich

But there were also harsher comments. Quite a few Twitter users noted that Her Highness's appearance in front of the public 7 hours after giving birth is unrealistic, and can become a kind of pressure for young mothers. TV and radio presenter Katie Hill hinted quite transparently that Katherine should think more about the child. “Kate robbed herself of the magic of the first few precious hours after the baby arrived. She was busy putting on her makeup, choosing shoes and other things to appear in front of the cameras in accordance with all the requirements of protocol, tradition and the expectations of the international press.”

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At the same time, People points out several specific reasons why Her Highness chooses not to stay in the hospital. Firstly, it is quite difficult to imagine a normal recovery after childbirth when the hospital is surrounded by crowds of fans, journalists and paparazzi. Secondly, a tense environment may not have the best effect on other women in labor, and Kate simply prefers to relieve them of unnecessary stress.). With such a serious team backing you up, Catherine and William's desire to be away from the prying crowd is understandable.

While Britain cannot get enough of the birth of the princess, mothers from Russia cannot calm down - the duchess was so beautiful, as if she had never given birth at all. The heated discussion online has been going on for several days. Women in Russia participate so actively in it, expressing a variety of opinions, that the British Mirror even published an article on this matter. In one of the Facebook groups, a lot of things were also said about whether a woman can look so good a few hours after giving birth. We have collected the most interesting statements about whether Kate gave birth herself, whether an elite clinic can have such an impact on appearance women, is it the husband’s fault, can a newborn baby look so good and what does a woman want immediately after giving birth.

It is worth remembering that Kate gave birth herself. This argument for natural childbirth will be used for a long time by doctors who do not welcome birth by cesarean section. There is no need to rush mom anywhere, nature will do everything itself. And really look beautiful and blooming. In Europe, it is common practice for mother and baby to be discharged the day after giving birth. The main thing is that mother and child feel good.

Here's what Russian mothers say about the birth of the Duchess of Cambridge, according to the Mirror:

Kate never gave birth herself - “She wore a fake belly throughout her pregnancy! She's just another actress from the palace! She has nothing maternal in her eyes. She didn’t give birth to her first child herself.”

Kate must have wanted to sleep - “The only thing a woman wants right after giving birth is to lie down and sleep. They are playing a fairy tale for us here, and someone also believes in it.”

Middleton gave birth a few days ago - “Five hours after giving birth, a woman cannot stand and walk so confidently. She probably gave birth a few days ago. And her baby looks suspiciously good. Newborns are never so pink and pretty. She definitely gave birth three days ago!”

Here are more quotes about “beautiful Kate” from a Facebook group for moms:

My son didn’t recognize me after the birth of his second child, he had changed so much. At least Kate.

I was wonderful! If you could film me up to my stomach.

If you were pretty before giving birth, then nature won’t change anything much. The main thing is to add a little makeup and tidy up your hair.

My first birth was such that I didn’t go near the mirror. And after the second baby she was good!

That day in London it was 11 degrees, they showed us some false photos.

These are not people, but some kind of robots...

In other photos you can see how Kate's eyebrows were drawn... The stylists did a good job on her.

She's already wearing heels... I couldn't put on my shoes for a year!

I feel sorry for Kate. The whole world is looking at her through a magnifying glass!

Middleton is great, he’s still smiling after giving birth. I actually wanted to eat someone...

Girls, they didn’t give birth in Russia! Otherwise I wouldn’t smile like that.

Kate was rowing, she’s a strong girl! Just think, childbirth.

She and her husband are lucky, she has a good one.

My children were also not red after birth, depending on others.

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