Where to get a medical certificate. Registration of a medical record. Who is required to obtain a medical card?

How to get a medical card yourself? The need for a personal medical record for the listed decreed population groups is regulated by a number of documents. First of all, this is Federal Law No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, Federal Law No. 29 “On the quality and safety of food products”. These issues are also spelled out in detail in the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 229 dated June 29, 2000 “On professional hygienic training and certification officials and employees of organizations", Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 122 dated April 14, 2000 "On a personal medical record and sanitary passport for vehicles for the transportation of food products,” Moscow Government Decree No. 1228 dated December 28, 1999 “On mandatory preventive medical examinations and hygienic certification.”

A personal medical record is issued only by Rospotrebnadzor authorities at the employee’s place of residence or work with mandatory registration in the register.

To apply for a medical record, you must have with you:
- passport
- photo 3x4 cm (color or black and white)
- application from the employer for hygiene training
- for non-resident citizens a certificate of registration in Moscow and the Moscow region is required
- receipt of payment for the form of a personal medical record and for hygienic training.

Citizens of other states (except Belarus) receive a personal medical record at the Central State Medical Examination Center in Moscow (Grafsky Lane, 4/9).

In order to obtain a personal medical record, you must go through a complex medical examinations,hygiene training(listen to the lecture) and certification acquired knowledge.

Duration of medical examination and hygienic training – no more than 1 month from the date of filing an application for a personal medical record. In organizations accredited for this type of activity, which have their own outpatient clinic and laboratory facilities, personal medical records can be issued and in a shorter time. However, this is at least 5-7 days for workers in public catering and food trade enterprises, and at least 3-4 days for workers selling industrial goods and for employees of public utility facilities. The timing is objectively determined by the analysis methodology. If any organization or individual offers to issue a personal medical book in 1-2 days, this means that this book will contain falsified data and is considered invalid. Such a medical record will not be registered in the relevant register of state sanitary and epidemiological inspection centers.

Persons whose activities are related to production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water You must undergo a preliminary medical examination, which includes:

- testing for carriage of intestinal pathogens
- serological examination for typhoid fever

- scraping for enterobiasis.
Then a medical examination is carried out periodically 2 times per year:
- examination by a dermatovenerologist
- blood test for syphilis
- bacteriological examination for gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
1 time per year:
- examination by a therapist
- fluorographic examination of the chest organs
- test for helminth eggs
- scraping for enterobiasis.

List of medical examinations for persons whose activities involve trading in industrial goods; for passenger transport workers; for managers, teaching staff, technical staff of secondary schools when entering work and in the future annually next:
- examination by a therapist and dermatovenerologist
- blood test for syphilis
- bacteriological examination for gonorrhea and trichomoniasis
- fluorographic examination of the chest organs.

All employees from decreed groups of the population must be vaccinated against diphtheria.

All foreign citizens are required to undergo an HIV test before entering work.

The results of the examinations must be entered on the appropriate page of the personal medical record. The name of the examination, the date of its conduct and the result, which is certified by the seal of the doctor and the stamp of the medical institution, are also indicated here.

The completeness and accuracy of the medical examination is checked by employees of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance before conducting hygienic training and certification. Without the results of all necessary examinations in the medical record, an employee is not allowed to train.

At the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the South-Eastern Administrative District hygiene training takes place in the form of lectures. For workers related With food products , training is carried out on Tuesday from 14:00 and in Friday from 10 o'clock.

with raising and teaching children lectures are held on Tuesday from 10 a.m. (for kindergartens) and in Thursday from 10 o'clock (for schools).

For employees whose nature of activity involves with public utilities and consumer services, and also for sellers of industrial goods, training is taking place on Wednesday from 14:00 and on Thursday from 14:00.

For employees medical institutions and pharmacies training takes place in Monday from 10 a.m. and Friday from 2 p.m.

After the lecture ends certification(in the form of testing or interview). An attestation stamp is entered into the personal medical record (PMR), after which the PMR is holographed. A personal medical record is assigned a registration number (together with passport data, it is entered into the register of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance). Only a fully completed medical record gives permission to work for decreed groups.

For staff state (budgetary) institutions provide benefits when paying for hygiene training and certification. To receive the benefit, you must submit to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center a referral for hygienic training, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the institution. Also, benefits when obtaining a personal medical record are provided to students of state educational institutions while undergoing training or industrial practice; to unemployed citizens in the direction of the Moscow Department of Labor and Employment.

According to Appendix 3 to Moscow Government Decree No. 1228 preliminary and periodic medical examinations workers budgetary organizations The Department of Education, the Department of Health, the Department of Social Protection of the Population, insured under compulsory health insurance in the capital, are carried out at the expense of the city budget.

For those who already have a personal medical record, It is necessary to pay attention to the timing of the medical examination. The results of medical examinations entered in the personal medical record should not be expired. Otherwise, the applicant will not be allowed to attend the next hygiene training.

Responsibility for the admission to work of persons who have not undergone a medical examination, hygienic training and certification within the prescribed period, and who do not have a personal medical book of the established form, lies with the enterprise administration.

They do not issue a personal medical record and do not undergo hygienic training and certification the following categories of workers:
- managers of enterprises trading industrial goods,
- employees of the accounting department, personnel department, legal and economic planning departments of all enterprises with the exception of food enterprises,
- medical workers (doctors and nurses) of medical institutions.

Medical workers undergo preventive medical examinations in accordance with current orders, and the results of the examinations are entered into the outpatient card.

. . Date: November 18, 2015. Reading time 5 minutes.

The procedure for obtaining a medical record consists of several stages: visiting a medical examination, taking tests, and in some cases, passing hygienic certification.

What is a medical certificate for and who should receive it?

Medical book– this is an official document indicating the absence of diseases contraindicated for work in the field of medical services, trade, education and raising children, or consumer services.

The list of categories of workers for whom it is mandatory to obtain this document is approved by Government Decrees of a particular region, but usually it is needed in all cases where work with people, food products, trade in industrial goods or seasonal work is expected. labor activity in children's camps. There are exceptions: a medical book is not needed for real estate trading, or for those who provide services remotely.

Before you apply for a medical record, you need to choose the location of the commission: in a local clinic, or in a private clinic, although previously this could only be done at Rospotrebnadzor. The full list of work, necessary tests and the list of doctors who will have to undergo is reflected in Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Social Development of Russia. For example, you can find out in it that employees involved in working at height must undergo a medical examination once a year, and for this they need to visit a neurologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, and to perform steeplejack work, an otolaryngologist.

In general, the entire process of obtaining a medical book is as follows:

  • First you need to decide where to apply for a medical sanitary record: in a private clinic or a district clinic.
  • Next, you need to buy a blank medical book and take two photos measuring 3x4. Also, some clinics may have ready-made health certificate forms. If you only need to extend its validity, then this paragraph is skipped.
  • After purchasing an empty health card, be sure to visit the medical institution chosen for examination, write an application, take tests and go through all the doctors.
  • In conclusion, get a referral to listen to lectures for hygienic certification (if required by your occupation), attend them, take the test and pick up an already completed medical book with a stamp and a hologram.

Who must undergo hygienic certification:

  • People working in the food industry.
  • Kindergarten workers and educational institutions.
  • Workers in the field of medical and consumer services, as well as those whose activities are related to agrochemicals and pesticides.

How to get a medical record for free?

It is worth noting that in any case it will not be possible to obtain this document absolutely free, but its cost varies depending on the location of the commission:

  • In private clinics, the price for a medical book can vary from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, but in some regions it reaches 10,000 rubles. The processing time usually does not exceed 1-2 days.
  • At a local clinic, you will have to pay the cost of tests and examinations by doctors (up to 2,000 rubles, depending on the list of required examinations), and then visit the Rospotrebnadzor department or an accredited training center, pay for lectures, listen to them and take the test. It will cost about 700 rubles. In this case, it may take a week to complete the document.

In accordance with Art. 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all costs for undergoing a medical examination must be paid by the employer, but in practice the following situations often arise:

  • The employee receives a medical card, the employer allocates money for it, but then deducts its cost from the salary.
  • The employee is told in advance that no one will compensate for the medical examination, and he pays for it himself.
  • Before conclusion employment contract the manager or authorized persons notify the potential employee that a health certificate is needed for further work, and he needs to get it at his own expense.

Everyone must decide for themselves what to do in such cases, but to resolve any conflicts in the field of Labor legislation, you can contact the labor inspectorate.

Where and how to formally obtain a medical record?

Let us consider in more detail the official registration of a medical record in a clinic using the example of Moscow:

  • First, you need to purchase a blank book, take photographs and make an appointment with your local therapist by phone or on the clinic’s website.
  • When visiting a doctor, you must provide a medical insurance policy, a passport, an outpatient card, a printed application and a blank book form.
  • The doctor issues a referral for preventive examinations and tests that are required to be taken in accordance with the type of activity.
  • At the reception you should find out the doctor's appointment schedule and the test schedule, then pay for everything and come to certain time and visit specialists.
  • After everything has been completed, with the direction and notes in it, you should come back to the therapist so that he can enter all the data into the medical book.
  • In conclusion, it is necessary to undergo hygienic certification and take a test at the Moscow Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, if required by the profession. You can also contact any other center that has a training license.

You should not hesitate to provide test results, because some of them may be valid for two weeks.

How to apply for a health certificate in a private clinic:

  • When visiting, you must provide an application, passport, insurance policy and photographs.
  • Next, get a bypass sheet from the reception, pay for the service in cash or by credit card, and undergo a medical examination.
  • Submit the already completed bypass sheet to the registry, then they will issue a coupon with information about passing the commission and the time of receipt of the sanitary document.
  • If you need to attend lectures for certification, you will have to contact Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow or a licensed training center.

What is the penalty for not having a medical certificate?

The employer is obliged to control the availability of sanitary records for its employees, otherwise, if Rospotrebnadzor identifies a violation of the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, a fine may be imposed for the absence of this document in accordance with Art. 6.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • For citizens – from 100 to 500 rubles.
  • For officials – from 500 to 1,000 rubles.
  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 500 to 1,000 rubles, or suspension of activities for 90 days.
  • For legal entities– from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, or a similar suspension.

The legislation also provides for disciplinary or criminal liability under Art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

A personal medical record is the same document as a license or passport. She carries within herself officially certified information about the health of its owner.

To work in some areas, you must have a health certificate. Russian legislation strictly regulates this issue. And therefore, when applying for a job, your employer will tell you how to get a medical book. Its absence will entail liability for both the employee and the employer.

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Purpose of the book

A personal medical record is an official document of the established form. The medical book is legal confirmation of human health and the absence of dangerous diseases.

In addition to data on medical examinations completed, the medical book contains information about results of passing hygienic certification. The information contained in this document directly depends on the employee’s field of activity.

For a number of categories of workers, Russian legislation provides compulsory medical examination with receipt of a medical book. These requirements are contained in articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the results of the examination are negative, the employee may be given a conclusion about professional incompetence, which will deprive him of the right to continue professional activity . But getting permission to work is not the main thing. The main task is prevention and timely detection of the disease

The book is drawn up according to special rules, which are also approved by law. It has 12 sections. The filling requirements are specified in the order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402 dated May 20, 2005

List of professions

There are a number of professions and areas that require a medical book by law. In the Letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2000 No. 1100/2196-0-117, you can find out who should have such a medical examination.

The document will be required for those who:

Professional activities for workers in the above areas are permitted after passing the necessary medical commission and obtaining a health certificate.

Design and cost

Only those who have the right to obtain a personal medical record have the right to centers of hygiene and epidemiology, or from an organization licensed by this department. This could be a community clinic, a specialized center, or a hospital.

Many people are interested in how to make a medical book for free; this, unfortunately, is impossible. You will have to pay, the only question is the cost, which may vary.

It will be more expensive in a private medical organization, but the queue in the corridor is much shorter. The approximate cost of a medical book is 2-5 thousand rubles. Its price also depends on the region where you live - in Moscow and the region the amount reaches 10 thousand rubles.

The cost of the question makes you wonder who pays for the inspection - the employee or the employer, and is the enterprise obliged to do this?

Costs for your personal registration medical document according to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are entirely the responsibility of the employer. But it is not always the case. Sometimes an employer allocates an amount for a medical examination and then deducts it from the employee’s first one.

Or, before starting a job, the employee is informed about the need to have a medical book and is warned that all costs are borne by him. Everyone decides independently at whose expense to pass the commission, but it is worth remembering that questions Labor law handled by the Labor Inspectorate. You can always ask for help.

Stages and deadlines

If you are faced with the requirement for a medical book for the first time and have absolutely no idea how to apply for it and where to get it, you can contact your therapist, he will give you the necessary directions. If you decide to undergo an examination in a private center, then be sure to inquire about the availability of permission for such activities.

The center or clinic will tell you what you need to obtain a health certificate. Usually this is a passport, a photo and the form itself. Buy medical record form You can, for example, in a stationery store, a post office, a clinic, or at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

Sample of a health certificate form:

Photos (2 pcs.) must meet certain requirements: light background, matte paper, size 3x4 cm, head size 2.1-2.6 cm, and the distance from the top of the head to the edge is up to 4 mm.

Next stage - passing the commission and passing all the tests you need. Here you will need a passport, vaccination certificate, photographs, and, if available, a certificate of fluorography.

And in conclusion - obtaining an opinion, a medical book with all the necessary stamps and a hologram, if necessary, passing hygiene courses and certification.

The processing time may take up to 3 weeks. It takes on average 3 days to receive test results. This depends on the capabilities and workload of the laboratory.

Now the medical book has changed and a new form is in use. Information about the owner is printed in the department where it is issued. In the regions, employees are allowed to enter this information by hand. All data is certified with stamps. The hologram is glued to the photo and a mark of completion of any courses. Fill out the book at the place of inspection.

What must be certified by a stamp?

In addition to the mandatory medical examination need to get tested. Their number depends on the type of activity:

  1. Main list for those who work with industrial products, as well as for hairdressers and cosmetologists, it is enough to donate blood for RW and a smear 2 times a year.
  2. For school employees and those who work with products in addition to the main list, you will have to be tested for typhoid fever and intestinal infections when applying for a job and once a year - for helminths and enterobiasis.
  3. The third list has been compiled for health workers. In addition to the above tests, they will need to be tested for HIV, staphylococcus, HBS and HCV.

Tests are taken annually. Blood for RW and smear must be taken 2 times a year if you work in kindergarten or manger, then 4 times a year. The shelf life of some tests does not exceed 2 weeks, so you should not delay the commission.

What should be in the medical record:

After examining the doctors and confirming to them that you are healthy, The doctor stamps the medical record and puts his signature indicating the date.

Validity and renewal

There is no deadline for how long a permit is issued. But the medical examination and tests will need to be retaken. All basic tests are taken twice a year. The frequency of medical examination depends on the type of activity. It is possible to renew your medical book as long as there are empty pages left.

For industrial enterprises You need to confirm your ability to work and update your medical examination only once a year, and for sellers once every six months.

How to recognize a fake?

  • To begin with, pay attention to external characteristics : dark blue color, gold embossed lettering, size 9.7x13.5 cm.
  • Then open the document itself. Pages with all personal data, as well as a photograph, are located horizontally. A hologram must be pasted onto the photograph and stamped Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.
  • The book is stitched with a security thread for stapling official documents.
  • On page No. 2 there is a unique number consisting of 7 digits. It is contained in the state register. And if you wish, you can send a request to the department to check whether this medical book was issued or not.
  • Strict accounting paper with watermarks.
  • Pasted on the mark of the passed certification square hologram.
  • The background of all pages of the book is a special blue drawing– mesh with rings.

Watch the video on how to distinguish a real medical book from a fake one:

Accounting for books

The Labor Law provides an explanation of where the medical record should be kept.

After passing the commission, the certificate is transferred to the HR department. It is stored there until the employee leaves. The employer can fill it out in your medical record only the date of employment and position. The name of the employing organization is indicated when issuing the book.

For employees of the organization not having a medical book, a fine is imposed, both on the organization and its employee. It is also possible for a legal entity to be subject to disciplinary or criminal liability.

Control over the availability of medical books and the validity of the medical examination - employer's duty.

It is worth remembering that a personal medical record is an official document. Its presence is required only for some areas of activity. The registration process should be taken seriously. Purchasing a medical record illegally may result in administrative or even criminal liability.

The employer also needs to remember this when hiring a new employee in order to avoid fines or deprivation of the right to work. Usually, fines for organizations reach 20 thousand rubles. Also, by accepting a person with a false document, you are endangering both yourself and those around you.

Personal medical record is an official document of strict reporting and is issued by organizations authorized by Rospotrebnadzor - centers of hygiene and epidemiology - to enter the results of mandatory preventive medical examinations and hygienic certification.

A personal medical record is subject to holography and must have the seal of the Rospotrebnadzor organization that issued the medical record. The result of certification for professional hygienic training is confirmed by the stamp of an organization authorized by Rospotrebnadzor ( order of Rospotrebnadzor dated May 20, 2005 N402 “On personal medical record and sanitary passport”).

Personal medical books are not subject to free sale; they are issued during hygienic training with mandatory registration in the Register of Medical Medical Inspections.

After filling out a personal medical record form, you must undergo mandatory medical examinations in medical organizations (clinics, dispensaries, medical centers, etc.) that have the appropriate license. The results of the examinations must be entered into the book.

Admission to hygienic certification is possible only after undergoing hygienic training and in the presence of a doctor’s conclusion based on the results of mandatory medical examinations entered into the personal medical record in the prescribed manner (see section Hygienic training and medical examinations).

Advice on the scope of medical examinations and the schedule of lectures is provided by employees of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow when registering a personal medical record.

Since 01/01/2017, the FBUZ “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow” has been carrying out, as a pilot project, the registration and issuance of personal medical records on electronic media - an electronic personal medical record (ELMK).

Electronic personal medical record- an electronic card, which is a tangible medium containing recorded visual, graphic and electronic forms of information about the user and providing access to information contained in the electronic storage, used to certify the fact of admission to work of the card holder based on the results of the necessary mandatory medical examinations, examinations, medical examinations , vaccination and professional hygiene training and certification.

Electronic personal medical records and personal medical records on paper for workers in epidemiologically significant professions in the city of Moscow are equally valid.

The QR code is designed to provide quick verification of personal medical records using mobile devices (smartphones or tablets).

Registration and issuance of a personal medical record, hygienic training and certification are paid services, paid in accordance with the price list of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow"

Procedure for the provision of services

Registration and issuance of personal medical records

You must submit:

  • application for issuance of a personal medical record;
  • applicant's passport (original);
  • 1 photo (3 by 4 cm);
  • direction from the employer indicating the name of the place of work;
  • for nonresident citizens - a certificate of registration in Moscow or the Moscow region.

All documents are submitted by the applicant personally or by the applicant’s authorized representative (by power of attorney)

1. Primary:
1.1. on a form with a QR code - 217.12 rubles.
1.2. in electronic form - 103.84 rubles.
2. Re-registration:
2.1. on a form with a QR code - 194.70 rubles.
2.2. in electronic form - 94.40 rub.

Organization of hygienic education and training of workers

It is necessary to undergo hygiene training and present:

  • personal medical record with current medical examination results
  • application for hygienic certification

With certification in electronic form- 284.38 rub.

Conducting hygiene training

An application for hygiene training must be submitted

Full-time- 2256.16 rub.
Part-time or part-time(for 1 person/hour) * - 391.76 rub.

*/ Hygienic training in full-time and part-time form includes full-time training (lecture) in the amount of 3 academic hours, the correspondence part of the training is implemented using textbooks. Training manuals are issued during primary hygienic training (for the first time when entering work in this specialty).

Price teaching aid(including VAT) is RUB 181.72

Thus, the cost of the initial registration of a personal medical record on paper with a QR code with the completion of primary hygienic training in full-time and part-time form and certification in electronic form is 1858.50 rub.(in view of VAT).

The cost of the next hygienic training in full-time and part-time form with certification in electronic form is RUB 1,459.66(in view of VAT).

The cost of re-issuing a personal medical record on a form with a QR code with passing the next hygienic training in full-time and part-time form and certification in electronic form is 1654.36 rub.(in view of VAT).

Medical workers and university teachers are not subject to professional hygienic training, but are required to undergo pre-employment and periodic medical examinations, and have a personal medical record.

How much does a medical examination cost for a medical book?

Medical book, with a note about undergoing training(minimum dignity), will cost approximately 800 rubles.

The price for a medical examination is set medical organization, therefore prices for it in private and city clinics differ, on average from 1800 to 2500 rubles.

The cost is affected field of activity employee.

For employees of healthcare systems and the food industry it is implied more wide range clinical tests, and preventive examinations are more expensive for them than for workers in other professional fields.

Preventative examination includes:

  • examination by medical specialists: therapist, ENT specialist, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, obstetrician-gynecologist, occupational pathologist, dentist, psychiatrist, narcologist;
  • diagnostic studies: fluorography and electrocardiogram;
  • laboratory tests (mandatory for all categories of citizens): biochemical and clinical blood tests, UMSS, smears for cytology and STDs;
  • additional tests: scraping for helminth eggs, stool according to KATO, tests for typhoid fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, staphylococcus.

Additional expenses

In addition to examination at the clinic, it is necessary to undergo doctors narcologist And psychiatrist in specialized dispensaries.

Their consultation costs approximately 150 rubles.

If the clinic does not provide an appointment with a dentist, then it must be done in a dental clinic for a fee (approximately 200 rubles).

Additionally you need to provide 3x4 photos And vaccination certificate.

Registration through the clinic

Passing a medical examination at a public clinic is a rather lengthy process that takes about two weeks.

First you need to purchase a medical book, then pay for the service through the clinic’s cash desk, this approximately 1800 – 2100 rubles and then proceed to the procedure itself.

It is almost impossible to get tested and see specialists within one day, due to long queues and limited appointment time.

Test results are being prepared from 3 to 5 working days.

After receiving the results, you must visit general practitioner for the final conclusion. He also needs to submit certificates from neuropsychiatric and drug treatment clinics and a vaccination certificate.

The results of the completed inspection are provided to the hygiene center, where, as a next step, certification of workers is carried out, which is paid additionally (approximately 180 rubles).

Thus, the total cost of a medical record when issued through a clinic will be about 3500 rub..

Specialized centers

In addition to the city clinic, a medical examination can be done in a private clinic or specialized centers that interact with "Center for Epidemiology and Hygiene".

In private clinics, the procedure costs a little more, from 2000 to 2500 rubles, however, it includes a number of advantages.

Pass lab tests and pass specialists perhaps within one day, and the results of diagnostic studies and the therapist’s conclusion will be ready in a week.

IN specialized centers all actions are performed In one place, from acquiring the ordination book to passing final certification, which significantly reduces the time required to complete the document.

The total cost of the finished medical book is from 3000 to 3500.

Is it possible to create a document for free?

For citizens applying for work in educational, healthcare, food industry organizations, as well as in enterprises providing household and utility services to the population, the costs of obtaining a medical book are paid at the expense of the employer(Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Usually, when applying for a job, people undergo a medical examination at your own expense, and the employer reimburses within a month them the full cost.

But many private organizations (catering establishments, trade organizations, hairdressing salons) require applicants to have a ready health book, which they must do in advance and themselves.

In this case, the book should already be with passed a medical examination.

And so, in answer to the question: how much does it cost to make a medical book, we can say that its cost ultimately varies from 3500 to 4000.

Prepare a document inexpensively and in short time possible in specialized centers, and all registration costs must be borne by the employer.

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