Chemical brain. Brain chemistry and behavior. Chemical effects on the brain


Side effects are called "chemo brain" or "chemo fog" and affect approximately 17%-75% of patients. How to reduce this phenomenon after chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is a life-saving treatment. However, it can also be accompanied by damage to the central nervous system - which can be accompanied by headaches, damage to vision and hearing, and impaired intellectual ability. These phenomena are called "chemo brain" or "chemo fog", they cause damage in 75%-17% of patients and can last for several years before disappearing.

In children, these side effects may last up to adult life. There are objective difficulties in determining the very chemical substance causing these side effects. This is because chemotherapy is usually combined with surgery, which in turn can cause mental trauma. Also, during surgery, the patient receives medications to relieve symptoms of nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and restore the immune system.

In women, chemotherapy can lead to menopause, anxiety and depression, and therefore harm mental abilities. In addition to these factors, adverse effects may not become apparent for several years after treatment. Despite these difficulties, researchers using imaging techniques have found that after chemotherapy there is a decrease in brain volume in areas associated with memory and concentration. Even years after treatment, the response in the anterior cortex and hippocampus of the Parana gyrus was reduced. Also in the area of ​​the brain responsible for decision making, behavior and memory, changes in the structure of white matter were observed.

During an experiment on mice, it was found that 5-FU and methotrexate affect learning and memory abilities. Preclinical studies have shown that chemotherapy can lead to oxidative stress and blood vessel inhibition, a condition that reduces the availability of oxygen and nutrients in the brain and causes inflammation in brain tissue.

Are there medications or drugs that prevent these side effects? The antidepressant Fluoxetine has been scientifically proven to improve the growth of hippocampal neurons in rats, which leads to the prevention side effects, which experimental rats received as a result of taking drugs - 5-FU or Methotrexate.

Also, physical exercise, such as “running on the Wheel,” helped the rats cope with the side effects after taking drugs such as 5-FU and Oxaliplatin. Another drug, Nacetylcysteine, was already tested on the human body, which also proved the prevention of these side effects after taking the drug Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide.

To summarize, oncologists recommend: Exercise and the drug Nacetylcysteine ​​help prevent brain damage for people undergoing chemotherapy. The above information is based on data that was provided in the medical journal Walker EA The Scientist Magazine, 2013;


Typically, relationships between people are considered the prerogative of social and psychological sciences. But, as research has shown recent years, this problem can be studied at the molecular level. And this was confirmed by some discoveries in the field of genetics and biochemistry.

For example, it was found that some molecular mechanisms regulating social behavior, exist without changing for hundreds of millions of years. Moreover, both in animals and in people they are very similar and function almost identically.

One of these regulators of social behavior are the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin.

Their detailed study showed that these compounds can work in two modes: they can affect both single neurons and their groups. In the first case they are called neurotransmitters, in the second - neurohormones.

The molecules of oxytocin and vasopressin consist of only nine amino acids and differ from each other by only two amino acid fragments.

These or related compounds have been found in almost all studied multicellular animals: they were even found in hydras. Their history, according to biologists, dates back about 700 million years.

In mammals and humans, the nerve cells of the hypothalamus are involved in the synthesis of oxytocin and vasopressin. But in invertebrates that lack this structure, these compounds are produced by special neurosecretory sections of the nervous system.

The effects of these two neuropeptides have been studied very extensively in many animal species. As a result, it turned out that oxytocin almost completely regulates the family life of females: their sexual behavior, childbirth, lactation, attachment to children and marriage partners.

But vasopressin is more occupied by the “stronger” sex: it affects erection and ejaculation, aggression, territorial behavior and relationships with partners.

Of course, the effects of these compounds on human behavior are many times more difficult to study than their effects on animal behavior. Nevertheless, thanks to modern techniques in this field of science, scientists have obtained many interesting facts.

Surprising results were obtained by comparing the individual variability of people in certain microsatellites - short, sequentially located repeats in DNA. Psychological and behavioral differences were found to be associated with this variability.

In addition, it turned out that microsatellites influence certain character traits, for example, the ability to self-sacrifice. In particular, this applies to the RS3 microsatellite.

This section of DNA is under the control of family life. In 2006, Swedish scientists found that in men who are homozygous for one of the allelic variants of the RS3 microsatellite, called RS3 334, romantic relationships lead to marriage two times less often than in other representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Moreover, they have the same times greater risk of being unhappy in their marriage.

But among the weaker sex, no such correlations between satellites and problems in life were found: even if women are homozygous for this allele, they are not very offended by their personal lives.

At the same time, those women to whom fate “gave” a husband with the “wrong” microsatellite are most often dissatisfied with family relationships.

Carriers of the RS3 334 allele stood out nearby characteristic features. So, there are more of them among those who suffer from autism. When looking at strangers, carriers of this allele become more excited in the amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for processing socially significant information, as well as for feelings of fear and distrust.

When neuroleptics began to be dripped into the nose, scientists obtained amazing effects. So, when vasopressin was administered to men in this way, the faces strangers they saw threatening facial expressions.

But for women, the effect was the opposite: for them, unknown faces became friendlier, and they themselves behaved much softer. But for men it was the other way around.

As for oxytocin, in men it improved the ability to understand the mood and feelings of strangers based on facial expressions. In addition, during a conversation, men looked their counterparts in the eyes more often.

In addition, when oxytocin was administered nasally, men became more trusting.

The studies carried out have clearly shown the problems that may appear in society in the near future. For example: should sellers spray oxytocin in the air around their products or not? Should oxytocin be prescribed to spouses who are constantly arguing? Or should this not be done so as not to cause more serious health problems for them?

Neither biologists, nor psychologists, nor sociologists can answer all these questions at once. Therefore, the problem of brain chemistry, control over it and the future of society awaits new research and, of course, conclusions that can offer the most optimal way out of this situation.

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In his article, Mundell writes that “there is a biogenic aminotemporal-limbic neurology of transformed consciousness,” and that “Western man, who turns inward in search of metaphysical solutions to his problems, has biological mechanisms that can make his path more rational.” Developing his biopsychiatric theory related to the so-called pharmacological bridge and the mechanisms controlling the limbic forebrain arousal system, he gives credit to William James for his "statement that transcendental experience was the same wherever he studied it, and that the most frequently evoked the source, God, was in the brain."

Mundell cites numerous studies that have provided striking evidence for the concept of "God in the Brain." He proposes the hypothesis that the decrease in the level and/or release of serotonin (which can be caused by the use of amphetamines, cocaine, hallucinogens, as well as meditation and running) inhibits the regulation of hippocampal pyramidal cells, which leads to their overexcitation and loss of their inherent ability to relate external events with internal reactions. This leads to a sense of unity and a sense of having found "truth" as the person no longer uses the comparative and evaluative functions of the brain. In addition, “increased excitability of the limbic structures of the temporal lobe, which can be judged by synchronous discharges in this area, is associated with personality changes in a person, similar to those that we observe during religious conversion.” This appears to happen because cells in the hippocampus become overexcited and die, creating a neurological state of transcendental consciousness and a feeling of high emotion called ecstasy. Mundell believes that the death of these cells may be the cause of irreversible positive changes in the personality of a person who has gone through the experience of religious transcendence. Several researchers have found that these cells are dead in the brains of people with psychomotor epilepsy who exhibit religious conversion, decreased sexuality, transcendental consciousness, good nature, and depth of emotion. The author suggests that "repeated or powerful one-time episodes of cessation of serotonin inhibition" may occur in those who run long distances, meditate, or use hallucinogens, thereby reproducing the personality changes characteristic of those who have transcendental experiences.

An analysis of the many works collected and studied by Mundell showed that biochemical reactions can cause symptoms very similar to those exhibited by people during the process of Kundalini movement or spiritual awakening. These include ecstatic states, unity consciousness, interest in spirituality, the need to write, epiphanies, and long-term positive changes in a person's personality. But when we continue research in this direction, many questions need to be addressed, since until now there has been no study of people clearly defined as subjects of Kundalini awakening or mystics. Mundell used many different terms when talking about transcendental experience, such as Maslow's "peak experiences", Jung's "individuation", Lao Tzu's "absolute Tao", "satori", "samadhi", Gopi Krishna's "Kundalini awakening", as well as terms such as as "divine spirit" and "strong experience". It is safe to assume that the subjective descriptions of many of these conditions differed significantly, much less from the experiences of individuals who suffered from epileptic seizures, took drugs, or underwent electrical brain stimulation in laboratories. All unusual states and experiences are different from each other and are not caused by the same cause.

However, there is enough evidence to confidently say that meditation, breathing techniques and Kundalini awakening can affect brain chemistry or the passage of electrical impulses in the brain. Indeed, some Eastern teachers pointed out that the process of awakening Kundalini completely rearranges the structure of cells, while others looked at the restructuring of the human brain as an evolutionary necessity that is made possible by the awakening of Kundalini.

However, there is a certain danger in using "biogenic aminotemporal-limbic neurology" as a comprehensive explanation of the brain's reactions to ecstatic, transcendental states or a sense of unity. Will we then come to the conclusion that all mystics suffer from temporal lobe epilepsy, or that all epileptic seizures are nothing more than spontaneous indicators of a person’s tendency towards mysticism? Will we put the brain in full charge of all aspects of consciousness, destroying thousands of years of esoteric teachings in one fell swoop? And will it not turn out that these teachings are nothing more than a reaction to the instinctive movement towards the evolution of the brain, and we are destined to live, adapting to the activity of our temporal lobes, while their cells die and ever slower waves permeate the brain?

This approach suggests that what a person gains through years of spiritual practice and the greatest teachings of saints is simply the result of biochemical changes that can easily be produced through drugs or electrical stimulation of the brain. Such a quick solution is very attractive to Westerners. If there is such an obvious possibility of turning sinners into saints, hostility into love, rage into peace with the help of a pill or electric charge, then should we not apply these methods to habitual criminals and turn them into people like Anandamayi Ma, Krishnamurti, Yogananda and other teachers, equally full of love and wisdom? If drugs really created spiritual mystics, then we would not be concerned about the increase in their numbers in ghettos, schools and communities, and we would call those on trial today for drug addiction, violence and other drug-related crimes enlightened.

Another danger is reducing what is a powerful healing and transformative effect to disruption of the biochemical functioning of the brain. Perhaps the brain should not be completely open to transcendental states and states of unity, ecstasy and insight, but it is unlikely that the fact that such a discovery has occurred means illness. As the brain develops the ability to naturally accept the influence of more active pranic energies and divine intuition, it will be able to open more to dimensions beyond what Western science has explored and to encounter consciousness that exists in a state beyond. Perhaps the transformed temporal lobe is already a piece of the brain of the future, the next step of evolution, the slower rhythms of brain waves accompanying transcendental states correspond to those sattvic (harmonious) qualities of the causal body, which, penetrating into human consciousness, make liberation possible. Thus, we can hope that the process of evolution continues to bring us wisdom, harmony and creativity.

Mundell's theory offers some interesting avenues for exploring the nature of the changes brought about by Kundalini awakening and other esoteric processes, if they can be used as a two-way street. But one should not reduce mystical states to simple (or even complex) brain functioning, but should consider the work of the brain in connection with cosmic consciousness and look at the temporal lobes of the brain (or the unexplored frontal lobes, where the third eye is located) as areas whose activity will give the ability to achieve wisdom that extends beyond intellectually driven dualistic thinking. At this level, cosmology and biology can begin to merge.

Brainwave theory

Itzhak Bentov, a talented inventor of biomedical equipment, who did a lot of research on the human nervous system and himself worked with Kundalini energy, as a result of work using ballistocardiography to study physiological changes in the body of meditators, discovered the so-called physio-kundalinic syndrome. This syndrome was later described in an article by physician Lee Sanella and was used as a model to explain the process of Kundalini awakening to psychotherapists.

Bentov noticed that certain mechanical vibrations, electromagnetic waves or sounds reproduced in a laboratory setting produce waves in the brains of non-meditators similar to those produced during meditation. He built a biofeedback system by creating a pulsating magnetic field around the patient's head, and thus stimulated the occurrence of these waves. Trying to explain the phenomenon of spontaneous awakening of Kundalini, he suggested that in people with particularly sensitive nervous system it may be a spontaneous reaction to similar frequencies to which they have been exposed for a long time, for example, when driving a car whose spring system and seat structure produces vibrations of such frequency, or while sitting near an air conditioner at work.

Bentov attributed the mildness or severity of symptoms to the amount of stress accumulated in the body, and emphasized that only when Kundalini reaches stressful areas do symptoms begin to cause concern. He drew on the work of stress researcher Hans Selye to support the fact that the nervous system can be so loaded with stress that its ability to achieve higher states of consciousness becomes very limited. He believed that this is why all schools of meditation emphasize the importance of calming the body. These stresses are actually energy blocks that can be transformed and cleared, usually involuntarily through body movements, unexpected emotional outbursts, or unexplained pain in the body. different parts bodies. Bentov recommended accompanying meditation with light tonic exercises, such as some hatha yoga poses and breathing exercises medium intensity, as the most effective, inexpensive and fastest way to remove stress from the body. Bentov defined physio-kundalinic syndrome as follows:

The series of physiological symptoms usually begins in the left foot or left big toe, either as a mild tingling sensation or a cramp. Tingling travels up left leg to thigh. In extreme cases, paralysis of the foot or entire leg occurs. Loss of sensation may occur over large areas of the skin of the left leg. From the hip the symptom moves along the spine to the head. Severe headaches (with a feeling of pressure) may develop here. In the case of prolonged and severe pressure in the head, dystrophy of the optic nerve may begin, followed by visual impairment, memory loss and general disorientation.

Bentov identified this progressive sensorimotor cortical syndrome with the physiology of Kundalini, but emphasized that it is not only a matter of physiology, for planetary and spiritual forces also come into play. In his physiological model, meditators produce continuous sound waves in the ventricles of the brain, which generates sound vibrations in the heart that cause the walls of the ventricles (the fluid-filled cavities of the brain) to vibrate. These vibrations irritate and eventually “polarize” the cerebral cortex so that it sends the signal through the body in a closed loop, starting with the big toes, that is, in the opposite direction of the normal flow of signals. Bentov tried to show that the location of the points of such influence corresponds almost exactly to the path of Kundalini in the body as it is described in esoteric literature. He believed that states of bliss in those who circulated energy in this closed loop were the result of self-stimulation of the pleasure centers in the brain caused by the flow of “flow” through the sensitive area of ​​the cerebral cortex.

Bentov pointed out that most symptoms occur on the left side of the body and therefore believed that development occurs mainly in the right hemisphere of the brain. This, according to him, is quite logical, since we use our rational, rational, logical left hemisphere all the time, and meditation stimulates mainly the non-verbal, feeling, intuitive right hemisphere.

Dr. Sanella, a psychiatrist and ophthalmologist, drew on Bentov's theory in his brief but insightful work on the process of Kundalini awakening, Kundalini - Psychosis or Transcending (later expanded and published under the title The Kundalini Experience). He also addressed the similarities of some psychotic symptoms that accompany a Kundalini awakening, and said that sometimes patients are misdiagnosed and given the wrong treatment because medical professionals cannot accurately determine whether what is happening to a person is a spiritual awakening or a disease. He described 11 patients with physical and emotional symptoms associated with the movement of Kundalini, and identified signs that make it possible to distinguish psychosis from the process of awakening spiritual energy.

Sanella also said that in some cases it is possible to develop symptoms similar to schizophrenia if a person receives negative reactions from others or feels resistance to interpreting what is happening to him as a Kundalini awakening. He assumed that people who were mediums were most likely to awaken Kundalini and that for them this process would be complex and powerful, since they had a particularly sensitive nervous system. Many of his patients had some experience of paranormal psychic abilities before awakening. Sanella suggested that three categories of reactions are possible to spiritual practices: visions, the appearance of paranormal psychic abilities and the awakening of Kundalini.

Dr. Sanella's comments in a conversation at the university medical college San Francisco in the spring of 1981, distributed to a California hospital to inform doctors about Kundalini symptoms. These notes describe the process of Kundalini awakening as an unusual neurological complex or syndrome that occurs in some meditators. It describes the following symptoms:

Its motor signs are swaying, trembling, jumping, twitching, taking certain poses, grimacing, shouting and unusual species breathing Sensory manifestations are seeing or feeling internal lights and hearing internal sounds, very hot or cold areas on the surface or inside the body, tingling, numbness, pain, partial paralysis, ecstasy, fear and trance. The amount of energy involved seems inexplicable in ordinary metabolic terms. When the process is completed naturally, the disturbances gradually disappear and the personality of the person may be irreversibly changed... The observed symptoms suggest that there is an internal stimulation or increased sensitivity of the sensorimotor area of ​​the cerebral cortex , as well as deeper and adjacent brain structures. To explain this phenomenon, Isaac Bentov created a neurophysiological model based on the idea of ​​resonance generated by people who meditate. It was partially confirmed by measuring audible sounds and changes in micro-movements of the body during meditation.

Dr. Sanella's credibility in medical circles allows him to greatly help reduce misdiagnosis because he relies on Bentov's neurophysiological model, expressed in medical terms so that it becomes understandable to physicians. Most doctors who have some understanding of Kundalini and its effects on the body most likely gained this knowledge through familiarity with the theories of Bentov and Sanella.

However, the extent to which Bentov’s work relates to Kundalini and pranic energies remains questionable. Since he writes about the stimulation of all states in laboratory conditions, it is clear that states of samadhi or similar ones were absent there and the result of liberation from stress factors was primarily relaxation; the patients probably did not experience a true Kundalini awakening.

Mary Scott, who spent many years in India researching the nature of the Kundalini energy, wrote that the work of Bentov and Sanella was original, well-founded and provides irrefutable evidence of the action of some specific physiological mechanism. She added: “Whether this mechanism or cycle has any direct relation to the Kundalini described in tantra remains far from clear...” And she suggests that the complex that Bentov discovered may be more likely to be associated with closed brain waves, the occurrence of which is due to the state of deep relaxation achieved in meditation; with stress arising from conflicts generated by interference in the natural functioning of the psyche; or with gaps between the surface and subconscious levels of the self.

Scott pointed out the destructive side of the change in life orientation that is characteristic of many people involved in meditative techniques, and the pressure this puts on the ego when the system emerging from the subconscious begins to push it away from its central place in the psyche, as a result of which impulses begin to come from two centers - from the ego and the Self. She suggests that the movement and distribution of energy in the two subtle bodies creates enormous stress at the base of the sushumna, from where all the nadis rise, which, in turn, can cause the physio-kundalinic syndrome.

It seems to me that the fact of physio-kundalinic syndrome in itself does not confirm or deny the awakening of Kundalini, but indicates the presence of pranic symptoms that meditators can demonstrate. Such a symptom may be a sign of an internal conflict between the ego and the self, as Scott believed, or a sign indicating certain blocks in the subtle body that a person encounters in altered states of consciousness, as well as a reaction due to brain stimulation.

Fire and big toe

Bentov's interest in the processes occurring in the big toe of the left foot has a remarkable counterpart in yoga, namely the contemplation of the big toe of the right foot with the aim of kindling a fire in the body. The appearance of activity in the big toes in the uninitiated may be a spontaneous kriya type reaction because it reflects the ancient yogic practice of shakti. The fourth sutra of the Shiva Sutras describes a method of contemplation that leads to the dissolution of identification with the gross, subtle and causal bodies through the visual image of the gradual burning of the entire subtle body system. The initiate does this by contemplating the big toe of the right foot, where the deity of scorching light, Kalagni Rudra, is placed. The student focuses his attention on this burning image and lifts it up the body until he is completely immersed in divine consciousness. This technique is called dahabhavana.

This technique is also notable because of the existence of rumors of yogis who "burn up" or disappear in the flames of a spontaneous explosion. This may be due to the literal interpretation of this ancient technique of Kashmir Shaivism. Of course, overzealous use of heat and prana can "burn" or damage the physical and thin body just like drug use and other abuses. But the only concrete evidence of the possibility of combustion in the truest sense of the word that I was able to find is this amazing story St. Catherine of Genoa. She was a Christian mystic, and eyewitnesses said that she was completely burned by an internal fire.

Saint Catherine was born and lived in Italy in the 15th century. She was a married woman of noble birth who led socially active life, characteristic features which were self-sacrifice; asceticism and contemplation. She often had a feeling of unbearable heat and ecstatic states, and sometimes she could not eat anything for a long time. Before her death, which occurred at the age of 63, for four months she suffered from such a terrible illness that there was no part of her body that did not burn with fire. In addition, the disease was accompanied by numerous internal bleeding and vomiting, during which liters of blood flowed out so hot that it boiled. Many doctors studied the strange disease and came to the conclusion that it was a supernatural phenomenon. During her illness, she had visions of God, and once she was in a state of trance for two days, while she saw herself without a body and without a soul, when her spirit was “entirely in God, losing sight of heaven and earth, as if there were more of them.” didn't exist."

The next time she felt a nail piercing her heart, which brought her unbearable pain for ten hours. The next day she felt great joy and “saw a ray of divine love, the brightness of which was almost unbearable and which incinerated her human nature” and “saw a ladder of flame and felt that she was being drawn upward, and therefore experienced great joy.” Because of the internal heat that was devouring her, she asked if the world was burning, and everyone around was amazed that she remained alive with such strength of internal fire and despite the fact that she could neither drink nor eat. Her body became completely yellow, and remained that way after death, dried, without any signs of decomposition. It still lies unharmed in a crystal coffin in the chapel of the Pammatone hospital in Genoa.

It is not known whether St. Catherine's internal fire originated in the big toe or any other part of the body, but it clearly affected the blood. In the acupressure system, the big toe is the starting point of the spleen meridian, which governs the accumulation of blood, the destruction of old blood cells, the production of antibody-producing plasma cells, and is associated with the immune system. It modulates energy in the body and affects connective tissue, blood, mouth, tongue and sense of taste. It has a strong connection with certain aspects of puberty and creativity, and acupuncturist Mary Austin wrote that it may “be implicated in late development and mental retardation,” “fuel higher mental states,” and “play a significant role in in the treatment of diseases of the genital organs in both men and women." This means that the powerful energy flowing through this meridian can influence sexuality, mental states and mental clarity. Perhaps meditation or laboratory experiments with energy are sending too much energy through it, resulting in some symptoms that move up from the big toe. Heat, concentrated in the big toe, leads to heating of the blood, and thus the burning sensation easily spreads throughout the body.

Bliss and the Brain

Judging by the rate of development of addiction in experimental rats, it is very likely that by stimulating a certain pleasure center in the brain, a state similar to bliss can be induced. But it does not follow from this that there is only one type of bliss and that it is necessarily associated with Kundalini or that Kundalini needs to be awakened in order to receive stimulation of this pleasure center. Experiments with rats have shown that if you give them the opportunity to constantly stimulate the corresponding point of their brain, they become so attached to this activity that they do not want to be distracted from it even to eat. And, as I suspect, this is not because they awakened Kundalini, which brought them the ability to reach higher levels of consciousness. In people who have not undergone electrical stimulation, the bliss brought by the activity of the brain's pleasure center is rather a consequence of immersion in a state of deep relaxation of consciousness, in which the activity of pranic energies is redistributed, rearranged or intensified in such a way that it begins to affect this point.

There are texts that describe 27 types of bliss that accompany awakening, and I have personally experienced many varieties of it, ranging from bliss isolated in specific parts of the body, such as the legs or jaw, or along one side of the body, to a feeling of complete leaving the body and dissolving into another realm or a feeling of ecstatic energy flowing down the shoulders or up the spine during activities completely unrelated to meditation or relaxation (for example, while walking down the street). Bliss can come with powerful, uncontrollable heart energy that illuminates everything around you, or with a feeling of fusion when two people connect their energy fields. The body can vibrate from it, like a harp string, sending the world beautiful waves of energy. Bliss can flare up inside like bright fireworks. It can be a supreme, indescribable immersion in peace and understanding. It may only be a flash, or it may last for days. Its strength and quality vary enormously, and I do not think that all types of bliss are generated by the same isolated flow of energy described by Bentov, or by one pleasure center in the brain, or just by the decrease in serotonin levels discovered by Mundell.

"Chemical brain" or “chemical fogging” is a disease that is characterized by disruptions in memory and cognitive impairment in humans. This disease often occurs in people who have undergone chemotherapy as part of their cancer treatment. The mentioned symptoms negatively affect the psychological state of the patient and require careful study.


The following are signs and symptoms of “chemical brain”:

  • strange disorganization;
  • feeling tired;
  • problems with concentration;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • disruptions in short-term memory;
  • difficulty in choosing the right word;
  • difficulties in learning new subjects;
  • difficulties when trying to do several things at the same time;
  • reduction of time to concentrate on something;
  • disruptions in verbal memory (difficulty remembering the content of a conversation);
  • disturbances in the functioning of visual memory (problems with remembering any image);
  • increase in time for performing daily activities.

When to see a doctor

If you notice that your cognitive abilities are impaired and you experience memory problems and speech impairments, you should consult a specialist. It is better to record the symptoms of the disease in a diary, this will help the doctor understand exactly how disorders in the brain affect your daily activities.


The disease has a different duration and severity for each patient.

  • If the brain problems are not very serious, the patient will be able to continue working in the same place, but there is a possibility that he will have to spend more time on some tasks than before.
  • If there are serious memory impairments and problems with concentration that prevent the patient from performing any work, then the patient must be registered as disabled.

Causes of the disease

The reasons for the development of the disease have not been fully established. One of the causes of "chemobrain" is the use of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer, but other factors are believed to be at play.


During diagnosis, the doctor analyzes the patient’s complaints, conducts an examination, and studies the family and medical history of his illness. In order to determine the area of ​​brain damage and its degree, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • positron emission tomography (PET);
  • CT scan.


On this moment There are no methods that can completely rid a person of cognitive impairment. Patients with “chemical brain” benefit from consultations with a competent specialist, the use of physical exercise, massage sessions.

In the previous article we talked about how drug addiction causes changes in the natural balance of the brain, and today we’ll talk about the chemical changes that occur when a drug enters the human body.

It won't be surprising to hear a story about how one 28-year-old woman took drugs with adolescence. According to her, she reached the point where she was already aware of her problem, but did not know how to get off this roller coaster. “I took drugs even when I didn’t want to,” she said. “I took the injection and prayed every time that I wouldn’t die with him. And one day I told myself that I won’t repeat this tomorrow.”

Addicts know better than anyone how difficult it really is to quit smoking, drinking alcohol and using all types of illegal drugs.

The human brain works by transmitting messages from one neuron to another. The process begins as an electrical signal from a single neuron. As it passes from one neuron to another, the electrical impulse is converted into a chemical signal by neurotransmitters such as dopamine. The connection between neurons is called a synapse, and this is where chemical processes occur. The electrical impulse stimulates the release of dopamine. When it is released, it travels to dopamine receptors on a nearby receiving neuron, where it causes a flow of ions through cell membrane. The movement of charged particles through the membrane creates electricity in the receiving neuron. This is called synaptic transmission. Thus, the receiving neuron receives a message to change the output ratio of the electrical impulse.

Drugs alter synaptic transmission by changing the pathways through which neurons communicate with each other. A drug that affects the synaptic transmission of dopamine can increase its amount reaching the receiving neuron. For example, amphetamine stimulates the release of dopamine itself from the neuron, and cocaine binds the receptor itself, preventing dopamine from entering it. Because of this, too many dopamine molecules remain in the synaptic space, since they did not arrive as intended. Excess dopamine in the synaptic space increases the generation of electrical signal by the receiving neuron.

Nicotine, for example, activates acetylcholine receptors. Acetylcholine is another neurotransmitter. Nicotine binds to acetylcholine receptor sites, thereby stimulating neural release. Drugs can affect this process in a variety of ways.

The method of drug use also affects the brain differently. Most quick way get pleasure - smoke a drug, or inject it intravenously. And if you take the drug intranasally, or in tablet form, the effect will be slower.

When a person uses drugs, that person's brain learns to function in the presence of the drugs. When a person stops using drugs, the brain does not immediately return to its previous pattern of activity as it was before using.

Some types of drugs are highly toxic, such as methamphetamine. A single high dose of methamphetamine can damage nerve endings in dopamine-containing areas of the brain.

The process by which a person is able to enjoy something is formed in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for thinking, as well as in the limbic system, which is responsible for primitive impulses. The drug interferes with the functioning of these systems, disrupting their natural regime.

All drugs except hallucinogens release dopamine into the nucleus accumbens of the brain. Changes in brain function are not only related to substance abuse, but also to various types addictive behavior such as gambling addiction.

Scientists know that the processes necessary for a person for survival, they perceive it as a reward, for example, the absorption of food. A person tends to repeat actions that are followed by reward. Therefore, drug addicts tend to repeat unhealthy behaviors because the rewards are immediate.

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