From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

Vietnamese schoolchildren never eat bananas before important exams or tests. The fact is that these fruits are associated with the word “slippery,” which, in turn, is consonant with “failure.”

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Folk signs on September 9

Popular name:

Kuksha, Kuksha-fieldfare, Anfisa.


Do not lift anything at an intersection on this day. There is a belief that a raised object will bring damage to you.

Interpretation of dreams September 9

The dream in which a vampire appeared suggests that in real life there is a person next to you, “sucking” you out vital energy. If he bit you in a dream, then you risk losing your health or a large sum of money. If you managed to kill him, you will soon be able to get rid of your sworn enemy.


If it seems to you that someone from your environment is an energy vampire who has a bad influence on you, then buy jewelry or

By the ninth autumn day Rowan and viburnum ripened. People treated this berry with special respect, as it was considered medicinal and healing. In addition, the rowan has long been considered by the people as a chapel tree; its berries warded off evil spirits from the home.

Folk signs and traditions of the day

On the ninth day of autumn, women and children went to collect rowan and viburnum berries, leaving men to solve other complex economic problems. From the collected berries they made jam, jellies, compotes, dried them and stored them for the winter. Viburnum and rowan berries were considered valuable medicinal raw materials, helping against many ailments and ailments, not only colds.

In order to protect houses from intrigues evil spirits Bunches of rowan berries were hung on this day in houses and above the threshold. It was believed that in this way one could protect oneself from the evil one and prevent it from entering one’s home.

Orthodox traditions of the day

Orthodox Christians celebrate this day Orthodox name days two saints, famous preachers of the era of early Christianity.

Saint Pimen, called the great, is known for the fact that in the first time of his preaching activity he founded a small Orthodox monastery, which was subsequently destroyed during a raid. Pimen, along with other monks, moved to a pagan temple, where with their meekness and diligence they earned the respect of the local residents. Subsequently, many of the residents voluntarily converted to Christianity.

The second saint Pimen spent many years in desert solitude, where he tried to pray and atone for his sin. According to Biblical tradition, the saint initially tended the flock. One day, when a man was passing by his herd, the dogs attacked him and killed him, Pimen did not stop them. For this, the Lord revealed to him that the same death awaited him. Subsequently, this is what happened.

Believers pray to the saints on this day, asking for help in the household, protection from evil spirits, health and strength for the winter.

Signs for the weather

Watched natural phenomena, they tried to determine the nature of autumn and the approaching winter.

  • A generous harvest of rowan promises a rainy and damp autumn, as well as a frosty and severe winter.
  • If there is thunder and a strong thunderstorm on the ninth day of autumn, then, according to forecasts, the autumn will be warm and fine.
  • We observed the condition of the rowan bunches on the trees: if the birds did not eat all the berries, then in winter a respite from frost and warming was expected.

9th of September Orthodox Church honors the memory of Pimen the Great (340-450) - a Christian saint, revered among the saints. In his youth, Pimen felt a craving for monastic life. With two of his brothers, he went to the deserted Skete monastery.

In 407, their monastery was destroyed by the Berbers. The monks moved to the ruins of the pagan temple of Terenufis, where they spent the rest of their lives. They led a strict ascetic lifestyle. Virtues were revered by the surrounding peoples. People in need of help and good advice began to come to Pimen. Thanks to the monk, a collection of monastic sayings was born, called “Aphorisms.” About a quarter of the aphorisms belong to Pimen the Great himself. The saint lived a long life and died at the age of 110.

Also on this day, the memory of the martyr Anfisa (Anfusa) Novaya is revered, who was drowned in a well for professing the Christian faith after cruel torture.

September 9: traditions and customs of the day

IN folk calendar Slavs this date was called Anfisa Ryabinnitsa. On this day they glorified the rowan tree, tried to pick as many bunches as possible and hang them on poles under the roof. According to legend, this should bring happiness to the house.

In Rus', much attention was paid to rowan. According to beliefs, this tree connects the human soul with nature. A rowan shoot growing in the yard is a good sign. But harming the plant is strictly prohibited. You cannot unnecessarily damage the trunk or break branches. If you had to do this, then you must ask the tree for forgiveness.

Rowan - powerful amulet from witchcraft and evil spirits. Russian peasants hung rowan branches over the front door to protect their homes from the living dead.

Signs about rowan:

  1. Three rowan trees near the site are a powerful amulet against fires.
  2. A rowan planted under a window will protect against human envy.
  3. A tree on the porch promises a rich life.
  4. Rowan in the garden - to a good harvest.
  5. Whoever cuts down a rowan tree will soon get sick and die.
  6. If a rowan growing in the yard suddenly dries up, then troubles are coming.

In Rus', brides' heads were often decorated with a rowan wreath. If on the wedding day it unexpectedly breaks, then the wedding is not taking place for love. If the wreath for a long time remains fresh, then the young people sincerely love each other and their marriage will be happy.

In the fall, girls made beads from rowan berries. Such jewelry was considered an excellent amulet against witchcraft. The beads were worn for a year until new berries appeared. After making a new decoration, the old one was burned or buried in the ground.

September 9: signs and beliefs

  1. If there are a lot of berries left on the rowan tree, then winter will be merciful.
  2. A large harvest of rowan - for wet autumn and cold winter.
  3. Thunder rumbled - the warmth will last a long time.
  4. A lot of acorns on an oak tree means a harsh winter.
  5. If you drink rowan juice all autumn, then in winter you will not be afraid of any diseases.
  6. On September 9, you can’t lift anything at the intersection - they could cause damage.
  7. It is better not to borrow money on this day, because it will not be returned soon.
  8. You can’t stand on the threshold for a long time, otherwise you’ll bring trouble to the house.
  9. The day is not suitable for making large purchases, because they will not bring joy.
  10. You can’t get married on this day - to an unsuccessful outcome.

A person born on September 9 is given the ability to overcome enemy misfortunes. He will be kind and strong. He should wear alexandrite and onyx.

Video: date of birth September 9 - meaning


    • . In other words, a horoscope is an astrological chart drawn up taking into account place and time, taking into account the position of the planets relative to the horizon. To construct an individual natal horoscope, it is necessary to know with maximum accuracy the time and place of birth of a person. This is required in order to find out how the celestial bodies were located in given time and in this place. The ecliptic in the horoscope is depicted as a circle divided into 12 sectors (zodiac signs. Referring to natal astrology, you will be able to better understand yourself and others. A horoscope is a tool for self-knowledge. With its help, you can not only explore your own potential, but also understand relationships with others and even make some important decisions.">Horoscope130
  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future using dominoes; this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes using tea and coffee grounds, from the palm of their hand, and from the Chinese Book of Changes. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, accept them not as an immutable truth, but as a warning. Using fortune telling, you predict your destiny, but with some effort, you can change it.">Fortune telling67

Venerable Hieromartyr Kuksha (1113). Martyr Anfisa, for faith in Christ with a stone on

recessed neck.

Common name:

Kuksha, Kuksha-fieldfare, Anfisa.

Signs and customs

By this day, the rowan berries were ripening, and the peasants prayed to Saint Kuksha for a good harvest of berries. Since ancient times, there has been a legend that Saint Kuksha walks the earth with a rowan branch in his hands and baptizes pagans with it.

Rowan berries were valued in villages as an excellent remedy for colds. It was believed that anyone who drinks rowan juice every day would not be overcome by any illness; they believed that for various diseases it would be very good to crawl through a rowan tree split in half and tied at the edges. A conspiracy against fever was read over the roots of the rowan tree, and then, tearing them out of the ground, they placed them on the bed of a sick person.

The peasants believed that rowan bunches were strong amulet, so the berries were poured down the groom’s boots so that they wouldn’t cause damage at the wedding. To prevent the deceased from disturbing the living when returning from the cemetery, they hung rowan rods above the door. In Rus' it was forbidden to break rowan trees, chop them for firewood, or pick flowers from trees. This prohibition arose because healers usually transferred all considered diseases to this tree. And if anyone takes a piece from such a tree, he himself will soon get sick and die.

Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are a lot of berries left on the rowan tree.

In September there is only one berry, and that one is bitter rowan.

Name day on September 9th is celebrated by:

Anfisa, Kuksha, Liveriy, Hosiya, Pimen, Savvaty (Sava).

The New Moon day in any month is one of the most important. It is believed that when a very thin new month, a new stage of the lunar cycle begins, which means a new stage can also begin in the life of every person. In order for the changes to be truly noticeable, it is necessary to know the exact date of the new moon in each month, in order to carry out some important actions on the eve and refrain from unwanted activities. The next day of the New Moon is expected to be September 9, 2018.

Signs and unusual rituals for the New Moon Day, September 9, 2018

Since ancient times, this phase of the Moon has attracted the interests of people, which contributed to the formation of signs and special rituals. In most cases, the new phase of the Moon, when a thin Moon rises in the sky, is associated with improvement financial situation, making a profit. To make the latter come true, there are several rituals specifically for the purpose of attracting funds on the day of the new moon.

The simplest ritual way of attracting funds is to “show” the Moon that has ascended to heaven a nickel - the usual 5 kopecks. This must be done at the moment when the Month is noticed by you for the first time. The coin is placed on the palm with its obverse (the front side of the coin is “eagle”, usually the ruler is depicted) and extended towards the Month. At the same time, you don’t have to say anything, or you can ask for more wealth in your own words.

Another way to attract finance on this day needs to be done at home, but in this case you will need something. First, you will need to purchase a new wallet. And secondly, you will need a candle, preferably green. On the day of the New Moon, you need to light a candle and place it next to your new wallet, saying that the flame of the candle will take away all debts, and let the new moon bring financial success and achievements. The candle should burn out completely, after which the money from the old wallet should be placed in the new one, carefully arranging them in order, with the front side of the bill facing the bill. The next day, you need to try not to spend the “spell money” in order to enhance the effect.

The most logical sign, of course, seems to be the mandatory success of any business started on the day of the New Moon. Therefore, you should hurry to complete old things in order to fully devote yourself to new ones.

Looking into the dark sky in the evening and seeing a bright star next to the Moon, in its lower part, you can be sure that the weather will be windy. It is also believed that seeing this star is extremely rare, therefore a person who sees a star is lucky and can make a wish to have it come true by the will of the star that appears before his eyes.

Before the New Moon, even during the waning phase of the Moon, it is recommended to carry out general cleaning at home in order to cleanse the home of accumulated negative energy and cut off all unnecessary energy connections. Then to the new one lunar cycle the home and its owner will enter full of strength and energy for new beginnings and victories.

Strictly prohibited on New Moon Day, September 9, 2018

It has been proven that on the days of the New Moon people are more vulnerable emotionally and, accordingly, physically. It is therefore recommended to refrain from certain actions and events, so as not to tempt fate on the important day of the New Moon on September 9, 2018.

So, how a person’s energy is really weakened on a daily basis new moon, you need to wait a while with a radical change in appearance, in particular, refrain from cutting your hair, or changing the color of your hair (there have been many cases when the paint was applied unevenly and took on the wrong shade), which can cause harm to yourself - the hair will become fragile and brittle, and may begin to fall out.

It is always unpleasant to quarrel and spoil relationships with loved ones. But on September 9, 2018, the New Moon, you must try to be patient in order to avoid conflicts and squabbles. Otherwise, there is a risk that bad, unstable relationships with others will haunt you throughout the next month. And some disagreements may be the last in a broken relationship.

It is advisable for people with serious health problems not to look at the Moon at all. Because this can lead to complications of the disease. In general, any person should approach the Month with caution and attention. In particular, it is forbidden to point your finger at the Month, so as not to incur any bad weather on yourself and your loved ones.

In addition to the above ritual of attracting Money, you should refrain from making large and expensive purchases or major investments. During the New Moon period, all financial expenses turn out to be either exaggerated, that is, unnecessary, or completely empty; what is purchased does not last long, or what money is invested in quickly burns out. As in the ritual with an old and a new wallet on the day of the New Moon, September 9, 2018, it is better to refrain from any spending of money.

On September 9, 2018, you should not give in to requests and lend money or anything else to anyone. On the day of the New Moon, this is fraught with the fact that need will be omnipresent over the next month.

It is important to spend the New Moon day - September 9, 2018, setting yourself up for everything good and positive. In this way, the correct message will be sent to the universal absolute, and this kind of positive thoughts will soon materialize.

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