Small brown spider in the house. Brown recluse spider (lat. Loxosceles reclusa). Spider bite treatment

Spiders (arachnids) are silent killers that, if attacked, cause the instant death of their victim. Patient and calculating arachnids (all spiders belong to this class) weave trapping, killing webs from invisible sticky threads. Up to 30 thousand species of spiders are known. They live next to humans - in houses, forests, fields, and ponds. And, of course, a spider bite is not uncommon, especially if a person is in the habitat of spiders.

All spiders are poisonous. Venom glands are located on two head appendages - chelicerae. They need poison to kill and digest their prey. The main prey is insects. Some tropical spiders have a web with a diameter of 2 m and can even interrupt the flight of a small bird. They feed on frogs, mice, small birds, fish and even their own brothers - cannibalism among spiders is quite common occurrence. Most spiders are not capable of causing significant harm to humans. Although the venom is strong, its small amount and poorly developed injection mechanism limit the number of species dangerous to humans. The only dangerous ones for people are those that can pierce the skin. The most common species include karakurt (black widow), tarantula, scorpion, hermit spider, cross spider, tarantula spider, and house spider.

spider bite the next day

Most spider bites have General characteristics, such as a small blister in the middle, swelling and swelling surrounding the bite site, and large redness in a circle. On the outer side of the bite site the redness is paler. It's important to note that a spider can only bite once, so if you have multiple bites, it's likely that it was someone else who bit someone other than a spider, or that multiple spiders bit you at once. A typical spider bite goes away within a few days and, in most cases, does not require special attention.
However, if the bite site looks different - a large bubble appears, bright redness quickly spreading to the sides, blue discoloration of large areas of the skin - these are serious signs that you need to react to immediately and contact a medical facility immediately.
In the photo you can see the differences - what a bite from a safe spider looks like and a bite that is dangerous to health.

What to do if bitten by a spider

  1. First of all, don't panic! Although all spiders look scary, there are only about 12 species whose bite has a serious impact on people or animals. The two most dangerous are the black widow spider and brown recluses.
  2. Check the wound. After a bite, pay attention to the site of the bite - whether there is redness, swelling and burning pain. There may be abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, fever, dizziness. The most dangerous reactions are difficulty breathing and shock. If there is anything more than just a bite mark, slight redness and pain, you need to call an ambulance or see a doctor.
  3. Spider identification - if possible and safe. Some spider bites require serious treatment, including antitoxins. If you are unable to identify the spider, this will be helpful in determining appropriate treatment. It will help a lot if you can catch the spider in a jar or box (just remember to be safe). Or at least take a photo of it and show the photo to the doctor.

First aid for a spider bite

  1. To reduce blood flow in the affected area, it is necessary to secure the arm or leg with a belt or scarf - as if there was a fracture. This will prevent the poison from quickly spreading into the blood and spreading throughout the body.
  2. Wash the bite with soap and water. Regardless of whether the spider is harmless or poisonous, it should be washed thoroughly as soon as possible. Even ordinary spider If bitten, it can cause infection in the wound.
  3. Apply a cold compress or ice to the bite site.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids - this will ensure that the poison is quickly eliminated through the kidneys.
  5. Take a pain reliever - for example, analgin or ibuprofen.
  6. And also an antihistamine that will reduce allergic symptoms - itching, burning, rash.

If you suspect you have been bitten by a poisonous spider, you can apply a tight bandage above the bite if it is on an arm or leg, making sure you do not completely cut off the circulation.

The goal is to slow the spread of the venom, not stop blood flow to the extremities. If the bite is on another part of the body, apply ice and get to a medical facility immediately. Hospitalization is required for most of these types of bites.

Recluse spider bite

One of the four spiders whose bite poses a danger to humans - recluse spider. The brown recluse is generally not aggressive and generally bites people as a means of defense mechanism, usually when a person's leg or arm accidentally gets too close.

The brown recluse has a clear fiddle pattern on its back in the midsection of its body - pictured.

The venom of the recluse spider contains powerful cytotoxins and hemolytic enzymes that destroy red blood cells. Although the sting is not usually painful at first, there is a burning sensation similar to a bee sting for the first few minutes after the sting.
A small white blister may also appear at the site of the bite.

Additional symptoms usually develop two to eight hours after a recluse spider bite. Sometimes it takes up to 12 hours until symptoms of the bite develop. Signs:

  • severe pain at the site of the bite
  • severe itching
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • fever
  • muscle pain

Local symptoms

Initially, you may see slight signs of redness at the site of the spider bite.

In most cases, the skin at the site of the bite then hardens and scar tissue may take several days to form. More severe local reactions also occur and can cause blistering, discoloration of the skin, and necrosis of the skin area.


Because The reaction to a recluse spider bite can be sudden and severe; it is necessary to contact a specialist to prescribe treatment. A visit to the doctor should not be delayed until symptoms appear; see a doctor as soon as possible.
If possible, the spider should be caught and brought to a doctor or service emergency care for rate.

There are no known antivenoms for bites brown recluse, so your doctor may prescribe painkillers, antihistamines to relieve itching, or recommend icing the bite to reduce pain and swelling.

Cross spider bite

The cross is a small creature harmless to humans that lives quietly, hunting insects that fall into their nets. The sharp poisonous fangs of the spider are primarily a tool for hunting and serve to protect it from other spiders. The victim, falling into the trap, is quickly paralyzed by the poison, and then the spider devours it.
The cross spider looks quite harmless - it is distinguished by its characteristic cross pattern on its back. The color varies from green to gray, depending on the habitat. The cross is very common - it lives almost everywhere.

A human bite can only be accidental. Their teeth are not able to damage hard skin, but thinner areas of the body are not a problem. Most often, this situation can arise while walking in the forest, picking mushrooms or traveling. Cross plants grow quickly and can reach impressive sizes in late summer.

They stretch webs of web between the trees at the height of a human face. An inattentive mushroom picker falls into the network being laid and completely destroys it. Then the insect, willy-nilly, tries to escape or hides under clothing. IN this moment, we can accidentally crush an insect and then the spider bites.

Sometimes such situations occur during sleep. Spiders are nocturnal creatures and often move around in search of good places for hunting. A sleeping person, feeling a slight tingling sensation on his body, instinctively trying to scratch himself, crushes it, exposing himself to a bite. Erythema or swelling may occur on the body in the area of ​​the spider bite. Usually these symptoms go away on their own.

The poison of the cross does not cause any harm to humans. However, people with allergies or sensitive to spider toxins should consult a doctor.

Tarantula bite

The bite of a tarantula (Lycosa, Theraphosidae) does not pose a danger to humans, but may be accompanied by pain and swelling. After being bitten, the animal performs a defensive maneuver, while shedding hairs from its abdomen. Small hairs getting into the eyes and skin cause pain and urticarial rash. A type of tarantula is the tarantula spider.

Tarantula spider bite

There are 400 species of tarantulas of different colors. From cobalt blue to gray or dark brown, sometimes black. The tarantula reaches sizes from 9-10 to 17-23 cm, although its body is no more than 10 cm. The rest is on the legs.
Tarantulas live a very long time - from 25 to 40 years, but this depends on the gender of the spider. He is one of the most terrible spiders (outwardly) - his weight is 80 grams! The tarantula spider does not weave a web like other spiders, but pursues prey with its long legs and paralyzes her with poison. It feeds on small insects - grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, and even small lizards.

Incredibly, the spider has eight eyes - two in front and two each on the left, right side and back! They usually dig holes in the ground and build a house there.

Tarantulas are poisonous, but most types of venom are not strong enough to seriously harm anyone.

A tarantula bite can be compared to a wasp or bee sting. In most cases, this is harmless, although a person who has an allergy may react like a bee sting.
IN Lately some began to keep the tarantula spider as a pet. A human bite can happen due to negligence when a spider tries to escape from a terrarium.
First aid for a tarantula bite is no different from other bites - you should consult a doctor if you have an allergy or signs of wound infection.

Karakurt bite

Karakurt (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) - a poisonous spider, lives in Moldova, Crimea, Central Asia. Females that have a pair of tubular poisonous glands located on the upper jaw are dangerous to humans. The poisonous segment (chelicerum) ends in a movable sharp claw with an opening for the duct of the poisonous gland. The female has a spherical, dense black abdomen with reddish spots. The length of the karakurt is about 10 mm.

Symptoms of poisoning with karakurt poison

After a bite, a small, quickly disappearing spot is formed. After 10-20 minutes, severe pain develops at the site of the lesion, which spreads to the abdomen, lower back, and chest. Severe mental agitation, headache, dizziness, suffocation, nausea, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, cyanosis, tachycardia, arrhythmia are observed. Severe drooling may begin. Possible respiratory arrest.

Black widow bite

The black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans) of the genus Latrodectus lives in the United States. The females of this species are very large: the paw span reaches 5 cm, and the body length is 1.5 cm. There is a red hourglass pattern on the black back.

Males are smaller, with a white mark on the back, the small size of the venomous apparatus and mild aggressiveness make them practically harmless to humans. When disturbed, they fall to the ground, fold their paws and pretend to be dead. Female black widows are venomous from the moment they are born. If they are guarding laid eggs or feel threatened, they prefer to attack. Spiders use their venom to paralyze prey, from which they then suck the hemolymph.

The period of post-copulatory passivity of the female allows the male to escape from his partner if she is not very hungry. If the female is hungry, then after mating she eats the “wife”, which is why she is called a “widow”.

Karakurt venom is a protein with a molecular weight of 130,000. Under the influence of the poison, ion channels are formed in the presynaptic membranes of nerve cells through which Ca 2++ ions enter the cell. Under the influence of the toxin, exocytosis of synaptic vesicles is facilitated and the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), norepinephrine, and acetylcholine is enhanced.

Changes in intracellular homeostasis and an increase in the content of biologically active substances in the blood affect the functional state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

In case of poisoning with karakurt poison, clinical manifestations develop within 30 minutes. The victim usually feels the sting and describes it as a "puncture". In the area of ​​the spider bite, severe pain is noted, erythema and increased local sweating gradually increase.

Karakurt bite degree

When bitten by a black widow, there are three degrees of severity of the disease.

  • I degree; moderate pain at the site of the bite, no general clinical manifestations of intoxication, all laboratory parameters are normal.
  • II degree: muscle pain in the bitten limb. Pain spreading to the abdomen when a leg is bitten or to the chest when an arm is bitten. Profuse sweating at the site of the bite. Vital important indicators fine.
  • III degree: generalized muscle pain in the back, chest, abdomen. Strong mental agitation. Headache, dizziness, suffocation, nausea, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, cyanosis, arterial hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia. General profuse sweating. Severe drooling. Possible respiratory arrest. Blood tests show increased levels of creatine phosphokinase (CPK), leukocytosis, and proteinuria. In the absence of treatment, the maximum severity of symptoms lasts for 12 hours, the duration of intoxication is 48-72 hours.

in the photo on the left - the bite at the beginning, on the right - on the 3rd day

Muscle spasms and muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall sometimes cause misdiagnosis of peritonitis and unnecessary laparoscopy.

Scorpion sting

The scorpion spider (Centruroides sculpturatus) is a poisonous spider widely distributed in the world. In Russia it lives in southern latitudes. A structural feature of the scorpion, unlike other arthropods, is the presence of pedipalps with claws; at the end of the abdomen there is a curved sharp sting where the duct of the poisonous glands opens. The most dangerous is the black scorpion, its size is 50-100 mm.

Scorpion venom binds to sodium channels in cell membranes, causing neurons to re-activate. This is accompanied by an extension of the neuronal action potential at the synapses of the autonomic nervous system, which leads to an increase in the blood levels of catecholamines, renin and aldosterone.

Symptoms of poisoning from a scorpion sting

The bite causes severe pain, which quickly spreads along the nerve trunks. The victim screams in pain, severe weakness develops, cramps of individual muscle groups occur, blood pressure rises, and the body becomes covered in cold, sticky sweat. A urticarial rash appears in the bite area. In severe cases, motor agitation develops, arterial hypertension turns into hypotension, tachyarrhythmia, ventricular extrasystoles, vomiting, profuse sweating, priapism, and salivation occur.

Increasing visual impairment, ptosis, involuntary contractions of the tongue muscles are noted, and speech becomes slurred. Within 2-3 hours after the poison is introduced into the body, breathing is impaired and pulmonary edema develops. Death occurs due to the phenomena of increasing acute cardiovascular and respiratory failure.

When assessing the degree of toxicity of arthropod venom, the following was noted:

Spider bite treatment

To reduce the spread of venom from the bite site throughout the body, immobilization of the limb is indicated. The pain is relieved by performing a novocaine blockade, and painkillers are administered: non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics. Cold is applied to the bite area.

Hormones, antihistamines are administered: blockers of H1 receptors (promethazine (diprazine), chloropyramine (suprastin), etc. and H2 receptors (cimetidine, ranitidine (acylok), etc., vitamins. When excited, benzodiazepines are prescribed. If a karakurt is bitten, an anti-karakurt drug is administered subcutaneously serum. In severe cases, equine immunoglobulin (IgG) is administered. The antitoxin (from horse serum) prevents the venom from binding to presynaptic membranes and remains effective even 46 hours after the bite.

When a scorpion stings, calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors are prescribed. Propranolol (anaprilin) ​​effectively and quickly stops tachyarrhythmia, but does not improve hemodynamic parameters. In case of respiratory depression, oxygen is supplied; in case of acute respiratory failure, artificial pulmonary ventilation (ALV) is performed.

About 400 million years have passed since the first spider appeared on planet Earth. At the moment there are already more than forty thousand species. Spiders are not insects, they are a separate class and a separate order - arachnids.

In and in the Arachnida class there is a family of poisonous creatures - hermit spiders. They pose a great danger to humans, since their bite is invisible, and the poison is very toxic. The brown (or brown) recluse spider is considered the most poisonous of this family. If your place of residence is where this harmful creature lives, you need to be able to recognize it.

Brown recluse spider

One of this family is the brown spider, or brown spider (hermit), its photo is presented below.

These creatures are distinguished by their toxic poison. After an insect bite, complete tissue necrosis occurs in this area. The “lucky” ones who are lucky enough to have such a neighbor as the brown spider (recluse) are residents of the eastern part of the United States.

This poisonous creature of nature cannot be considered one of the friendliest individuals, but, nevertheless, it is distinguished by its activity and moderately annoying character. Perhaps the brown recluse spider would have remained an unremarkable arthropod to this day, but the strange property of its venom attracted the attention of scientists to it. Professor Binford explains that these spiders have been using their venom for about 120 million years.

Habitats of the eight-legged “monster”

This type of spider is found on lands up to Gulf of Mexico. They have not yet reached California, but representatives of the Looseness genus live in those places. The red hermit spider is found in Hawaii (see photo below). He is a relative of the eight-legged "monster".

Global warming may cause this arachnid species to move further north. So getting to know its representatives in detail will come in handy. Currently, Georgia, the Mediterranean and the southern part of Russia are considered favorable habitats for the recluse spider.

Spiders love to hide in the roots of trees, in animal burrows, and in general wherever there are shady places. Over time, the recluse spider can increasingly be found in the garage, basement, toilet and attic, and the hermits began to behave like full-fledged neighbors of people, settling in apartments and houses.

Appearance of a little hermit

The brown spider is small in size. When the legs are spread out, the length of its body is 6-20 mm. This deadly recluse spider is not always easy to spot because it is so small. Females are larger in size than males.

The body is predominantly brown, sometimes gray and dark yellow individuals can be found. The brown recluse spider is also called the fiddle spider. This was facilitated by the fact that the pattern located on the head and chest is very reminiscent of this musical instrument.

A distinctive feature of this species is the presence of 6 eyes instead of 8. Small sensitive hairs are visible on the abdominal part and paws. The legs of the recluse spider are quite long and thin. When he is in a calm state, his paws are widely spaced.


According to their lifestyle, brown recluse spiders are nocturnal predators. They hunt for food in the dark. Males emerge from their webs and go on night raids to explore distant territories. Females do not do this very willingly; they usually prefer to hunt near their home. For the rest of the day, small nocturnal hunters sit in a secluded place.

The food for the brown recluse spider is everything that falls into traps, the role of which is played by the web. Prey is mainly small insects and other spiders. It is not at all difficult for hermits to obtain food; it does not require much work. Scientists face an unsolved mystery as to why nature endowed this insect with a potent poison. The eight-legged “monsters” live calmly and don’t bother anyone unnecessarily.


The female brown recluse spider, having chosen a secluded place away from prying eyes, begins laying eggs in white cocoon bags. Each such cocoon, woven by the female from the web personally, contains 40-50 eggs. The size of the pouch is about 7.5 mm in diameter.

Numerous brown recluse spiders that are born have many molts before they mature. They change their outfit 5-8 times. These creatures endure such a procedure painfully; it is unpleasant for them. It is possible that this is why hermits show anger and bite painfully.

The discarded spider outfit is quite tough, it can for a long time stored in the ground. Experienced specialists use it for identification when studying insects of this species. Under natural conditions, a brown recluse spider can live 2-4 years.

- danger to humans

For people, the most terrible animals, oddly enough, are poisonous spiders. They can quietly approach their prey and deliver a “stab in the back.” It is clear that there is no one who wants to be in her place! Among the most dangerous arthropods in the world are hermit spiders. The venom of these animals is a slow-acting one, its manifestation can only be noticed several hours after the bite. At first, the person feels a slight tingling or burning sensation. Then everything will depend on how much poison has entered the body. If you get a lot of it, after 5-6 hours the bite site will begin to swell and a blister will appear. The following signs appear:

Malfunctions of the heart.
. Intestinal problems (disorder).
. Annoying cough and runny nose.

It often develops after a spider bite. It is facilitated by the presence of many enzymes in the venom. Necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue delays the healing process for three long years. It is possible that a bite can lead to the death of the victim, which is often observed in young children and the elderly.

Precautionary measures

Although this poisonous creature is not aggressive, if you disturb it, you cannot expect mercy: if it bites, it will bite! It is better to avoid such a situation in time and protect yourself from the deadly poison. To do this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

Clean the house thoroughly, removing cobwebs in a timely manner.
. Avoid the formation of cracks in the walls; if they appear, immediately cover or plug them.
. Before you put on any items, you need to inspect them carefully.
. Before going to bed, it is also necessary to inspect the sleeping area.
. There should be no trash or boxes under the bed, and the bed itself must not be placed close to the wall.

If you adhere to the above rules, it is quite possible to avoid an attack by a dangerous creature that can bring big trouble.

Need help for a brown spider bite

When a brown spider bites you, you should immediately do everything possible to stop the spread of the venom. You can put ice on the bite site. Be sure to treat the wound with one of the antiseptics and, of course, seek medical help.

Previously, during treatment, the damaged area of ​​skin was surgically removed. Currently, therapy is carried out with antibiotics. If a person applies on time, serum is administered.


The leg span is 6-20 mm, females are slightly larger. The body is colored brown, gray or dark yellow. The dorsal side of the cephalothorax usually bears a dark pattern resembling a violin (the neck is directed towards the posterior end of the body). The presence of such a pattern is not unique for this species, and is common not only among closely related forms, but even among representatives of other families (for example, hay spiders).

Cephalothorax Loxosceles reclusa. Three pairs of eyes and a pattern resembling a violin are visible.

Unlike most spiders, which have eight eyes, this type characterized by the presence of six eyes, organized into three pairs: one medial and two lateral. From other spiders with six eyes (family Scytodidae) is distinguished by the absence of color patterns on the abdomen and limbs. The abdomen is covered with short hairs. The legs are somewhat lighter in the joints.

The legs of a recluse spider are widely spaced if it is on a flat surface, however, when alarmed, it takes a defensive position: it draws its front legs inward, raises its pedipalps, and extends its hind legs to lunge.

Life cycle

The spider lays eggs in the form of white sacs and stores them in well-covered places. Each sac is approximately 7.5 mm in diameter and contains 40 to 50 eggs. Baby spiders shed their chitinous covering five to eight times before adulthood. The shed cover has a very rigid structure and can be used for identification by experienced arachnologists. The brown recluse spider lives from two to four years.


During the day, the brown recluse spider hides under stones and snags, in crevices and burrows of small animals, and at night it hunts for other spiders and insects. . He injects poison into his victims, which has hemolytic and necrotoxic effects. Unlike most spiders, the brown recluse spider leaves its web at night. Males spend most of their time hunting, while females prefer to stay close to their webs.


The brown recluse spider thrives when modified by humans. environment. It weaves random webs in armfuls of firewood, as well as in sheds, garages, basements, attics, toilets, plenum cavities and other places where there is wood and twilight. They can also be found in empty boxes, shoes, clothes, bedding, behind pictures and behind skirting boards - in a word, in those places that are identical to the natural habitat of the hermit spider - tree bark, burrows, crevices, etc. In rooms with low With temperature, the spider tends to heat sources.


The distribution of this species is from the southern midwestern United States to the Gulf of Mexico. The range lies along a line from southeastern Nebraska, through southern Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and into southwestern Ohio. In the southern states - from central Texas to western Georgia and northern Virginia. A related species of the brown recluse spider is the red spider (lat. loxosceles rufescens) - found in Hawaii. Contrary to popular rumor, the brown recluse spider is not common in the state of California - other species from the genus Loxosceles are found in the southwestern United States and California.

Danger to humans

The brown recluse spider is not aggressive and rarely attacks humans. He usually bites people when they encroach on his life and territory. Most people get bitten due to carelessness and inattention during the cleaning process. This usually happens when a spider gets under clothing or on the bed. Some people are bitten by a spider right in bed, others - when they put on shoes or clothes in which this representative of the arachnids is hiding. The arms, neck and lower abdomen are usually affected.

Poisonous Bite

Tissue necrosis caused by a spider bite

A spider bite very often goes unnoticed, but in most cases the sensations are similar to those of a needle prick. Then, within 2-8 hours, pain and itching make themselves felt. Further, the situation develops depending on the amount of poison that enters the blood.

The bite of a brown recluse spider causes a range of symptoms known as loxoscelism. It is characterized by a gangrene eschar at the site of the bite, nausea, malaise, fever, hemolysis and thrombocytopenia. In most cases, a spider bite is insignificant and does not cause necrosis, but in large doses it can provoke the formation of a necrotic ulcer that destroys soft tissue. The diameter of the ulcer can reach 25 cm or more, and after healing, which takes 3-6 months, a depressed scar remains.

The clear, viscous venom of this spider contains esterase, alkaline phosphatase, protease and other enzymes that cause tissue necrosis and hemolysis. The main role in the development of necrosis belongs to sphingomyelinase D, which binds to cell membranes and causes neutrophil chemotaxis, vascular thrombosis and the Arthus phenomenon. In case of necrosis of subcutaneous tissue, healing may take 3 years.

In rare cases, systematic symptoms are characteristic: damage to internal organs and, in extremely rare cases, even death; most deaths occur in children under seven years of age, people with weak immune systems, and the elderly. The causes of death can be hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria and renal failure.

The medical literature lists several spiders whose bite leads to necrosis. These include, for example, the American wandering spider (lat. Tegenaria agrestis) and bag spider (lat. Cheiracanthium punctorium). However, the bites of these spiders, unlike the bite of the brown recluse spider, do not produce such severe symptoms.

First aid for a bite

If you are bitten, you must first of all remain calm and call a doctor. Then it is necessary to slow down the spread of poison from the bite site in any way. To do this, you need to apply ice to the bite site. The affected limb should be immobilized and elevated. Antiseptics should be used to disinfect the wound, and aloe juice can be used to reduce pain. If possible, it is worth catching the spider in a clean and secure container - this is necessary for an expert to identify the spider.

There are many treatment options for the effects of a bite, with varying degrees of effectiveness: hyperbaric oxygen therapy, dapsone, antihistamines (eg, cyproheptadine), antibiotics, dextran, glucocorticoids, vasodilators, heparin, nitroglycerin, electric shock, curettage, surgery, and antivenom. None of these options have been subjected to controlled trials to determine effectiveness. In most cases, the consequences of bites are cured without any medical intervention.

Precautionary measures

To avoid a spider bite you should:

  • thoroughly shake out clothes and shoes before using them;
  • check bedding and toilet before use;
  • wear gloves when carrying firewood, timber and stones (you should check the gloves themselves before doing this);
  • remove boxes from under beds; move the beds themselves away from the walls;
  • be careful with boxes - spiders often hide in them;

To limit spider access to your home, you should:

  • install a protective screen on windows and doors;
  • install door sweeps;
  • seal cracks and crevices through which spiders can enter the house;
  • install a yellow or sodium gas-discharge lamp on the outside of the house - such lamps do not attract insects that the spider feeds on;
  • seal the edges of cardboard boxes to prevent spiders from getting into them;
  • use sealed plastic containers for storing things in the garage, basement and attic;


  • promptly get rid of garbage, old boxes and clothes, piles of stones and other unnecessary things;
  • clean out the toilet, basement, garage, attic and outbuildings;
  • do not stack timber in front of the house;
  • prevent the presence of dead insects in the house that the spider feeds on;

Other measures:

  • use duct tape to catch spiders;
  • thoroughly dust and vacuum the premises to remove spiders, cobwebs and spider eggs (the contents of the dust container should be thrown into trash container outside the home);
  • to kill individuals, use a rolled-up newspaper or

  • Class: Arachnida Lamarck, 1801 = Arachnida
  • Order: Araneae Clerck, 1757 = Spiders
  • n/order: Araneomorphae = Araneomorphic spiders
  • Family: Sicariidae = Brown recluse spiders
  • Genus: Sicarius Walckenaer, 1847 =
  • Genus: Loxosceles Heineken & Lowe, 1832 = Loxosceles

Family: Sicariidae = Brown recluse spiders

  • Read more: All about the life of spiders

The small family Brown recluse spiders (Sicariidae) includes about 130 species poisonous spiders belonging to two genera. The most poisonous representatives of the family are considered to be: the brown recluse spider Loxosceles reclusa and the spider Sicarius hahni, whose venom is necrotic and they are dangerous to humans.

Representatives of the genus Loxosceles are found almost everywhere, with the exception of far north Asia and northern North America, and representatives of the genus Sicarius inhabit South America, Galapagos Islands and the African continent.

Species: Loxosceles reclusa Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940 = Brown recluse spider

The brown recluse spider (English: Fiddleback Spider, Violin Spider) is one of the most poisonous members of the brown recluse spider family. It is known for its venom, which causes tissue death (necrosis) at the site of the bite.

The brown recluse spider is distributed from the midwestern United States to the Gulf of Mexico, although it is not found in California, where other species of the genus Loxosceles live. A closely related species, the red hermit spider, is found in the Hawaiian Islands. Most of the time they lead a secretive lifestyle, hiding in secluded places: in crevices under stones and among tree roots, in burrows of small animals and other natural cavities of natural origin. However, due to human development of their original habitats, over several hundred years spiders began to live next door to people.

The brown recluse spider spins its hunting webs in any suitable places - in basements and attics, woodsheds, garages and other places where there is twilight. It happens that he crawls into the house itself, where he gets into various things and the most secluded places. Therefore, it is not always possible to notice it immediately.

The brown recluse spider has a relatively small size - the male's body length in the leg span can reach 6-20 mm, females are slightly larger than males. The body of spiders on top can be brown, gray or dark yellow. On the top of the cephalothorax there is a pattern resembling a violin in shape, although this pattern is not a distinctive feature of this species, since representatives of other families of arachnids can also have similar patterns.

Another feature of brown recluse spiders is the presence of not 4, but 3 pairs of eyes. The abdomen and legs are covered with short sensitive hairs. The legs of recluse spiders are long and thin, and when at rest they are widely spaced.

By way of life, these are nocturnal spiders: they go hunting in the dark. Males usually leave their web, going to explore distant surroundings, while females are not so willing to take this step. Therefore, females usually hunt near their “home”. The main prey of brown recluse spiders are insects and other spiders. In search of prey, it is precisely such night raids that hermit spiders accidentally find themselves in human dwellings.

In places hidden from human eyes, female brown recluse spiders store their clutch of eggs. The female lays eggs in special large sacs made of whitish cobwebs. Its diameter can sometimes reach 7.5 millimeters. The female places 30 to 50 eggs inside it. As spiderlings grow, they molt, changing their tight outfit for a new, looser one. During their growing period, they have to molt up to 5-8 times. The shed skin is quite hard and can be stored in the ground for a long time. The lifespan of brown recluse spiders averages 2 to 4 years.

The brown recluse spider itself is not aggressive, so it will almost never attack a larger object first. A bite can be inflicted on a person or other animal only in cases of self-defense. Therefore, most bites occur during cleaning, before bed or after, when the spider climbs into scattered clothes or into the bed.

The consequences of a brown recluse spider bite always depend on the amount of poison that manages to enter the victim’s body. Therefore, there are cases when bites for the victim go almost unnoticed and without serious consequences. But if there was a lot of poison, then the consequences are the most unpleasant, and the bite of this spider leads to the disease loxoscelism. Its main symptom is extensive necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. In addition, the disease is accompanied by constant malaise, nausea, fever and other unpleasant sensations. The size of the developed ulcer can reach large sizes, up to 25 centimeters in diameter. And accordingly, after healing, ugly depressed scars remain at the site of such wounds. In severe cases, necrosis can affect tissue not only of the skin, but also internal organs, although this happens very rarely. There have been cases of death in young children, elderly people and people with weakened bodies.

Prevention of spider bites for people living in the habitat of brown recluse spiders comes down to the need to follow a few simple rules: 1) keep the house in order, 2) carefully check clothes and shoes before putting them on, 3) clean regularly, removing cobwebs from far corners, 4) sealing all cracks and cracks through which spiders can enter the house, etc.

The brown recluse spider is considered one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. Scientists classify it as an arthropod arachnid of the spider order, family Sicariidae. The genus this spider belongs to is called Loxosceles.

Poisonous spiders are the most dangerous animals for us. They sneak up unnoticed and can strike what is called “in the back.” Who would want to become a victim of this eight-legged creature? There are probably few people willing!

If a person does happen to be bitten by this insidious creature, then tissue necrosis occurs at the site of the bite, which is deadly!

What does this little eight-legged monster look like?

This hermit spider is small in size. If he straightens his paws, then their span is from 6 to 20 millimeters. It is not always possible to even notice this deadly spider right away. Females have more large sizes than males.

Body color is predominantly Brown color. But there are also yellow and gray representatives of this species. On the upper part of the cephalothorax the recluse spider has something resembling a violin.

A distinctive feature of this species is the presence of only 6 eyes, instead of 8. The abdominal part and paws are covered with small hairs.

In what part of the world can we expect this creature to attack? In other words, where does the brown recluse spider live?

The territories of his residence are considered to be: the midwestern United States. Further, the range goes south – to the Gulf of Mexico. But the state of California was not included in the list of its “homes,” although representatives of arachnids similar to the brown spider live there.

Lifestyle of a recluse spider

Brown recluse spiders are nocturnal predators. Like most spiders, they weave spider webs that catch their prey.

Almost the rest of the day, except at night, they sit out in secluded places - among the roots, under stones, in rodent burrows. But sometimes they become close “neighbors” of people, which is a very dangerous circumstance for the latter.

What does the insidious spider eat?

All living things that fall into his web and become food for him. Basically, its prey is insects, as well as other spiders.

Reproduction of poisonous hermits

In secluded places, away from prying eyes, the female brown recluse spider lays eggs. The eggs are located in a whitish sac, “woven” personally by the female from a web, the size of which can reach 7.5 millimeters in diameter. During one mating season, 30 to 50 eggs are laid.

Once born, young individuals undergo many molts before reaching adulthood. Each molt for a spider is a very unpleasant and even painful condition. Maybe that's why some spiders are so angry and bite so painfully?

In their natural environment, brown recluse spiders live up to two to four years.

A week later…

How to protect yourself from a recluse spider bite?

In fact, these eight-legged creatures are not aggressive at all; they themselves rarely attack without reason. But if you disturb a spider... for example, when it got into the laundry and you started cleaning... you shouldn’t expect mercy - it will bite!

Immediately after a brown spider bite, tissue necrosis occurs, that is, tissue death. As a rule, a healthy adult with a strong immune system is not in danger of anything other than an unpleasant wound, of course, if you consult a doctor in time. But small children and elderly people, as well as sick people, are less fortunate. Their body is not able to resist the toxins contained in the spider's venom as easily. Therefore, there have been cases of death.

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