Scenario for Mother's Day in kindergarten, senior group. Scenario for Mother's Day “Most Favorite. Dance - game “Look” for Music. T. Lomovoy

Tatyana Minaeva

To the music “Mom gave life” children come out and stand in a semicircle

Presenter: Hello, dear guests - our dear mothers and grandmothers!

Let me congratulate you on your tender family holiday - Mother's Day! We would really like today’s meeting to bring you joy, taking you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how much your children love you and how dear you are to them!

Mother's Day is not an easy holiday!

Favorite for all our children!

May Mom be forever young,

And the most tender, sweet and beautiful!

Children in chorus: Mom, my dear!


1 Child: Dear mother, congratulations to you,

IN Mother's day happiness, I wish you good health.

You are in my heart, even if you are apart,

I always remember your gentle hands.

2 Child: Today holiday, Mother!

Is yours the day and only yours!

I love you most of all

And all the poems are for you alone!

3 Child: We are dear to our mothers

Let's give a fun concert!

We wish you warmth and smiles,

Huge children's greeting to you... All children: Hello!

Children perform "Song for Mom" A. Filippenko

4 Child: How wonderful it is to be with mom

Get up on the alarm clock

How wonderful it is to be with your mother

Start the day with exercise!

5 Child: You can whisper with mom,

Laugh, joke,

Well, and most importantly, with her you can

Have a heart to heart talk!

6 Child: Let me congratulate you,

Leave joy in your soul.

Let the shadow of sadness disappear

In that your day is festive.

Children together: We give our mothers our love,

We will sing a song for them today.

Children perform a song "My dear mommy" L. Melnikova

(Children sit down)

7 Child: I got up this morning,

I was surprised to learn

What's our mom's holiday.

That's the kind of prankster I am!

8 Child: And me for my mom

I'll take it and dance!

It will be more fun for all of us -

For both mothers and children!

Presenter: and our girls prepared a gentle dance with scarves for our dear, beloved and caring mothers! The girls are very tried, greet them with applause!

Girls perform Scarf Dance

Presenter: Today on our holiday Our dear and beloved grandmothers are present. This congratulation to the guys is addressed to them. And we are happy to join him!

9 Child: Here I am, dear grandmother,

Admire me!

You love me, I know

My precious one!

10 Child: Closer to the wonderful grandmother,

I don't have a girlfriend!

I'm interested in grandma

We can't live another day apart!

11 Child: There are many different songs,

About everything in the world.

And now we’ll sing a song for you -

Let's sing about grandma.

Children perform a song “My grandmother walks around in a colored apron”

Presenter: Isn't it time to play?

Which one of you guys wants to decorate your mom?

A game "Decorate Your Mom"

(Beads, hats, glasses, scarves, bags are offered)

Presenter: and... and... also want to read poems about their beloved mothers!

12 Child: I'm not being naughty today

Not a prankster at all!

Can you guess why?

Because holiday!

13 Child: She is dearer to me than anyone else,

My dear mother!

The most beautiful, the most beloved!

I love you so much!

Presenter: All children have mothers,

All animals have mothers

The baby kangaroo has a mother,

And even a baby mammoth!

There are many mothers in this world,

Children love them with all their hearts!

And now our guys will sing the baby mammoth song from the cartoon "Mom for baby mammoth" about the only mother in the world!

Children perform a song "Song of the Baby Mammoth"

Presenter: And now I offer a little warm-up for children.

I will name different types of household chores, and you guys will answer in unison who does this work: dad or mom!

So who:

1) does laundry, 2) drives a car, 3) cooks dinner, 4) repairs the TV, 5) washes the floor, 6) digs a garden, 7) collects children for kindergarten, 8) waters flowers, 9) knits, 10) chops wood , 11) builds a house, 12) lies on the sofa, 13) irons clothes, 14) bakes pancakes.

Presenter: Well done! Guys, you see how many different things your parents do! And now the girls from skits“I will definitely be a mother”!

Scene“I will definitely be a mother” (4 girls with dolls come out)

1 Girl: I will definitely be a mother,

What should I name my daughter?

I know there will be difficulties a lot:

You need pacifiers, a stroller, a bed!

2 Girl: I need to wash my daughter’s panties,

Rock, lull, sing,

Kiss her scratches, bumps.

How much mommy needs to do!

Feed and wash dishes.

And in winter, go sledding.

Be patient and kind!

4 Girl: Can I really do all this?

How tired I must be!

Who will take pity on me and warm me?

Yes, of course, my mother!

Presenter: and now we will find out whether our mothers know their children well. To do this, we invite mothers to participate in the game "Guess by touch".

Competition - game "Guess by touch"

(Mom stands in a circle of children with her eyes closed. She identifies her child by touch)

A game "Who can ring the tambourine faster"

(Two teams play. You need to run between objects, run to a chair, ring the tambourine and come back. The last one takes the tambourine and runs with it to the team)

Presenter: Well done, moms! And now the guys will perform a perky dance for you "Aunt Veselchak"!

Children performing a dance "Aunt Veselchak"!

14 Child: Girls and boys,

Come with us

Let's say thank you to grandma

Let's say thank you to mom.

15 Child: We are a gift to mom

We won't buy

Let's cook it ourselves

With my own hands.

Presenter: Our children painted portraits of their mothers. Dear mothers, accept them as a gift!

(children give portraits to their mothers)

Presenter: This concludes our program, and we once again congratulate you on holiday and wish good health to you and your families, happiness, love and goodness!

Maternal no one can replace our love,

Don't try, don't, friends!

Only mother's heart will warm with love,

And he will hug and caress you!

Publications on the topic:

“Mother’s Day” Holiday scenario for the senior group Video of congratulations “Happy Mother's Day” is playing 1. Presenter: Good evening, dear mothers and grandmothers. 2. Presenter: Hello, dear women! Allow me.

Scenario of the holiday "MOTHER'S DAY" for the senior group Compiled by: teacher Avakumova Irina Ivanovna Educational areas: Socialization.

Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day" in the senior group Goal: - To harmonize parent-child relationships through joint events. Establishing partnerships with.

Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day" in the senior group Children and mothers sit on chairs. Host: Mom is the word the child says most often. It carries the warmth of a mother’s hands and a mother’s.

Solemn music sounds and the presenter comes on stage.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! I am very pleased to see you all in this room! It’s especially nice to see the mothers of our students here, because it was in your honor that we organized this event! Today we celebrate Mother's Day!

Where did I come from
Tell me where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
- The stork brought you to us.
And my grandmother told me:
- They found you in the cabbage.
And my uncle joked: - From the station
They brought you in a basket.
I know it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just don't know the answer
Where did my mother take me?
My sister grumbled at me:
“You turned everyone’s heads.”
And I started over:
- Where did I live before my mother?
No one is a secret from adults
I couldn't explain it that way.
Only my mother answered simply:
Says the mother of the child who is reading the poem.)

Leading: - Smile more often, our beloved mothers. You are our sunshine. It is you who warm the children with your love. It is you who always give your loved ones the warmth of your heart.

1 child:
- May this snowy day be wonderful!
Will be remembered as the most tender!
Like the most joyful and sweetest,
Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

2nd child:
- There is a women's day in the spring,
And this one fell in the fall.
Asking for warmth from the sun?
Not really! We won't ask.
After all, our sun is our mother,
It always shines for us.
And with this autumn day
We congratulate her!

3rd child:
- Let the song flow like a stream
And it warms my mother’s heart.
We sing about mommy in it,
It couldn't be more tender.

Song: “About Mom”
words and music by Elena Alexandrova
1. I’m going to kindergarten with my mother,
There are no better friends anywhere.
Everyone around is looking at us,
Every passerby is a friend!
About my mother, about my mother
Today I will sing a song.
After all, my mother, after all, my mother
My favorite!
2. My mother loves flowers,
There is a lot of kindness in her eyes.
I'll make her a flower...
dad would help me!
3. Dad and I give flowers,
Give your mom a gift too.
Smile at her and say:
“The best mom is YOU!”
Leading :
- Well, we will continue, of course, with poems that our guys dedicate to their mothers.


I love my mommy
I'll help mommy.
To the store for bread like a bullet
I'll run today.
I'll wash the dishes quickly
I will set the table for the guests,
I'll wipe the dust everywhere with a rag.
May the holiday come to us!
I'll put flowers in a vase
And I'll write a postcard,
About offenses all at once
I'll tell mommy.
I'll kiss mommy
I'll hug mommy
Such a kind mother
I won't give it to anyone!

My mom
Svetlana Pshenichnykh
When I walk around the city with my mother,
I hold my mother's hand tightly:
Why should she go and be afraid,
What could she get lost?

Tatyana Bokova
Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom can do everything
He knows everything in the world!
— Why do wasps bite?
I'm asking directly.
And to ALL my questions
Mom answers.
Tell me where from the sky
It snows in winter.
Why a loaf of bread
Is it baked from flour?
Why does the dog bark?
What will you dream about?
Why does the icicle melt?
And your eyelashes tremble?
Why is there a cloud in the sky?
Is there a lawn in the forest?

I cherish my mother’s work
M. Grozovsky

I take care of my mother’s work,
I help as much as I can.
Mom's out for lunch today
I made cutlets
And she said, “Listen,
Help me out, eat!”
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

Mother's Day all over the planet,
In the entire galaxy!
Today the children congratulate
Your beloved mothers.

Well, you and I, dear mothers, will try to populate another planet with little children. Our contest called " Populated the planet"(To do this, you need to quickly draw figures of people on the balloons with felt-tip pens or markers while the music is playing.) The game is played together with the child and mother, several mothers with children are called at once.

- There are countless stars in the sky - they burn and shine.
And our stars are here! These are our children!

The dance “We are little stars” is performed
Author and performer of the group "Barbariki"
Song "We are little stars."

Leading :
- This is how we dance, and now it’s time for our mothers to show what they are capable of.
We move on to the competition called "Experts".

Leading :
Do your mothers read fairy tales to you? What are your favorite fairy tales? (children's answers). Great! Now we will check how well you remember them (mother and child are called - family team ...... and family team .....) (holding a metallophone or pipe to signal the correct answer. The family that answers the most questions is declared the Best Expert on Fairy Tales. You can give a medal or a comic prize).

Leading: Once I read fairy tales for two weeks in a row. Did I remember their names correctly? Listen carefully and try to correct me if I'm wrong:
Tsarevna-Turkey (Tsarevna-Frog)
Little flower (Scarlet flower)
At the will of a dog (At the behest of a pike)
A bag of porridge (Pot of porridge)
Kuroyukihime and the Seven Agronomists (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Petya Tsarevich and the old wolf (Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf)
Grandmothers-swans (Geese-swans)
Beauty - jumping (Princess - frog)
Zaykina's little house (Zaykina's hut)
Ant and Egoza (Ant and Dragonfly)
Ferret-Humpbacked Horse (Humpbacked Horse)
Sister Annushka and brother Nikitushka (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
Comb - golden strap (Cockerel - golden comb)
Boy-with-a-kalachik (Boy-with-thumb)
Tender Queen (Snow Queen)
Suede from an ax (Porridge from an ax)
Rybalochka (The Little Mermaid)
So lost (So lost)
Chirping fly (babbling fly)
Floating ship (Flying ship)
Date - clear falcon (Finist - clear falcon)
Hippopotamus in Boots (Puss in Boots)
Little Red Daddy (Slipper) (Little Red Riding Hood)
Barmaley (or Jockey, Lackey, Duralei) Immortal (Koschei the Immortal)
Kroshechka-Karoshechka (Kroshechka-Khavroshechka)
Go there - you know where, bring that - you’ll find out what (Go there - you don’t know where, bring that - you don’t know what).

-Leading: The best Experts fairy tales turned out to be a family….. They are awarded medals (or gifts).
Now let’s be fairy-tale characters and play together with our mothers.

A game called "Golden Key" (carry the key on your nose, run around the obstacle and pass the key to the next player from nose to nose without using your hands). Teams participating: “Mommies are beautiful” and “Children are sweets”(Make cardboard noses in advance, like Pinocchio’s, prepare the keys).

Leading: You enjoyed playing with your mothers, now let’s play the next game, and our task will be from the same favorite fairy tale “The Golden Key”. Now you will become pairs and agree which of you will be FOX ALICE (lame - one of the participant’s legs is bent and he is jumping on one), and which one will be CAT BASILIO (the cat is blind, you need to wear a blindfold). You need to get around obstacles, supporting each other, without hitting them and return to the finish line.

Leading: How talented our mothers are! And such mothers have no less talented children!
Our children are very excited, they have prepared a skit for you, dear mothers. Let's support them with applause.

The role is played by an adult:
The roles are played by children:

In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table and three chairs.
There is a doll sitting under the table.
There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table.

Our children are so stubborn!
Everyone knows this themselves.
Mothers often tell them,
But they don't hear their mothers.
Tanyusha in the evening
I came from a walk
And the doll asked:

Tanya enters, approaches the table and threatens the doll with her finger, sits down on a chair, and takes the doll in her arms.

How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are just a disaster,
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Tanya's mom came home from work
And Tanya asked:

Mom comes in and sits on a chair near Tanya.

How are you, daughter?
Playing again, probably in the garden?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
Granny screamed for dinner more than once,
And you answered: now and now.
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go have lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And I asked my mother:

The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.

How are you, daughter?
Probably in the bank for a whole day
Again there was not a minute to eat,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without lunch.
I’ve already become an accountant, but I’m still restless.
These daughters are just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Everyone eats cheesecakes.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Leading: Well, being mothers of two boys is even harder, they will tell us about this themselves (they gave poems to boys who have brothers).

How cool it is to be a mother of two boys.
(poems from the Internet)

How cool it is to be a mother of two boys!
(And this is clear to anyone without words)
Being a mother of girls, of course, is not the same:
There are dolls, dishes, a hospital, lotto,
There are fluffy dresses and braids to the toes
God gave you two boys.
Your house is not decorated with vases of roses,
And the cyborg machine that your son brought,
Having found him in a puddle near his native house,
Cleaned it, washed it: and now it’s like new.
You will learn all car brands with them,
And all types of their tires will become larger.
They will grow up and enlighten you,
How the starter, cardan and jack work.
Without them you might not know anything
Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
Bearings - what are they? Something with spikes?

Leading : Don’t forget, kids, that you need to take care of your mothers and say words of gratitude to them more often!
- Our holiday has come to an end. We thank our students for their performances, for the pleasure they brought and for the festive mood! Dear mothers, thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to your children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of children.
Children become a semicircle.

- We sang and danced,
We entertained you as best we could!
Goodbye! Good morning!
Children together: - We are waiting for you again for the holiday!

Title: Script for Mother's Day senior group"We are little stars"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scripts, Mother's Day, Senior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten "Smile" in Nadym"
Location: Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Nadym

Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day"

in the older group

TEACHER Bondarenko N.I. November 2015

Objectives: to give an idea of ​​the importance of a mother for every person; cultivate a respectful, friendly attitude towards mother; introduce the poems of various poets praising the mother.

The soundtrack of the song “Mom” plays.

Leading: Good evening! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our wonderful mothers and grandmothers. We want to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you. This holiday is for you!

child: Let me congratulate you
Leave joy in your soul.
Give a smile, wish you happiness
Away from adversity and bad weather.
Let the shadow of sadness disappear
On this festive day of yours.

Song "Guests have come to us"

1 child: Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.

2nd child: This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
Holiday of the most best words!

3rd child: Mom is like a sorceress:
If she smiles, my every wish comes true.

When mom kisses you, bad things are forgotten.
New day, happy day
It starts right away.

4 child Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom can do everything
He knows everything in the world!

5th child: Dear mother, congratulations to you,
On Mother's Day I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if you are apart,
I always remember your gentle hands.

Together in chorus:
- We give our mothers our love
We will sing a song for them today.

Song "Everyone has a mother"

6th child: How I love our mother. I am omnipotent next to her.
The evil wizard is not scary to me and BARMALEY is not scary!
I laugh and my mother is happy, my union with my mother is eternal.
With my mother, I’m not only afraid of a toad, I’m not afraid of a CROCODILE!

7th child: On a dark night it is light for me,
On a frosty day I feel warm.
If mom is nearby looking with a gentle gaze.
The sun is brighter for me, peace and happiness for me

8 child Mommy, dear mother,
Happy Mother's Day to you
I congratulate you today
Sincerely, tenderly loving.
Clearly, you are the best
My dear man!
May it be long and joyful
Mom's and grandmother's century!

9th child: The golden sun rolled down like a wheel
The gentle sun turned into a mother
Dear mommy, smile
With your tender heart
Snuggle up to me!

Leading: How many nice words the guys said to you! Now let's see how well you know your children.

Game "Find your child" (children stand in a circle; the mother is blindfolded and she guesses her child by touch; in this case, you can put the child on a high chair; girls take off the bow...)

10th child: The morning begins, mom wakes up.
And my mother’s smile fills the morning
Mom will warm you with her warm palms,
Let the sadness dispel with kind words.

11th child: Why does harmfulness kick into us so often!
“I don’t want, I won’t” – it’s called.
We know, mommy, you are always right
And “please forgive me” - the words sound again.

Together: Let's grow kind, and we'll always try,
To behave.

Leading: Well done, thanks guys! And now ditties ! (children take tissues)

Together: Our dear mothers, we will sing ditties for you.

Congratulations, congratulations and a big slam to you.

1. So that the evil alarm clock does not wake up your mother for work,
I unscrewed three parts for him tonight!

2. I walk with my mother’s hand, I hold my mother tightly,
So that mom isn’t afraid, so she doesn’t get lost!

3. I have a miracle sister! Dashingly washes all the dishes.
I help her too - I collect the fragments!

4. To make mom surprised, we cooked her lunch,
For some reason, even the cat ran away from the cutlets.

5. I decided to clean the frying pan once a year.
And then they couldn’t wash me for 4 days.

6. I found a broom in the kitchen and swept the whole apartment.
But only 3 straws remained from him.

7. If mommy said: “Don’t touch it, then don’t you dare.”
We must listen, because our house rests on her.

8. This is what our mothers are like, we are always proud of you
Smart, calm, we will be worthy of you.

Together: We stop singing ditties, and we always promise you
Always listen to you in everything, morning, evening and afternoon.

Leading: Let's play this one game: I will start the poem, and you finish:

I like to work, I don’t like... (to be lazy).
I myself know how to lay my own evenly and smoothly... (crib)
I will help my mother, I will wash with her... (dishes)
I didn’t sit idle, I did a lot...(things)
The dishes are all washed and not even... (broken).

Leading: These are the kind of helpers that grow!

Dear mommy, angel from heaven.
I congratulate you on this holiday
May your life be full of miracles.

Beloved mother,
Congratulations to you

Happy Mother's Day,
I wish you good health!
Let you, my dear,
Lucky in life
May you be joyful
And he will find happiness!

Leading: Thanks guys! Our children really love to play the game “Guess whose voice it is.” Now we will play it, but the children will guess their mother’s voice. (Children close their eyes, and mother says: “daughter” or “son”)

Leading: We are holding a lottery, we spare no effort,
To please friends, all the gathered guests,
For those who have not yet taken a ticket, I hope there are none.
There may not be a car here, but there are some poems.

1. There is no more practical gain
How plastic bag.

2. Do you like sweets, or not?
There you are a handful of sweets

3. Even if it’s small soap
He always has great strength.

4. The light may misfire
Useful on the farm candle.

5. To have beautiful hairstyle
Have it with you comb.

6. So as not to splash your neighbor.
Get it from us napkin.

7. You are not deprived of happiness
Get it from us loaf.

8. If tears suddenly run out of your eyes
At once handkerchief right here
Dry your tears, smile quickly
Life is beautiful, enjoy it.

10. You got it pencil, was no one's now he is yours.

11. Our friend, don’t be bored
And always drink strong tea.

12. You would like a piano, but you got it calendar.

13. If you don’t have meat, soup in a bag just right.

14. In life you need to hope for the best, glue take it if something doesn't stick.

15. To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. Toothbrush

16. To find out if your income will be useful to you notebook.

17. Fortune, however, has not forgotten about you, bag kefir this is power.

18. There is no better win than plastic bag.

19. To always be beautiful makeup hurry up to receive.

20. Don’t get sick, be strong, we give you napkins.

22. To know the world well, we offer you newspaper read.

23. Thrill seeker. (Buttons)

24. We are giving you an excellent modern vacuum cleaner as a gift. (tassel)

25. Hanger for small apartments. (Nail.)

26. Washing machine"Little one." (Eraser.)

27. To avoid a quarrel, eat the apple of discord. (Apple.)

28. Please don’t be angry with us - the lid will also come in handy. (Lid for a jar.)

29. Extend your hand and receive an onion head. (Onion.)

30. Happiness fell into your hands, you got three potatoes. (Potato.)

Presenter: The lottery has been played, and we continue our congratulations

Girls and boys! Come with us
Let's say thank you to grandma, thank you to mom.
For books and counting rhymes, for skis and jump ropes!
For sweet jam, for long patience!

Together: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Leading: Dear women, the smile on your faces brought a lot of warmth and light to the atmosphere of our holiday. We want you to smile like that always, and not just on holidays.

This concludes our program, and we once again congratulate you on the holiday. And let the love and patience that we all need so much now do not leave you.

May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. Let music always sound in your home, the music of love and kindness.
We invite you to dance and continue our celebration with tea

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents in the senior group for Mother's Day

Olga Viktorovna Kuriganova, teacher of MBDOU D/S 10 “Rosinka”, Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory
Description of material: The holiday scenario will be of interest to kindergarten teachers
- Harmonize parent-child relationships through joint events. Establishing partnerships with families of pupils.
- Form primary ideas about family and responsibilities; bring children and parents together.
- Creating a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.
Participants: parents, children, teachers
Leading: Mother! How capacious, how beautiful this word is! Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero.” Today we would like to give moments of joy to the fragile and tender, sweet and affectionate mothers sitting in our hall.
1 child: Today we feel as comfortable as at home
Look how many familiar faces there are in the hall.
Moms came to us, we are glad to see you all
And we will begin the joyful holiday now!
2nd child: Our dear mothers, we ourselves admit
That, of course, we don’t always behave well.
We often upset you that sometimes we don’t notice,
We love you very, very much!
Let's grow kind
And we will always try to behave well.
3rd child: My mother brings toys and sweets.
But that’s not why I love my mother.
She sings funny songs
The two of us are never bored together.
I tell her all my secrets,
But that’s not why I love my mother
I love my mother, I’ll tell you straight,
Well, just because she's my mom
4th child: Today I want to laugh
Joking, playing and dancing.
Come on, guests, smile
And celebrate the holiday together.
Leading: Mom is a huge window to the world. She helps the baby understand the beauty of the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... Mom's lessons last a lifetime. The life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes unnoticeable grains of mother’s tenderness and care.
Sketch “I will definitely be a mother”

1 girl: I will definitely be a mother
What should I name my daughter?
I know there will be many difficulties:
You need pacifiers, a stroller, a bed.
2nd girl: I need to wash my daughter's panties.
Rock, lull, sing,
3rd girl: Kiss her scratches, bumps.
How much does mommy need to do?
4 girl: Read a story to your daughter in the evening
Feed and wash dishes,
5 girl: And in winter, ride on a sled,
Be patient and kind
6 girl: Can I really do all this?
How tired I must be!
Who will take pity on me and warm me?
Yes, of course, my mother!
Song about mom
Leading: Parents love their children unconditionally. It is after years that restraint and rigor come. But there is a meaning here too. After all, mother doesn’t care who we are friends with, who we go out with, which means she loves and cares for an hour! Mom can scold us, “spoil our nerves” a little - well, let it be. This is for our benefit. There is no need to quarrel with the person closest to us. And no matter how sometimes we try to push it out of our hearts, replacing it with our own best friends and friends - nothing will work out. In difficult and bitter hours, we still remember our mother, our closest and loved one.

Dance “Far from Mom”
Leading: Dear mothers, do you like to read fairy tales to your children? Now we will check it! All children love and know fairy tales, and now we will understand how well you know them.
Task for mothers: “Guess the fairy tale”
I listened to the fox's advice:
I sat on the river until dawn.
However, I didn’t catch any fish,
Only the tail, poor fellow, was lost.
(“The wolf and the fox.”)
A boy found himself in the jungle
And made friends with wolves,
And with a bear and a panther.
He grew up strong and brave.."
In which Russian folk tale Are housing problems being solved or, in smart adult language, housing and communal services problems?
In which Russian folk tale does the brother disobey his sister, once violate the sanitary and hygienic rules, and pay dearly for it?
(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)
My light, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
(A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.”)
He went up to the honey
And he managed to sing:
“I am a cloud-cloud-cloud,
And not a bear at all” (“Winnie the Pooh and that’s all.”)
What is the name of the boy who had to form the word “eternity” from pieces of ice? (Kai.)
What is the name of the poet in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”? (Pierrot.)
Leading: You cope with tasks very deftly! What great moms you are!
And now I offer a little warm-up for children.
- I will name different types of household chores, and you guys will answer in unison who does this work: dad or mom:
- Who: Does laundry, drives a car, cooks dinner, repairs a TV, washes the floor, digs a garden, collects children for kindergarten, waters flowers, knits, chops wood, builds a house.
Well done! Guys, you see how many different things your parents do! Today we will see if your parents can also play well, have fun and
take part in competitions.
Relay race “Fold the sun”
(from long and short sticks - rays, you need to make a sun)
Leading: And now we are for you guys,
We want to make riddles.
You need to listen to them carefully
And then answer in unison.
Children ask riddles, and when the answer is given, they show objects.
1 child: Who goes to bed later than everyone else and gets up earlier than everyone else?
Spends the day worrying and gets very tired? (Mother)
2nd child: Mom's ears sparkle
And they don’t melt at all.
Ice flakes turn silver - crumbs
In mom's ears...(earrings)
3rd child: These balls on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box...(beads)
4th child: Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers,
Mystery headdress
Our mother has...(hat)
Leading: There are answers to our riddles on the table.
Isn't it time to play?
Which one of you guys wants to decorate your mom?
Ira “Decorate your mother”
(Beads, rings, clips, bows, hairpins, bracelets, hats, glasses are offered)
Leading. Listen to an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s children’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief”:
And the dishes answered:
It was bad for us at the woman's place,
She didn't love us:
She ruined us.
It got dusty and smoky.
She beat and beat us.
That's why we are from a woman
They ran away like from a toad,
And we walk through the fields,
Through swamps, through meadows.
Game "Fedorino's grief"
We suggest listing kitchen utensils that may be in the household. But you need to call him affectionately so that the dishes don’t run away from you. Whose word will be the last - he wins. You cannot repeat your opponent’s words!
Leading: Moms, we have no doubt that you know how to earn money. Are you spending them correctly? A pleasant pleasure, isn't it? Now you will go to our store to buy candy. Your child should bring you candy in a small spoon and put it in a bag, and then your mother should take the money to the store on the back of her hand and return without dropping it. We will find a winner based on the number of candies purchased! There are only 8 candies in the store, so hurry up!
Relay “Go shopping!”
Game "Who will burst the most balloons" with balloons
Leading: The child learns
What does he see in his home?
His parents are an example to him,
Child: Dear parents!
We wish you that we
You weren't upset
To T-shirts and panties
We did our own laundry.
So as not to whine, not to fight,
We weren't rude to you.
I just need you to
They were an example for us.
Game "Politeness Lesson"
The participants are children and answer in unison.
Need to continue:
Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word... (thank you)
The old stump will turn green,
When he hears... (good afternoon).
If you can't eat anymore
Let's tell mom... (thank you)
The boy is polite and developed
He says when we meet... (hello).
When we are scolded for our pranks,
We say... (excuse me, please).
Both in France and Denmark -
They say goodbye...
Competition “My Dance Family!”
Leading: Guys, invite your parents to dance in a circle!
Dance "Inseparable Friends"
Children give gifts to mothers.

in the older group

The soundtrack of the song “Mom” plays.

Leading: Good evening! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our wonderful mothers and grandmothers. By Presidential Decree Russian Federation of January 30, 1998, it was decided: “In order to increase the social significance of motherhood, establish the holiday of Mother’s Day and celebrate it on the last Sunday of November...” We want to express to you our deep love, respect and great gratitude. This holiday is for you!

Song "Guests have come to us"

1 child: Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.

2nd child: This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

3rd child: Mom is like a sorceress:
If she smiles, my every wish comes true.

When mom kisses you, bad things are forgotten.
New day, happy day
It starts right away.

4 child Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom can do everything
He knows everything in the world!

5th child: Dear mother, congratulations to you,
On Mother's Day I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if you are apart,
I always remember your gentle hands.

Together in chorus:
- We give our mothers our love
We will sing a song for them today.

Song "Everyone has a mother"

6th child: How I love our mother. I am omnipotent next to her.
The evil wizard is not scary to me and BARMALEY is not scary!
I laugh and my mother is happy, my union with my mother is eternal.
With my mother, I’m not only afraid of a toad, I’m not afraid of a CROCODILE!

7th child: On a dark night it is light for me,
On a frosty day I feel warm.
If mom is nearby looking with a gentle gaze.
The sun is brighter for me, peace and happiness for me

8 child Mommy, dear mother,
Happy Mother's Day to you
I congratulate you today
Sincerely, tenderly loving.
Clearly, you are the best
My dear man!
May it be long and joyful
Mom's and grandmother's century!

9th child: The golden sun rolled down like a wheel
The gentle sun turned into a mother
Dear mommy, smile
With your tender heart
Snuggle up to me!

Leading: How many nice words the guys said to you! Now let's see how well you know your children.

Game "Find your child" (children stand in a circle; the mother is blindfolded and she guesses her child by touch; in this case, you can put the child on a high chair; girls take off the bow...)

10th child: The morning begins, mom wakes up.
And my mother’s smile fills the morning
Mom will warm you with her warm palms,
Let the sadness dispel with kind words.

11th child: Why does harmfulness kick into us so often!
“I don’t want, I won’t” – it’s called.
We know, mommy, you are always right
And “please forgive me” - the words sound again.

Together: Let's grow kind, and we'll always try,
To behave.

Leading: Well done, thanks guys! And now ditties! (children take tissues)

Together: Our dear mothers, we will sing ditties for you.

Congratulations, congratulations and a big slam to you.

1. So that the evil alarm clock does not wake up your mother for work,
I unscrewed three parts for him tonight!

2. I walk with my mother’s hand, I hold my mother tightly,
So that mom isn’t afraid, so she doesn’t get lost!

3. I have a miracle sister! Dashingly washes all the dishes.
I help her too - I collect the fragments!

4. To make mom surprised, we cooked her lunch,
For some reason, even the cat ran away from the cutlets.

5. I decided to clean the frying pan once a year.
And then they couldn’t wash me for 4 days.

6. I found a broom in the kitchen and swept the whole apartment.
But only 3 straws remained from him.

7. If mommy said: “Don’t touch it, then don’t you dare.”
We must listen, because our house rests on her.

8. This is what our mothers are like, we are always proud of you
Smart, calm, we will be worthy of you.

Together: We stop singing ditties, and we always promise you
Always listen to you in everything, morning, evening and afternoon.

Leading: Let's play this one game: I will start the poem, and you finish:

I like to work, I don’t like... (to be lazy).
I myself know how to lay my own evenly and smoothly... (crib)
I will help my mother, I will wash with her... (dishes)
I didn’t sit idle, I did a lot...(things)
The dishes are all washed and not even... (broken).

Leading: These are the kind of helpers that grow!

12th child: Let me congratulate you
Leave joy in your soul.
Give a smile, wish you happiness
Away from adversity and bad weather.
Let the shadow of sadness disappear
On this festive day of yours.

13 child Dear mommy, angel from heaven.
I congratulate you on this holiday
May your life be full of miracles.

14 child Beloved mother,
Congratulations to you

Happy Mother's Day,
I wish you good health!
Let you, my dear,
Lucky in life
May you be joyful
And he will find happiness!

Leading: Thanks guys! Our children really love to play the game “Guess whose voice it is.” Now we will play it, but the children will guess their mother’s voice. (Children close their eyes, and mother says: “daughter” or “son”)

Leading: We are holding a lottery, we spare no effort,
To please friends, all the gathered guests,
For those who have not yet taken a ticket, I hope there are none.
There may not be a car here, but there are some poems.

1. There is no more practical gain
How plastic bag.

2. Do you like sweets, or not?
There you are a handful of sweets

3. Even though small soap
He always has great strength.

4. The light may misfire
A candle will come in handy around the house.

5. To have a beautiful hairstyle
Have a comb with you.

6. So as not to splash your neighbor.
Get a napkin from us.

7. You are not deprived of happiness
Get a loaf from us.

8. If tears suddenly run out of your eyes
Immediately the handkerchief is right there
Dry your tears, smile quickly
Life is beautiful, enjoy it.

10. You got a pencil, it was no one’s and now it’s yours.

11. Our friend, don’t be bored
And always drink strong tea.

12. You would like a piano, but you got a calendar.

13. If you don’t have meat, soup in a bag is just right.

14. In life you need to hope for the best; take glue if something doesn’t stick.

15. To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. Toothbrush

16. To find out your income, a notepad will come in handy.

17. Fortune, however, has not forgotten about you, a packet of kefir is strength.

18. There is no better win than plastic bag.

19. To always be beautiful, hurry to get makeup.

20. Don’t get sick, be strong, we’re handing you napkins.

22. To know the world well, we suggest you read the newspaper.

23. Thrill seeker. (Buttons)

24. We are giving you an excellent modern vacuum cleaner as a gift. (tassel)

25. Hanger for small apartments. (Nail.)

26. Washing machine "Baby". (Eraser.)

27. To avoid a quarrel, eat the apple of discord. (Apple.)

28. Please don’t be angry with us - the lid will also come in handy. (Lid for a jar.)

29. Extend your hand and receive an onion head. (Onion.)

30. Happiness fell into your hands, you got three potatoes. (Potato.)

Presenter: The lottery has been played, and we continue our congratulations

15th child: The children all agree with me:
I say mail for honor,
That we all live in the world
Because there are mothers!

16th child:
For songs and fairy tales, for troubles and affection!
For delicious cheesecakes, for new toys!

17th child: Girls and boys! Come with us
Let's say thank you to grandma, thank you to mom.
For books and counting rhymes, for skis and jump ropes!
For sweet jam, for long patience!

Together: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Leading And now a song about grandma Song "About Grandma"

18 child: We won't buy a gift for mom -

Let's cook it ourselves, with our own hands.
You can embroider her a scarf, you can grow a flower.
You can draw a house, a blue river.
And also kiss my DEAR MOTHER!

(we give a gift to mothers)

Leading: Dear women, the smile on your faces brought a lot of warmth and light to the atmosphere of our holiday. We want you to smile like that always, and not just on holidays.

This concludes our program, and we once again congratulate you on the holiday. And let the love and patience that we all need so much now do not leave you.

May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. Let music always sound in your home, the music of love and kindness.
We invite you to dance and continue our celebration with tea.

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