Lesson “Nature and the man-made world. Lesson on the surrounding world "natural and man-made world" Nature and man-made world presentation

The world that surrounds us is beautiful and unique. There is a song: “How beautiful this world is, look!” It would be very nice to preserve all this unique beauty. I would like people of future generations to admire the beauty of nature just like we do.

Nature and the man-made world

If you look around, you can see a lot of interesting things. Green forest, blue clouds, a dog behind a fence - all this can be attributed to nature. Natural nature has existed for a long time and will continue to exist for a long time. Man also relates to nature. The man-made world is called everything that is created by people. Humanity influences nature, creating various objects of the man-made world: cars, devices, houses, factories.

The emergence of the man-made world

The natural world was created a long time ago. The man who settled here, due to his curiosity, thirst for creativity and desire to improve his world, began to create his own hand-made works. First, he turned a simple stick into a weapon. Having sharpened its end, he received a weapon. From then on it went like this - man improved old ones and created new objects, immersing himself more and more in the world of things - man-made world.

And the more he created new objects of the man-made world, the further he moved away from the natural world. Examples of a man-made world include:

  • constructed asphalt roads, with the help of which it becomes possible to move quickly and conveniently. They replaced green paths for man;
  • the walls of houses that sheltered them from cold, winds and rain, but they also fenced people off from nature;
  • invented clothing made human life comfortable, but isolated man from the influence of natural phenomena;
  • shoes provided comfort when walking, but they separated man from the ground;
  • By processing natural products with fire, people received many tasty and varied dishes, but the use of fried and salty foods had a detrimental effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

How the natural world and the man-made world interact

Nature and the man-made world are in constant interaction. The natural world has a wonderful quality: it can develop and recover, but the man-made world can only destroy. Natural nature can live without human intervention, but man will never live without nature.

Realizing this, man constantly waged a struggle with nature. The result of this struggle is deplorable: thousands of animals and plants were destroyed, a very important document appeared - the Red Book, which lists very rare specimens of flora and fauna, which are almost impossible for people to meet

The man-made world is increasingly replacing nature. Modern people are so far from nature that they contact it very rarely, and children learn about hares and bells from television.

Humanity constantly produces garbage, polluting everything on the planet: the surface of the earth, the oceans and the airspace. It got to the point where there was a problem of space pollution!

The result of the interaction between nature and the man-made world

There are increasingly alarming reports that people who will live in the next millennium will not be able to see flowers bloom or hear a clear stream babble.

They will not be destined to learn that their ancestors, for the sake of the scientific and technological process, without thinking about the future, destroyed forests, polluted rivers, accumulated radioactive waste. Now there are so many environmental problems that the question of the survival of human society is at stake. And this problem needs to be solved not only by Russians.

It is important to remember that the balance is wildlife perfect. And she doesn’t need help, she can provide for herself on her own. And intervention in nature very often brings unexpected results. When thorny hedges began to be planted in Australia, they did not imagine that these “thorns” would turn out to be so tenacious and would fill all available surfaces.

People constantly tried to “improve” nature: they drained swamps, turned rivers back, and built dams. After many years, it became clear that natural resources were used illiterately, they must be protected and treated with respect for nature.

To achieve results in the solution environmental problem, it is necessary to begin to instill in the younger generation a careful and competent attitude towards the world around them, so that they live in accordance with the laws of nature.

Nature and man-made world: didactic games for children, cards for downloading. educational video for children about living and inanimate nature.

Nature and the man-made world: a didactic game for children

From this article you will learn how to introduce your baby to the world around him, how to explain what living and inanimate nature is, what the man-made world is and how they differ, what educational and educational games will help you.

Today I am pleased to introduce another reader of the “Native Path” website and a participant in the competition. This is not only a mother of many children, but also a student teacher training college and a kindergarten teacher by profession. Marina has prepared a game for readers of “Native Path” to familiarize children with the world around them.

I give the floor to Marina: “My name is Smirnova Marina Anatolyevna. I’ve been on the “Native Path” website for a short time—about a year. I live in the village. Chastoozerye. I have three children, a 4th year student at a pedagogical college. Work in kindergarten teacher I’m interested in beadwork, drawing (both with pencils and paints), plasticineography, modular origami, sewing simple felt toys for activities, making various crafts, etc. I recently started making educational games for children.” And today Marina Anatolyevna shares with us two games and cards for them.

The natural world and the man-made world. Living and inanimate nature

In didactic games, children not only clarify their ideas about the world around them and the need to take care of it, but also develop: coherent speech, cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, group objects, and children’s attention.

In didactic games, children learn that the objects around them are different.

Some objects are made by man (the man-made world), while other objects are created by nature (the natural world).

The natural world is also very diverse. There is living nature, and there is inanimate nature.

To the natural world include stars and the Moon, forests and mountains, grass and trees, birds and insects. These are those objects that exist outside of man; he did not make them with his own hands or with the help of machines and tools.

  • To inanimate nature include snow and sand, a ray of sun and stones, clay and mountains, rivers and seas.
  • Towards living nature include plants, fungi, animals and microorganisms.

To the man-made world include our clothes and shoes, houses and vehicles, tools and hats and much more, shops and other buildings around us, stadiums and roads.

How to explain to children how the natural world differs from the man-made world and how living and inanimate nature differ from each other?

It is very well explained to children what nature is and how living and inanimate nature differ in my favorite program for children about the world around us, “Shishkina School. Natural History". Watch this educational and fun program for kids with your children. Play the game with its characters, discuss their answers and mistakes.

What kingdoms does the natural world consist of?

Children will learn about this from the program“Shishkina School” on the topic “Kingdoms of Nature”, and together with the animal heroes of the program, they will guess riddles about the inhabitants of these kingdoms

And now that your baby has learned what nature is, how to distinguish the natural world from the man-made world, how to distinguish living and non-living wildlife, let's play didactic game and consolidate and clarify children’s ideas about the world around them. And Marina’s games and cards will help us with this.

Didactic game 1. “Living and inanimate nature”

Material for the game

  • Pictures depicting objects of living and inanimate nature (planet earth, duckling, forest, butterfly, mushroom, mountains, etc.)
  • Red and green cards (for each child)
  • Two dolls or other toys.

Progress of the game

Create a play situation with toys. Two toys (dolls) quarreled and cannot separate the pictures. Ask the children: “How can we reconcile our dolls? How can you share these pictures between Katya and Masha?” Children discuss how they can help their toys.

Draw the children's attention to the cards - hints, remember what they mean. The duckling is the world of living nature. And mountains are a world of inanimate nature. The child helps the dolls divide the pictures correctly.

  • You can give pictures to dolls, for example, give cards to Masha doll with images of living nature, and give cards to Katya doll with images of inanimate nature.
  • Or you can enter conditional icons. The duckling card is green and the mountain card is red. Invite the children to cover pictures depicting living nature with green squares (like the duckling), and cover pictures depicting inanimate nature with red cards (like the “mountains” card).
  • If the game is played with a group of children, then the adult gives each child a set of pictures and red and green cards for laying them out.

The children’s task is to correctly divide all the pictures into two groups.

Doll Masha and Katya each take their pictures and thank the children for their help, praising them for being very quick-witted and inquisitive.

Download pictures for the game “Living and Nonliving”

Didactic game 2. Nature and the man-made world

In this game, children will learn to distinguish objects of the natural world from objects made by human hands, classify pictures, reason and draw conclusions, and describe objects.

Materials for the game

For the game you will need pictures depicting objects of the natural and man-made world (anthill, mirror, bell flower; electric lamp, etc.).

Progress of the game

A group of children is playing. You can also play in pairs “adult and child”.

Each child receives from an adult a set of pictures depicting various objects of the man-made world. An adult shows a picture of a natural object.

For example, an anthill is the home of ants. Children look among their pictures for objects of the man-made world that look like an anthill. For example, a pair for an anthill can be a modern house, a birdhouse, a stable, or a poultry house, made by human hands. Or perhaps your child will find another pair and be able to prove that it is suitable, because... similar to the original picture in some way.

You need to not only guess and find the right picture, but also prove that this picture matches the picture shown to adults.

Examples of such pairs in cards for the game:

  • bell flower (natural world) - bell (man-made world),
  • the sun is a light bulb,
  • hedgehog - metal brush - comb with long teeth,
  • live butterfly - a butterfly for a festive costume,
  • planet Earth - toy ball,
  • cobweb - fishing nets,
  • swallow with wings - airplane with wings,
  • cancer claws - pincers as a human tool,
  • snowflake and snowflake - lace napkin,
  • A living mouse is a computer mouse.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Secondary comprehensive Tatar-Russian school No. 80 with in-depth study of individual subjects” in the Vakhitovsky district of Kazan

Lesson summary on the world around us
in 2nd grade

Nature and the man-made world


teacher primary classes

Gainullina Albina Shavkatovna

Kazan 2016

Nature and the man-made world

(lesson summary on the world around us in 2nd grade)

Gainullina Albina Shavkatovna,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary general education

Tatar-Russian school No. 80 with in-depth

studying individual subjects"

Vakhitovsky district of Kazan

Target:clarify students' ideas about characteristic features nature and the man-made world.


Educational: systematize students’ ideas about the world around them; develop the ability to compare natural objects and objects of the man-made world and name the distinctive features of each of them, highlight the main features, and form conclusions;

Educational: develop cognitive activity and creative abilities of students; develop communication skills during collective and group work with classmates; develop observation, the ability to critically evaluate one’s work and oneself - the ability to reflect;

Educational: to form in students careful attitude to nature and objects created by other people; to cultivate learning activity, accuracy, perseverance, diligence, curiosity and inquisitiveness in the learning process.

Planned results:

Subject: Learn to evaluate their own attitude to the world around them; distinguish between natural objects and man-made objects. They will have the opportunity to learn to recognize the value of nature and the need to bear responsibility for its conservation.

Metasubject (UD):

Regulatory UUD: Understand and retain the learning task; take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher; adequately perceive the teacher's assessment.

Cognitive UUD: Search for the necessary information to complete educational assignments; construct a speech utterance orally.

Communication UUD: Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation; construct statements that are understandable to your partner; to ask questions; control your actions and the actions of your partner

Personal: acceptance and development social role student, development of motives educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning.

During the classes:

1) Class organization

Teacher: I want to start our lesson with you with a poem by V. Krivosheev “ Good morning».

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning!
Sun and birds.
Good morning!
Smiling faces.
And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting...
May good morning
Lasts until evening!

Greeting game “Hello!”

Teacher: Let's get ready for work and smile at each other. I suggest playing a greeting game: turn to face your neighbor and prepare your palms. Touching the fingers of the same name one by one, starting with the thumb, we say a greeting.

Students take turns touching their neighbor’s fingers of the same name, starting with the thumbs, and say:

– I wish (thumbs touching);
– success (indicative);
– large (medium);
– in everything (unnamed);
– and everywhere (little fingers);
- Hello! (touch with the entire palm of the hand).

The students repeat the actions a second time, but after the little fingers “meet” the fingers intertwine and the phrase “Good luck to you in the lesson” is said.

2) Updating previously acquired knowledge and skills (repetition)

Teacher: Guys, look at the screen. What do you see?

Pictures of villages and towns on the screen

Students: There are two pictures on the board

Teacher: What is depicted on them?

Students: One shows a city, the other a village.

Teacher: Why do you think I took these particular paintings?

Students: We covered these topics in the last lesson

Teacher: We will check how well you understand this topic; on your table you have 2 pieces of paper - these are tests. Why are there 2 of them and are they different colors?

Students: Because they have 2 types of tasks: one difficult, the other simple

Teacher: Choose a suitable task for yourself and complete it within two minutes

Children complete the test by choosing the appropriate difficulty level for themselves. Appendix 1.

3) Formation of new knowledge and skills (setting a learning task)

Teacher: Well done, now let’s collect these works and pay attention to the board.

Objects on the board: Horse, leaf, river, TV, table, chair, carrot, etc.

Teacher: We need to divide these subjects into groups

(If children say that the objects they see in the village and in the city, note that now there is also a TV and a table in the villages)

Students: The first group includes nature, and the second is what a person made with his own hands.

Teacher: What man made is called differently - a man-made world

Teacher: Who will name the topic of our lesson?

Students: The topic of our lesson is “Nature and the man-made world”

Teacher: In our textbook on p. 14 above the red line, read the tasks of our lesson. Say in your own words what you will learn by the end of the lesson.

Children read to themselves and draw conclusions.


    Let's find out what nature is

    Let's learn to distinguish between objects of nature and the man-made world

    Let's think about what our attitude to the world around us should be.

4) Discovery of new knowledge

Teacher: Name the objects that surround us in the classroom

Students: Desk, board, flower, people.

Teacher: Which of this applies to the man-made world?

Students: Desk, blackboard

Teacher: How to explain what a man-made world is?

Students: The man-made world is what surrounds us, created by human hands

Teacher: What is related to nature in the class?

Students: Air, flowers, people

Teacher: How do you understand the word nature?

Students: Nature is what surrounds us, not created by man

Teacher: Let's check our assumptions. Let's read in the textbook on p. 15 about what nature and the man-made world are.

Students read the textbook on p. 15

5) Primary consolidation.

Teacher: Can you determine what is made by human hands and what is not? Let's play the game "Fourth Wheel". Before you are pictures that show four objects; you need to name the extra one and explain why.

Children determine which item is the odd one out in the group and justify their answer.

Teacher: Well done, guys. Now let's try to do the work in the workbook.

Work in pairs

Teacher: Open p. 14 of the workbook “ The world" Reading task number 1.

Students: Task No. 1. Use a green pencil to highlight objects of nature, and red - objects of the man-made world.

Teacher: Option 1 prepares a green pencil, option 2 – red. Mark your group, then exchange notebooks.

Students do the work, then check.

6) Physical exercise

Teacher: You worked well, you can rest.

The teacher turns on the physical exercise “Dance of Friends.” Students perform the movements they see on the screen

7) Independent work with self-test according to the standard. Self-analysis and self-control

Teacher: While we were dancing, a parrot flew to our page. We read it in task No. 3 in the workbook.

Students: Task 3. You need to fill out the table

What or who?

Refers to nature

Man made

Students fill out the table, then check their answers against the table they see on the screen:

What or who?

Refers to nature

Man made


Rattle, dishes

Lake, ice

Mirror, glass

Ship, boat

Airplane, helicopter

8) Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.

Group work

Teacher: Well done! We completed the task. Now let's work in a group. In front of you are 2 sheets: a green leaf and a red leaf. And also in the envelope there are photographs of objects of nature and the man-made world. You must stick them in groups, then nominate one person who must protect your work.

Students do the work, then a group representative comes out and announces the decision.

Teacher: Well done, guys. You are actively working. Which beautiful drawings pasted. Agree, the world around us is beautiful. Who decides whether he will continue to be like this or not?

Students: The beauty of nature depends on us.

Teacher: Tell us, using pictures, how will you protect the beauty of our world?

Students give their answers.

9) Reflection on activity (lesson summary).

Teacher: Our lesson is coming to an end, let's remember what tasks we wanted to complete in our lesson.

Students: They wanted to know what nature is

Teacher: So, what is nature?

Students: Nature is what surrounds us and is not made by human hands.

Students: Wanted to learn to distinguish between objects of nature and the man-made world

Teacher: Have you learned? Give examples of nature, man-made world

Students give examples

Students: wanted to think about what our attitude to the world around us should be

Teacher: What should be the attitude towards our world?

Students: We must protect our nature, everything that surrounds us.

Teacher: Prepare a red pencil, green and blue. Think about how you think you have completed all the tasks of the lesson. Evaluate your work in class. If yes, then pick up the red pencil, if not all, then pick up the green one, and if you haven’t completed a single task and you need additional help from the teacher, then pick up the yellow one.

Dudalova Ekaterina
Lesson “Nature and the man-made world”

Outline lesson

Teacher: Ours is with you lesson I want to start with a poem by V. Krivosheev "Good morning":

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

Say hello when meeting:

Good morning!

Good morning!

Sun and birds.

Good morning!

Smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting.

May good morning

Lasts until evening!

Let's stand up straight, get ready for work and smile at each other. Well done! Have a seat.

Teacher: Guys, today I'm at lesson brought various items with her. Guys, try to divide these items into two groups: Place one group on the left side of the table, and a second group on the right side of the table. So who wants to try?

(Students guess how to divide into groups, then divide and lay out two groups on the table)

Explain why you divided it this way? (Can be divided some other way)

(Students: The first group includes nature, and to the second, what a person did with his own hands).

Teacher: Well done! You have divided the items correctly!

Guys, what do you think we will talk about today at lesson? Who can formulate the theme of our lesson?

(Students: Our theme lesson« Nature and the man-made world» .)

Teacher: Absolutely right. Guys, we have determined the topic of our lesson, let's now try to define the tasks of our lesson. What would you be interested to know? (Motivate with questions)

Teacher: Guys, let's take a look around. Tell me the objects that surround us in the classroom? So, of the named items can be attributed to nature? So. Guys, how do you understand the word « nature» ? What is this?

Students: (Assume and define) Nature is that that surrounds us, not created by man.

Teacher: Well done! Who else thinks? Be brave guys! Let's check our assumptions. I displayed the definition nature. Who wants to voice it to us? So guys, your assumptions turned out to be correct. (or incorrect).

nature. Now tell me what happens nature? Guys, why, there is living and non-living nature, by what signs can one distinguish a living nature from inanimate nature? (Movement, growth, nutrition, reproduction, death) .

Guys, let's complete the task of identifying living and nonliving things. nature. I placed pictures on the slide, and in front of you there is a piece of paper on which it is written « Nature» and is divided into living and nonliving nature. Get into pairs and sign your names. Identify and write down those items that are living nature, and those objects that belong to inanimate nature. (Walk through the rows, look). How to exchange?*

Guys, now I suggest you exchange your work on your desks and check each other. (Evaluation criteria). At the end lesson Give me your work so I can grade it.

Guys, we have determined that there is living and nonliving nature, do you think there is a connection between them? Does non-living matter affect nature alive? If so, how? Can you give an example? *The sun serves as a source of heat and light for all living things. In autumn it does not rise above the ground as high as in summer. The closer to winter, the lower the Sun. The length of the day is decreasing and it is getting colder. The Earth receives less and less heat and light. *

Let's now talk about man-made world. Guys, how do you understand the phrase « man-made world» ? Why « man-made» ? How is this word formed? What words are hidden with this word?

So, let's now formulate definition: "What's happened man-made world

Guys, we found out what it is « man-made world» , now let's execute exercise: in front of you is a piece of paper on which objects are presented natural and man-made world. Think about what connection there might be between these objects and make pairs. Sign the number of the object man-made world to a natural object or connect with arrows. (Come on, have a look)

Let's check what you got. (Check with slide)

Guys, now do it yourself work: in front of you is a tablet that needs to be filled with items that relate to nature and the man-made world, relying on description: For example, shines: sun (refers to nature, bulb (refers to man-made world) . Did you all manage? Or is someone having difficulty?

Guys, who wants to show the completed sign and tell me what examples you entered? Be brave! (Put a rating)

Guys, would like to try to transform an object nature into an object of the man-made world?

To work we need the following materials:

Pumpkin seeds;


Thin branches;

A little imagination and perseverance.

Flower making process next:

Roll a ball out of plasticine and form the center of the flower. We fix it on a branch. Next, we fix the pumpkin seeds in the middle, forming a flower.

Guys, we have seen how it is possible natural turn objects into man-made world.

Guys, turning natural world to man-made, we must remember one thing important rule. Which one do you think? ( "Do no harm")

Let's talk about our attitude towards nature: Look at the picture on the slide and tell me, are the guys behaving correctly? Explain why? Based on the drawings, formulate and write down on a piece of paper the rules for caring for nature.

Teacher: Guys, you are great! We completed the task! Our the lesson has come to an end! thanks for lesson!

Publications on the topic:

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Educational complex "School of Russia" Lesson No. 3 Nature and the man-made world by Irina Valentinovna Customer

Customer Irina Valentinovna

primary school teacher

GBOU gymnasium No. 45 named after. L.I. Milgram


Academic subject : the world

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Class : 2nd grade

Lesson topic: Nature and the man-made world

Lesson type : combined

The purpose of the lesson : to clarify students’ ideas about the characteristic features of nature and the man-made world.

Lesson Objectives :

    systematize students’ ideas about the world around them;

    develop the ability to compare natural objects and objects of the man-made world and name the distinctive features of each of them, highlight the main features, and form conclusions;

    to form in students a caring attitude towards nature and objects created by other people.

Planned student achievements :

Subject results :

    know what nature and the man-made world are (give a definition);

    have an idea about natural objects and objects of the man-made world, name them features, give examples;

    compare natural objects and man-made objects using photographs and personal observations;

    use words that carry an ethical meaning to characterize the attitude towards the surrounding world.Meta-subject results :

Regulatory :

    accept and maintain lesson objectives;

    use sign-symbolic means (templates of geometric shapes) when completing tasks in the workbook;

    fill out the table in your workbook;

    interact in pairs when performing educational tasks, carry out mutual verification;

    follow the rule in a didactic game.

Cognitive :

    navigate your knowledge system, be able to work with information;

    develop thinking operations: analyze illustrations in order to identify essential features of objects, classify objects of the surrounding world based on analysis and comparison of illustrations;

Communication :

    convey your position, listen and hear your partner;

    express your point of view and analyze it;

    formulate conclusions from the studied material, answer final questions;

    construct speech utterances correctly.

Personal results :

    understand the need to acquire new knowledge;

    evaluate the attitude of other people and your own to the world around you;

    realize that a kind, respectful attitude towards the world makes a person better.

Lesson equipment :

Textbook Pleshakov A.A. The world. 2nd grade: textbook for general education institutions with an application on electronic media, part 1.

additional literature : Pleshakov A.A. The world. 2nd grade: workbook, 1st part, Pleshakov A.A., Rumyantsev A.A. A giant in a clearing or the first lessons of environmental ethics.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, presentation, geometric shapes, chips with numbers 1 and 2.

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning!
Sun and birds.
Good morning!
Smiling faces.
And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting...
May good morning
Lasts until evening!

Greet each other and express your wishes for the lesson to your neighbor at the desk.

They greet each other and express wishes for the lesson to their neighbor at the desk.

Checking homework

What interesting things have you learned about your home?

The results of completing task No. 3, page 10 in the workbook are discussed.

Students show photographs and drawings and read stories. Ask questions and answer questions from classmates. They give a value judgment about their work, whether it was interesting for them and for adults.

Motivation and goal setting

There are envelopes on your desks. Get out the geometric shapes. Name them. Make pairs of them.

Using these figures in the workbook on page 14, task No. 2, cover the paired pictures. Make up the last pair yourself, following the suggested pattern.

(first and last paragraph)

They discuss and agree on how they will fill out the table.

Students evaluate people's attitudes towards the world around them. The conclusions made by the children are brought up for general class discussion. Children speak out and justify their point of view.

Students speak out.

Examples of students.

Conclusions and generalization

What new did you learn? What have you learned?

Conclusions from the lesson are compared with the conclusion in the textbook p. 17.

Students formulate conclusions from the material studied,

Control and assessment of achievements

Control block of questions in the textbook p. 17.

Students answer final questions.


Textbook pp. 14 – 17; workbook page 15 assignments No. 4 and No. 5.

Under the guidance of the teacher, the children stand up and mentally place the knowledge with which they came to the lesson on their right palm, and on their left - the knowledge they received during the lesson. At the teacher’s command, the palms clap together (knowledge has been combined), and the children say “Thank you” to themselves and those around them in chorus for their work in the lesson.

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