A man's greed towards a woman. Greedy or economical: how to understand a man. What kind of man can be considered greedy?

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Who are these greedy people? These are very boring and petty comrades with an obsession with “accumulating.” And it doesn’t matter if the stingy guy is an unfamiliar gentleman with whom you “can’t baptize your children.”

But what if this miser is your friend? What to do? Forgive, understand and accept? Or urgently delete his number from your phone and forget it like a bad dream?

Greedy people - what they are: distinctive signs of a greedy person

As you know, greed is one of the vices condemned by most world religions. And it’s a rare person who admits it.

Greedy tries to take everything from life. But, alas, he does not receive satisfaction due to his insatiability.

What kind of greedy guy is he? What are the symptoms of the “disease”?

  • He does not lend (or gives with demonstrative reluctance).
  • He eats the last piece of “sweet” with a light heart.
  • His wardrobe contains branded items, but at home he will wear just anything. When meeting guests (which rarely happens) in an expensive shirt, he will not be ashamed to brew one tea bag in a friend’s cup for the second time.
  • He never throws away “old junk” like an ancient refrigerator or grandma’s chandelier. Hoarding is in his blood.
  • He always bargains in markets and even in shops, never leaves tips and very carefully counts the change.
  • He is extremely jealous. The second half, in his opinion, is also his property.
  • Everyone around him is his potential rivals and competitors.
  • To more successful people he always experiences.
  • He loves shopping.
  • He takes care of his car, but saves on gas and travels more often by bus.
  • When presenting a gift, he will definitely notice that it cost him a lot, or he will simply leave the price tag in a visible place. However, waiting for a gift from him is a real miracle.
  • When paying for goods, there is universal sorrow on his face, as if he is giving away his last.
  • He is constantly looking for ways to save money.
  • He will definitely time the wedding date to coincide with some holiday in order to save on gifts for his wife. Which, by the way, will give them according to her taste (so that “everyone will find it useful”).
  • Search for discounts and sales - it favorite hobby. Even if he urgently needs a TV, he will wait until there is a promotion somewhere for this equipment. He makes most of his purchases in the first days of January, when stores massively lower prices for city residents who are temporarily “impoverished” after the holidays.
  • As soon as you leave the room for a couple of minutes, he is already flying there to turn off the light. And you can completely forget about “taking a bath.” Just a shower, and quickly like an army! Counters after all!
  • He is always unsatisfied with his life.

“He was a great housekeeper!”

It is important to distinguish greed from the usual desire to save due to life circumstances (or character).

Thrifty Friend He will also look for sales and maybe even make tea a second time, but he will never leave a friend without a gift for the holiday, and the gift itself - with a price tag.

When communicating with a frugal friend, you don't experience negative emotions , and it doesn’t involuntarily roll off your tongue - “miserly!” On the contrary, you admire his ability to distribute cash and save even where this is usually impossible.

Stingy or stingy?

It is worth noting that these two concepts are also different. A stingy person saves on everything, including food. He will travel across the city to buy a kilo of fish for 10 rubles cheaper, and will look for a new “mobile phone” via the Internet, because the price is always lower there.

But he will not skimp on gifts for a friend or beloved woman , and will never “excuse myself” with a box of chocolates for my birthday. At general friendly meetings, he will always contribute his share for the “banquet” and will not try to enter heaven on someone else’s hump.

His stinginess only applies to him . Greed spreads to everyone around.

Reasons for the greed of friends and acquaintances - why are people greedy?

Usually, We don’t become greedy suddenly, but gradually . Moreover, starting from early childhood. It is rare for a person to become greedy at a conscious adult age (the habits are too strong).

As for the reasons for greed, there are not so many of them:

  • Self-doubt and obsessive desire for physical/psychological safety. Constant fears of life push the greedy person to accumulate. Life for him is hostile and dangerous, so he must prepare for difficulties “today and now.”
  • An example from childhood. The children's family model, as a rule, is automatically transferred to the adult lives of children. If dad or mom were greedy, the child does not consider greed unnatural.
  • Mom and dad did not teach the child to be generous and simply did not notice how he turned into a greedy person. This usually happens after the birth of the second baby in the family. The eldest child, left “on the sidelines of life,” takes matters into his own hands - the lack of attention, toys and love raises in him a person who begins to live for himself, in his own shell.
  • He grew up in a rich family. And from the cradle, mom and dad threw all their “riches” at his feet. He is not used to sharing, giving, giving. He is used to only taking and demanding. And even his first word was “give!”
  • He made his fortune with “sweat and blood” , and sees a threat in everything that concerns his money.
  • Poverty in the past. Such life stages, when you have to save every penny, also do not pass without a trace. Some acquire the habit of living frugally and within their means, while for others, saving develops into greed and pettiness out of fear that “one day everything will collapse again.”
  • He simply lives with plans for the future. An obsessive dream (or a clear goal) of a car (apartment, cottage, travel, etc.) is more important than all his needs and the needs of his relatives and friends. The goal obscures a person’s eyes, and everything except it becomes unimportant and empty.

How to deal with a greedy friend - understand, accept and forgive?

According to Chinese (and indeed any other) philosophy, greedy is always unhappy . Simply because he is unable to be satisfied with today and is always tormented by groundless vanity.

But the main question for the greedy’s friends remains: what to do? Should I completely sever the relationship so as not to feel constant resentment towards my fellow miser, come to terms with it and accept my friend as he is, or try to re-educate him?

Certainly, if relationships are an unbearable burden , which you want to get rid of, then there is no point in such a relationship, and you need to leave.

But still even greedy man capable of being responsive, interesting and loyal. Greed is not a sentence , and it is quite possible to cure it (or at least “relieve the aggravation”) with cunning, as well as understanding and love.

How to do it?

  • Be an example for your friend. Give him gifts, treat him to dinner, and do not skimp on kind deeds and words.
  • Treat your friend's greed with a smile and humor. Let him understand that you notice his greed, and you don’t like it, but you are not going to give up your friend.
  • It also makes sense to teach your friend “lessons of greed” from time to time, mirroring his attitude towards you. Again, without anger or moralizing. Let him feel how insulting it is to be the friend of a greedy person.

And most importantly, be magnanimous, merciful and generous yourself . It is impossible to remain greedy when you are surrounded by kind and bright people, whose words and actions come from the heart.

Have you ever had greedy friends in your life? And how did you build relationships with them? Share your stories in the comments below!

Male greed is enough common occurrence, which affects a large number of women. As a rule, it is impossible to fight this character trait, so it is quite reasonable, at the first suspicion of the stingy tendencies of your chosen one, to quickly retreat from among his entourage. But there are also male representatives who, despite pathological greed, are still able to pamper their lady love with gifts.

Signs of a greedy man

He does not spare money for himself and spends it with pleasure, provided that the purchase will be personally useful to him. Therefore, you should not be guided by “clothes”, since a cheapskate can look quite presentable. Such a subject does not save on himself, but when the situation forces him to fork out for gifts and things that do not bring him joy, then all the signs of his greedy nature appear.

Under no circumstances will he give a gift without a reason, even the most inexpensive and insignificant one. This type will not miss the opportunity, albeit in a joking manner, to comment on the high prices in the restaurant where you went to meet friends. He also often talks about money, but not in terms of ways to increase his earnings, but by discussing where and how much he had to pay.

He is inclined to give only those gifts that will be useful to him. For example, instead of flowers and a cute plush toy, he presents his beloved with wine and sweets, which he himself can enjoy.

Loves to get everything for free. He spends a lot of time searching for discounts, free entertainment and the like. He also prefers to constantly calculate, estimate and strives to win even in small things. If he is lucky enough to buy a loaf of bread in one of the stores for a ruble cheaper than anywhere else, he will be incredibly happy about this fact, constantly remembering this “extraordinary luck.”

Reluctant to change large bills. For example, in transport, in a cafe, in a store, in a nightclub, he may ask if you have small money, because, you see, he “doesn’t want to change a hundred.”

Gives gifts, but then for a long time recalls these moments, emphasizing his rare “generosity.”

He would never tip a waiter in a cafe or restaurant.

Experienced psychologists say that a greedy man is fundamentally different from a stingy man. What's the difference? In some cases, male stinginess manifests itself as a reluctance to part with money to purchase things that are useless and unnecessary, in his opinion. For example, he does not agree to buy a dress that you liked in the store. But meanwhile, he fills your refrigerator to capacity with delicacies or makes expensive repairs in your apartment. If a man is greedy in this particular sense, then this is not the worst way to show stinginess.

How to test a man for greed while in the first stage of a romantic relationship

It is not only possible, but also very necessary to recognize male stinginess in a timely manner. Start checking small. Do not miss the opportunity in front of your chosen one to admire some not too expensive trinket that you saw in a store window while walking with him. When passing by a flower shop, let them know, as if by chance, what flowers you are partial to. It is quite possible that he will not react instantly and will not buy everything that you liked - you should not make hasty conclusions about him, since it is possible that he simply did not have enough money with him today. But if a man is generous and attentive, then a pleasant surprise awaits you a little later and, perhaps, more than one.

Rely on your own intuition in matters of male greed, and it will not let you down! Demand from your man only what he is able to give you and, based on this, decide whether this type of relationship is right for you. It is unreasonable to demand diamonds from a person who lives on a modest salary as an office worker. But it’s completely stupid to tolerate someone with a heavy wallet who comes on a date without bothering to buy even a modest bouquet of flowers or any other nice little thing.

Why do men become greedy?

The main reason for male greed is strict upbringing in childhood or the example of a father who was not particularly generous towards his mother.

Selfishness and pronounced selfishness. In this case, the man does not skimp on spending money on himself, but his woman is unlikely to receive expensive and frequent gifts.

Poverty or lack of funds in the past. Perhaps a man is overly frugal for the reason that the family in which he grew up was constantly in need of something, so now he seeks to save as much money as possible “for a rainy day” so that his current or future family does not need anything .

A man lives in the future, forgetting about the present. Sometimes heads of families are so absorbed in the process of saving money for a car, an apartment or something else that they neglect the needs of their loved ones for the sake of their goal.

Uncertainty in relationships. If a man is not sure that your relationship with him will last long, then he can reason like this: “I don’t know her well, perhaps nothing serious will work out between us, so I won’t spend money on her for now.” This approach seems reasonable, but somehow too unpleasant. It’s a pity that for some reason men don’t realize that such a scenario of behavior today is unlikely to lead to a happy future together tomorrow.

Fears and complexes. Men, to justify their greed, like to say: “I want you to appreciate and love me for who I am.” And, as a rule, such things are voiced by those who do not have a penny to their name. Men who have managed to achieve something in this life do not suffer from such complexes. But it is inherent in nature that from time immemorial women have fallen in love with the achievements and results of men’s activities.

Misunderstanding of women's hints. Perhaps you are wrong to consider your man greedy. After all, the problem can only lie in the fact that he simply does not realize that you need gifts, flowers, surprises, and your hints are so veiled that for a man they seem like a real rebus. Just tell him directly about your needs and desires, and after his reaction to what was said, draw conclusions.

Are there effective methods fight against male stinginess

If you have come to the conclusion that the man who is now next to you is a real greedy person, then you can correct his behavior, but for this you need to have a large supply of patience and the desire to take the situation into your own hands.

Firstly, at the stage of acquaintance and first meetings, women themselves sometimes extinguish men’s desire to be generous suitors, for inexplicable reasons refusing luxurious gifts, visits to expensive restaurants, and thereby accustoming the gentleman to the idea that you can do without all this. So, dear representatives of the fair sex, away with excessive modesty!

Secondly, tell your greedy friend that he is your most generous, understanding, and caring person. If he truly loves and values ​​you, he will not want to fall from the pedestal on which you have so confidently placed him. Praise is a thing that really works! Praise a man, and he will try with all his might to live up to the characteristics that you assigned to him.

Third, let the man feel the difference between your wonderful mood and the grief that you may feel due to the lack of proper attention on his part. It is important that your good mood brings him special joy. Make sure that he is careful not to deny you your wishes, because this will affect your mood and, naturally, your relationship with him.

Always be grateful for gifts from him, do not skimp on kind words, but measure your gratitude to the man for the attention he has given him. You shouldn’t be equally happy about a soft toy and a mink coat, otherwise... from now on you will only receive teddy bears.

Convinced stingy people are difficult to re-educate, especially if you started the educational process after such a man became your legal husband. Of course, feelings are not measured in crisp bills, but a miserly husband is unlikely to be a joy to you. Happiness to you and men who are generous with gifts and attention!

Male greed is common. They consider themselves economical and thrifty, but in reality this is scrupulousness. A husband or boyfriend who is greedy does not allow unnecessary spending on his women, considering this to be an unjustified expense.

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Building a relationship with a scrupulous person is very difficult, but possible. There are some secrets in psychology that allow you to overcome the pathological greed of your chosen one.

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    Signs of greed in a man

    Determining pathological greed in a man is not so difficult. There are a number of signs that indicate this:

    • After making a purchase in a store, he waits for change. He demands that everything be given to him down to the last penny and he always counts it.
    • Even if he has money, such a man does not strive to go out in public: go to the cinema, theater and other public places, since he does not want to spend his money on such a pointless pastime, as he considers it.
    • He does not want to spend money on himself; for example, I am ready to wear things with holes rather than buy new ones.
    • When visiting a cafe or restaurant, he never leaves a tip and takes all the change down to the penny.
    • Knows all the prices, where which goods are sold at high prices and where - cheap, even if this is not necessary.

    Psychologists come to the conclusion that greed, including male greed, is a difficult-to-treat pathology. It is rarely possible to get rid of it completely.


    The reasons for a man's greed can be very different:

    Causes Description
    UpbringingA person adopts the habits and routines that were established in his family. If the father of the family often showed stinginess, then his child will not be too inclined to spend
    Systematic lack of money in the pastA guy who grew up in poverty and need strives to prevent this from happening again. Most often, he simply saves his hard-earned money for a rainy day.
    Future plansSometimes a man begins to save money to buy something new and does not notice how this hoarding develops into banal greed
    Lack of confidence in relationshipsOften representatives of the stronger sex argue that they don’t necessarily have to spend their money on a girl they don’t know at all. With such thoughts and behavior, he most likely won’t get to know anyone well, because no one will want to connect their life with a pathological miser
    Fear of selfish motivesMen who justify their greed with the girl's selfishness experience fear. It lies in the fact that, in their opinion, a woman can only be with them because of material support. They claim that the fair sex should appreciate them for their intelligence, talent, strength, etc.
    Ignoring hintsOften women make hints to their lovers, but do not get what they want. But sometimes these clues are so unobtrusive that they are difficult to understand. Therefore, the surest way is to tell your chosen one directly about your needs. After this, the reaction can be determined true face men
    SelfishnessVery often there are men who have very strong love. They do not deny themselves anything, and do not even think about pleasant surprises or gifts for their significant other.

    How to determine a man's greed at the beginning of a relationship?

    Even at the stage of a romantic relationship, you can determine whether a man is greedy or not, and decide whether to continue the relationship with him. It's worth taking a closer look at his clothes. If he wears very worn clothes, and he definitely has money to buy new ones, then it’s worth thinking about.

    If, during a walk in the park, a girl wanted ice cream and her chosen one did not buy it for her or offered to split the bill in a cafe in half, then the conclusion suggests itself: this man is definitely suffering from greed.

    Flowers at the beginning of a relationship, or rather, their absence, can indicate the greed of the chosen one. Of course, there is a possibility that the man simply does not realize that his chosen one would be pleased to receive a small bouquet of flowers. But if a woman talks about it directly and doesn’t get what she wants, then it’s worth thinking about.

    Is it worth building a relationship with a greedy man?

    Before ending a relationship with a man who is pathologically greedy, you should think carefully. Perhaps a woman has requests that her chosen one is simply not able to fulfill.

    If the problem is that at the romantic stage the representative of the stronger sex does not invite the girl to the cinema, does not give her flowers, etc. You need to understand that in the future it will only get worse. If a man behaves this way at first, then family life every penny will count for them.

    Men tend to put aside savings just in case. The duty of every woman is that she must help her companion in this. The main thing is that everything is within reason.

    Is it possible to re-educate?

    If a girl has come to the conclusion that her chosen one is a stingy person, then it is worth knowing that it is possible to slightly correct the greedy behavior, but it will not be possible to completely change it. However, even for such a correction you need to spend a lot of effort and energy.

    Eliminating Excessive Modesty

    Most often, even at the initial stage of a relationship, ladies extinguish the gentleman’s desire to be generous. For unknown reasons, they prefer to refuse expensive gifts, restaurants, trips, etc. By these actions they make their man think that they can do just fine without it. Therefore, it is recommended not to show excessive modesty.

    Request for help

    A woman should accustom her chosen one to helping her. She needs to talk about what she needs without hesitation, and also push him to help her. If the man himself expressed a desire to help, then the girl should not reject such an impulse. She needs to accept it and thank her sincerely. This will help the stronger sex learn to think and take care of their soulmate.

    Compliments and praise

    A girl constantly needs to tell her tight-fisted boyfriend that he is the most generous and caring. If he really feels a feeling of love for his chosen one, then he will not want to disappoint her. With constant praise to a man, he will try to live up to such a flattering opinion of himself.

    Willingness to come to terms

    If a girl is ready to accept her companion as he is, then the relationship can be safely continued and developed. She must clearly understand and realize that she will have to deal with such an attitude all her life.

    Realizable dreams and desires

    A woman who decides to connect her life with a tight-fisted man should be content with what she has. In order to influence her partner, she should dream and make plans for the future with him. But dreams must be real and achievable. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it.

    Manipulation of mood swings

    A woman must let her man know the difference between her good mood and her bad one. He must clearly understand that the reason is in his attitude towards her. The lady must skillfully guide her husband so that he is careful not to spoil her mood with his inattention to her.

    Sincere gratitude

    A woman should be grateful for gifts to her man. Do not skimp on kind and grateful words. Such a reaction to surprises from the woman he loves will push and inspire the stingy person to change.

    Generosity on the part of a woman

    In order to awaken generosity in a greedy man, a woman must possess it herself. Representatives of the fair sex should give their partner support, love, attention, emotions, etc.

    Going to the store together

    To prevent the husband from blaming his wife for large and unintentional expenses, it is worth making purchases together. Looking at the prices, a man will understand that spending money cannot be avoided. The same thing needs to be done with invoices.


    Of course, in the matter of re-educating a greedy man, much depends on age. Young man who has not yet reached the age of 25, it will be easier and simpler to put him on the true path. But with men of a more mature age, practically nothing can be done: the reason for this is the formation of their personality.

    The influence of love

    The best thing about rehabilitating a greedy man is love. When a person truly loves, he accepts his other half for who she is. Real love can also change a person in better side: even a greedy man is capable of radically changing for the sake of his beautiful lady of his heart.

    If nothing changes, how to live?

    If your spouse is a greedy person and there is no way to change this, then you should move on with your life. To do this, you need to turn to female wisdom. You should listen to the following tips:

    • A woman needs to carefully manage her husband’s desires and intentions. In such families it is usually financial questions the man decides. A woman’s duty is that she must pass off her ideas and desires as his. The main thing is to present such decisions correctly so that your husband does not have questions.
    • A necessary and necessary thing should be purchased only after the benefits of its acquisition have been proven. To do this, you need to compare it with other, more expensive options.
    • A woman in such a family should have her own small source of income. This will help treat yourself to a brand new pair of shoes or a trip to a cafe with your girlfriends.

    In order to live life with a greedy and tight-fisted man, a woman must first of all have good ingenuity and know her husband well in order to have her own leverage over him.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

They often say about someone: “He is greedy.” Implying that this is someone who really wants to have everything and in large quantities, does not share his own and is ready to appropriate someone else’s. Moderate stinginess, if it does not harm the individual and others, can be useful. But when gluttony is uncontrollable, all sorts of problems can arise. You need to understand what greed is and how to fight it.


This definition comes from the word “thirst” - an uncontrollable desire to own something, to appropriate as many benefits as possible, always during competition. This could be power, money, movable and immovable property, etc. Stinginess is one of the negative character traits. She repels others and can cause a lot of trouble. Do not confuse greed with frugality. It may immediately seem that a person is greedy, because he treats existing things with trepidation and wants to get even more, but he may not be stingy.

Manifestation of greed

It is known that greedy people are more likely to achieve their goals. They climb the career ladder faster and become rich faster, unlike those who are content with little.

Why are rich people greedy? They have something to lose, which cannot be said about the poor. All people have stinginess to one degree or another, but in some it is more pronounced. For someone who is aggressive and greedy, everything is always not enough; he strives to have a lot of money, attention, and various things. Often this behavior is accompanied by envy. Having learned that someone has achieved their goals, the stingy person will definitely want to get twice as much for themselves.

This manifestation can be both good and bad. Greed helps to increase self-esteem and become self-confident. But you need to be able to control your aspirations, otherwise there is a risk of falling into the trap of your own greed.

Greedy people always have a fear of losing what they already have. Even if they don't need something, they will guard it and want to increase it. A greedy person will put his money in a piggy bank, without spending a penny on himself and without lending it to anyone, he will store various necessary and unnecessary things in his garage, he will deny himself the joys of life, just so as not to waste what he has accumulated. They say about such people: “You can’t ask for snow in winter.”

Greed is useful if it does not harm others and the person himself:

  1. Thanks to this character trait, you can achieve incredible heights in life, become rich, and take advantage of what you have accumulated in any situation.
  2. Greed gives people pleasure, be it excitement in games and the desire to win as much money as possible, buying another property or something else.
  3. This trait is a form of selfishness, and moderately selfish people are always successful in achieving their goals.

In addition to the benefits, there is also harm in greed:

  1. Such people have no sense of proportion. In pursuit of wealth, a greedy person does not see or hear his loved ones, does not pay attention to their problems, and often commits rash acts.
  2. Often insatiable people, even if they are rich, are afraid to spend an extra penny on themselves and their family members, thereby harming not only themselves, but also their relatives.
  3. Excessive manifestation of this character trait leads to the fact that a person risks losing everything and being left alone.

The nature of greed

Greed to one degree or another is inherent in every person. This trait is needed in order to achieve your goals, fulfill your dreams, climb the career ladder, and simply survive in the world.

Why are people greedy?

  • lack of resources in the distant past,
  • lack of parental love,
  • the habit from childhood of living in abundance and getting what you want on demand,
  • excessive manifestation of guardianship,
  • a human characteristic from birth.

Greed can arise already at a conscious age, when, having tried to achieve something, a person becomes insatiable. At this point, you need to learn to curb your desires, otherwise you can cloud your mind and die from your own greed.

Children's greed

Small children have no idea what stinginess is. Their reluctance to share their toys is explained by the fact that the child sets his own boundaries, he develops his own “I”. He does not try to appropriate someone else's property and protects his own, which may be useful to him in the future.

There can be many reasons for children's greed: the absence of one of the parents, living in an orphanage, the desire for leadership, etc.

Many children have a favorite toy with which they go for a walk, go to bed, and play all day. If someone else decides to play with this toy, a negative reaction on the part of the child is understandable. This behavior speaks more of frugality than of greed. In such a situation, it is important to support your baby and remember that greed in childhood is normal.

How to deal with greed

Before you get rid of this character trait, you need to admit to yourself that you are stingy. It is worth determining whether a person's greed is harming someone, and then determining what causes it.

In other words, it is necessary to foresee possible risks if you want to have everything. If a stingy person learns to control his gluttony, he will be able to correctly and thoughtfully create a competent strategy to achieve his goals, and not harm himself and his loved ones.

If a person is very afraid of losing something acquired, this leads to depression, fear and even a nervous breakdown. Psychology claims that if you want, you can learn to cope with your greedy nature, have a simpler attitude towards money, not worry about every penny and not allow yourself to die from your own greed.

If you are overcome by the fear of losing everything at once or the fear that you will suddenly run out of money, you need to ask yourself the question: will I really no longer be able to earn money and buy what I want? You can! Money in the world will not disappear anywhere, but you can always earn it.


A character trait such as greed is not a problem if it is skillfully controlled. There are people who are ready to give their last to another person. This does not mean that they are not greedy, they just skillfully control their desires. They are not afraid of losing what they have; they believe that what they give will return to them in double size. And some cannot curb their gluttony and demonstrate a stingy nature.

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