My wife took a lover, what should I do? Advice to wives from mistresses. Take care of yourself if your husband has a young mistress at work

How to determine if he has someone on his side? Mistresses know this best. We asked women who had relationships with married people. And this is what advice they gave to their wives.


My boyfriend told me that his wife was boring him in bed. “The same thing, continuous fasting, no variety.” No matter how trite it sounds, mistresses are taken for bed pleasures. My Edik did this... I’m sure that when he returned home, he was no longer good for anything. He left everything with me. So if there is less sex in a relationship, in my opinion, this is a warning sign. No matter what you lie about, facts are stubborn things. I am surprised at my wife, who for a long time had no idea about anything, what did she do at night? Maybe they mutually lost interest in each other? This is my advice to wives. Alina, 26 years old


I had two married lovers. The first is a creative person, he is bored with his wife and everyday life (she just gave birth). I was looking for love and admiration on the side, which was missing at home. All free time spent with me, including weekends and holidays. The wife was sitting at home with the child. He lied that he was with friends at another art party. She believed that she was some kind of fool not of this world, and he was an egoist. Well, what can I recommend? Do you think that if an artist, then he has only creativity and inspiration on his mind? I saw his inspiration - in bed. I recommend that wives take off their rose-colored glasses and not trust beautiful words. Look at things.

The second is a colleague. He disappeared all the time at work, only coming home to spend the night. He stayed with me at work until late, sometimes we went to his friends’ apartment. He sang to his wife that there was a lot of work and he had to earn money. For some reason, in both the first and second cases, the wives called their husbands very rarely. But in my opinion, if a man suddenly has a lot of work, or something urgent, or needs to stay late, it’s time to check, this leads to suspicion.

Try to give him a “surprise” - drive up suddenly, seemingly by accident, etc. God protects those who are careful (what I mean is that suddenly the husband really works hard). Svetlana, 32 years old


I have been on both sides of the barricades: both a mistress and a wife whose husband is “running away”. I had no idea that my husband had someone until my lover gave me the idea. I just started noticing that my new man was picking up words from my vocabulary (I’m a designer), and suddenly I saw the light about my husband: for the last few months he has often talked about law (his work is not related to this) and cooking. At first I thought that these were his new hobbies, but I checked just in case. Exactly! The mistress is a lawyer, consults for their company, and in addition is a big fan of homemade baking. And once I watched my lover walking down the street with his wife. So, he tried to walk half a length ahead of his wife, physically increasing the distance. And then I noticed the same thing with mine. Ella, 27 years old


I had three married lovers, all very neat, as if chosen. All have preserved families. We carefully followed the signs - hair, smells, I generally tried not to wear perfume before the date (they asked). I never called them, no text messages. One of them always took me on business trips. The work legend was like this (it had to be covered up in case of surprises): “A work colleague, the coordinator of our urgent project, is coming (will be, is) with me.” They never punctured. He was very afraid that his wife would find out. When I talked to her on the phone, I ingratiated myself. In my opinion, if a man is ingratiating himself, it’s suspicious, we should look... Lucien, 30 years old


Wives, shake the dust off your ears, don't trust your husbands! Everyone lies, but not everyone gets caught. If you recognize yourself not as a wife, but as a Woman, you will quickly understand what’s what. If you suspect something, but there are no facts, look for it. If you find a second SIM card, think about it. If he's late from work, it's time to wander around. He often goes on business trips - even more so. Turn out first aid kits and pockets for condoms, watch what kind of underwear you wear, whether you go to the bathroom before leaving and after... Go to e-mail, ICQ, read telephone transcripts, cell phones, and so on.

Does he shy away when you kiss him after work? Watch out! Hasn't slept with you for more than two weeks? It's time to take action. Why stand on ceremony with a traitor? Smell it, after all, what is your nose for? Don’t waste money on detectives; traces of treason will definitely be revealed. I say this as an experienced lover; it is impossible to hide fornication for a long time. If you still don't see it, I know for sure that you don't want to see it! It's not good for you to see this! Tamara, 50 years old


And my lover and I were lucky. His wife didn’t know how to use a computer at all, so we corresponded and made appointments by email. He wrote me such letters... I don’t understand why he didn’t want to leave his wife, he didn’t love her at all. He was so rude on the phone! If your husband is rude to you, you shouldn’t ignore it! I asked: doesn’t my wife guess? He says no, because I satisfy her perfectly at night (he was a real sexual giant). So she loses her vigilance, she thinks, I’m just a natural boor, I’m used to it... So if the husband regularly fulfills his marital duties, it doesn’t mean anything! There may be other symptoms. Anastasia, 28 years old


I was the mistress of my friend's husband. Yes, that's such a bastard. But I honestly fell in love, and so did he. There were three children in their family, and we decided not to change anything. But my friend’s behavior still remains a mystery to me (she never found out anything). The fact is that we made a lot of mistakes with him. Well, for example: I loved white lilies, he often gave them to me. And feeling guilty, she feels the same way. So a friend once said to me: “Listen, I can’t understand what’s the matter. I can’t stand white lilies, Pashka seems to know about this, but he gives Lately constantly, but it’s inconvenient for me to tell him to bring roses. And in general, he became so strange. He’s walking around happy, as if he’s won some prize...”

Here it is! Dear wives, if your chosen one suddenly begins to forget some important little things from your common past, do not ignore it. And if, moreover, out of the blue he fell into the mood of the bouquet and candy period of his life - even more so. Sonya, 36 years old


Mine usually just lied. When he was about to leave the house to go on a date with me, he began to find fault with his wife and look for a reason to quarrel, so that under the guise that he was “fed up,” he would leave. Usually, when asked by his wife where he was soaping himself, he answered: “To his mistress.” And the wife calmed down, well, she never believed it. Sometimes you get cunning husbands, and the more cunning, the more trusting their wives. And my white hair got caught in the car a couple of times, and the seat was pushed back, and he lied with all his blue eyes that he didn’t give anyone a lift, and she, they say, has glitches. And she believed it! Oksana, 32 years old


I had a very sexy man, so advanced in bed. I allowed him everything. I have some erotic habits, my own style. He once admitted to me that he started trying these habits with his wife. I was scared (I didn’t want to fight him off, I’m married myself): “So she’ll understand that you have someone!” And he quickly stopped. So if your husband suddenly suddenly changes his usual behavior in bed, you should pay attention to this. And one more thing: we had a strict schedule of meetings, three times a week, he taught his wife that he had business at that time. One day I couldn't meet him. But he still didn’t go home, he wandered around somewhere so as not to arouse his wife’s suspicions! Lina, 30 years old

These were tips for wives from mistresses. We hope you never need them.

Both are to blame

Natalya Kozhina, Elena, there is an opinion that women cheat less often than men, is this true?

Elena Tsedova: Female infidelity is also common, it’s just not customary to talk about it. But a man takes a lover primarily to get physical pleasure and variety, while a woman satisfies her emotional needs. This is the main difference. You are unlikely to meet a woman who, seeing a handsome male figure on the way to work, immediately decides to cheat on her spouse. But if a man saw long legs, and at the same time their owner also smiled at him - he would not mind going to bed with her. For women, everything is closely connected with emotional needs; for them, sex is, first of all, communication.

—What can push a woman into the arms of another man?

— There are several reasons, but the main one is the lack of emotional support from a man. Perhaps the woman lacks a sense of her own attractiveness and importance in the eyes of her husband. At the same time, she may really love him, her family, children, home, but she needs affection, compliments, attention, but her husband does not give them.

It happens that a woman not only lacks emotions, she does not need a family. However, she remains married because society puts pressure on her: marriage is once and for life, you have children. And the woman is trying to find some kind of outlet in this situation, because, in essence, everything does not suit her. The only thing that can help her feel happy is the care of another person. Such women in their affairs on the side do not chase enviable lovers, but respond to almost the first person they meet, who captivates her with conversations about the stars and scatters them with compliments.

There are betrayals due to lack of adrenaline. When a woman’s life is normal, but she’s incredibly bored. And suddenly some corporate evening arises, where she drinks a glass of wine and immediately finds herself a hero, next to whom she can feel already forgotten feelings. The most important thing in such betrayal is to hide from someone. This is a kind of quest - “Hide your love from everyone.” The woman lacks game, and she finds it on the side.

In addition, it happens that a man simply does not satisfy a woman in sex, and here we are talking about both the most banal physical dissatisfaction and emotional, but more often both are present.

And some people cheat out of spite. When a wife finds out that her husband has a mistress, she tries in such a strange way to take revenge on him or prove to herself that she can still please men.

From good men They rarely go “to the left”. But by “good” I don’t mean Batman, no. I mean a man who satisfies the emotional needs of his other half.

— It turns out that if a woman cheated, the man is guilty?

- No. In any betrayal, both are to blame. But men are inherently polygamous and, even when married, pay attention to the opposite sex many times more than women when thinking about sex. And a woman, when she finds a man whom she loves and is comfortable with, plunges headlong only into him, letting others pass by. For her, marriage is a kind of status, she values ​​it. Good men rarely leave. But by “good” I don’t mean Batman, no. I mean a man who satisfies the emotional needs of his other half. If a woman is not satisfied physically, she is able to survive this, but if emotionally, then most likely she will look for a relationship on the side. The excuse “I make money and this is my main function that makes her happy” does not work. A woman can understand with her brain that her husband works, she lives in a luxurious house, she has an expensive car, her children study in the best schools, but at the same time she will feel very lonely.

Night SMS and eternal time pressure

— How to understand that a woman is cheating?

— A clear sign is the active use of the phone or computer, when at the sound of an SMS she runs headlong to read the message as quickly as possible. Also, if the wife sets passwords on her gadgets, she begins to take her phone with her into the shower under the pretext of an important call, and at night she systematically receives text messages from “Galina the Accountant,” which cannot wait until the morning. This is the first call. The next sign is a radical change of clothes, a change of linen. If earlier the wife wore what was comfortable, then with the advent of her lover she begins to wear what is beautiful. She remembers heels, changes her hairstyle, makeup, and becomes brighter. All this happens because when a woman falls in love, she wants to be beautiful.

I note that a man can easily combine several lovers in his head at once and behave completely calmly. He will not give himself away either in his clothes or in his behavior.

And the woman’s behavior completely changes, because she plunges headlong into a new relationship. She can become either more irritable, or, on the contrary, as if atonement for her sins, more attentive, tender, and affectionate.

And one more point that is worth paying attention to is a kind of harbinger that the woman is not cheating on you, but she is clearly uncomfortable around you, and perhaps this will further result in an affair on the side. She begins to think of places for herself to go to, this could be not only regular get-togethers with friends, but also a busy schedule. For example, a woman lives, is not particularly interested in anything, but one fine day she takes English courses, cutting and sewing, a gym, dancing, running, etc. She constantly wants to leave home. But, of course, this does not apply to those who truly realize themselves through some hobbies. There should be hobbies, but if they never existed, and then they became more and more numerous, this is a sign that the person’s family is bad. Also, do not ignore the appearance large quantity new friends who invite you to meetings. This may also indicate that your woman is in search of new emotions. And as they say, he who seeks will always find.

— Do I need to admit to cheating on my husband?

— Everyone makes this decision for themselves. But I can say for sure that it is more difficult for a woman to keep the fact of betrayal to herself; she begins to reproach herself from the inside, even if it was a one-time story. If a man cheated once, he will not worry much about it, he will very quickly forget about such an episode. Remorse can only appear if he has a permanent mistress, since living with several families is very difficult for most men emotionally.

Personally, my advice is not to shift from a sore head to a healthy one, forgive yourself, accept yourself and think carefully before confessing to your husband. The most important thing is to understand what is more important to you: family or your personal peace. If you decide to choose peace of mind, then be prepared for the consequences.

Few men will admit to cheating. For him, this is a humiliation of honor and dignity, so it is better to keep his mouth shut. Women forgive infidelity much easier.

Treason for the good?

— How should a man behave if he thinks that his wife is cheating? Should he challenge the woman to be frank and confess?

- First, honestly answer yourself the question: what will you do if your wife really cheats? You need to play out the entire possible chain of events in your head. She cheated, which means I’m leaving her, we divide the property, the children remain with the wife, etc. If a man is ready to go to the end, then you can find out everything and get to the bottom of the truth. If he understands that he loves his wife and does not want to lose her, there is no need to find out anything. It’s easier to accept the position that it was just flirting, not love, and live happily ever after.

— I’ve heard more than once that cheating can help a fading relationship, but what do you think about this?

- There is some truth in this, indeed, after betrayal and even after some light flirting, a woman seems to get an electric shock, she understands that she has a family, children, a home, everything is fine. This is the same emotional recharge that she so lacked. Yes, the woman needed beautiful words, courtship, affection, but at the moment when she receives all this from another man, the realization comes to her that all this is a myth. A real life with my husband and children. However, feeling some guilt, she may become affectionate, tender and begin to pay more attention to her husband. Accordingly, what will the woman receive in return? Also more attention. Therefore, yes, it really happens that cheating in some sense revives faded marital feelings, but it is better to try to help your marriage using other methods.

A woman values ​​a man by his actions; if actions are directed towards her, she is unlikely to need a pumped-up trainer from a fitness club for one night.

— What do you advise men to do so that their wives do not look for love on the side?

— You need to give a woman emotions, never forget that she needs compliments, attention, care. If you told your wife ten years ago that she has beautiful eyes, this does not mean that now you can never talk about it at all. Give gifts, by “gifts” I don’t mean yachts and fur coats every day, just some little surprises. It is imperative to talk with each other, not only about the problems of the global economy and about the child’s progress at school, but also about your personal, about each other’s experiences, about each other’s desires, to sort out discontent at the stage of their inception, and not when everything is already rushing in an avalanche accusations. Relationships are always an exchange of emotions, reciprocity. The man gave him flowers, the woman prepared him dinner, he gave him evening caresses, she gave him a massage, etc. A woman will not leave an attentive and caring man, because she gets everything she needs from him. A woman values ​​a man by his actions; if his actions are directed towards her, she is unlikely to need a pumped-up trainer from a fitness club for one night.

    If a woman walks with her head down, it means she has a lover;
    If a woman walks with her head held high, it means she has a lover;
    If a woman walks with her head straight, it means she has a lover
    And in general, if a woman has a head, then she has a lover

    I can’t decide what’s better - to have a child or a lover? :D

    Get yourself a young, infantile lover. He will be like a child to you.

    as people say "even a stupid wife"
    pillar enemy":)))

    You don’t need to have lovers to begin with, and no one will come over, but I feel sorry for my wife (,

    don't interfere, it's none of your business

    Very interesting. That is, watching a friend with such rottenness live together, is it ok? Psst, it’s like seeing a person with a dirty face, and being silent about it without telling him yourself. Only because “it’s his business/ Problems".

    if you want to remain guilty later

    What? Help? When is it better to find out about it - as soon as possible, or in a few years, when it will be 10 times more painful?

    Only those who do not want to notice it do not notice betrayal.

    Generally, “goodbye.” Apparently, the husband had to take a day off from work several times in order to look after his wife. Bastards, unfortunately, sometimes know how to disguise themselves.
    Actually, stop wagging with smart opinions...I would IMMEDIATELY tell a friend about this.
    The only explanation I can find for those who shout “No!” is this: they set the horns themselves and don’t want their own kind to be set.

Once upon a time, lovers were people who experienced violent or tender passion for each other. Often they did not even have to enter into a sexual relationship; a touching, tender relationship with each other was enough for them.

This was the reason for writing surprisingly touching or powerful literary works, the emergence of romantic stories. And quite imperceptibly, the status of such a person moved from the beautiful, sublime to the mundane and forbidden, leaving only a physical connection instead of a spiritual one. And now such connections appear in life out of boredom, curiosity or drama.

Statistics say that average age for a representative of the fairer sex, when she takes on a partner on the side, she is usually 30 years old or more. Why do women have lovers? The psychology of men and women is completely different in a situation where someone appears on the side.

For men, cheating is a search for something new, still unknown, a kind of variety. For a woman, these are attempts to make up for what her man does not provide, be it financial, emotional or any other need. And very often beautiful ladies cheat out of despair.

It happens that the husband does not even understand what is happening, because at this time his wife behaves almost impeccably. She is a wonderful housewife, she takes better care of herself and looks better, she is always in a great mood and has fewer complaints about her husband. Even self-esteem becomes higher.

And this is so because she is no longer so attached to her man and is not afraid of losing him, because she is already enjoying the connection on the side. And since there she already gets enough of what she needs, in marriage with her partner, she is no longer so dependent on him.

Frequent reasons for the appearance of a lover

Why does a woman take a lover? Let's figure out what pushes her to cheat

  1. Boredom. If the husband does not devote time to her, is completely occupied with his own affairs, no matter how important they may be, his wife will look for entertainment at this time, especially if she does not work and spends most of her time at home. The more he withdraws into his life, the more likely it is that his wife will begin to build her own life at this time, and with each passing month they will move further away from each other.
  2. Sexual dissatisfaction. There are few people for whom the monotony of their sex life will not interfere with their marriage. When people know each other so well that they can predict every subsequent action, every word, it becomes uninteresting, the effect of novelty in the relationship disappears. Movements become automatic, become learned and devoid of emotion. Irritation accumulates and the search for satisfaction begins.
  3. Conquest of a new object. Among the female sex there are hunters no worse than men. In the traditional sense, we see the hunter in a man. but there are ladies who need to constantly test their feminine charms, constantly assert themselves in their role as an indestructible goddess, bringing crowds of admirers to their feet with one glance. Then new friend will be natural and inevitable, it’s only a matter of time. Moreover, the result is sometimes not as interesting as the process itself.
  4. Curiosity. Why does a married woman need a lover, if not to satisfy her eternal curiosity? When you can’t, it’s a hundred times more interesting, even if in reality not everything is so tempting, but the ban itself gives the spice of victory.
  5. Financial side. It doesn’t sound very nice, but a gentleman can give his beloved such gifts and material support that his spouse will not be able to. Moreover, considering his wife as his property, on which he can no longer spend much money. Not like a new loved one - who strives to keep his girlfriend and spends, sometimes excessively.

There are actually many reasons why a lady who is already married needs a lover, and they are diverse: emotional, social, everyday, sexual and others.

If she is looking for something missing on the side, has she already tried everything? to get it in the family? Does her husband know her needs? Is he able to satisfy them, being physically healthy and mentally sound? Are the needs of the lady herself overestimated, for whom, no matter how much everything she receives, there will always be not enough? If a friend gives what her husband does not give, what keeps her close to her legal partner and why doesn’t she try to solve her difficulties with her husband, so as not to rush, like an anesthetic, into an affair with another? There are a lot of questions on this topic, a good part of them are rhetorical.

Married women, when they rush into an affair on the side, prefer that their married lover become their partner - this way she will protect herself from unnecessary squabbles, promises that she cannot keep, and claims on his part.

Some statistics

  • 57% of girls who had relationships outside the family had feelings for their partners, even love. The same cannot be said about men who have connections on the side.
  • Ladies who work full time in an office are more likely to have a lover than housewives or people who work from home.
  • Before turning 40, 47% of office-working wives and 27% of non-office workers had an affair outside of marriage. Moreover, 57% of working women first met their non-spouse at work.

Pros and cons of having a lover

Why do wives have affairs outside of marriage and what does it give them, and most importantly, what risks does it involve for them and their marriage.

  • It takes a lot of effort to hide a friend from his family.
  • You need to constantly look after yourself, your appearance, behavior, play with passionate feelings, control your diary in order to plan meetings with your loved one unnoticed.
  • A constant, enduring feeling of anxiety that this may be known to people significant to you at any, most unexpected moment.
  • The possibility of catching something unpleasant (in terms of sexually transmitted diseases), the risk of becoming pregnant from a new partner. In the end, sex may not be as good as expected, or it may turn into the same routine that awaits you at home, in bed with your spouse.
  • And the most painful risk is the possibility of destroying your marriage irreversibly. Husbands are not always able to forgive their wives and accept her after a stranger; there remains the risk of never washing away the stain in their future life together.


Why might a married woman commit adultery? The reason for this may be disappointment in the partner, in one’s own choice, in the feelings that have arisen. Or a too early marriage, when at first they were completely different people, but over time they turned out to be so strangers to each other that it turned out to be impossible to change anything.

A wife always experiences her loneliness very hard, even if her husband is next to her. Physically, but not present in her inner life. She can throw out her dissatisfaction by going to some thematic forum of offended wives, but someday it will seem to her that this is not enough, and then he will appear. After all, why would a woman who is completely satisfied family life, look for some feelings and connections outside of her? Will she need someone else if she is happy with her partner here and now?

If you analyze the reasons why they have lovers and try to understand what can be done about it, then it is quite possible to improve your married life. It is important to be open and talk about your dissatisfaction, grievances, and expectations.

If your husband just wanted to have or did have a young mistress at work or in another place and you have all the signs of this on your hands, then you must first calmly and fully assess the entire current situation. Of course, there is nothing funny about this, but understanding the essence of everything that is happening, that is, why husbands have mistresses in general, is a useful and necessary thing for any woman. In general, you should have formed an understanding of this possible fact even before marriage, however, since you did not take care of this in advance, and your husband decided or suggested having a mistress, you will have to figure out what is happening after the fact.

Cheating on a husband is always unpleasant for a wife. A woman may feel depressed, offended and humiliated. For some, this becomes a problem of enormous proportions, and it seems impossible to cope with it. When you realize that your husband has taken a young mistress at work, then life in any case loses its bright colors. Others try to accept the situation and survive it together with their man, without destroying the family. But how to find a solution and not humiliate yourself if it seems that you are facing an abyss?

Take care of yourself if your husband has a young mistress at work

The first thing you need to do is take care of your own internal state, about the opportunity to experience your emotions alone and consider the situation in more detail. Of course, you can pack your things in a fit of anger, shout loudly “I’m leaving forever,” and leave, and then return bored. But how will a man perceive a woman after such statements?
That is why, first of all, you need to find time and a place to be alone with yourself, without explaining to others what happened. Neither close friends nor relatives can give good advice in such a situation, since everyone has their own life and their own opinion.
A woman must understand whether she will be able to forgive and forget about betrayal over time. After all, if she knows her character and understands that she will always remember the situation, trying to save the family makes no sense. Sooner or later, a marriage in which there is no forgiveness and trust will fall apart.
If a woman understands that her husband is the most dear person and you don’t want to destroy what has been built for many years, then you need to pull yourself together and begin to forgive the man, forgive not for him, but for yourself. It would seem that what to think, he is to blame and if he wants to save the family, he must repent and feel guilty. But not everything is as simple as we would like, because male psychology is arranged somewhat differently. You need to understand for yourself exactly what to do if your husband has a young mistress at work and not to act out of the blue, since the signs can lead you to the wrong trail.
The wife must understand whether her husband has a desire to save the family. Sometimes, even a one-time affair on the side is a sign that a man no longer wants to be married, but wants to lead a free life. Also, if the husband has a full-fledged affair on the side, but does not leave the family, perhaps he is simply afraid to make a choice so as not to be left with nothing.

You need to try to understand him, and for this you need to talk to him, not directly, asking about his decision, but indirectly, bypassing sharp corners. In fact, there are a very small number of men who are ready to destroy their marriage and go after their mistress, because the person who has been tested for years is waiting for him at home. And a mistress can only be so sweet today and look into your eyes, and then turn her back and forget the man’s name. In most cases, it is beneficial for husbands to have one that will support them at home in any situation and one that raises self-esteem. You need to evaluate all factors when you seek to understand why husbands have mistresses in the first place.

Under no circumstances should a woman give a man the opportunity to have some fun and only then return to the family. Yes, for a man such a position will be beneficial, because he was given such a wonderful opportunity, but he will use it not just once, but as often as he needs it. And the woman will eventually become a neurasthenic, because only a few get used to the state of an always walking husband, while the rest drink packs of medications and sedatives.
Psychologists strongly recommend that the couple again become two people. But despite the fact that the man is to blame, the woman must work on this. It is she who must understand what her husband lacks and try to give it all. common house. And, perhaps, a woman, on the contrary, needs to take care of herself so that her husband becomes interested in her again. There cannot be any precise advice here, because you need to start from the situation that has arisen in the family.
And, if everything worked out, then you need to remember that the relationship has moved to a new stage and they urgently need to be changed, new colors and new emotions must be introduced into them, otherwise everything will definitely happen again.
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