20 years after Diana's death. The mystery of the death of Princess Diana: Unexpected details two decades later. She had many famous friends

20 years ago, on the night of August 31, 1997, Princess Diana died in a car accident in the center of Paris. She was so popular and beloved among the people that she earned the nickname “Queen of Hearts,” and her tragic death still haunts the British to this day. The circumstances of this car accident were so strange that they raise doubts about official version what happened.

On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana, several scandalous investigations were made public, causing a lot of noise not only in Great Britain, but also abroad.

The results of the official investigations carried out in France in the UK were identical: the accident occurred for several reasons. Princess Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed were chased by paparazzi, causing the driver of the car, Henri Paul, to speed. In addition, alcohol was found in his blood, and the seat belts were faulty. This version was later refuted: the driver was not drunk, and the results of the examination were deliberately or accidentally mixed up with others. It also seemed strange that 3 years after the accident, the same paparazzi who was accused of stalking Diana was found dead in a burnt car.

In the film, Diana said that she was in love with Charles, and on the day of their engagement, when asked by a journalist whether there were feelings between them, she answered without hesitation: “ Yes" And the prince said: “ You can say that" She was very offended by this then. And later she became convinced that her husband had loved another woman all his life - Camilla Parker Bowles. Even the birth of sons did not save this marriage. When Diana turned to the Queen for advice, she only said: “ I don't know what to do. Charles is hopeless" Divorce was inevitable.

She felt like an outcast at the royal court. " I was rejected, and therefore I considered myself unworthy of this family. I could start drinking, but it would be noticeable, and anorexia would be even more noticeable. I decided to choose something that would be less noticeable: harming myself rather than others."- admits Diana. She suffered from bulimia for some time, and then began having affairs. Diana told her teacher that the biggest shock in her life was the death of Barry Manaka, her bodyguard, who, in her opinion, was fired and killed after their affair became known.

Journalist Mikhail Ozerov, who spoke with Princess Diana 3 days before her death, claimed that she told him of her intention to go to Paris, despite the reaction of Buckingham Palace, of her desire to build life the way she wanted, and added: “ Don't pay attention to my outburst of emotions. Next time I'll be calmer. Or they will calm me down. It's unlikely that we'll see each other again».

Special services historian Gennady Sokolov conducted his own investigation and came to the conclusion that it was a staged accident, behind which the British secret services stood. Witnesses claimed that on the night of the incident they saw a bright flash in the tunnel, which could have blinded the driver, after which he crashed into a concrete bridge support. If Diana had been wearing a seat belt, she would have had a chance to survive, but the seat belts, according to Sokolov, were blocked. For some reason, the video cameras were not working in this tunnel that night. Immediately after her death, her body was embalmed - according to Sokolov, in order to hide Diana's pregnancy from the Muslim Dodi al-Fayed, whom she was supposedly going to marry. Therefore, the royal family had reasons to want her dead.

Egyptian billionaire Mohammed al-Fayed also conducted his own investigation, during which it turned out that Princess Diana called this period of her life the most dangerous and was afraid that The Royal Family wants to get rid of her. Mohammed Al-Fayed is confident that the death of his son Dodi and Princess Diana was a planned murder.

No one has ever proven the version that the royal family and British intelligence services were involved in Diana’s death. Over time in this mysterious story more and more questions are emerging, and still no one can say with certainty whether Princess Diana’s death was tragic accident or the result of a planned crime.

Bridge over the tunnel where Princess Diana died

21 years ago, on the night of August 31, 1997, she died in a car accident in the center of Paris princess Diana. She was so popular and beloved among the people that she earned the nickname “Queen of Hearts,” and her tragic death haunts the British to this day. The circumstances of this car accident were so strange that they raise doubts about the official version of what happened. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana, several scandalous investigations were made public, causing a lot of noise not only in Great Britain, but also abroad.

The results of the official investigations carried out in France in the UK were identical: the accident occurred for several reasons. Princess Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed were chased by paparazzi, causing the driver of the car, Henri Paul, to speed. In addition, alcohol was found in his blood, and the seat belts were faulty. This version was later refuted: the driver was not drunk, and the results of the examination were deliberately or accidentally mixed up with others. It also seemed strange that 3 years after the accident, the same paparazzi who was accused of stalking Diana was found dead in a burnt car.

On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana, on August 6, the film “Diana: The Story in Her Words” was released in the UK, which caused a loud scandal - it was immediately called an attempt to make “money from blood.” On video recordings made in 1992-1993. Her teacher of speech techniques during classes, the Princess of Wales spoke extremely frankly about what Buckingham Palace preferred to remain silent about. The tapes were kept by teacher Peter Settelen; he promised not to publish them, but in the end he sold them to television people. He filmed Diana so that later he could sort out the mistakes in her speech, and did not expect that the conversation would turn out to be so frank.

In the film, Diana said that she was in love with Charles, and on the day of their engagement, when asked by a journalist whether there were feelings between them, she answered without hesitation: “ Yes" And the prince said: “ You can say that" She was very offended by this then. And later she became convinced that her husband had loved another woman all his life - Camilla Parker Bowles. Even the birth of sons did not save this marriage. When Diana turned to the Queen for advice, she only said: “ I don't know what to do. Charles is hopeless" Divorce was inevitable.

She felt like an outcast at the royal court. " I was rejected, and therefore I considered myself unworthy of this family. I could start drinking, but it would be noticeable, and anorexia would be even more noticeable. I decided to choose something that would be less noticeable: harming myself rather than others."- admits Diana. She suffered from bulimia for some time, and then began having affairs. Diana told her teacher that the biggest shock in her life was the death of Barry Manaka, her bodyguard, who, in her opinion, was fired and killed after their affair became known.

Journalist Mikhail Ozerov, who spoke with Princess Diana 3 days before her death, claimed that she told him of her intention to go to Paris, despite the reaction of Buckingham Palace, of her desire to build life the way she wanted, and added: “ Don't pay attention to my outburst of emotions. Next time I'll be calmer. Or they will calm me down. It's unlikely that we'll see each other again».

Special services historian Gennady Sokolov conducted his own investigation and came to the conclusion that it was a staged accident, behind which the British secret services stood. Witnesses claimed that on the night of the incident they saw a bright flash in the tunnel, which could have blinded the driver, after which he crashed into a concrete bridge support. If Diana had been wearing a seat belt, she would have had a chance to survive, but the seat belts, according to Sokolov, were blocked. For some reason, the video cameras were not working in this tunnel that night. Immediately after her death, her body was embalmed - according to Sokolov, in order to hide Diana's pregnancy from the Muslim Dodi al-Fayed, whom she was supposedly going to marry. Therefore, the royal family had reasons to want her dead.

Egyptian billionaire Mohammed al-Fayed also conducted his own investigation, during which it turned out that Princess Diana called this period of her life the most dangerous and was afraid that the royal family would want to get rid of her. Mohammed Al-Fayed is confident that the death of his son Dodi and Princess Diana was a planned murder.

No one has ever proven the version that the royal family and British intelligence services were involved in Diana’s death. Over time, more and more questions appear in this mysterious story, and still no one can say with certainty whether the death of Princess Diana was a tragic accident or the result of a planned crime.

Twenty years ago, Princess Diana died. Today, millions of people remember her as the queen of hearts and a style icon. But talk about the possible causes of Diana’s death does not subside. A few years ago, Scotland Yard published the results of its investigation into the tragedy. The driver of the car in which the princess was traveling was drunk and lost control; the passengers were not wearing seat belts. Many people do not agree with the official version.

A CCTV camera installed in the elevator of the Ritz Hotel captured Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed on the day of the tragedy. This is the last footage of them alive. The paparazzi knew that Lady Di was staying at the Ritz, and were on duty at the hotel doors. They also knew that the couple was planning to go to Dodi al-Fayed's Paris apartment, located near the Arc de Triomphe. And it was at this moment that Diana personally decided to leave the hotel not through the main entrance on Place Vendôme.

From this moment on, a whole round of oddities and inconsistencies begins, which for 20 years have been preventing us from understanding the causes and consequences of that fateful trip. Initially, Ken Wingfield, Dodi al-Fayed’s personal bodyguard, was supposed to drive the car, but for unknown reasons he remains at the Ritz hotel, and the car was driven by Henri Paul, the head of security at the hotel where the lovers spent the last evening of their lives together. In addition to Diana and al-Fayed, Trevor Rees Jones, Diana's personal security guard, was driving the Mercedes.

Across Rue Cambon and Place de la Concorde, the car sped through the streets. Paparazzi circled right, left, behind and in front. At the entrance to the Alma tunnel, Henri Paul, who was driving a car at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour, suddenly saw a parked car, made a maneuver, lost control and crashed into the 13th column of the tunnel. Footage of the mangled Mercedes, filmed at the scene of the tragedy, spread all over the world.

The driver Henri Paul, whose blood alcohol level, as it turned out later, exceeded the legal limit by 3 times, and Dodi al-Fayed died on the spot. The princess was taken to a military hospital, where a few hours later she died without regaining consciousness. Security guard Trevor Rees-Jones, who received numerous injuries, survived and underwent several complex operations, but even during interrogation several years later he was unable to give any evidence. He lost his memory.

For 20 years now, the main debate among all interested parties has been: was it really an accident or was the Princess of Wales murdered? All these years, interrogations, investigative experiments, trials were going on, endless testimony was collected, interviews and memoirs were published. For Ken Wharf, one of Diana's bodyguards, what happened in the Alma tunnel was murder.

The driver, Henri Paul, had already been named an MI6 agent and was considered the culprit of the tragedy, until it turned out that the French police simply mixed up the test tubes with blood. Now it is not at all obvious that the Mercedes driver was drunk. How did I find out? NTV columnist Vadim Glusker, a white Fiat Punto, which at the time of the tragedy was in the Alma tunnel and forced Henri Paul to make a fatal maneuver, disappeared after the tragedy. He was never seen or looked for again. Mohamed Al Fayed, the father of the deceased Dodi al Fayed, has been conducting his own investigation all these years and is also convinced that this is a political murder.

Mohammed al-Fayed, father of Dodi al-Fayed: “I believe that justice will prevail. After all, the jury who will have to reach a verdict in this case, ordinary people. I am sure that Princess Diana and my son were killed. And the royal family is behind it.”

Mohammed al-Fayed calls the royal family's attitude towards his son Dodi racist and bigoted. According to him, they did not even want to imagine that a native of Egypt, and a Muslim, could become a kind of stepfather for the heirs to the throne, not to mention the fact that the princes could have an adopted brother or sister. It is Diana’s possible pregnancy that is called another reason for her death. The Windsors supposedly could not allow this to happen and brought the intelligence services into the case.

But all these conspiracy theories remained theories. As a result, only the paparazzi were brought to trial, who not only did not provide any assistance to Diana, but also took their terrible pictures after the tragedy and later sold them for millions of dollars.

The monument, symbolizing Franco-American friendship, appeared in Paris in 1987. The torch is an exact replica of the one that adorns the Statue of Liberty in New York. He has nothing to do with Diana. Coincidence of circumstances: the monument stood on the Alma Bridge, the disaster happened in the tunnel.

All these 20 years, the authorities of Paris promised to erect a monument to Lady Di or perpetuate her memory in the form of a memorial plaque, then they decided to name one of the squares after her. As a result, the torch remains the only memorial reminiscent of the Princess of Wales in Paris.

On the night of August 31, 1997, Diana, her lover Dodi Al-Fayed and their driver Henri Paul died in a car accident in a Mercedes Benz S280 in one of the Paris tunnels. According to the official version, the driver exceeded the speed limit in an attempt to escape from the paparazzi pursuing the car. Later information appeared that he was drunk. However, there are many facts that are not well known to the general public, and these facts cast doubt on the official version of events.

Henri Paul
Henri Paul was the deputy chief of security at the Ritz Hotel in Paris and it was he who was driving the Mercedes on the day of the accident. The official version that Henri Paul was heavily intoxicated is not confirmed either by video camera recordings or by eyewitnesses who observed him shortly before the incident. Paul was apparently under the influence of alcohol, but it is unlikely that this could have caused him to lose control of the car. There are also theories according to which this man worked for some French and/or British state security service and tried to take the car away from his pursuers, who were not harmless journalists, but hired killers.

What happened to the survivor of the accident?
Many people forget that there were four people in the car, not three. The fourth was Al-Fayed's bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones - the only one who survived as a result. He is a former military man who worked for Al-Fayed in the mid-90s. During the accident, Rees-Jones suffered a serious craniomaxillofacial injury: doctors had to reconstruct his face. Following the tragedy, Mohammed Al-Fayed, Dodi's father, accused Rhys-Jones of failing to properly protect Dodi and Diana that night. This accusation prompted Rees-Jones to write a book outlining his version of events. However, his memories were not taken into account in the official investigation because they were considered unreliable due to the head injury he had suffered.

Testimony of James Huth
James Huth was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the accident. His apartment was nearby and, having heard a wild grinding and noise, he hastened to help: like a man with medical education Having taken the Hippocratic oath, he could not do otherwise. Today James Huth is no longer associated with medicine - he is a film director. So, the first thing he saw at the scene of the accident was the driver - Henri Paul - by that moment already dead, with his head in the airbag. Then he saw one passenger and bodyguard, who was in a state of panic, “with his jaw hanging,” according to Huth. By this time, two more people had approached and tried to open the car doors, but Huth explained to them that it was better not to move the passengers themselves. Dodi Al-Fayed was thrown to the front of the cabin and at least one of his legs was broken. Diana was in the back of the salon in the corner and was the last to be noticed. Gradually, a crowd surrounded the car, everyone started taking pictures, then the ambulance doctors arrived. According to James Huth, he also noticed a parked car slightly behind in the tunnel, but could not give an exact description of its model or color. Perhaps it was a white Fiat Uno, which will be discussed a little later.

She predicted a car accident
For several years, Diana lived with the idea that "Charles and the royal family were going to kill her." Although her guesses, voiced in a letter to butler Paul Burrell shortly after her divorce from Charles, are not direct evidence of the royal family’s involvement in what happened, the very fact of such a letter is still quite remarkable. The letter says something like this: "My husband is planning an 'accident' with my car, brake failure and serious head injury so that his path to marrying Tiggy will be clear." The authenticity of this letter has been questioned; they said Burrell had forged it. Diana's acquaintances claimed that she never feared for her life. But still, if this letter was actually written by her, then it leads to very sad thoughts.

Another car? New route?
The Mercedes in which Diana and Dodi were that night was replaced shortly before the trip. For what reason is unknown. Before that, they spent the whole day driving another car. And in this, according to some suspicions, the seat belt in the back seat, where Diana was, was faulty. The bodyguard sitting in front was wearing a seat belt, but Dodi and Diana were not. Her closest friends later said that this was very strange: Diana was scrupulous about issues of personal safety and always buckled up in the car. In addition, it was later discovered that the car was in terrible condition and had been hastily repaired after an accident several months earlier. The Ritz hotel staff warned Henri Paul that this car could not travel at speeds above 60 km/h. Well, the most interesting thing: the driver changed his usual route, and for some reason almost all the surveillance cameras along this route later turned out to be broken.

Phone call
In addition to suspicions about ex-husband Diana had other reasons to fear for her life. When she was still a political figure, she always expressed a strong position on the ban on the use of landmines, arguing that the military rarely clears territories after the end of conflicts, and then ordinary people and, worst of all, children, can run into a mine and die or remain disabled. At that time, Great Britain wanted to get the ban on this type of weapon lifted. In February 1997, Diana received a call from a high-ranking military officer and advised her “not to interfere in something she has no idea about, because, how can I put it, sometimes accidents happen to people.”

Non-ambulance "Ambulance"
One would assume that when people of Diana's caliber get into an accident, doctors immediately fly to the rescue, and then in the blink of an eye they take the person to the hospital in time to save him. But in this case, everything happened differently. The accident happened at night, around 12:26, ​​the first call to the ambulance came within a minute. Four minutes later, police and firefighters arrived on the scene, but Diana was not pulled out of the car until 1:00. Soon she had a heart attack and after 20 minutes, already in the ambulance, doctors were able to get her heart beating again. She was taken to the hospital only at 2:00, and she could not be saved.

Was she pregnant?
Mohammed Al-Fayed claimed that one of the reasons the royal family wanted Diana dead was because she was pregnant. The child's father was Dodi Al-Fayed, and Diana was still a public figure closely associated with the royal family, and for them the scandal associated with the birth of a child with a Muslim was unacceptable. After Diana's death, doctors said that they did not find any signs of pregnancy, even at an early stage. Mohammed Al-Fayed, however, insisted on his own, stating that such a quick embalming of Diana’s body was carried out precisely so that the pregnancy test would not show anything. And it was for this reason that the embalming was carried out quickly and in violation of the usual procedure.

"Bright flash"
Ten years after Diana's death, the main witness in this case, who was driving in the same tunnel in front of the ill-fated Mercedes, said that he saw something unusual that night. Namely, a motorcycle caught up with the Mercedes, and immediately after that an extremely bright flash appeared - perhaps intentionally, in order to blind the driver. This information formed the basis of the conspiracy theory that the accident was staged by the British intelligence services. Former officer British intelligence officer Richard Tomlinson told Mohammed Al-Fayed that they wanted to kill him in the same way (using blinding with a bright flash) former president Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic. According to the official version, however, in the event of the accident that claimed Diana’s life, there was no “bright flash” in the tunnel.

White Fiat
An examination of the Mercedes showed that the car collided with a white Fiat Uno in the tunnel. This Fiat could not be found, although all efforts were allegedly thrown into searching for it. Mohammed Al-Fayed insisted that it was the car of intelligence agents who staged the accident. He also said that he conducted his own investigation and found the car: it belonged to a certain French journalist James Andanson. But the official investigation stated that Andanson's car could not have been involved in that accident. The problem is that it is no longer possible to find out whether this is actually so: Andanson was found dead in 2000, and his death was regarded as suicide. But when he was found, there were two bullet holes in his head. Was he the same paparazzi chasing Diana? What role did he play in the incident? Nobody knows for sure.

Re-opening the tunnel
We all imagine how this usually happens. When a serious car accident occurs somewhere, especially a fatal one, the area is fenced off or partially blocked off for some period of time - from several hours to several days. In the event of such a high-profile accident as this, one would expect that the tunnel would be closed for at least a few days in order to properly investigate everything there and collect all possible evidence. But everything happened differently: the Mercedes was quickly towed away, the road was cleared of debris, and the tunnel was open to cars before sunrise. This looks like a very quick cleanup. Many forensic experts argued in this regard that such short term It was simply impossible to collect the necessary evidence at the scene of the accident.

Rumors linking SAS to this case
In 2013, while investigating a case involving Danny Nightingale, an SAS soldier air force UK), an interesting letter was found. It said that a former colleague of Nightingale's, going by the name "Soldier N", had bragged about his involvement in the murder of Princess Diana. More precisely, he told his parents and his wife that his department was behind this incident, with the approval of senior management. The police tried to investigate the case, but came to the conclusion that there was insufficient evidence and perjury. However, last year Soldier N's ​​wife told the media that SAS management had offered her money to remain silent over Princess Diana's death and that her life had been threatened. After that, her trace disappeared - perhaps the woman is now on the run.

"Enemies" by Mohammed Al-Fayed
Mohammed Al-Fayed never suggested that Diana's death was the work of some of his enemies. No, he always said that his business competitors had nothing to do with it, but British intelligence and the royal family are involved. However, it cannot be denied that Dodi Al-Fayed had interesting family... His father is a billionaire today, and in the 90s he was a very rich man. He was the owner of the Parisian Ritz hotel, as well as the London department store Harrod's and the Fullham football club, until 2013. There was much talk that the accident could have been caused by Al's revenge.
Fayed, and the target was not Diana, but Dodi Al-Fayed. But, of course, there is no evidence of this. By the way, Dodi’s maternal uncle, Adnan Khashoggi (died in early June 2017), was a famous arms dealer and was “worth” $4 billion. Surely he also had many enemies.

Mohammed Al-Fayed investigation and film
The romance between Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed began several months before their tragic death. Dodi was the son of an Egyptian businessman, well educated, financially successful, and had experience in the entertainment industry. Mohammed Al-Fayed conducted his own investigation and came to the conclusion that a drunk driver could not have caused the death of his son, but other forces contributed to it. Mohammed Al-Fayed spent a lot of money on his independent investigation, but by 2008 he admitted that he still did not have accurate evidence and could not show anything to anyone. He also financed a documentary called Unlawful Killing in the late 2000s, but none Insurance Company would not have been able to protect the filmmakers from libel suits, this picture was never officially released anywhere. Luckily, this interesting, thoughtful, if incredibly biased film can be viewed on YouTube.

Some people think Diana planned it all herself.
Finally, a strange theory, far-fetched, but you can’t erase the words from the song. According to this theory, Diana and Dodi decided to fake their deaths in order to start new life away from all seeing eye the British crown and the ubiquitous media. And even if it sounds ridiculous, people always put forward such theories in such cases: after all, it is much more pleasant to think that a beautiful young woman did not die, but lives happily somewhere surrounded by people who love her.

Today marks twenty years since the death of Diana Frances Spencer, whom the whole world remembered as Princess Diana or simply “Lady Di.” On August 31, 1997, the car in which the princess was traveling with her lover Dodi al-Fayed was involved in an accident in the Paris Tunnel. The only one who survived that tragedy - Diana's bodyguard Trevor Rees Jones - does not remember what happened, as he received severe injuries that forever deprived him of his memory. A drunk driver, British intelligence services or just an accident - the exact causes of the accident are still not known. The site's editors recalled five versions of the car accident that could have taken place.

Photo: John Stillwell/FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images/TASS


The first version of the death is photojournalists on motorcycles. On that fateful day, Diana's black Mercedes was pursued by paparazzi, and one of them may have interfered with the princess's car. The Mercedes driver, trying to avoid a collision, crashed into a concrete bridge support.

However, as it turned out later, the photographers entered the tunnel a few seconds after Diana’s Mercedes, which means they could not provoke an accident. At the same time, the sons of the deceased princess most of all blame reporters and photographers for the death, who did not allow their mother to live in peace until the tragedy.

Mysterious Fiat

The second version is a car that could cut off the princess’s car in the tunnel itself. Allegedly, it was a white Fiat Uno, which eyewitnesses saw leaving the tunnel after the tragedy. And near the accident they even found fragments of a white car. But, even having information about the car and a description of the driver’s appearance, it was not possible to find either the car or the driver.

There is a version that this car belonged to a certain French journalist James Andanson. Immediately after the disaster, the journalist disappeared, and he was found only in 2000 in the French Pyrenees, dead in a burnt car. His death was regarded as suicide, but when he was found, they found traces of gunshots..

Drunk driver, excessive speed and seat belt

The Mercedes that Diana and her companion were in that night was replaced shortly before the trip. In this car, according to some reports, the seat belt in the back seat where Diana was seated was faulty, although the princess herself was always sensitive to the issue of safety.

It was also later discovered that the car was in terrible condition and had been hastily repaired after an accident a few months earlier. In addition, after some time, the driver of the car, Henri Paul, was made the main culprit of the disaster. He was the chief of security at the Ritz Hotel and also died in this disaster. Investigators accused him of driving drunk and accelerating the car to 200 kilometers per hour.

Royal revenge

Photo: Chris Jackson/FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images/TASS

There is a theory that the death of Princess Diana was planned by British agents and Queen Elizabeth II herself. For several years, Diana lived with the idea that Prince Charles and the royal family were going to kill her.

Her guesses, voiced in a letter to the butler, are not direct evidence, but still the very fact of such a letter is very remarkable. The letter stated that Prince Charles was planning an accident with Diana's car, brake failure and a serious head injury so that his path to remarriage would be clear.

Egyptian enemies

There is a version that the target of the alleged killers was not the princess at all, but her Egyptian boyfriend, the son of billionaire Mohammed Al-Fayed, Dodi.

Dodi's father was the owner of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, as well as the London department store Harrod's and the Fullham football club. possible reason The accident could have been revenge on Al-Fayed, but Mohammed himself believed that his business competitors had nothing to do with it, and that British intelligence and the royal family were involved in the tragedy.

Life after death

After Diana's death, mourning was declared in England; a mound of flowers grew near the gates of Kensington Palace, which were brought by many thousands of people in memory of the princess. Diana was buried on September 6, 1997 at the Spencer family estate of Althorp in Northamptonshire, on a secluded island in the middle of a lake.

“Lady Di” did not cease to be popular even after her death - many famous musical performers wrote songs dedicated to the princess. “No-one but you” by Queen, “Candle in the Wind” by Elton John and many other famous hits are dedicated to Diana. To mark the tenth anniversary of Diana's death, the film "Princess Diana. Last Day in Paris" was made. This year, 20 years after the tragedy, two were also released documentaries: "Diana is our mother" and "Diana. Her story in her words."

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