How to understand what you can do. How to understand that a man doesn’t need you, what to do if he has lost interest in you - advice from psychologists. What do I pay attention to most often?

I believe that we all came into this world for a reason and that we all have some significance in it. I truly believe that we are all gifted with unique and unique talents. The realization of our talents is much more important than we ourselves realize.

First, I'll tell you my story.

Last year I was overwhelmed by the number of things to do because I was chasing my dreams of money and “success”. I didn’t even remember why I needed it. Luckily for me, I met Jim (not his real name). Jim achieved the monetary success I so desired. He was financially independent, he successfully ran several projects, he had real estate in many countries, he could afford all the luxuries that money could buy.

He was able to achieve all this through hard work, consistency and responsibility! But Jim was not happy. He had no free time to enjoy his wealth. He wanted to have a family. He wanted peace. He wanted to live his own life... but he couldn't afford it. He had too many responsibilities, without fulfilling which he would have lost a lot. He had a lot to protect. Jim spent years building his castle and now that the construction is complete, he spends all his time ensuring that the castle does not collapse under the influence of external factors.

Meeting Jim opened my eyes to my life and forced me to change it. His words brought me to my senses. It suddenly became clear to me that “I don’t want to spend the next 10 years of my life chasing money, only to then discover my emotional, mental and spiritual development at the same level as it was at the beginning of the chase.” Brakes squealed as my pursuit stalled and then was put aside. I spent the next two months re-evaluating my life goals.

The following questions came to my mind: What am I chasing? Why am I doing this? What is my true purpose? Why am I here?

While reading Michael Gerber's book E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work, I found myself crying. In that chapter, the author asked readers to complete visualization exercises. Following his instructions, you clearly picture the day of your funeral in your mind. What kind of eulogy do you want for yourself? What will be your lifetime achievements? What will matter most to you at the end of your life? Is this what you are doing now?

I started writing. I started making a list of what is really important to me. I wrote down everything I wanted to do. I reconsidered my priorities. For myself, I decided that all the steps I took should lead to achieving a goal that corresponds to my personal values ​​and is what I really want from life. With each new opportunity, I must determine whether this opportunity is suitable for achieving my ultimate goal. No matter how much money a new opportunity brings me, if it goes against my life goals, I won't take it. I formulated my goal as follows:

To inspire, encourage and motivate people to live happier, more meaningful lives.

Here are some tasks that are particularly significant to me:

  • For me, agreement with myself, self-realization and a feeling of happiness are of great importance;
  • The greatest value for me is serious relationships with people, the ability to build real relationships at a deep level;
  • I will be financially independent and manage my time and location. I want to work only on those projects and implement only those ideas that I like. My financial position will not conflict with my values ​​and life goals;
  • I will travel and live in different parts of the world. Having become acquainted with all kinds of cultures, I will document them in photographs and share my impressions with others;
  • I'll buy my mom a house in Vancouver with a pool in the backyard. This is her dream and I want to make it come true;
  • Family is important to me. I want my husband and I to have strong and full of love relationship.
  • I try to live every day as fully as if it were my last day.

15 questions to help you understand your life goals.

Listing these questions can help you discover your life goals. They are designed to help you mentally formulate the tasks that you must complete during your life.

Simple instructions:

  • Take several sheets of writing paper;
  • Find a place where no one will disturb you. Disable mobile phone;
  • Write down the answers to all questions. Write down the first thing that comes to mind. Write without making any edits. Answer all questions. It is more important to write down all the answers rather than just think about them;
  • Write quickly. Give yourself no more than 60 seconds for each question. It’s better if it takes you less than 30 seconds;
  • Be honest. Nobody will read this. It is very important to write without making changes;
  • Enjoy what you are doing and smile while you do it.

15 questions:

  1. What makes you smile? (Occupation, people, events, hobbies, projects, etc.)
  2. What have you enjoyed doing in the past? What do you like to do now?
  3. When doing what kind of work can you lose track of time?
  4. What makes you proud of yourself?
  5. Who is your biggest inspiration? (Anyone you know or don't know personally. Members of your family, friends, writers, artists, political figures, etc.). What qualities do each of your inspirations serve as an example to you?
  6. What are you particularly good at? (Your skills, abilities and talents).
  7. What kind of help do people usually turn to you for?
  8. If you had to teach someone something, what would you teach?
  9. What would you regret in your life? (Imperfect actions, lack of something).
  10. Imagine that you are already 90 years old. You are sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of your house and basking in the gentle rays of spring. You are happy and relaxed, you are content with the wonderful life that has been given to you. You remember your whole life, think about what you achieved during this life and what you had. You go over all the relationships in your memory. What matters most to you great importance? Make a list.
  11. What are your true values? Choose 3-6 words in descending order of importance.
  12. What are your highest values?
    Achievements Friendship Quality of work
    Adventures Helpfulness Personal growth
    beauty Health A game
    To be the best Honesty Productivity
    Challenge Independence Initiative
    Convenience Inner peace Relationship
    Courage Directness Reliability
    Creation Intelligence Respect
    Curiosity Close relations Safety
    Education Fun Spirituality
    Confidence Leadership Success
    Environment Studies Freedom in time
    Family Love Diversity
    Financial independence Interest
    Healthy lifestyle Passion
    Other values ​​not listed
  13. What difficulties, difficulties and adversities have you had to overcome or what are you having to overcome in this moment? How do you do it?
  14. What ideas do you truly believe in? What attracts you to them?
  15. If you had to speak in front of a large number of people, what would your speech be about? Who would these people be?
  16. You have talents, preferences and values. How could you use what you have been given to serve, help, and make a personal contribution? (People, living beings, ideas, organizations, environment, world, etc.).

Your purpose in this world

“You change when you write down your goals and review them because it requires you to think carefully, deeply about what is really important to you and adjust your behavior to your beliefs.”- Stephen Covey "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

You can understand your purpose by answering 3 questions:

  • What do I want to do?
  • Who do I want to help?
  • What will be the result? What will I create?

Steps to determining your purpose:

  1. Answer the 15 questions above at a fast pace.
  2. List words that describe you. For example: education, achieving excellence, trust, inspiration, improvement, help, giving, guidance, inspiration, possession, motivation, education, organization, promotion, journey, growth, participation, satisfaction, understanding, teaching, creativity, etc.
  3. Based on your 15 answers, list everything and everyone you can help. For example: people, living beings, organizations, ideas, groups, environment etc.
  4. Define your final goal. How will those in the answer to the question above benefit from what you do?
  5. State steps 2-4 in one or 2-3 sentences.

What is your goal? What is your purpose? What are your aspirations? Share your thoughts in the comments to the article.

Why don't we achieve success that pleases and inspires us? Often the fact is that we do not strive for what we really want, we choose goals and plans that are dictated to us by the world around us and other people, and not by our own values, interests and desires. In Conquer Your Fear, Mandy Holgate provides an exercise to help you identify your true dreams and strategies for starting to follow your path.

Do you want a Ferrari?

I often ask listeners: “Who in this room wants to own a Ferrari?” What kind of answer do you think I'm getting? Forest of hands? Several voices: “Yes, give it here!”? What answer are you expecting?

In my practice, usually one or two people raise their hand. And then I ask these few daredevils who bravely wave their hand near their ears: “If you really want a Ferrari, then why are you so hesitant to admit it? Don’t you stretch your hand to the ceiling, don’t jump on your chair like you did in first grade when you know the answer and want the teacher to ask you?”

You see, when you really want a Ferrari, it's true passion - an inner drive that you feel in every cell. Once you hear the coveted name or see a photo of your dream car, you are filled with excitement and curiosity.

But never once, when I gave this example, did I see such excitement, such passion, such tension of feelings in those supposedly dreaming of a Ferrari that does not allow me to sit still: “I’m about to burst from love at first sight, if I don’t will be allowed to speak out in this very nanosecond!”

This is what real passion looks like. You need to understand what your goals and inner drives are and gain the confidence to be yourself without pretending. Find out what makes you feel so full of life that before you even finish reading this sentence, you notice how your heart is beating faster, your lips part in a smile and you begin to fantasize about the results. This is passion. This is the goal. But too often we hide what we really want and who we are for the sake of others. And therefore we achieve only the results that others want from us.

Author's exercise “My values”

One day during a coaching session, a client, having completed one of the exercises below, found out, to her horror, that her hobby was higher on her list of priorities than her husband. And it was not as clear as it seems. Together, we found out that she did nothing for the sake of what actually mattered to her: she did not pay enough attention to this important hobby for herself, and constantly ignored and suppressed internal stimuli that helped her feel the fullness of life. But when she realized what values ​​were important to her, she was able to change some things - and noticed significant improvements in all areas of her life. She didn't make a choice between her husband and her hobby. And of course, her list of priorities did not mean that she did not love her husband. But it was important for her to realize the values ​​that make up her personality and understand: by ignoring them, she does not feel happy or alive, and this in turn affects many other aspects of her life and work.

1. List everything that is important to you in life.

You won't have to show this list to anyone. There is no need to explain your choice. If you include children in this list, but not your husband (or wife), that is your business, and no one will judge you for it. Then select ten points from what was written. Below I present my list - you can take it as a sample. Your list doesn’t have to be similar - write about whatever you want.

For example, career, travel, family, success, friends, money, hobbies, culture, work, recreation, sports, health, physical activity, socialization, finance, writing, gardening, reading, music are important to me.

Draw a table like this and write your points in each line of the first column - in any order:

Table from the book

2. Compare these points with each other in pairs.

For example, if you had to choose, could you do without your family or without your vacation? If you could not give up your family, then the family gets one point and the vacation gets zero. Could you live without family or entertainment? If you do not do without entertainment, then entertainment gets one point, and family gets zero. This does not mean that there is something wrong with your family or yourself. Don't even try to reproach yourself. You won’t need to show this list to anyone, you are making it for yourself and only for yourself, to see what is important to you in life. If you give a family zero points, this does not mean that it is unimportant to you. You simply determine where it fits in your priority system. So remember: no guilt, just honesty. Listen to your intuition and write the honest truth!

3. Work through the entire column in this way, comparing the first point with the third, fourth, and so on.

I compare family and fun, family and work, family and helping others, and you have your own list. Repeat for each item.

You will end up with a sign similar to this one. Table from the book

4. Sum up the scores for each item.

This information will help you understand what your priorities are. Let's say in our example the main values ​​are family, fun and helping others, because family gets nine points, fun gets eight, and helping others gets seven.

It is important to know your top ten values ​​in life, but it is even more important to identify the top three that most impact your life. In our example, leisure and money received four points each, which means they are not as significant as the first three values. However, they are present on the list, and this will help you consciously take them into account in your life. You will certainly encounter situations where these values ​​need to be given their due: for example, I want to make a large purchase and am willing to work hard for it. But I won’t forget about the vacation!

Yes, it’s scary to admit: “These are my priorities.” But you have to start somewhere, right? Have you noticed that some people walk around with dim eyes, as if a light bulb has burned out inside them, while others seem to glow from within, radiant and full of life? Often this exercise brings unexpected discoveries. A person discovers that what he considered the main value in his life is not so high on his list of priorities. Realizing this, you get the opportunity to live a full life.


If you want to achieve your wildest goals and dreams, learn to go against the grain. You will need to take other people's opinions into account. And in general you will experience fear. But positive actions get a positive response. Only inertia and inaction allow fear to grow and worsen.

You have to know your values, know what inspires you and why.

And yet, fear can be the decisive factor that prevents you from acting in order to get the desired result that is intrinsically valuable to you. To motivate yourself to take the necessary action, look at your motives. If you don't honor your values, what are you agreeing to? Ask yourself these important questions:

  • If I don't understand who I am and don't feel willing to stand up for it and be myself, what am I agreeing to?
  • If I deviate from my nature and my values, what am I agreeing to?

Remember the “My Values” exercise. What values ​​are important to you? What are you willing to do without? What are you willing to sacrifice? Ask yourself:

  • If I continue to deviate from my values, how will this affect my life?
  • How will this affect my loved ones?

Yes, deciding to realize your potential can be scary. But isn't it scarier to hide your true nature? Remember how a person who really wants a Ferrari feels? That's what you should feel - the deepest inner need to know the answers to these questions.

An ideal partner in all respects - no matter how much one would like to believe in romantic comedies - does not exist. But there are many imperfect men, with each of whom you could be very happy. But how can you tell if a guy is really right for you? Love, as you know, is evil, so you shouldn’t rely on instincts alone. Here are 5 signs by which you can understand that your new friend- exactly the one you need.

Sign #1: You respect each other.

Respect tops the list. And this is something that should be mutual. That is, to be considered suitable for a serious relationship, a man must respect you, and you, in turn, must respect him. How can you tell whether he respects you or not? Like this:

He treats you with respect if:

  • ready to compromise;
  • listens when you talk about your problems and feelings;
  • notices when something is wrong and asks you about it;
  • values ​​your opinion;
  • appreciates you;
  • I am truly happy for you when you achieve success in something.

Remember, for a relationship to be good, you need to demonstrate the same towards him.

If you find that one of you is unwilling to compromise and problems and feelings are ignored, or you notice that something is wrong but do not ask, these are signs that there is a lack of respect. . If one of you brushes off the other's opinion as if it is unimportant, obviously there is no respect at all.

Sign #2: He Has the Qualities You're Looking for

Ideally, you should already know what qualities are truly important to you in a partner. Trying to figure this out after the fact while in a relationship can lead to serious problems.

If you haven’t decided yet, make a list of qualities that are important to you. Choose at least 10 traits you look for in a man. Write them down in order of decreasing priority. Take a good look at the list and cross off a few qualities that aren't that important. The idea is to leave the top 5 or even top 3 absolutely irreplaceable qualities that are fundamental to you.

All this must be done keeping two points in mind. First, remember: no one is perfect. If you're looking for Mr. Perfect, stop doing it: it's no use. Secondly, you shouldn't settle for a "just nice" guy. After all we're talking about about finding a truly suitable man.

Compare your list of the 5 most important character traits with the man with whom you are currently interested in a relationship. Remember that these are very important qualities for you, so if he does not meet all of them, there is a high probability that he is not suitable for you. And if you feel attracted to him, later you can remember this relationship as that same “love of evil” situation.

Sign #3: You have the same values

What do you value in life? What comes first and what comes second in your value system? How do you see your future? If you don't share the same values, consider that a very good sign.

Values ​​are something that should be discussed up front. Don't try to guess what he values ​​most in life, ask him yourself! If he doesn't seem to have them or can't articulate them clearly, then this can be seen as another red flag. Psychologically, an adult man with an already established worldview is quite flexible, but has clear views on life.

Sign #4: Your intuition tells you that he is the one.

You cannot rely only on intuition, but you cannot ignore it either. Intuition involves more than just physical attraction. It connects to that place deep inside where you “just know and that’s it.” If you are internally confident for no reason that a person is right for you, perhaps this really is so.

Sign #5: You can be yourself with him.

If someone wants to change you or cannot love you with all your shortcomings, then he is definitely not right for you. So, if you can be yourself when you're around him, he might be exactly what you need. A man should accept not only the good in you, but also your weaknesses and shortcomings. With him you feel free and calm.

Remember these 5 signs when assessing a candidate for special place in your life, and the chances of “and they lived happily ever after” will increase.

Sometimes a relationship develops between a man and a woman that seems to exist, but it seems that there is almost none. They are sluggish, have little initiative, and are not at all energetic. Or, on the contrary, incendiary, but fickle, meetings from time to time, no heart-to-heart conversations, only passion.

At first, women may be satisfied with both options. They wait patiently for something to change in better side– relationships will become more open, stable, and strong.

But time passes and nothing changes. And thoughts involuntarily creep in about whether such a relationship has a future, whether it is worth continuing it, or whether it is better to interrupt it now, so as not to regret later the years passed in vain.

This is where the question arises: how to understand whether a man needs you, or whether he is indifferent to you, is simply using you and is not going to build any serious relationship?

A man and a woman are two boxes in which the keys to each other are stored.

Karen Blixen

How to understand that a man does not need a girl

  • The first and most telling sign is his behavior.. How often do you meet, call each other, go to the movies, restaurants together, just take a walk or watch movies together?

    If all of the above happens at least weekly, then there is most likely no reason to sound the alarm. In addition, a lot depends on the man’s employment and his work schedule. Today it is not uncommon to have a 12-hour working day or a 60-hour day. work week.

  • The second sign is his attitude towards you. Even if a person is very busy at work, but loves you and misses you, he will find a minute to write a message, send a sweet mms or order a bouquet of flowers for you.

    His desire to spend his time with you free time(or most of it) is also good sign. If a man treats all offers to meet with coolness, demands that the girl not call him first, and behaves aloof or even rude when meeting, these are alarming symptoms.

  • The third sign is constant betrayal. Let there be no officially registered relationship between you yet. This does not mean at all that you should forgive him for going “to the left.”

    You shouldn’t hope that the guy will go crazy and at some point decide that he only needs you. By his behavior he already shows his attitude towards you.

Classic signs

There are other signs that allow you to understand that a man does not need you:
  1. He rarely calls and doesn’t respond to texts., often turns off the phone or even puts your number on the ignore list.
  2. You don't go anywhere together. You don’t have mutual friends with whom you can sit in a friendly group. You do not go to visit his or your relatives. You never even go shopping together.
  3. He doesn't care what happens to you. You are connected only by sex during rare meetings, and the man never asks questions about how you are doing at school or at work, how your day was, and generally tries to talk to you less.
  4. The man is not jealous of you. Even if you openly provoke him to jealousy, talk on the phone with another guy in front of him, accept gifts and courtship from other men, and he knows about it, but does not react to it at all.

Finally, you can rely on your own feelings. Don't you feel desired, loved, needed by this man? Most likely, this is the case. How do you know if a man needs you? Invite him to break off the relationship or be the first to stop answering calls, reject offers to meet. It is quite possible that your romance will calm down happily.

If you are dear to a man, then he will finally perk up and begin to take actions that will help you feel desired, loved and necessary.

The image a man creates when thinking about ideal woman, is similar to the image that a woman creates when thinking about the ideal man.
Marlene Dietrich

How to understand that a married man needs you

Relationships with married men are even more confusing. The signs of coldness given above may be elements of conspiracy. The man doesn't want to destroy yet. And if you agree with this approach (you decided together that it is worth waiting a little - because of the children, the wife’s sick heart, solving financial issues, etc.), then you cannot focus on the standard signs of cooling in a relationship.

But there are other symptoms. Let's talk about them below.

So, you can determine whether a man who already has a wife needs you by the following signs:

If a woman is tired of a man's advances and wants to get rid of them, it is best for her to marry her pursuer:
in this way she will most likely get rid of the gallantry that has bored her.
Martti Larni


The main thing to remember in such relationships is that your youth and beauty are not eternal. You need your own family, with children and stability, and not a furtive relationship.

If a man also understands all this, and you have a rough idea of ​​when your affair will go from being secret to being revealed, then the relationship has a future.

If a man is already satisfied with everything, and you get nothing from him except sex and empty promises, then it’s worth ending such an affair once and for all.

Everything you need to know to finally understand your true desires. The results may surprise and even shock you.

How to understand what I really want? How do I know what kind of life I want to live? Today people are increasingly asking themselves these questions. And there are good reasons for this. Right?

Again, briefly: these are the people who behave like scanners - jumping from fifth to tenth - but in reality they are just trying to drown out boredom.

Real scanners are interested in many things at once, and they want everything at once. False scanners are jumping around the top, just to occupy their restless minds with something.

Because of all this frenzy, the fear of not being able to do anything or making a mistake in choice has settled in the heads of modern people.

How can you do one specific thing when there is such temptation around? How to understand what you want? What if you choose the wrong thing? What if you remain unclaimed? Maybe it would have been better to go to another institute? Or maybe that guy at the next table in the restaurant has better food? What is better to choose - a used iPhone or a new Galaxy? What if my boyfriend is not my real soulmate? What I want? Etc.

To stop the madly spinning world, you need to get off this carousel and just stand on the sidelines for a while to come to your senses. Some, unfortunately, do it too radically.

But you don’t have to turn off the switch completely, but just switch to neutral mode. You know as well as I do what we’re talking about - of course!

No need to wrinkle your nose, like we swam - we know. Usually this is done by those who tried several times, didn’t get anywhere and abandoned the practice to hell.

Meditation is not a Viagra pill that gives an immediate reaction. You have to work at it and sometimes for long enough to feel a noticeable effect.

Judge for yourself, a person has been accumulating confusion in his thoughts and desires for years. And then some kind of half-educated plumber came with only a plunger in his hand and tried to clear all this clog at one time. Will he succeed? That's the same thing.

Therefore, you need to calm your racing mind, and a better practice than meditation has not yet been invented for this.

By the way, very good way meditation - focus on the phrase “I want to know what I want.” It not only stops the flow of different thoughts, but also relieves some of the tension and guilt that arise from the fact that we sometimes ourselves do not know what we want.

Don't know what you want? Well, load your subconscious with this question and let it figure it out on its own. And the answer may emerge after a while and most often unexpectedly.

Just don’t need to wait for him on purpose and, especially, be upset if he doesn’t come. Just keep practicing next time. And again and again... That's how it works.

If you are constantly looking for novelty, trying to escape from fear and boredom, then a peculiar a piggy bank of ideas. Barbara Sher also talked about this in her book.

The trick is actually very simple, but effective. You simply take on one specific task (a dish in a restaurant, a partner, a used iPhone, and the list goes on) and work on it until you get a specific result.

And as soon as the alarm bell rings in your head and the desire to switch to something else appears, then you realize this other thing, write it down on a piece of paper and throw it into a special box of ideas. You can just write it down in a notepad and not bother with the box.

The point of the action is that you do not accumulate ideas in your head, where they are already too crowded, but give them a real embodiment, a path, even just on paper. This way you literally “blow off steam” and significantly reduce internal tension.

This tension arises precisely from the fact that we are always afraid that we will not have time to do something important, we are afraid of missing out on this important thing, and therefore we rush between things, trying to catch them all.

By writing everything down on paper, we not only relieve nervous tension, but also become more confident that we won’t forget anything now and can continue to work calmly.

Fear is an inclination of the soul that convinces it that a desire will not come true.
Rene Descartes

By the way, Barbara also advises writing down on pieces of paper all the anxieties, fears, bad feelings and thoughts that arise on any occasion. You can keep a separate box or notebook for them.

This allows you to safely discharge all the negativity that has been stuck in your head for a long time and firmly. Consider it a freebie, but very effective psychotherapy. Then you can burn this notebook. Try it! Very inspiring:)

For those who do not want to study and spend a lot of time on one thing

This is me! Yes. Since childhood, I don’t like to spend a long time doing one thing and studying all its intricacies. This is probably all because of the neighbor Aunt Nina, may she rest in heaven. She kept saying: Igor is our professor!

And at school I was frankly bored. After all, I’m a professor and I know everything, leave me alone, everyone.

I remember that even in my favorite radio circle, I almost never completed the assembly of any circuit to completion. I liked starting work, but finishing it was wow.

By the way, I also changed a lot of different circles and sections in my childhood.

This is also a certain type of unfortunate diver, or false scanner. It comes from the inability to learn. This is when in childhood you were either overly praised, or everything was very easy for you at first, and therefore there was an illusion that it would continue to be so.

But as soon as the first difficulties appeared, fear and uncertainty arose, and therefore it was easier to quit this business and do something new.

Only one can help here patience. Patience that will overcome disappointment over time.

After all, this is what we are really afraid of - disappointment. What if it doesn’t work out, what if something goes wrong, what if they don’t praise me, but on the contrary, they will mock me, what if I miss something important while I’m busy with something else, and in old age there will be only regret and nothing more?

Patience is a difficult thing. You can't get it by force. You can’t force yourself to just endure it and that’s it. This is masochism. You need to find something interesting in it that can captivate and smooth out the bitter aftertaste. And curiosity can become such an interest.

He who is able to endure is able to achieve whatever he wants.
Benjamin Franklin

What usually scares you the most when you are afraid of being disappointed? That's right - ignorance. You don’t know what you will get as a result and you are afraid of failure in advance.

But what if you turn on curiosity and aim not at positive result, and the result in general?

That is, show interest in the process, and not the result as such. Just take it and tell yourself: I don’t care that I may not really achieve anything, but at least I’ll try to bring this matter to the end and see what the hell comes out of it all.

Thus, shift the emphasis. When you are not bothered by the result, but do something for the sake of the process itself (even if at first it doesn’t bother you at all), then gradually and imperceptibly you get involved and begin to notice things that you had never even thought about before.

This can also be called meditation. After all, in essence, this is what she is. And the most important thing is that over time you start to like it. Process for the sake of process and nothing more.

Have you heard about Flow? This is exactly what it is when you focus all your attention on the process, even if you’re just picking your nose. Many find the meaning of life in this.

Not picking your nose, of course! And in the feeling of the Flow. When you are in it, you absolutely don’t give a damn what exactly you are doing.

So Buddhist monks spend their whole lives leisurely swinging a hoe in their garden or sweeping the yard and at the same time are happy, like a hundred Buddhas.

This is how the writer composes his verses and watches how the lines fall on paper and create a new Universe.

So parents watch the growth of their offspring and rejoice simply because they exist.

But how much patience you need to apply to all this! There is no way to do this without the necessary interest.

Interest is what helps you cope with all difficulties.

I wish you to find your interest in life. Good luck! And subscribe to our channel on Telegram.

Do you already know what you really want? Write in the comments and tell us how you found your true desires.

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