BJU of cheese: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, chemical composition and nutritional value. Russian cheese: composition, flavor, production technology Fish and seafood

One of the most popular types of dairy products is Rossiysky cheese. Its calorie content is very high, but universal love and affection is due not only to this, but also to a large number of other reasons. I would like to note the fact that this variety is one of the most basic and constantly existing on store shelves. But it’s true that as long as you can remember, you’ve been seeing this cheese on the market for as long as you can. Starting from the times of the USSR and ending with our days. Also worth attention a large assortment of this type, depending on its manufacturer (in which this moment there is no shortage).

Product Features

“Russian” cheese, whose calorie content is quite high, has some taste difference from other types that can be aimed exclusively at a narrow circle of consumers (for example, with mold). It has a fairly noticeable sourish, but traditionally recognizable taste. Plus, its cost is at an affordable level, thanks to which everyone can afford to pamper themselves, which Lately quite relevant.

This type of dairy product is produced in Russia and some CIS countries. Pasteurized milk is used as the initial raw material for its preparation. It is classified as a semi-hard rennet cheese. This enzyme is added to cow's milk along with a special starter that contains lactic acid bacteria. Rossiysky cheese, the calorie content of which increases several times after production, is also distinguished by its yellowish color, and on the cut you can see small eyes and white lace.

Despite the high level of fat content, this product is in no way inferior in its taste qualities other varieties. As for cooking and preparing various dishes, it is even more popular than other cheeses. Particular relevance can be emphasized for the preparation of casseroles, salads, pizza, hot dishes and snacks.

Composition, vitamins, minerals

One of the healthiest products can be called Russian cheese. Its calorie content is very high, since a third of this product is pure protein. On the other hand, due to this, it can be used instead of meat products in some vegetarian dishes. This cheese contains one essential element called milk fat, which is very well accepted by the body. Despite the fact that this product contains practically no carbohydrates, it has a fairly large and impressive list of vitamins B 12, B 6, B9, C, PP, A. And due to the fact that cheese contains vitamin B 12, it helps during the treatment of diseases, associated with hepatitis, anemia and anemia. It is impossible not to note the positive effect of the product on men's health due to the zinc content. Naturally, calcium and phosphorus are present, as in other dairy products, which is important for bone structure. Therefore, cheese is recommended for those patients who have had joint diseases. Thus, the product has become not only tasty, but also healthy, having a sufficiently large mineral and vitamin composition, due to which it is recommended for inclusion in the diet.

Useful properties of “Russian” cheese

Many doctors and nutritionists claim that one of the healthiest is “Russian” cheese 50%. Calorie content may indicate its satiety, but at the same time it contributes to:

  1. Strengthening teeth, bones, hair and nails.
  2. Increasing energy balance.
  3. Improving metabolism.
  4. Activates brain function.
  5. Quickly restores strength not only after mental, but also after physical exertion.
  6. Promotes proportional development and growth of the body.

Cheese "Russian": calorie content per 100 grams

  • Proteins: 23.2 g.
  • Fat: 29.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.

Rossiysky cheese is incredibly nutritious (calories / proteins / fats / carbohydrates: 364 kcal / 25% / 73% / 0%), so you need to watch the amount you eat. Since everything is good in moderation and you shouldn’t abuse it. Naturally, for true connoisseurs these words mean nothing.

Harm of cheese

In front of everyone positive qualities There are still a few negative aspects to this product that need to be mentioned as this could cause problems in the future. Due to the fact that this cheese has a very high percentage of fat and calorie content, it is still worth avoiding its consumption by those category of people who have some problems with excess weight and obesity, and those who have been prescribed a low-fat light diet. If you follow all the recommendations and common sense, and do not overeat it, then the product will only be beneficial.

Naturally, improper storage of cheese can cause a lot of harm, in which case diarrhea is not the worst option. Some consumers continue to use the product even after mold appears on it, thinking that there is nothing wrong with it, but in fact it can create many problems.

Also, due to the diuretic effect inherent in cheese, people who suffer from urolithiasis may experience discomfort.


It is difficult to argue with the fact that the high calorie content of Rossiiskiy cheese (50% fat content) comes to the fore. This makes us cautious about adding it to various dishes. This is due to the fact that any salad or snack in which it is used becomes one third higher in calories. At the same time, there is a certain circle of nutritionists who still oppose the mass production of cheeses, which are based on pasteurized milk. The type described is, in fact, produced in this way. This is due to the fact that such a product does not contain even a small fraction of what similar cheeses should actually contain ( we're talking about about beneficial properties). Due to the maximum amount of saturated fatty acids, coconut and palm oil are so harmful to the body that they are quite capable of causing Alzheimer's disease. This only applies to those species in which traces of vegetable fats were found. As for the rest, this issue is not even discussed; only reasonable use leads only to a positive effect.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Russian cheese is a semi-hard rennet cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk of the highest quality. During the cheese making process, sourdough, rennet and sometimes a natural coloring agent, annatto extract, are added to the milk if cheese production occurs during the cold season, when cows cannot receive grass and dandelions to naturally color the milk. Russian cheese is produced in the form of low cylinders or rectangular bars weighing from 8 to 18 kg.

Russian cheese has a uniform light yellow color, a medium-hard, dense and plastic structure, the cheese cuts well, without the appearance of “pellets” and does not stick to the knife. To taste, Russian cheese is slightly sour, creamy, with a bright aroma. An openwork pattern of heterogeneous eyes is located throughout the cheese. The head of the cheese has a dense crust, on which interlacing threads are sometimes visible, this is a sign that the cheese was laid out on linen cloth.

Calorie content of Russian cheese

The calorie content of Russian cheese is 363 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of Russian cheese

Product contains: pasteurized cow's milk, rennet. Russian cheese contains vitamins, as well as minerals necessary for the body: , . Russian cheese is useful for children and adults; its consumption helps strengthen bones and teeth, stimulates the normal activity of the heart muscle (calorizator). The product contains a sufficient amount of high-quality protein, which is needed for the construction of cells of all systems of the human body.

Harm of Russian cheese

We should not forget that Russian cheese contains beef fat - hard and one of the heaviest, so those who have high blood cholesterol levels should consume Russian cheese in small quantities. Excessive consumption of the product may cause problems with the digestive system - heaviness in the stomach, constipation.

When purchasing Russian cheese, you should pay attention to the cut of the product; it should be smooth, even, without droplets of liquid (tears), cracks and crumbs. The slit-like eyes have an irregular shape and penetrate the entire cheese; if they are concentrated in one place, it means that the cheese was produced with violations of technology. A slippery surface and uneven color are not acceptable; if the cheese crumbles, this is a sign of immaturity.

Russian cheese should be stored in the refrigerator; if it is vacuum-packed, then the shelf life is three months; opened or purchased cheese in a piece is stored for no longer than seven days in a special cheese pan or in a glass/plastic container.

Russian cheese in cooking

Russian cheese is a universal product, suitable for independent use as an appetizer or snack, ideal for sandwiches and canapés, melts perfectly and is therefore suitable for making hot sandwiches, juliennes, pizza, pasta, baked vegetables, meat and poultry. Cheese is added to salads with canned beans and croutons, fried in breading and batter.

For more information about Russian cheese and its production, watch the video “Russian Cheese” from the TV program “Expertise of Goods”.

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Today, cheese is a product of frequent consumption. How much protein, fat, carbohydrates cheese contains, you will find out in this article. Do cheese contain carbohydrates and do they affect your weight? Cheese is used both in its original form - in slices for appetizers, on sandwiches, in the form of cutting into numerous salads and making sandwiches, and is included in all kinds of fillings, prepared in grated form, where dishes sprinkled with cheese for baking in the oven are especially popular, be it either pizzas, pies or main courses.

Vitamins Despite their daily use, few people think about what is included in everyone’s favorite cheese. Cheese contains a large list of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, PP, Beta-carotene, which have a positive effect on our body. In addition to vitamins, cheese is rich in micro and marco elements. These are iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, phosphorus and zinc. Cheese contains carbohydrates in a minimal percentage.

Often this is 0% carbohydrates, if we talk about hard, semi-hard and some soft varieties of cheese, such as Swiss, Adygei, Dutch, Roquefort, cheddar, etc., the same applies to feta cheese. Accordingly, such cheeses can be used during a diet and in fasting days. How many carbohydrates are in cheese, homemade cheese contains about 1.8% carbohydrates, processed smoked cheese, such as sausage cheese - 3.7% carbohydrates, the second place in carbohydrate content is sweet processed cheese and the first place is glazed cheese cheese - 32% carbohydrates .

Like most healthy products, in addition to vitamins, cheese contains proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. On average, proteins make up approximately 18%-26% of total mass product, fats – about 20%-32%. It all depends on the type of cheese. For example, homemade cheese contains the least fat - only 4% - this is a pleasant exception, and Swiss cheese contains the most - 31.8%, which is not far behind Dutch round cheese and cheddar - 30.5% fat. Baltic cheese has the most proteins - 30%, Yaroslavl cheese is in second place - 26.8%, and Estonian, Dutch bar and Poshekhonsky are in third place - 26% of proteins each.

The least amount of protein is again found in homemade cheese with a fat content of 4% - 17% protein. After conducting a complete analysis of the types of cheese presented on the Russian market, we can make a final conclusion about how many carbohydrates are in the cheese. For the most part, cheeses contain almost zero carbohydrate content.

Supporters of carbohydrate-free diets will undoubtedly enjoy this product, but if you play sports or lead an active lifestyle, then carbohydrates are simply vital for the body, if we talk about simple carbohydrates, as they replenish the energy reserves of our body and reduce the consumption of fat and proteins. But it is better to reduce the consumption of complex carbohydrates contained in sweet cheeses. Overall, the cheese is quite useful product for our body. After analyzing a product such as cheese, the carbohydrate content was zero.

Russian cheese is a semi-hard rennet cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk.

The Russian Cheese brand does not have a copyright holder and is produced by a large number of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Latvian factories.

Russian cheese is considered one of the most popular types of this dairy product.

Firstly, this cheese is one of the constant varieties: for as long as we can remember, it has been present on the shelves of our stores.

Secondly, there is always a huge assortment of this type of cheese, which depends on the manufacturer, and we have a lot of them.

It is made from pasteurized cow's milk with the addition of milk-clotting rennet and a starter of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria.

After production, Russian cheese can be supplied to stores only after 60 days of aging.

Semi-hard cheese, yellow color, the cut shows a lace of small eyes. The taste is pronounced, slightly sour. It is a semi-hard cheese with a fat content of 50±1.6%, manufactured in accordance with GOST R 52972-2008 (valid from January 1, 2010).

Energy value of the product Russian cheese, bju:

  • proteins: 23.2 g
  • fat: 29.5 g
  • carbohydrates: 0 g

Calorie content: 364 kcal.

The production also uses the hardener calcium chloride (E509), sodium or potassium nitrates (E251, E252), lysozyme (E1105), calcium orthophosphate (E341), beta-carotene (E160a), annatto extracts (E160b). The surface of the head is treated with fungicides: sorbic acid (E200), sodium sorbate (E201), potassium sorbate (E202), etc.

What are the benefits of Russian cheese?

The benefits of Russian cheese lie in the composition of this product. It contains useful and easily digestible protein, which takes an active part in the formation of systems and internal organs.

This product also contains amino acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body. For example, they are responsible for the condition of muscles, hormonal levels, and they also protect the body from the negative effects of infections and viruses.

B vitamins normalize activity nervous system, which allows you to get rid of insomnia, fatigue and stress.

This product also contains vitamin B12, which promotes faster recovery from anemia, anemia and hepatitis. In addition, the risk of formation of red blood cells, which take part in the regeneration of the nervous system, is reduced, and the vitamin also improves liver function.

What is important is that all the vitamins and microelements found in Russian cheese are completely absorbed by the body.

Russian cheese contains potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Russian cheese promotes quick and effective recovery after strong and prolonged physical and mental stress.

Russian cheese in cooking

Russian cheese is widely used in cooking to prepare a variety of dishes.

This product is included in salad and appetizer recipes. It is often grated and used for preparing hot dishes and breading.

This type of cheese is used when baking meat, fish and vegetables in the oven.

In addition, this product is used in pizza, baked goods, casseroles, etc.

There is one effective way that will allow you to choose high-quality Russian cheese.

To do this, take a piece of cheese, ask the seller to cut it from the head, and bend it.

If it doesn't break, you can be sure that the product is good.

When buying vacuum-packed cheese, look at the polyethylene; if you see greasy stains, this product does not deserve your attention.

There is an opinion among gourmets that the most delicious and healthy delicacy that can be seen on our table every day is cheese. The BZHU in it depends on the production technology of the popular fermented milk product and the ingredients used. Cheeses are prepared by curdling milk and adding substances that promote its coagulation (lactic acid bacteria and enzymes).

At the end of the process, excess moisture is removed from the resulting mass by draining and pressing, then it is salted and sent for maturation.

Types of cheeses

Thanks to various technologies for producing such a popular fermented milk product as cheese (BJU and calorie content are indicated per 100 g), it can be: mature or hard (Parmesan, Emmental, Swiss, Maasdam, Gruyere, cheddar and others) with a fat content within 28 -35 g, protein 25-33 g and calorie content 350-425 kcal; semi-solid (Russian, Dutch, creamy, Gouda, Lithuanian and others), which contains 25-30 g of fat, 23-28 g of protein, and calorie content varies in the range of 320-350 kcal; brine (mozzarella and suluguni, Adyghe and feta, feta cheese and others), in which there is less fat than the others - from 18 to 25 g, proteins - 18-25 g, and its energy value can be found from the label (approximately 210-310 kcal); soft - all mold varieties - Roquefort, Brie, Camembert, Gorgonzola and others, which contain 30 g of fat, 20 g of protein, and an average calorie content of 355-410 kcal; and also fused.

The last type of product is high-calorie cheese; its nutritional value depends on the nutritional value of the components used in its production. This can be milk, butter, cottage cheese and many other ingredients (sugar, flavorings). The main complaint of nutritionists about this product is the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in it, so it is not recommended for people with excess weight. Other types of cheese, except processed cheese, contain little or no carbohydrates.

Is cheese a fatty product?

Those who care about their figure often have to deny themselves the pleasure of eating cheese, since it is considered an extremely fatty food. However, you should not do this if you come across cheese with a fat content of 45, 50 and 60% on store shelves. These numbers are indicated by manufacturers to determine the concentration of fat in dry matter. At the same time, the amount of fat in a complete fermented milk product is no more than 20-30%. In addition, you can find dietary varieties of cheese on sale with a mass fraction of fat in dry matter ranging from 18-25%.

Low-fat types of cheeses differ in color - they are much lighter than varieties made from whole milk with the addition of cream. The described product is a leader in calcium content: 100 g contains 1300 mg of an important trace element, which corresponds to 130% of required quantity per day. It is absorbed only with fat-soluble vitamin D, so cheese (the BJU contained in it is ideal for saturating the body in the first half of the day) brings the human body so much calcium, as well as vitamins B, A, E and D, minerals and amino acids. As for the milk fats present in cheese, they are rich in phosphatides - components that help digest and assimilate 90% of food and ensure proper metabolism of fats in the body. In addition, milk fat has a low melting point, which further facilitates its absorption.

Nutritional value table for hard cheeses

This type of fermented milk product differs from others in its low moisture content (no more than 55%) and increased hardness. These qualities of cheese are obtained due to: heat treatment, pressure and salt, which contribute to the appearance of a specific hard crust on the surface of the product; as well as a long ripening period (from two to three months to three years). Some gourmet varieties can take up to ten years to harden. Strong taste and the “Russian” cheese also has a strong aroma inherent in all hard varieties. The BZHU in it correspond to the level of 24.1 g/29.5 g/0.3 g, which is confirmed by the table of nutritional value of the described variety and others:

Types of cheeses and calorie content per 100 g

(in grams)


Cheese "Russian"

50% fat -

Cheese "Russian"

45% fat -

Cheese "Como" (Russian) -

Swiss cheese - 396 kcal

Cheese "Soviet" -

The subtle aroma and characteristic pattern of the Russian cheese, called “small lace,” make it easy to distinguish it from others on store shelves in Russia and neighboring countries.

It is prepared using pasteurized cow's milk, a starter containing mesophilic lactic acid bacteria, and rennet, which promotes coagulation. The resulting Rossiysky cheese is aged for 70 days and then goes on sale. Housewives use hard varieties of cheese both for sandwiches and for topping a variety of dishes.

Semi-hard cheeses

In a whole group of varieties of fermented milk products, which includes: “Kostromskoy”, “Edamsky”, “Poshekhonsky”, “Lithuanian”, “Gouda”, “Estonian” and “Gollandsky” cheese, BZHU are distributed as follows:

Cheese varieties

(in grams)

(in grams)


(in grams)

“Dutch” 352 kcal






Semi-hard cheeses - Dutch, Maasdam and others - have an average calorie content (from 280 to 350 kcal), while 100 g of Parmesan, cheddar and Swiss cheese provide the human body with more than 380-400 kcal.

Nutritional value of pickled cheeses: table

Mediterranean, Italian and Caucasian cheeses ripened in brine - mozzarella, suluguni, feta cheese, chechil, Adyghe - are extremely loved by most compatriots. The technology of their preparation gives them a distinct layeriness and a piquant salty taste.

The Bavarian mozzarella manufacturer "Paladin" (Germany) produces a product with a soft, creamy taste, which contains 153 kcal: 18 g of protein, 18.5 g of fat and 1.5 g of carbohydrates, and a low-calorie variety from the Italian company "Galbani" (cheese " Mozzarella") BJU correspond to 17.5 g-20 g/9-13.5 g/0.4-1 g.

Types of cheese

(in grams)

(in grams)


(in grams)

Cheese cheese (from cow/sheep milk) 260/298 kcal

Mozzarella 240 kcal

Chechil 140 kcal

Suluguni 290 kcal

Feta 290 kcal

Sirtaki 227 kcal

Adyghe 240 kcal

Ossetian 356 kcal

Pickled cheeses are great for baking and salads, making rolls. The most delicious dishes are obtained if you use exclusively fresh cheese, which smells of milk, cream, and mushrooms.

Diet menu and cheese: BJU, calorie content, consumption rate

Low-fat cheeses are a staple component of many low-calorie diets. One of the popular curd cheeses, reminiscent of unsalted and low-fat cheese, is considered tofu with a fat content of 1-4%. Produced on the basis of soy milk, it is rich in high-quality amino acids that can successfully replace meat products. 100 g of tofu contains less than 100 kcal, so it is ideal for people losing weight or suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Another dietary product- country cheese or cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%. It is mixed with cream (fresh, lightly salted). 100 g of granular or Lithuanian cottage cheese (the name of the same village cheese) contains 85 kcal and 19 g of protein. Among the low-fat cheeses in demand: “Gaudette” (with a fat content of 7%), dietary “Chechil”, “Fitness”, “Grunlander” (5-10%), “Ricotta” (13%) - its slice contains 4 g of fat and 50 kcal.

In light cheese and feta light versions, the fat content varies between 5 and 15%. This cheese is made from goat's milk and contains no more than 30% fat, while traditional feta contains about 60% fat.

Nutritionists do not advise overusing any type of cheese; a couple of slices before lunch (30-50 g) is quite enough. They can be chopped into a salad, eaten on their own, or used on thin, toasted toast. Brine cheeses must first be soaked in water or fresh milk for an hour.

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