An effective asceticism for self-development is a board with nails (Sadhu board, board for yoga practitioners). Standing on nails How to prepare yourself for standing on nails

IN Lately When guests come to me, I arrange a small attraction for them - I invite them to stand on my “sadhu board” or, more simply, a board with nails, so that they can feel the incredibly powerful effect of this practice on the body. Standing on nails for 5 minutes in the morning is more invigorating than a cup of coffee or a morning jog. I first tried this practice at a yoga festival, after which the signs of lack of sleep and headache immediately disappeared. I immediately found a “nail master” and ordered such a board.

Well forgotten old

Surely you have seen a picture from Soviet times, where a yogi sits or sleeps casually on a board with nails. There was even a common opinion that real yogis sleep this way. This exotic and impressive practice was then reflected in the invention of A.I. Kuznetsov, known as the “Kuznetsov applicator” (see also the article “Miracle Shakti-mat”). Ivan Kuznetsov was not a doctor, but he tried to cure a disease against which traditional medicine was powerless. He studied works on oriental medicine and designed a device with many prickly plastic needles. Nowadays the Lyapko applicator, consisting of needles of various metals, is also popular. But even these wonderful inventions cannot be compared with the real “sadhu board” in terms of their impact.

Board of holy yogins, board of Sadhu, board of Rishi... you can find different names for this item for deep ascetic yogic practices. I searched for a long time for information about how the practice arose, who first described and applied it, but I never found a comprehensive answer. However, nailing coupled with walking on broken glass and coals is becoming a fairly common practice in Russia. There are entire schools that popularize this direction, the coordinates of which can be found on the Internet or found at yoga festivals, seminars and other events.

Why do yogis need nails?

Those who all year round walks barefoot on any surface, just like yoga itself, constantly acts on the surface of the feet, reducing the pain threshold, activating reflexogenic points. We, ordinary city dwellers, even walk along the pebble beach in flip-flops - our feet have become so sensitive and painful. Numbness of the feet, decreased mobility of the toes, growing bunions - this is our price for constantly wearing shoes. Many have experienced first-hand the amazing effect of nailing. Any reflexologist will give a reasonable explanation: our foot has a large number of biologically active points associated with internal organs; the effect on these points has a strong tonic effect and stimulates the functioning of all body systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, hormonal, etc. But it’s not just about biologically active points, the existence of which is still questioned by official medicine. Exposure to sharp nails causes quite noticeable pain (irritation), in response to which the body produces protective reactions - increased blood flow, anti-inflammatory functions, improved blood supply internal organs, including the brain, the work of the hormonal and immune systems and others is activated. As a result, these protective reactions help fight a real disease, and also “harden” the body, preparing it for possible unfavorable conditions external environment.

As for the analgesic effect of props (as in the case of my headache during the first experiment), then the principle of homeopathy comes into force - “treat like with like.” Back pain, headache, dental pain, etc. create a so-called “focus of excitation” in the brain, and now we can no longer think about anything else except about the diseased organ. When you completely transfer your body weight onto a mat of nails, in the very first seconds you feel such pain that the temptation is great to jump away immediately. At this moment, try to remember that foci of excitation are capable of competing, that is, by creating a new focus, we reduce the intensity of the first.

It will take time to learn how to stand on the board for several minutes. Even if you can only withstand 20-30 seconds, this is very good, but you will feel the real benefits of practice after several weeks of training. The mechanisms described above begin to work after 1-2 minutes of standing, when the initial shock disappears and you begin to relax and get used to the pain. I set the timer for 5 minutes, because I feel like time flows completely differently during practice and I’m always surprised when the timer starts beeping, because after 3-4 minutes the pain goes away completely and there is greater clarity of thinking and concentration than usual. What to do next is your choice: someone meditates, someone practices the absence of thoughts, works on strengthening will and concentration. I play beautiful music or sing mantras. Some work with sankalpa (desire-intention), sending their request to the Universe, and this is also associated with increased concentration and the absence of unnecessary thoughts in the head. If you decide to work in this way, then I think it is necessary to remind you that the intention must be pure, positive, aimed at the benefit of sentient beings. If you concentrate on the negative, wish harm to another, then the energy of this desire on the board will increase significantly and will ricochet harm you personally. Remember the moral side of yoga practice - the observance of the principles of yama and niyama. So it is not surprising that a board with nails is called a yoga board: as a result of practice, the physical is transformed into the spiritual, comprehensive development of the personality and strengthening of the spirit occurs.

  • Start with real time for you, without scolding yourself and without giving up practice, even if you can’t hold out for long. Gradually, each time, increase the standing time by 10-20 seconds.
  • Relax, calmly breathe deeply, try not to think about anything.
  • After the session, carefully step off the board and sit on a prepared mat or chair and allow your feet to recover. I usually meditate for 10-15 minutes.

And most importantly: maintain a positive outlook on life, enjoy everything that the new day brings you! Om Shanti!

PS: And finally, a video about how Georgy Gorgiladze broke the world record in the “strength and endurance” category, standing on nails for just over two hours. Moreover, this result is several times better than expected. Initially, Georgy stated that he could stand on nails for only 10 minutes, which would also be considered a world record. But the youngest yogi in the world managed to overcome himself 12 times! Park visitors who happened to witness such a spectacle did not always believe that the nails were real, that the trick was real. But at the end of the action, everyone had the opportunity to touch the nails with their own hands and even try to stand on them.

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Benefits of standing on nails

Standing on nails is a multifunctional practice with which you can improve your health, clear your mind, ignite your inner heat, strengthen your will, and much more that can be done with the help of this Board. Depending on the task, you can stand on the Board several times every day, and every day in the morning, gradually increasing the time spent on the Board. The Sadhu Board is an almost ideal way to develop the inner fervor of Tapas, and achieve rapid progress in the practice of austerity. And for a person to whom these tasks seem unnecessary, the board - good opportunity strengthen your will and endurance, and also easily and quickly learn to make your intentions and dreams come true.

The method of operation is very simple, you need to stand on the board with your bare feet for one minute, forming a smile on your face with your attention. After 15-20 seconds I really want to get off the nails, but I need to restrain myself. The effect occurs immediately, and self-esteem immediately increases. Serious life changes can begin with the first try. To make changes in the right direction, you form an unbreakable intention, you can use Psychocodes. Psychocodes can roughly be called positive affirmations, that is, positive, harmonious and cheerful statements about love, money, health, etc.

In Russia, the analogue of Indian boards with nails are various prickly applicators, such as the Kuznetsov, Lyapko applicator, etc. These applicators have long been approved by modern medicine and are widely used in various rehabilitation centers. They are mainly used to restore high performance of people in various conditions, increase body tone, improve blood circulation and have proven themselves very well in relieving stress and restoring sleep. They also increase efficiency and improve speed of thinking. Of course, they have a positive effect on health, but they cannot replace a board with nails. To restore health, a board with nails is an almost ideal device.

Source: “Yoga of the Twice Born” N. Nord, E. Slogodsky

The Way of the Yogi, or Why You Need to Stand on Nails

Eight hours, three minutes and thirty-three seconds - that’s how long yogi Georgy Gorgiladze stood on nails, setting a world record for the fourth time and getting into the Russian Book of Records.

I’m waiting for Georgiy for an interview and thinking that it would be incredibly difficult for me to just stand for 8 hours without moving, and then there are the nails.

It’s difficult to look at the photographs and especially the videos on George’s website without shuddering. The young man, fragile at first glance, not only stands on huge sharp nails, but also walks and jumps on broken glass, and an assistant from a height of a couple of meters throws a huge dagger into his stomach...

Get healthy and conquer your own consciousness

– Georgy, why do you need all this?

– Actually, the answer is simple. I do this simply because it interests me. I have always wondered where the border between reality and fiction is, what a person is really capable of. I am faced with the task of conquering my inner world, my own consciousness.

In the East, since ancient times, masters and teachers trained their minds and bodies, trying to achieve perfection, and shared their wisdom with their students. Now society spends more time on consumption than on its own improvement.

– How did it happen that you became interested in Eastern teachings?

– As a child, I was often sick, I was in hospitals, where I had to eat handfuls of medicine, and at school I was always exempt from physical education. I really didn’t like it, I wanted to change everything somehow.

At the age of 12, just in the hospital, I met a doctor who used Eastern techniques: acupuncture and acupressure - influencing certain points that affect the functioning of the body. From that time on, I began to be interested in eastern techniques, yoga, eastern sages and philosophy.

After 2 years, I was no longer sick, and after the examinations the doctors were still unable to understand what had happened.

If we compare Western and Eastern medicine, Western medicine tries to cure the consequence of a disease, while Eastern medicine finds the cause of the disease and cures the person as a whole.

– You started working out for the sake of your health, but the achievements that you are demonstrating now are more like professional sports, which, as you know, are more likely to harm your health...

– This is true, injuries are not uncommon in professional sports, and in my case there is also the possibility of serious injuries, despite the fact that yoga and qigong are health-improving practices.

In order to stand on nails for a long time, you need to have good control of your body and mind, otherwise you can damage your feet, you may have heart problems, nervous system and spine.

In general, safety depends on knowledge, technique, and the ability to control your thoughts and body. There are many active points on the feet, and when exposed to them, the functioning of the internal organs and breathing changes. It is important to know anatomy in order to clearly control the body and understand what is happening.

Such a different yoga

“Even 20 years ago, when you heard the word “yogi,” you imagined just such a person—lying on nails. Nowadays this word is associated more with a fitness club. Is this some kind of different yoga?

– Now yoga is really popular all over the world, but it is different from the yoga that is practiced in the East. In the East, yoga is a real teaching, a way of life for people. The main emphasis is on comprehensive work over your body and mind - thinking, emotions, breathing, body, actions.

In the West, yoga focuses on exercise (hatha yoga). Often people forget the main principle of yoga - constant work on oneself, not only physical, as in a fitness club, but also intellectual.

– You are talking about yoga and qigong. What is the difference between these directions?

– In qigong, great emphasis is placed on managing the energy in your own body through breathing, movement and state of consciousness. “He who controls the breath controls the body and life,” says ancient Eastern wisdom.

– Working on the body and mind necessarily implies records like yours?

- Not certainly in that way. In yoga there is such a concept - “siddhis”, in our opinion - “supernatural powers”, “superhuman powers”, “the ability to perform miracles”. In fact, these are the abilities that arise as a result of practicing yoga as some “ by-effect».

Walking on coals, on broken glass, lying or standing on nails is only the smallest part of physical abilities. I’ll say more, every person is capable of this, you don’t even have to do yoga for this.

But in order to really accomplish something amazing and unique, you need to constantly study, train, and work on yourself in all directions. This also includes abilities such as levitation, mind reading, absolute control own body and mind, healing diseases with touch, materializing thoughts, etc. This is the highest manifestation, which people have always strived to achieve, but practically unsuccessfully, with rare exceptions.

– How do Eastern practices change a person?

– If a person practices yoga, doing not only exercises, but also trying to improve all 8 steps of yoga, then first of all the person’s attitude towards himself, towards the world around him and towards the actions he performs changes.

For example, few people know that the first two stages of yoga, Yama and Niyama, not only correspond to the 10 commandments from the Bible, but also open A New Look on a person’s attitude towards himself and others. The third step, Asana, strengthens health, and the fourth, Pranayama, fills with energy and opens up new strength in a person.

What do record holders do?

– Tell me what your current training system is.

– I devote time to training every day. If I train at home, then 30 minutes, if outside, then 1-2 hours. The training includes working the muscles, spine, joints, I do exercises on the uneven bars, on the horizontal bar, and I love the jump rope. Every day, since I was 12 years old, I have been doing different breathing exercises. The training includes reading various thematic materials and books. From time to time I practice Thai boxing at the club.

– Are there special exercises with which you prepare for your tricks?

– In qigong there is a direction “Hard Qigong”, which includes exercises “Iron Shirt”, “Diamond Fingers” and the like. These are special techniques that develop physical superpowers that make the body strong and strong like a rock.

– When performing a trick, what is most important?

– Working with consciousness and thoughts is very important. The main thing is not to think that there are still 8 hours ahead without food, water and toilet; it is important to concentrate on your “I” and understand that your “I” is in a material shell, in the body. It is also important to monitor your breathing, it should be calm, light, slow, our breathing is a “bridge” between the inner world and the outer world.

– What kind of reaction do you get after your stunt performances?

– In fact, I also do this because people are interested in it. At one time, many letters came from the USA, Europe, China, and everyone was interested and supportive. Already now people all over the world are trying to do my strength and endurance tricks, trying to stand on a board with nails. There is even a sale of such boards. And I, of course, am glad that, based on my example, people are beginning to lead healthy image life, exercise, work on your body and mind.

  1. Many clubs teach exercises and meditation, but separately, not comprehensively. It is very important to teach Eastern practices holistically, referring to the anatomy of the human body. Try to find just such activities.
  2. Remember about important rule yoga - “Do the exercise so that it is comfortable and enjoyable.” Take your time, gradually even the most complex exercises will become simple.
  3. You can start at any age. No matter how old a person is, 15, 40 or 75, the result will always be positive.
  4. The main thing I would like to wish to beginners is to study with interest and desire, because without this there will be no results.

Standing on nails

Standing on nails for 5 minutes in the morning is more invigorating than a cup of coffee or a morning jog. I first tried this practice at a yoga festival, after which the signs of lack of sleep and headache immediately disappeared. I immediately found a “nail master” and ordered such a board.

Well forgotten old Surely you have seen a picture from Soviet times, where a yogi sits or sleeps at ease on a board with nails. There was even a common opinion that real yogis sleep this way.

This exotic and impressive practice was then reflected in the invention of A.I. Kuznetsov, known as the “Kuznetsov applicator” (see also the article “Miracle Shakti-mat”).

Ivan Kuznetsov was not a doctor, but he tried to cure a disease against which traditional medicine was powerless. He studied works on oriental medicine and designed a device with many prickly plastic needles.

Nowadays the Lyapko applicator, consisting of needles of various metals, is also popular.

But even these wonderful inventions cannot be compared with the real “sadhu board” in terms of their impact.

Nail stand, board of holy yogis, board of Sadhu, board of Rishi... you can find different names for this item for deep ascetic yogic practices. I searched for a long time for information about how the practice arose, who first described and applied it, but I never found a comprehensive answer. However, nailing, coupled with walking on broken glass and coals, is becoming a fairly common practice in Russia.

There are entire schools that popularize this direction, the coordinates of which can be found on the Internet or found at yoga festivals, seminars and other events.

Why do yogis need nails?

Those who walk barefoot on any surface all year round, like yogis, constantly influence the surface of the feet, reducing the pain threshold and activating reflexogenic points. We, ordinary city dwellers, even walk along the pebble beach in flip-flops - our feet have become so sensitive and painful.

Numbness of the feet, decreased mobility of the toes, growing bunions - this is our price for constantly wearing shoes.

Many have experienced first-hand the amazing effect of nailing. Any reflexologist will give a reasonable explanation: on our foot there are a large number of biologically active points associated with internal organs, the effect on these points has a strong tonic effect and stimulates the functioning of all body systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, hormonal, etc.

But it’s not just about biologically active points, the existence of which is still questioned by official medicine. The impact of sharp nails causes quite noticeable pain (irritation), in response to which the body produces protective reactions - increased blood flow, anti-inflammatory functions, improved blood supply to internal organs, including the brain, the work of the hormonal and immune systems and others is activated.

As a result, these protective reactions help fight the real disease, and also “harden” the body, preparing it for possible unfavorable environmental conditions.

As for the analgesic effect of props (as in the case of my headache during the first experiment), then the principle of homeopathy comes into force - “treat like with like.” Back pain, headache, dental pain, etc. create a so-called “focus of excitation” in the brain, and now we can no longer think about anything else except about the diseased organ.

When you completely transfer your body weight onto a mat of nails, in the very first seconds you feel such pain that the temptation is great to jump away immediately. At this moment, try to remember that foci of excitation are capable of competing, that is, by creating a new focus, we reduce the intensity of the first.

An additional bonus regular exercise with the board it will help correct weight, for those who are constantly losing weight, reduce the necessary time for sleep and recovery, and increase performance. This is just a consequence of the powerful healing effects on the body.

Further work or meditation

It will take time to learn how to stand on the board for several minutes. Even if you can only withstand 20-30 seconds, this is very good, but you will feel the real benefits of practice after several weeks of training. The mechanisms described above begin to work after 1-2 minutes of standing, when the initial shock disappears and you begin to relax and get used to the pain.

I set the timer for 5 minutes, because I feel like time flows completely differently during practice and I’m always surprised when the timer starts beeping, because after 3-4 minutes the pain goes away completely and there is greater clarity of thinking and concentration than usual.

What to do next is your choice: someone meditates, someone practices the absence of thoughts, works on strengthening will and concentration. I play beautiful music or sing mantras. Some work with sankalpa (desire-intention), sending their request to the Universe, and this is also associated with increased concentration and the absence of unnecessary thoughts in the head.

If you decide to work in this way, then I think it is necessary to remind you that the intention must be pure, positive, aimed at the benefit of sentient beings. If you concentrate on the negative, wish harm to another, then the energy of this desire on the board will increase significantly and will ricochet harm you personally.

Remember the moral side of yoga practice - the observance of the principles of yama and niyama. So it is not surprising that a board with nails is called a yoga board: as a result of practice, the physical is transformed into the spiritual, comprehensive development of the personality and strengthening of the spirit occurs.

There may be a desire for such spontaneous actions as laughter, tears, screaming - this is how suppressed, deeply hidden emotions break out. Spontaneous hand movements, deep even breaths, relaxation of muscle tension - all this dissolves the blocks of our consciousness, destroys stable old stereotypes, which is why it becomes possible to work with your intention.

Nailing: tips for beginners nailing

Order the board from a specialist, that is, a person who has made at least several successful copies. The nails should be smooth, without jagged edges, inserted into the drilled holes at intervals of 1 cm and in a checkerboard pattern. The nails are placed vertically, never at an angle.

Prepare the area so that you can lean on something, or, for example, hold on to a bar to gradually increase the pressure.

Start with real time for you, without scolding yourself and without giving up practice, even if you can’t hold out for long.

Gradually, each time, increase the standing time by 10-20 seconds. Relax, calmly breathe deeply, try not to think about anything.

After the session, carefully step off the board and sit on a prepared mat or chair and allow your feet to recover.

Standing on nails for 5 minutes in the morning is more invigorating than a cup of coffee or a morning jog.


I first tried this practice at a yoga festival, after which the signs of lack of sleep and headache immediately disappeared.

I immediately found a “nail master” and ordered such a board.

Well forgotten old

Surely you have seen a picture from Soviet times, where a yogi sits or sleeps casually on a board with nails. There was even a common opinion that real yogis sleep this way.

This exotic and impressive practice was then reflected in the invention of A.I. Kuznetsov, known as the “Kuznetsov applicator”.

Ivan Kuznetsov was not a doctor, but he tried to cure a disease against which traditional medicine was powerless. He studied works on oriental medicine and designed a device with many prickly plastic needles.

Nowadays the Lyapko applicator, consisting of needles of various metals, is also popular.

But even these wonderful inventions cannot be compared with the real “sadhu board” in terms of their impact.

Nail stand, board of holy yogis, board of Sadhu, board of Rishi... you can find different names for this item for deep ascetic yogic practices. I searched for a long time for information about how the practice arose, who first described and applied it, but I never found a comprehensive answer. However, nailing, coupled with walking on broken glass and coals, is becoming a fairly common practice in Russia.

There are entire schools that popularize this direction, the coordinates of which can be found on the Internet or found at yoga festivals, seminars and other events.

Why do yogis need nails?

Those who walk barefoot on any surface all year round, like yogis, constantly influence the surface of the feet, reducing the pain threshold and activating reflexogenic points. We, ordinary city dwellers, even walk along the pebble beach in flip-flops - our feet have become so sensitive and painful.

Numbness of the feet, decreased mobility of the toes, and growing bunions are our price for constantly wearing shoes.

Many have experienced first-hand the amazing effect of nailing. Any reflexologist will give a reasonable explanation: on our foot there are a large number of biologically active points associated with internal organs, the effect on these points has a strong tonic effect and stimulates the functioning of all body systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, hormonal, etc.

But it’s not just about biologically active points, the existence of which is still questioned by official medicine. Exposure to sharp nails causes quite noticeable pain (irritation), in response to which the body produces protective reactions - increased blood flow, anti-inflammatory functions, improved blood supply to internal organs, including the brain, activated hormonal and immune systems, and others.

As a result, these protective reactions help fight the real disease, and also “harden” the body, preparing it for possible unfavorable environmental conditions.

As for the analgesic effect of props (as in the case of my headache during the first experiment), then the principle of homeopathy comes into force - “treat like with like.” Back pain, headache, dental pain, etc. create a so-called “focus of excitation” in the brain, and now we can no longer think about anything else except about the diseased organ.

When you completely transfer your body weight onto a mat of nails, in the very first seconds you feel such pain that the temptation is great to jump away immediately. At this moment, try to remember that foci of excitation are capable of competing, that is, by creating a new focus, we reduce the intensity of the first.

An additional bonus of regular exercises with a board will be weight correction, for those who are constantly losing weight, reducing the necessary time for sleep and recovery, and increasing performance. This is just a consequence of the powerful healing effects on the body.

Further work or meditation

It will take time to learn how to stand on the board for several minutes. Even if you can only withstand 20-30 seconds, this is very good, but you will feel the real benefits of practice after several weeks of training. The mechanisms described above begin to work after 1-2 minutes of standing, when the initial shock disappears and you begin to relax and get used to the pain.

I set the timer for 5 minutes, because I feel like time flows completely differently during practice and I’m always surprised when the timer starts beeping, because after 3-4 minutes the pain goes away completely and there is greater clarity of thinking and concentration than usual.

What to do next is your choice: someone meditates, someone practices the absence of thoughts, works on strengthening will and concentration. I play beautiful music or sing mantras. Some work with sankalpa (desire-intention), sending their request to the Universe, and this is also associated with increased concentration and the absence of unnecessary thoughts in the head.

If you decide to work in this way, then I think it is necessary to remind you that the intention must be pure, positive, aimed at the benefit of sentient beings. If you concentrate on the negative, wish harm to another, then the energy of this desire on the board will increase significantly and will ricochet harm you personally.

Remember the moral side of yoga practice - observing the principles of yama and niyama. So it is not surprising that a board with nails is called a yoga board: as a result of practice, the physical is transformed into the spiritual, comprehensive development of the personality and strengthening of the spirit occurs.

There may be a desire for such spontaneous actions as laughter, tears, screaming - this is how suppressed, deeply hidden emotions break out. Spontaneous hand movements, deep even breaths, relaxation of muscle tension - all this dissolves the blocks of our consciousness, destroys stable old stereotypes, which is why it becomes possible to work with your intention.

Nailing: tips for beginners nailing

Finally, I will give some recommendations for those who want to get their own “sadhu board” and include nailing in their daily diet.

Order the board from a specialist, that is, a person who has made at least several successful copies. The nails should be smooth, without jagged edges, inserted into the drilled holes at intervals of 1 cm and in a checkerboard pattern. The nails are placed vertically, never at an angle.

Prepare the area so that you can lean on something, or, for example, hold on to a bar to gradually increase the pressure.

Start with real time for you, without scolding yourself and without giving up practice, even if you can’t hold out for long.

Gradually, each time, increase the standing time by 10-20 seconds. Relax, calmly breathe deeply, try not to think about anything.

After the session, carefully step off the board and sit on a prepared mat or chair and allow your feet to recover.

How to make a board with nails with your own hands, where to buy a ready-made one, how to use it, benefits: .

“Nail therapy and nail magic!” we say.
" Madness! Why is this necessary?!" - avid nail lovers ask themselves every time. - And they answer: "Why not? Nails are a pleasure! :)"

Standing and lying on nails is an ancient yogic practice that allows you not only to overcome the fear that constrains the entire body from the sight of a board strewn with sharp nails, but ultimately to expand psychological freedom and gain a state of deep calm and confidence.

In addition, the practice is aimed at overcoming blocks, clamps in the body and the pain threshold. When complete relaxation is achieved, pain leaves the body, and hidden reserves of energy are activated - the energy of bliss.

It is worth understanding: pain is an Idea.We can make ourselves unhappy, or we can make ourselves happy. Both require the same effort (c)


The flow of energy is crazy on nails. Firstly, you are hanging incomprehensibly where, you are not standing on the ground - you are hanging in the void, on fiery jets piercing you! And there is a flight of crazy power. And everything is filled, filled with light. This gives such strength! Gives great strength to live! And with this flow you go out into the street - and everything is in it! You meet a person - and he is all in this aura, glowing! And everything works out as it should.

It all started 2.5 years ago at a festival in Zvenigorod. Our yoga instructor - this is a completely different instructor - gave me a board with nails - “You have to stand on it, the coolest of all yogis.” I look at the board and understand that I have sailed... But everyone has already stood, and I can’t help but stand now that everyone has stood! But I do not want! Since childhood, I couldn’t stand pain at all! I stood on my nails and counted to 60. In just 10 seconds...ahh!!! And everyone is watching! Up to 60 with all your strength! Jumped off, that's it! But Flow - yeah.... It's such an indescribable feeling! The main thing is that then everything calms down! If your mind doesn’t immediately drive you away with some thoughts...

Fear of pain is the lever by which the Ego pulls you, controls you. There are only 2 levers - the desire to receive pleasure and the fear of suffering. Both pleasure and fear are invented, they are not objective. Some sensations are called pleasures, let’s get these, but we don’t need these. What we run after runs away from us, what we run from runs after us. Fear follows us all the time.

At the seminar, many people’s energy awakens at once. I stood on the nails for 10 minutes - and that’s all: the rise of kundalini, and the strongest vibrations, and orgasms. And there is magic in this - especially the first time. This is a super victory, liberation - “Wow, wow, that means all my life my mind has been tricking me that there is some kind of pain!” Something clicks in my head...

And you’re already thinking - let’s go stand on the nails. For example, if you have a loss of strength or a runny nose, you need to get treatment and stand on nails. Nails are a panacea. Something is wrong - let's go to the nails.

You have to stand until the desire to get off them stops. When the mind stops attacking. The mind becomes quiet. Some sensations remain that cannot even be called pain. And they still make me sick!

Standing on nails for 5 minutes in the morning is more invigorating than a cup of coffee or a morning jog. I first tried this practice at a yoga festival, after which the signs of lack of sleep and headache immediately disappeared. I immediately found a “nail master” and ordered such a board.

Well forgotten old Surely you have seen a picture from Soviet times, where a yogi sits or sleeps at ease on a board with nails. There was even a common opinion that real yogis sleep this way.

This exotic and impressive practice was then reflected in the invention of A.I. Kuznetsov, known as the “Kuznetsov applicator” (see also the article “Miracle Shakti-mat”).

Ivan Kuznetsov was not a doctor, but he tried to cure a disease against which traditional medicine was powerless. He studied works on oriental medicine and designed a device with many prickly plastic needles.

Nowadays the Lyapko applicator, consisting of needles of various metals, is also popular.

But even these wonderful inventions cannot be compared with the real “sadhu board” in terms of their impact.

Nail stand, board of holy yogis, board of Sadhu, board of Rishi... you can find different names for this item for deep ascetic yogic practices. I searched for a long time for information about how the practice arose, who first described and applied it, but I never found a comprehensive answer. However, nailing, coupled with walking on broken glass and coals, is becoming a fairly common practice in Russia.

There are entire schools that popularize this direction, the coordinates of which can be found on the Internet or found at yoga festivals, seminars and other events.

Why do yogis need nails?

Those who walk barefoot on any surface all year round, like yogis, constantly influence the surface of the feet, reducing the pain threshold and activating reflexogenic points. We, ordinary city dwellers, even walk along the pebble beach in flip-flops - our feet have become so sensitive and painful.

Numbness of the feet, decreased mobility of the toes, growing bunions - this is our price for constantly wearing shoes.

Many have experienced first-hand the amazing effect of nailing. Any reflexologist will give a reasonable explanation: on our foot there are a large number of biologically active points associated with internal organs, the effect on these points has a strong tonic effect and stimulates the functioning of all body systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, hormonal, etc.

But it’s not just about biologically active points, the existence of which is still questioned by official medicine. The impact of sharp nails causes quite noticeable pain (irritation), in response to which the body produces protective reactions - increased blood flow, anti-inflammatory functions, improved blood supply to internal organs, including the brain, the work of the hormonal and immune systems and others is activated.

As a result, these protective reactions help fight the real disease, and also “harden” the body, preparing it for possible unfavorable environmental conditions.

As for the analgesic effect of props (as in the case of my headache during the first experiment), then the principle of homeopathy comes into force - “treat like with like.” Back pain, headache, dental pain, etc. create a so-called “focus of excitation” in the brain, and now we can no longer think about anything else except about the diseased organ.

When you completely transfer your body weight onto a mat of nails, in the very first seconds you feel such pain that the temptation is great to jump away immediately. At this moment, try to remember that foci of excitation are capable of competing, that is, by creating a new focus, we reduce the intensity of the first.

An additional bonus of regular exercises with a board will be weight correction for those who are constantly losing weight, reducing the necessary time for sleep and recovery, and increasing performance. This is just a consequence of the powerful healing effects on the body.

Further work or meditation

It will take time to learn how to stand on the board for several minutes. Even if you can only withstand 20-30 seconds, this is very good, but you will feel the real benefits of practice after several weeks of training. The mechanisms described above begin to work after 1-2 minutes of standing, when the initial shock disappears and you begin to relax and get used to the pain.

I set the timer for 5 minutes, because I feel like time flows completely differently during practice and I’m always surprised when the timer starts beeping, because after 3-4 minutes the pain goes away completely and there is greater clarity of thinking and concentration than usual.

What to do next is your choice: someone meditates, someone practices the absence of thoughts, works on strengthening will and concentration. I play beautiful music or sing mantras. Some work with sankalpa (desire-intention), sending their request to the Universe, and this is also associated with increased concentration and the absence of unnecessary thoughts in the head.

If you decide to work in this way, then I think it is necessary to remind you that the intention must be pure, positive, aimed at the benefit of sentient beings. If you concentrate on the negative, wish harm to another, then the energy of this desire on the board will increase significantly and will ricochet harm you personally.

Remember the moral side of yoga practice - the observance of the principles of yama and niyama. So it is not surprising that a board with nails is called a yoga board: as a result of practice, the physical is transformed into the spiritual, comprehensive development of the personality and strengthening of the spirit occurs.

There may be a desire for such spontaneous actions as laughter, tears, screaming - this is how suppressed, deeply hidden emotions break out. Spontaneous hand movements, deep even breaths, relaxation of muscle tension - all this dissolves the blocks of our consciousness, destroys stable old stereotypes, which is why it becomes possible to work with your intention.

Nailing: tips for beginners nailing

Order the board from a specialist, that is, a person who has made at least several successful copies. The nails should be smooth, without jagged edges, inserted into the drilled holes at intervals of 1 cm and in a checkerboard pattern. The nails are placed vertically, never at an angle.

Prepare the area so that you can lean on something, or, for example, hold on to a bar to gradually increase the pressure.

Start with real time for you, without scolding yourself and without giving up practice, even if you can’t hold out for long.

Gradually, each time, increase the standing time by 10-20 seconds. Relax, calmly breathe deeply, try not to think about anything.

After the session, carefully step off the board and sit on a prepared mat or chair and allow your feet to recover.

“After a person has once overcome the border of his reality, no borders exist for him anymore, except perhaps the memories that they existed.” Max Fry.
“Nothing worse than the prison of your head will ever happen to you.” Polozkova Vera.

The board with nails is also called “Board of Sadhus” and “Board of holy yogis”. With yogis everything is clear, you can’t understand them with your mind, but why should a modern person, who has never been a yogi, stand on nails?
I know seven fairly compelling arguments to do this.

The practice of standing on nails has two aspects. External- this is the technique itself, how it looks from the outside. Interior the content aspect, your meanings and motivation with which you do it. 10 people who stand on nails with different motivations will get 10 different results.

So what could be the reasons?

  • Health.

It's good for the body. Muscle blocks are removed, the body is rejuvenated, and metabolic processes. All kinds of analogues of nails are used in reflexology, because... The projection of the whole organism is located on the feet; stimulation of this zone has a beneficial effect on all systems.

  • Increased level of awareness.

A date with one total and uncompromising “here and now”. If we knew how much waking time we spend in a trance of habits and automatisms, we would be very surprised. And they got scared. A lot of. Work-home-work. Thoughts about the past, thoughts about the future.
Often, we are like a tram, put on rails and going “neither from east to west, nor to the south... but in a circle, in a circle, in a circle...” And this is not bad. On the one side. This is how consciousness saves us energy and attention span. We don't have to adapt to the same thing every time. But it’s sad when our everyday trance becomes our limiter, and we are completely unable to turn our tram around and move off the rails to pave new route.

Nails are very sobering from trance, because this is an extraordinary event, we do not have prepared reaction algorithms. Thinking about the past and future on nails is extremely difficult. Acute pain removes all trances, because the animal part of us perceives what is happening as a threat to life. Welcome to now.

  • Study.

In the "Universe of Bliss" nails are called "egometer", and this is truly so! This is a great way to get to know your strategies that are preventing you from achieving your goals and finishing what you started.

Consciousness in a stressful situation brings out all its pathological clichés, and you can look at them, realize them and not allow yourself to be controlled. The inner voice will “trick” you and in every possible way prevent you from standing for 10 minutes on the Sadhu board. He will say that you need to go to the toilet urgently, otherwise you will be embarrassed right here. That you will faint. What makes you sick? Why do you need this, you are not a masochist. That girls are not allowed such austerities, I’d better go wash the floor... etc. The ego manipulates us, but it’s great to stand on nails for 10 minutes and then wash the floors. There is no contradiction here. But trying to pretend to be the weaker sex, for example, can be your limiter, which prevents your world from being large and diverse. I'm a girl... how can I make big money, drive a car and be fearless? Knowing how your ego works is useful, it will help you overcome its resistance and rush into a new way of life. If you want.

  • An exercise in non-judgmental perception.

If you practice Vipassana on nails, then you can quickly get to the bottom of “seeing reality as it is.”
What can simple observation of sensations in the body while standing on nails give? The mind and body are connected, and the practice of observing sensations can help eliminate the illusions that lead to suffering.

Usually we perceive everything through the prism of pleasant/unpleasant/neutral, a thousand labels are hung on the whole world. Who put these labels on? Yes, all and sundry! You yourself, parents, authorities, media... All the pain, all the orgasms and all the happiness are there, in the head. Pain is one of the interpretations of reality. This is the idea. You can and should take back responsibility for interpreting your reality. Who is the boss in your head?

  • An exercise in vicarious perception.

Stand on your nails as if you were Buddha.
There is a theory that on a subtle level we are all connected. And there is an even more daring theory that on a subtle level we are all one. One light poured into different vessels. And our isolation is an illusion. Knowing this, we can assume that we have access to each other’s qualities, talents, and knowledge at any given time.
Stand on nails like Pope and Beard, like Porfiry Ivanov, like Krishna, like... Putin. Touch your soul with whoever you want, and be amazed at how your sensations change. Deliberately expand your corridors of power, be able to look at the world from “different windows”, this is cool.

  • Establishment of the dictatorship of the Spirit.

This is training in the ability to find your inner core. Finding calm in the eye of the storm. Animal nature collides with spiritual nature, and there is an opportunity to make a choice in favor of spiritual nature and survive. Connect with the Eternal Power and go beyond yourself. Track your path to the source of that strength, thanks to which you can do anything, no matter what.

  • Fulfillment of desire.

The most boring point. Is there anyone else who is interested in materializing intention? Get up on the board with your intention and show the universe what you are ready for for this.
Using asceticism for materialization is a common practice, and for those who are too lazy to take tedious asceticism for a month, it is an excellent effective express method. The only downside is that the focus on the nails will be your true desire, and not what you think you want. And it will come true. And you will have to take responsibility for it.

Of course, there are even more reasons. For example, time management. If you have trouble keeping up, stand on the nails for 10 minutes. Understand how much this is. And remember that you can do everything in 10 minutes! If you need to change your life, you don't need Monday or January 1st, you need the next 10 minutes. This is an eternity.

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