Where to submit a guest post.  What is a guest post and how best to publish guest posts How to come up with a topic

If you still have the question “What is a guest post and what is it for?”, then in this article you will find the answer. Well, in general, today’s post will be dedicated to promoting our blogs using this mysterious technology. You will learn what impact it has on the promotion and promotion of a resource on the network, as well as where to place a guest post (how to find sites) and how to compose it correctly. If you're interested, then let's get started...

What is a guest post

If we talk in simple language, then a guest article is an article written by the author of one site specifically for another; it should not have been published anywhere before. Roughly, it looks like this: you write an article on a certain topic (discuss it with the owner of the donor site) and publish it on someone else’s website with links to the author (your blog, portal, online store, forum, and so on). In this format, you act as an author on someone else’s resource. This concept is also called guest blogging or posting.

The impact of a guest post on promotion and promotion

External links

They control the Internet. If you want to gain credibility with search engines, raise your site in search results, and increase your ranking (TIC, PR), then guest posting is the highest quality free way to increase the number of external links.

Traffic source

A guest post can provide the most important thing – targeted visitors. Promoted thematic blogs and portals have a large, well-fed audience, part of which can become yours. Transitions, readers, subscribers, commentators - and this is the soul and life of the blog, and in the future, a source of income. Since people follow links from the article, they are already familiar with you, bounce rate and others.


As marketing research shows, it is enough to look at one logo or name (non-standard name) 5–10 times for it to be fixed in a person’s memory. If you are engaged in guest posting, then you should do it on various platforms. The more often you do this, the more likely it is that your brand will be remembered.

After reading these paragraphs, you might be wondering, “What will be the benefit for blog owners who publish a guest post?” Everything is very simple. They receive interesting, unique and optimized content for key queries completely free of charge.

How to Find Sites That Accept Guest Posts

If you decide to post a guest post on someone else’s resource, then first of all you need to look for sites on similar topics that accept guest articles in order to get not only thematic links that search engines will consider natural, but also interested subscribers. There are two tactics for finding such sites.

Search engines

Whether it is Yandex, Google or Bing c Mail, you need to enter the following phrases in turn in the search bar of these systems (then come up with your own similar ones):

  • I accept guest posts;
  • I publish guest articles;
  • I post guest articles;
  • I will publish a guest post;
  • etc.

Go to these resources and familiarize yourself with the rules.

Contact the author

Search for reputable and well-known authors who blog on similar topics and ask them whether they are interested in your guest post or not. This method will take you more time, but the effect will be much greater, since they can publish your article exclusively. On top of all this, you can form friendships that are just as important online as they are in real life.

I hope that what we talked about above is clear, it remains to look at the last question, in which I will share with you some tips in which I will tell you how to make a guest post so that it is accepted and placed on someone else’s blog.

  • Content. I already said a little higher, now I’ll repeat it again. Remember that the guest post must contain unique, interesting and optimized text for key queries. In addition to all this, it should contain a minimum of water and a maximum of specifics. You can discuss the topic in advance with the owner of the site (maybe he will suggest an option to you).
  • . If allowed, leave a link to your blog at the top of the article; it is best if it is surrounded by keywords or phrases, and has a writing style that encourages the transition. This will make her look natural.
  • Area. It is not recommended to post a guest post just anywhere. Take a close look at the site - evaluate the audience, attendance, number of comments, familiarize yourself with the author’s writing style (jargon, curse words, appeals, chewing on the topic), check if it is under the filters and only after that post your material.
  • Subscribers. If, after posting a guest post, you are counting not only on traffic, but also on such a golden fund as subscribers, then you should place a subscription to the RSS feed in the body of the article. Make it more attractive so that interested readers don't have to bother searching for it.

Do you want to do external content marketing, but don’t yet know in which media you can publish your brilliant articles? We did the initial selection for you. The best media open for publishing guest materials are in our selection.

For many, when they hear the word “media”, an image of traditional media comes to mind, from which an abyss separates mere mortals, and which is considered difficult to get into with publication. Actually, to think like that means to be deeply mistaken, but that’s not the point now.

Let’s talk better about the fact that it’s time to broaden your horizons and pay attention to the so-called new media, which are shaping the market today: niche media, corporate blogs. All of these are resources where you could post your articles, and completely free of charge.

Just keep in mind that while paper will endure everything, external content marketing will not. You will have to prepare really high-quality content. But the result is worth it.

We strongly recommend that before contacting the editors with your undoubtedly outstanding ideas and articles, you familiarize yourself with the rules of publication and requirements for texts. Everyone has them in one form or another. You will save time and nerves, and also understand in advance what is expected of you, and you will be able to assess whether you have something to offer this particular resource.

So, let's go.

Media outlets where you can post an article yourself


The former site “Zuckerberg will call” is included in the Publishing House “Committee”, as is the second resource from our selection. As they write about themselves, “the largest platform in RuNet for entrepreneurs of the new generation. We write about startups, growing businesses, new earning models, extraordinary heroes from around the world, and growth technologies."

Since last year he has been actively using UGC. There is a section “Blogs”, where anyone can start their own blog and publish materials. The Vc editors display the best of them on the main page of the resource. The most resonant publications receive thousands of views and hundreds of comments.

Instructions from the site's editor-in-chief Konstantin Panfilov will help you.

There are periodic publication competitions that are worth keeping an eye on. For example, there is now a competition for the best interview with an entrepreneur, which will last until June 15. You interview any entrepreneur, post it on blogs, get a publication and, perhaps, a prize if you win the competition.

2. TJournal

Attendance - 8.9 million.

A technological publication about internet heroes, social networks, blogs and gadgets.

Just like on Vc, there is a “Blogs” section. Access to it is paid, but the amount is symbolic - 75 rubles per month. Start a blog and post publications. Views and comments depend on whether you hit the nerve of the audience. Everything is as usual.

3. Spark

Attendance - 845 thousand.

A blog platform for communication of small businesses from the technology segment.

At one time, the site was somewhat deflated - no one was promoting it, and as a result, the authors who kept their blogs here gradually abandoned them. But in November 2018, the Publishing House “Committee” sold the resource to the software developer “Intelligent Cloud Solutions”. A new team was hired for the project, and now Spark is slowly being revived, the authors are returning. We at Pressfeed, for example, also launched our blog here.

Media looking for expert writers

5. Rusbase

Attendance - 2.9 million.

Here's what they write about themselves: “Our audience is entrepreneurs who are developing a business using new technologies or are just thinking about launching a project, as well as those who are looking for potential for their growth within the company.”

Content should be sent to UGC editor Polina Konstantinova. To begin with, you can and should get acquainted with the rules for columnists, as well as look at examples of good author’s columns from the editorial point of view.

6. Cossa

Attendance - 865 thousand.

Industry publication about marketing and communications in the digital field.

We provide a separate excerpt from the article, since everything said here can be applied to publication on almost any resource:

“Cossa can be used to promote your company without paying any money. You can publish here interesting article mentioning your company, and a lot of people will read this article.

The bad news is that most PR people can't do it.

You only need to fulfill two conditions. But this is precisely where most PR people cut themselves.

Condition one: the article must be useful. Contain useful information and/or awaken thought, encourage reflection.

Condition two: the article must be written in simple, understandable and easy language.”

7. Executive

Attendance - 760 thousand.

A publication that was initially aimed at those interested in education, career growth, and the HR industry. Now this is a community of managers who communicate on various topics related to management, marketing, finance, business education, personnel management, etc.

To publish an article, you first need to join the community. Requirements for publication are in the article by editor-in-chief Andrey Semerkin “How to prepare publications for Executive.ru”. There is also a business case format where you describe a problem your company is facing and present it to the community for discussion. That is, you turn to the collective mind for help. Rules for publishing a business case - .


Attendance - 530 thousand.

An industry publication dedicated to search engine promotion and making money on the Internet.

10. "Business World"

Attendance - 340 thousand.

A publication about management, marketing, finance, personnel management, and career.

Publishing rules and many potential ideas for articles -.

11. “Invest Foresight”

Attendance - 280 thousand.

Magazine about investments, innovations and finance. They write about themselves: “The publication covers promising areas of investment, “advanced” startups, financial technologies and the latest trends in the financial market.”

12. Retail.ru

Attendance - 220 thousand.

As the name suggests, everything is about retail and for retail.

You can register on the site and post press releases yourself in the hope that someone will read them. But it’s better to contact the editors and offer an interesting article on the topic of the resource. This can be done.

13. Biz360

Attendance - 180 thousand.

Business portal about small businesses, owned by the 1C company.

As they say about themselves, “we see our mission as creating high-quality content for entrepreneurs and managers of small businesses about effective entrepreneurial and management practices, know-how and promising business ideas, additional growth points and new technologies; We also consider the important objectives of the project to be the popularization of entrepreneurship as an important social institution and the creation of a platform for the exchange of experience and communication on topics important to the community.”

17. Unisender

Attendance - 800 thousand (data for the main site).

A blog for an email and SMS marketing service, so the topic is generally clear.

Among the authors are email marketers, copywriters, journalists, and businessmen. If you also want to join them, write to the chief editor of the blog, Alexander Saraev.


Attendance - 70 thousand.

Well, where would we be without the cozy blog of our journalistic query service Pressfeed.

We are interested in everything about communications in general and PR in particular, content marketing and journalism. If you know how to promote your company and you have something to tell people, then welcome. Apart from us, by the way, there are almost no niche media that focus on the PR industry on the RuNet. And in terms of audience size, we are the first in this segment.

As for the publication rules, they are simple - fewer opinions a la “akynstvo”, more “case-based” and “take it and do it” benefits. That is, a practice that you can read about and then apply to yourself here and now.

Hi all! As of the publication date of this article, I will officially begin accepting guest posts on my blog. I myself know first-hand how difficult it is to promote a young blog, especially in the field of SEO or webmastering in general. And when it comes to building quality link mass, a problem immediately arises. Almost no webmaster wants to link to other people's blogs, especially if it is a blog on the same topic. But everyone wants everyone to link to their blog. (bitter truth).

But this is not fair. Analyzing the top blogs on my topic, I noticed that they are all intertwined with links in one way or another. But! These blogs are in most cases abandoned, judging by the dates of the last posts and comments on them. But what about young blogs? How to get a link from a resource close to the topic of a young blog? That's right - Guest post!

I won’t even listen to my comrades who will claim that guest posting on blogs is extinct. (Yep, so does SEO!). And as soon as it comes to the link mass, everyone unanimously argues that it is better to have one link from a thematic resource than a hundred links from God knows where. And I agree with this opinion completely. Therefore, I decided to organize on my blog an opportunity for young bloggers to leave a link to their site for free. To do this, you will need to work a little, namely: Write an interesting article.

You may ask - How then does your offer differ from offers from top blogs? And I will answer: Top webmasters often require articles that are about professionalism even higher than the owner himself and his content. They find fault with absolute little things, but in the end, it’s easier for you to pay him to either write it himself or simply put a link to your blog. And it won't cost very much. But we don’t want to pay!

How and where to write guest posts?

I understand perfectly well that novice bloggers and webmasters do not have super skills and vast experience to make a mega-useful summary or even a manual. However, you need to understand that the article you write should not only be informative, but also interesting for the reader. And in order for the link to be useful, you need to show that you write interesting and useful articles on your blog. Only then will your guest post be useful to you. And the usefulness of your material and its interestingness will be judged by this guest post. Therefore, set yourself up from the very beginning that you need to write not just another post, but to prove yourself. And for this, you will have to spend some time to make this guest post interesting.

Here are a few rules to help you write a productive guest post that will lead to referrals to your website or blog.

5 Rules for Successful Guest Posting:

  1. Write the way you write on your blog. That is, if you spend 3 hours collecting information and preparing text for your blog, then you need to carefully prepare for a guest post. Not to sketch out a footcloth in 15 minutes, but to create really interesting content, like for your website.
  2. Do not search for information on the Internet to register it. This is no longer interesting to anyone, and by doing this, you will only waste your time and will not achieve the desired result. And the owner of the blog on which you want to publish can easily check this and refuse your offer.
  3. Personal experience is very welcome. It may not be huge, but it is yours, your own. Visitors to the blog on which you publish will see that you are doing something of your own and will definitely follow the link to look at your creation.
  4. The length of the text is very important. If earlier it was possible to promote without problems with articles of 1000–2000 characters, now so-called longreads are especially valued. The better you reveal the topic of the article and answer the greater number of questions, the better it will rank. Here you and the blog owner both benefit.
  5. We need a theme. Topic content both within the article you are writing and the link you want to publish. Do not publish on sites and blogs that are in no way related to your topic. For example: It is not advisable to publish on a site about Windows and the like if you have a blog about making money on the Internet or SEO promotion. Some people think that these are related topics (well, they seem to be both about IT...), but in fact, these are completely different topics and completely different audiences.

To summarize:

To achieve maximum impact from a guest post, you should understand at least a little about the topic you are writing about and try to back up everything you say with facts from personal experience. Of course, in the first couple of years you may not have this experience. But you should definitely have your own idea about this topic. Otherwise, everything you write will look dry and uninteresting to users.

How to properly submit a guest post.

How you format your guest post will determine how productive it will be for you. After all, in essence, this is an eternal link with your writing style, which can bring visitors to your blog constantly. What does a person need to go to a website using a link? That's right, in most cases, he needs to have an idea about the author and his “direction”. Personally, I follow links from guest posts only when I understand who the author is and what he writes about on his blog. And based on this, I conclude whether his blog will be interesting to me or not. Therefore, below I will give a few points that you need to adhere to when writing a guest post on someone else's blog.

  1. At the very beginning of the article, introduce yourself and tell us what you do. Literally in a few sentences. Don’t get carried away, because the reader came to get useful information, and not to get to know someone who is still unknown. Briefly, concisely, a few sentences like: Hello to all readers of “such and such” blog.. In this article, I want to talk about... (and then go straight to the topic of the question).
  2. Don’t be afraid in your article to mention articles from the same blog on which you publish. This will add trust both to users and to the blog owner. If a person wants to go to your blog, he will do it anyway. Don’t be afraid that you will lose the transition if you refer to someone other than yourself in the article. Give people the content they need.
  3. At the very end of the article, you can make a small Bio-block with your information, if this is not initially provided for the donor, and a call to go to your blog to get acquainted. Many masters insert their link in the center of the article (well, like: near-link text and all that). I believe that a very small percentage of people, after reading your interesting article, return to go to your site (just laziness!). The best place is a mention of your blog at the very beginning and a block at the end of the article with your data and link.
  4. UPD from 03/19/10: No one has canceled the anchors you need in the article. I am absolutely not against this method, so your guest post may contain both anchor links in the article itself and a link to the blog at the very end. It's up to your discretion.

I will publish your guest post on the blog.

After reading this article, you have already come to the understanding of how to write guest reviews correctly. Now is the time to start doing this. Because high-quality link mass does not appear on a young blog on its own. If you are ready to write a guest post for my blog, I will be happy to help you do it (I’ll tell you if something is wrong). You have already read the basic requirements in this article, so I will not repeat them. If you immediately scrolled the page to this point, you will still have to read it.

What topics are suitable for a guest post on a blog site:

  • Blogging and Webmastering.
  • SEO and promotion.
  • Website creation and CMS.
  • Earning money on websites and affiliate programs.
  • Reviews of services for promotion.

Other topics will be considered individually. If your blog relates to at least one of these topics, then you can safely contact me and discuss the topic of the post. To be featured on my blog, the traffic on your blog must be at least 80-100 unique visitors per day. This is not because I wanted it that way, but because I can’t link to a site that they don’t care about. But 80 people per day is a relatively small number of visitors. Otherwise, there is a chance that my blog may be lowered in search results if I link to low-quality resources. I don’t want this outcome, that’s why I set at least the minimum attendance.

Offer for those interested.

If you are interested, we can try to organize a list of blogs where you can leave guest posts in our topics. To do this, leave a link to your blog with a short description in the comments. And if it fits our theme, I will add it to the list at the end of this article. Let's try, what if it works?! Well, of course, we can’t do this without your help. If you recommend fellow bloggers to join, not only I, but everyone else will be grateful to you.

Any questions are best asked in the comments to this post. This is another resource to highlight your name or blog name. Feel free to chat in the comments. After all, how you feel about this is how your blog will be treated. Everything is intertwined...! Waiting for your suggestions.

Guest Posting- is far from new for building link mass and attracting the target audience to the site. This method is used by both young sites and large resources and famous brands. And not for nothing! The effectiveness of this method is quite high. Next, we will analyze in detail all the nuances associated with guest posting.

You have created your website, and now your main task is to attract the attention of the Internet audience to it and promote it in the top search engine results. How to do it? There are many simple and complex methods for this with varying degrees of effectiveness. It is very important to choose the right ones and use them in reasonable quantities. For those resource owners who are just starting to promote their website, it is wiser to use the most accessible and inexpensive technologies for increasing traffic.

Today we will take a closer look at guest posting as a simple and effective way to promote a website.

What is guest posting?

IN classic version performances, guest post – material with a link to your website, which is posted on an already promoted third-party Internet resource. Simply put, you create content with a link to yourself, and it is published by a popular site, and for FREE.

Why do you need a guest post?

The more you are mentioned on the Internet, the more often visitors will be interested in you, the easier it is to find your site in a search engine. For this, in fact, you need guest posting.

If you break it down guest posting goals, then they look like this:

  • increase in traffic, i.e. creating a convenient path along which Internet visitors come to your resource;
  • Website PR and link building;
  • obtaining leads (potential clients) who visit the site to use your services.

The first item in the selection of goals looks more realistic (compared to the other two). PR and leads can be attracted to the site with the help of a guest post, but it is not worth talking about their high effectiveness. But increasing traffic is quite possible. It’s not for nothing that they write on the Internet about the influence of link mass on the promotion of Internet resources to the top of search engine results.

Pros and cons of guest posting

If we consider the advantages This method of website promotion, then guest posting is beneficial to both parties. The author of the material advertises himself for free, and the owner of the landing resource gets the opportunity to attract free content, of course, subject to its quality. In this way, the author and owner increase traffic on their sites.

But there are also disadvantages this method of promotion. The owner of the site on which the post is posted risks virtually nothing. But the author of the publication always gives away his content for free, which he could post on his resource, attracting the attention of visitors to it. That is, he needs to be distracted from working on his site, wasting time on someone else’s.

How to write a quality guest post?

Look, there is an answer in the question itself. The post (article) should be useful and interest the owner of the resource on which you wanted to post it.

Guest Posting Tips
  1. No need to pour water. Make the post well-written, interesting, original. More useful information, expressed briefly and clearly. Spelling and punctuation errors are unacceptable.
  2. Comply with the topic of the resource on which it will be published. But the topic of the article should intersect with the topic of your site. This needs to be done easily and unobtrusively.
  3. It is recommended that the post comply with the style and standards for the design of articles on the hosted site, whose visitors are accustomed to seeing posts in a form familiar to them.
  4. Any content posted on the Internet must be unique. Otherwise, it will not be visible to the search engine and will only spoil the site’s promotion in the TOP of search results. You should not duplicate material posted on third-party resources, even on your own website.
  5. Create posts with key queries the site on which you plan to place it. SEO-oriented articles are always welcome.
  6. Do not make more than 3 links. If you write text with one link, then place it closer to the introduction. Not everyone reads articles to the end!
  7. Before sending the text to the site owner, organize the material, check the post and pictures. The text itself must be saved in accessible formats.
  8. It would be nice if the owner of the site hosting the post makes his own changes to it.
  9. If you are lucky and your material is published, track its condition, read comments, answer questions. No one will do this for you.
  10. It will be a great success if the owner of the site allows you to invite readers to subscribe to the RSS of your resource in the text of the post. This possibility needs to be discussed in advance, and not confronted with a fact.

Research shows that a high-quality post should contain at least 1.5 thousand words. Such texts allow you to fully explore the topic and get loyal readers who are ready to convert.

How to find a platform for posting a guest post?

If you are going to place your link materials, then do so on sites that have a similar theme to your site. Here the reader is interested in such texts. This will make it possible:

  • have targeted, not random traffic;
  • get thematic links;
  • get a better chance of getting your post approved by the site owner.

Now let's think about where to find such sites. The simplest thing is to enter the request “I accept guest posts” into your browser’s search engine and select suitable resources for yourself. After all, it’s not uncommon for the owners of websites and blogs to look for content for themselves that they don’t have to pay for.

Example of sites that accept guest posts

There are more than a million different blogs in the Yandex ranking alone. TOP resources are unlikely to take your content for free, unless, of course, it is something special. But already popular, but insufficiently promoted authors will gladly take advantage of the opportunity provided to receive a good article for free.

Before sending a request for publication, select a list of 200-300 different platforms and start working with them. This will streamline the process and save your time.

There is a little trick to make your material more likely to be published. Having chosen a platform, study its content, participate in discussions, and try to get noticed. This will pave the way for a positive response from the owner of the resource.

How to track the effectiveness of guest posts?

You have already seriously started posting on third-party resources, but you don’t know how effective it is. What to do? The simplest thing is to use the services of existing analytics services: Yandex.Metrica, Liveinternet.ru, Google Analytics. With their help, they track the number of transitions to the site from various sources, and draw conclusions about which publication on which resource produces results. It is best to use all three resources to have detailed, objective information. It is recommended to evaluate incoming information 2 times a month.

Be sure to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • number of views, direct clicks, reposts, likes, comments;
  • increase in the number of visitors;
  • increase in brand demand.

Constantly analyzing the usefulness of the links you place in guest posts will highlight the most relevant resources and save time and money.
The dangers of guest posting for a website

You started posting materials on third-party sites with links to your resource and then you read on the Internet that this can negatively affect the promotion of your own website in a search engine. How justified is this?

Indeed, Yandex and Google today are actively fighting to suppress any manipulations that change the search algorithm. And since links are the most accessible and effective way to promote sites, search engines are forced to create anti-spam link filters.
Guest Posting Tips

To prevent your posts from harming the site, place them only on those resources that have a positive trend in traffic growth. Make sure that the content posted on the donor site is unique. If the posting site is engaged in copy-paste, then you should not contact it. Try to place safe links in your materials, which include:

  • non-anchor links;
  • links-pictures;
  • direct entry and brand.

If the publications comply with the above reference principles, then there is nothing dangerous in guest posts.

Let's sum it up

You can and should promote your website in search engines with guest posts. Guest posting is not a universal way to attract visitors and promote a resource in search engines. One-time promotions do not bring success! You should constantly work on placing link posts on third-party resources. After publications, it is imperative to analyze the information received and evaluate their effectiveness.

A guest post is an article relevant to the target audience of a blog, which was written not by its creator, but by an ordinary subscriber, visitor or other blogger. In this case, the terms of placement are always agreed upon with the author.

This could be a banal mention of a link to his account, a tag in Stories, etc. What is a guest post in other words? This effective remedy for promotion and promotion in in social networks, one of the most effective advertising tools.

All about guest posts: how, why, for whom

Guest posts on Instagram are, in essence, not much different from regular posts. They are a standard author's photograph accompanied by printed text. The only difference is the placement method. Thus, news written by the author is published not on his blog, but on the page of another user.

Characteristics and features of such records:

  • written by some users, posted by others;
  • when published, they must be accompanied by links to the author’s account;
  • have a commercial and advertising orientation.

What is it for? Two persons benefit from the placement - its creator and the account owner.

Why a guest post on Instagram is beneficial for the blog owner:

  • allows you to temporarily take a break from writing text messages to a large audience, from communicating with subscribers;
  • maintains the rhythm of feed updates;
  • infuses a fresh flow of information and holds the interest of blog readers;
  • attracts additional cash injections into the account (if the post was published on a paid basis).
  • allows you to reach a new audience of people who have not previously subscribed to your account;
  • an effective way to promote a blog;
  • the opportunity to promote your own content and unobtrusively interest new people in it.

Guest post on Instagram, example:

Above are the news posted on the pages of the top Russian instabloggers. All of them are for informational purposes and encourage subscribers to visit a specific page.

What should a guest post be on Instagram?

The main rule for such posts is that they must be related to the main topic of the blog or its separate section, and look harmonious in the general feed. This is the main, but far from the only requirement. Along with it, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The printed text should be unusual and interesting, stand out from other news, attracting the user’s attention. It is always accompanied by a beautiful thematic picture.
  2. Information should be presented briefly and succinctly - the fewer characters, the better (you should not cross the threshold of 1,500 characters).
  3. From beginning to end, the text must be written in the same manner, in the same style. It is important that it is not clearly advertising in nature.
  4. A publication previously posted on third-party sites or resources cannot be used as a guest publication.
  5. After the entry is published, the author must monitor the comments under it, communicate with subscribers, and take an active part in the ongoing discussions.

The introductory part is of particular importance in the text. It is necessary not only to attract the reader’s attention, but to present yourself to him. There must be an acquaintance that the person wants to continue. A well-written introduction ensures maximum engagement with the audience.

How to find partners

For guest post promotion to work, you must find large profiles with a large number subscribers who could profitably present the author’s content. The search can be carried out using keywords and queries, hashtags, in the Instagram “Interesting” or “Recommended” section, as well as in subscriptions from “real”, “live” subscribers.

Having selected suitable profiles, contact their developers via Direct, offering mutually beneficial cooperation. Don’t be afraid to get rejected, be active and you will definitely find those who will support your idea by agreeing. As practice shows, the most responsive and easy to contact profiles are those with an audience of 20-30 thousand. If you are a newbie whose number of subscribers barely reaches a thousand, it is unlikely that you will be able to start collaborating with a large page (for example, with a reach of millions).

It is worth noting that a number of popular Instagram bloggers independently invite users and advertisers to cooperate and offer placement in their news feed for a fee. Finding them is not so difficult, just use the search engine and enter the query: “I accept guest posts.”

How often to do this

To attract new subscribers, it is enough to post one publication weekly on the pages of different bloggers for two to three months. By the fourth month, when about 16-17 articles have already been written, the first echelon of the target audience will gather on the promoted page.

A good result is the mark of 100-150 new subscribers after each published entry. If you notice that much fewer users come to you, look for other platforms for promotion and promotion.

What should the text be?

The goal of guest posting is to attract a new audience and only then sell them a product or service. It should be entertaining, benefit people, and present the account in the best possible light. When reading the text, the user must believe that you are an undisputed expert in your field.

5 secrets of success

Secret No. 1

Blogging is the result of teamwork. If you are used to promoting a blog alone, the basic principle of dating publications may be a real revelation for you. Thus, posting a guest post requires the participation of at least two people. Get ready for active communication and interaction on the social network.

Secret No. 2

Independent research is an integral part of success. Determine the key topic of your own blog and its future posts. Next, find accounts with similar content in the Instagram space, analyze the activity of their subscribers, find out which publications collect greatest number likes and comments. Use your competitors' experience to promote yourself.

Secret No. 3

Track the statistics of your own posts: which of them received the most likes, which attracted a record number of new users, etc.

Secret No. 4

There is no magic formula for successful guest posting. Of course, there is a basic set of rules and guidelines that every author must adhere to. However, no one can give one hundred percent guarantees that by completing a certain list of actions, you will attract a new audience and become a popular person in the Instagram space.

Secret No. 5

Before you start posting, think about your own strategy and develop a clear action plan for the next two to three months.

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