A set of Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles for men and women. For lovely ladies: intimate gymnastics Exercises for female intimate muscles

Lidiya Ratnikova about what intimate gymnastics is and why it is needed

Our experts:

Valeria Aginskaya

psychologist-sexologist, consultant on family and intimate relationships, imbuilding trainer and founder of the training center “Studio of Perfection” (Moscow)

psychotherapist, imbuilding instructor, presenter of women's trainings (St. Petersburg)

Nelly Gavrilenko

gynecologist-endocrinologist at the sanatorium “Spring of Altai” (Belokurikha, Altai Territory)

Today, in the schedule of many women's clubs and even gyms, you can find the mysterious words “imbuilding” or “wumbuilding.” In parentheses next to it it says “intimate gymnastics,” and this is a rare case when the decoding only adds to the mystery. How can gymnastics be intimate, and if so, what kind of intimacy are we talking about in a group lesson?

In general, there are a lot of questions, but there are even more fans of this type of training. Of course: imbuilding promises not only to improve women’s health, but also to turn the most modest girl into a skilled lover at all possible levels. At the same time, it has a minimum of contraindications and is even approved by gynecologists. What is intimate gymnastics - a therapeutic procedure or a way to unlock incredible female potential?

In its current form, intimate gymnastics became widespread in the mid-20th century thanks to the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel. “He offered his patients suffering from urinary incontinence a series of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and after some time he was surprised to find that a significant part of the patients noted an increase in sensitivity during sexual intercourse, and some previously anorgasmic women began to receive release,” says psychologist-sexologist Valeria Aginskaya.

Good for the body

One of the main reasons to do intimate gymnastics is to improve your own health. “As a result of training, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is stimulated - the cells are supplied with oxygen, breathing and renewing themselves, peristalsis is enhanced (which solves the problem of constipation), congestion and their undesirable consequences, such as erosion, benign formations, and hemorrhoids, are eliminated,” he lists sexologist Valeria Aginskaya.

According to gynecologist-endocrinologist Nelly Gavrilenko, gynecological gymnastics was practiced soviet women— special instructors worked with them, helping to restore intimate muscles after childbirth and strengthen the health of the pelvic organs: “Such gymnastics in combination with other therapeutic measures is one of effective means prevention and treatment gynecological diseases. It is effective for chronic inflammatory processes, abnormal position of the uterus, pelvic floor incompetence in women who have given birth (especially if the birth was accompanied by ruptures), after laparotomy and vaginal operations, says the doctor. “In addition, gynecological gymnastics will help prepare for childbirth, is one of the ways to prevent vaginal ruptures during childbirth, and also contributes to a faster recovery of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic organs after the birth of the child.”

As for intimate skills acquired as a result of performing special exercises and new sensations from sexual intercourse, gynecologists consider this as a pleasant bonus, but not as the initial goal, clarifies gynecologist-endocrinologist Nelly Gavrilenko: “When you smile, the tension of the facial muscles contributes to the release of the hormone of joy - endorphin. The same principle works with intimate muscles: their tension causes the release of sex hormones, hence an increase in libido, a feeling of one’s own attractiveness, and an improvement in sex life.”

Since ancient times, strong intimate muscles served as a “measure” of a woman’s physical health: “So, the leaders of some African tribes, when choosing a wife, organized unique competitions: the girls were given a fruit resembling a green plum, which they had to crush with the strength of their intimate muscles. “The “champion” became the leader’s wife, because she was the one who could give birth to healthy children,” psychotherapist and imbuilding instructor Elena Dokuchaeva gives an example.

What do women desire

As you can see, even if everything is fine with your health, you can do intimate gymnastics just like that, “for yourself” - and get good results. After all, regular training improves the quality of sensations from sex: “With regular training, muscle sensitivity increases and develops, sexual sensations become brighter,” says imbuilding coach Elena Dokuchaeva. “The ability to control your arousal and orgasm appears, it becomes natural, and new forms of pleasure open up.”

Intimate gymnastics will allow you to:

— help in solving a number of gynecological problems;

- improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the pelvic organs;

- make future childbirth less painful, avoid ruptures during childbirth and recover faster after it;

- delay or soften the course of the menopause;

- make it easier premenstrual syndrome and also get rid of painful menstruation;

— get rid of anorgasmia and achieve a bright vaginal orgasm;

— expand your sexual capabilities and become the one and only for your man.

But neither health nor personal pleasure motivate Russian women to achieve anything as much as the desire to become a skilled lover and give their man special pleasure: “After more than five years of work and thousands of trainings, I can say: this request is the main component in a woman’s motivation.” start training your muscles,” says psychotherapist and imbuilding instructor Valeria Aginskaya. — After 1-3 months of training, vaginal volume decreases sharply, and the elasticity of internal tissues increases. A man, naturally, immediately feels this, his sensations become much brighter and stronger. If the muscles are toned, the woman becomes aroused much faster, natural erection stimulants are intensely released, which in the process lead the man to a strong discharge. And, of course, if a woman knows special techniques, she will be able to drive her man crazy.”

Stop signal

Of course, before you start training, you should consult your gynecologist. Because, despite all its advantages, intimate gymnastics has a number of contraindications. “General contraindications are acute inflammatory processes occurring with elevated temperature and with signs of increasing changes in the blood picture, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the pelvic vessels and lower limbs, septic conditions, uterine and postoperative bleeding, acute pain that intensifies after movement, as well as other manifestations of a complicated postoperative period,” warns gynecologist-endocrinologist Nelly Gavrilenko.

Imbuilding instructor Elena Dokuchaeva notes that classes are contraindicated during pregnancy and the first months after childbirth: “They start training three to four months after birth naturally or six months after childbirth with surgical intervention. Also, exercises with a simulator are prohibited if the gynecologist has prohibited vaginal sex in connection with the treatment of any diseases.”

If there are no contraindications, and there is a desire to become a healthy, happy goddess of love and sex, you can start training.

The beginning of time

There are many options for developing intimate muscles, but the main means of gynecological gymnastics are special exercises aimed at training and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. “The process can happen individually or in a group. If you work individually with an instructor, you will need about two or three consultations, after which a woman can safely train herself at home, says sexologist and trainer Valeria Aginskaya. “I wouldn’t recommend doing it yourself right away, if only because it won’t always be clear to a non-professional what he’s doing right; it’s important not to harm yourself.” There are also options for group trainings, with or without a practical part, but with further online consultation.

It all starts with identifying the pelvic floor muscles - the very ones that you have to train to the delight of yourself and your lover. Imbuilding instructor Elena Dokuchaeva recommends finding them in yourself as follows: “Imagine that you want to stop urinating - the muscles that are used for this are the pelvic floor muscles. Try to tense and relax them. To test yourself, place a finger inside the vagina: the desired muscles should contract around the finger, but should not involve the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks or back. All other muscles at this moment should be relaxed, breathing should remain deep and even.”

To develop intimate muscles, special simulators are usually used: vaginal balls, a pneumatic simulator and laser pointer, simulators with myostimulation or vibration. With their help, you can not only feel and develop intimate muscles, but also master special techniques with seductive names “Vacuum”, “Kiss of a Rose”, “Wave”, the meaning of which you can only guess, blush and guess again. But not all at once - these skills are mastered only when the pelvic floor muscles are already strong enough, and this is done under the guidance of experienced trainers.

It's the best

And now the most interesting thing: how can you train intimate muscles at home?

“It is very effective to do “kegels” - special exercises for muscle development, use vaginal balls of various diameters and weights for exercise, holding them inside with muscle strength, and also, if possible, use exercise equipment,” says sexologist and trainer Valeria Aginskaya. — Taken together, these strengthening methods can give a very good result, although it will take several months to obtain it. Plus, they are very affordable and can be done at any time of the day, anywhere.”

According to gynecologist Nelly Gavrilenko, there are a number of common physical exercise that help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles: “bicycle” in a supine position with bent legs, alternately straightening and moving back straight legs from a knee-elbow position, squats on toes with arms extended forward, and many others. In general, regular exercise, strengthening the abdominal and back muscles contribute to the development of intimate muscles.

Strong muscles are good, and it doesn’t matter where they are located. In fact, imbuilding differs from regular gymnastics only in name. Otherwise, this is still the same training, for which regularity, motivation, correct technique and, of course, pleasure from the process are important. And, perhaps, it is pleasure during intimate exercises that is practically guaranteed.

If it is not yet possible to master the exercise equipment with an instructor, sexologist and trainer Valeria Aginskaya recommends the following simple exercises:

  1. Clench and unclench your muscles quickly for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Complete a set (three sets of 10 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest), rest for 30 seconds. Do 5-10 sets.
  2. Start by simply squeezing and relaxing your muscles, gradually increasing the exercise time from 2 to 20 minutes. This exercise must be performed at least 3 times a day.

Intimate muscle training is carried out with the aim of preventing diseases of the female genital area and enhancing control and sensations during intimacy.

Thanks to trained pelvic floor muscles, the prenatal and postpartum periods of a woman’s life are easier than for those who have not trained intimate muscle tissue.

The technique of performing the exercises is not complicated, so they can be performed at home.

When a woman's pelvic floor muscles are trained, they are strong, firm and flexible. Thanks to this, during sexual intercourse, a woman can control them to achieve greater pleasure for her partner.

Well-trained muscles make it possible to achieve orgasm even when both partners are motionless; this is called frictionless sexual intercourse. During it, only the muscles of the female genital organs are put into action.

Women who master the art of frictionless orgasm regularly train their pelvic muscles, thanks to which they have big success in relationships with representatives of the stronger sex. According to sexologists, a regular, fulfilling and varied intimate life is a necessity for married men.

Therefore, a woman who can bring originality and variety to intimate relationships will undoubtedly be confident in her husband’s fidelity. To do this, many modern women regularly train their intimate muscles at home.

Benefits of pelvic muscle training for women:

  • Gymnastics for the development of intimate muscles improves the health of the female reproductive organs. Trained muscles have stronger blood flow, which means that menopause will occur later than in women who have weakened muscle tissue.
  • Strong muscle tone of the pelvic floor organs allows labor to proceed more easily and with less pain. Many women begin training their intimate muscles at home just before giving birth.

The tangible effect of training intimate muscles at home can be felt in about a month if you do it regularly
  • Along with strengthening muscle tissue in intimate places, the thighs, abdomen and buttocks are strengthened, which means cellulite is eliminated.
  • Trained vaginal walls maintain the tone of the male genital organ, prolonging male sexual age.
  • In women with elastic intimate muscles, pheromones are produced more actively, which attracts men.

Positive aspects of the intimate muscle tissue training complex

Women who regularly train muscle tissue in the intimate area experience the following changes:

  • training intimate muscle tissue improves sex life;
  • thanks to muscle tone, the size of the vagina decreases;
  • sexual intimacy is diluted with new sensations;
  • restoration of elasticity in the genital ligaments;
  • the pain of menstruation decreases;
  • cessation of pathological processes genitourinary system;
  • training at home is the prevention of diseases of the genital area;
  • less painful symptoms during childbirth;
  • strengthening the pelvic floor and abdominal press;
  • improvement of general well-being.

The undeniable advantage of training is the ability to conduct it anywhere: at home, in the office, while attending cultural events or even on vacation in nature.

Kegel training

Before starting training

The most famous technique for strengthening vaginal muscles is called the Kegel technique. Before taking up active activities, you need to learn the sensory sensations of the muscles themselves.

You can feel the work of intimate muscles during urination. To do this, you need to restrain the process several times, taking pauses.

During this action, the perineal and vaginal muscles work. After the urination session, you need to repeat the actions as usual several times.

After you feel the muscle tissue in the intimate area and acquire the skills to tense it, you are allowed to move on to direct Kegel exercises.

Kegel exercises for training intimate muscles

  • For 15 seconds you need to squeeze and unclench the muscle at an accelerated pace, relax for the same time and repeat the exercise three more times. After a rest of 30 seconds, do the same compression/release for 7 seconds, rest for the same amount, repeat 8 times.
  • You need to tense your vaginal muscles and hold in this state for 6 seconds., then relax. Do repetitions up to 8 times. At the next stage, you need to squeeze the muscles in the same way, hold for half a minute, and rest for half a minute. Do 3 sets of these training movements. At the end of this workout, rhythmic compression and release for 8 seconds follows.

  • At a fast pace (12 approaches), you need to squeeze and unclench the vaginal muscles. Next, rest for half a minute, do it twice. Tighten the muscle and stay in this position for up to 1.5 minutes, rest and repeat again.
  • Do compressions and releases 25 times (this figure should be increased daily, reaching 90 times). Then you should squeeze tightly and hold for a count of 25, relax for half a minute, and repeat. There should be 5 such approaches.
  • At an ordinary, calm speed, you need to relax and tense your muscles for 3 minutes. Every day the time increases, bringing it to 15 minutes. in one session.
  • It is necessary to tense the intimate muscles in an increasing manner, reaching a peak state, hold for a couple of seconds, and also relax gradually. Do up to 6 approaches.

It is important to know! If you train using the Kegel method at home at least 3 times a day, your intimate muscles will quickly acquire tone, elasticity and strength.

Vaginal muscle training using exercise machines at home

In addition to performing independent exercises using the Kegel technique, experts recommend using exercise machines to train intimate muscles, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed more than once.

Interesting fact! The very first simulator was created by Arnold Kegel for the technique he developed. Its name is Perineal Meter.

It was intended to measure the clamping force of the vaginal sphincter, creating the necessary resistance. The device has never received approval for use, but the Kegel technique itself is in demand.

Modern research and development have received positive results on the use of new exercise equipment to strengthen intimate muscles. Here are some of them:

Pneumatic trainerThanks to this device, intra-abdominal pressure is regulated, which makes it possible to develop the ability to control muscles intimate areas. In addition, the simulator massages the vaginal walls.
Laser simulatorThe main function of this development is to enhance the feeling of feedback from the muscle tissue of the intimate area (assessing the effectiveness of training). This model monitors the correct execution of exercises and indicates the degree of muscle formation.
Trainer EggThis simulator has similarities with the famous vaginal balls and jade eggs.

For training at home, it has significant effectiveness and ease of use. His goal is aimed at training the intimate organ.

Its use consists of keeping the egg inside the vagina for some time. In this way, you can control your muscles, teaching them to tone up, regardless of your desires. The device is also designed for training with loads, but you can move on to them only after preparation.

Tips for purchasing and using a vumbilding simulator

Modern methods of training the pelvic floor muscles in women (wumbuilding) have many positive aspects for women's health and family sexual life. The simulators are designed to quickly achieve training results.

The difference between the Egg exercise machine and the Kegel technique is its ease of use. All you need to do is insert it inside the vagina and perform squeezing and releasing muscle movements (pulling and pushing) the recommended number of times.

Before purchasing a trainer, pay attention to the following points:

  • The egg must be selected according to the permitted size (for women who have given birth, the egg must be larger).
  • For training sessions it is required to use a condom. This is not only hygienic, but also makes the device easier to pull out (you need to leave a small tail on the outside).
  • The simulator should not have any defects (chips, cracks), this will help avoid injury to the vaginal mucosa.

  • If possible, it is better to give preference to healing stones (quartz or sapphire); using them for training purposes normalizes the microflora and heals wounds.
  • Regular exercise helps effectively strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor. To get the expected effect from using devices for training the intimate muscles, classes must be carried out three times a week for 3-5 months.

If you use these tips and therapeutic exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, the result will not be long in coming.

In medical practice, training of intimate muscles in women using the Kegel method is most often prescribed for urinary incontinence, early menopause, difficulties in achieving orgasm, and diseases of the genitourinary system, such as uterine prolapse.

Video about the importance and benefits of intimate muscle training for women

Exercises for training intimate muscles at home:

A great way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles is with Kegel exercises:

Wumbuilding at home:

Intimate gymnastics is an excellent solution for normalizing hormonal levels and maintaining a woman’s health. This is a whole set of exercises, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and the whole body, restoring blood flow and work internal organs.

In yoga, tantra and many other areas, there are branches that specialize specifically in working the muscles of the perineum. In the east, their implementation was considered a real tradition and the best way prolong the youth and sexuality of the female body. And today, intimate gymnastics exercises for women after a serious transformation remain relevant and no less effective.

Any woman should definitely master at least a few exercises to work the pelvic floor muscles. The benefits are enormous and noticeable within a week:

  • Prevention of many gynecological diseases.
  • Preparation for a successful pregnancy with a mild, painless course.
  • Safe childbirth without injuries, tears and sprains. The ability to easily give birth naturally.
  • Fast, effective recovery muscles after pregnancy.
  • Improving the quality of intimate life with a partner.
  • Delaying the onset of menopause, preventing changes in the body due to menopause.
  • Improving blood circulation prevents the occurrence of stagnation, which contributes to the development of tumors and unpleasant neoplasms.

Note. Intimate gymnastics brings not only benefits, but also harm. The organs of the human body are an interconnected system, therefore, along with working out the muscles of the perineum, it is necessary to remember about other muscles. You will never get rid of pelvic prolapse if your legs and hips do not act as a reliable frame for the organ ligaments.

The best machines for intimate gymnastics

The most popular system in the world, which most modern women implement, is. The scientist, after whom the program was named, also developed special simulators and devices for training the “muscles of pleasure.”

They are available in all sex stores. For example, it would be a good idea to purchase vaginal balls, simulators, and a Kegel rod. They are easy to master at home, but it is important to observe one condition - hygiene.

There are two types of training:

  • Vumbuilding – exercises for working out vaginally controlled muscles.
  • Imbuilding is a system for developing and strengthening intimate muscles.

It doesn't matter at all which system you choose. You need to truly enjoy your workouts. You can additionally combine it with exercises that also have the desired effect on the pelvic floor area.

All existing complexes and training programs are classified by difficulty level. Agree, it would be irrational for a beginner to immediately move on to complex exercises:

  • First level. Elements in this category are relevant for women with gynecological diseases or weak muscles after childbirth. By exercising every day, you can regain your former tone in just a few weeks. As soon as you start to feel the result, record it - reduce your training to 2 times weekly.
  • Average level. Such exercises are suitable for those with already strengthened perineal muscles. At this stage, they are already performed with pleasure and can be used during sex. Performing at an average level of difficulty no longer accepts stiffness of movement and tightness.
  • Advanced level. These are exercises using various devices and simulators. The difficulty of performing it lies in the fact that you need to feel your body, be able to control your own desires, which will allow you to perform gymnastics more effectively and indulge in erotic games with partners.

Basic exercises for working the pelvic floor muscles

  • "Press." We lie on our backs, bend our legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart. We place our palms in the navel area. In this position, we squeeze the vaginal muscles and lift the sphincter slightly up. We stay in this position, then relax. We repeat again.

Note. It is effective to do 100 “presses” in one approach.

  • "Press press." This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but it is necessary to stay in the adopted position not for one second, but for a whole minute. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat again.
  • "Alternation." The exercise can be performed in any position. Involves frequent and rapid contraction/relaxation of the vagina.
  • "Elevator". Involves a gradual reduction of the perineum from bottom to top. It is important to do this in stages, fixing each “floor” for a couple of seconds.


Do you think it's possible? modern woman manage to give birth to children, carry heavy bags from the store, sit in the office all day, fight for the attention of men and at the same time maintain beauty and health?

Undoubtedly, it is not easy! However, today we are helped not only by modern advances in medicine, but also by the precious knowledge of the East, designed to naturally make a woman healthy and always attractive and desirable.

Vumbuilding or gymnastics for intimate muscles improves a woman’s sexual functions, prevents and cures urinary incontinence, improves sensitivity during sex, and leads to more vivid orgasms.

But let's start with a chest massage...

Breast massage

This massage is quite effective if done after water procedures: taking a shower, bath, or after a sauna or bath. Just at this moment, the pores of the skin are open and are able to absorb creams and gels that correct the shape of the breast. How to properly massage your breasts to benefit your body? To do this, it is enough to master the technique of self-massage, which is not complicated. The main thing is that the movements are light and do not put mechanical pressure on the mammary gland.

First you need to apply cream or oil to the skin of your chest, pre-heated in the palm of your hand. During massage, rubbing, stroking, and slapping are used - the main thing is that all movements are symmetrical and performed with fingers or their tips. Doing these movements for 20 minutes. daily, you will tone your muscles, and make your skin elastic and toned.

Intimate gymnastics for women

Vumbuilding, imbuilding, rimbuilding, intimate physical education, sex gymnastics - all these are sets of exercises for the development of the pelvic and other intimate muscles in order to acquire natural and necessary skills in mastering them in sex, during pregnancy, childbirth, as well as for the prevention of various female diseases.
What is the essence of intimate gymnastics? To have good control of the vaginal muscles, they should be constantly toned and trained.

The pelvic muscles line the floor of the abdominal cavity, supporting the weight of all internal organs and preventing their prolapse. However, a modern sedentary lifestyle and inactivity contribute to the fact that these muscles quickly lose their elasticity, which leads to many female diseases. It has been proven that the growth of any muscles in the body occurs before the age of 18 and, if they are not maintained in the necessary tone, they begin to literally age.

Another important problem is the weights that women carry in their hands. This also applies to wearing a baby in slings and kangaroo bags. Internal muscles, not having time to strengthen after childbirth, receive additional stress and gradually atrophy, becoming thin and weak. This can lead to deviations such ash stagnant venous blood in the pelvis. This is one of the most common troubles, causing many diseases in both men and women. These include: edema, varicose veins, genitourinary diseases, organ prolapse and hemorrhoids.

How does the problem of weak pelvic floor muscles manifest?
This may be urinary incontinence when laughing, sneezing, lifting weights, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, which increases with prolonged standing, the need to use sanitary pads even in the absence of menstruation (to prevent urine leakage), and, of course, weakening of pleasure from intimate life .

The purpose of the pelvic floor muscles is to maintain the pelvic organs in the correct position and prevent prolapse of the uterus and bladder. And when these muscles stop coping with their function, problems begin: prolapse of the uterus, and in the most advanced cases, its prolapse, when (I don’t want to scare you) surgical intervention is already required.

The good news is that the pelvic floor muscles, like any other muscles in our body, can and should be trained. Back in 1950, gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed special exercises for postpartum women to strengthen these important muscles.

Intimate gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at developing and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, as well as conscious control of the “love muscles”. The purpose of the proposed gymnastics is the prevention of gynecological diseases, treatment of existing abnormalities associated with prolapse of internal organs, enhancement of sexual sensations, as well as preparation for painless childbirth and recovery after pregnancy.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Home set of Wumbuilding exercises

It is important to know:

  • It is advisable to perform the practice on an empty stomach;
  • In order to feel and control the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor well, you must first learn to tense them separately from the abs and buttocks without holding your breath;
  • Regular ones will bring you better results T.

Before you begin intimate gymnastics, you need to find and feel the right muscles, and you can also do a simple test for vaginal elasticity. Fill a bath with water and lie in it for 15 minutes; if water gets into you and fills up, you urgently need to start doing sex exercises. The necessary muscles are also not difficult to find: if you place a finger in the vagina, the necessary muscles will contract around it, the main thing is that the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are not involved at this moment.

At the entry level:

First, try simply squeezing your anal muscles in a series of contractions. After this has happened, try to pull it in tightly, pull it up, pulling it into you. Do this several times, listen to yourself and feel what muscles you use to do this. Then we recommend trying to feel the muscles of the entrance (urethro-vaginal sphincter) by tightening the pubococcygeus muscle.

This complex intimate gymnastics for home includes the following exercises:

1. Initial exercise.
Having taken a comfortable position of the body (standing, sitting on a chair or in a Turkish position on the floor), focus your attention on the muscles of the perineum. To begin, to correctly identify them, imagine that you consciously interrupt urination. Remember which muscles are contracting at this moment. In the East, this practice is called Taoist urination. Now try shortening them again by holding them for 3 counts. It is important not to hold your breath and not strain your stomach and buttocks. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times and do it 2-3 more times throughout the day. As you become more comfortable with controlling the muscles of the perineum, increase the hold by 15-20 seconds.

2. Deep blinking exercise or"Kegel" in a standing, sitting and lying position.
Squeeze the entrance muscles of the perineum as much as possible and then hold them in a retracted state for 10 seconds. Then allow the muscles to completely relax. After 10 seconds, tighten them again and pull them up. Alternately tense and relax your muscles for 5 minutes. Your daily norm is 500 blinks per day or three sets of 5 minutes.

3. Perform “quick winks”
in a standing, sitting and lying position. Begin to quickly squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles at approximately 1-2 second intervals for 3-5 minutes. You can turn on fast music and squeeze your perineum to the beat of the music, just try not to involve your stomach and buttocks.

4. Bottom lock technique
Slightly tense your intimate muscles, squeezing the vaginal opening itself, and wait a few seconds. After this, strain the same muscles a little stronger and maintain the retracted state for 3-5 seconds, then strain the muscles as much as possible and hold them for the same amount of time. This exercise should then be performed in reverse order, gradually relaxing the intimate muscles. Perform the exercise at least 20 times.

5. Exercise "Tower"
The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the ability to simultaneously draw in the lower abdomen along with the anus muscles. Pull your pelvic floor muscles up while pulling your lower abdomen up. Try to pull in your lower abdomen so that it is pulled up and inward.
It should feel like the anus and abs are merging together in the middle of the pelvis and stretching upward

6. Udiyana is a wonderful exercise,
which performs internal organ massage, removes venous blood stagnation and teaches you to control one of the strongest muscles in our body - the diaphragm. To perform the exercise: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, exhale fully and place your hands on your hips. After exhaling completely, hold your breath for 10-15 seconds, slightly twisting your tailbone under you and lowering your chin. If you did everything correctly, your stomach should pull under your ribs, creating a feeling of vacuum. Number of repetitions - 2 times.

This exercise must be performed on an empty stomach. The ideal time for this exercise is in the morning. During menstruation, you should not perform Udiyana or any abdominal contraction exercises.

7. Stairs
Be creative and blink as soon as you remember! For example, when going up the stairs, place one foot on the step and perform a deep retraction, squeezing the perineal sphincter. Then change your supporting leg. This will strengthen the vaginal muscles on different sides.

8. Elevator
Contract the muscles slightly (“1st floor”), hold for 3-5 seconds, then continue contracting (“2nd floor”), hold again. So go through 4-5 “floors”. And vice versa: the same step-by-step movement “down” with a delay at each “floor”.

Based on materials from lovestudio.com.ua, www.interfax.by

And some more video exercises from Wumbuilding

Intimate gymnastics exercise sets are designed specifically for women who want to always be attractive, young and healthy.

Another important condition- watch your breathing! It must be smooth and natural. With each new week of training, slowly increase the number of repetitions of exercises in each block. Ideally, Wumbuilding exercises are performed 100 to 200 times daily.
Another important nuance: make it a rule to do intimate gymnastics exercises at the same time. Or at least “tie” training to some daily rituals. For example, like this: wake up, stretch - do compression exercises, brush your teeth - contraction exercises, etc. Such conventions, of course, will not improve the result, but they will definitely help to “prescribe” the exercises in the daily routine for a long time. After all, as practice shows, most novice activists simply forget about training after a few weeks.

If you love yourself, strive to be healthy and want to receive and give pleasure during sex, you should try to master the new kind physical education: o).

How much better can life be thanks to these simple workouts? Exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles with and without exercise equipment.

In ancient times, women resorted to these activities to eliminate the consequences after childbirth. And in our time, training to strengthen the vaginal muscles is an excellent prevention for women's health and much more pleasure in your personal life.

Benefits of exercise

Few people think about the importance of training the vaginal muscles: for many women this is a taboo topic. How much better can life be thanks to these simple exercises? We have prepared 4 reasons for you to train:

1. It relieves pain during menstruation. For many women who regularly pump their vaginal muscles, critical days pass much easier and become less painful. And their men exhale with pleasure: PMS also becomes less pronounced.

Important: During menstruation, it is better to skip training.

2. With the help of exercises you can avoid stagnation. Regular training of intimate muscles will help improve your health if you have ovarian disease or uterine prolapse.

3. Regular exercises help prepare the entrance muscles for childbirth, thereby facilitating and accelerating the painful process. After the birth of a child, exercises help restore the vaginal walls to their former elasticity and shape.

4. Frequent training of the vaginal muscles helps expand the erogenous zones and increases the chances of getting an orgasm, while improving the quality of sex.

Many women, instead of taking care of their intimate development, blame their partner or run to the gynecologist. But it all depends on us - if there is a desire to work on ourselves and learn a lot more about our body.

How to train?

I am often asked whether it is possible to train intimate muscles with jade eggs. In my opinion, this is the Stone Age and this should under no circumstances be done. Why? When we train muscles with jade eggs, which themselves are far from jade, severe thrush may begin, even if they are periodically disinfected. IN modern world there are new unique technologies which are more efficient and hygienic.

In fact, with enough training, the vaginal muscles can make the same movements as a woman's hands when massaging the male genital organ. To do this, you should work on the muscles that lift the anus.

Exercises without a machine

1. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned to the sides, hands on the belt. We try to squat down slowly, while bending our knees apart. We freeze in this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

2. Alternately quickly tense and quickly release the entrance muscles of the vagina and the sphincter muscles. Repeat 5-10 times.

3. Retract the entrance muscles of the vagina and squeeze as much as possible for 10 seconds, without holding your breath. This exercise is recommended to be done in different positions: sitting, lying, standing. When you increase the delay time to 3-5 minutes, there will be a noticeable effect.

Exercise with a simulator

Laser pointer - designed to train the bulbous muscle and Levator Ani. It perfectly helps to achieve endurance, dexterity and strength of intimate muscles.

After you have disinfected the exercise machine, insert its head shallowly into the vagina. The exercise is carried out standing at a distance of 3 meters from the wall. The pointer beam should be aimed at the opposite wall. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and follow the beam. When the head of the exercise machine rises behind the pubic bone, the beam creeps down along the wall; when you relax the muscles, it creeps up. During the exercise, the pelvis should be motionless, the abdominal muscles should be relaxed.

Cargo simulator. It consists of a base with a ball and a hook on which the load is attached. A simple exercise, but it requires maximum strength and concentration.

Kegel. Pump up the tonometer to a value of 40, insert the tube with the nozzle into the vagina and slowly strain the entrance muscles. The exercise machine improves blood circulation and leads to the prevention of female gynecological diseases.

Effect of training

In addition to rejuvenation, mood, health, training intimate muscles is also a strong aphrodisiac to which men respond. An attentive husband, just like you, wants mutual ecstasy. It's nice to see a woman happy, cheerful and with a beautiful smile on her face.

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