What is the Mariana Trench. Who lives at the bottom of the Mariana Trench? (7 photos). Where is the Mariana Trench located?

Mysterious and unusual places on the planet... Among them, undoubtedly, is the Mariana Trench... The Mariana Trench (Mariana Trench) is the deepest
place in the world's oceans. Moreover, the so-called
Challenger Deep, located in the southwest of the basin. Its depth
more than 11 kilometers. The depression has always attracted the attention of scientists. Beginning with
the middle of the last century several international scientific expeditions
explored its depths, wondering if fish could live there,
being under pressure of ocean waters of 1100 atmospheres, at low
temperature and in complete darkness? But even modern technologies Not
allow scientists to study the Mariana Trench in its entirety. A little
the bottom was explored and marine life previously unknown to science was discovered
Mariana Trench - deep-sea monster fish living in the depths.

The Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean, near
from the Mariana Islands (they gave the name to the depression), at the junction of two
tectonic plates. Its length is 1500 kilometers, its shape is
resembles the letter "V". Its bottom is flat, with a width from one to five

Soviet scientists were the first to measure the depth of the trench in
1957, they proved that even with such enormous pressure there
living organisms live.

In 1960, the bathyscaphe Trieste, with US scientists on board, sank to
the very bottom and stayed there for twelve whole minutes. Repeat to this day
No one succeeded. Researchers were able to see several strange
large fish.

In the 90s of the last century, Japanese scientists were able
take soil samples from the bottom of the Mariana Trench, several were found in them
species of protozoan organisms not previously known to science. Amazing, but
they have existed for several billion years!

The depression repeatedly frightened expedition members
monsters that live in its waters. In 2009, an American robot
"Nereus" was able to take several photos and videos in pitch darkness
amazing fish that emit light.

In 2003, the expedition of the ship "Glomar Challenger"
began the descent of the apparatus to study the depths of the depression. Suddenly the devices
began to record some strange sounds, reminiscent of a grinding sound when
sawing iron, and on the monitor screen people saw the shadows of some
huge monsters. An hour later, the sounds did not stop, and the scientists began
raise the apparatus to the surface, afraid that it would be expensive
the equipment will perish in the depths of the waters. After 8 hours of climbing, everyone arrived at
horror of what he saw. The metal parts of the devices are distorted, and
a twenty-centimeter cable on which the equipment was lowered, almost
completely re-sawed! What kind of monster could do this!?

Another strange incident occurred with the German
scientific apparatus "Highfish". Having descended to a depth of 7 kilometers, he
suddenly stopped. Scientists thought that some kind of malfunction had arisen,
and turned on the infrared camera... The picture they saw was
seemed to them like a scene from a science fiction horror film. Enormous
the prehistoric lizard grabbed the apparatus with its teeth and tore it with
with all our strength. Having recovered from the horror, the scientists turned on the electric gun - and
The monster, having received a blow from the discharge, quickly swam into the abyss.

Modern equipment has made it possible to see some
from the inhabitants of the Mariana Trench. They live in pitch darkness, some
some of them are blind, others have huge eyes that capture
the slightest glare of light. Some animals of the depths of the Mariana Trench have
"lanterns" on the head, emitting different colors. There are fish in whose body
glowing liquid accumulates. When an animal senses danger,
then splashes this liquid towards the enemy and hides behind it
"curtain of light" Many deep-sea inhabitants have special
organs that detect the slightest sound waves. But, of course, distinctive
a feature of the deep-sea inhabitants of the depression is a huge mouth and
many teeth. Many people can open their jaws very wide, so
even a small predator can completely devour an animal larger than itself.

Scientists are also interested in the question: what is the role of oceanic
Do depressions play a role in shaping the climate on the planet? Research
showed that depressions, in fact, act like forests - actively
absorb huge amounts of CO2 and release a lot of oxygen into the atmosphere.

But it is obvious that all the mysteries of the Mariana Trench are still
not solved. Some strange beast lives in the depths. Not by chance,
sometimes on the shore, not far from the Mariana Trench, people find bodies
dead eighty-meter monsters. Also found in those places
giant teeth. Scientists have proven that they belong to a huge
prehistoric shark. Its weight is more than one hundred tons, its length is 25 meters, and its span
graze – 2 meters. These sharks were thought to have gone extinct around three years ago.
million years ago, but the teeth found are much younger! So have they disappeared?
Are the monsters real or waiting to meet us at the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

Excellent students at school firmly learned: the highest point on earth is Mount Everest (8848 m), the deepest depression is Mariana. However, if we know a lot about Everest interesting facts, then most people know nothing about the trench in the Pacific Ocean, other than the fact that it is the deepest.


Despite the fact that the oceans are closer to us than mountain peaks and even more so distant planets solar system, people have explored only five percent of the seabed, which still remains one of the greatest mysteries of our planet.

With an average width of 69 km, the Mariana Trench was formed several million years ago due to shifts of tectonic plates and stretches in the shape of a crescent for two and a half thousand kilometers along the Mariana Islands.

Its depth, according to recent research, is 10,994 meters ± 40 meters (for comparison: the equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12,756 km), the water pressure at the bottom reaches 108.6 MPa - this is more than 1100 times more than normal atmospheric pressure!

The Mariana Trench, also called the Earth's fourth pole, was discovered in 1872 by the crew of the British research vessel Challenger. The crew took measurements of the bottom at various points Pacific Ocean.

Another measurement was made in the area of ​​​​the Mariana Islands, but the kilometer-long rope was not enough, and then the captain ordered two more kilometer sections to be added to it. Then again and again...

Almost a hundred years later, the echo sounder of another English, but under the same name, scientific vessel recorded a depth of 10,863 meters in the Mariana Trench area. After this, the deepest point of the ocean floor began to be called the “Challenger Deep”.

In 1957, Soviet researchers established the presence of life at depths of more than 7,000 meters, thereby refuting the prevailing opinion at that time about the impossibility of life at depths of more than 6,000-7,000 meters, and also clarified the British data, recording a depth of 11,023 meters in the Mariana Trench .

The first human dive to the bottom of the depression took place in 1960. It was carried out on the Trieste bathyscaphe by the American Don Walsh and the Swiss oceanographer Jacques Picard.

The descent into the abyss took them almost five hours, and the ascent took about three hours; the researchers spent only 20 minutes at the bottom. But even this time was enough for them to make a sensational discovery - in the bottom waters they discovered flat fish up to 30 cm in size, similar to flounder, unknown to science.

LIFE IN utter darkness

In the course of further research using unmanned deep-sea vehicles, it turned out that at the bottom of the depression, despite the terrifying water pressure, a wide variety of species of living organisms live. Giant 10-centimeter amoebas - xenophyophores, which under normal terrestrial conditions can only be seen with a microscope, amazing two-meter worms, no less huge starfish, mutant octopuses and, naturally, fish.

The latter amaze with their terrifying appearance. Their distinctive feature is a huge mouth and many teeth. Many spread their jaws so wide that even a small predator can swallow whole an animal larger than itself.

There are also quite unusual creatures, reaching two meters in size with a soft jelly-like body, which have no analogues in nature.

It would seem that at such a depth the temperature should be at Antarctic levels. However, Challenger Deep contains hydrothermal vents called “black smokers.” They constantly heat the water and thereby maintain the overall temperature in the depression at 1-4 degrees Celsius.

The inhabitants of the Mariana Trench live in pitch darkness, some of them are blind, others have huge telescopic eyes that catch the slightest glare of light. Some individuals have “lanterns” on their heads that emit different colors.

There are fish in whose bodies a luminous liquid accumulates. When they sense danger, they splash this liquid towards the enemy and hide behind this “curtain of light.” Appearance Such animals are very unusual for our perception, can cause disgust and even inspire a feeling of fear.

But it is obvious that not all the mysteries of the Mariana Trench have yet been solved. Some strange animals of truly incredible size live in the depths!


Sometimes on the shore, not far from the Mariana Trench, people find bodies of the dead 40-meter monsters. Giant teeth were also discovered in those places. Scientists have proven that they belong to a multi-ton prehistoric megalodon shark, the span of which reached two meters.

These sharks were thought to have gone extinct about three million years ago, but the teeth found are much younger. So have the ancient monsters really disappeared?

In 2003, another sensational results of research into the Mariana Trench were published in the United States. Scientists have submerged an unmanned platform equipped with searchlights, sensitive video systems and microphones in the deepest part of the world's oceans.

The platform was lowered on 6 inch-section steel cables. At first, the technology did not provide any unusual information. But a few hours after the dive, the silhouettes of strange large objects (at least 12-16 meters) began to flash on the monitor screens in the light of powerful spotlights, and at that time the microphones transmitted sharp sounds to the recording devices - the grinding of iron and dull, uniform blows on metal.

When the platform was raised (without being lowered to the bottom due to incomprehensible obstacles that prevented the descent), it was discovered that the powerful steel structures were bent, and the steel cables seemed to have been sawed off. A little more - and the platform would forever remain the Challenger Deep.

Previously, something similar happened to the German device “Hayfish”. Having descended to a depth of 7 kilometers, he suddenly refused to emerge. To find out what was wrong, the researchers turned on an infrared camera.

What they saw in the next few seconds seemed to them a collective hallucination: a huge prehistoric lizard, clinging to the bathyscaphe with its teeth, tried to chew it like a nut.

Having recovered from the shock, the scientists activated the so-called electric gun, and the monster, struck by a powerful discharge, hastened to retreat.

Giant 10-centimeter amoeba - xenophyophora


But it's not just fantastic monsters that are captured by deep-sea cameras. In the summer of 2012, the unmanned deep-sea vehicle Titan, launched from the research vessel Rick Mesenger, was in the Mariana Trench at a depth of 10,000 meters. His main goal was to film and photograph various underwater objects.

Suddenly the cameras recorded a strange multiple shine of a material very similar to metal. And then, several tens of meters from the device, several large objects appeared in the light of the spotlight.

Having approached these objects to the maximum allowable distance, the Titan displayed a very unusual picture on the monitors of the scientists on the Rick Mesenger. On an area of ​​approximately a square kilometer there were about 50 large cylindrical objects, very similar to... flying saucers!

A few minutes after the “UFO airfield” was recorded, the Titan stopped communicating and never surfaced.

There are a lot of well-known facts that, if they do not confirm the possibility of existence in sea ​​depths intelligent beings, then, in any case, they fully explain why modern science still knows nothing about them.

Firstly, man's native habitat - the earth's surface - occupies only a little more than a quarter of the land surface. So our planet could well be called the Ocean planet rather than the Earth.

Secondly, as everyone knows, life originated in water, so marine intelligence (if it exists) is about one and a half million years older than humans.

That is why, according to some experts, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, thanks to the presence of active hydrothermal springs, not only entire colonies of prehistoric animals that have survived to this day can exist, but also an underwater civilization of intelligent creatures unknown to earthlings! The “fourth pole” of the Earth, in the opinion of scientists, is the most suitable place for them to live.

And once again the question arises: is man the only “master” of planet Earth?


The third person in the entire history of exploration of the Mariana Trench to descend to its bottom was exactly three years ago. James Cameron.

“Almost everything on the earth’s land has been explored,” he explained his decision. — In space, bosses prefer to send people circling around the Earth, and send machine guns to other planets. For the joys of discovering the unknown, there is only one field of activity left - the ocean. Only about 3% of its water volume has been studied, and what’s next is unknown.”

On the DeepSes Challenge bathyscaphe, being in a half-bent state, since the internal diameter of the device did not exceed 109 cm, the famous film director observed everything that was happening in this place until mechanical problems forced him to rise from the surface.

Cameron managed to take samples of rocks and living organisms from the bottom, as well as film with 3D cameras. Subsequently, these shots formed the basis of a documentary film.

However, he never saw any of the terrible sea monsters. According to him, the very bottom of the ocean was “lunar... empty... lonely,” and he felt “complete isolation from all humanity.”

Meanwhile, in the telecommunications laboratory of Tomsk Polytechnic University, together with the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the development of a domestic device for deep-sea research, which can descend to a depth of 12 kilometers, is in full swing.

Specialists working on the bathyscaphe declare that there are no analogues to the equipment they are developing in the world, and “field” studies of the sample in the waters of the Pacific Ocean are planned for the summer of 2015.

The famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov also began working on the project “Diving into the Mariana Trench in a Bathyscaphe.” According to him, his goal is not just to touch the bottom of the deepest depression of the World Ocean, but also to spend two whole days there, conducting unique research.

The bathyscaphe is designed to accommodate two people and will be designed and built by an Australian company.

In our article we want to talk about the mysterious Mariana Trench. This is the deepest point on the Earth's surface. By and large, this is where our knowledge about this place ends. But the Mariana Trench and the monsters that live in it are an eternal matter of speculation. Her secrets are as deep as she is.

The first mystery of the Mariana Trench

One of the mysteries of the depression is its depth. Until recently, it was believed that the Mariana Trench, as it is more correct to call this place from a scientific point of view, has a depth of more than eleven kilometers. However, the latest modern technical measurements give a value of 10994 kilometers. Although, it is worth noting that this value is very relative, since diving to the bottom of the Mariana Trench is a technically very complex event, which is influenced by many factors. Scientists talk about a possible error of forty meters.

Where is the Mariana Trench?

The Mariana Trench is located in the western Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Guam and Micronesia. Its deepest point is called the Challenger Deep and is located 340 kilometers from

Answering the question of where the Mariana Trench is located, we can give its exact geographical coordinates - 11°21′ N. w. 142°12′ E. d. The place received this name due to the fact that it is located nearby and is part of a state such as Guam.

What is the Mariana Trench like?

What is the Mariana Trench? The ocean carefully hides its true size. One can only guess about them. This is not just a “very deep hole.” The trench itself stretches along the seabed for one and a half thousand kilometers. The depression is V-shaped, that is, it is much wider at the top, and the walls narrow downwards.

The bottom of the Mariana Trench has a flat topography, and the width varies from 1 to 5 kilometers. Its upper part extends for eighty kilometers in width.

This place is one of the most inaccessible on our earth.

Is it necessary to explore the depression?

It seems that life at such depths is simply impossible. Therefore, it makes no sense to study such an abyss. However, the secrets of the Mariana Trench have always interested and attracted researchers. It's hard to believe, but space is easier to explore these days than such depths. Many people have been outside the Earth, but only three brave men dived to the bottom of the trench.

Study of the gutter

The British were the first to explore the Mariana Trench. In 1872, the Challenger ship with scientists entered the waters of the Pacific Ocean to study the trench. It was found that this point is the deepest on globe. Since then, people have been haunted by the secrets and creatures of the Mariana Trench.

As time passed, research was carried out, a new depth value was established - 10863 meters.

Research is carried out by lowering deep-sea vehicles. Most often these are unmanned automatic vehicles. And in 1960, Jacques Picard and Don Walsh descended to the very bottom on the bathyscaphe Trieste. In 2012, Jace Cameron ventured into the Deepsea Challenger.

Russian researchers also studied the Mariana Trench. In 1957, the ship "Vityaz" headed to the trench area. Scientists not only measured the depth of the trench (11,022 meters), but also discovered the presence of life at a depth of more than seven kilometers. This event made a kind of revolution in the world of science in the mid-twentieth century. At that time it was believed that there could be no living creatures at such depths. This is where all the fun begins. There are simply too many stories and legends about this place to count. So what exactly is the Mariana Trench? Do monsters really live here or are they just fairy tales? Let's try to figure it out.

Mariana Trench: monsters, mysteries, secrets

As we mentioned earlier, the first brave daredevils to descend to the bottom of the depression were Jacques Picard and Don Walsh. They descended on a heavy submersible called "Trieste". The thickness of the walls of the structure was thirteen centimeters. She was sank to the bottom for five hours. Having reached the deepest point, the researchers managed to stay there for only twelve minutes. Then the rise of the bathyscaphe immediately began, which took three hours. No matter how amazing this may seem, living organisms were discovered at the bottom. The fish of the Mariana Trench are flat creatures similar to flounder, no more than thirty centimeters long.

In 1995, the Japanese fell into the abyss. And in 2009, a miracle device called Nereus descended to the deepest point. He not only took a number of photos, but also took soil samples.

In 1996, The New York Times published materials from the next dive of the apparatus from the Challenger research vessel. It turns out that when the equipment began to be lowered, after some time the instruments recorded a strong metallic grinding sound. This fact was the reason for the immediate rise of the equipment to the surface. What the researchers saw stunned them. The steel structure was fairly dented, and the thick, durable cable seemed to have been sawed. This is the unexpected surprise that the Mariana Trench presented. Were the monsters that crushed the equipment, or representatives of alien intelligence, or mutated octopuses... A variety of proposals were made, each of which was more incredible than the previous one. However, no one found the true reason, since there was no evidence for any of the theories. All assumptions were at the level of fantastic guesses. But the secrets of the Mariana Trench have still not been revealed.

Another mysterious story

Another incredible one mysterious case happened to a team of German researchers who lowered their apparatus called “Hayfish” to the bottom. At some point, the device stopped diving, and the cameras installed on it gave an image of the enormous size of the lizard, which was actively trying to chew on an unknown thing. The team drove the monster away from the device using an electrical discharge. The creature got scared and swam away and did not appear again. It is a pity that such events were not recorded by the apparatus so that there would be irrefutable evidence.

After this incident, the Mariana Trench began to acquire more and more new facts, legends and speculations. Ship crews kept reporting about a huge monster in these waters, which was towing ships at high speed. It has become difficult to discern what is truth and what is speculation. The Mariana Trench, whose monsters haunted many people, still remains the most mysterious point on the planet.

Undeniable facts

Along with the most incredible legends regarding the Mariana Trench, there are very specific, but incredible facts. There is no need to doubt them, since they are supported by evidence.

In 1948, lobster fishermen (Australian) reported a large transparent fish that was at least thirty meters long. They saw her in the sea. Judging by their description, it looks like a very ancient shark (species Carcharodon megalodon), which lived several million years ago. Scientists were able to reconstruct the appearance of the shark using the remains. The monstrous creature was 25 meters long and weighed one hundred tons. Her mouth was two meters in size, and each tooth was at least ten centimeters. Just imagine this monster. It was the teeth of such a creature that were discovered by oceanographers at the bottom of the vast Pacific Ocean. The youngest of them is at least eleven thousand years old.

This unique find makes it possible to assume that not all such creatures became extinct a couple of million years ago. Perhaps at the very bottom of the cavity these incredible predators are hiding from human eyes. Research into the mysterious depths continues to this day, since the abyss conceals many secrets that people have not yet come close to revealing.

At the bottom of the depression, living organisms experience enormous pressure. It would seem that in such conditions nothing living could exist. However, this opinion is wrong. Mollusks live peacefully here, their shells do not suffer at all from pressure. They are not even affected by hydrothermal vents that produce methane and hydrogen. Incredible, but it's a fact!

Another mystery is a hydrothermal vent called “Champagne”. Bubbles of carbon dioxide bubble in its waters. This is the only such object in the world and it is located precisely in the depression, which has given scientists reason to talk about the possible origin of life in water in this very place.

There is a volcano called Daikoku in the Mariana Trench. In its crater there is a lake of molten sulfur, which boils at a huge temperature of 187 degrees. You won't find anything like this anywhere else on earth. The only analogue of this phenomenon is in space (on a satellite of Jupiter called Io).

Amazing place

In the Mariana Trench live giant single-celled amoebas, the size of which reaches ten centimeters. They live next to uranium, lead, and mercury that are destructive to living beings. However, they not only do not die from them, but also feel great.

The Mariana Trench is the greatest miracle on earth. Everything inanimate and living are combined here. Everything that kills life under normal conditions, at the bottom of the depression, on the contrary, gives living organisms strength to survive. Isn't this a miracle? How much still unknown this place conceals!

The depression is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and still arouses great interest among scientists. This is because exploring its depths is a difficult task due to high pressure water. However, researchers have long determined that there is life at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, despite the enormous pressure, complete darkness and low temperature. And it is absolutely unique, and sometimes even terrifying. It is supported by geysers that release numerous minerals into the water. They support life at the bottom of the depression.

In the Mariana Trench there is an active volcano called Daikoku, which is located at a depth of 400 meters. He is absolutely unique. Scientists discovered a natural phenomenon similar to it only on Jupiter’s satellite, Io. The fact is that regular eruptions formed a lake of pure molten sulfur in the crater. This pit bubbles with a black mixture at a temperature of 187 degrees Celsius.

At the bottom of the Mariana Trench there is viscous silt, which is essentially the remains of mollusks and plankton. Considering that it is considered the oldest part of the ocean, you can imagine how long it took this layer to form.

Numerous studies

In 1960, the American bathyscaphe Trief sank to the flat bottom of the Mariana Trench and stayed there for 12 minutes. Alas, no one else managed to repeat this feat. While in the gutter, the researchers managed to see several fish unknown to science.

In the 90s of the last century, scientists managed to take soil samples from the bottom of the Mariana Trench. They discovered microorganisms that were several billion years old. However, they are not the only ones who live in the mysterious depths of the trench. Monster fish live there, the appearance of which is worthy of horror films. In 2009, researchers also discovered amazing fish that emit light.

It is noteworthy that as a result of several dives, the equipment was damaged. In 1996, the New York Times published shocking material about the diving of equipment from the American scientific vessel Glomar Challenger into the Mariana Trench. Researchers claim to have heard terrifying sounds of scraping metal, and after lifting the equipment they discovered that it had been partially sawn. A similar incident occurred with the apparatus of the German Haifish team. It is noteworthy that the monitors showed a huge lizard trying to chew through a steel object.

James Cameron, director of Titanic, also dived to the bottom of the depression in 2012. He and his team spent three years designing a submersible submersible. He claimed that at its bottom he was overcome by a feeling of loneliness, as if he was cut off from the whole world.

So, what do we know about the animals of the Mariana Trench? Who lives in its depths? Animal world The Mariana Trench, in theory, cannot be diverse. However, it is inhabited by truly unique creatures. For example, there you can find creepy one and a half meter worms, mutated octopuses, huge starfish and some other two-meter soft-bodied creatures, the name of which has not yet been invented.

Amoeba is a single-celled organism. We were taught this at school. However, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench live amoebas whose size reaches 10 cm. Moreover, they are resistant to mercury, lead and other elements of the periodic table, which are harmful to humans.

Clams whose bodies are covered with shells also raise questions. The fact is that the pressure at depth is so great that even calcium is found there only in liquid form. Vertebrates cannot live there. If you placed a turtle on the bottom, the shell would crush its body. However, mollusks covered with shells live well on the bottom. There are also much more unusual animals in the Mariana Trench.

This is a relict representative of the family cartilaginous fish. Why relict? Because since its existence in the Cretaceous period, it has not changed a bit.

The fish got its name from its six rows of wavy gills, about 1.8 meters long. But these are small things compared to the 20 rows of sharp jagged teeth. Its snake-like body reaches almost 2 meters in length. It feeds not only on mollusks or flounder, but also on other types of sharks. Although the shark lives at a depth of 1000 meters, so it rarely comes across its relatives. Scientists have recently discovered that, if necessary, this type capable of vertical migration, that is, approaching the surface.

Another view of the terrifying inhabitants of the Mariana Trench. Its animals are truly unique. The goblin shark (or goblin) lives at a depth of 900 meters. Moreover, the older she is, the deeper she sinks. Therefore, the chance of meeting it in coastal waters is small. Its length is more than five meters.

This creature reaches a length of only 16 cm, but is a ferocious predator. The sea creature is very similar to the representative alien civilization- a predator from the movie "Alien". Unfortunately, scientists were not able to study the fish, since after rising to the surface it lived only a short time due to temperature changes. However, it is known that her body is capable of emitting light, which lures potential prey to her.

It lives at a depth of 3000 meters. Its lifespan in the depths is about 30-40 years. This creature is notable for having huge fangs that extend beyond its jaw. Hunts dragon fish.

This amazing animal, living in the Mariana Trench, has a translucent body and amazing eyes that resemble tubes. Eight tentacles are connected by thin threads, like a web. They can rotate around their own axis. Amphitretus descends to a depth of 2000 meters.

This amazing but eerie creature resembles a cleaver floating at a depth of 1.5 thousand meters. Like good night lights, hatchets can change the degree of their glow depending on how much light comes from the surface. This trick helps them remain undetected by predators.

The uniqueness of this fish is that it has a transparent head, inside of which you can see its... eyes. They usually look up to see potential prey.

This fish was discovered back in 1939 at a depth of almost 800 meters. However, little is known about it, since the recovered specimen died before it was pulled to the surface.

Animals that live at the bottom have been little studied. However, we probably don’t even know all of their types. So, for many years there have been suggestions that relict monsters can be found at the bottom of the depression. This theory is based on numerous stories of researchers who have repeatedly retrieved crumpled steel equipment from the depths. So what kind of animals can live at the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

Speculation has been fueled by a megalodon tooth found recently. Its age is only 11,000 years. Although it was previously believed that twenty-five-meter sharks became extinct 2 million years ago. But perhaps they sank to the bottom of the depression and still live there. In addition, submarines also periodically notice huge creatures. Alas, we were never able to photograph them. There are also messages coming from satellites. They sometimes detect strange huge objects that rest near the surface of the water.

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