Deportation of Crimean Tatars: Figures and facts. Deportation of the Crimean Tatars: Figures and facts What happened on May 18, 1944

During May 20, no significant changes occurred on the fronts. On May 19, 31 enemy aircraft were shot down in air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire.

North-west of the city of Tiraspol, the Germans, with the strength of an infantry battalion, went on the attack several times. The Soviet guards repelled all enemy attacks with artillery, mortar and machine gun fire and destroyed two companies of the Nazis.

Southeast of the city of Stanislav, the fighters of the N-unit continued to repulse the attacks of the enemy, who was trying to take possession of an advantageous line. Our units are firmly holding this line. There were up to 400 killed German soldiers and officers and 2 shot down on the battlefield self-propelled guns enemy. Prisoners were taken.

Southeast of the city of Vitebsk, the Germans tried to regain the heights occupied by our units yesterday. Soviet soldiers gained a foothold in new positions and successfully repelled all enemy attacks. During two days of fighting in this area, our units destroyed more than 200 Nazis.

South-west of the city of Mozyr, scouts under the leadership of junior lieutenant Semikhov crossed the swamp at night in three groups and broke into the enemy’s location. Senior Sergeant Bedelbaev, Red Army soldiers Novikov and Dubrovtsev threw grenades at the bunker, destroyed four Germans, and took one prisoner. Red Army soldiers Lipetsky, Dubov and Kromar blew up another enemy bunker, killed two Germans, and captured one. Scout Isakov used a machine gun to kill three German soldiers running to the battlefield. Thus, in total, the scouts destroyed 9 Germans, destroyed two bunkers, captured two prisoners, one machine gun and returned safely to their unit.

Aviation of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet carried out a bombing attack on enemy vessels in the Gulf of Finland. Two patrol ships, two high-speed landing barges and a patrol boat were sunk by direct bomb hits. In air battles, our pilots shot down 15 German planes.

A group of Lithuanian partisans from the Vilnius detachment derailed two echelons of the enemy. 2 locomotives and 23 platforms with tanks were destroyed. Another group of partisans from the same detachment derailed three German military trains. One of the trains was blown up while it was crossing the railway bridge. The train fell off the bridge. The locomotive and all the carriages were smashed to pieces.

Two groups of soldiers of the 5th Romanian Cavalry Division went over to the side of the Red Army. Defector Sergeant Oleg K. reported: “There is panic in Romania. The roads are crowded with refugees, among whom are many Germans who fled from Ukraine. Desertion from the Romanian army took big sizes. The peasants provide assistance to the deserters and shelter them from the gendarmes. Recently, in the city of Iasi, the Germans shot 17 soldiers from the 16th Romanian regiment. The reprisal of the Germans against the Romanian soldiers caused enormous indignation among the population of the city. A few days later, unknown persons killed a German colonel and two soldiers.”

Defector Vasile B. said: “A week ago, our group of 11 people decided to go over to the Russians in an organized manner. Since the Germans were vigilantly watching us, we resorted to a trick. Between our and Russian trenches there were two anti-tank guns abandoned by the Germans during the retreat. I told the German sergeant major that my squad was tasked with delivering these guns to our location. I asked the sergeant major to warn the German soldiers not to shoot. The Germans really didn’t open fire. For show, we fiddled with the guns for a while, and then the whole group safely reached the Russian positions and surrendered.”

Return to date May 20


Response form

The birthday number 7 symbolizes mystery as well as knowledge. The line of this contradiction can be continued. Here such personality traits arise as diligence and a poetic soul, albeit with some oddities, a penchant for analytical thinking and strong intuition, rich imagination, and a vivid, vivid imagination.

Composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and hermits, thinkers and hermits are born and raised with this number. Their inspiration requires solitude and loneliness.

People of this number usually become philosophers and thinkers. As a rule, they are immersed in their own thoughts and therefore somewhat disconnected from those around them. They also have a love for all kinds of travel. The undertakings of these people usually end successfully.

The lucky day of the week for the number 7 is Saturday.

Your planet is Saturn.

Advice: The weaker are drawn into the swamp of despondency and pessimism, the stronger become bright personalities, people of world renown.

Important: Science, meditation, occultism.

Seven inspires mystics and philosophers, but makes a person fussy, a little gloomy, sometimes irritable and uncommunicative. The number, on the one hand, calls for loneliness and creative seclusion, and sets up barriers and restrictions. On the other hand, it patronizes marriage, cooperation and partnership.

Love and sex:

Maintaining harmonious relationships with these people is not an easy task, especially if they are people with opposite characters: a sensitive and sensual man and a less emotionally excitable woman, or a strong-willed woman and a man who allows her to dominate him.

A happy marriage with these people is facilitated by fidelity, a sense of duty, common interests and a responsible approach to raising children.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 7 for a woman Such a woman has a strange attractiveness that fascinates or frightens her admirers. She is smart, courteous, tactful, and knows how to show the best in herself. The touchy princess in her youth dreams of strong and romantic feelings. Looking for a solid and respectable partner. Values ​​honesty and professionalism, prestige and social status. She needs support, but while maintaining personal independence. Seeks legal relationships. The breakup is painful for her. Her fear of losing love is stronger than her hope of finding her ideal. Often underestimates the true intentions and qualities of a partner, becoming a catalyst for his fears and complexes. She should rely on intuition and analysis of information about her chosen one. The idealization of personal relationships can lead to the fact that when choosing a partner, she will make an unforgivable mistake. She needs care and understanding, while wanting to dominate both physically and emotionally. Far from being a leader by nature, she can play a dominant role in the family. She is ambitious and lives at such a pace that it is difficult for her to start any serious relationships. Prefers to lead an independent life and rely only on himself. If she allows her partner to make decisions and take initiative, and moderates her control, she will find a stable relationship and the inner confidence that she always strives for.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 7 for a man Self-sufficiency and independence define such a man. Inner strength and his serious attitude towards life and love make him seem cold and unfeeling. Thanks to endurance, he achieves most of his goals. Intimacy is stimulated by intellectual interest. To many he seems prudent and wise in matters of love. Sometimes he thinks only of himself, but in close relationships he can soften and be a gentle and passionate lover. He is characterized by a knightly idea of ​​love, sublime and noble. When living together, it is better for him to have a separate room, as he needs privacy. It is possible to live in different cities, and meet in certain time, pre-agreed. He doesn't like surprises. For a woman who respects his entrepreneurial spirit and can withstand his self-absorption, he becomes a faithful and devoted partner. Perhaps, having met his ideal, he will never dare to get to know each other better. He is distinguished by sensitivity and tact towards his partner’s feelings. Mutual understanding is very important to him, perhaps more than love. He firmly follows the chosen path, and if a woman does not want or cannot walk next to him, he is able to part with her without hesitation.

Birth number 20

Smart and creative people, have a lively and rich imagination, are more inclined to the spiritual than to the material, and are not physically strong.

Dreamers with their head in the clouds. Can't look you in the eye real facts, hiding in a world they have invented from the difficulties of life. If they can find a patron-companion, they can become great artists or poets. Soft and forgiving natures cannot arrange their lives; circumstances are stronger than them.

Without constant spiritual community with loved ones, they will simply disappear. Physical satisfaction is secondary compared to spiritual satisfaction, it is accidental. Sex is the culmination of feelings. In marriage, they look for people with spiritual qualities, otherwise they will be disappointed and depressed.
They are lost when counteracted. If they are unlucky, they feel they are being treated poorly. They are vain and look down on those who live by practical interests.

They need to find people who inspire self-confidence, who could be their support, and focus on the work they love.
They should pay attention to the liver and digestive tract.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 2

Energy, charisma - 3

Cognition, creativity - 1

Health, beauty - 2

Logic, intuition - 2

Hard work, skill - 0

Luck, luck - 1

Sense of duty - 0

Memory, mind - 1

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 6

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 4

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 2

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 5

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 5

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 2

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 5

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 4

Chinese zodiac sign Monkey

Every 2 years the Element of the year changes (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Monkey elements Tree of the year Ian

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. Sign Chinese horoscope birth, corresponding to the time of birth, so it is very important to know exact time birth it has a strong impact on a person’s character. It is argued that by looking at your birth horoscope you can accurately determine the characteristics of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will occur if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat – 23:00 – 01:00
  • Bull – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Tiger – 3:00 – 5:00
  • Rabbit – 5:00 – 7:00
  • Dragon – 7:00 – 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey – 15:00 – 17:00
  • Rooster – 17:00 – 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig – 21:00 – 23:00

European zodiac sign Taurus

Dates: 2013-04-21 -2013-05-20

The four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

The characteristics of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the Zodiac, this element is represented by the earth's trine (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Earth trine is considered a materialistic trine. Principle: stability.
The earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The earth structures, analyzes, classifies, creates the foundation. She is characterized by such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives inhibition, petrification through contraction and compression, and slows down the metabolic process.
People whose horoscopes express the element of Earth have a melancholic temperament. These are people of sober reason and prudence, very practical and businesslike. The goal of their life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal is outlined already in their young years. If they deviate from their goal, it is very slightly and then more due to internal reasons than external ones. People of this trine achieve success thanks to such excellent character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, determination, and steadfastness. They do not have such imagination and a bright, lively imagination as the signs of the Water trine, they do not have utopian ideas like the signs of Fire, but they persistently pursue their goal and always achieve it. They choose the path of least external resistance, and when obstacles arise, they mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that prevents them from achieving their intended goal.
People of the Earth element strive for mastery of matter. The creation of material values ​​brings them true satisfaction, and the results of their work delight their soul. All the goals that they set for themselves must first of all bring them benefit and material gain. If the majority of planets are in the Earth's trine, such principles will apply to all areas of life, including love and marriage.
People with a predominance of the Earth element stand firmly on their feet and prefer stability, moderation, and consistency. They love a sedentary lifestyle, attached to home, property and homeland. Periods of growth and prosperity are followed by crises, which can be long-lasting due to the inertia of the Earth’s trine. It is this inertia that prevents them from quickly switching to the new kind activities or relationships. This shows their limited ability to adapt to anyone or anything, with the exception of the sign of Virgo.
People with a pronounced Earth element usually choose a profession related to material values, money or business. They often have “golden hands”, they are excellent craftsmen, and can be successful in applied sciences and applied arts. They are patient, submissive to circumstances, sometimes take a wait-and-see attitude, but do not forget about their daily bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve your physical existence on earth. There will also be concern for the soul, but this will happen from case to case. All of the above is easily achievable for them, provided that their energy is not spent on such negative character traits as ultra-egoism, excessive prudence, self-interest and greed.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. A fixed cross is a cross of evolution, stability and stability, accumulation, concentration of development. He uses the experience of the past. It gives stability, hardness, strength, durability, stability. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in fixed signs is distinguished by conservatism, inner calm, steadfastness, perseverance, perseverance, patience, endurance, and prudence. He fiercely resists what they try to impose on him, and is able to fight back anyone. Nothing irritates him more than the need to change something, no matter what area of ​​his life it concerns. He loves certainty, consistency, and requires guarantees of reliability in order to be protected from any surprise.
Although he does not have sharp impulses or ease in making decisions that are inherent in other signs, he is distinguished by constancy of opinions, stability in his habits and life positions. He is attached to his work, he can work tirelessly, “until he drops.” He is also constant in his affections for friends and relatives, holds tightly and steadfastly to someone or something, be it material value, social status, true friend, a devoted like-minded person or a close and loved one. People of the Fixed Cross are faithful, devoted and reliable; they are knights of their word. You can always rely on their promises. But you only have to deceive them once, and their trust is lost, maybe even forever. People with a fixed cross have strongly expressed desires and passions, they act only from their own motives and always rely on their own instincts. Their feelings, likes and dislikes are unshakable and unshakable. Adversity, failures and blows of fate do not bend them, and any obstacle only strengthens their tenacity and perseverance, as it gives them new strength to fight.

The main formative principles of Taurus are typical manifestations of the Earth element. This is a feminine, “Yin” sign, a sign of the manifestation of the vibration of the planet Venus. Taurus is depicted as a corresponding animal, standing firmly on the Earth. This is a bull, as if emerging from the earth, having a direct connection with it. The Earth gives Taurus strength, on the one hand, the opportunity to feel firmly standing on his feet, and on the other hand, the Earth seems to attract Taurus, not allowing him to break away from himself.

People born under the sign of Taurus are often excellent economists, planners, business executives, and sales workers. Among them, according to world statistics, most of the ministers Agriculture, a lot of big bankers, financiers and even politicians. This is all due to the fact that in all matters they are guided by common sense; they are very down-to-earth, practical, and sometimes pragmatic people. If we talk about the negative qualities of Taurus that the Earth gives him, then this is, first of all, conservatism, the desire for stability. But, on the other hand, conservatism is necessary and useful in any serious matter. Therefore, if Taurus shows healthy conservatism in his desires, then this is perfectly reflected in the work he is doing. This same conservatism helps Taurus to prove themselves as lawyers. Their desire to adhere to a previously established order helps them achieve great success both in society and in all areas in which they are involved.
It is necessary to emphasize one important nuance: Taurus then act effectively when they feel solid ground beneath them, that is, when they have a clear life platform in any form (a strong family, a solid position in society, large material savings, inheritance; as well as accumulations of intellectual or energetic nature). Taurus people constantly save up everything in order to function normally. This is a necessary condition for their life. In Taurus, hoarding in itself is not a bad or good trait, but a natural one. The assessment of “good” or “bad” appears when we begin to analyze how Taurus uses this accumulation. If he uses what he has accumulated for good deeds, for deeds related to the evolution of people, large groups or all of humanity is good. If Taurus has become a grabber, then things cannot be worse.

A small child - Taurus will always save something, either candy wrappers, or pennies, or books, or stamps. Parents must be very attentive to these inclinations of their children so that they do not develop into a quality that corrodes the essence of a person. Sometimes Taurus’s constant need to always have a foundation and some incentive under his feet reaches the point of ridiculousness, then he cannot be guided in life by abstract concepts, philosophical concepts, and he definitely needs a clearly and clearly formulated task. By the way, Taurus learn with great difficulty, it is with great difficulty that they acquire knowledge, but once the information has entered their head, then nothing can knock it out. Material incentives in activities and studies are also important for them.
Hoarding is not a bad trait if channeled in the right direction. The highest quality of Taurus, Earth, is the desire for strength, for the accumulation of information. Taurus are very patient, they can achieve their goal for a long time until he completes his program. This is an excellent quality - perseverance, the ability to achieve a goal at any cost, when it is connected with constructive deeds, bringing good to people. This is exactly what tall Taurus is set up for. All Taurus are usually characterized by hard work and perseverance in achieving goals. Taurus is also characterized by creative fertility. The most striking examples are Karl Marx, O. Balzac.

The unusual qualities of Taurus include its increased sensitivity. In his highest manifestations, in his sensitivity, he literally reaches the point of mediumship, when he perceives the objects of the surrounding world literally as a medium on the astral level. Among Taurus we meet predictors, mediums, and healers who know how to accumulate natural energy. If we talk about the lowest manifestation of Taurus, then this is a grabber, a greedy person from whom you cannot even beg last year’s snow. This is Plyushkin, who saves for the sake of saving. The influence of Taurus affects the human body: Taurus men, as a rule, are large, solid types, inspiring authority, and Taurus women are one of the most beautiful: large beautiful eyes, slightly bulging with a lantern, with unusual upturned eyelashes, an upturned nose, irresistible dimples play on her cheeks.
Among the countries and regions under the sign of Taurus, we note Ukraine. This is truly the country of Taurus - strong, solid, loving to live beautifully and eat deliciously. Moscow is also under the sign of Taurus. Astrologers predict pleasant prospects for Moscow: Moscow in the future era will become one of the main spiritual centers. Among capitalist countries, this is Switzerland, calm, neutral, with a huge number of banks.

Famous Taurus: Akunin, Agassi, Tony Blair, Banionis, Beckham, Balzac, Pierce Brosnan, Bulgakov, Gabin, Gautier, Gainsborough, Hasek, Dante, Dali, Delacroix, Linda Evangelista, Roger Zelazny, Zhirinovsky, Enrique Iglesias, George Lucas, Lenin , Cromwell, Joe Cocker, Kirkorov, Kant, Marx, Nicholson, Okudzhava, Prokofiev, Henry Reznik, Masha Rasputina, Irina Saltykova, Tatyana Tolstaya, Uma Thurman, Larisa Udovichenko, Nikolai Fomenko, Barbara Streisand, Tchaikovsky, Rick Wakeman, Ella Fitzgerald, Freud, Yuri Shevchuk, Shakespeare, Shemyakin, Cher, Duke Ellington.

Watch a video:

Taurus | 13 zodiac signs | TV channel TV-3

The site provides condensed information about the zodiac signs. Detailed information can be found on the corresponding websites.

May 1, 1944. 1045th day of the war

On the same day, the Sugar Loaf height, covering the entrance to the Inkerman Valley, was occupied. The troops of the 2nd Guards Army, having captured the Mekenzievy Gory station after a four-hour battle, advanced towards the Northern Bay.

On May 18, the Soviet government sent a Note to the Bulgarian government regarding Bulgaria's ongoing cooperation with Germany.

Sovinformburo. During May 31, in the area north of YASSY, our troops successfully repulsed all attacks by large enemy infantry and tank forces and inflicted heavy losses in manpower and equipment.

List of cards


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Excerpt characterizing Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War/May 1944

Christmastide came, and besides the ceremonial mass, except for the solemn and boring congratulations of neighbors and courtyards, except for everyone wearing new dresses, there was nothing special to commemorate Christmastide, and in the windless 20-degree frost, in the bright blinding sun during the day and in the starry winter light at night, I felt the need for some kind of commemoration of this time.
On the third day of the holiday, after lunch, all the household went to their rooms. It was the most boring time of the day. Nikolai, who went to see his neighbors in the morning, fell asleep in the sofa. The old count was resting in his office. Sonya was sitting at the round table in the living room, sketching a pattern. The Countess was laying out the cards. Nastasya Ivanovna the jester with a sad face was sitting at the window with two old women. Natasha entered the room, walked up to Sonya, looked at what she was doing, then walked up to her mother and stopped silently.
- Why are you walking around like a homeless person? - her mother told her. - What do you want?
“I need it... now, this very minute, I need it,” said Natasha, her eyes sparkling and not smiling. – The Countess raised her head and looked intently at her daughter.
- Don't look at me. Mom, don't look, I'm going to cry now.
“Sit down, sit with me,” said the countess.
- Mom, I need it. Why am I disappearing like this, mom?...” Her voice broke off, tears flowed from her eyes, and in order to hide them, she quickly turned and left the room. She went into the sofa room, stood there, thought, and went to the girls’ room. There, the old maid was grumbling at a young girl who had come running out of breath from the cold from the yard.
“He will play something,” said the old woman. - For all the time.
“Let her in, Kondratievna,” said Natasha. - Go, Mavrusha, go.
And letting go of Mavrusha, Natasha went through the hall to the hallway. An old man and two young footmen were playing cards. They interrupted the game and stood up as the young lady entered. “What should I do with them?” thought Natasha. - Yes, Nikita, please go... where should I send him? - Yes, go to the yard and please bring the rooster; yes, and you, Misha, bring some oats.
- Would you like some oats? – Misha said cheerfully and willingly.
“Go, go quickly,” the old man confirmed.
- Fyodor, get me some chalk.
Passing by the buffet, she ordered the samovar to be served, although it was not the right time.
The barman Fok was the most angry person in the whole house. Natasha loved to try her power over him. He didn't believe her and went to ask if it was true?
- This young lady! - said Foka, feigning a frown at Natasha.
No one in the house sent away as many people and gave them as much work as Natasha. She could not see people indifferently, so as not to send them somewhere. She seemed to be trying to see if one of them would get angry or pout with her, but people didn’t like to carry out anyone’s orders as much as Natasha’s. “What should I do? Where should I go? Natasha thought, walking slowly down the corridor.
- Nastasya Ivanovna, what will be born from me? - she asked the jester, who was walking towards her in his short coat.
“You give rise to fleas, dragonflies, and blacksmiths,” answered the jester.
- My God, my God, it’s all the same. Oh, where should I go? What should I do with myself? “And she quickly, stamping her feet, ran up the stairs to Vogel, who lived with his wife on the top floor. Vogel had two governesses sitting at his place, and there were plates of raisins, walnuts and almonds on the table. The governesses were talking about where it was cheaper to live, in Moscow or Odessa. Natasha sat down, listened to their conversation with a serious, thoughtful face, and stood up. “The island of Madagascar,” she said. “Ma da gas kar,” she repeated each syllable clearly and, without answering m me Schoss’s questions about what she was saying, left the room. Petya, her brother, was also upstairs: he and his uncle were arranging fireworks, which they intended to set off at night. - Peter! Petka! - she shouted to him, - take me down. s - Petya ran up to her and offered her his back. She jumped on him, clasping his neck with her arms, and he jumped and ran with her. “No, no, it’s the island of Madagascar,” she said and, jumping off, went down.
As if having walked around her kingdom, tested her power and made sure that everyone was submissive, but that it was still boring, Natasha went into the hall, took the guitar, sat down in a dark corner behind the cabinet and began plucking the strings in the bass, making a phrase that she remembered from one opera heard in St. Petersburg together with Prince Andrei. For outside listeners, something came out of her guitar that had no meaning, but in her imagination, because of these sounds, a whole series of memories were resurrected. She sat behind the cupboard, her eyes fixed on the strip of light falling from the pantry door, listened to herself and remembered. She was in a state of memory.
Sonya walked across the hall to the buffet with a glass. Natasha looked at her, at the crack in the pantry door, and it seemed to her that she remembered that light was falling through the crack from the pantry door and that Sonya walked through with a glass. “Yes, and it was exactly the same,” thought Natasha. - Sonya, what is this? – Natasha shouted, fingering the thick string.
- Oh, you’re here! - Sonya said, shuddering, and came up and listened. - Don't know. Storm? – she said timidly, afraid of making a mistake.
“Well, in exactly the same way she shuddered, in the same way she came up and smiled timidly then, when it was already happening,” Natasha thought, “and in the same way... I thought that something was missing in her.”
- No, this is the choir from the Water-bearer, do you hear! – And Natasha finished singing the choir’s tune to make it clear to Sonya.
-Where did you go? – Natasha asked.
- Change the water in the glass. I'll finish the pattern now.
“You’re always busy, but I can’t do it,” said Natasha. -Where is Nikolai?
- He seems to be sleeping.
“Sonya, go wake him up,” said Natasha. - Tell him that I call him to sing. “She sat and thought about what it meant, that it all happened, and, without resolving this question and not at all regretting it, again in her imagination she was transported to the time when she was with him, and he looked with loving eyes looked at her.
“Oh, I wish he would come soon. I'm so afraid that this won't happen! And most importantly: I'm getting old, that's what! What is now in me will no longer exist. Or maybe he’ll come today, he’ll come now. Maybe he came and is sitting there in the living room. Maybe he arrived yesterday and I forgot.” She stood up, put down the guitar and went into the living room. All the household, teachers, governesses and guests were already sitting at the tea table. People stood around the table, but Prince Andrei was not there, and life was still the same.
“Oh, here she is,” said Ilya Andreich, seeing Natasha enter. - Well, sit down with me. “But Natasha stopped next to her mother, looking around, as if she was looking for something.
- Mother! - she said. “Give it to me, give it to me, mom, quickly, quickly,” and again she could hardly hold back her sobs.
She sat down at the table and listened to the conversations of the elders and Nikolai, who also came to the table. “My God, my God, the same faces, the same conversations, dad holding the cup in the same way and blowing in the same way!” thought Natasha, feeling with horror the disgust rising in her against everyone at home because they were still the same.
After tea, Nikolai, Sonya and Natasha went to the sofa, to their favorite corner, where their most intimate conversations always began.

“It happens to you,” Natasha said to her brother when they sat down in the sofa, “it happens to you that it seems to you that nothing will happen - nothing; what was all that was good? And not just boring, but sad?
- And how! - he said. “It happened to me that everything was fine, everyone was cheerful, but it would come to my mind that I was already tired of all this and that everyone needed to die.” Once I didn’t go to the regiment for a walk, but there was music playing there... and so I suddenly became bored...
- Oh, I know that. I know, I know,” Natasha picked up. – I was still little, this happened to me. Do you remember, once I was punished for plums and you all danced, and I sat in the classroom and sobbed, I will never forget: I was sad and I felt sorry for everyone, and myself, and I felt sorry for everyone. And, most importantly, it wasn’t my fault,” Natasha said, “do you remember?
“I remember,” said Nikolai. “I remember that I came to you later and I wanted to console you and, you know, I was ashamed. We were terribly funny. I had a bobblehead toy then and I wanted to give it to you. Do you remember?
“Do you remember,” Natasha said with a thoughtful smile, how long ago, long ago, we were still very little, an uncle called us into the office, back in the old house, and it was dark - we came and suddenly there was standing there...
“Arap,” Nikolai finished with a joyful smile, “how can I not remember?” Even now I don’t know that it was a blackamoor, or we saw it in a dream, or we were told.
- He was gray, remember, and had white teeth - he stood and looked at us...
– Do you remember, Sonya? - Nikolai asked...
“Yes, yes, I remember something too,” Sonya answered timidly...
“I asked my father and mother about this blackamoor,” said Natasha. - They say that there was no blackamoor. But you remember!
- Oh, how I remember his teeth now.
- How strange it is, it was like a dream. I like it.
- Do you remember how we were rolling eggs in the hall and suddenly two old women began to spin around on the carpet? Was it or not? Do you remember how good it was?
- Yes. Do you remember how dad in a blue fur coat fired a gun on the porch? “They turned over, smiling with pleasure, memories, not sad old ones, but poetic youthful memories, those impressions from the most distant past, where dreams merge with reality, and laughed quietly, rejoicing at something.
Sonya, as always, lagged behind them, although their memories were common.
Sonya did not remember much of what they remembered, and what she did remember did not arouse in her the poetic feeling that they experienced. She only enjoyed their joy, trying to imitate it.
She took part only when they remembered Sonya's first visit. Sonya told how she was afraid of Nikolai, because he had strings on his jacket, and the nanny told her that they would sew her into strings too.
“And I remember: they told me that you were born under cabbage,” said Natasha, “and I remember that I didn’t dare not believe it then, but I knew that it wasn’t true, and I was so embarrassed.”
During this conversation, the maid's head poked out of the back door of the sofa room. “Miss, they brought the rooster,” the girl said in a whisper.
“No need, Polya, tell me to carry it,” said Natasha.
In the middle of the conversations going on in the sofa, Dimmler entered the room and approached the harp that stood in the corner. He took off the cloth and the harp made a false sound.
“Eduard Karlych, please play my beloved Nocturiene by Monsieur Field,” said the voice of the old countess from the living room.
Dimmler struck a chord and, turning to Natasha, Nikolai and Sonya, said: “Young people, how quietly they sit!”
“Yes, we are philosophizing,” Natasha said, looking around for a minute and continuing the conversation. The conversation was now about dreams.
Dimmer started to play. Natasha silently, on tiptoe, walked up to the table, took the candle, took it out and, returning, quietly sat down in her place. It was dark in the room, especially on the sofa on which they were sitting, but through the large windows the silver light of the full moon fell onto the floor.
“You know, I think,” Natasha said in a whisper, moving closer to Nikolai and Sonya, when Dimmler had already finished and was still sitting, weakly plucking the strings, apparently indecisive to leave or start something new, “that when you remember like that, you remember, you remember everything.” , you remember so much that you remember what happened before I was in the world...
“This is Metampsic,” said Sonya, who always studied well and remembered everything. – The Egyptians believed that our souls were in animals and would go back to animals.
“No, you know, I don’t believe it, that we were animals,” Natasha said in the same whisper, although the music had ended, “but I know for sure that we were angels here and there somewhere, and that’s why we remember everything.” ...
-Can I join you? - said Dimmler, who approached quietly and sat down next to them.
- If we were angels, then why did we fall lower? - said Nikolai. - No, this cannot be!
“Not lower, who told you that lower?... Why do I know what I was before,” Natasha objected with conviction. - After all, the soul is immortal... therefore, if I live forever, that’s how I lived before, lived for all eternity.
“Yes, but it’s hard for us to imagine eternity,” said Dimmler, who approached the young people with a meek, contemptuous smile, but now spoke as quietly and seriously as they did.
– Why is it difficult to imagine eternity? - Natasha said. - Today it will be, tomorrow it will be, it will always be and yesterday it was and yesterday it was...
- Natasha! now it's your turn. “Sing me something,” the countess’s voice was heard. - That you sat down like conspirators.
- Mother! “I don’t want to do that,” Natasha said, but at the same time she stood up.
All of them, even the middle-aged Dimmler, did not want to interrupt the conversation and leave the corner of the sofa, but Natasha stood up, and Nikolai sat down at the clavichord. As always, standing in the middle of the hall and choosing the most advantageous place for resonance, Natasha began to sing her mother’s favorite piece.
She said that she did not want to sing, but she had not sung for a long time before, and for a long time since, the way she sang that evening. Count Ilya Andreich, from the office where he was talking with Mitinka, heard her singing, and like a student, in a hurry to go play, finishing the lesson, he got confused in his words, giving orders to the manager and finally fell silent, and Mitinka, also listening, silently with a smile, stood in front of count. Nikolai did not take his eyes off his sister, and took a breath with her. Sonya, listening, thought about what a huge difference there was between her and her friend and how impossible it was for her to be even remotely as charming as her cousin. The old countess sat with a happily sad smile and tears in her eyes, occasionally shaking her head. She thought about Natasha, and about her youth, and about how there was something unnatural and terrible in this upcoming marriage of Natasha with Prince Andrei.
Dimmler sat down next to the countess and closed his eyes, listening.
“No, Countess,” he said finally, “this is a European talent, she has nothing to learn, this softness, tenderness, strength...”
- Ah! “how I’m afraid for her, how afraid I am,” said the countess, not remembering who she was talking to. Her maternal instinct told her that there was too much of something in Natasha, and that this would not make her happy. Natasha had not yet finished singing when an enthusiastic fourteen-year-old Petya ran into the room with the news that the mummers had arrived.
Natasha suddenly stopped.
- Fool! - she screamed at her brother, ran up to the chair, fell on it and sobbed so much that she could not stop for a long time.
“Nothing, Mama, really nothing, just like this: Petya scared me,” she said, trying to smile, but the tears kept flowing and sobs were choking her throat.
Dressed up servants, bears, Turks, innkeepers, ladies, scary and funny, bringing with them coldness and fun, at first timidly huddled in the hallway; then, hiding one behind the other, they were forced into the hall; and at first shyly, and then more and more cheerfully and amicably, songs, dances, choral and Christmas games began. The Countess, recognizing the faces and laughing at those dressed up, went into the living room. Count Ilya Andreich sat in the hall with a radiant smile, approving of the players. The youth disappeared somewhere.
Half an hour later, an old lady in hoops appeared in the hall between the other mummers - it was Nikolai. Petya was Turkish. Payas was Dimmler, hussar was Natasha and Circassian was Sonya, with a painted cork mustache and eyebrows.
After condescending surprise, lack of recognition and praise from those not dressed up, the young people found that the costumes were so good that they had to show them to someone else.
Nikolai, who wanted to take everyone along an excellent road in his troika, proposed, taking ten dressed up servants with him, to go to his uncle.
- No, why are you upsetting him, the old man! - said the countess, - and he has nowhere to turn. Let's go to the Melyukovs.
Melyukova was a widow with children of various ages, also with governesses and tutors, who lived four miles from Rostov.
“That’s clever, ma chère,” the old count picked up, getting excited. - Let me get dressed now and go with you. I'll stir up Pashetta.
But the countess did not agree to let the count go: his leg hurt all these days. They decided that Ilya Andreevich could not go, but that if Luisa Ivanovna (m me Schoss) went, then the young ladies could go to Melyukova. Sonya, always timid and shy, began to beg Luisa Ivanovna more urgently than anyone not to refuse them.
Sonya's outfit was the best. Her mustache and eyebrows suited her unusually. Everyone told her that she was very good, and she was in an unusually energetic mood. Some inner voice told her that now or never her fate would be decided, and she, in her man’s dress, seemed like a completely different person. Luiza Ivanovna agreed, and half an hour later four troikas with bells and bells, squealing and whistling through the frosty snow, drove up to the porch.
Natasha was the first to give the tone of Christmas joy, and this joy, reflected from one to another, intensified more and more and reached its highest degree at the time when everyone went out into the cold, and, talking, calling to each other, laughing and shouting, sat in the sleigh.
Two of the troikas were accelerating, the third was the old count’s troika with an Oryol trotter at the root; the fourth is Nikolai's own with his short, black, shaggy root. Nikolai, in his old woman's outfit, on which he put on a hussar's belted cloak, stood in the middle of his sleigh, picking up the reins.
It was so light that he saw the plaques and eyes of the horses glinting in the monthly light, looking back in fear at the riders rustling under the dark awning of the entrance.
Natasha, Sonya, m me Schoss and two girls got into Nikolai’s sleigh. Dimmler and his wife and Petya sat in the old count’s sleigh; Dressed up servants sat in the rest.
- Go ahead, Zakhar! - Nikolai shouted to his father’s coachman in order to have a chance to overtake him on the road.
The old count's troika, in which Dimmler and the other mummers sat, squealed with their runners, as if frozen to the snow, and rattled a thick bell, moved forward. The ones attached to them pressed against the shafts and got stuck, turning out the strong and shiny snow like sugar.
Nikolai set off after the first three; The others made noise and screamed from behind. At first we rode at a small trot along a narrow road. While driving past the garden, shadows from bare trees often lay across the road and hid the bright light of the moon, but as soon as we left the fence, a diamond-shiny snowy plain with a bluish sheen, all bathed in a monthly glow and motionless, opened up on all sides. Once, once, a bump hit the front sleigh; in the same way, the next sleigh and the next were pushed and, boldly breaking the chained silence, one after another the sleighs began to stretch out.
- A hare's trail, a lot of tracks! – Natasha’s voice sounded in the frozen, frozen air.
– Apparently, Nicholas! - said Sonya's voice. – Nikolai looked back at Sonya and bent down to take a closer look at her face. Some completely new, sweet face, with black eyebrows and mustache, looked out from the sables in the moonlight, close and far.
“It was Sonya before,” thought Nikolai. He looked at her closer and smiled.
– What are you, Nicholas?
“Nothing,” he said and turned back to the horses.
Having arrived on a rough, large road, oiled with runners and all covered with traces of thorns, visible in the light of the moon, the horses themselves began to tighten the reins and speed up. The left one, bending its head, twitched its lines in jumps. The root swayed, moving its ears, as if asking: “should we start or is it too early?” – Ahead, already far away and ringing like a thick bell receding, Zakhar’s black troika was clearly visible on the white snow. Shouting and laughter and the voices of those dressed up were heard from his sleigh.
“Well, you dear ones,” Nikolai shouted, tugging on the reins on one side and withdrawing his hand with the whip. And only by the wind that had become stronger, as if to meet it, and by the twitching of the fasteners, which were tightening and increasing their speed, was it noticeable how fast the troika flew. Nikolai looked back. Screaming and screaming, waving whips and forcing the indigenous people to jump, the other troikas kept pace. The root steadfastly swayed under the arc, not thinking of knocking it down and promising to push it again and again when necessary.
Nikolai caught up with the top three. They drove down some mountain and onto a widely traveled road through a meadow near a river.
“Where are we going?” thought Nikolai. - “It should be along a slanting meadow. But no, this is something new that I have never seen. This is not a slanting meadow or Demkina Mountain, but God knows what it is! This is something new and magical. Well, whatever it is!” And he, shouting at the horses, began to go around the first three.
Zakhar reined in the horses and turned around his face, which was already frozen to the eyebrows.
Nikolai started his horses; Zakhar, stretching his arms forward, smacked his lips and let his people go.
“Well, hold on, master,” he said. “The troikas flew even faster nearby, and the legs of the galloping horses quickly changed. Nikolai began to take the lead. Zakhar, without changing the position of his outstretched arms, raised one hand with the reins.
“You’re lying, master,” he shouted to Nikolai. Nikolai galloped all the horses and overtook Zakhar. The horses covered the faces of their riders with fine, dry snow, and near them there was the sound of frequent rumblings and the tangling of fast-moving legs and the shadows of the overtaking troika. The whistling of runners through the snow and women's squeals were heard from different directions.

Painting by Rustem Eminov.

By decision of the State Defense Committee of the USSR No. GOKO-5859 dated May 11, 1944 on the eviction of all Crimean Tatars from the territory of Crimea, which he personally signed Joseph Stalin, from the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to Uzbekistan and neighboring areas of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan was resettled over 180 thousand Crimean Tatars. Small groups were also sent to the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and a number of other regions of the RSFSR.

The draft decision of the State Defense Committee was prepared by its member, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Lavrenty Beria. Deputy People's Commissars of State Security and Internal Affairs were entrusted with leading the deportation operation Bogdan Kobulov And Ivan Serov.

Officially, the deportation of the Crimean Tatars was justified by the facts of their participation in collaborationist formations that acted on the side Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War.

The decision of the State Defense Committee accused “many Crimean Tatars” of treason, desertion from the Red Army units defending Crimea, going over to the enemy’s side, joining “volunteer Tatar military units” formed by the Germans, participating in German punitive detachments, “brutal reprisals against Soviet partisans”, assistance to the German occupiers “in organizing the forcible abduction of Soviet citizens into German slavery”, cooperation with the German occupation forces, the creation of “Tatar national committees”, the use by the Germans “for the purpose of sending spies and saboteurs to the rear of the Red Army.”

The Crimean Tatars, who were evacuated from Crimea before it was occupied by the Germans and managed to return from evacuation in April-May 1944, were also subject to deportation. They did not live under occupation and could not participate in collaborationist formations.

Deportation operation began early in the morning of May 18 and ended at 16:00 on May 20, 1944. To carry it out, they involved NKVD troops in quantity more 32 thousand people.

The deportees were given anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour to get ready, after which they were transported by truck to the railway stations. From there, trains under escort were sent to places of exile. According to eyewitnesses, those who resisted or could not go were sometimes shot on the spot.

The transfer to the settlement sites lasted about a month and was accompanied by mass deaths of the deportees. The dead were hastily buried next to the railroad tracks or not buried at all.

According to official data 191 people died along the way. More from 25% to 46.2% of Crimean Tatars died in 1944-1945 from hunger and disease due to the lack of normal living conditions.

In the Uzbek SSR only for 6 months of 1944, that is, from the moment of arrival until the end of the year, died 16,052 Crimean Tatars (10,6 %).

In 1945-1946, more were exiled to places of deportation 8,995 Crimean Tatars are war veterans.

In 1944-1948, thousands settlements(with the exception of Bakhchisaray, Dzhankoy, Ishuni, Sak and Sudak), the mountains and rivers of the peninsula, the names of which were of Crimean Tatar origin, were.

For 12 years, until 1956, the Crimean Tatars had the status of special settlers, which implied various restrictions on their rights. All special settlers were registered and were required to register with the commandant's offices.

Formally, the special settlers retained their civil rights: they had the right to participate in elections.

Unlike many other deported peoples of the USSR, who returned to their homeland in the late 1950s, the Crimean Tatars were formally deprived of this right until 1974, and in fact - until 1989.

IN November 1989 The Supreme Soviet of the USSR condemned the deportation of the Crimean Tatars and declared it illegal and criminal.

The mass return of people to Crimea began only at the end of Gorbachev’s “perestroika”.

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