Code for embedding a presentation on a web page. Web pages inside Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Creating and publishing HTML documents

Scheme for creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint

Creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint consists of the following steps:

· choice of general design;

· adding new slides and their contents;

· selection of slide layouts;

· change the design of the slides if necessary;

· changing the color scheme;

· use of various design templates;

· creating animation effects when demonstrating slides.

Creation new presentation, begins with the Microsoft Office button and selecting the New command, Figure 1. In the Create Presentation window, you must start with a blank slide or create a presentation based on a template or an existing presentation.

Figure 1 - Starting to create a presentation

To see what your presentation will look like, you must first select a Presentation Theme, Figure 2. The theme colors will then be applied as you add certain objects, such as charts or tables, to the slide.

The theme determines the look and feel of your presentation. It determines the background, the placement of text and other objects, the color and font of text and slide elements.

The Design tab allows you to work with themes.

Figure 2 - Selecting a Theme

The Design tab contains additional galleries (Colors, Fonts, Effects, Background Styles) with which you can change the theme.

Figure 3 - Creating a slide

You should move from slide to slide, entering the necessary text and information. Once you've finished creating your presentation, you need to save it as a file.

In addition, PowerPoint allows you to create a presentation based on an existing layout or template that contains basic design elements, fonts, and a color scheme.

Setting up and publishing a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the Internet

The Review tab, Figure 4, will help you set up a show and publish it on the Internet, with which you can check spelling, use reference materials and thesaurus, add narration and create notes for the presentation, and PowerPoint Options, Figure 5, to configure header and footer settings, select options , relevant to the entire application.

Figure 4 - Setup and review

Figure 5 - Setting up PowerPoint options

Creating and publishing HTML documents

PowerPoint offers a work style that combines basic productivity tools with the power of the Internet, making it easier to share information and collaborate on projects. PowerPoint turns your intranet into a two-way workspace and gives users a single environment to collaborate, publish, share, and manage documents. When working with PowerPoint, publishing a presentation directly to the global information network is as easy as saving it to your local hard drive, Figure 6. This helps users create and share with colleagues their organization's most valuable asset: information.

A quick overview of tools to complete your publication:

1. Open the presentation or WEB page (Web page. Presentation saved in HTML format. When saving a presentation in web page format, accompanying graphic and other files are placed in the appropriate directory.) that you want to publish (Publishing. Saving a copy of the file in HTML format on a web server.) on the Internet.

Figure 6 - Selecting a presentation

2. Click the Microsoft Office button, and then select the Save Document command.

3. In the Folder list, select the path and location for the WEB page on the WEB server. If you want to open access to a presentation published on the Internet, then when choosing a location for this file, you need to specify a WEB server (Web server. A computer used to store web pages and respond to requests from browsers. Web servers on which stores files whose URLs begin with http://, also called HTTP servers.) or another accessible computer, Figure 7.

Figure 7 - Saving a document

4. In the File name field, enter the file name or accept the suggested file name. If you want the published presentation to have a different name than the original file, enter a new name.

5. In the File type field, do one of the following:

· To save the presentation as a WEB page and create an associated folder containing supporting files such as markers, background textures, pictures, and sounds, select the WEB page option.

6. To set the title text (Title bar. The horizontal bar at the top of the window, dialog box or toolbar in which the name of the document, program or toolbar is displayed.) for the WEB page, click the Edit button, enter the title text in the Title field page, and then click OK.

· To display speaker notes in the presentation, select the Display speaker notes checkbox.

· To set additional parameters for formatting and displaying the WEB page, select the WEB parameters command, select the desired parameters and press the OK button.

· To set support for a specific browser (Browser. Software that processes HTML files and displays them as Web pages. A Web browser, such as Windows Internet Explorer, can follow hyperlinks, transfer files, and play audio and video files embedded in web pages.) or specific browser version, select the desired option from the Browser support list.

Figure 8 - Publication

A PowerPoint presentation typically contains multiple slides, each of which can be saved as a separate web page. The entire presentation can be saved as a site, the structure of which will correspond to the structure of the presentation.

Example: create a website fragment based on the “Functional Blocks of a Computer” presentation, consisting of 5 slides that contain texts and images.

To save a presentation as a web page in the menu File select an item Save as web page. In the window that appears Saving a document select the file type to be saved Web page (*.htm, *.html), enter the file name and click the button Save.

Using the default settings, all presentation slides will be saved in the comp.files folder as separate pages that you can scroll through on the right side of the browser window using hyperlinks. These hyperlinks are located on the left side of the saved comp.htm page (by default, white on a black background).

Let's change these settings. For this purpose, by pressing the button Publish call the window Publishing a web page and configure the web document parameters. In this window you can select published objects ( Full presentation or Slides), browser support, and change the title of the web page. By default, it is offered as an object for publication Full presentation. In this case, all slides will be saved as web pages.

Color schemes, animation effects and other parameters are configured in the window Web Document Options, which is called up by the Web Settings button.

On the tab Are common choose a color scheme Presentation colors(emphasis added). In this case, the background of the web pages will match the background of the presentation slides.

Default checkbox Add a slide transition bar should only be removed if the slides have pre-installed hyperlinks indicating transitions between slides.

Let's save the document. Let's look at saved web pages.

Saving MS Office documents as web pages is the easiest way to create websites and is widely used in education for posting a variety of educational materials online: essays, abstracts, reports and presentations. In professional web design, these tools and methods are practically not used due to the suboptimal HTML code of the resulting pages, which makes them difficult to edit and leads to very large sizes files and slow page loading.

21. Basics of web design. Visual web design editor. Interface elements.

Web design in the FrontPage editor. Basic interface elements

When working with the FrontPage web editor, you can do without knowledge of the hypertext document markup language HTML. The web page is simply designed on the screen and saved in HTML format. The actions performed in this case to design a web document are reminiscent of working in the MS Word text editor.

The FrontPage editor interface is simple enough for the user to quickly learn the basic techniques. After launching FrontPage, a window opens, the main elements of which are: title bar, menu bar, toolbars, status bar and work area.

View Workspace depends on the selected operating mode.

In mode Constructor a web page is built from text blocks and graphic objects. In this case, its HTML code is automatically generated, which can be viewed and edited in the Code.

Mode With separation is a combination of these two modes.

Mode View allows you to view created pages.

Using the menu View You can select other useful operating modes.

Mode Page designed for creating and editing web pages.

In mode Folders The site folder structure is viewed and file operations are performed.

Mode Transitions displays the structure of links between pages and allows you to change it.

22. Basics of web design. Web page design elements. Graphics on web pages.

During the process of creating a website, it may be necessary to integrate it into its pages Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. PowerPoint Presentations visual, colorful, dynamic. At the same time, creating a presentation of a sufficiently high level of complexity does not require the user to have serious layout and design skills, which is an additional incentive to solve the issue integration of PowerPoint presentations into the website.

Posting a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the website

Microsoft does not provide an open source component for integrating PowerPoint presentations into end user sites. The MS Office package includes tools for integration into the MS IIS server with the ability to process PowerPoint presentations. But the vast majority of website owners do not have access to the server part (with the possible exception of dedicated servers) and support for certain components is at the discretion of the host provider.

First, we offer you a few simple or relatively simple ways posting PowerPoint presentations on the website or “workarounds” that allow you to convert the presentation to other formats that are more website-friendly.

Posting a direct link to a PowerPoint presentation

Directly upload the presentation to the site (the same way you upload any document to the site) and publish a link to it on any page. The site visitor will follow the link, download the presentation, open it on his computer and get acquainted with it. Yes, the method is ugly, but it does not require virtually any effort from the site owner’s point of view. In addition, the presentation can be large in size, the link will not cause the site visitor to unexpectedly increase traffic through online downloads.

Convert a PowerPoint presentation to PDF, Flash or video

Convert a PowerPoint presentation to PDF. Perhaps the easiest conversion method. Using a virtual printer, for example, FinePrintPDF, you simply print your presentation into a document, which you then upload to the site using the manager component PDF(most modern CMS include such managers or offer to install them for free). The disadvantage of this method is that it actually turns out to be a printed copy of the presentation. That is, all animation, sound and interactivity are missing.

Convert PowerPoint presentation to Macromedia Flash. This can be done using a number of utilities, for example, Wondershare PPT2Flash. The result retains almost all the beauty of the presentation: audio, animation, interactivity. In addition, the file size SWF an order of magnitude smaller than the original presentation file.

Convert a PowerPoint presentation to a video. There are a number of free utilities, For example, Fraps or Free Screen Video Recorder. The resulting video can be uploaded directly to the site or to Youtube, then paste on desired page video calling code. The video retains all the properties of the presentation, with the exception of support for interactivity.

Saving a presentation in HTML format and then uploading it to the website

Microsoft PowerPoint offers to save your presentation for publishing on the Web. But, unfortunately, this method has so many disadvantages that we would not recommend even trying it. Each slide is saved as a separate HTML page, animation and audio are lost.

From simple to complex

The methods described above can be used in isolated cases. What to do if there are a lot of presentations and you need to constantly update the materials of already posted presentations? Let's look at more complex ways to integrate PowerPoint presentations into a website. To do this, we need a software component, a tool that allows, on the one hand, to manage the loading and manipulation of presentations and, on the other hand, provides the ability hosting PowerPoint presentations on the site pages.

Post a PowerPoint Presentation Using Google Docs

This is perhaps the most popular way to publish presentations on your website. To do this you need to have an account Google. Go to section Google Docs (Google Drive) and import the MS PowerPoint presentation. Next, you need to set up public access to view the presentation, after which in the dialogue from the “File” - “Share to Web...” menu you can get the HTML code for inserting the presentation onto a website or blog. We copy the code and paste it in the HTML editor into the desired place on any page of the site. If public access is configured correctly and the code is installed correctly, the presentation will automatically load into the site visitor’s browser along with the page.

On the plus side, it should be noted that the presentation is editable, and all changes that you make to it will automatically be displayed on your website. The main disadvantage: a significant part of the animation effects, music and sounds that you used in the PowerPoint presentation will disappear without a trace.

Posting PowerPoint presentations on your website using or

Of course, there are other data storage services, but we will mention only two. and - social services with elements social networks, focused on publishing office and media content with public access.

You work with services in the same way Google Docs, register, upload a presentation to the site, set up public access, get the HTML code, paste the code into your site. From personal assessment we would add that SlideShare still cuts off some of the effects of the original presentation, and SlideBoom imports a PowerPoint presentation as close to the original as possible.

Installing a component on the website that automates the downloading and publishing of PowerPoint presentations

For many popular open source software (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and so on), a considerable number of software components have been written that, to varying degrees, implement the task of downloading/importing/publishing Microsoft PowerPoint presentations on website pages.

Most of these components implement the function of loading and manipulating presentations on the site side, and publishing (embedding into site pages) is organized by calling Google Docs API code.

There are also several Internet companies that provide their own APIs that support publishing Microsoft Office documents, including PowerPoint presentations. Software components developed by these companies, as a rule, have a high quality of convergence of documents published on the site with the original. However, all these components are purely commercial products, so we will not dwell on their study.


Which of the listed methods for publishing Microsoft PowerPoint presentations you choose for yourself is up to you to decide. We just tried to combine in one material various ways to solve this very urgent problem. Methods that sometimes seem non-trivial, such as recording a presentation into a video. Try it and you will succeed! Perhaps you will find your own original way, we will only be glad if you tell us about it!

In today's edition of the anthology, we will look at a very important issue: how to turn documents created in OpenOffice applications into web pages for publication on the Internet. This refers to the Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress modules. Of course, OpenOffice 2.0 is not able to compete with specialized web editors, even the simplest ones, but such a task is not set before it. But he can quickly prepare current working documents for publication on the Internet. Usually they are published somewhere “in the depths” of service sites and serve solely to provide information - design is a minor matter there...

Saving Writer documents as web pages

Writer's HTML capabilities include the most basic functions: saving existing documents in HTML format, creating new HTML documents, and creating multiple various types web pages using a wizard. The easiest way to create an HTML document is to convert an existing Writer document. The user can preview it in the form in which it will appear on a web page by going to the View menu --> Web Page Mode.

To insert and edit links in a document, use the Hyperlink dialog box. You can display this dialog by simply clicking on the Hyperlink icon, which is located on the standard panel. You can also go to the menu along the path Insert --> Hyperlink. Additionally, typing or pasting a URL into a document will automatically convert it into a hyperlink (if AutoCorrect is properly configured, of course). Let's edit the existing link:

1. In the first option, place the cursor on the link using the keyboard arrow keys or change on the status line (at the bottom of the editor window) TEXT to LINK (by clicking on the letters TEXT or LINK in the status bar). One thing to note here is that when LINK is displayed in the status bar and the user left-clicks on a link in the text, OpenOffice tries to open that link in the system's default browser. To be able to click and position the cursor, you must have TEXT in the status bar.

2. Select Edit --> Hyperlink from the menu. The Hyperlink window opens.

To include existing text in a link, select it and then open the Hyperlink window. Then copy the text into the Address field and click the Apply button to paste the link into the document before closing this window.

Saving the document as a single web page

To save a document as a single web page (HTML format), select Save As from the File menu and specify HTML Document as the file type. That is, everything is extremely simple. The only thing you need to remember is that Writer does not replace multiple spaces in the original document with HTML code of non-breaking spaces. If you want to have extra spaces in the HTML file or web page you are creating, you must insert non-breaking spaces into the document yourself. To do this, press Control+Space instead of just Space.

Saving the document as a series of web pages

The Writer module can save large documents as a series of web pages (HTML files) with a table of contents page. To do this, we carry out the following operations:
1. Select which headings should be used in the document on the new page, and make sure that all these headings have the same style (for example, Heading 1).

2. In the menu, go to File --> Send and select Create HTML Document.

3. The Name and path to the HTML document window opens; in it, enter the name of the file into which the pages will be saved. In addition, you should determine what style is used to identify the new page.

Creating web pages using the Wizard

A special OpenOffice web wizard allows you to create standard web pages of several types. It is used as follows:

1. Go to File --> Master --> Web Page. If this is the first web page, the only possible value for the Web Wizard Settings parameter will be Standard. Then click the Next button.

2. Select the document that needs to be converted and enter information in the Heading fields, Short description and Author. Click the Next button.

3. Select the appearance of the content of the website being created. To do this, click on one of the images appearance shown in the Basic Layout section of the Webmaster dialog box. After this, click the Next button.

4. Select the information that should be included in each document and the screen resolution. Click the Next button.

5. Choose a style for the page. Use the dropdown list to select various styles and color combinations. Here you can also view background images and a set of icons that are available in the Gallery. Click the Next button.

6. Enter general information: Title and HTML Metadata. Click the Next button.

7. Select the folder in which the file will be saved. You can preview the page if you wish.
If you need to change or view the HTML code generated for the document, you should select View --> HTML Source Code from the menu or click on the HTML Source Code icon, which is located on the Standard toolbar.

Saving Calc documents as web pages

The Calc spreadsheet module can also save files in HTML document format. In this case, you should go to the File --> Save As menu and select HTML Document, or go to File --> Wizard --> Web Page. If the source file contains more than one sheet, then the sheets in the HTML file will similarly follow each other. Links to each sheet will be located at the top of the document. Calc also allows you to insert links directly into your spreadsheet using the Hyperlink dialog box similar to the one described above.

We save presentation files as web pages

In OpenOffice, the user can very easily export finished presentations to Macromedia Flash files. To do this, go to the File --> Export menu, and then select Macromedia Flash as the file type. You can also convert your presentation into a series of web pages. To do this we do the following:

1. First, go to the File --> Export menu and select HTML Document as the file type.

2. Select the folder to save the file, determine the name of the resulting HTML file and click the Export button. The Export to HTML format wizard window opens.

3. Choose a single design for all pages. You can choose an existing design, or you can create a new one yourself. If the user has not previously saved a design, the Existing design switch will not be available.

4. Click the Next button and select the type of web pages to be created:
- Standard HTML format: one page for each slide, using navigation links to move from one slide to the next. - Automatic: Creates one page for each slide, each page uses the Refresh meta tag to automatically cycle the browser through each page.
- The webcast generates an ASP or Perl application to display the slides.

5. Decide in what format to save the graphics (GIF or JPG), and also select the screen resolution to use.

6. If you selected “Create Cover Page” in step #4, you should enter the appropriate information for it on the next page. Cover page information includes the author's name, email address, start page, and any additional information that needs to be included.

7. Select the style of navigation buttons to move from one page to another. However, you don’t have to select any - in this case, OpenOffice will create a text navigator on its own.

8. Select a color scheme for web pages. Available schemes include the existing document scheme, browser scheme, and user color scheme. The user can save the new schema, and it then appears on the first page of the Export HTML wizard.

9. Finally, to generate HTML files, click the Finish button. On the Export page, unless you previously selected the standard option, OpenOffice will offer several vector or point formats.

Saving Draw documents as web pages

Exporting drawings from the OpenOffice Draw module to a web format is similar to exporting presentations from the Impress module. Go to the File menu --> Export, and then select the file type "HTML Document". When using the wizard, the user can create a web page at any time by clicking the Finish button.

General remarks

Finally, I would like to note that OpenOffice, when creating HTML files, puts much less “garbage” into the code than Microsoft Office. The ability of MS Office to literally stuff HTML files with unnecessary code at one time even became the talk of the town. After this, more or less advanced users once and for all abandoned the use of the Microsoft office suite for creating web pages.

Unlike MS Office, OpenOffice creates much thinner HTML versions of documents - accordingly, with much cleaner code. But OpenOffice still cannot serve as a replacement for even a semi-professional web editor.

Denis Lavnikevich

Embed a web page into a PowerPoint slide so that the presenter can, without interrupting the presentation, demonstrate a website, show a video, embed a PDF document, or arrange an interactive poll among the audience.
It turned out that PowerPoint has the ability to embed a Microsoft WebBrowser ActiveX control, which displays pages.

However, this option has significant disadvantages:

Since the presenter will be embedding the pages themselves and may not have the necessary knowledge, it is advisable to make this procedure simple.

LiveWeb add-in
After experimenting with Visual Basic, I decided to look for a ready-made solution for the presenter. In addition to paid options, like iBrowse, I found a free add-in - LiveWeb. The description page is quite sophisticated, but contains all the necessary information on installing and working with LiveWeb, which makes no sense to repeat. Supported versions of Microsoft PowerPoint from 97 to 2010. The add-in is popular and continues to be supported by the developer. Slides are saved with the extension *.pptm (ppt + macros).

In addition to conveniently creating and changing window parameters, it is important that LiveWeb updates the page every time you visit a slide.

Video embedded in presentation (youtube)

SMS survey built into the presentation

Add-in benefits
  • Wizard for embedding web pages into slides, setting parameters.
  • Add-in shows the current page every time the slide is viewed
  • You can correct the situation with IE7 by adding a meta tag indicating the desired version of Internet Explorer to the desired page:
  • When you change page parameters, such as addresses, other settings (size and location) change to default, which is inconvenient.
  • Problems with the progress bar and blank page (if the site is unavailable) have not been resolved.
Bottom line
Of course, you can’t insert a meta tag on someone else’s page, a progress bar would be nice, and the Internet isn’t always available. But as a ready-made solution for simple and quick insertion of IE7-compatible sites, the plugin has proven itself very well.

I would be glad if someone shares their solution. I would also like to find a solution for Mac.

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