Description of an24. Description of an24 History of the creation of an 24

An-24– passenger turboprop aircraft for short and medium-haul routes. It has a range of 3,000 km, a cruising speed of 490 km/h, and a maximum take-off weight of 21 tons. Equipped with two turboprop engines AI-24 2 series, AI-24T (Ivchenko) with an AV-72, AV-72T variable pitch propeller. The An-24 was produced from 1959 to 1979. In total, more than 1,000 of these aircraft were produced, more than 300 are still in operation, mainly in the CIS and African countries.

Development of a new twin-engine passenger aircraft An-24, intended for operation on local airlines, began at GSOKB-473 named after. O.K. Antonov in 1958 in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1417-656 of December 18, 1957. According to the assignment, the aircraft was supposed to transport passengers with an equivalent load of 4,000 kg over a distance of up to 400 km with a cruising speed of 450 km/h. The use of AI-24 engines was envisaged.

The An-24 made its first flight on October 20, 1959, with the crew of test pilot G.I. Lysenko at the controls. In 1961, factory and state tests. Mass production aircraft production began at the beginning of 1962 at plant No. 473 in Kyiv. In September 1962, the first technical flight with passengers took place. On October 31, 1962, the aircraft began operation on the Kyiv-Kherson route.

Aircraft production An-24 lasted until 1979. From 1962 to 1979, more than 1,200 aircraft were produced, of which 1,028 were produced by the Kiev Aviation Plant AVIANT. The An-24 was also produced in China under the name Y-7.

An-24 characteristics

The fuselage is sealed, semi-monocoque type. The load-bearing structure consists of a set of stringers and beams. Glue-welded joints are used instead of riveting. The cross section of the An-24 fuselage is formed by two arcs of different diameters. The cockpit is located in the forward part of the fuselage. Behind it there is a front luggage compartment, a passenger compartment, a buffet, a toilet, a wardrobe and a rear luggage compartment.

The wing is trapezoidal in plan, caisson type, high aspect ratio. The wing consists of two spars. There are two retractable single-slot flaps on the center section, and two retractable double-slot flaps on the consoles. Also on the consoles are two split ailerons. The tail unit is traditional, complemented by a ventral fin.

The aircraft's landing gear is three-legged: two main legs and one front one. Double wheels on each stand. The pressure inside the tires is regulated on the ground.

Power point An-24 consists of two AI-24 turboprop engines designed by A. G. Ivchenko with four-blade propellers AV-72, AV-72T and an autonomous launch unit TG-16 (on the AN-24RV aircraft, an additional RU-19A300 turbojet engine with a power of 800 is installed in the right engine nacelle kgf). The diameter of the propellers is 3.9 m. The power of each engine at takeoff mode is 2,550 hp. Fuel is stored in 4 soft tanks in the center section.

Video of An-24 aircraft

1) An-24 landing – view from the window (video):

2) An-24 takeoff – view from the window (video):

The main development of Russian aviation began in the middle of the last century, back in the former Soviet Union. One of the leading experts in this field was designer O.K. Antonov. It was in his bureau that the first experimental model of the AN-24 aircraft appeared, which was then mass-produced by aviation factories in Kyiv, Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude. This aircraft model is also produced in China under the name Xian Y-7.

Short story

Develop in KB aircraft began in 1958 with the goal of using it for flights on short and medium-range routes with the ability to land on the ground and at unprepared airports. Already in October 1959, the crew under the command of test pilot Lysenko carried out a test flight from Kyiv to Kherson.

Then the AN 24 model aircraft underwent all the necessary tests and testing; it was launched into mass production only at the beginning of 1962. October of this year was marked by the first flight of the aircraft with passengers. During the Soviet period, this type of aircraft was quite in demand - these aircraft accounted for almost a third of the country’s total passenger turnover.

The production of Antonov’s invention continued for almost 20 years, which made it possible to equip Soviet aviation with a large number of passenger, technical and military vehicles. The Kiev Aviant plant alone has produced 1,028 aircraft of various modifications over the years.

Modifications of AN-24 aircraft

Code prefixes in the model nameShort description
No codeThe first production cars, which began to be produced in 1962.
A200 of these aircraft were produced in the early 60s, designed for 44 passenger seats.
BOnly 400 airliners were manufactured to transport passengers. Has an increased take-off weight (up to 21 tons), designed for 52 seats
INBegan production in 1964 as an export version
LPConverted model for use in fighting forest fires
PSThese aircraft were created as search and rescue equipment.
RThis model was made for radio monitoring and reconnaissance
TAn exclusively military transport with several doors: one in the rear of the left side, the second a wide cargo door in the front of the fuselage and a hatch in the tail
USHDesigned for flight crew training, therefore equipped with additional navigator seats
FC115 aircraft were manufactured together with the Beriev design bureau for photo-cartographic surveys
PCStaff version of the first modification
"Hummock"Designed to work in harsh conditions of the North - used in ice reconnaissance
"Troyanda"This is a kind of flying laboratory that was used to search for submarines
"A thread"The model appeared in 1974 for use in research work for the study of natural resources of the World Ocean and subsoil

The modification also includes intermediate versions of aircraft models, which were converted for use in various sectors of the national economy and for the needs of the army.

The Chinese model Xian Y-7 (a variant of the Russian AN-24RV) underwent a deep modernization at the Xian Aircraft Plant, resulting in the Xian MA60 aircraft. Based on the Y-7, another model is being produced in China - a flying AWACS radar.

In the Soviet Union, production of AN-24 aircraft ceased in 1979 as obsolete models. According to Antonov’s own calculations, the technical life of the machines he developed is 15 operational years. Despite the fact that “Nastenkas” (as these aircraft are affectionately called by people) have already been discontinued, many models in Russia and abroad continue to be used.


AN-24 aircraft are still in use for flights around the country and in the former republics of the USSR due to their ability to land in any conditions that do not require runway modernization. The car easily lands on uneven ground and is capable of taking off from an icy platform. The technical characteristics of the aircraft allow them to be used in regions with sufficient low temperatures(in the Far North).

The main characteristics of AN-24 aircraft are given in the table below.

Technical characteristics of models 24 AN

Main settingsIndicators
Capacity, maximum, persons.48-52
Flight range, thousand km1,85-3,0
Cruising speed, km/h498
Ceiling height, thousand m8,4
Take-off weight, maximum, t21
Aircraft length, m23,5
Aircraft height, m8,32
Wingspan, m29,2
Wing area, sq. m72,5

Note! The equipment installed on machines of this type allows you to take off and land in any weather conditions, at any time of the day, and even in poor visibility.

Description of design

In fact, the AN 24 model aircraft is a standard high-wing aircraft, where the fuselage has a semi-monocoque structure, supported by beams and stringers. A brief description of the aircraft can be presented as follows:

  • In cross-section, the body of the device consists of 2 interconnected arcs of different sections. The entire power structure is assembled using glue-welded joints;
  • The wings are responsible for creating the lifting aerodynamic force in the car. In AN-24 models they have a trapezoidal shape with a slight elongation. Throughout the entire wing structure, 2 power elements are used - spars. In the central part of the wing there are deflecting single-slot flaps, and on the consoles there are double-slot retractable and split ailerons;
  • The tail section of the hull provides balancing, stability and controllability of the vehicle in flight. The tail consists of a horizontal and vertical stabilizer, trim tab and elevators;
  • The tail is combined into a single system with the keel located under the fuselage of the aircraft. The purpose of the keel is to ensure the stability of the apparatus at the sliding angle;
  • The AN 24 model aircraft takes off and lands using retractable landing gear, consisting of one front and two main supports. Each of the struts has double wheels, allowing the AN 24 aircraft to land softly even on uneven ground;
  • The aircraft use Progress AI-24A turboprop 2-engine engines with a power of 2x2550 hp;
  • The turbine-propeller engines are equipped with 4-blade propellers with a diameter of 3.9 m and an autonomous starting unit. Fuel for the engines is stored in soft tanks located in the center section and caissons attached to the middle parts of the wings.

Note! The entire design of the aircraft was clearly thought out; every detail of the hull and tail allows the aircraft to be given normal aerodynamic properties, which is the key to safe movement in the air.

Layout of seats in the aircraft cabin

The hermetic semi-monocoque fuselage includes a passenger compartment, separated from other compartments (crew cabin, luggage compartment, wardrobe, toilet and buffet) by partitions. In the cabin of the AN 24 aircraft there is 1 aisle in the center, separating the left and right rows of seats (2 rows on each side).

Important! Passengers traveling with children should take into account the design features of the aircraft in order to choose the most comfortable seats in the cabin.

Description of seats by block of rows

  • All technical compartments on the plane are located in the rear section (except for the additional luggage compartment, which is located behind the cockpit), so rear passenger seats are not the best option for flying with children. The smells coming from the kitchen and toilet are most noticeable here. The tail part of the aircraft, moreover, is the most sensitive to the effects of turbulence - vibration is felt more strongly;
  • The very last row of seats is not comfortable because their backs are rigidly fixed and do not recline;
  • The seats located in the part of the cabin adjacent to the wings (in the diagram these are seats 4 to 8) can also be called an inconvenient option - the noise of the engines will interfere. And a child can quickly get bored with a poor view from the windows;
  • You should not choose seats in the cabin directly next to the emergency exits; if you are traveling with a small child, this will cause inconvenience in the event of an emergency;
  • The seats in the first row are considered the most comfortable - there is free space in front of the crew cabin where you can place a baby stroller or hang a cradle, if the cabin design allows.

All other seats on board the ship are standard places where you can accommodate preschoolers or teenagers, but for kids they will be uncomfortable. When traveling with children under 2 years old, the most best places It is better to book in advance in the cabin of AN-24 aircraft, as their choice is limited.


As for the amenities in the aircraft developed by the Antonov design bureau, they are far from those found in modern airliners. It should be borne in mind that Antoshkas were designed at a time when there were no gadgets in the country ( mobile phones, laptops, tablets). Therefore, there are no sockets for recharging them on the AN-24. The salons are not equipped with Internet devices.

The main amenities on such planes are standard: luggage compartments, spacious shelves for hand luggage, a galley that provides in-flight meals, and a toilet.

The airlines that operate these types of aircraft take care of in-flight entertainment for passengers. But since the AN 24 model aircraft is used exclusively for domestic communications on short distances, then passengers do not have time to feel the monotony of their time during the flight. And this does not in any way affect the comfort of air travel. That's why AN 24 still remains popular.


One of the passenger aircraft developed in the Soviet Union is the An-24. This is a turboprop aircraft for short and medium-haul routes. It made its first flight in October 1959. Since 1962, the aircraft has been used by various airlines and in various countries.

It has several modifications, among which the leading two options are military transport and passenger. Various aircraft were produced until 1979. Now such aircraft are no longer produced, but some models are still in operation. We will talk about the technical characteristics of the An-24 aircraft below.

The first developments have begun in 1958 In the 60s a transport model was created that had the characteristics of a cargo vehicle. Loading into it was carried out through hatches on the side of the hull. It also differed from the standard one in that it had a reinforced floor in the cargo compartment. This model was called An-24T.

A little later, an aircraft with an additional and more powerful engine was released. In 1961 tests were carried out, and a year later it was already cleared for serial production.

If you watch the video of the An-24 taking off, you will see how easily it rose into the sky.

During the USSR period it was one of the most popular aircraft. A third of the total passenger turnover was carried by the An-24. In the photo of the An-24 aircraft you can see that it was a large and beautiful model.

More than 1200 aircraft was released by 1979, of them 1000 - at the Aviant plant in Kyiv. An-24s were also produced in China.

Features and Specifications

Its design is identical to the An-26 with the exception of a few details. It has a pressurized fuselage. The cockpit is located in its bow.

In the An-24 cockpit, control systems are duplicated. There is also an electric autopilot and reliable radar equipment. Behind it there is a luggage compartment, a passenger compartment, and a wardrobe.

Characteristics and Short story An-24.

Two An-24 turboprop engines provide 2550 l each. They are part of a power plant with four-blade propellers. Its chassis consists of two main and one front landing gear. The wing is made in the shape of a trapezoid and contains two spars.

An-24 cruising speed — 460 km/h. He flies on a route with a range up to 1850 km. On board the aircraft can be placed from 48 to 52 people. The crew includes 3-5 people. Its length is 23.53 m and its height is 8.32 m. Empty weight of the aircraft - 13,350 kg.

Interior characteristics

There is one aisle in the salon, on both sides of which there are a pair of seats. There are only 10-12 rows. Number of seats on the An-24 aircraft - up to 52. The layout is single-class.

An-24 interior diagram.

If we talk about the interior layout of the An-24, it is very simple. Act here general rules by choice of location, as with all others. After analyzing the reviews, we can conclude that the chairs there are comfortable.

Incidents with An-24

As of February 2013 it was found that more than 162 models was lost as a result of accidents. 2120 passengers died while using this plane. The first accident occurred during a test flight in 1962, and the last one in 2015.


The An-24 is a passenger aircraft that was produced during the Soviet period. It had excellent technical characteristics, which made it one of the most popular in USSR aviation. Among the modifications there are military transport models. These aircraft are still used today by both Russian and foreign companies.

The cabin can accommodate from 48 to 52 people. A typical layout represents only one class of service. Passengers will find comfortable seats there.

The An-24 is a twin-engine passenger turboprop aircraft built for the needs of local airlines, medium and short distances. Developed at the design bureau named after. O. K. Antonova. In the NATO classification it is listed as "Coke". The people have the good-natured nickname “Nastenka”.

Although this plane has small dimensions, it does not lack a luggage compartment, a restroom and even a kitchen. On board the An-24 in one flight is capable of transporting up to 52 people (not counting 3-5 crew members) over a distance of up to 1850 km.

History of An-24 development

The active development of aircraft manufacturing in the Soviet Union, as well as the emergence of gas turbine engines, in the late 50s exacerbated the need to build a new aircraft that would be cheap to manufacture and unpretentious in operation. This was supposed to be the An-24, which was destined to replace the already obsolete type of aircraft for short-haul routes, the Il-14.

At the end of 1957, a government decree was issued on the construction of such a machine.

The implementation of the project in 1958 was entrusted to the team of aircraft manufacturers from the Design Bureau named after. O. K. Antonova. The designers were faced with the task of creating an aircraft capable of flying a distance of up to 400 km at a speed of over 450 km/h and carrying a load of 4 tons. At the same time, it was necessary to pay due attention to the following aspects:

  • ensuring flight safety;
  • increasing efficiency;
  • ease of operation;
  • long service life of the structure;
  • Possibility of operation at airfields of limited size;
  • ability to land aircraft on unequipped runways.

An-24 TsSKB Progress.

An-24 operated by UTair

An-24B produced by UTair

An-24RV operated by UTair

Photo of An-24B by UTair

Photo of An-24B by UTair

Photo of the An-24 interior from UTair

Project implementation

By 1959, such a machine was built. Aircraft manufacturers managed to create an aircraft that met all the demands of that time.

One of the most important parameters of the An-24 was its versatility. If necessary, the board could be converted for various needs. To transform the standard passenger compartment into a more spacious, comfortable version or into a cargo modification, it was necessary to simply dismantle the seats and interior partitions.

The constructed aircraft also had excellent take-off and landing qualities, which, together with the advanced chassis design, made it possible to use the aircraft on runways of all types of surfaces under any conditions. climatic conditions. An important nuance was the short take-off distance of the aircraft, which was only 650 m. This was enough for its operation at small airfields.

The innovative highlight of this project was the first use of glue-welded joining of aircraft skin. This solution was invented by academician B.E. Paton. Its essence was that the sheathing sheets were welded in spots, and then the seams were fastened with an adhesive mixture. This technology greatly simplified the construction of the aircraft, increased the durability of the structure and significantly reduced its cost.

An-24 aircraft North Korea

An-24 aircraft of North Korea

An-24B at an airfield in Poland. Photo from 1989.

Photo of An-24 in flight

Step into the sky

The An-24 made its first flight on October 20, 1959. For more than two years, the vehicle was tested at factory and state testing grounds. Only in 1962 did the airliner receive a recommendation for a serial intake. The aircraft was built in Kyiv, and later at aircraft factories in Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk.

The debut passenger transportation took place in September of the same 1962. By the end of October, the An-24 was used on the Kyiv-Kherson route. Since the middle of 1963, the An-24 has provided air passenger traffic between Voronezh, Saratov and Moscow.

With time this type The aircraft increasingly gained its popularity and began to fly on various other routes. A car with such wonderful technical characteristics soon began to solve problems of local transportation not only in our country, but also abroad.

Serial production of the An-24 was completed in 1979 and the final quantity amounted to more than 1,200 vehicles. However, this airliner is still actively used in Russia and other countries of the world. This model was very much to the liking of the leadership of the People's Republic of China, where it now not only provides flights, but is also built under license and designed in its other modifications.

Type passenger aircraft
Developed by ANTK im. OK. Antonova
Manufacturer: Kiev Aviation Plant "AVIANT",
Irkutsk aircraft plant,
Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant
First flight October 20, 1959
Start of operation 1962
Status in exploitation
Main operators Aeroflot
Military transport aviation of the USSR
Years of production 1962 - 1979
Units produced 1,367
(including Chinese Xian Y-7)
An-26 variants
Xian Y-7

An-24 (according to NATO codification: Coke - “Coke”) — passenger turboprop aircraft for short and medium-haul lines. It has a range of 3000 km, a cruising speed of 490 km/h, a maximum take-off weight of 21 tons. It is equipped with two AI-24 turboprop engines (Ivchenko) with a variable pitch propeller. The An-24 was produced from 1959 to 1979. More than 1000 of these aircraft were produced, more than 300 [source not specified 128 days] are still in operation, mainly in the CIS and African countries.

History of creation and development

Military modification of the An-24 of the Romanian Air Force

The development of a new twin-engine passenger aircraft An-24, intended for operation on local airlines, began at GSOKB-473 named after. OK. Antonov in 1958 in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1417-656 of December 18, 1957. According to the assignment, the aircraft was supposed to transport passengers with an equivalent load of 4000 kg over a distance of up to 400 km with a cruising speed of 450 km/h. The use of AI-24 engines was envisaged.

The An-24 made its first flight on October 20, 1959, with the crew of test pilot G.I. Lysenko at the controls. In 1961, factory and state tests took place. Serial production of the aircraft began at the beginning of 1962 at plant No. 473 in Kyiv. In September 1962, the first technical flight with passengers took place. On October 31, 1962, the aircraft began operation on the Kyiv-Kherson route.

Production of the aircraft continued until 1979. From 1962 to 1979, more than 1,200 aircraft were produced, of which 1,028 were produced by the Kiev Aviation Plant "AVIANT". The An-24 was also produced in China under the name Y-7.


As of January 1, 2006 in the State Register of Civil Aircraft Russian Federation There are 207 aircraft of this type listed, of which 121 are in operation.

Aerodynamic design
Twin-engine turboprop high-wing aircraft with a straight wing and single-fin tail.

Technical description

Fuselage hermetic, semi-monocoque type. The load-bearing structure consists of a set of stringers and beams. Instead of riveting, glue-welded joints are used. The fuselage section is formed by two arcs of different diameters. The cockpit is located in the forward part of the fuselage. Behind it there is a passenger compartment, a buffet, a toilet, a wardrobe and a luggage compartment.

Wing- trapezoidal in plan, caisson type, large elongation. The wing consists of two spars. There are two deflecting single-slot flaps on the center section, and two retractable double-slot flaps on the consoles. Also on the consoles are two split ailerons. The tail is traditional, complemented by a ventral fin.

Airplane landing gear- three-support: two main supports and one front. Double wheels on each stand. The pressure inside the tires is regulated in flight and on the ground.

Power point consists of two AI-24 turboprop engines with four-bladed AB-72T propellers and a TG-16 autonomous launch unit. The diameter of the propellers is 6.2 m. The power of each engine at takeoff is 2550 hp. Fuel is stored in 4 soft tanks in the center section.


Main characteristics
Crew: 3-6 people
Passenger capacity: 32 people
Load capacity: 4200 kg
Length: 23.53 m
Wingspan: 29.20 m
Height: 8.32 m
Wing area: 74.98 m²
Empty weight: 13300 kg
Curb weight: 13750 kg
Normal take-off weight: 18000 kg
Maximum take-off weight: 19200 kg
Fuel mass in internal tanks: 3950 kg
Powerplant: 2 × AI-24 TVD
Engine power: 2 × 2550 (2 × 1876)
Propeller: AB-72T
Screw diameter: 3.90 m

Flight characteristics
Maximum speed: 540 km/h
Cruising speed: 420 km/h
Practical range: 990 km
Ferry range: 2820 km
Service ceiling: 9100 m
Run length: 500 m
Run length: 500 m

Built solutions:
An-24- the first production version. Produced in 1962.
An-24 "Thread"- an aircraft for researching the natural resources of the Earth and the World Ocean. Manufactured in 1978.
An-24 "Troyanda"- a flying laboratory for testing equipment for searching submarines. In 1968, 1 An-24T was converted.
An-24A- passenger version, designed for 44 seats. In 1962-1963, 200 aircraft were manufactured. An-24B- a passenger version with a take-off weight increased to 21 tons, designed for 48-52 seats. Produced since 1964. 400 aircraft were produced.
An-24V- export version of the An-24B. Produced since 1964.
An-24LP- forest firefighter. In 1971, 3 aircraft were converted.
An-24LR "Toros"- ice reconnaissance aircraft. In 1967, 5 aircraft were manufactured.
An-24PS- search and rescue based on An-24T.
An-24PRT- An-24PS variant with simplified equipment.
An-24R- radio reconnaissance and radio control aircraft.
An-24RV- An-24B(V) variant with an auxiliary power unit RU-19A-300 installed in the right engine nacelle of the theater.
An-24RR- laboratory aircraft for radiation reconnaissance. In 1967-1968, 4 aircraft were converted.
An-24RT- military transport with an additional RU-19A-300 engine. In 1969-1971, 62 aircraft were manufactured at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant.
An-24RT (An-24RTR)- radio repeater aircraft.
An-24T (An-34)- military transport aircraft based on the An-24B(V). It had a large cargo door on the starboard side in the front part of the fuselage and a door on the left side in the rear section, a cargo hatch in the tail. Developed in 1961-1965. First flight November 16, 1965. In 1967-1971, 164 aircraft were manufactured at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant.
An-24SHT- headquarters version of the An-24. In 1968, 36 aircraft were converted.
An-24USH- training and navigator version of the An-24. It featured 5 navigator jobs. In 1970, 7 aircraft were converted.
An-24FK (An-30)- photocartographic version (joint work of the Beriev Design Bureau and the Antonov Design Bureau). In 1975-1980, 115 aircraft were manufactured at the Kiev Aviation Plant.
An-26- military transport aircraft. It is distinguished by the presence of a cargo ramp at the rear of the fuselage, a crane beam and other loading and unloading equipment. In 1968-1986, 1398 aircraft were manufactured.
Y-7- Chinese version of the An-24RV. First flight December 25, 1970. In 1984-2000, 70 aircraft were manufactured.
MA-60- modernized version of Y-7. Produced since 2000 by Xi'an Aircraft Manufacturing Company.

Design solutions:
An-24AT- military transport aircraft based on the An-24A. It differed with TV2-117DS engines with coaxial propellers with a diameter of 4 m.
An-24AT-U - a short takeoff and landing aircraft based on the An-24AT (it was proposed to install PRD-63 powder boosters and braking parachutes).
An-24AT-RD- an aircraft based on the An-24AT with two R27F-300 booster engines.
An-24D- passenger version, designed for 60 seats and a flight range of up to 2700 km.
An-24K- administrative (service) aircraft, designed for 16-18 seats.
An-44- transport (project). It was distinguished by a large cargo door on the left side.
An-50- with 4 turbojet engines AI-25 (project). Developed in 1972.


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