Jerry is paranoid, me and the rest of them are assholes. Jerry is paranoid, me and other assholes Controversial points in Finn's characterization

Well, first we'll talk about the armor of stormtroopers. The stormtrooper's armor was a distinctive white plastoid vest worn over a more airtight black body suit. This armor became similar to that of the Phase II Clone Troopers. It consisted of 18 pieces, completely enclosing the body, and usually had no individual markings. Early observers sometimes mistook stormtroopers for their battle droid form. The armor also protected soldiers from very harsh conditions environment, as well as projectiles and kinetic energy of weapons. The armor greatly reduced the blaster's damage to the wearer, but it could be completely cut through by a more powerful blast. The fabric could protect a soldier in almost any environment - from very low or high temperature to vacuum for a limited period of time. The badge of rank was the color of the shoulder pads. In certain situations, stormtroopers wore camouflage armor to help them blend into different environments. The armor was canceled after the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor. Private ownership of stormtrooper armor was strictly prohibited by the Empire. Protective Measures The armor's most obvious function is protection from laser shots. The armor was designed to dissipate laser energy and insulate the user, reducing injury. Although standard armor could not permanently protect the wearer from cannon fire, it could partially deflect or dissipate energy. Although the wearer of the armor may have been incapacitated, survival would allow the soldier to receive first aid, which could return him to duty. It also deflected blows from sticks, and served as excellent protection against explosions and shrapnel, thus reducing the blast radius used against soldiers wearing this armor. It was almost impossible to kill a stormtrooper firearms, unless the bullet was abnormally large, or if it struck tight-fitting fabric or a lens visor. The armor was equipped with air filters and was fully protective against chemical and biological attack, the armor could even protect the wearer from vacuum for a limited time. The oxygen tank behind the attack aircraft contained a supply of oxygen for 20 minutes. Stormtrooper armor was combined with a personal force field projector to survive against open blaster fire. The armor also improved the ability to melee and attack with vibroblades, and gloves were improved specifically for this ability. Helmets The helmets were extremely heavy; stormtroopers needed effort to turn their heads. Belt Equipment and Backpack On the back of the belt was (sometimes not) a holster for an E-11 blaster rifle. Now about Katarn-class armor Katarn-class armor was worn by clone commandos Great Army Republic during the Clone Wars. She was named after a predatory animal from the planet Kashyyyk. This class of armor weighed 20 kilograms and cost 100,000 Galactic Standard Credits on the black market. Thanks to a special composition of armor plates and chemical compounds, Katarn-class armor was more expensive and durable than regular clone trooper armor. This armor was also optimized for manual use of bacta and allowed commandos to quickly heal wounds. Over the course of the war, Katarn-class armor was repeatedly modified and perfected by the clone commandos themselves. History Delta Squad in Katarn class armor. The second version of the Katarn class armor was created four months after the Battle of Geonosis and did a good job of protecting its owner from shots from EMP weapons and Verpine grape pistols. The development of this armor was begun at the request of Omega Squad after the completion of their mission on the planet Qiilura. Ten months after the Battle of Geonosis, another version of the Katarn-class armor was released, which could withstand the explosions of light grenades and was virtually invulnerable to laser cannon fire. At the same time, production of armor for night operatives began. Some variants of the Katarn class armor were intended for specific types of missions. The Katarn-class ADSD armor was a fully sealed suit with a huge supply of oxygen and was intended for missions in deep space and underwater. The night operatives' armor was made of a special camouflage alloy that was virtually invisible to sensors and the naked eye. During the Galactic civil war Imperial military engineers created Katarn armor based on the Phase II Clone Trooper armor. The name of this armor was probably nothing more than a reference to the one worn by clone commandos during the Clone Wars. Specifications Although the Katarn-class armor has had several versions, some parts of it have remained unchanged. The commando helmet was equipped with in-helmet displays (VIDs), which displayed such important information as a description of the items presented on the screen, information about the health of the armor wearer and the positions of squad mates. The helmet's microelectronics allowed commandos to turn various functions on and off with just a glance and the blink of their eyelids. Using the built-in comlink, commandos could communicate with each other on different channels and frequencies. The sensors built into the helmet not only determined the type, manufacture and relative error of the weapon used by the clone commando, but also helped him adjust his aim. The helmet also had a filter that blocks harmful molecules from the atmosphere, electronic binoculars and a night visor. The body of the armor was made of duraplast and reliably protected its owner from blasters and other anti-personnel weapons. Also, a commando wearing it could safely be in a vacuum and in zero-gravity conditions for about twenty minutes. Katarn class armor reliably protected its owner from both extreme heat and severe cold. The armor also had a unique secret weapon: The clone ommando who wore it could release a built-in vibroblade from his sleeve and kill the enemy with one sharp blow. The commando backpack served as storage for special military containers with various types ammunition inside. The backpack also contained an oxygen cylinder for working in space or underwater, an additional supply of bacta, and even a device for long-distance communications. It is interesting to note that a special display was attached to the backpack, which showed the last two digits identification number the clone commando who wore it. Note from the author: We can say that this armor is very good, as you remember in Star Wars Clones, the clone commander survived in this armor

The trailer for the seventh episode of Star Wars has been released! And we present to you the ammunition of First Order Stormtroopers!
Perhaps this will be for someone SPOILER, oh well. The Galactic Empire was replaced by the First Order - an organization inspired by the principles of the Empire. There are also stormtroopers here, just like in the original trilogy, but their armor has undergone changes, they were given new blasters, because a lot of time has passed. Stormtroopers have become more modernized, more “smooth”, I would say. It’s still impossible to talk about the quality of the army, but I liked the redesign of the armor itself.

First of all, I would like to introduce the First Order stormtrooper helmet. Yes, some versions of this helmet have already been posted on the site, but I am glad to present you with another, closest to the real, model of this helmet. The archive has both a version for foam and a version for paper. By the way, I have already glued this helmet together, and it turned out quite well, I hope that I will find time and make the whole costume. I also added a paper version from Ivan Pivovarov to this archive, as well as a 3D model of the entire costume combined together.
The foam reamer, like similar ones, is assembled very easily, but I looked at the finished assembled specimens - it turned out very poorly. Let's look at a paper pattern. Despite some small parts, and generally quite difficult assembly, it is worth it. Some of the most complex details are thin strips that imply grooves. There are no textures, but this doesn’t matter, because you can paint some places black yourself. In the original, this helmet seemed a little small to me (28 cm in height and 14 sheets), so I enlarged it a little and arranged it, even if some parts fit on top of each other friend (30 cm high and 12 sheets).

Download the layout of the First Order stormtrooper helmet -

Let's move on to the armor. The armor, of course, is not textured (or white textures), the armor is designed for a height of approximately 176 cm, if I’m not mistaken, but adjust everything to suit you. All armor has “fastenings” that would be easier to make from scrap materials - PVC, for example. It should also be noted that all paired parts of the armor - arms, legs - come in pairs, that is, both the right and left parts are in one file.
The torso protection consists of three sections: protection of the lower torso (abs), upper torso and chest plate.
The abdominal protection also wraps around the back, as if surrounding the lower part of the body. It takes up 17 pages in pepakura, but this also includes a certain “stand” for the thermal detonator, which is made here a little differently than in the original. The parts are quite large, minor difficulties can arise only on this “stand”.

Stormtrooper Ab Protection -

The upper body is made like a vest and is located on 18 pages. There is a relief at the back - rounded indentations. It's not very difficult to assemble.

Well, on top of the upper part you should attach either Velcro, or magnets, or something else to the chest plate. Number of sheets - 11, average assembly.

Chest plate pdo -

Let's move on to the hands. The stormtrooper's shoulders come with glove pads; takes 7 pages, average complexity of assembly.

Shoulders and glove pads -

The biceps of the stormtrooper are located in pepakura on 8 pages, they are easy to assemble, problem areas are “joints”.

The hands (forearms) themselves are much more difficult to assemble, because their shape is much more complex and interesting. The number of sheets is also 8.

Protection of the groin and the back of the pelvis are also combined in one file, located in pepakura on 9 pages. It's quite easy to assemble.

Paper stormtrooper pelvis protection -

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. There are accessories that are attached to the belt - all sorts of boxes that can be made into workers, and a thermal detonator - a very dangerous weapon in the hands of a skilled fighter. The pepakura took 14 pages, but some details were taken out of the sheets (in particular, those parts that are made of fabric).

Accessories for a stormtrooper belt -

The hip and knee protectors also come together, are quite easy to assemble, and take up 18 pages in the pepakura.

Well, the last detail of the suit for today is the protection of the shin and ankle joint, which are also located on 18 pages, and are assembled in an average manner.

P.S. If you still decide to make this costume, I advise you to focus on the requirements of the 501st Legion, even if you do not plan to join. There are still some shortcomings in the development.

Version: 1B
Language: Russian

New high-quality Stormtrooper armor for girls with UNP-UNPB-BBP bodies. The armor turned out very beautiful with all the small details drawn.

- Added optional options for UNP-BBP and UNPB-BBP bodies with breast physics
- The translation of all things has been completely changed

- Fixed a bug where the Assault Sword did not appear for sale at Zale
- Fixed normal map maps armor
- Fixed problems with the scarf, now the correct position in relation to the body

It is included in the kit:
- Various color options, a total of 26 types of armor and sword
- Dirty Stormtrooper scarf
- Dirty Stormtrooper scarf (alt)
- Red Stormtrooper scarf
- Red Stormtrooper scarf (viola)
- Stormtrooper headband (left hand)
- Stormtrooper headband (right hand)
- Stormtrooper belts
- Stormtrooper shoulder pad
- Stormtrooper shoulder pad (small)
- Stormtrooper shoulder pad (red, right)
- Stormtrooper shoulder pad (red, left)
- Stormtrooper shoulder pad (green, right)
- Stormtrooper shoulder pad (green, left)
- Stormtrooper pants (light)
- Stormtrooper pants (dark)
- "Stormtrooper" bracers (wrap)
- "Stormtrooper" bracers (protection)
- Stormtrooper glove (left)
- Stormtrooper glove (right)
- Stormtrooper gloves (double)
- Stormtrooper boots (light)
- Stormtrooper boots (dark)
- Stormtrooper breastplate
- Stormtrooper II Chest
- Stormtrooper Chest III
- Stormtrooper respirator
- Stormtrooper Sword

Where to find armor:
- Armor can only be found and purchased from Zale, who can be found inside the Nest of the Reach Winds, located southeast of Markarth. Zale is available 24/7, is very rich and will buy most of your items.

Game version and higher
UNP body or
UNPB body or
Body UNP-BBP or

Installation:(only manually, the archive will not be installed via NMM manager)
There are 4 folders in the archive
1. Main mod - required to be installed (by default for UNP bodies)
2. For UNPB bodies - this is optional for those with UNPB bodies
3. For UNP-BBP bodies - this is optional for those who have UNP bodies with BBP physics
4. For UNPB-BBP bodies - this is optional for those who have UNPB bodies with BBP physics
- Place the data folder from the "Main Mod" folder into the game folder (not Data inside Data, but on top), confirm merging folders and files and activate in the launcher
- If you have a UNPB or UNP-BBP or UNPB-BBP body, then select the appropriate optional option and also place the Data folder in the game folder (not Data inside Data, but on top), confirm merging folders and files

The Dark Lord paced the hangar of the secret Death Star, a backup to the second star that had once been laid down and was still unfinished due to lack of finances and the success of the rebels, who did not yet know about the existence of another deadly space weapon. Each blow of a shoe on the metal floor was reflected from the walls of the room and flew through the protective field somewhere into the dark depths of space of one galaxy far, far away. His face, disfigured by the Dark Side of the Force and an unfortunate collision between a speeder bike and a rock during one of the campaigns, expressed unprecedented rage, his hands clasped behind his back, twitching impatiently.

The imperial officer trotting behind him cautiously watched the jet-black gloves, as if hoping to jump back if something happened. More than once, the Dark Lord, looking at the picture in the hangar, had the desire to grab a light saber and cut this idiot. Although no. After what the current scientists did to his saber, he will never touch it again. He will simply strangle this idiot, and then strangle the entire Star personnel. What can a bunch of stormtroopers do with him, the Great Sith? Charges assault rifles he is not afraid - he once fought off three Jedi at once. Unless, of course, one of the soldiers learned to shoot from this “ingenious” weapon, in which the charge dispersion compensator went astray at the assembly line stage, which is why there were so many jokes in the galaxy about the accuracy of the shooting of the imperial troops. The Dark Lord especially liked the joke about how a stormtrooper cannot become a dad because he ends up in a socket instead of the required hole. Under the respirator hiding his face, the Lord smiled faintly. I wonder whose idea it was with the rifles? Vader, who always secretly dreamed of betraying the emperor? Or the Emperor himself, who was afraid of a revolt of the troops? Doesn't matter. Today it was too late to rebuild the factory planets. We'll have to fight with what we have. Against a bunch of hungry people who suddenly became mighty force, which has crushed the galaxy under itself.

Dark side, Light side. What's the real difference? In the Republic, the Supreme Council ruled, the Empire replaced him with the Emperor. And absolutely nothing else has changed. The poor planets remained poor. Anarchists remained anarchists. Power, as it was the main motivating goal in the galaxy, remains so. But overall it became calmer. After Anakin (how long had it been since that name had been heard in the galaxy) had massacred the Temple, it was no longer likely that a bunch of clowns would pull out colorful lightsabers in a drunken brawl. What now? Again, reports of severed arms and legs flashed here and there. It's time to put the Galaxy in order again. The Lord clenched his fists and turned to the line of stormtroopers standing in line, in front of whom he had been pacing all this time. The officer almost flew into the Sith.

Under the arches of the hangar, the voice of Darth Fanatus thundered, distorted by a respirator and heavy breathing. He extended his finger towards the formation and asked:

How can you explain this to me?

The imperial officer slammed his eyes towards the formation, which looked more like a circus in the pasture, but after looking at the Lord’s glove he pulled himself together:

New form of stormtroopers, Overlord.

Who gave the order to change the stormtrooper armor? What was wrong with them?

Personal order of Lord Mikkeus.

Bypassing me?

That's right, Lord.

Fanatus sighed. The new emperor did not inspire confidence in him and did more and more strange things. Why did he send him on an inspection to the Star? Laugh at the veteran?

And he gave clear instructions that the form should be exactly like this?

No, Lord. The Lord only outlined in general terms what requirements assault armor should meet.

Then can you explain to me why the old armor was bad?

A lot of white, little black,” the officer tried to stretch out even more when Fanatus came close to him, and turned white with fear.

What does this mean, a rocket in your silo?

I don't know, sir. These are the words of Lord Mikkeus.

The lord sighed.

Fine. I'll talk to him. But this,” Fanatus pointed his finger at the line again, “you will be responsible for this.”

The Sith approached one of the stormtroopers. His armor shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow and he looked more like a clown than part of a formidable imperial fist. Yes, today the Empire was weaker than ever, but this does not mean that they do not have the strength to strike back, and this does not mean that the entire galaxy can make fun of the elite Imperial units.

What does it mean?

The officer turned even more pale, it seemed that just a little more and he would become transparent.

In this way we are trying to show the diversity of the galaxy. This is a symbol that the people of the Empire are equal. A symbol that there is no place for prejudice in the Empire. Symbol of the New Empire.

Whaaaaat? – Darth Fanatus began to raise his hand threateningly.

“Lord Mikkeus,” the officer stammered, “said that the Old Empire was hated because of its ossified patriarchal beliefs and the infringement of the rights of minorities.

The Dark Lord lowered his hand.

I will definitely ask the Lord about this. And if he didn’t say that, your death will be long and painful. I will break your vertebrae one by one.

That's right, Lord.

Meanwhile, Fanatus walked up to the next stormtrooper and poked his finger in his chest, where there was a significant bulge in his armor.

Why is this? - he asked

The female version of the armor, sir, - the officer felt like tentacles Dark Force crawl up to his neck and tickle his skin unpleasantly.

Why does the Empire need a female version?

The Lord decreed that everyone, regardless of gender, race and religion, could serve for the glory of the Empire.

Women? In elite units? Is this what Mikkeus commanded? – Fanatus was losing patience.

A displeased grunt was heard from under the stormtrooper's helmet. The Dark Lord turned sharply to the line and thundered:

Remove helmets.

A second later, almost simultaneously, the helmets were in the hands of the stormtroopers. Larth Fanatus approached the soldier in female armor, who turned out to be a red-haired girl in her twenties.

Is there something you don't like, soldier? – he said, opening his palm, ready to grab the sword summoned by the Force.

No way, sir! – the girl stood up straight.

The officer, disregarding the regulations, ran up to Fanatus and whispered something in his ear. The Dark Lord listened to him patiently, and then exploded:

What do you mean you can't? What does organization mean? What does the Feminine Side of Power mean? Are you completely crazy from idleness?

“The Lord’s order,” the officer bowed.

Fanatus, noticing that the girl soldier was squinting her eyes at them, came close to her and said:

One more dissatisfied look and I will personally throw you into space. I hope everything is clear?

Fanatus approached the next soldier - a tall black young man.

Number,” he said briefly.

X-04598, yo.

What? Do you know the charter? You know who I am?

Don't freak out, nigga. Of course I know. A nigga will always recognize a nigga. How's it going, bro?

The lord was seething with rage. Clouds gathered in the hangar. He turned to the officer.

What does it mean? What are you teaching them? Do they know what subordination is?

The officer again pointed at Fanatus's ear with his eyes. He moved closer. When the speech was over, he decided that he no longer had the strength to be angry.

So, the Program for Assistance to the Low-Income Population? OK.

He sighed heavily. Representatives of his species lived for a long time, and therefore he remembered the glorious times when all stormtroopers were clones. They thought as one, they acted as one. As soon as the Emperor replaced himself, everything went to hell. They began to recruit all kinds of riffraff into the elite units, who did not even have the combat experience that each clone a priori acquired. Mikkeus, what are you doing?

He turned to the officer.

Take them away. I can't look at it anymore. What's next for us, inspection of new tie-fighters?

The officer waved his hand, dismissing the stormtroopers and said:

Lord, I think it is better to postpone the inspection until tomorrow.

And why is that?

The officer kissed the Lord's ear for the third time. This time, Fanatus's anger was hard to miss. He walked towards the officer and yelled menacingly:

What does he look like now? Female engineer you say? Feminist you say? Symbol? Equality? Mikkeus' order?

The Dark Lord raised his hand. The officer rose into the air. His neck twisted unnaturally, a loud crunch was heard, and his limp body fell to the floor. Fanatus turned to his ship and shouted to the guards:

Start the engines. I'm flying away.

Without another word he went on board. A few minutes later the shuttle roared and burst into the darkness of endless space.

Darth Fanatus looked at the lightsaber grimly. I wonder what genius came up with a light guard that, at the slightest carelessness, would cut off the owner’s hand? He threw the sword and it rolled behind the captain's seat. It is better to be an outcast and hide on the outskirts of the galaxy all your life, knowing that you have not betrayed the ideals of the Old Empire, than to serve this crazy Lord Mikkeus.

The seventh episode of the famous epic has perhaps become the most significant phenomenon in modern cinema. The most popular premiere of the past year was the film “ star Wars" The stormtrooper from this film named Finn immediately attracted the attention of fans: firstly, he is a new young character who played one of the key roles in the development of the plot. Secondly, his figure seems too ambiguous, so that serious controversy even broke out among his fans around his personality.

General characteristics of attack aircraft

First, we should briefly talk about what the stormtroopers were. This is one of the units in the imperial army. They are dressed in white armor and armed with blasters and other weapons. In the last episode of the film saga, two heroes attracted attention. First of all, this is, of course, Finn, as well as one of the stormtroopers who entered into battle with him. This character became very popular: his photographs spread around the Internet. The public liked his energy and perseverance, which he showed at a critical moment.

The stormtrooper plays a big role in the development of the plot. "Star Wars 7" was no exception in this regard. As in the original epic, a representative of this unit played a major role in the new film. These soldiers are foot soldiers and constantly terrify the inhabitants of those places that are attacked by them.

Character of the hero

One of the main characters of the new film was a stormtrooper. "Star Wars 7" immediately introduced several new original films to its devoted audience. characters. Among them, Finn ranks special place. On the one hand, he behaves courageously: he boldly stands up for Rey, literally rushes into battle to save her, and in a number of scenes he shows simply miracles of courage (for example, a lightsaber battle, etc.).

However, in other places, on the contrary, he demonstrates indecision and lack of confidence in his abilities. The hero doubts, hesitates, tries to evade responsibility, although the actor himself was clearly determined to play a completely positive hero in the Star Wars film. The stormtrooper, however, turned out to be very cute and attractive, and fans hope that in the next part the creators will develop this character properly.

Character's fighting qualities

One of the most controversial points in the description and characterization of the image of Finn is his abilities. At the very beginning, he appears before the audience as a simple private in the imperial army, which is one of the main plot points in the film “Star Wars”. An attack aircraft has the necessary set of qualities that allow it to carry out the minimum necessary commands for combat operations.

However, already in the scene of the first battle we are shown that he is not able to carry out the command: he does not dare to shoot at the inhabitants and behaves completely differently from the soldiers of the empire and the rest of the stormtroopers. Star Wars (Episode 7) leaves a lot of questions about this. The fact is that most viewers in the comments express some bewilderment that such an indecisive and incapable person could become a fighter in the imperial army.

Controversial points in Finn's characterization

Many critics note that the new Star Wars has become a kind of adaptation of the old plot. Stormtrooper represents something new compared to the old franchise precisely due to the ambiguity of its character. However, in general, the character makes a very positive impression, despite the controversy of some points.

One of the most significant points in this context is the problem of when and how the hero learned to wield a lightsaber. Fans of the original film, of course, remember that in order to operate this weapon, special long-term persistent training was required, which is emphasized in every possible way in the previous parts.

The creators of the film “Star Wars” (Episode VII) took a slightly different path. The stormtrooper in this film calmly handles this deadly weapon and even enters battle, revealing extraordinary abilities in wielding this lightsaber, which caused a lot of bewilderment among fans of the new film.

Character appearance

In terms of the characters' costumes, some features can be noted in the Star Wars film. The armor of the stormtrooper is distinguished by more careful detailing. Modern technologies allowed us to create a spectacular costume. Its design is complex. The armor consists of several elements. The body is protected by an intricate design of three components: one covers the lower part, the second covers the upper, and finally there is a special chest plate. The element that protects the abs also covers part of the back, thus covering the body from all sides.

The upper part resembles in design a regular vest with recesses for the neck and arms. Separate special parts of the suit protect the shoulders, biceps, and forearms. Special devices, such as a detonator, are attached to the belt. In general, the character's costume looks quite terrifying, which, however, corresponds to the plot.

Head protection

The stormtrooper helmet from Star Wars is, in principle, familiar to all fans of the epic film. The white mask has a rather complex structure: it has slits for the eyes and special holes in the mouth area. This helmet is probably familiar to all viewers of the popular saga. In addition, in the film you can see a black helmet, which is worn by representatives of the high command in the imperial army.

Soldiers' helmets are somewhat different from each other. There are those that are intended for so-called first-order fighters who wield flamethrowers. Separately, we should highlight the pilots' helmets, which are distinguished by brighter colors. The helmet looks like a one-piece structure, but in fact it consists of several parts for the lower and upper parts of the face. The head is hidden under a sloping plate, which widens towards the bottom and takes on a very terrifying shape in the jaw area.

The eye slits are hidden under dark material, so the face appears completely opaque. The protruding massive lower part serves as additional protection for the soldier. In general, the helmet of a stormtrooper from “Star Wars” seems to merge with the rest of the costume, the armor of the fighters, differing only in some pretentiousness of the lower part. This costume detail is especially popular among fans of the epic: on the Internet you can find many instructions for making helmets, as well as offers to purchase ready-made models.

General characteristics of the suit

The stormtroopers' crisp white armor and rather ominous helmet emphasize the aggressiveness and hostility of the empire. The costume is designed in such a way as to give the impression of something schematic, geometrically proportional and seemingly inanimate. This is exactly what the Imperial Stormtrooper Army looks like in the Star Wars movie. The stormtrooper mask completely depersonalizes these people, who give the impression of robots.

This is a direct reference to the fictional clones from the previous parts. It is known that the director new history Abrams, being an ardent fan of old films, borrowed a lot from the achievements of his predecessors. The suit, armor and helmet of the stormtroopers remained almost the same.

Army and main characters

The appearance of imperial stormtroopers seems to deliberately emphasize positive traits main characters who do not wear permanent special equipment (with the exception of Chewbacca) and, so to speak, are open to the audience. Also interesting is the fact that the stormtrooper squads are dressed in white, while the imperial high command is dressed in solid black. Perhaps one can see some semantic subtext in this: stormtroopers are just ordinary soldiers and theoretically can go over to the side of good, as happened, for example, with Finn. On the other hand, the snow-white color of the Imperial troops gives an even more sinister meaning to the army that carries out massive raids and kills civilians.

The meaning of Finn's image in the film

The stormtrooper played a major role in the development of the plot of the new part of the popular film saga. “Star Wars” (there is a photo of Finn in the article) shows us this new hero as a kind of partner for Rey, the main character of the film saga. Finn's place in the film is quite significant: he appears at the very beginning of the film and acts until the very end as one of the main characters.

In general, Finn makes a very positive impression, despite all the omissions, ambiguities and reticences of this person. He is brave, courageous, loyal, and in the end the viewer becomes sympathetic to this somewhat clumsy and awkward character, who nevertheless tries to somehow adapt to difficult circumstances.

In conclusion, it should be said that this image has not yet been fully revealed by the creators, so loyal fans have hope that in subsequent parts the writers will tell us the story of this character, as well as explain his ability to wield a lightsaber.

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