How to clean mackerel. A wonderful master class on cutting and using mackerel. Cleaning salted mackerel

Place newspaper and a plastic bag on a cutting board.

We cut the carcass along the back and cut the belly to the tail.

We got two halves, in one of which the ridge remained.

Cut out the fins.

On the back from the side of the head, we grab the skin with our fingers and first trim it, and then when you can take the skin well in your hand, simply pressing the meat with a knife, remove the skin.

We got the fillet. Now we use it for its intended purpose.

Step-by-step photo instructions

Filling fish

Place newspaper and a plastic bag on a cutting board.

I cut off the head and tail from the fish.

We rip open the belly and take out the insides. Clean the cavity well.

We remove the newspaper with cleanings. Lay out a clean bag.

We cut the carcass along the back and cut the belly to the tail.
We got two halves, in one of which the ridge remained.

We pick up the bone and, trimming the meat, pull out the ridge along with the rib bones.

Remove the rib bones from the other half.

Cut out the fins.

Remove the bag and lay down a paper towel. Place half of the fish, meat side down.

On the back side of the head, we grab the skin with our fingers and first trim the skin a little.

Then, when you can take the skin well in your hand, simply press down the meat with a knife and remove the skin.

We repeat the same operation with the other half.

We got the fillet. Now we use it for its intended purpose.

Trade names of fish in the Russian Federation often do not coincide with their biological names.
In addition, sellers - and especially at markets and food fairs - often write names on price tags that have nothing in common even with the official trade names of what is on the shelves. This is done, as a rule, to increase the attractiveness of the product: the available less valuable fish is given the name of a more expensive one, which makes it possible to increase its price completely unreasonably (but, alas, with just as impunity). However, sometimes sellers fill out price tags simply because of their level of literacy and knowledge of the Russian language - often depressingly low.
This is the first material in a large series of articles about who is who, and who is passed off as who on the Russian fish market.


In culinary communities and blogs, conversations about mackerel and mackerel flare up from time to time. I will not list all the speculations that I have read over the past few years - but I will simply try to expand on the topic.

Its relative, the mackerel (genus Scomberomorus), also from the family Scombridae, is often mistaken for mackerel (a fish of the genus Scomber). Not only sellers, but also many buyers, including fairly educated ones, are sincerely convinced that these are not different types, but just synonyms. The fact is that in English both types are called Mackerel, and this word can sometimes be seen on packaging boxes.
Well, in English-speaking countries both lobster and lobster are called the same: Lobster, what can you get from them.
In fact, mackerel is less valuable in nutritional terms; its meat is not white-pinkish or creamy-pinkish, like mackerel, but with a distinct grayish tint, or even just ugly gray. And it tastes worse - the texture of the meat is rougher and drier. Even smoked mackerel is not a delicacy.
Fortunately, they are quite easy to distinguish externally.
The mackerel has a silvery (sometimes white) belly; it is never covered with dark spots and stripes, so characteristic of the back of mackerels.
The mackerel's belly is grayish or yellowish, and is covered by dorsal spots and stripes.
With the same length, adult mackerel on the shelves is noticeably thicker in diameter than the most well-fed mackerel.

The one with the head is a mackerel.

photo: N. Mikhalovsky

We couldn't find a mackerel with a head in Moscow, sorry.
On her price tag it was written “mackerel without heads”.

This is not to say that mackerel is completely inedible: when boiled, it goes well in salads that require low-fat sea ​​fish. I do not recommend using it in any other way.
So, we did not set our sights on the huge rough mackerel, but chose mackerel. You also need to buy the largest one, weighing at least 600-650 g each. Do not take headless fish (and especially fillets): it will obviously be drier, because... fish cut in advance loses a significant part of its juice.

You should do the same with mackerel.

The best mackerel sold in Russia is caught in North Atlantic and on Far East. Therefore, we will deal not with fresh, but with frozen mackerel.
Most likely, you will come across frozen Norwegian.
The fish should be slightly defrosted. Just a little bit: so that the knife starts to pick it up (mackerel is so tender that if you over-freeze it, it will begin not to cut, but to choke - even when cutting with good fish knives).
We wipe the fish with a paper napkin (in no case do we WASH the fish: from fresh water the fish will turn sour).

Cut off the head and tail (immediately BEYOND anus: so as not to cut the intestines and not to stain the fish with its contents).

photo: N. Mikhalovsky

We open the carcass from the back: mackerel is a predator.

photo: N. Mikhalovsky

It's better to open many from the back predatory fish(for example, pike perch, salmon, tuna, swordfish, marlin, etc.), since their fat deposition occurs mainly along the abdominal wall. In fish that have been ripped open from the anus to the throat, the fat is heat treatment begins to actively melt through the cut, which is why fried or boiled pike perch seems a bit dry to many.
And in general: as a rule, the belly of fish is the most delicious, and it is better to leave it whole.
We cut the carcass along the spine, and it falls apart into a layer of 2 halves, united by the belly.
On it lie the stomach, intestines and internal organs. We quickly remove them before they defrost and start to leak.

photo: N. Mikhalovsky

Carefully cut out the spine.

photo: N. Mikhalovsky

If we are preparing several specimens, it is better not to throw away the heads, tails and spine: they will make a good lean broth. It is important to remember to carefully remove the gills from the heads.
From the resulting layer, carefully scrape off the black film lining the abdominal cavity with the tip of a knife (it gives bitterness, it must be removed from all types of fish that have it), and remove small residues with a paper napkin. I remind you: we DO NOT WASH the fish.

Now the fully prepared layer can be:

1. Salt and pepper (as you would salt for frying escalopes or a little more), some fans add a little crumbs bay leaf and/or finely chopped garlic - but this is not for purists: it distracts from the pure taste of the fish.
Place a sheet of parchment paper on the fish and roll it up: adjacent turns of fish will be separated from each other by the paper. Tie with a strong thread or secure with an elastic band. Let stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (at +3-5 C), then put in the freezer. After 48 hours, remove and cut the roll crosswise into 5-7 mm circles. Taste unfrozen. Estimate. There is no paper or thread. You can add soy sauce.

2. Place skin side down and cut into slices 3-5 mm thick. Cut at an angle of 30 degrees to the skin: then the area of ​​the plates is larger. Place the slices on a plate in one layer, add salt and pepper (as you would salt an escalope), turn over, and add salt and pepper. Cover with parchment paper. If all the plates do not fit on the plate in one layer, place the second layer directly on this parchment. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes (at +3-5 C, preferably by tightening cling film). Take out and enjoy. An excellent snack for vodka.
In addition, it goes well with beer or dry white wine.

3. Fry on the grill over not too hot (gray) coals for 4-5 minutes on each side. First, the side with the skin should be facing the coals: this makes it juicier. In addition, this way the fish will not burn, even if the heat is too strong. Serve with light light beer or dry white wine.

photo: N. Mikhalovsky
Important! Mackerel fried in a frying pan will turn out much less tasty: on the grill, excess fat will flow onto the coals, and when frying in a frying pan, the fish will swim in its own fat and will no longer give you much pleasure.

And remember: the lipid composition of mackerel is such that saponification of fats will begin literally a few hours after defrosting. The very next day, whether fried or salted mackerel, you will feel a slight taste of rancidity. Do not cook mackerel for future use (except for freezing it into rolls), fry or salt as much as you can eat today.

Mackerel is good in any form and is very popular on the table. They buy it smoked and salted, and prepare various dishes from fresh fish.

Fish of this variety is very delicate in taste, nourishing and very tasty, and without a doubt very healthy. It is one of the fish species that practically does not need to be cleaned, because it has no scales.

Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to do this. Below is a step-by-step recommendation on how to do it correctly. Instead of scales, it has a thin skin; after heat treatment it becomes completely edible.

So you don’t have to remove it when it’s fresh. What pleases housewives is the complete absence of small bones in the fish. It can be baked entirely with potatoes in the oven, only by removing the head and entrails.

This fish contains a larger amount of acid that is very necessary for the body, this is Omega-3. Mackerel meat is fatty, which means it is very satisfying in any form.

If the fish is fresh, then it is better to cut it in a frozen state, then it is easier to do. Do not forget that tender fish meat can become soggy from water.

Mackerel is a fish of Atlantic waters, useful in all respects for a child’s body. With an introduction to the children's menu various types fish, you need mandatory arrange 1-2 fish days a week. The variety will not bore the child. Be creative when preparing fish dishes for children, so that what you prepare or in a package does not leave your child indifferent. Before giving your baby fish, it must be separated from the bones.
For example, this is how you can easily fillet mackerel.

Filling mackerel:

1. Wash fresh mackerel.

2. Then make a cut across behind the head, starting from the back to the stomach.

3. Do not cut to the very end of the abdomen. This is necessary so that the intestines remain attached to the head. Slowly pull the fish's head to pull out the insides.

4. Having freed the mackerel fish from the intestines, we make an incision along the belly to the tail lengthwise.

5. Then from the head we begin to pull out the abdominal bones one by one, without disconnecting them from the spine.

6. Use your finger to separate the back flesh from the dorsal bones.

7. Having completed such manipulations on both sides, you can begin to remove the fish skeleton.

8. Carefully, so as not to damage the skin on the back of the fish, lift the bone skeleton.

9. Having reached the tail, lift the bone vertically upward.

10. Then we bend it towards the tail to break it.

11. Absolutely all the bones remain in your hands, and on the cutting board - filleted mackerel.

Smoked mackerel is often included in the festive feast menu. The fish is very appetizing and tasty, so it is loved by many. However, in order a fish dish looked dignified and festive on the table, it is necessary to ensure a beautiful and original presentation. To do this, you need to use your imagination or use the tips on how to beautifully serve slices presented below.

How to cut and simply separate fillets from mackerel

It's always nice to eat boneless fish. In addition, smoked mackerel fillet can be used as an ingredient for savory salads, sandwiches, and canapés. To quickly and accurately obtain fish fillets you need to:

  • Cover the cutting surface with parchment and place the bag on top.
  • Use a knife to separate the tail and head from the fish.
  • Open the abdomen, remove the entrails, and clean out the cavity with a knife.
  • Remove the newspaper with waste and lay out a new bag.
  • Make a deep cut along the entire back, then from the belly to the tail.
  • Unfold the carcass like a book, you will get two parts.
  • From the first part, remove the ridge, using a little help with a knife, along with the ribs.
  • Remove the remaining rib bones from the second part.
  • Carefully cut out the fins.
  • Remove the dirty bag with bones and replace it with a paper napkin.
  • Place the fish half skin side up.
  • Trim the top of the skin a little with a knife, then gradually remove the skin with your fingers, pressing down on the meat.
  • Do the same with the second part.

This is how a fish without skin and bones turned out just like that.

Smoked mackerel fillet canapes

This dish looks very appetizing and elegant. In addition, it is very convenient to eat. To make this snack you will need:

  • Smoked mackerel fillet.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Olives.
  • Parsley.
  • Skewers.

Cut the fillet into thin slices. Cucumbers - in thin circles. Place an olive on a skewer, then a fillet rolled into a roll, and finish with a slice of cucumber. Place the canapés, skewers side up, on a round dish. Garnish as desired with parsley sprigs.

Mackerel on a bed of bread

The dish looks original and looks like a cake.


  • 1 mackerel carcass.
  • 200 g cream cheese.
  • 50 ml mayonnaise.
  • 1 lemon.
  • 100 g corn.
  • Greenery.
  • 1 round loaf of bread.

Cut off the bottom of the bread evenly. Mix cheese with mayonnaise and chopped herbs, place on a bread pillow. Thinly slice the smoked mackerel into slices and place a fan in a circle on top of the cheese. Place corn in the center. Garnish with lemon slices and herbs.

Royal fish slice

Fish products can be perfectly combined on one dish. This cut will look elegant and will decorate any celebration.

You will need:

  • 2 carcasses of smoked mackerel.
  • 200 g fillet of any red fish.
  • 50 g red caviar.
  • 1 lemon.
  • 10 eggs.
  • Greenery.

Boil the eggs, cut lengthwise into two halves. Cut the mackerel into thin slices. Cut the fillet into slices and twist them into roses. Cut the lemon into thin slices.

Place red fish roses in the center of the dish. Arrange the mackerel with lemon slices and place on the sides of the roses. Place egg halves along the edges of the dish, garnishing them with caviar. Randomly add sprigs of greenery for color.

Mackerel on a serving plate

Another winning option for serving mackerel. It turns out very beautiful and tasty. The fish fillet should be cut into small neat pieces and placed in a cell. Place beautifully chopped cucumber, tomato, and salad mix into adjacent cells. In the center of the plate is Tar Tar sauce.

Mackerel with king prawns, eggs and caviar

The dish is made very quickly, but has a chic and expensive look.

You will need:

  • 1 carcass of smoked mackerel.
  • 10 eggs.
  • 200 g large shrimp.
  • 50 g of caviar (you can have 25 g of red and black).
  • 2 red onions.
  • 1 lemon.

Place the ingredients on a plate in circular rows. The first row is mackerel, cut into thin slices. Place a slice of lemon under each piece, and a whole boiled shrimp between the pieces. Second row - eggs. They need to be boiled, cut into halves and decorated with caviar. Third row – fan out the remaining shrimp. Place a rose made from red onion in the center.

Proper and beautiful presentation makes the taste of the dish even better. Appetizers of smoked mackerel in combination with other fish delicacies and vegetables look like real masterpieces and have a well-deserved right to be in the center festive table. Bon appetit!

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