Autumn Black is an unpretentious variety for beginning winegrowers. Autumn black grapes Black autumn grapes

Autumn black was obtained through the joint work of breeders from two Moldovan agricultural institutes. Both of his parents were bred in France - SV 20-366 and Alphonse Lavallee. The variety is a complex hybrid and is known under another name - Moldova improved.

The autumn black grape variety belongs to the table variety. According to the ripening period it can be medium, medium-late, late. The bushes are medium and vigorous. The variety is quite resistant to diseases.

Cluster-shaped and growing from medium to large sizes. Their density is average. The weight of one bunch ranges from 700 g to 1 kg. Usually 2-3 tassels are tied on a shoot with a total weight of up to 1 kg.

The berries have a slightly oblong ovoid shape. The color of the fruit ranges from purple to almost black. There is a slight waxy coating on the peel. The spring berry reaches up to 8 g depending on the size of the brush.

In order to prevent the appearance of gray rot, it is necessary to mulch the soil under the vines, remove shoots in a timely manner, and carry out preventive treatment with fungicidal preparations.

In general, the Autumn black grape variety does not pose problems in care. Even inexperienced gardeners can grow it.

A tasty and plentiful harvest, pickiness in care, and disease resistance give this variety advantages over other varieties of grapes.

Many people look forward to the coming of autumn to enjoy its bright colors and generous gifts. But everyone who has a vineyard, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a huge field or a few bushes in the garden, looks forward to this time of year with special trepidation. After all, that’s when the harvest is harvested. late varieties grapes, summing up the many days of painstaking work into which a piece of my soul was invested. And then follows the fascinating process of processing the most suitable grapes into juice or wine, among which Autumn Black deserves special attention.

general characteristics

Developed by Moldovan specialists through selection of French grape varieties Alphonse Lavallee and Pierrell, it belongs to the group of table grapes. It ripens not too late, the growing season lasts 135-150 days. Vigorous bushes can withstand loads well and can adapt to any shape. The yield of the Autumn Black variety is high, the vine ripens well. Two or three clusters with an average weight of 500-700 grams can be tied on a shoot, however, the more there are, the less the weight of each. The density of the bunch is average, the shape is conical. Large (22x27 mm) berries have an oblong, ovoid shape. Their weight is six to eight grams, and the color is deep blue, closer to black with a prune coating. The leaves, shoots and berries of the plant are covered with pruin, which creates additional protection from damage by microorganisms and environmental influences. The grapes have a simple taste, moderately sweet with a slight sourness. The skin is not hard, and the pulp is similar in consistency to marmalade.

Thanks to its bisexual flower, it can serve as a pollinator for other varieties growing in the garden. It will be quite enough to plant one row of pollinator grapes on two rows of the main variety. The main thing when forming a vineyard is to compare the timing of flowering of plants. After all, if they bloom at different times, pollination will not occur.

Features of cultivation

When choosing a planting site for Autumn Black, you should remember that it does not tolerate proximity to close-lying groundwater. The planting hole can be dug in advance; its depth should be at least eighty centimeters and its width about sixty. If the soil is not very fertile, then humus and black soil are poured onto the bottom. It is best to water grapes planted in the ground with warm water. This variety requires additional fertilizer. Autumn black is fed with potassium sulfate, superphosphate, wood ash, or special complex mineral fertilizers are used. Cuttings of this variety can be planted both in spring and autumn.

In dry summers, moderate irrigation should be carried out, otherwise a prolonged lack of moisture will lead to wilting of the berries. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering, as the fruits will crack easily.

To get a good harvest, you need to ensure that the total load on the bush does not exceed 55 buds, and pruning fruit vines to 8-14 buds. The Autumn Black variety can withstand temperatures down to -23°C. If winters are colder, then it is better to cover it, otherwise frost will damage it. root system, which will lead to the death of the entire bush.

The Autumn Black variety is not very resistant to diseases, which stands out as its main drawback. Most often, the plant is affected by mildew and gray mold. To avoid complete or partial loss of the crop, it is necessary to carry out timely treatment with special preparations.


A freshly cut bunch of Autumn Black can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five months. It tolerates transportation well, but we should not forget that its success directly depends on the timing of harvesting and the technique of its implementation. Under no circumstances should clusters of table varieties be cut during foggy or foggy weather. rainy weather, and also when the berries are covered with dew drops. Wet brushes are poorly stored and rot quickly. A very hot day, when there is increased evaporation of moisture through the skin of the grapes, is also not suitable for this process.

When harvesting, they most often use pruning shears or scissors, and it is best to hold the brush by the stem so as not to crush the berries or erase the wax coating that covers them. There is no need to shake or tug the bunch, otherwise some of the grapes will fall off. It is best to put cut brushes in boxes or baskets that are easy to carry. In this case, the bottom of the container must be smooth, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the berries. If the basket is wicker, then it should be covered with soft fabric on the inside. It is better to leave containers filled with grapes in the shade until processing or immediately move them to a cool place, since direct sunlight leads to evaporation of liquid from the fruit.

IN Lately Grape varieties with black berries have become increasingly popular. This can largely be explained by the fact that red (black) grape varieties contain many vitamins (in particular the PP group) in larger quantities than in or. A huge number of summer residents plant multi-colored varieties, if only because they really want to make their garden more interesting, so to speak, so that it has color contrasts.

The best black (blue) table grape varieties: top 15 most popular varieties (alphabetically)

Academician (In memory of Dzheneev, Academician Avidzba)

Obtained by crossing the Podarok Zaporozhye and Richelieu varieties. Selection “Magarach” (Ukraine).

The clusters are large, cylindrical-conical, from loose to medium density. Weighing about 1 kg.

The berry is blue-black (dark blue), elongated-oval, measuring 33 by 20 mm. The skin is medium firm, the flesh is crispy. The taste is harmonious, dessert type.

Characteristics of the Academician variety:

  • ripening period - 100-115 days (extra-early or very early);
  • average yield - 20-25 t/ha;
  • frost resistance up to -23-25 ​​degrees.


  • Excellent tasting score (9.8 points).
  • Resistance to fungal diseases (mildew and oidium) is average.
  • Transportability is high.
  • Withstands the strongest overloads.


  • Interesting to wasps.
  • The first bunch on the shoot produces peas, the second does not. Therefore, in the spring it is necessary to remove the first inflorescence.
  • Sometimes there are problems with pollination.


Hybrid form of grapes, amateur selection by V.K. Bondarchuk, obtained from crossing the Talisman and Kodryanka varieties.

A good earlier alternative to Codryanka.

Bushes have above average growth vigor. The flower is bisexual.

The bunch is conical, large, weighing 500-700 g, medium density.

The berry is dark blue in color, elongated-ovoid, large, weighing 10-12 g. The skin is of medium thickness and density, the flesh is crisp, the taste is harmonious.

Characteristics of the Atos variety:

  • ripening period - 95-100 days (very early);
  • pruning of fruiting vines is average - by 6-8;


  • Increased resistance to fungal diseases (except for mildew).
  • The ripening of the vines is excellent.
  • Cuttings root very well
  • No peas.
  • It is not damaged by wasps.
  • Without loss of taste, it can hang on a bush for up to a month.
  • Transportability is high.


  • Often affected by mildew.
  • Quite simple taste.


Obtained by crossing the varieties Bolgar and Alphonse Lavallee. Bred by Ivan Todorov (Bulgaria).

The growth of bushes is very strong (transgressive effect), which often forces the formation of a plant even in the year of planting. The flower is bisexual.

The clusters are large (18 x 13 cm), with an average weight of 500-600 g, from conical to cylindrical-conical, loose.

The berries are very large, with an average weight of 13-14 g (38.2x23 mm), elongated, slightly pointed towards the top, color from dark red to dark purple. The skin is thick, durable, and edible. The pulp is crispy, the taste is harmonious, reminiscent of the Bolgar variety. The seeds are medium-sized, rounded pear-shaped, with a short beak, dark brown.

Characteristics of the Velika variety:

  • ripening period - 130-140 days (average);
  • yield - 9.8 kg per bush, 350 c/ha;
  • sugar content - 15-17%;
  • acidity - 5 g/l;
  • pruning the fruit vine - by 5-7 eyes;
  • frost resistance up to -22 degrees.


  • The berries do not crack.
  • Not affected by wasps.
  • The vine ripens well.
  • Disease resistance is average.
  • Highly transportable.
  • Stores relatively well in the refrigerator.

Has good affinity with the rootstocks CO4, 41B, Monticola. But rootstocks are recommended that inhibit the strong growth of the scion: Chasselas x Berlandieri 41B, CO4, etc.


  • In the north it is highly susceptible to fungal diseases, primarily mildew.


A hybrid form of culture obtained by crossing based on the qualities of Kodryanka and ZOS-1 (Red Delight). Selection V.V. Zagorulko (Ukraine).

It is distinguished by very strong shoot growth.

Forms conical clusters weighing 600-800 g, in especially productive years up to 1000 g. Their structure is medium-loose.

The fruits are a rich dark blue color with a waxy coating on the skin. The berries have a dessert taste and a slight prune flavor. The weight of the fruit is 8-12 g, their shape is elongated ovoid (usually 22 mm x 34 mm). The pulp has a dense, juicy structure; the skin is slightly noticeable when eaten.

Main characteristics of the Viking variety:

  • ripening period - 100-115 days (extra early or very early);
  • sugar accumulation - 16%;
  • acid content - 4-6 g/l;
  • needs long pruning for 12-14 eyes;
  • frost resistance up to -21 degrees.


  • Flowers are bisexual.
  • It can hang on a bush and not deteriorate for up to 1-1.5 months.
  • High marketability.
  • No peas.
  • Resistance to major diseases: mildew - 3.5-4 points, oidium - 3.0 points.


  • With the enormous strength of the bush, low fruitfulness and, as a result, low yield.
  • Prone to cracking of fruits with increased soil moisture.
  • Because of the very high strength growth is prone to fattening and has problems with the formation of fruit buds.

Black Delight (Brother of Delight, Black Baron)

Obtained by complex crossing of the Zarya Severa variety with Dolores and the Russian Early variety. Selection of VNIIViV named after. ME AND. Potapenko (Russia).

The bushes are vigorous. The flowers are functionally female.

The clusters are very large 450-750 g, some reach 2-2.5 kilograms, cylindrical, moderately dense, loose and sometimes dense.

The berries are dark blue, large 27x23 mm, weighing 7-8 grams, round or oval. The taste is simple. The flesh is fleshy, the skin is thick.

Characteristics of the variety Delight black:

  • ripening period - 115-125 days (early);
  • sugar content - 16-18%;
  • acidity 5-9 g/l;
  • fruitful shoots - 75-85%;
  • fertility coefficient - 1.3-1.6;
  • pruning of vines - 10-12 buds.

The fruitfulness of the buds at the base of the shoots is high, so short pruning of 3-4 buds can be carried out.


  • It pollinates well; any bisexual grape variety that blooms at the same time can serve as a pollinator.
  • The shoots ripen well.
  • The cuttings root well.
  • Resistant to mildew and oidium.


  • There is a tendency to suffer from gray rot.
  • To obtain a good harvest, precise execution of agricultural technology is necessary.

The variety requires an increased feeding area for the bushes, powerful formations, and normalization of the load of fruits and shoots. When bushes become thicker, pollination of inflorescences worsens. Before flowering, it is advisable to pinch the tips of the shoots.


The hybrid originated from crossing the Kodryanka and Podarok Zaporozhye varieties. Selection V.V. Zagorulko (Ukraine).

The bushes are very vigorous.

It forms large cone-shaped grape clusters, their weight depends on agricultural technology and varies from 500 g to 1.5 kg.

The structure of the clusters resembles the Black Delight grape variety.

The fruits are uniformly dark blue in color. The berries are oval, medium-dense, weighing from 7-10 g. They are distinguished by crispy fleshy pulp, but the peel is almost imperceptible when consumed, the taste is quite simple (sweet and sour).

Characteristics of the Gala variety:

  • ripening period - 110-115 days (very early);
  • sugar ratio - 16.5%;
  • acidity - 6-8 g/l;
  • pruning - for 6-8 eyes;
  • frost resistance - up to -21..-22 degrees.


  • Tasting qualities - 8.6 points.
  • The flower is bisexual.
  • Resistant to fungal diseases: mildew, oidium, gray rot (3-3.5 points).
  • Good transportability.
  • No peas.


  • It is necessary to normalize, otherwise (if overloaded) ripening is delayed (the acid will not go away).


Obtained from crossing the Laura and Kodryanka varieties. Selection V.V. Zagorulko (Ukraine).

According to many winegrowers, it is a completely suitable replacement for Codryanka.

The growth vigor of self-rooted bushes is great, the leaf shape is like Laura’s. The flower is bisexual.

The clusters are large, moderately dense, with an average weight of 600-1500 grams.

The berries are dark blue with a thick pruin, large (7-12 g), oval-ovoid in shape, with dense, fleshy pulp of harmonious taste (some call it “marmalade”). The berry contains 3-4 medium-sized seeds.

Characteristics of the Zabava variety:

  • ripening period - 100-110 days (extra-early or very early);
  • pruning vines - 6-8 buds;
  • frost resistance up to -19-21 degrees.

Advice! To improve the quality of berries, green operations are necessary: ​​removing weak shoots and all stepsons, pinching the tops of fruit-bearing shoots before flowering, normalizing fruit-bearing shoots with excess inflorescences, removing leaves for good sun illumination of the cluster area during the period of softening and ripening of berries.


  • It is not affected by wasps.
  • No peas.
  • The ripening of the shoots is good.
  • The cuttings root well.
  • Compatible with most rootstocks.
  • Disease resistance is average (3-3.5 points).
  • The bunches have a very attractive presentation.


  • It has a tendency to overload, so it is necessary to normalize the bushes by shoots and bunches.


The variety was developed by crossing the Moldova and Marshall varieties. Selection “Vierul” (Moldova).

It is characterized as a vigorous plant.

Grape clusters weigh on average 400-600 g, but individual clusters weigh up to 1200-1500 g. The structure is medium loose (moderately dense).

The berries are dark purple. Fruit weight is 6-8 g, shape is oval, average length is 31 mm, width is 19 mm. The taste is simple, but the flesh is crisp, the seeds are easily separated and the peel is imperceptible when consumed together to give good tasting qualities.

Characteristics of the Kodryanka variety:

  • ripening period - 110-120 days (very early or early);
  • sugar accumulation - 18-19%;
  • acid ratio - 6-7 g/l;
  • fruitful shoots - 70-85%;
  • number of bunches per fruitful shoot - 1.2-1.7;
  • load on the bush when pruning - 40-50 eyes;
  • pruning - for 8-10 eyes;
  • frost resistance up to -22-..24 degrees.

Note! Codrianka can be consumed even with incomplete accumulation of sugar in the berries (12-14%), since this variety is characterized by a rapid decrease in acidity.

Advantages of the variety:

  • Tasting score (8.2 points).
  • It has increased resistance to gray rot, as well as mildew and oidium (3 points).
  • Tolerant to phylloxera (grape aphid).
  • Good ripening of shoots.
  • It can hang on bushes for a long time without losing its taste.
  • Excellent marketability and transportability.
  • Weakly affected by wasps.
  • Good keeping quality - suitable for short-term storage.

By the way! It responds well to treatment with gibberellin.


  • Possible peas.

Important! It is rightfully one of the best, most popular and trouble-free grape varieties.


Obtained by crossing the varieties Moldova and Cardinal. Selection AZOS (Russia).

The growth vigor of the bushes is above average or high. The flower is bisexual.

The clusters are very large 600-900 g, individual up to 1.5 kg, cylindrical-conical, medium density.

The berries are dark blue, very large (30.8 by 25.2 mm), oval-ovoid, with an average weight of 6-12 g. The pulp is fleshy and juicy. The peel is edible. The taste is harmonious.

Characteristics of the Kuban variety:

  • ripening period - 120-130 days (mid-early).
  • sugar content - 16-20%;
  • acidity - 5-9 g/l;
  • fruitful shoots - 55-70%;
  • number of bunches per fruitful shoot - 1.0-1.2;


  • High tasting score (8.4 points).
  • Good resistance to fungal diseases (3.0-3.5 points).
  • Doesn't burst.
  • Not damaged by wasps.
  • The shoots ripen well.
  • It can be stored on the bushes for a long time without losing commercial quality.
  • Can be used for storage.
  • Transportability is high.


  • There is a slight pea.
  • Afraid of sunburn.


The variety was obtained by crossing Villar blanc and Guzal cara. Selection “Vierul” (Moldova).

The bushes are vigorous.

Suitable as an arbor culture.

The leaves are round, five-lobed, slightly dissected. There is an edge on the reverse side of the leaf plates.

The clusters are cylindrical-conical, with an average level of density. The mass of the bunch is in the range of 400-600 g, but individual ones can weigh up to 1 kg.

The fruits have an inky (dark purple) hue with a thick waxy coating. The berries are oval, measuring 25 by 19 mm, weighing 5-6 grams. The pulp has a dense structure, is fleshy, crispy, and the peel is strong, so you can feel it when you eat it. The taste is simple.

Characteristics of the Moldova variety:

  • ripening period - 155-165 days (late);
  • sugar accumulation -17-19%;
  • acid content - 7-10 g/l;
  • ratio of fruitful shoots - 70-80%;
  • number of bunches - 1.4-1.8;
  • recommended pruning for 6-8 eyes;
  • frost resistance up to -23 degrees.

Note! Moldova is not demanding in terms of agricultural technology, but at the same time it is characterized by high yield stability. However, when plantings are thickened, the yield and quality of fruits sharply decrease.


  • Excellent tasting score (9.5 points).
  • Differs in bisexual flowers.
  • It begins to bear fruit early.
  • The shoots ripen well.
  • Resistant to mildew, gray rot, oidium and phylloxera.
  • It is not damaged by wasps.
  • Almost never peas.
  • The berries do not crack under any circumstances.
  • Stores well on bushes.
  • High commercial quality.
  • Well transported and stored.


  • Susceptible to lime chlorosis.
  • Susceptible to Phomopsis.

Nadezhda AZOS

Obtained by crossing the varieties Moldova and Cardinal. Selection AZOS (Russia).

The growth force is great. The flower is bisexual.

The bunch is large and very large, weighing 600-900 g and larger. Medium density or loose, conical or branched.

The berry is dark blue (purple), oval (29 by 23 mm), weighing 5-8 g or more. The flesh is dense and fleshy, crispy. The taste is simple but very harmonious.

Characteristics of the Nadezhda AZOS variety:

  • ripening period - 120-130 days (early-medium);
  • sugar content - 15-17%;
  • acidity - 7-8 g/l;
  • fruitful shoots - 80-90%;
  • number of bunches per fruitful shoot - 1.2-1.6;
  • load on the bush when pruning - 35-45 eyes;
  • pruning fruit vines - by 8-10 buds;
  • frost resistance up to -22..-23 degrees.


  • Good resistance to fungal diseases (2.5-3.5 points): resistant to mildew, gray rot, increased resistance to oidium.
  • The ripening of the shoots is good.
  • It is not damaged by wasps.
  • It has high marketability and transportability.
  • It can hang on the bush until frost, but does not lose its taste.


  • Cuttings take root poorly.
  • Tends to overload the bush, and the clusters become smaller; normalization of inflorescences and clusters is required.

Autumn black

Bred by crossing Alphonse Lavallee and Pierrell.
Selection “Vierul” (Moldova).

The bushes are medium or vigorous.

The clusters are medium dense, conical (weighing 500-700 g).

The berry is black with a prune coating, oblong or obovate, large and very large (size 27 by 22 mm). Weighs 6-9 g. The taste is simple but harmonious.

Characteristics of the Autumn Black variety:

  • ripening period - 140-150 days (medium-late or late);
  • sugar - 16-18%;
  • acidity - 7-8 g/l;
  • on average there are 1.3-1.5 inflorescences per shoot;
  • fruitful shoots - 70-80%;
  • number of bunches per fruitful shoot - 1.1-1.5;
  • length of pruning of fruit vines for 8-14 buds;
  • frost resistance up to -22 degrees.


  • It has high productivity.
  • Resistant to fungal diseases: mildew, oidium (2.5-3.5 points).
  • Drought resistant.
  • It has good marketability and transportability.
  • Suitable for long-term storage.


  • If there is an excess of moisture, it is prone to cracking and gray rot.

In memory of Negrul

The variety was obtained by crossing Datier de Saint-Vallier and Corna Negra. Selection “Vierul” (Moldova).

It is distinguished by vigorous bushes.

The size of the bunch reaches 20 cm in length, up to 12 cm in width, with a weight of 320 g, on average 500-700 grams. Brushes are medium density or loose.

The berries have a uniform dark purple hue with a thick waxy coating. In Memory of Negrul, the berries have an elongated shape with a pointed end. Their dimensions are 30 by 19 mm, and their weight varies from 5 to 9 g. The taste properties are simple but harmonious, with a slight sourness. The pulp of the fruit is fleshy-juicy, crispy, the peel is dense and palpable, but edible. The number of seeds in a berry is about 2-3 pieces.

Characteristics of the Memory Negrul variety:

  • ripening period - 145-160 days (late);
  • sugar content - 14.3, but reaches 16-17%;
  • acidity - 6-7 g/l;
  • fruiting rate (fruitful shoots) - 60-70%;
  • fruitfulness coefficient (number of bunches per fruitful shoot) - 1.2;
  • It is better to prune the vine with 8-12 buds;
  • frost resistance up to -25 degrees.


  • High tasting score (8.5 points).
  • The flowers on the plant are bisexual, which guarantees stable fruit set.
  • Excellent presentation.
  • Handles transportation well.
  • Stores well in the refrigerator.
  • Good ripening of one-year vines.
  • It is not damaged by wasps.
  • Has increased resistance to mildew, oidium, gray rot
  • It is not affected by spider mites, leaf rollers, or phylloxera.


  • Demanding on agricultural technology - increased eye strain is required.
  • Has a very brittle comb.


A hybrid form of amateur selection, through complex crossing of the Talisman variety and the Cardinal variety with a mixture of pollen.

Great growth force. With a bisexual flower.

The clusters are medium, loose, weighing 300-400 g (individuals weigh 1 kg).

The berries are dark blue, round, 21.5 by 20.5 mm, average weight 6-7 g (some up to 13-17 grams), good harmonious taste, the skin is eaten, the pulp is fleshy.

Characteristics of the Rochefort variety:

  • ripening period - 95-110 days (extra early);
  • sugar content of berry juice - 14.8 g/100 cm 3;
  • acidity 5.6 g/dm3;
  • frost resistance up to -15..-18 degrees.


  • The ripening of the shoots is good.
  • The berries can hang on the bush for a long time without cracking.
  • The variety is not damaged by wasps.
  • Has good resistance to mildew and gray rot.


  • Affected by oidium.


The hybrid was bred on the basis of the Strashensky and Timur varieties. Selection V.V. Zagorulko (Ukraine).

Characterized by great growth vigor.

Forms large sheets of medium dissected shape.

Large grape clusters have a cylindrical-conical shape with medium density, weighing up to 1 kg.

The fruit size is 28-32 mm (the shape can be oval or ovoid), weighing 6-9 grams. They are distinguished by crispy flesh with a dense skin, slightly noticeable when eaten. Taste qualities harmonious, there is a characteristic interesting varietal aroma.

Characteristics of the Sphinx variety:

  • ripening period - 100-105 days (extra early);
  • Pruning the vine is recommended for 4-6 buds.
  • frost resistance up to -23 degrees.


  • It has bisexual flowers, which does not cause problems with pollination.
  • The ripening of one-year shoots is good.
  • Cuttings take root easily.
  • There are almost no stepson bunches.
  • Good resistance to mildew, oidium, gray rot (3-3.5 points).
  • High transportability.

Important! The Sphinx's buds bloom in the spring much later than similar crop varieties, so return frosts cannot harm them.


  • Cracking of berries in case of high humidity.
  • Sometimes wasps attack.

Other black table varieties

Also quite popular and good varieties table black (blue) grapes are:

  • Galia;
  • Zarya Unlighted;
  • Zarif;
  • Kishmish Zaporozhny;
  • Gift of the Unlighted;
  • Diamond;
  • Ruslan;
  • Taboo (Comet);
  • Natalia;
  • Furor;
  • Buffet;
  • Black Finger (Black Finger);
  • Black cherry;
  • Black emerald;
  • Miner;
  • Esther;
  • Effect.

The best black (blue) technical grape varieties

Of course, among black grapes there are many varieties that are intended for making wine:


The variety was bred on the basis of Kazachka and SV 12-309. Selection of VNIIViV named after. ME AND. Potapenko (Russia).

Forms vigorous bushes.

Augustus has small brushes (110-120 g), conical shape, dense and medium loose structure.

The berries are dark blue in color with a pruin coating. Round small fruits weigh 1.3-1.7 g. The taste of the variety is harmonious with an unobtrusive nutmeg note. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, fleshy, with a dense peel, the juice is not colored.

Characteristics of the Augusta variety:

  • ripening period - 128-130 days;
  • sugar content - 23-24%;
  • acidity - 9 g/l;
  • fruiting coefficient - 1.6;
  • yield - 100-110 c/ha (with a planting pattern of 3 by 1.5 meters);
  • permissible pruning - 3-4 eyes;
  • winter hardiness up to -24...-25 degrees.

These grapes are used for dry and dessert wines.


  • Not a bad tasting score for dry wine (7.5 points).
  • High resistance to oidium (1.5 points), good resistance to mildew (2.5 points), to phylloxera (3.5 points).
  • High rate of rooting of cuttings.
  • Compatible with different rootstocks, but better is Kober 5BB or 101-14.


  • The stepson kicks very hard (the stepsons drive him with terrible force).

It loves watering very much - the clusters are larger, but without watering it grows very averagely.


Bred on the basis of the Viorica and Startovy varieties. Selection of Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K. A. Timiryazeva.

Differs in medium or vigorous bushes.

The hue of the matured young vine is nutty. Alievsky is distinguished by large, slightly dissected leaves with a strongly corrugated blade. On the reverse side of the leaf blades there is a small bristly edge.

Alievsky develops cylindrical, dense brushes of medium size and weighing 130 g.

The color of the berries is blue-black. The pulp is juicy, soft, without aroma. The peel is dense.

Used for making dry and semi-dessert red wines.

Characteristics of the Alievsky variety:

  • yield - 110-140 c/ha;
  • ratio of fruitful shoots - 85%;
  • fertility coefficient - 1.5;
  • frost resistance up to -26..-28 degrees.


  • The flower is bisexual.
  • The vines are ripening well.
  • Resistant to major diseases.


The variety was bred in the USA by crossing V.labrusca x V.riparia.

The variety is characterized by medium and vigorous bushes.

It is distinguished by large, sharp-toothed, three-lobed leaves with an average degree of dissection.

Forms medium-sized cylindrical or cylindrical-conical brushes with a dense and medium-loose structure. The average weight of a bunch is 120 g, the maximum is 220 g.

The color of the berries is black with a reddish-purple tint, and are also covered with a thick waxy coating. The fruits are round and medium in size. The skin is dense, durable, and easily separated from the pulp. The mucous pulp of the berries has a pronounced, very sharp sour taste, with a well-defined strawberry aroma, and is difficult to separate from the seeds.

By the way! Alpha is great for landscaping gazebos, balconies and walls.

Characteristics of the Alpha variety:

  • ripening period - 140-145 days;
  • yield 150-180 c/ha;
  • sugar content - 15-16%;
  • acidity - 10-11 g/l.


  • It is characterized by bisexual flowers, so pollination does not cause any difficulties.
  • Weakly susceptible to diseases: relatively resistant to mildew and anthracnose.
  • The ripening of the vines is very good.
  • Ideal as a rootstock for varieties with low frost resistance.


  • Affected by spots and pests.
  • High level of acidity.


The bush is very tall. Female type flower.

Can be used for landscaping.

The clusters are conical, loose, small or medium, weighing up to 250 g.

The berries are dark blue, weighing 2.5-4 grams. With a light nutmeg aroma (sometimes there is a taste of labrusca), very rich in pectin substances.

Characteristics of the Taiga variety:

  • ripening period - 130-135 days;
  • the average number of bunches per shoot is 2.5-3.5.
  • sugar accumulation - 17-24%
  • frost resistance up to -28-35 degrees.


  • High yield.
  • The berries can hang without rotting (even in the rain) for 1.5 - 2.5 months.
  • Complexly resistant to all fungal diseases.


  • Still, sometimes it is affected by mildew.
  • We need a pollinator variety, preferably Alpha.
  • Due to overload, sugar does not gain well.

Other black wine varieties

Also among the black grape varieties for wine are:

  • Alminsky;
  • Bastardo of Magarach;
  • Vesta;
  • Dove;
  • Pomegranate Magaracha;
  • Danko;
  • Ilyichevsky early;
  • Golodriga Ruby;
  • Cabernet Dorsa;
  • Cabernet Pearl Sabot;
  • Cabernet Cortis;
  • Cabernet Jura;
  • Lada;
  • Livadia black;
  • Marshall Foch;
  • Merlot;
  • Muscat Blau;
  • Muscat Donskoy;
  • Mendeleum;
  • Odessa black;
  • Regent;
  • Rondo;
  • Northern Saperavi;
  • In memory of Golodriga;
  • Pinotine;
  • Tavkveri Magaracha;
  • Violet early;
  • Black Pearl.

The best black (blue) universal grape varieties

Also among black grapes there are universal varieties that are suitable both for fresh consumption and for making wine:


A natural hybrid between Labrusca and Vinifera species.

Isabella is characterized by vigorous bushes.

Ideal for landscaping gazebos and other buildings.

Three-lobed leaves of large and medium size, dark green, rich color. On back side the plates have a bluish edge.

The berries have a dark blue hue with a bluish tint. Grape clusters reach a mass of 140 g, their shape is cylindrical with wings, the structure is of medium density, in some cases loose.

The fruits can be either oval or round, with a dense, durable peel. Isabella's pulp is slimy, with a pronounced strawberry aroma.

Suitable for both fresh consumption and the preparation of ordinary wines.

Characteristics of the Isabella variety:

  • ripening period - 150-180 days;
  • sugar accumulation - 16-18%;
  • acidity - 6-7 g/l.
  • yield - 65-70 c/ha;

Prefers to grow on slightly calcareous soils.


  • The flowers are bisexual, which provides excellent self-pollination.
  • It is highly resistant to fungal diseases and phylloxera.
  • Tolerates high humidity well.

By the way! It produces fruitful shoots from old wood and from replacement buds, which allows you to get a harvest even if the main (main) buds freeze.


  • It does not tolerate drought well (the vigor of the bush is sharply reduced and leaves may fall off).

Important! When plantings are dense, grapes are affected by mildew.

Muscat of Hamburg (Muscat de Hamburg)

Obtained by crossing the varieties Frankenthal and Muscat of Alexandria. The variety was bred in England for greenhouse cultivation.

Characterized by bushes of medium vigor.

The brush size reaches 18-20 cm in length and 11-17 in width, conical in shape, branched, characterized by a loose structure. The weight of one bunch varies between 168-267 g. The stem of the bunch is of medium length (4-6 cm).

The berries are dark blue (violet-blue) with wax pollination. The fruits have round shape, less often oval, 12-26 mm long, 11-17 mm wide, weighing 3-4 grams. Their taste is pleasant, with a strong nutmeg flavor. Muscat of Hamburg has juicy, fleshy flesh with a strong skin. The berry contains 2-3 large seeds.

Compotes, juices, jams and marinades made from berries of this variety are distinguished by their high taste.

Characteristics of the Muscat Gambursky variety:

  • ripening period - 150 days;
  • sugar accumulation 16-22%;
  • acidity - 6-8 g/l;
  • ratio of fruitful shoots - 67%;
  • cluster coefficient - 1.58;
  • frost resistance up to -18-19 degrees.

Note! This variety belongs to a group with potentially high, but very unstable yields.


  • High tasting scores (9 points)
  • The flowers are bisexual, which guarantees the ovary in any weather.
  • Almost undamaged by the cluster leaf roller.
  • Wasps don't eat.
  • It tolerates transportation well and can be stored for up to 2-3 months.

It grows well and bears fruit on southern and southwestern slopes with light loamy, sandy loam and sandy soils.


  • Very low frost resistance.
  • Susceptible to almost all diseases, not resistant to mildew, oidium, gray rot, bacterial cancer, phylloxera.
  • Prone to peas.
  • Annual shoots ripen satisfactorily, but with excess moisture and lack of heat they do not ripen well.


Bred on the basis of a complex crossing of the Smuglyanka variety with a mixture of pollen from Dvietes zila and Yubileiny Novgorod. Selection by P. Sukatniek (Latvia).

The bushes are vigorous.

Note! The variety is excellent for landscaping gazebos.

The brushes are cylindrical, large, weighing 320-400 g, often with a wing, mostly have a dense structure, but there are also loose ones.

It has a uniform dark blue color. Oval fruits large size, weighing 4.1-4.3 grams. The pulp is slightly slimy, with a slight isabelle aroma.

Characteristics of the Zilga variety:

  • ripening period - 102-108 days;
  • sugar accumulation - 18-22%;
  • acidity - 4.5-5 g/l;
  • bunch ratio - 1.5-1.9;
  • escape rate - 80-85%;
  • optimal pruning of the vine to 3-4 eyes;
  • frost resistance up to -25 degrees.


  • The harvest remains on the bush for a long time without loss of quality.
  • Resistant to major diseases (mildew, oidium and gray rot).
  • The shoots ripen very well.
  • Not damaged during transportation.
  • Compatible with different rootstocks.


Other versatile black grape varieties:

  • Red;
  • Ruby Magaracha.

Let's hope that after reading this article you can easily decide which varieties of black grapes you should choose to plant in your garden or buy at the market to enjoy fresh berries, cook compote, make juice or make wine.

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